Answer: Who are you role-playing as? What is your character that you're role-playing doing? Where will the character you're role-playing stand on the stage? When will you say your lines? Why will your character act how they act? How is your character going to solve the situation they are in? Do you need help with solving the situation?
Did you correctly fix the situation? Can you say out one of your lines? Is there any type of person your character is related to? Are you going to be given a reward for solving the solution?
Need help plz help me
a: Who are called historic personalities? Why
they called so?
[tex]{\underline{{\textsf{\textbf{Historical Personalities : }}}}}[/tex]
A historical figure is a famous person in history, such as Catherine the Great, Abraham Lincoln, Robert the Bruce, Henry VIII, George Washington, Robert E. Lee, Louis XIV, John F. The concept is generally used in the sense that the person really existed in the past, as opposed to being legendary
How would you best rewrite the sentence?
Él dio una galleta a nosotros.
El dio una galleta a nos.
Él nos dio una galleta.
TU nos diste una galleta
Nosotros le dimos una