Please help me with these 2 questions for my assignment.

Please Help Me With These 2 Questions For My Assignment.


Answer 1


Question 1: D

Question 2: C


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Climate mitigation can be pursued using the _____ approach.
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the answer is adaptation

You can express the relationship of wavelength and frequency with ratios. The wave on the left has a ratio of 1:4 wavelength to frequency. For every one wavelength, four seconds passed. What would the ratio be for two waves that traveled a total of 12 seconds?



Requency and wavelength are inversely proportional to each other. The wave with the greatest frequency has the shortest wavelength.


Hope it helps

Fast predators migrated to a rabbit inhabited area.

There is a mix of slow, medium, and fast rabbits.

Which of the following will be observed in the area years later?


Among the rabbits' predators are foxes, cats, dogs, birds of prey, and stoats. The typical top speed for rabbits is 30 mph. Due to their zigzag running pattern, certain hares may even reach high speeds of 45 mph.

What kind of defences do rabbits have against scavengers?

How do rabbits defend themselves against scavengers. The ability to run and hide is a rabbit's main line of protection. Rabbits may use their powerful hind legs, claws, and teeth to try to fend off predators or defend themselves when they are trapped.

The fastest type of rabbit is the jackrabbit, which has a top speed of 45 mph.

To know more about predators visit:


what is the two examples of metabolism?


Two examples of metabolism are catabolism and anabolism.

What is metabolism?

Metabolism refers to the chemical processes that occur within a living organism to maintain life. These processes involve the conversion of nutrients and other substances into energy and other molecules that are necessary for the growth, repair, and maintenance of cells and tissues.

It can be divided into two main categories:

Catabolism: It refers to the breakdown of complex molecules into simpler molecules, releasing energy in the process. For example, the breakdown of glucose to produce ATP (adenosine triphosphate) in cellular respiration is a catabolic reaction.Anabolism: It refers to the synthesis of complex molecules from simpler molecules, consuming energy in the process. For example, the synthesis of proteins from amino acids in the body is an anabolic reaction.

Metabolism is essential for life as it provides the necessary energy and molecules for cellular functions such as growth, repair, and reproduction. The rate of metabolism can be influenced by various factors such as age, sex, diet, exercise, and genetics.

Therefore, two examples of metabolism are catabolism and anabolism.

To know more about catabolism, visit:


Complete question is: Two examples of metabolism are catabolism and anabolism.

Summers in Earth's Northern Hemisphere are warmest when:
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Answer choices

the North Pole points toward Polaris, the current north star.

axial precession matches the axial tilt.

axial precession matches the orbital eccentricity.

the North Pole points toward Vega.


None of the answer choices accurately describe when summers in Earth's Northern Hemisphere are the warmest.

What is Hotness?

In physics, "hotness" is not a term that is used. The concept that is usually referred to in relation to temperature is "thermal energy", which is the total kinetic energy of the particles that make up a substance. When the thermal energy of a substance increases, its temperature also increases, which we perceive as the substance becoming "hotter".

The warmest summers in the Northern Hemisphere occur when the hemisphere is tilted toward the sun and receives the most direct sunlight. This occurs during the summer solstice, which happens around June 20-22 each year. The axial tilt is responsible for the seasons, and the precession of the Earth's axis does not have a significant effect on the timing of the seasons.

Learn more about Hotness from the given link


Describe the activation of Cytotoxic T cells and the effects of these cells on our immune system.




Cytotoxic T cells (also known as CD8+ T cells) are a type of white blood cell that play a crucial role in the immune response to viral infections, cancer, and other diseases. These cells are activated when they encounter a specific antigen presented on the surface of an infected or cancerous cell.

The activation of cytotoxic T cells involves several steps. First, an antigen-presenting cell (APC), such as a dendritic cell, engulfs and processes an antigen from a pathogen or cancer cell. The APC then presents the antigen on its surface in combination with major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules. When a cytotoxic T cell recognizes the specific antigen-MHC complex, it becomes activated and undergoes clonal expansion to produce many copies of itself.

Once activated, cytotoxic T cells can directly kill infected or cancerous cells by releasing toxic molecules such as perforin and granzyme, which create holes in the target cell's membrane and trigger apoptosis (cell death). Additionally, cytotoxic T cells can release cytokines, such as interferon gamma, that help to recruit and activate other immune cells, including macrophages and natural killer cells.

The effects of cytotoxic T cells on the immune system are primarily beneficial, as they help to eliminate cells that are infected with a virus or have become cancerous. This can help to prevent the spread of infection and the development of tumors. However, in some cases, cytotoxic T cells may also attack healthy cells, leading to autoimmune disorders or tissue damage. To prevent this, the immune system employs various mechanisms to regulate the activity of cytotoxic T cells and maintain self-tolerance.

All of the following statements regarding the Kyoto Protocol are true EXCEPT:
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the treaty set different but specific targets of carbon dioxide reduction for various nations.

the treaty was replaced by the 2016 Paris Agreement.

the protocol was ratified by the United States.

no emission targets were set for developing countries.





C) The protocol was ratified by the United States is not true.The Kyoto Protocol was an international agreement adopted in 1997 with the objective of reducing greenhouse gas emissions in order to combat global climate change.

The following statements about the Kyoto Protocol are true:

A) The treaty set different but specific targets of carbon dioxide reduction for various nations.

B) The treaty was replaced by the 2016 Paris Agreement.

D) No emission targets were set for developing countries.

However, the United States did not ratify the Kyoto Protocol, which was a major setback for the treaty's effectiveness.

Answer: 3rd option is not true


The United States did sign the Kyoto Protocol but it never ratified it, meaning it did not formally agree to be bound by its requirements. Therefore, the United States did not participate in the treaty's implementation.

8. In cocker spaniels, the following genotypes and phenotypes are found:
AABB = white, A_bb = red, aabb = lemon, AaB_ = black, aaB_ = liver, AABb = grey
a. A red female is mated with a liver-colored male, and one of the pups produced is lemon-colored.
What are the genotypes of the parents?
b. What proportion of these offspring would be expected to be black?
c. A black male is mated with a liver-colored female, and they produce the following pups:
3/8 black
1/8 red
3/8 liver-colored
1/8 lemon-colored
What are the genotypes of the two parents?
d. If two cocker spaniels of the genotypes AaBb x AABb are mated, and eight pups are born, what is the
most likely distribution of coat colors in that litter?


If two cocker spaniels of genotypes AaBb x AABb are mated, the possible gametes they can produce are AB, Ab, aB, and ab.

What is Genotype?

Genotype refers to the genetic makeup or genetic constitution of an organism, which consists of the specific alleles or versions of genes that an individual inherits from its parents.

a. The genotype of the red female is A_bb, where she has one dominant allele A for black coat color and one recessive allele b for red coat color.

b. If the red female (A_bb) and the liver-colored male (aaB_) produce a lemon-colored pup (aabb), it means that both parents must have passed on their recessive alleles to the pup.

c. The given proportions of the offspring suggest that the black male has the genotype AABb, and the liver-colored female has the genotype aaBb.

The most likely distribution of coat colors in the litter would depend on the frequency of each genotype in the parents' gametes and the laws of Mendelian inheritance.

Learn more about Genotype from the given link


Please answer Quickly!!!


Answer: decrease, increase

Explanation: Coral can live in acidic water, but is less healthy and dense

Can someone help me really fast please? When you give the answer please elaborate don’t just put a few words


1. We eat to obtain the nutrients and energy our bodies need to function properly.

2. The types of food animals in the ocean eat depend on their species and location.

Why is eating important?

Nutrients like carbohydrates, proteins, and fats provide energy, while vitamins and minerals support various bodily processes.

Some animals, like plankton and krill, feed on tiny plants and animals floating in the water. Others, like sharks and dolphins, hunt and eat larger fish and squid. Some ocean animals, like sea turtles, feed on both plants and animals, while others, like whales, consume primarily krill and other small organisms.

Find out more on ocean animals here:


Which term is used to describe the different depth areas of the oceans?
Opedantic zones
O podiatric zones
pelagic zones
Oprehistoric zones



pelagic zones


Josie notices that it gets dark at night, but is light again every morning when she wakes up. What is actually happening
when it gets lighter in the mornings?


The sun rises in the morning

deletion, substitution or addition that alters the sequence of the stop codon



A nonsense mutation refers to a base substitution in which the changed nucleotide transforms the codon into a stop codon. Such a change leads to a premature termination of translation, which can badly affect the formation of proteins.

What is the substitution code for stop codon?

Scientists agree that there are three stop codons – also called nonsense codons or termination codons – in the human genetic code. These are TAG, TAA, and TGA (DNA) and UAG, UAA, and UGA (RNA).

Learn more about Stop Codon here:

a child recieves an x chromesome from its mother and a y chromosome from its father. what is true about this child?


Answer: The Child Is A Normal child..

Explanation: A chromosome is a Part of DNA So the child will have some DNA from His mother and some from his dad

Compare the average rate at which geothermal and solar energy reach earths surface? As a policy maker in pursuit of solving world energy problems, which one would you pursue?



The average rate at which geothermal and solar energy reach Earth's surface are significantly different.

Geothermal energy is generated from the heat of the Earth's core, and it is estimated that the total power output of geothermal energy is around 44 TW (terawatts). However, only a small fraction of this power, about 3.3%, is estimated to reach the Earth's surface. This means that the average rate at which geothermal energy reaches the Earth's surface is around 1.45 TW.

On the other hand, solar energy is generated from the radiation of the sun, and the total power output of the sun is estimated to be around 386,000 TW. While some of this energy is absorbed by the Earth's atmosphere and reflected back into space, the remaining energy is estimated to be around 174 PW (petawatts). This means that the average rate at which solar energy reaches the Earth's surface is around 174,000 TW.

As a policy maker in pursuit of solving world energy problems, solar energy would be the more viable option, due to its significantly higher rate of energy reaching the Earth's surface. Additionally, solar energy is a renewable resource that does not produce greenhouse gas emissions, making it an environmentally friendly option. Geothermal energy, while also renewable and clean, may not be as easily accessible in all areas and may require significant investment in infrastructure for harnessing its energy.

Hope this helps!

Directions: Select the correct diagram.
Which diagram best represents the relationship between the Earth and Sun that causes the changes in seasons on Earth?
Earth &
Earth's plane of orbit
Earth's plane of orbit
Earth's plane of orbit
Earth's plane of orbit



It's bottom left image.


Top Left : According to modern science diagrams: the Earth and it's axis doesn't stand up straight, the axis is tilted.

Top Right: The equator is the horizontal line passing between the ocean and parts of Africa, forming the northern and southern hemispheres, not the vertical line.

Bottom Right : The Earth's axis is tilted, but not tilted to the right or at least tilted to almost 180°

The diagram that best represents the relationship between the Earth and Sun that causes the changes in seasons on Earth is:



Earth's plane of orbit




Earth's Axis





What causes change in seasons?

This diagram shows the tilt of the Earth's axis with respect to the plane of its orbit around the Sun, which causes different parts of the Earth to receive varying amounts of sunlight throughout the year.

The equator is shown as a horizontal line, with the sunlight coming in at an angle, to represent how the Sun's rays are spread out over the Earth's surface due to its spherical shape.

The position of the Earth in its orbit around the Sun also affects the amount of sunlight received by different parts of the Earth, as shown by the positioning of the Earth in relation to the Sun.

Learn more about seasons, here:


A week bond between two hydrogen molecules;found between water molecules and nucleotides in DNA


Answer:The weak bond between two hydrogen atoms, which is commonly found between water molecules and nucleotides in DNA, is called a hydrogen bond.


Answer: Hydrogen Bond


please help me fill out the table!


The equation for the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis is:

2 H2O + 2 NADP+ + 3 ADP + 3 Pi + light → O2 + 2 NADPH + 3 ATP

The equation for the light-independent reactions of photosynthesis is:

3 CO2 + 9 ATP + 6 NADPH + 6 H+ → C3H6O3-phosphate + 9 ADP + 8 Pi + 6 NADP+

What are the light-dependent and the light-independent reactions of photosynthesis?

The light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis occur in the thylakoid membranes of the chloroplasts and involve the absorption of light by pigments such as chlorophyll.

This light energy is used to split water molecules into oxygen gas (O2) and protons (H+), generating ATP (adenosine triphosphate) and NADPH (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate) in the process.

The equation for this process is:

2 H2O + 2 NADP+ + 3 ADP + 3 Pi + light → O2 + 2 NADPH + 3 ATP

The light-independent reactions of photosynthesis also known as the Calvin cycle, occur in the stroma of the chloroplasts and use the ATP and NADPH generated in the light-dependent reactions to fix carbon dioxide (CO2) into glucose.

The equation for this process is:

3 CO2 + 9 ATP + 6 NADPH + 6 H+ → C3H6O3-phosphate + 9 ADP + 8 Pi + 6 NADP+

Learn more about photosynthesis at:


20. Phylogenetic tree are used to help show which creatures are most closely related to each other. In the diagram below,
common ancestor. The line from the chicken and the line from the dinosaur connect, so they would have a common
the red dot shows the most common ancestor between a chimpanzee and a human. When two lines come together, there is a
ancestor. All the lines at the bottom connect, this would be the least common ancestor, but they are still related.
Human Chicken
Most recent common


Answer: a

Explanation: the explanation is

How do the
populations in a community depend on
each other?


There are many distinct ways in which populations in a community are interdependent, and these interdependencies form the cornerstone of the intricate interactions that exist between various species in an ecosystem.

What is population?

A population is a collection of people belonging to the same species who coexist and communicate in a certain geographical region. Depending on the species and the habitat it lives in, a population can have anything from a few to millions of members.

Examples of how different groups in a society are interdependent include:

Food webs and chains: In a community, many creatures rely on other organisms for nourishment. For instance, plants are the main providers of the food that feeds herbivores, which are then consumed by carnivores. A food web is formed by the links between several food chains, which is a network of energy flow.

Pollination: To enable fertilization and the development of seeds, many plants rely on pollinators like bees, butterflies, and birds to move pollen from one plant to another.

Decomposition: species that break down dead organic materials, such as bacteria and fungus, recycle nutrients and make them accessible to other species in the ecosystem.

Competition: Within a community, populations may clash for resources like food, water, and space. This rivalry may restrict population expansion and have an impact on how species are distributed throughout an ecosystem.

Symbiotic interactions: In a community where two or more species coexist and are dependent on one another for existence, there are symbiotic interactions between the many populations that make up that community.

To know more about population, visit:


Hi there is no science category so I decided to put it in this category hope that’s ok but yeah I need help with this


1. Divergent boundary occurs at X. 2. convergent boundary occurs at Y. 3.  Sea floor spreading occurs at X. 4. trench occurs at Y. 5. Mid-oceanic ridge landform develops at X. 6. Subduction landform develops at Y. 7. convection in the mantle causes tectonic plate movement.

Plate boundariesAcross a three-dimensional surface or zone known as a plate boundary, there is a noticeable change in the velocity (speed or direction) of one lithospheric plate in relation to the next lithospheric plate.The three types of plate boundaries—convergent, divergent, and conservative—can be found at the edge of the lithospheric plates. Because two plates contact, wide zones of deformation are typically a hallmark of plate borders. Each of the three boundaries has a unique motion that distinguishes it.As the plates pull apart, new crust is produced at divergent boundaries. Where one plate slides under another, creating convergent boundaries. When plates glide past one other horizontally, there are places called transform boundaries where crust is neither created nor destroyed.

For more information on plate boundaries kindly visit to


Evolution in the real world-

Please help with these questions (3&4)


Evolutive forces change allelic and genotypic frequencies in a population. 3) a- Redish egret population in the US were hunted to near extinction in the early 1900's and the majority of survivors were the dark-feathered morph. 4) a- Bottleneck effect, b- Gene flow, c- Founder effect, d- Natural selection.

What are the evolutive forces?

For a population or a species to evolve, it must be submitted to an evolutive force.

Evolutive forces are those that change a population's allelic and genotypic frequencies through generations. Otherwise, the population is in equilibrium.

These forces are,

Natural selectionGene flowGenetic drift (bottleneck-effect and founder effect)Mating systems (random or non-random)

Notice that mutations are not evolutive forces by themselves. They need to be selected by natural selection to cause a change at a population level. However, they are considered to influence evolution.

In the exposed example,

Dark-feathered Reddish egrets ⇒ USWhite-feathered Reddish egrets ⇒ Bahamas

3) a- Redish egret population in the US were hunted to near extinction in the early 1900's and the majority of survivors were the dark-feathered morph.

4) a- Bottleneck effect

   b- Gene flow

   c- Founder effect

   d- Natural selection

You can learn more about evolutive forces at


Read the two scenarios below. Identify each situation as phagocytosis or pinocytosis. Provide an explanation for
your answers.
A. A bacterial cell is engulfed by a white blood cell.
B. A protist cell absorbs dissolved food particles in the extracellular fluid.


A. The situation described is an example of phagocytosis, which is the process by which cells engulf large particles or other cells. In this case, a white blood cell is engulfing a bacterial cell to destroy it. Phagocytosis is an important mechanism of the immune system to protect the body against foreign invaders.

B. The situation described is an example of pinocytosis, which is the process by which cells absorb dissolved substances, such as nutrients, from the extracellular fluid. In this case, a protist cell is absorbing dissolved food particles to obtain nutrients for its metabolism. Pinocytosis is a common process in many types of cells to take up molecules from the environment.

A sample of helium gas has a volume of 6.5 L at a pressure of 1.11 atm and a temperature of 25 °C. What is the pressure of the gas in atm when the volume and temperature of the gas sample are changed to 1850 mL and 325 K, respectively?

173.5 atm
4.25 atm
0.300 atm
0.235 atm


In typical conditions of 0°C - 1 atm 173.5 atm, a mole of just about any gas takes up 22.4 L.

What must proportion V of a helium-filled balloon weighing 5.0 kg be?

The balloon's volume has to reach least 31 m3 en order to hoist the weight. Although this is the least volume needed, it should be noted that a higher volume would offer a bigger margin of organism .

Why does one mole of gas take up 22.4 litres?

STP assumes a temperature of 273K and a pressure of 1atm. The volume of one mole of gas can be determined using the ideal gas equation. comprehensive step-by-step response One mole of typical particles at STP ($6.023 times 1023 dollars.

To know more about organism visit


what is the difference between a 1950 food pyramid and a 2000 food pyramid


The 1950 "Basic Four" food groups pyramid was the first food guide developed by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to help Americans make healthy food choices. It consisted of four food groups: milk, meat, fruits and vegetables, and breads and cereals. It recommended eating a certain number of servings from each group every day, with an emphasis on consuming more grains and dairy products than fruits and vegetables.

The 2000 food pyramid, known as the "MyPyramid" food guide, was a more complex and personalized approach to healthy eating. It was designed to reflect the latest research on nutrition and health, and included six food groups: grains, vegetables, fruits, oils, dairy, and meats and beans. The pyramid was divided into vertical sections, with each section representing a different food group and the width of the sections indicating the proportion of each food group that should be consumed daily.

In addition, the 2000 food pyramid provided guidelines for daily physical activity and emphasized the importance of balancing food intake with exercise to maintain a healthy weight. It also included advice on portion control, moderation, and making healthy food choices within each food group.

Overall, the 2000 food pyramid represented a more comprehensive and individualized approach to healthy eating than the 1950 Basic Four food groups pyramid.

Which statements about renewable and nonrenewable resources are true? Check all that apply.


There are two types of resources: renewable and nonrenewable. While a nonrenewable resource has a finite supply, a renewable resource can replenish itself at the rate of use.

Wind, timber, and other renewable resources are examples, while coal and natural gas are examples of nonrenewable resources.

Renewable resources are abundant while nonrenewable resources are scarce.

A nonrenewable resource is a natural substance that is not replenished at the rate at which it is consumed. While renewable sources are good for the environment, they also pollute.

to know more about renewable and nonrenewable.

Can someone help me really fast please? elaborate don’t just put a few words



We eat to gain nutrients for our bodies to function.


Eating is essential to human survival basically if we don't eat we won't be able to do activities and it will cause people to become sluggish. Eating provides the body with nutrients to grow and repair, if you don't eat you won't be able to gain back blood cell counts and it just makes your body work way more slowly than usual. If we didn't eat our bodies would lack the energy to be able to survive and thrive.

Animals in the ocean will eat other animals or plants in the ocean just like land animals. Often times they will eat animals smaller than them or have seaweed and kelp depending on the animal's diets.

I need help ASAP
For this assignment, you will be writing an abstract of a scientific paper. Can someone please summarize this section the picture that I posted in under 250 words

An abstract is a short, concise summary of a scientific study or literature review.

Be sure you summarize each section of the research paper in your abstract.

Keep your abstract under 250 words

Be concise!


A research paper's or a thesis's complete body is succinctly summarised in an abstract. It is not an extract; it is an original piece. Without additional citation to outside sources or to the original article, an abstract must be totally self-contained and make sense on its own.

What is a scientific study's abstract?

It must provide the intended message as it is a succinct summary of the essay. It provides a brief summary of the entire article, conveys its main points, and reveals if it lives up to the reader's expectations. Academic assignments and research papers often include abstracts as important components.

An abstract is one sort of summary, but there are other places in academic writing where summaries are written.

learn more about abstract


Which statement best describes how eukaryotic cells are able to replicate such larger amounts of DNA.



D (I think)


A - No, it replicates everything  

B - I think it's referring to okazaki fragments (?) which is on the lagging strand so no.
C - No, in interphase they prepare the for meiosis.

D - the only reasonable statement left

what roles might each layer of the atmosphere have



Troposphere - It is the layer just above the earth’s surface whose distance is between 0 - 10km. It contains most of the air and oxygen which is essential for all living organisms. This air is used for respiration and other functions for the survival of human beings. It also forms the weather conditions of the earth.

Stratosphere - The layer above the troposphere at a distance between 10 - 50km above the earth’s surface. It consists of the ozone layer which protects the earth from ultraviolet rays of the sun. 

Mesosphere - The layer above stratosphere at a distance between 50 - 80km above the earth’s surface. This layer is very cold and burns most of the meteors preventing them from reaching the earth’s surface.

Thermosphere - The layer above the mesosphere at a distance between 80 - 320km above the earth’s surface.

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