Microorganisms are known to be present in some food products such as yogurt. One student claims that microorganisms in food always have a negative
effect on human health, while a second student disagrees. The second student claims that some microorganisms in food can have a positive effect on
human health.
Which statement BEST supports the second student's claim?
a. Microorganisms can destroy any pathogens that affect the immune system.
b. Microorganisms reproduce too slowly to affect the immune system.
c. Microorganisms known to be in food are no longer living and would not affect the digestive system.
d. Microorganisms can aid in the absorption of nutrients from food within the digestive system.


Answer 1


Explanation: some microorganisms help you digest food, protect against infection and maintain your reproductive health

Answer 2

The statement best supports the second student's claim: "Microorganisms can aid in the absorption of nutrients from food within the digestive system."  Some microorganisms in food, such as those found in yogurt, are known as probiotics and can positively affect human health. Hence option D is correct.

What are Probiotics?

Probiotics are live microorganisms that, when consumed in adequate amounts, confer health benefits to the host. These microorganisms can help to improve gut health by aiding in the breakdown and absorption of nutrients from food within the digestive system.

Probiotics can also help to restore the balance of microorganisms in the gut, which can become disrupted due to factors such as antibiotic use, stress, and poor diet.

This can help to improve immune function and reduce the risk of certain diseases, such as inflammatory bowel disease and some types of cancer.

In contrast, not all microorganisms in food positively affect human health. Some microorganisms, such as pathogenic bacteria, can cause foodborne illnesses and have a negative impact on human health.

It is important to handle and store food properly to prevent the growth of these harmful microorganisms.

Hence option D is correct.

To know more about Probiotics:



Related Questions

simple ways that you think we should do to prevent non-renewable resources to run out and renewable resources on becoming non-renewable.


Here are some simple ways to prevent non-renewable resources from running out and renewable resources from becoming non-renewable:

1. Reduce, reuse, and recycle: This is a simple but effective way to conserve natural resources. By reducing our consumption of products, reusing items as much as possible, and recycling materials, we can reduce the amount of waste we produce and conserve resources.

2. Use energy-efficient appliances: Energy-efficient appliances use less electricity and can help reduce our reliance on non-renewable energy sources.

3. Use public transportation, carpool, or bike: Transportation is a major source of carbon emissions, which contribute to climate change. By using public transportation, carpooling, or biking rather than driving alone, we can reduce our carbon footprint and conserve fossil fuels.

4. Support renewable energy: Supporting renewable energy sources like wind, solar, and hydroelectric power can help reduce our reliance on non-renewable resources.

5. Conserve water: Water is a finite resource, and conserving it can help prevent it from becoming scarce. Simple steps like fixing leaks, taking shorter showers, and using water-efficient appliances can help conserve water.

6. Support sustainable agriculture: Supporting sustainable agriculture practices like organic farming and crop rotation can help conserve soil and prevent it from becoming degraded.

7. Plant trees: Trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and help mitigate the effects of climate change. Planting trees can also help conserve water and prevent soil erosion.

These are just a few examples of simple ways to conserve natural resources and prevent them from becoming depleted or non-renewable.

Answer:Actions like driving electric and hybrid vehicles, installing solar panels on and properly insulating places like business and home, and using energy-efficient appliances are all smaller-scale changes that you can make to reduce your nonrenewable resource

early organisms were thought to be autotrophs with the ability to synthesize ... from simple ______ compounds and later use them as an energy source.


Early organisms were thought to be autotrophs, meaning they had the ability to synthesize energy from simple organic compounds.

These compounds, such as carbon dioxide and water, are used as an energy source for the organism. The process of converting these compounds into energy is called photosynthesis.

Through this process, the organism is able to convert the energy from the organic compounds into chemical energy, which can be used to fuel the organism’s activities.

Photosynthesis is a crucial process for autotrophs, as it allows them to create their own energy and sustain themselves without relying on external sources. This process has been a part of the evolutionary process of life on earth, allowing organisms to adapt and survive in their environments. Without photosynthesis, it is likely that the diversity of life on earth would not have been possible.

Know more about photosynthesis here



Nervous system quick check:
1) a new type of neuron is discovered in the brains of squid. this neuron has very long an highly branched dendrites and a very short, unbranched and unmyelinated axon. what can be predicted about the function of this neuron?
a) the neuron uses saltatory conduction to transmit action potential (x)
b) the neuron produces many inhibitory postsynaptic potentials throughout the brain (x)
c) the neuron stimulated many muscles throughout the squid's body (x)
d) the neuron receives sensory signals from a large area of the squid's body (*)

2)Lidocaine is a drug used medically as a local anesthetic. It functions by blocking voltage-gated sodium ion channels in neurons that transmit pain signals. Predict how a nerve cell would respond to lidocaine.
a) The neuron would not be able to receive inhibitory postsynaptic potentials. (x)
The neuron would not be able to release neurotransmitters. (x)
The neuron would not be able to produce an action potential. (*)
d) The neuron would not be able to maintain its resting potential. (*)

3)Long-term potentiation (LTP) increases the number of postsynaptic receptors at a synapse involved in memory. What could be a possible long-term effect of LTP?
a) The synapse becomes stronger, leading to improved memory recall. (*)
b) The synapse becomes stronger, leading to increased neuronal plasticity. (x)
c) The synapse becomes weaker, requiring temporal summation to recall the memory. (x)
d) The synapse becomes weaker, requiring spatial summation from multiple presynaptic neurons to recall the memory. (x)

4)A neurotransmitter binds to chloride channels on the postsynaptic neuron, opening the channels. What is the effect of this neurotransmitter?
a) It will create an EPSP, exciting the postsynaptic neuron. (x)
b)It will create an IPSP, inhibiting the postsynaptic neuron. (*)
c) It will cause chloride ions to pass through gap junctions into the postsynaptic neuron. (x)
d) It will create an LTP, permanently increasing the sensitivity of the postsynaptic neuron. (x)

5) A scientist working with rats gives the rats a treat every time they press a red button followed by a blue button. By the end of a week, all of the rats have learned to press the buttons in the correct order. How have the brains of the rats changed?
a) The thalamus has stored the information into short-term memories. (x)
b) The visual cortex has adapted to see the colors red and blue. (x)
c) The hippocampus has recorded information into long-term memories. (*)
d) The hypothalamus has increased the rats’ feelings of hunger.(x)


1)A. The neuron uses saltatory conduction to transmit action potentials.

2)b) The neuron would not be able to release neurotransmitters.

3)d) The synapse becomes weaker, requiring spatial summation from multiple presynaptic neurons to recall the memory.

4)b)It will create an IPSP, inhibiting the postsynaptic neuron.

5)a) The thalamus has stored the information into short-term memories.

How does long-term potentiation impact the functioning of the memory?

The process of long-term potentiation (LTP), which involves continuous synaptic strengthening, results in a sustained increase in signal transmission between neurons. In terms of synaptic plasticity, it is a significant process. LTP recording is a well-known cellular model for the investigation of memory.

The AMPA and NMDA receptors are two of these subtypes that are particularly crucial for LTP. When glutamate binds to the AMPA receptor, an ion channel that is connected to it opens, allowing sodium ions to enter the post-synaptic neuron.

learn more about Nervous system



if a researcher developed a drug that prevented insertion of the sars-cov-2 spike protein into the endoplasmic reticulum, what effect would you predict from this drug?


If a drug was developed that prevented the insertion of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein into the endoplasmic reticulum, it would likely inhibit the endosomal entry pathway for the virus. This pathway is essential for the virus to enter the host cell and initiate infection. Without this entry pathway, the virus would not be able to replicate and cause harm to the host.
What is a spike protein?
The spike protein is a key antigen of the virus and is responsible for its virulence, or ability to cause disease. By blocking the insertion of the spike protein into the endoplasmic reticulum, the drug could potentially reduce the severity of the infection and prevent the spread of the virus. This drug could be an important tool in the fight against COVID-19, as it could reduce the number of cases and potentially save lives.

If a researcher developed a drug that prevented the insertion of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein into the endoplasmic reticulum, the following effects can be predicted:

1. Inhibition of endosomal entry pathway: By blocking the insertion of the spike protein, the drug would interfere with the virus's ability to enter host cells through the endosomal entry pathway, which is crucial for the infection process.

2. Reduction in antigen presentation: Since the spike protein acts as an antigen, preventing its insertion into the endoplasmic reticulum would lead to a decrease in antigen presentation. This, in turn, may affect the host's immune response against the virus.

3. Decreased virulence: Blocking the insertion of the spike protein would likely reduce the virulence of SARS-CoV-2, as the virus would be less successful in infecting host cells and spreading within the host organism.

In summary, a drug that prevents the insertion of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein into the endoplasmic reticulum would likely inhibit the endosomal entry pathway, reduce antigen presentation, and decrease the virulence of the virus.

To know more about the endosomal entry pathway for a virus, visit:



plasma angiotensin ii levels would be higher when mean arterial blood pressure is ______.


Plasma angiotensin II levels would be higher when mean arterial blood pressure is low.

Here's a step-by-step explanation:

1. When mean arterial blood pressure (MABP) is low, it indicates that the body requires more blood flow to maintain proper functioning.

2. This low MABP is sensed by the kidneys, which in response, release an enzyme called renin.

3. Renin acts on a protein called angiotensinogen, which is produced by the liver and is present in the blood. The interaction between renin and angiotensinogen results in the formation of angiotensin I.

4. Angiotensin I is then converted to angiotensin II by the action of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE), which is primarily found in the lungs.

5. Angiotensin II is a potent vasoconstrictor, meaning it causes blood vessels to constrict. This constriction increases the resistance to blood flow and subsequently raises blood pressure.

6. Furthermore, angiotensin II stimulates the release of aldosterone from the adrenal glands, which promotes sodium and water retention in the kidneys. This, in turn, increases blood volume and ultimately contributes to increasing the blood pressure.

7. As a result, when mean arterial blood pressure is low, the body compensates by increasing the plasma angiotensin II levels to help raise blood pressure back to normal levels.

In summary, plasma angiotensin II levels are higher when mean arterial blood pressure is low to help regulate and maintain proper blood pressure in the body.

To know more about Plasma angiotensin II refer here:



the process of adding hydrogen to n2, creating nh3 and eventually nh4 , and which requires a substantial input of atp, is called .


The process you are referring to is called nitrogen fixation. It is a process that converts atmospheric nitrogen (N2) into ammonia (NH3) and eventually ammonium (NH4+) through the addition of hydrogen.

Molecular nitrogen, which possesses a powerful triple covalent bond, is transformed into ammonia or other similar nitrogenous compounds through a chemical process known as nitrogen fixation, also known as biological nitrogen fixation (BNF), which mainly occurs in soil or aquatic environments but can also occur in industry. Molecular dinitrogen, a comparatively nonreactive molecule that is biologically worthless to all but a few microbes, makes up the nitrogen in air. Nitrogenase protein complex (Nif)-based biological nitrogen fixation, also known as diazotrophy, is a crucial microbe-mediated process that turns dinitrogen gas into ammonia.

Because the creation of all nitrogen-containing organic chemicals, including as amino acids and proteins, nucleoside triphosphates, and nucleic acids, depends on fixed inorganic nitrogen compounds, nitrogen fixation is crucial for life. Nitrogen fixation is the process requires a substantial input of ATP and is typically carried out by nitrogen-fixing bacteria or certain plants, such as legumes, which form symbiotic relationships with nitrogen-fixing bacteria.

Nitrogen fixation is the process where nitrogen gas (N2) is converted into ammonia (NH3) and eventually ammonium (NH4+). This process requires a substantial input of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) for energy. Nitrogen-fixing bacteria, such as Rhizobium, are involved in this process, which plays a crucial role in providing nitrogen to plants for their growth and development.

For more such questions on nitrogen fixation , Visit:



how do the rugae of the bladder function to accommodate the movement of urine? rugae prevent the backflow of urine into the ureters. rugae provide the peristalsis necessary for the process of voiding. rugae can distend or refold dependent on the volume in the urinary bladder. the rugae are the muscles required for contraction and voiding of the urinary bladder.


The correct answer is: "Rugae can distend or refold dependent on the volume in the urinary bladder."

Rugae are folded in the mucosa of the urinary bladder that allow it to stretch and expand as urine accumulates. As the bladder fills with urine, the rugae unfold and the bladder expands to accommodate the increasing volume.

As the bladder empties during urination, the rugae fold back and the bladder returns to its original size and shape. This ability to distend and refold is important for the bladder's function in storing and releasing urine.

To know more about urinary bladder. ,  here



The rugae of the urinary bladder are folds of tissue that allow the bladder to expand and contract as it fills with urine and then empties it.

The function of rugae:

The rugae's function is to accommodate the movement of urine by allowing the bladder to stretch and expand as it fills with urine. When the bladder is empty, the rugae are more prominent and the bladder appears wrinkled. As urine accumulates, the rugae flatten out and the bladder expands. This ability to distend or refold is important for regulating the volume of urine held in the bladder.

In addition, the rugae provide the muscle contractions necessary for voiding the bladder, which is the process of releasing urine from the body. The rugae prevent the backflow of urine into the ureters and help to maintain the pressure necessary for voiding. Therefore, the rugae play a crucial role in the urinary system by facilitating the movement of urine and regulating its volume.

To know more about rugae of the urinary bladder, visit:



if a dividing cell needs to move chromosomes to the centrosome/centriole, which motor molecules would be used?


Members of the kinesin family are the motor  motes that transport chromosomes to the centrosome/ centriole during cell division.

During spindle assembly, kinesin- 5( also known as Eg5) is  pivotal for pushing microtubules in opposing directions and  lugging chromosomes towards the centrosome/ centriole. Kinesins are a kind of motor protein that moves along microtubules and obtains energy from ATP hydrolysis. Kinesin- 5, generally known as Eg5, is a kind of kinesin that's involved in centrosome separation during mitotic spindle assembly.

It pulls the chromosomes towards the centrosome/ centriole by moving microtubules in opposing directions. Kinesin- 5 dysfunction or blockage can affect in mitotic  crimes and cell death, making it an important target for cancer  curatives.

Learn more about chromosomes at



animals lack a glyoxylate pathway and cannot convert fats to carbohydrates. if an animal is fed a fatty acid with all of its carbons replaced by the isotope 14c, some of the labeled carbons later appear in glucose. how is this possible


Animals cannot use the glyoxylate route to convert fats to carbs, but they can still make glucose from specific fatty acid components.

Glycerol is one such component that can be transformed into glucose through the metabolic process known as gluconeogenesis, which creates glucose from non-carbohydrate precursors such lactate, amino acids, and glycerol.

The mitochondrial process of beta-oxidation, which results in the production of acetyl-CoA molecules, is used to break down the fatty acid. These acetyl-CoA molecules can subsequently be transformed to ketone bodies or used to generate energy in the citric acid cycle.

Some of the labeled carbons may show up in glucose when an animal is fed a fatty acid labeled with the isotope 14C because the fatty acid breaks down into its constituent parts.

Learn more about Glyoxylate



pathogenicity is the ability group of answer choices none of these are correct. of the pathogen to inflict damage on the host. of the host to inflict damage on the pathogen. of the host to resist damage by the pathogen.


Pathogenicity is the ability of a pathogen to inflict damage on the host. Pathogens are microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites, that can cause disease in their host by invading and multiplying within their tissues.

The pathogen's ability to cause disease depends on various factors, including its virulence (the degree of harm it can cause), its ability to evade the host's immune system, and its capacity to spread within the host or to other hosts. Understanding the mechanisms of pathogenicity is important for developing effective treatments and vaccines against infectious diseases.

Learn more about Pathogenicity ,



learning through art: the Vertebrate Eye1. Cornea2. Aqueous humor3. lens4. retina5. Vitreous humor


The vertebrate eye is a fascinating example of how art can be used to teach scientific concepts.

The structure of the eye:

The eye is made up of several parts, including the cornea, aqueous humor, lens, retina, and vitreous humor. The retina is particularly important because it is responsible for converting light energy into electrochemical energy that can be interpreted by the brain. This process is what allows us to see.

The light detection mechanism:

When light enters the eye, it passes through the cornea and aqueous humor and is then focused by the lens onto the retina. The retina contains photoreceptor cells called rods and cones that are able to detect different wavelengths of light. When light is detected, these cells convert the light energy into electrochemical energy, which is then transmitted to the brain for interpretation. The vitreous humor helps to maintain the shape of the eye and protect the delicate structures within. By understanding the anatomy and function of the vertebrate eye, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the complexity and beauty of the natural world.

To know more about the structure of the eye, visit:



within a few weeks of treatment with the drug 3tc, a patient's hiv population consists entirely of 3tc-resistant viruses. how can this result best be explained?


The presence of 3TC-resistant viruses, when a HIV patient is treated with the drug 3TC can be explained by: (C) A few drug-resistant viral particles were present at the start of treatment, and natural selection increased their frequency.

HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus. This virus infects the immune system of the body and therefore damages the body's ability to fight against diseases. If HIV persists for a very long period of time in the body, it causes AIDS.

Natural selection is the phenomenon in which the more fit individual of a species are naturally selected to survive and reproduce. For the drug resistant viral species, it is a benefitting trait which gets selected by the nature and hence promotes their multiplication.

Therefore, the correct answer is option C.

To know more about natural selection, here



The given question is incomplete, the complete question is:

Within a few weeks of treatment with the drug 3TC, a patient's HIV population consists entirely of 3TC-resistant viruses. How can this result best be explained.

A. Each HIV particle can change its surface to evade vaccines.

B. HIV particles began making drug resistant versions of themselves in response to the drug.

C. A few drug-resistant viral particles were present at the start of treatment, and natural selection increased their frequency.

D. The drug caused the HIV RNA to mutate in a favorable manner.

In the context of the aperture problem, a V1 neuron views the world through a small aperture and has no way of knowing what is going on elsewhere in the:


In the context of the aperture problem, a V1 neuron views the world through a small aperture and has no way of knowing what is going on elsewhere in the visual field. This limited view can result in ambiguous motion perception, as the neuron cannot determine the full movement of an object based on the information received through the aperture.

In the context of the aperture problem, a V1 neuron views the world through a small aperture and has no way of knowing what is going on elsewhere in the visual field. This can lead to ambiguous or incomplete information being processed by the neuron, as it is unable to integrate information from surrounding areas to form a complete picture. This limitation is often overcome through the use of higher-level visual processing mechanisms that can integrate information from multiple neurons to form a more complete perception of the visual scene.

Learn more about neuron here:-



superantigens are the exotoxin type most likely to be associated with fever, and they can act without being processed by antigen-presenting cells. true false


True. Superantigens are a type of exotoxin produced by certain bacteria and viruses that can cause a variety of illnesses in humans.

Superantigens differ from conventional toxins in that they don't need to be processed by antigen-presenting cells in order to bind to and activate T-cells.

This might result in an overreacting immune system, which can cause a variety of symptoms like fever, nausea, headaches, and muscle aches.

Superantigens have the potential to have strong systemic reactions with potentially fatal outcomes.

The precise method by which superantigens cause disease is still being investigated, despite the fact that they have been connected to various disorders.

Complete Question:

Superantigens are a type of exotoxin that can cause fever in some cases and can act without being processed by antigen-presenting cells.

True or False?

To learn more about immune system visit:



3. describe the large, medium, and small ground finches with respect to their beaks. what kind of adaptations do you think the finches' beaks represent?


The large, medium, and small ground finches have different beak sizes and shapes that are adapted to their diets. The large ground finch has a thick, strong beak that is used to crack open tough seeds, while the medium ground finch has a slightly smaller, more pointed beak that is used to eat smaller seeds and insects.

The small ground finch has the smallest and thinnest beak, which is adapted for eating tiny seeds and insects. These different beak sizes and shapes represent adaptations that allow the finches to survive in their specific environments. The finches' beaks have evolved over time to match the available food sources on their respective islands. This process is known as adaptive radiation, where a species diversifies and evolves to fit different ecological niches. In the case of the ground finches, their beaks are a clear example of how adaptations can lead to increased survival and success in their respective habitats.

Learn more about ecology here:



In general terms, the two sources of energy available for organisms are certain chemicals (e.g., carbohydrates, proteins, and fats) and___


In general terms, the two sources of energy available for organisms are certain chemicals (e.g., carbohydrates, proteins, and fats) and dietary macrocomponents

When lipids and carbs are broken down, what provides energy?

The cell's cytoplasm and mitochondrion, where proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates go through a series of metabolic processes generally known as cellular respiration, are where oxidative reactions take place that result in the production of ATP.

The body uses meals high in protein to drive tissue growth and repair. A longer-lasting energy source is provided by protein since it takes the body longer to digest than carbs.

Triglycerides must first be hydrolyzed into their two main constituents, fatty acids and glycerol, to be able to be converted into energy. In the cytoplasm, this procedure known as lipolysis occurs.

learn more about cytoplasm



The greatest biodiversity would be in an ecosystem with the same number of species as other ecosystems but which has
A) more consumers species than producer species.
B) a single dominant species.
C) several dominant species in intense competition with each other.
D) no dominant species.


The greatest biodiversity would be in an ecosystem with the same number of species as other ecosystems but which has no dominant species.(D)

An ecosystem with no dominant species has a more balanced distribution of species, allowing for greater biodiversity. This is because there is no single species outcompeting others for resources, leading to more niche opportunities for various species to coexist.

In contrast, ecosystems with dominant species or intense competition among dominant species tend to suppress the growth and diversity of other species, reducing overall biodiversity. By having no dominant species, the ecosystem can support a wider range of organisms and maintain higher levels of species richness and evenness.(D)

To know more about biodiversity  click on below link:



Class I viruses, double-stranded (ds)DNA viruses, usually utilize the following polymerases for (i) mRNA synthesis and (ii) DNA replication
A. (i) viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase and (ii) viral DNA-dependent DNA polymerase
B. (i) viral DNA-dependent RNA polymerase and (ii) viral DNA-dependent DNA polymerase
C. (i) viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase and (ii) host cell DNA-dependent DNA polymerase
D. (i) host cell DNA-dependent RNA polymerase and (ii) host cell DNA-dependent DNA polymerase
E. (i) host cell RNA-dependent RNA polymerase and (ii) host cell DNA-dependent DNA polymerase


Class I viruses, double-stranded (ds)DNA viruses, usually utilize  (i) viral DNA-dependent RNA polymerase and (ii) viral DNA-dependent DNA polymerase for (i) mRNA synthesis and (ii) DNA replication. The correct answer is B.

Here's a step-by-step explanation:

1. Class I viruses are double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) viruses, meaning they have a DNA genome.

2. For mRNA synthesis, these viruses use a viral DNA-dependent RNA polymerase. This enzyme synthesizes RNA using the viral DNA as a template, allowing the production of viral mRNA for protein synthesis.

3. For DNA replication, these viruses use a viral DNA-dependent DNA polymerase. This enzyme is responsible for replicating the viral DNA, ensuring the production of new viral genomes for the assembly of new virus particles.

So, Class I viruses, or dsDNA viruses, utilize viral DNA-dependent RNA polymerase for mRNA synthesis and viral DNA-dependent DNA polymerase for DNA replication.

To know more about DNA viruses refer here:



he suffix in the term homeostasis means: similar. process. stand still. pertaining to.


The Greek term for stoppage or standing, from which the suffix -stasis derives, describes how something in stasis stands still and is in an equilibrium state. Homeostasis does not, in fact, maintain a state of absolute equilibrium within our bodies, although it does try to do so within a limited range.

The term "homeostasis," which derives from the Greek meanings for "same" and "steady," refers to any method that living organisms employ to actively preserve the comparatively stable conditions required for survival. Walter Cannon, a doctor, first used the word in 1930. Under certain constraints, homeostasis refers to the state of optimal functioning of organisms, which includes factors like fluid balance and body temperature.

To know more about Homeostasis, click here:



he suffix in the term homeostasis means: similar. process. stand still. pertaining to ______.

what is the name of the process through which microbes change their sutface molecules to avoid destructionby the host's antibodies?


The process through which microbes change their surface molecules to avoid destruction by the host's antibodies is called "antigenic variation."

What is the role of antigenic variation?

The process of antigenic variation allows the microbe to evade recognition by the host's immune system and continue invasion. The specific region of an antibody that binds to an antigen is called the "paratope," while the regions of the antibody that recognize and bind to the antigen are called the "antigen-binding regions."

The name of process through which microbes change their surface molecules to avoid destruction by the host's antibodies is called "antigenic variation." In this process, microbes alter their surface antigens, making it difficult for the host's antibodies, which have antigen-binding regions (paratopes), to recognize and neutralize them. This enables the microbes to continue invading and evading the host's immune system.

To know more about antigenic variation, visit:



which of the following is an example of horizontal transmission? choose one: a. pcr b. mitosis c. transformation d. cell division



c. Transformation


the answer is C transmission
Because someone answered this for me

the human brain is composed of various cells, including about 100 billion that are specialized to receive and transmit electrochemical signals. these specialized cells are called


The specialized cells to receive and transmit electrochemical signals in human brain are called neuron.

Neurotransmitters—chemicals that transfer information between brain cells—are sent and received by neurons. A neuron can act as a sensory neuron, motor neuron, or an interneuron, sending and receiving particular neurotransmitters, depending on where it is located.

The neurons and glia that support the neurons make up the nervous system. Neurons are specialised cells that can transmit and receive chemical and electrical signals. Similar to an electrical wire, a neuron sends signals from one location to another.

The brain and spinal cord, which are CNS organs, contain neurons. The PNS contains neurons as well as the rest of the body.

To know about neuron



The specialized cells in the human brain that are responsible for receiving and transmitting electrochemical signals are called neurons. Neurons are the fundamental building blocks of the nervous system and are specialized to transmit information throughout the body.

They are composed of various parts, including dendrites, axons, and synapses, which allow them to communicate with other neurons and form complex neural networks that underlie all aspects of human cognition and behavior.

A neuron, neurone, or nerve cell is a type of electrically excitable cell that emits electrical signals known as action potentials. In order to convey an electric signal from the presynaptic neuron to the target cell over the synaptic gap, synapses, which are specialised connections, are frequently used by neurons to communicate with other cells. All animals, with the exception of placozoa and sponges, have neurons as their primary form of nerve tissue. There are no nerve cells in non-animals like fungus and plants.

To know more about neurons click here:



flowering plants have common ancestors with other plants and plant-like organisms. the table below shows the last common ancestor shared between flowering plants and two other types of organisms. last common ancestor with flowering plants cone-producing plants 250 million years ago green algae 500 million years ago a scientist compares the amino acid sequences of a protein produced by flowering plants, a cone-producing plant, and green algae. what prediction about these sequences is supported by the data in the table? (1 point) responses the amino acid sequences for all three organisms will be identical. the amino acid sequences for all three organisms will be identical. the amino acid sequences for flowering plants and cone-producing plants will be the most similar. the amino acid sequences for flowering plants and cone-producing plants will be the most similar. the amino acid sequences for flowering plants and green algae will be the most similar. the amino acid sequences for flowering plants and green algae will be the most similar. the amino acid sequences for all three organisms will have no similarities.


Based on the information provided in the table, the prediction that is supported by the data is that the amino acid sequences for flowering plants and green algae will be the most similar.

The amino acid sequences for flowering plants and cone-producing plants will be the most similar. This prediction is supported by the data in the table, as the last common ancestor shared between flowering plants and cone-producing plants is more recent (250 million years ago) compared to the ancestor shared with green algae (500 million years ago). This suggests that flowering plants and cone-producing plants have a closer evolutionary relationship and, therefore, their amino acid sequences are more likely to be similar.

Learn more about amino acid here:



lipoproteins are water-soluble structures that transport ______ through the bloodstream.


Lipoproteins are water-soluble structures that transport lipids (such as cholesterol and triglycerides) through the bloodstream.

Lipids are hydrophobic (water-insoluble) molecules and cannot be transported in their free form in the aqueous environment of the bloodstream. To overcome this problem, lipids are combined with proteins to form lipoproteins, which are soluble in water and can be transported through the bloodstream to various parts of the body.

Lipoproteins are classified based on their size, density, and lipid and protein content, and include chylomicrons, very low-density lipoproteins (VLDL), intermediate-density lipoproteins (IDL), low-density lipoproteins (LDL), and high-density lipoproteins (HDL).

Know more about Lipids here: https://brainly.com/question/3498396


stroke volumes(SV) is equal to __ minus ___


Stroke volume (SV) is equal to end-diastolic volume (EDV) minus end-systolic volume (ESV).

Stroke volume is an important term in cardiovascular physiology, as it represents the amount of blood pumped out of the left ventricle of the heart during each contraction or systole. In other words, it measures the effectiveness of the heart in pumping blood throughout the body.

Here's a step-by-step explanation:

1. End-diastolic volume (EDV) is the volume of blood in the left ventricle at the end of diastole, or relaxation phase, just before the heart contracts.

2. End-systolic volume (ESV) is the volume of blood remaining in the left ventricle at the end of systole, or contraction phase.

3. To find stroke volume, you simply subtract end-systolic volume (ESV) from end-diastolic volume (EDV): SV = EDV - ESV.

In summary, stroke volume (SV) is determined by the difference between end-diastolic volume (EDV) and end-systolic volume (ESV), providing an indication of the heart's pumping efficiency during each cardiac cycle.

To know more about stroke volume refer here:



According to Allen Baddeley, we consciously process incoming auditory andvisual-spatial information in our ______ memory.A)implicitB)workingC)procedural


According to Allen Baddeley, we consciously process incoming auditory and visual-spatial information in our working memory.

What are verbal and auditory working memory?

The sound (phonological) system is tapped into by verbal (auditory) working memory. Students use these working memory abilities if they are required to follow a lengthy set of oral instructions. When reading, a pupil who is still decoding words significantly relies on verbal working memory.

Working memory is a more recent theory of short-term memory that includes conscious, active processing of information retrieved from long-term memory as well as incoming auditory, visual, and spatial information.  Short-term memory and working memory are similar, but working memory lasts a little bit longer and is used to manipulate information.

To learn more about working memory use:



What will likely happen if all cell cycle checkpoints stop working?
O The cell will increase its cytoplasmic content.
The cell will undergo uncontrolled cell division.
O The cell will initiate biochemical processes for cell death.
O The cell will begin to break down and lose cell volume.



Explanation:the checkpoints make sure that their is no excessive uncontrollable cell division,therefore one of the mechanisms of cancer(neoplasia) is loss of checkpoint inhibition.

Nowadays many checkpoint inhibitors are available in market and serve as therapy for many cancers.


O The cell will undergo uncontrolled cell division.


Cell cycle checkpoints are crucial mechanisms that ensure that the cell progresses through the cell cycle in a regulated and controlled manner. These checkpoints monitor the completion of specific events during the cell cycle and halt the progression of the cycle if any errors are detected. If all of these checkpoints were to stop working, the cell would not be able to regulate its progression through the cell cycle. This could lead to uncontrolled cell division, which is a hallmark of cancer. Uncontrolled cell division occurs when cells divide rapidly and uncontrollably, leading to the formation of tumors. Therefore, the loss of cell cycle checkpoints is associated with an increased risk of cancer.

the gene for red-green color blindness is recessive and x-linked. what will be the expected phenotype of the children of a color-blind woman and a man who is not color-blind?


The expected phenotype of the children of a color-blind woman and a man who is not color-blind is that all daughters will have normal color vision and all sons will be color-blind.

The expected phenotype of the children of a color-blind woman and a man who is not color-blind would depend on the genotypes of each parent. Since the gene for red-green color blindness is recessive and x-linked, the woman must have two copies of the recessive gene on her X chromosomes to be color-blind, while the man only has one X chromosome.

If the man is not color-blind and does not carry the recessive gene, then he must have an X chromosome with the dominant allele for normal color vision. Therefore, all of his daughters will inherit this dominant allele for normal color vision from him and will not be color-blind.

However, all of his sons will inherit his Y chromosome and his X chromosome with the recessive allele for color blindness from the woman. As a result, all of his sons will be color-blind. So, the expected phenotype of the children of a color-blind woman and a man who is not color-blind is that all daughters will have normal color vision and all sons will be color-blind.

Learn more about phenotype and genotype here: https://brainly.com/question/902712


The expected phenotype of the children of a color-blind woman and a man who is not color-blind will either be carriers for the color blindness gene (if the man is homozygous dominant) or have a 50% chance of being carriers (if the man is heterozygous). None of their offspring will be color-blind since they did not inherit the recessive gene from both parents.

If the gene for red-green color blindness is recessive and x-linked, then the expected phenotype of the children of a color-blind woman and a man who is not color-blind will depend on the genotypes of both parents.

The woman must be homozygous recessive for the color blindness gene (bb) since she is color-blind. The man, who is not color-blind, can either be homozygous dominant (BB) or heterozygous (Bb) for the gene.

If the man is homozygous dominant (BB), then all of their offspring will be carriers for the color blindness gene but will not express the phenotype.

If the man is heterozygous (Bb), then there is a 50% chance that their offspring will inherit the color blindness gene from the mother and a 50% chance that they will inherit a normal vision gene from the father.

Therefore, the expected phenotype of the children of a color-blind woman and a man who is not color-blind will either be carriers for the color blindness gene (if the man is homozygous dominant) or have a 50% chance of being carriers (if the man is heterozygous). None of their offspring will be color-blind since they did not inherit the recessive gene from both parents.
The expected phenotypes of the children of a color-blind woman (XcXc) and a man who is not color-blind (XCY) would be as follows:

1. All daughters will be carriers of the color-blind gene (XcX).
2. All sons will be color-blind (XcY).

This is because the mother will always pass on one of her recessive Xc alleles, and the father will pass on either an X or Y chromosome, determining the child's sex and phenotype.

Learn more about phenotype here:-



what happens if an organelle stops working
A. the cell will probably die
B. the cell will grow a new organelle
C. a neighboring cell will transfer a functioning organelle to replace the one that is not working


Answer: C: a neighboring cell will transfer a functioning organelle to replace the one that is not working


Because When cells become damaged or die the body makes new cells to replace them. One cell doubles by dividing into two Over time, cells age and become damaged, so your body's cells are constantly replicating, creating their own replacements. Toxic damage to cells can cause individual cell death and if sufficient cells are lost.

Malpractice insurance coverage is especially important for ______. all health professionals. Medical malpractice insurance is affected by ______.


Malpractice insurance coverage is especially important for healthcare professionals.

Medical malpractice insurance is affected by type pf health care.

A variety of factors  impact medical malpractice insurance, including the type of healthcare provider, their  thing, and the  position and size of their practise. The number of claims filed against the healthcare  guru, as well as the  inflexibility of those claims, can also impact malpractice insurance  decorations.  

Other factors that might  impact the cost and content of malpractice insurance include the healthcare professional's degree of  moxie and training, their track record of patient care and safety, and the general  threat profile of their practise.   Overall, medical malpractice insurance is a  pivotal tool for healthcare  interpreters to use in  guarding themselves and their cases from possible injury and  fiscal losses caused by medical  miscalculations or misconduct.

Learn more about malpractice health care at



Malpractice insurance coverage is especially important for all health professionals.

This type of insurance protects healthcare providers from legal action in case they are sued by a patient for medical negligence or errors. Medical malpractice insurance is affected by several factors, including the type of healthcare service provided, the location of the practice, the number of patients served, and the healthcare provider's experience and track record. The premium rates for malpractice insurance may vary based on these factors, but it is essential for all health professionals to have this coverage to protect their practice and reputation.

To know more about Malpractice insurance click here:



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