There are 800 students who attend Park Middle School. There are 1.5 times as many boys as there are girls.
x is boys
y is girls
Determine how many boys and girls attend Park Middle School. Round to the nearest whole number if necessary. Show your work.


Answer 1


320 boys; 480 girls

Step-by-step explanation:

Here is the correct system of equations you can write for this equation:








Related Questions

One of the dog treats in Shelley’s shop is 8 inches long and 3.2 inches wide. She wants to make a miniature version that has proportional dimensions. If the miniature treat will be 3 inches long, how wide should it be?




Step-by-step explanation:


(1) 1.2 inches

f(x) = x^3- 9x
What is the average rate of change of f over the interval [1, 6]



Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\frac{f(b)-f(a)}{b-a}[/tex] This is the formula for the average rate of change

over the interval (a, b)

a and b are x values

f(a) ad f(b) think of them as y values

Start calculating f(a) and f(b) a=1 b=6

replace all x's in formula with a, (1)

f(1)=1³-9(1) = 1-9= -8    f(1) = -8

Now do : b (6)

f(6) = 6³ - 9 (6) = 216-54=162 f(6) = 162

now plug everything into your equation

[tex]\frac{f(6)-f(1)}{6-1} =\frac{162- (-8)}{5} =\frac{170}{5} =34[/tex] average rate of change.

notice the 162 - (-8) In math there is no subtraction, and you would change it to + and when you do that you much change the sign of the next value making -8 a +8.

Hope this helps. Good luck!

Quickkkk!!!!!!!! Help




Step-by-step explanation:

v (t) = 32,000 (0.84)
Find the initial value of the car and the value after 11 years.
Round your answers to the nearest dollar as necessary




Step-by-step explanation:

c because

HELP! Will be giving branliest!!!!!!


A is the right anwer to your Question because of the Hours and weeks

I’m like pretty sure it’s B. h = w/e because it seems like you’re to find Toms hours worked which can be calculated by the hourly wages over what he earns.

Solve for j if aj+k=v




Step-by-step explanation:

It's like order of operations backwards. So first, you would get rid of the k, by subtracting it from both sides. Then, to isolate j you would divide both sides by a.

what is Pi? explain.



Pi is a irrational number

Step-by-step explanation:

Pi is an irrational number because it never ends it keeps going on and one.

Pi is also 3.141592654.............. never ends

A car sharing service offers a membership plan with a $50 per month fee that includes 10 hours of driving each month and charges $9 for each additional hour
(A) Write a piecewise definition of the cost F(x) for a month in which a member uses a car for x hours
(B) Graph F(x) for 0 < x s 15
(C) Find lim x--->10 F(x), lim x--->10F(x), and lim x--->10F(x), which- ever exist.



A)  F(x) = 50 + ( x - 10 )*9  

B) Graph

C) lim ( x ⇒ 10) F(x) = 50

Step-by-step explanation:

A) F(x) = 50 + ( x - 10 )*9       since the first 10 hours are included in initial fee

B) In Annex

C) lim (x ⇒ 10) F(x) = 50 + ( 10 -10)*9

lim ( x ⇒ 10) F(x) = 50 + 0

lim ( x ⇒ 10) F(x) = 50

If 24 divided by 4 is 6 what is the remainder?


there are no remainders left it’s 0

The remainder from the given division is 0.

Given that, 24 divided by 4 is 6.

The division is one of the basic arithmetic operations in math in which a larger number is broken down into smaller groups having the same number of items.






So, the remainder is 0.

Therefore, the remainder from the given division is 0.

To learn more about the division visit:





= 3/4

Step-by-step explanation:

Find 2 points on the graph

(2,3) and (6,6)

Using the slope formula

m = (y2-y1)/(x2-x1)

   = ( 6-3)/(6-2)

   = 3/4

2x2 + x + 5 = 0 i don’t know how to do this please help


9514 1404 393


  x = -0.25+√2.4375i or -0.25-√2.4375i

Step-by-step explanation:

The quadratic formula works for this. The quadratic equation ...

  ax² +bx +c = 0

has solutions given by the quadratic formula:


Your equation ...

  2x² +x +5 = 0

has coefficients a=2, b=1, c=5, so the quadratic formula tells you the solutions are ...

  [tex]x=\dfrac{-1\pm\sqrt{1^2-4\cdot2\cdot5}}{2\cdot2}=\dfrac{-1\pm\sqrt{-39}}{4}\\\\x=\left\{-\dfrac{1}{4}+\dfrac{\sqrt{39}}{4}i, -\dfrac{1}{4}-\dfrac{\sqrt{39}}{4}i\right\}[/tex]

The decimal equivalents are ...

  x = -0.25+√2.4375i   or   -0.25-√2.4375i . . . . . . the 'i' is outside the radical

What is the area of a rectangle with sides measuring 2x+3 and 3x-1 feet


Here is your answer
the answer is 6x^2+7x-3
u would foils the two terms as shown below

The midpoint of xy is located at the origin



Is there supposed to be an image?

Step-by-step explanation:

If a histogram of a sample of​ men's ages is​ skewed, what do you expect to see in the normal quantile​ plot?


Answer: Points are not following a straight-line pattern

Step-by-step explanation:

Histograms are used to show the distribution of a dataset.

If the histogram is skewed, then it means that the points do not follow a straight-line pattern, on the normal quantile plot.

From the question, we understand that:

The histogram is skewed

This means that:

The data points of the histogram are either concentrated on the right or on the left-hand side of the histogram.

The above highlight mean that:

The points on the histogram are unequal.

Hence, you would see that the points do not follow a straight line pattern on the normal quantile plot.

Read more about normal quantile plot at:

Complete the point-slope equation of the line through (2,3)(7,4)


y-4=1/5(x-7) is the answer

What is the answer tho




Step-by-step explanation:

uh what’s ur question?

In the figure shown below, if line mis parallel to line n, then find the value of x. (This is a 2 part question.)
(65 - x)
Part A
Write the equation to find the value of x. (DO NOT find x, just write the equation.)
(2x - 10) (65 - x)
Part B
What is the value of x?



2x-10 = 65-x

Step-by-step explanation:

just add up both alternate internal angles as they are both equal

so, the equation is: 2x-10 = 65-x


The right equation will be 2x - 10 = 65 - x (you were wrong lol)

Step-by-step explanation:

We have: 2x - 10 = 65 - x

=> 2x - 10 + x = 65

=> 3x = 65 + 10 = 75

=> x = 75/3 = 25

P/S: After some little chats with the others, this might be wrong :(

The sign of the leading coefficient for the polynomial equation of the graph is negative positive zero



The sign of the leading coefficient for the polynomial equation of the graph is NEGATIVE

Hope this helps!

Answer: 1 turning point

Step-by-step explanation:

what is 4/6+2/3.?(these are fractions, you're just adding fractions)




Step-by-step explanation:

Multiply 2 by 2, and get 4, then we multiply 3 by 2 and get 6.

Since our denominators match, we can add the numerators. 4 + 4 = 8. That gives us the sum, which is 8/6. Then you divide by 2.  So 8/6 / 2 gives you 4/3.


4/3 or 1 1/3

Step-by-step explanation:

1. 4/6 + 2/3

2. 4/6 + 4/6          You have to find the LCM (least common multiple) of the two  denominators. In this case it would be 6. You have to multiply 3 by 2 to get 6. What you do to the bottom you also do to the top so you have to also multiply the numerator (2) by 2.

3. 4/3 or 1 1/3       Afterward, you just have to add straight across without changing the denominator and then if you need to simplify you simplify. Without simplifying, you would get 8/6, but, most teachers will mark it as wrong if you don't simplify. You can then change the improper fraction into a mixed number depending on what your teacher wants.

A spherical balloon is inflated with gas at a rate of 500 cubic centimeters per minute. Find the rates of change of the radius when r = 70 centimeters and r = 95 centimeters.



for r= 70 cm

the rate is 0.008cm/s

for r=95cm

the rate= 0.0044cm/s

Step-by-step explanation:

kindly find attached a rough sketch of the circle and a detailed solution of the problem.

Given data

rate dv/dt=500cm^3



Is the square root of 14 +6.2 less than 3 pi - 8.2?



No. √14 + 6.2 is more than 3π - 8.2

Step-by-step explanation:

√14 + 6.2


≈ 4.494

π ≈ 3.14159

3(3.14159) - 8.2

9.42577 - 8.2


Therefore, the answer is no.

What is the measure of angle F?
E. 20
D. 90



the answer would be 70 because you take 90-20 and you get 70. you have a 90 degree angle is what you're working on right now

Step-by-step explanation:

(4.3 x 10^-3)(2 x 10^-2) in standard form



8.6•10^-5 or 0.000086

find the value of x
The answer is 150.
I need to show my work.




x = 150

Step-by-step explanation:

We know a circle is 360°, so the angles must add up to 60°.

Step 1: Set up equation

x - 120 + x - 120 = 60

Step 2: Solve for x

Combine like terms: 2x - 240 = 60Add 240 on both sides: 2x = 300Divide both sides by 2: x = 150

Step 3: Check

Plug in x to verify it is correct.

150 - 120 = 30°

150 - 120 = 30°

30° + 30° = 60°

60° + 300° = 360°

Rachel is recording the temperature at her school every morning this week. On Monday, the temperature was 5°C. Part A: On Wednesday, Rachel calculated that the temperature was 13 degrees colder than Monday. What temperature did Rachel record on Wednesday? Part B: On Friday, Rachel calculated that the temperature was 4 degrees warmer than Wednesday. What temperature did Rachel record on Friday?​



Part A: -8

Part B: -4

Step-by-step explanation:



A TV show has 26 episodes. Due to the lack of time, you can onlywatch 5 of them. However, in order to get a gist of what the showis about, you do not want to watch any two consecutive episodes.How many selections of 5 episodes are there with no two consecutiveepisodes chosen? Assuming that the order of selection is irrelevant.(Hint:this is a Stars and Bars problem)



Step-by-step explanation:

Recall that: The number of combination to select any k consecutive element from n consecutive term is given by the equation [tex]^{n-k+1}C_k[/tex]

[tex]= \begin {pmatrix} ^{n-k+1}_{k} \end {pmatrix}[/tex]


n = 26

k = 5

[tex]^{n-k+1}C_k= \begin {pmatrix} ^{26-5+1}_{5} \end {pmatrix}[/tex]

[tex]^{n-k+1}C_k= \begin {pmatrix} ^{22}_{5} \end {pmatrix}[/tex]

[tex]^{n-k+1}C_k= \dfrac{22!}{5!(22-5)!}[/tex]

[tex]^{n-k+1}C_k= \dfrac{22!}{5!(17)!}[/tex]


Therefore, there are 26334 selection of 5 episodes with no two consecutive episodes chosen

Which of these is the triangle proportionality theorem? First person to answer CORRECTLY gets brainliest


Answer: A.

Step-by-step explanation: Brainliest plz

if there are 7 fish and 3 drown how many are left?​




Step-by-step explanation:

there are 7 left because fish can't drown

Fish can’t drown lol if this was a joke or test.

if loga81=4, find value of a?​




Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\log_xy=z\iff x^z=y\\\\\text{for}\ x\neq1\ \wedge\ x>0\ \wedge\ y>0\\==================\\\\\log_a81=4\iff a^4=81\\\\a^4=\underbrace{3\cdot3\cdot3\cdot3}_{=81}\\\\a^4=3^4\Rightarrow a=3[/tex]

which number is the same as 0.000 000 1: 10^7 or 10^-7​



= 1 × 10^-7

(scientific notation)

= 1e-7

(scientific e notation)

= 100 × 10^-9

(engineering notation)

(billionth; prefix nano- (n))

= 0.0000001

(real number)

Step-by-step explanation:

10^7 = 10000000

Other Questions
Sunset Products manufactures skateboards. The following transactions occurred in March. Purchased $24,500 of materials on account. Issued $1,450 of supplies from the materials inventory. Purchased $25,900 of materials on account. Paid for the materials purchased in transaction (1) using cash. Issued $30,900 in direct materials to the production department. Incurred direct labor costs of $29,500, which were credited to Wages Payable. Paid $22,400 cash for utilities, power, equipment maintenance, and other miscellaneous items for the manufacturing shop. Applied overhead on the basis of 120 percent of direct labor costs. Recognized depreciation on manufacturing property, plant, and equipment of $5,900.The following balances appeared in the accounts of Sunset Products for March:Beginning EndingMaterials Inventory $ 13,500 ? Work-in-Process Inventory 24,750 ? Finished Goods Inventory 97,500 $ 54,750 Cost of Goods Sold 120,000 Required:a. Prepare journal entries to record the transactions. (If o entry is required for a transaction/event, select "No journal entry required" in the first account field.)Transactions General Journal Debit Credit1. Prepare T-accounts to show the flow of costs during the period from Materials Inventory through Cost of Goods Sold.Materials InventoryBeg. bal. ___________ __________________ ___________ ____________ ____________ ___________ ____________ ____________ ___________ ____________ ______End. bal. ___________ ____________ ______Work in Progress InventoryBeg. bal. ___________ __________________ ___________ ____________ ____________ ___________ ____________ ____________ ___________ ____________ ____________ ___________ ____________ ______End. bal. ___________ ____________ ______Manufacturing Overhead ControlBeg. bal. ___________ __________________ ___________ ____________ ____________ ___________ ____________ ____________ ___________ ____________ ____________ ___________ ____________ ______End. bal. ___________ ____________ ______Applied Manufacturing OverheadBeg. bal. ___________ __________________ ___________ ____________ ____________ ___________ ____________ ______End. bal. ___________ ____________ ______Accounts PayableBeg. bal. ___________ __________________ ___________ ____________ ____________ ___________ ____________ ____________ ___________ ____________ ______End. bal. ___________ ____________ ______CashBeg. bal. ___________ __________________ ___________ ____________ ____________ ___________ ____________ ____________ ___________ ____________ ______End. bal. ___________ ____________ ______Wages PayableBeg. bal. ___________ __________________ ___________ ____________ ____________ ___________ ____________ ______End. bal. ___________ ____________ ______Accumulated Depreciation-Property, Plant, and EquipmentBeg. bal. ___________ __________________ ___________ ____________ ____________ ___________ ____________ ______End. bal. ___________ ____________ ______Finished Goods InventoryBeg. bal. ___________ ____________Goods Completed ___________ ____________ Transfer to Cost of Goods SoldEnd. bal. ___________ ____________ Cost of Goods SoldBeg. bal. ___________ ____________Finished Goods Inventory ___________ ____________ End. bal. ___________ ____________ Which of the following best explains some of the powers granted the Congress by the Articles of Confederation?OCongress could build schools, collect taxes, create a banking system, and create prisons.O Congress could declare war, make treaties, create a mail delivery system, and print money.O Congress could build libraries, oversee immigration, enforce religious practices, and require citizens to vote.OCongress could raise taxes, hire a police force, kill prisoners, and hire spies to learn about America's enemies. 4r 4s+ 4 = - 44r + s - 2t=5- 3r - 3s - 41= -16Help please 1. Which technology enables doctors to monitor the function of theheart?A. dialysismachineB. electrocardiogramC. electroencephalograD. automatic externaldefibrillator WHat's the answer!! Help, has to be either B or D The measure of one angle of a linear pair is 80. If themeasure of the other angle is 4x, what is x? help !!!!!Aziz is purchasing a new laptop. The salesperson asks him if he requires any software, as he will get a discount if purchased together. What is that software the salesperson is referring to? a type of insurance that covers light wear and tear to the laptop for a specified number of years a type of protective covering to prevent the laptop from damage in case of falls a detailed list of all the hardware connected to the laptop as well as hardware on the laptop a set of instructions that enables the laptop to perform certain functions or operations Find the coordinates of the midpoint of LB if L(8, 5) and B(-6, 2) The length of the rectangle is four times its width. The rectangle has an area of 1024cm2. What is the width of the rectangle 50+ POINTS I NEED HELP Select all polynomials that are divisible by (x-1)(x1)left parenthesis, x, minus, 1, right parenthesis. Choose all answers that apply: Choose all answers that apply: (Choice A) A A(x)=3x^3+2x^2-xA(x)=3x 3 +2x 2 xA, left parenthesis, x, right parenthesis, equals, 3, x, cubed, plus, 2, x, squared, minus, x (Choice B) B B(x)=5x^3-4x^2-xB(x)=5x 3 4x 2 xB, left parenthesis, x, right parenthesis, equals, 5, x, cubed, minus, 4, x, squared, minus, x (Choice C) C C(x)=2x^3-3x^2+2x-1C(x)=2x 3 3x 2 +2x1C, left parenthesis, x, right parenthesis, equals, 2, x, cubed, minus, 3, x, squared, plus, 2, x, minus, 1 (Choice D) D D(x)=x^3+2x^2+3x+2D(x)=x 3 +2x 2 +3x+2 Victor is making recipes for smoothies. His first recipe calls for 2 cups of strawberries and 7 cups of other ingredients. His second recipe says that 3 cups of strawberries are combined with 9 cups of other ingredients. Which smoothie recipe has more strawberries compared to other ingredients? Which RNA strand would match with this DNA strand?AGGCTAAT For Coppertone products, evaluations in the postpurchase behavior stage of the consumer purchase decision process that are most likely to cause dissatisfaction are Match the correct definition with its word rough endoplasmic reticulum protein synthesis lysosome store calcium ions nucleus create lysosomes mitochondria create energy through respiration smooth endoplasmic reticulum break down cellular food and waste Golgi body controls cell activity Cape Corp. Will pay a dividend of $4.40 next year. The company has stated that it will maintain a constant growth rate of 5 percent a year forever. a. If you want a return of 17 percent, how much will you pay for the stock? (Do not round intermediate calculations and round your answer to 2 decimal places, e.G., 32.16.) b. If you want a return of 10 percent, how much will you pay for the stock? (Do not round intermediate calculations and round your answer to 2 decimal places, e.G., 32.16.) i just need some help on a few math questions. i'm very bad at math sorry :( 7. True or false: to lessen the impact of heat waves, roads can be painted white. Which statement best describes Leonardo da Vincis role in the early modern world? Round the factors and estimate the products.a.656 x 106 -b. 3,108 x 7,942 -C.425 x 9,311 -what is this i wanna drop out