Mark reeds 42 pages of a book every 3/4 of an hour write an equation that models the relationship between Z, the number of hours mark reads, NY, the number of pages of the book He reads


Answer 1


The equation that models the relationship between Z and N is N = 56 Z

Step-by-step explanation:

The form of the linear equation is y = m x + b, where

m is the rate ⇒ slopeb is the initial amount ⇒ y-intercept

∵ Mark reads 42 pages of a book every [tex]\frac{3}{4}[/tex] of an hour

→ Find his rate per hour by dividing the number of pages by its time

His rate of reading = 42 ÷  [tex]\frac{3}{4}[/tex] = 42 ×  [tex]\frac{4}{3}[/tex] = 56 pages per hour

∵ His rate = 56 pages/hour

m = 56

Z represents the number of hours Mark reads

→ That means replace x in the form of the equation above with Z

N represents the number of pages of the book he reads

→ That means replace y in the form of the equation above with N

∴ N = 56 Z + b

There is no initial amount of reading

b = 0

N = 56 Z

The equation that models the relationship between Z and N is N = 56 Z

Related Questions

you want new jeans and there is a sale this week where they are marked down 30%. what is your final cost if the original price is $50?


Answer: 15 dollars

Step-by-step explanation:

0.3 * 50

4y + 19 = x
3y - x= -13



Do you need a step by step explaination on hiw to get the answer x= -13?

Is this statement always true, sometimes true, or never true: Whole numbers are integers.
1. Always True
2. Sometimes True
3. Never True


Answer: Always true

Step-by-step explanation:

Whole numbers including 0 are always integers

Find the difference in lowest term 7/18 - 3/18




Step-by-step explanation:

4/18 and that can be reduced by dividing both (denominator and numerator) by 2 which leaves you with 2/9

Hope that helps and have a great day!

find the trig value (with work)


Answer: B (4/5)

Step-by-step explanation:


T = opposite/hypotenuse

Opposite = 32

Hypotenuse = 40

Simplify 32/40 = 4/5

Jeffrey thinks that the largest place value that 8.21 and 19.5 have in common is the tens place Austin thinks that the largest place value they have in common is the ones place



Austin is correct.

Step-by-step explanation:

19.5 has a tens, ones, and tenths place. 8.21 has a ones, tenths, and hundredths place.


Neither are correct.

Step-by-step explanation:


Tens Place - 0

Ones Place - 8

Tenths Place - 2

Hundredths Place - 1


Tens Place - 1

Ones Place - 9

Tenths Place - 5

Hundredths Place - 0

None of the places are in common, so neither Jeffery nor Austin is correct.



the answer is yea yea yea yea yea

A bakery offers a sale of 3.50 for 6 muffins what’s is the price per dozen


six muffins is half of a dozen. And if it costs $3.50 for half a dozen you multiply 3.50 by two
3.50 x 2 = 7

Dave owns Dave's Donut Shop and must make decisions about how much to charge for donuts. As a businessowner he wants to attract a lot of customers as well as make a lot of money (revenue). The amount of revenue Dave makes can be modeled by the equation R = (p-1)(200 - 40p), where p represents the price of one donut and R represents the total revenue. Use as many strategies as you can to figure out the questions below. 0 At what price will Dave break even (make no revenue)? How much should Dave charge to maximize his revenue? What is the most money Dave can make? Dave made $100 from donut sales. How much must he have charged per donut?​




Step-by-step explanation:

The revenue is the amount of money generated by an organization from sales or services made in a specific time. The conclusion from the computation made are:

The break even price is at $1 and $5To maximize his revenue, he as to charge $3The most money he can make is $160He charged $4.225 or $1.775 to make $100.

Given that:

[tex]R = (p - 1)(200 - 40p)[/tex]

To calculate the break even, we set R to 0.

So, we have:

[tex](p - 1)(200 - 40p) =0[/tex]


[tex]p - 1 = 0[/tex] or [tex]200 - 40p = 0[/tex]

Solve for p

[tex]p = 1[/tex] or [tex]40p = 200[/tex]

Divide by 40 in the second equation

[tex]p=1[/tex] or [tex]p =5[/tex]

The break even price is at $1 and $5

To maximize his revenue, we have:

[tex]R = (p - 1)(200 - 40p)[/tex]

Open bracket

[tex]R = 200p - 200 - 40p^2 + 40p[/tex]

Rewrite as:

[tex]R = - 40p^2+ 200p + 40p- 200[/tex]

[tex]R = - 40p^2+ 240p- 200[/tex]


[tex]R' = -80p + 240[/tex]

Equate to 0 and solve for p

[tex]-80p + 240=0[/tex]

[tex]-80p =- 240[/tex]

Divide by -80

[tex]p = 3[/tex]

To maximize his revenue, he as to charge $3

The most money he can make is calculated as:

[tex]R = (p - 1)(200 - 40p)[/tex]

Substitute [tex]p = 3[/tex]

[tex]R = (3 - 1)(200 - 40 \times 3)[/tex]

[tex]R = (3 - 1)(200 - 120)[/tex]

[tex]R = 160[/tex]

The most money he can make is $160

The charges he sold when he made $100 is:

[tex]R = - 40p^2+ 240p- 200[/tex]

Substitute 100 for R

[tex]- 40p^2+ 240p- 200=100[/tex]

Collect like terms

[tex]- 40p^2+ 240p- 200-100=0[/tex]

[tex]- 40p^2+ 240p- 300=0[/tex]

Divide through by -20

[tex]2p^2- 12p+ 15=0[/tex]

Using quadratic formula, the solution of p is:

[tex]p = \frac{-b \± \sqrt{b^2 - 4ac} }{2a}[/tex]

So, we have:

[tex]p = \frac{-(-12) \± \sqrt{(-12)^2 - 4\times 2 \times 15} }{2 \times 2}[/tex]

[tex]p = \frac{12 \± \sqrt{24} }{4}[/tex]

[tex]p = \frac{12 \± 4.90 }{4}[/tex]


[tex]p = \frac{12 + 4.90 }{4}\ or p = \frac{12 - 4.90 }{4}[/tex]

[tex]p = \frac{16.90 }{4}\ or\ p = \frac{7.1 }{4}[/tex]

[tex]p = 4.225\ or\ p = 1.775[/tex]

He charged $4.225 or $1.775 to make $100.

Read more about revenue and price at:

Statements about regression
Which of the following are true about regression with one predictor variable (often called "simple regression")?
A. The total squared error divided by its degrees of freedom is the square of the standard error of estimate
B. The standardized regression coefficient, beta, has the same value as r, the estimated correlation
C. After conducting a hypothesis test to test that the slope of the regression equation is nonzero, you can conclude that your predictor variable, X, causes Y



Follows are the solution to this question:

Step-by-step explanation:

It is true because the square of the standard error of its estimate was its total square error divided only by the degree of freedom.  It is true because Its coefficient with Standardized Regression, beta, will have the same value as r, the approximate similarity.  It is false because Its slope b, of its equation of regression, will have the same value as r, the projected correlation.

I need to find the missing angles of this triangle



it is 90 degrees

Step-by-step explanation:

All you have to do is add the sides that you know and triangles total is 180 so add 32+58 and u get 90 degrees then u will have to subtract 180 from 90 and it equals 90 which is your missing angle

Can someone please help me on this ​


The answer is 9 songs

Multiply. Write your answer as a fraction in simplest form.

Please help and by the way the question is 6 x 3 over 22 (fraction)


the answer is 18 !!!!!!!!!



Step-by-step explanation:

(6 × 3)/22

18/22 = 9/11

A store has 2 times as hooded sweatshirt as crewneck sweatshirts. The total number of sweatshirts is 36. How many hooded sweatshirts does the store have?​



Answer below

Step-by-step explanation:

It would be 36×2=72

since we're doubl8ng it so there would be 72 hooded sweatshirts


24 Hooded Sweatshirts

Step-by-step explanation:


2x12=24 or hooded sweatshirts

1x12=12 or crewneck sweatshirts

12+24=36 total sweatshirts :)

What is 4/5 divided 1/3


The answer would be 2.4, or in fraction form 12/5. Please mark brainliest <3

Factorise fully
14x – 8​




Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:

Factor out the gratest common divisor of the coefficients of 14x - 8

The company is interested in which confidence intervals associated with 1 (very satisfied) contain the proportion 0.25, or 25%. Determine which confidence levels satisfy this. (Select all that apply.)


Hi, you've asked an incomplete question. However, I provided a brief explanation about confidence interval and confidence level.


The term confidence interval and confidence level are not the same but they are related. Confidence interval refers to a range of values that makes up part of the statistic's mean data which contains an unknown population parameter.

However, the Confidence level is the level of certainty that the confidence interval would contain the true population parameter if a random sample is drawn.

need help again!!! please and thank you!



C) 4

Step-by-step explanation:

Just follow the same steps as the last one.

32x+2 = 33x-2




It’s c :) gbehenehddbdbhe

1. Michael deposited $500 in his bank account that pays 4% semi-annual compounded interest. If he does not touch the money for 5 years, how much money will be in the account?​




Step-by-step explanation:

A = P(1 + r/n)^nt

   = 500(1 + [tex]\frac{.04}{2}[/tex])^2(5)

   = 500(1.02)¹⁰

    = 500(1.218994)

    = 609.497

Round answer up to $609.50

An airplane maintaining a constant airspeed takes as long to travel 925 mi with wind as it does to travel 775 mi against the wind. If the wind is blowing at 15 mph, what is the rate of the plane in still air


9514 1404 393


  170 mph

Step-by-step explanation:

The speed of the airplane can be represented by s. The travel time will be ...

  time = distance/speed

  925/(s +15) = 775/(s -15)

  925(s -15) = 775(s +15)

  150s = 25500 . . . . . . . . . add 13875-775s

  s = 170

The rate of the plane in still air is 170 mph.

A large hamburger (e.g., Whopper®) sandwich contains 628 kcal and 36 grams of fat. Approximately what percentage of the total energy is contributed by fat?



Step-by-step explanation:

Total energy of the sandwich = 628kcal

Mass of fat contained = 36grams

Convert gram to kcal

1gram = 9kcal

36 grams = x

x = 36×9

x = 324kcal

Hence the fat contains 324kcal

%fat contained = fat(in kcal)/total calorie × 100%

%fat contained = 324/628 × 100%

%fat contained = 1/2 × 100%

%fat contained = 50%

Hence approximately 50% of the total energy is contributed by fat.

In the population served by the New York Blood Center, 45% have blood type O. Consider the next 15 blood donations to the center from unrelated individuals. (a) What is the probability that exactly three have blood type O? (Enter your answer rounded to four decimal places.)




Step-by-step explanation:

Prob (Bld grp) ~ Bin (N, P)

N = 15, P = Prob of success ie 'O' blood type = 0.45

P (BG = 0) for 3 people = (N c X) P^X .  (1-P)^N-X

As X = 3. So Prob = (15 c 3) (0.45)^3 (0.55)^12

= 455 (0.091125) (0.0007662)

= 0.03177  

a. The  probability that exactly three have blood type O is 0.03177

Calculation of the probability:


Prob (Bld grp) ~ Bin (N, P)


N = 15,

P = Prob of success ie 'O' blood type = 0.45


P (BG = 0) for 3 people = (N c X) P^X .  (1-P)^N-X


As X = 3. So Prob = (15 c 3) (0.45)^3 (0.55)^12

= 455 (0.091125) (0.0007662)

= 0.03177  

hence, The  probability that exactly three have blood type O is 0.03177

Learn more about probability here:

What is 1/2÷3 as a fraction?


Answer: 1/6

Step-by-step explanation:

1/2 divided by 3/1 turns into 1/2 x 1/3 and when multiplying numerators and denominators with each other, you get 1/6.

Gustavo noticed that when a pair of parallel lines was cut by a transversal, a certain pair of
adiacent angles formed a straight line. What can he conclude from this observation? Select one
that applies.



The two angles are supplementary

Step-by-step explanation:

Not sure if this is an option, but it would make sense with the question

The sum of the adjacent angles is 180° which means the adjacent angle will be supplementary angles.

What is an angle?

The inclination is the separation seen between planes or vectors that meet. Degrees are another way to indicate the slope. For a full rotation, the angle is 360 °.

Supplementary angle - Two angles are said to be supplementary angles if their sum is 180 degrees.

Adjacent angle - In math, two points are nearby in the event that they have a typical side and a typical vertex.

Gustavo saw that when a couple of equal lines were cut by a cross-over, a specific set of nearby points shaped a straight line.

The sum of the adjacent angles is 180° which means the adjacent angle will be supplementary angles.

The diagram is given below.

More about the angled link is given below.


If the absolute value of x is 4, what is the value of x?

A) -16 or 16
B) -4
C) -4 or 4
D) 4


X = -4 or 4. :)))))))

the correct answer is option C) - 4 or 4.

If the absolute value of x is 4,

| x | = 4

it means that x can be either positive or negative, but its distance from zero is 4 units.

This indicates that x can be 4 units to the right of zero or 4 units to the left of zero.

x = ± 4

Therefore, the possible values of x are - 4 and 4.

Thus, the correct answer is option C) - 4 or 4.

Both - 4 and 4 have an absolute value of 4, fulfilling the condition specified in the problem statement.

Learn more about absolute value here


during a sale, 20 cent bars of soap were sold at the rate of 3 for 50 cents. how much is saved on 9 bars?



30 is saved

Step-by-step explanation:

20 x 3 = 60 - 50 = 10, you get 10 three times because of 9 / 3 = 3 you get 10 x 3 = 30

The approximate z-score that corresponds to a right tail area of 0.45 is?​


Answer: 0.1257

Step-by-step explanation:

Let [tex]z_0[/tex] be the z-score that corresponds to a right tail area of 0.45.

We need to find [tex]z_0[/tex] such that [tex]P(z>z_0)=0.45[/tex]

From the z-score table, z-value corresponds for area of 0.45 is 0.1257.

That means  [tex]z_0=0.1257[/tex]

Hence, the approximate z-score that corresponds to a right tail area of 0.45 is 0.1257 .

Typically, your car gets 32 mpg on the highway, how many gallons of gas did you use if you
traveled 1760 miles?



13 gallons

Step-by-step explanation:

13 gallons that e answer

List all subsets of the given set.
B = {Lennon, McCartney}
O {}, {Lennon}, {McCartney}
O {}, {Lennon}, {McCartney}, {Lennon, McCartney}
{}, {McCartney}, {Lennon, McCartney}
{ }, {Lennon}, {Lennon, McCartney}
{Lennon}, {McCartney}, {Lennon, McCartney}

please help!



O {}, {Lennon}, {McCartney}, {Lennon, McCartney}

Step-by-step explanation:

Both the empty set and the total set are subsets of the given set.

Hence there are 4 subsets.


O {}, {Lennon}, {McCartney}, {Lennon, McCartney}

Step-by-step explanation:

does the surface in contact with ground affect the going motion of the car ?why?​



Yes, it does. The ground is bumpy and it creates friction acting against the car's motion.

(you can include my example too depending on what your teacher is looking for)

Step-by-step explanation:

This is a fun one! Think about a ball rolling on a smooth surface, now on a bumpy sandpapery one. Which one do you think is faster? The smooth surface! This is because of this friction of the sandpaper which slows down the ball. On the other hand, the smooth one has very little friction. The same applies to cars.

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