In which government is a leader chosen by the people?


Answer 1

Democratic Governments- You now comprehend that the fundamental feature of a democracy is that the human beings have the electricity to elect their leaders. So in a feel a democracy is rule through the people.

Who pick a government?

People and their Representatives

How does the person provide approval to the government? One way of doing so, as you read, is thru elections. People would pick their representatives to the Parliament, then, one crew from amongst these elected representatives forms the government.

Various things a government does for the welfare of the citizens. - It makes legal guidelines for the citizens of the country. - It keeps in take a look at the prices of the quintessential goods and services. - It supervises postal and railway services.

Learn more about government here:

Related Questions

The youngest sea floor is typically found ______. a. along passive margins b. along active margins c. along mid-ocean ridges d. randomly within abyssal plains.


The youngest sea floor is typically found along mid-ocean ridges. The correct option is C.

Mid-ocean ridges are underwater mountain ranges that run through the middle of the world's oceans. They are formed by tectonic activity, where plates in the Earth's crust move apart and magma rises up to fill the gap, creating new oceanic crust.

As a result, the sea floor is spreading apart at mid-ocean ridges, and new crust is continuously being formed. The process of sea floor spreading means that the youngest sea floor is found at mid-ocean ridges, where new crust is being formed.

The correct option is C.

To know more about ridges, click here.


The conditions described in the excerpt are most likely a result of the legacy of


The conditions that are described in the excerpt are most likely the result of South Africa's legacy of racist policies.

What were South Africa's racial policies?

The fact of the matter is that apartheid left a legacy of police brutality and violence against Black bodies today. Apartheid's architects were so successful in putting in place a system of institutional oppression that, even though it ended nearly 26 years ago, it still has a strong hold on South African justice institutions.

For many Black South Africans, the German Shepherd, a dog used in police departments all over the world, is still a symbol of the Apartheid regime. Its descendants continue to be an important part of the police force and are synonymous with racism enforcement. What's more, similar to the actual police, previously white and presently transcendently dark, these canines are as yet prepared to go after Dark bodies.

To learn more about Apartheid visit :


Complete question -

Excerpt :Since colonialism, police brutality has been a part of the South African experience. Notorious episodes, for example, the shootings which brought about the demise of younger students during the Soweto Uprising of 1976 and the ruthless police attacks that prompted the passing of Steve Biko because of cerebrum wounds, feature the South African security powers' part in the long history of viciousness against Dark bodies. As the struggle for democracy is commemorated during Human Rights Month in South Africa, this is a time to consider the lingering effects on the country's policing.

The conditions described in the excerpt are most likely a result of the legacy of ____ .

two of the main features of traditional understandings of caste that he discusses are: occupation and endogamy (being a member of a closed group). of these, which is no longer a main feature of caste distinction in contemporary india and why?


Occupation is no longer a main feature of caste distinction in contemporary India because due to the reservation pattern, many lower castes are taking higher positions in the administration.

With social duties like one's profession becoming "hereditary," the caste system in India is a complicated social framework that restricts social mobility and creates hierarchies of fixed status. A hereditary endogamous group is referred to as a caste if they share a common name, a shared traditional occupation, and a common culture, are relatively immobile, have distinguishing status, and form a single homogenous society.

Hinduism in India is primarily linked to the caste distinction, which has ruled Hindu society for thousands of years. Members of a specific caste are only permitted to marry other members of that caste. Intercaste unions are not permitted. However, inter-caste marriage is a common occurrence in urban areas.

To learn more about the caste system in India, click at:


The term degradation ceremony was coined by sociologist ________.Harold GarfinkelErving GoffmanTalcott ParsonsHerbert Spencer


The term "degradation ceremony" was coined by sociologist Harold Garfinkel. Degradation ceremonies are social events or rituals in which an individual's status or identity is publicly lowered or demeaned. These ceremonies often involve criticism, humiliation, or punishment, and can be found in various forms within different societies and institutions.

Garfinkel's concept is closely related to the work of other sociologists, such as Erving Goffman, who focused on the presentation of self in everyday life and the concept of "face." Talcott Parsons, another prominent sociologist, contributed to the understanding of social systems and the role of norms and values in society. Meanwhile, Herbert Spencer's ideas revolved around social evolution and the survival of the fittest.

In a degradation ceremony, the targeted individual's social identity is challenged or attacked, often resulting in a loss of status or respect. The ceremony may involve a formal accusation or charge, followed by a verdict or judgment, and finally, punishment or sanction. These events can occur in various settings, such as courts, schools, or workplaces.

Overall, degradation ceremonies serve to reinforce societal norms and values by demonstrating the consequences of violating them. By understanding the concept of degradation ceremonies, we can better comprehend how societies maintain social order and control through the enforcement of norms and the consequences of deviance.

To know more about degradation ceremony refer here:


Who is more powerful, the governor or the lieutenant governor?

(1) an introduction that states your argument/thesis on the question or topic, (2) a body paragraph that supports your thesis statement (reasoning and evidence go here), and (3) a concluding paragraph that sums up your entry by explaining how your evidence and reasoning leads one to accept your argument. Must be at least 250 words but no more than 350 words.


In comparison to the lieutenant governor, the governor seems to be more powerful. This judgement is supported by a number of elements. Initially, the governor is in charge of the state's executive arm of government.

What is the difference between  the governor or the lieutenant governor?

This implies that they are in a position to exert greater influence and control over state management than the governor. In addition to overseeing the state's budget including supervising the activities of state agencies, the governor is in charge of putting state laws into effect and enforcing them. On the other hand, a governor and state legislature frequently simply assign the lieutenant governor particular tasks or confine them to a ceremonial function. Second, a governor has the authority to reject state legislature-passed law.

To know more about lieutenant governor visit:


explain what a conditioned reinforcer (also called a bridging stimulus) is and give an example of one?


A conditioned reinforcer, also known as a bridging stimulus, is a type of reinforcement that is associated with a primary reinforcer through classical conditioning.

A primary reinforcer is something that is inherently rewarding, such as food, water, or warmth, while a conditioned reinforcer is something that has been previously associated with a primary reinforcer and has now acquired its own reinforcing properties.

For example, a clicker used in dog training can be a conditioned reinforcer. The sound of the clicker itself does not have any inherent value to the dog, but when it is paired with a primary reinforcer like a treat, the dog learns to associate the clicker with the reward. Over time, the clicker becomes a conditioned reinforcer and can be used to reinforce desired behaviors without the need for a primary reinforcer every time.

Learn more about conditioned reinforcer


A conditioned reinforcer, also known as a bridging stimulus, is a stimulus that gains its reinforcing properties through its association with a primary reinforcer. In other words, it is a stimulus that has been paired with a reinforcer and, as a result, has acquired the ability to reinforce behavior on its own.

For example, imagine a dog who loves to play fetch. Every time the dog successfully fetches the ball, the owner gives the dog a treat. Over time, the dog learns that the sound of the clicker that the owner uses to mark the successful fetch predicts the delivery of the treat. As a result, the sound of the clicker becomes a conditioned reinforcer - it has been paired with the primary reinforcer (the treat) and can now reinforce behavior on its own. So, even if the owner forgets to give the treat, the sound of the clicker alone is enough to reinforce the dog's successful fetch.

Learn more about reinforcer  here:


a mixed-methods study that collects qualitative data first to explore the topic, and then quantitative data is collected to measure variables indicated by qualitative data is an example of a/an:


A mixed-methods study that collects qualitative data first to explore the topic, followed by quantitative data collection to measure variables indicated by qualitative data. This type of research approach is called an: Explanatory Sequential Design.

In an Explanatory Sequential Design, the research process is carried out in two distinct phases:

1. Qualitative data collection: In the first phase, researchers gather in-depth information about the research topic through qualitative methods such as interviews, focus groups, or observations. This step helps them gain a deeper understanding of the topic, identify patterns, and explore various perspectives.

2. Quantitative data collection: After analyzing the qualitative data and identifying the key variables, researchers move on to the second phase, which involves collecting quantitative data. This data is typically collected using surveys, questionnaires, or other numerical measurement tools.

The purpose of this phase is to measure the relationships between the variables identified in the qualitative phase and to generalize the findings to a larger population.

The Explanatory Sequential Design is particularly useful in situations where researchers want to explore complex phenomena, test specific hypotheses, or develop a better understanding of the relationships between various factors.

By combining both qualitative and quantitative data, this design provides a more comprehensive and accurate picture of the research topic.

To know more about quantitative data, refer here:


voter behavior that evaluates candidates based on forecasts of their future political behavior is known as


The voter behavior that evaluates candidates based on forecasts of their future political behavior is known as prospective voting.

What is prospective voting?

This type of voting involves analyzing a candidate's past behavior and policy positions to predict how they will behave in the future if elected. Prospective voters consider the candidate's potential impact on the economy, national security, social issues, and other policy areas.

This approach contrasts with retrospective voting, which evaluates candidates based on their past performance and actions while in office.

This approach allows voters to choose candidates who they believe will best represent their interests and values in the future.

To know more about retrospective visit:


elisa is the kind of person that workers are drawn to. when she speaks, people are engaged.


Elisa is the kind of person that workers are drawn to. When she speaks, people are engaged because of her effective communication and leadership skills.

It seems that Elisa has a strong ability to connect with others and communicate effectively. Her interpersonal skills and charisma may make her a natural leader or team player. It's important for workplaces to have individuals like Elisa who can create a positive and engaging environment for everyone involved. Effective leaders are able to motivate their team, effectively communicate, manage and delegate tasks, solicit feedback, and solve issues in a dynamic work environment. You must have the ability to briefly and effectively explain to your team members everything, from overall organisational goals to individual duties.

Learn more about leadership skills here:


Communication is defined as "the transmission of information and meaning from one individual or group to another. " the crucial element of this definition is

a. Transmission.

b. Information.

c. Meaning.

d. Individual


The crucial element of the definition of communication is "meaning." Communication involves the sharing of meaning between individuals or groups.

Option C is correct

Individuals or groups are the parties involved in the communication, while transmission is the act of sending the message and information is the message's content. However, the most crucial component of communication is that the sender and the receiver share the same understanding of the message being transmitted. Effective communication is dependent on shared understanding.

Option C is correct

To know more about primitive stage here


even though subliminal messages are effective, they have been banned because they are unethical.


These are subliminal messages that are put into advertisements addressed to a target audience to sway their unconscious decisions. In cartoons, ads, music videos, and even movies, subliminal messages can be seen. Hence it is false.

Such advertising is frequently regarded as immoral and, in some cases, is even illegal. The government of the United States does not specifically forbid subliminal communications. This topic is handled by the media, which also studies the public impact. Subliminal communications are allowed, however according to several guidelines they cannot be deceptive.

To know more about subliminal, click here:


even though subliminal messages are effective, they have been banned because they are unethical. True or false

Subliminal messages are indeed effective in influencing people's behavior and attitudes, but they have been banned because they are considered unethical.

Subliminal messages are designed to be below the threshold of conscious awareness, meaning that people are not aware of the message they are receiving. This lack of awareness gives the message sender an unfair advantage, as they can manipulate people without their knowledge or consent.

Moreover, subliminal messages can be used to promote harmful or deceptive ideas, which can have serious consequences. Therefore, while subliminal messages may be effective, their use has been deemed unethical and has been banned in many contexts.
Subliminal messages, which are stimuli presented below the threshold of conscious awareness, have been deemed effective in influencing thoughts and behavior. However, they have been banned in many places due to ethical concerns. The use of subliminal messages can manipulate individuals without their consent or knowledge, which violates the principle of informed choice and autonomy. This unethical approach to persuasion has led to the prohibition of subliminal messages in advertising and other media.

To know more about Subliminal messages, click here:


the office where megan works has an onsite child care facility, which allows megan to visit her children on her lunch break and attend special programs that are put on by the children. this is an example of a


This is an example of a workplace that values work-life balance and recognizes the importance of supporting working parents.

You spend over a third of your life at work. Naturally, if your employee is comfortable and happy at work, it will show in his general character and development as a person. The effects of a positive work environment go far beyond boosted output and contented workers.

The onsite child care facility not only provides convenience for Megan but also allows her to stay involved in her children's activities and development through attending special programs. Overall, this benefits both the employee and the children by promoting a positive work environment and supporting family needs.

To learn more about Workplace, click here:


Which of the following represents the legal ability to enter into a binding agreement?
A. Majority.
B. Emancipation.
C. Contractual knowledge.
D. Contractual capacity.
E. Informed consent


The legal ability to enter into a binding agreement is represented by contractual capacity, which includes both contractual knowledge and informed consent.

Contractual capacity is the ability to understand the terms of a contract and the consequences of entering into it, as well as the ability to make a voluntary and informed decision to enter into the contract.

This requires a certain level of maturity and mental competence, which is why minors and individuals with certain mental disabilities may lack contractual capacity.

Emancipation, which is the legal process of gaining independence from one's parents or guardians, may grant a minor contractual capacity.

The most common way to obtain contractual capacity is through reaching the age of majority, which is the legal age at which one is considered an adult and is able to enter into binding agreements.

To know more about contractual capacity refer here:


are all countries affected by environmental issues the same way?


no not all countries are effected by environmental issues the same way.

according to tuckman, the stage of team development in which the team finally becomes cohesive is


The stage of team development in which the team finally becomes cohesive, according to Tuckman's model, is the "Norming" stage.

Tuckman's model of team development proposes that teams go through several stages: Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing.

In the Norming stage, team members begin to establish a sense of cohesion and develop norms, values, and shared expectations for behavior within the team.

During this stage, team members typically start to work more collaboratively, resolve conflicts, and build mutual trust and respect.

The Norming stage is characterized by increased cooperation, communication, and camaraderie among team members.

It is an important stage in the team's development as it sets the foundation for the team to move towards high performance in the Performing stage.

To know more about Norming stage, refer here:


where an arrest was based on probable cause, a search incident to this arrest is allowable provided by the supreme court in:


The Supreme Court case that established the rule that a search incident to an arrest is allowable where the arrest was based on probable cause is Chimel v. California (1969).

In this case, the Court held that police officers may search the area within the immediate control of the suspect (i.e., the area within their reach or where they might grab a weapon) at the time of the arrest without a warrant. This is known as a search incident to an arrest and is considered a well-established exception to the warrant requirement for searches under the Fourth Amendment.

To know more about   warrant   here


a speaker can build rapport with audience members by making the message relevant to their interests and attitudes, and by being direct in the delivery of the speech. true or false?


A speaker can build rapport with their audience members by making the message relevant to their interests and attitudes, and by being direct in the delivery of the speech. Given statement is  True.

When the audience feels that the speaker understands and cares about their interests and concerns, they are more likely to be engaged and receptive to the message being presented. Similarly, a direct delivery style can help to establish trust and authenticity, which can also contribute to building rapport with the audience. When the speaker takes into account the audience's interests and concerns, and speaks to them in a direct and engaging manner, it can help to establish a connection with the audience and increase their engagement with the message. This can lead to a more successful speech overall.

Learn more about “ audience members “ visit here;


when interviewing test takers who had an achievement test on three different occasions, participants reported that they had remembered some of the answers from the previous test administration. this is known as:


Answer:to help them


When interviewing test takers who had an achievement test on three different occasions, participants reported that they had remembered some of the answers from the previous test administration. This is known as carryover effect. Option A is the correct answer.

The carryover effect refers to the influence of previous experiences or conditions on subsequent performance or behavior. In the context of the question, it specifically refers to test takers remembering some of the answers from previous test administrations and potentially using that information to improve their performance on subsequent tests. Option A is the correct answer.

The question mentions that test takers were interviewed after three different test administrations. During these interviews, participants reported that they remembered some of the answers from previous tests, indicating the presence of the carryover effect. Test takers' ability to recall and retain answers from previous tests is an example of the carryover effect. This could be due to a variety of factors, such as the use of similar questions or concepts across different test administrations, or the test takers' deliberate effort to remember correct answers.

Learn more about Carryover Effect here:


The complete question is, "When interviewing test takers who had an achievement test on three different occasions, participants reported that they had remembered some of the answers from the previous test administration. This is known as:

a. carryover effect

b. time sampling error

c. content sampling error

d. interrater differences"

why was the suburban housewife the dream?


The idea of the suburban housewife as the "dream" emerged in the United States in the post-World War II era, during a time of significant social and economic change. After the war, many soldiers returned home and started families, and the country experienced a period of economic growth and prosperity. This created a new middle class, and many families moved out of the cities and into newly-developed suburban areas.

The suburban housewife was seen as the ideal for several reasons. First, the postwar economy created a new consumer culture, and the housewife was seen as the primary consumer in the household, responsible for making purchasing decisions and creating a comfortable home for her family. Second, the suburban lifestyle was seen as a way to escape the problems and challenges of the city, such as crime, pollution, and overcrowding. The suburban housewife was seen as a symbol of this idealized lifestyle, which offered a safe and comfortable environment for families.

However, it's important to note that this idealized image of the suburban housewife was not universally shared, and many women and feminists criticized it as limiting and oppressive. The image of the suburban housewife as the dream was based on traditional gender roles and placed women in a domestic sphere, while excluding them from many other areas of society. Over time, many women have challenged this image and worked to expand their roles and opportunities beyond the home.

a set of ideas that explain or justify some aspect of social reality is called _____.


A set of ideas that explain or justify some aspect of social reality is called a social theory.

Social theories are frameworks for understanding how society works and why people behave the way they do. They provide explanations for social phenomena, such as inequality, power, and social change, and offer insights into how societies are structured and function.

Social theories are developed by scholars in various fields, including sociology, anthropology, political science, and economics, among others. They can be used to inform research, policy, and practice, and are continually evolving as new ideas and evidence emerge.

To know more about social reality, click here.


southern women who lived on farms of modest size regularly engaged in which activities? multiple select question. volunteering for local civic projects overseeing enslaved people working in the family store spinning and w


Southern women lived on farms of modest size regularly engaged the family store spinning It is true that those who regularly engage in physical activity live longer than those who do not.

Volunteering for local civic projects any skeletal muscle-created, voluntarily performed movement that requires the expenditure of energy is defined as physical activity.

All actions, no matter how intense, carried out at any hour of the day or night are considered to be physical exercise. It incorporates every workout and unplanned activity incorporated into a day's schedule. Physical inactivity will harm your bones and muscles, affect your cognitive health, make it harder to control your weight, raise your risk of illness, and make it harder to perform daily tasks. Adults who spend less time sitting and engage in any amount of rigorous physical activity enjoy certain health benefits.

Complete question:

southern women who lived on farms of modest size regularly engaged in which activities? multiple select question. volunteering for local civic projects overseeing enslaved people working in the family store spinning and People who regularly engage in physical activity live longer on average than those who are physically inactive.

To know more about Physical activity visit:


one beneficial property of connectionist networks is graceful degradation, which refers to the property that ______________.
a. these networks learn by a process that is analogous to the way a child learns about the
world by making mistakes and being corrected.
b. learning a new concept does not interfere with remembering a previously learned
c. damage to the system does not completely disrupt its operation.
d. learning can be generalized between similar concepts to facilitate future learning.


One beneficial property of connectionist networks is graceful degradation, which refers to the property that c. damage to the system does not completely disrupt its operation.

Graceful degradation is the ability of a computer, machine, electronic system or network to maintain limited functionality even when a large portion of it has been destroyed or rendered inoperative. The purpose of graceful degradation is to prevent catastrophic failure.

The goal of graceful degradation is to minimize the impact of failures or errors, and to maintain some level of functionality or performance even in the presence of failures. This is especially important in safety-critical systems, such as aircraft or medical equipment, where a failure could have serious consequences.

One example of graceful degradation is in web design. A website may be designed to gracefully degrade in the absence of certain features or technologies, such as JavaScript or high-speed internet connections. If a user's browser or internet connection is unable to support these features, the website may still function, albeit with reduced functionality or performance.

To know more about catastrophic failure, please click on:


One beneficial property of connectionist networks is graceful degradation, which refers to the property that damage to the system does not completely disrupt its operation. Therefore the correct option is option C.

Graceful degradation is a feature of connectionist networks that allows them to function even if a component of the system is damaged or eliminated.

Because information is scattered over multiple nodes in these networks, the loss of a single node does not necessarily result in the loss of all information.

As a result, connectionist networks can keep running even if part of their components are destroyed or removed, making them more resilient and fault-tolerant than other types of artificial neural networks.

For such more question on degradation:


Based on this passage, what inference can you draw about the standard of living in Qatar and Madagascar?

Standards of living vary greatly around the world. A standard of living is determined by a group of people's or a region's level of wealth, comfort, access to necessities, and overall economic opportunities.
There are many ways to measure standards of living. Potential indicators include per capita (per person) gross domestic product (GDP), life expectancy, and income. The annual per capita GDP for the country of Qatar, for example, is $124,100. However, the annual per capita GDP for the country of Madagascar is only $1,600.
Citizens of Qatar tend to have more economic opportunities than citizens of Madagascar.
Citizens of Madagascar tend to have more economic opportunities than citizens of Qatar.
Citizens of Madagascar tend to have lower per capita GDP than citizens of Qatar, but their overall level of economic opportunity is the same.
Citizens of Qatar and Madagascar tend to have the same level of economic opportunity.


Based on this passage of the GDP of Qatar and Madagascar, it can be inferred that the citizens of Qatar tend to have more economic opportunities than the citizens of Madagascar. Hence option (A) is correct.

How does the GDP connect to the economy's impact?

The knowledge about the size and health of an economy can be used to explain the significance of GDP. Real GDP growth is widely used as an indicator of the health of the entire economy. Real GDP growth is frequently regarded as a sign of an expanding economy. GDP per capita provides a basic evaluation of the worth of output per person, which acts as an inverse proxy for per capita income.

Sustained economic growth, which increases average incomes, is intimately tied to the reduction of poverty. Growth in the GDP and GDP per capita are two broad indicators of economic expansion. It is effective as a single composite indicator and serves as a summary indicator of economic development.  Young people who have the economic opportunity have access to the knowledge, skills, support, and contacts needed to successfully achieve financial security and independence.

To learn more about GDP, visit:


What physical feature is Mexico City missing that many other major cities have?



i don't see answer choices so..


One physical feature that Mexico City is missing that many other major cities have is a natural body of water such as a large river, lake or ocean coastline. Mexico City is located in a highland valley at an altitude of 2,240 meters above sea level, and it is not situated near any significant natural bodies of water. This can have implications for the city's water supply and transportation options. However, the city does have a number of man-made lakes and canals, such as Xochimilco, which have become important cultural and recreational landmarks.

which of the following statements about campus violence is true? group of answer choices nearly one in twenty undergraduate females report having been sexually assaulted since entering college. mass shootings are the most common form of violence on college campuses. more male than female college students report having been stalked. almost 2 percent of college males report having been in a physically abusive relationship.


The true statement about campus violence is that nearly one in twenty undergraduate females report having been sexually assaulted since entering college.

This is a disturbing and concerning statistic that highlights the prevalence of sexual violence on college campuses. It is important to note that sexual assault is not the only form of violence that occurs on college campuses, and it is essential to address all forms of violence to create a safe and inclusive environment for all students.

Mass shootings are not the most common form of violence on college campuses. While mass shootings on college campuses have received significant media attention, they are relatively rare events. However, any incidence of violence is one too many, and it is essential to take preventive measures to ensure the safety of students, faculty, and staff.

More female than male college students report having been stalked. Stalking is a form of violence that can cause significant emotional distress and fear for the victim. It is important to take stalking seriously and provide support and resources for those who have been victimized.

Almost 2 percent of college males report having been in a physically abusive relationship. While physical abuse in relationships can occur in any demographic, it is essential to recognize the unique challenges that college students face, such as living away from home for the first time, navigating new relationships, and balancing academic and social pressures. It is crucial to provide resources and support for victims of relationship violence and promote healthy and respectful relationships.

In conclusion, campus violence takes many forms, and it is important to address all forms of violence to create a safe and inclusive environment for all students. It is essential to provide resources, support, and preventive measures to reduce the incidence of violence and support those who have been victimized.

For more such questions on campus violence


______________premise reasoning starts with a broad, general statement, called a(n)_________premise. It then gives a specific situation and derives a(n) __________premise based on the premise and the situation.


Deductive premise reasoning starts with a broad, general statement, called a premise premise. It then gives a specific situation and derives a conclusion premise based on the premise and the situation.

A fundamental type of reasoning is deductive reasoning, commonly known as deduction. It begins with a broad assertion, or hypothesis, and considers all of the possible outcomes before coming to a clear, logical conclusion. The scientific method use deduction to examine ideas and hypotheses, which, if true, predict specific consequences.

In deductive reasoning, there is a first premise, followed by a second premise, and then an inference. The syllogism, in which two statements—a major premise and a minor premise—combine to generate a logical conclusion, is a popular example of deductive reasoning. Deductive conclusions are trustworthy if the premises are truthful.

Know more about deductive reasoning here


the united states’ strategy against japan in the pacific can be described as a island hopping. b human wave assaults. c a battleship ""slugfest."" d a traditional naval blockade. e guerilla warfare.


The United States' strategy against Japan in the Pacific during World War II can be described as A) island hopping.

This strategy involved bypassing heavily fortified Japanese islands, capturing less-defended islands, and using them as bases to launch further attacks. This approach allowed the United States to advance towards Japan without engaging in large-scale battles on every island, ultimately leading to the successful defeat of Japanese forces in the Pacific.

To learn more about the United States strategy in the Pacific, visit:


The United States' strategy against Japan in the Pacific during World War II can be described as "island hopping," so the correct answer is A.

Island hopping was a military strategy employed by the United States in the Pacific Theater of World War II against the Empire of Japan. The strategy involved selectively attacking and capturing key enemy-held islands, while bypassing others deemed less important, in order to establish a series of air and naval bases that could be used to launch further attacks deeper into Japanese-held territory. This strategy was aimed at weakening Japan's defensive positions, isolating their forces, and providing a platform for the eventual invasion of the Japanese home islands.Human wave assaults, battleship slugfests, traditional naval blockades, and guerrilla warfare were not the primary strategies employed by the United States in the Pacific during World War II.

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news sites on-line often provide a fractured visual environment with a level of simultaneity and interaction for the viewer/audience member.


Yes, this is generally true. News sites online often provide a fractured visual environment with a high level of simultaneity and interaction for the viewer/audience member.

Online news sites, in contrast to traditional print media, which normally offers information in a linear, sequential fashion, frequently adopt a more dynamic and interactive format that allows viewers to navigate and engage with content in a variety of ways.

This can include the usage of multimedia components like videos, photos, and interactive graphics, as well as social media integration, live updates, and other features that allow users to participate in real time news.

For such more question on environment:


Yes, it is true that news sites on-line often provide a fractured visual environment with a level of simultaneity and interaction for the viewer/audience member.

This is because these sites typically feature a combination of text, images, videos, and interactive elements such as polls, quizzes, and social media feeds. The goal is to engage the viewer and provide them with a dynamic and immersive experience that keeps them coming back for more.

However, this can also be overwhelming for some viewers, as the constant stream of information can make it difficult to focus on any one thing. As a result, it is important for news sites to strike a balance between interactivity and simplicity, ensuring that their content is accessible and engaging without being overwhelming.
News sites online often create a fractured visual environment due to the simultaneous display of various elements such as images, videos, and texts, resulting in a complex and interactive experience for the viewer or audience member. This format engages users by offering diverse content and multiple perspectives on current events.

To know more about social media feeds, click here:


the principle of humanity states a. always treat a human being as an end, and never as a mere means. b. all human beings, even those who lack rationality and autonomy, are equally valuable. c. act only on maxims that can be applied to all of humanity. d. it is never permissible to kill an innocent human being.


Option A is correct, The principle of humanity states always treat a human being as an end, and never as a mere means.

According to this, we must presume that the beliefs and desires of another speaker are somehow related to one another and to reality and assign to them "the propositional attitudes one supposes one would have oneself in those circumstances." Richard Grandy, then an assistant professor of philosophy at Princeton University, gave the concept of humanity its name.

Kant asserts in the examples that follow the humanity formula that a person who intends to make a false promise immediately recognizes that another person is being used only as a means because that person is unable to agree with the way that he is treated, and so contains the end (of the false promise) as his own end.

To learn more about the principles of humanity, click at:


laws on invasion of privacy establish that: question 21 options: the individual claiming intrusion must prove there was no newsworthy public interest in the story or photo. the story or photo published need not necessarily be offensive to a reasonable person. news outlets cannot be sued for invasion of privacy. the private facts must already be known within the community.


The laws on invasion of privacy establish that the individual claiming intrusion must prove there was no newsworthy public interest in the story or photo. It will be in exempt from invasion of privacy laws.

This means that if a story or photo is deemed to be in the public interest, it may be exempt from invasion of privacy laws. However, the story or photo published need not necessarily be offensive to a reasonable person in order to be considered an invasion of privacy.

It is important to note that news outlets can be sued for invasion of privacy if they publish private facts that are not already known within the community. Therefore, it is important for journalists and media outlets to consider the privacy rights of individuals before publishing sensitive information.

to know more about  privacy refer here


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