In this module, we learned about the organization of corporations including their capital stock transactions. The purpose of this discussion is to explore the underlying concepts in more detail so that all participants can increase their understanding. For your thread portion, think about a concept that you are either having difficuity understanding, would like to learn more about, or that you already understand. Topic areas could include characteristics of a corporation, how to account for common, preferred, and treasury stock, or the stockholders' equity section of the Balance Sheet Next, enter the discussion, create a thread, and post either a question or a short description of the concept that you selected. You can reference any part of the chapter, a video link, or any other content which will benefit your fellow classmate, or that they can use to help you increase your understanding.


Answer 1

One concept that I would like to learn more about is the accounting treatment of treasury stock.

Treasury stock refers to the shares of a company's own stock that it has repurchased from the shareholders. These repurchased shares are not retired or canceled but are held by the company itself. The accounting treatment of treasury stock involves recording the repurchase transactions and subsequent activities related to treasury stock in the financial statements.

When a company repurcshase its own shares, it reduces the number of outstanding shares in the market. This has an impact on various aspects of the company's financial statements, including the balance sheet and the statement of stockholders' equity. The repurchase of treasury stock is typically accounted for at cost, which means that the company records the repurchase price as a decrease in its cash or cash equivalents and a decrease in the stockholders' equity section of the balance sheet.

Treasury stock is presented as a contra-equity account, deducted from the total stockholders' equity, on the balance sheet. It is important to note that treasury stock does not have voting rights, does not receive dividends, and does not impact the earnings per share calculation.

Learn more about  accounting treatment


Related Questions

the standards of ethical conduct for management accountants include concepts related to


The standards of ethical conduct for management accountants include concepts related to integrity, objectivity, confidentiality, and professional competence.

Integrity: Management accountants are expected to be honest and straightforward in all professional and business relationships. They should maintain their integrity by refusing to engage in unethical practices or activities that could compromise their professional judgment or reputation.

Objectivity: Management accountants are required to perform their duties and provide information objectively and without bias. They should avoid conflicts of interest and ensure that their decisions and recommendations are based on accurate and reliable information.

Confidentiality: Management accountants have a responsibility to maintain the confidentiality of sensitive information obtained during the course of their work. They should not disclose such information unless legally obligated to do so or with appropriate authority.

Professional Competence: Management accountants are expected to continuously develop their professional knowledge and skills to perform their duties competently. They should strive for excellence in their work and be aware of relevant laws, regulations, and best practices.

Learn more about  management  from


Suppose that the Walmart Corporation buys a new truck that it will use to deliver merchandise to its stores. How (if at all) does this purchase affect U.S. GDP? The purchase of the truck does not affect GDP, since the truck is an intermediate good. O The purchase of the truck does not affect GDP, since the truck is not a "final good." O The purchase of the truck adds to the investment (I) component of GDP. O The purchase of the truck adds to the consumption (C) component of GDP.


The purchase of the truck adds to the investment (I) component of GDP. option (B) is the correct.

The abbreviation of GDP is Gross Domestic Product. It is the final monetary value of all the goods and services produced within the geographic boundaries of a country in a given period of time.

The investment component of GDP comprises investment in goods such as machinery, buildings, and other structures that are used to manufacture goods and services in the economy.

Therefore, when the Walmart Corporation purchases a new truck that it will use to deliver merchandise to its stores, it will have an impact on the investment (I) component of GDP because the truck can be counted as an investment.

The purchase of the truck will add to the value of investment spending, so the purchase of the truck adds to the investment (I) component of GDP. Hence, option (B) is the correct.

Know more about the Gross Domestic Product


Course: communication skills

Writing Improvement Exercise

Your task. Re-write the following sentences with courtesy and tact. Also, make the necessary changes in the format, where required.

We are at a loss to understand, why did you send us stable chocolates?
We have been very patient with our due payment.
Apparently, you overlooked our terms.
We request that you send us the pictures of the faded rug.
You failed to enclose a copy of your N.I.C.
We are sorry you are dissatisfied with the flavor of our pizzas.
In which you assert that your shipment was delivered to you after 7 days of order placement.
You task. Re-write the following sentence with concreteness.

Dear Madam, your will receive your order soon.
There are many people ahead of me in the queue.
This month my sales are significantly higher than last month.
The train took too long to reach Lahore from Multan.


Revised sentences with courtesy and tact:

We would appreciate some clarification regarding the shipment of stable chocolates we received.We have been patiently awaiting the payment that is due.It seems that our terms may have been inadvertently overlooked.Could you please kindly send us the pictures of the faded rug?We noticed that a copy of your N.I.C. was not enclosed. Could you please provide it?We apologize for any dissatisfaction you may have experienced with the flavor of our pizzas.We would like to address your assertion that your shipment was delivered after 7 days of order placement.Your order will be delivered to you soon, Madam.

Sentence rewritten with concreteness:

There are a total of 10 people ahead of me in the queue.

Revised sentences:

My sales for this month have increased significantly compared to last month.The train journey from Multan to Lahore took an unexpectedly long duration.

To know more about courtesy , visit :


FILL IN THE BLANK 1. The ___ curve shows the level of output (GDP) corresponding to alternative price levels. 2. The identity equation tells us that the level of income (or GDP) is the sum of___. ___),___ Y___. 3. ___is the consumed fraction of each dollar of increase in disposable personal income. 4. The ___ is the fraction of the increase in income that is spent on imports. 5. A ___ occurs when imports are greater than exports.
6. The ___ measures the impact of a change in investment, government spending, and net exports on GDP. 7. The___ describes the relationship between investment and the interest rate. 8. Net exports depend on ___ and ___. 9. The money supply divided by the price level is known as ___. 10. The demand for money ___. with income, and ___ with the rate of interest. 11. The IS curve is the combination of ___ and ___ for which an expenditure balance occurs.


The aggregate supply curve shows the level of output (GDP) corresponding to alternative price levels.The identity equation tells us that the level of income (or GDP) is the sum of consumption (C), investment (I), government spending (G), and net exports (NX): Y = C + I + G + NX.The marginal propensity to consume (MPC) is the consumed fraction of each dollar of increase in disposable personal income.

The marginal propensity to import (MPI) is the fraction of the increase in income that is spent on imports.A trade deficit occurs when imports are greater than exports.The expenditure multiplier measures the impact of a change in investment, government spending, and net exports on GDP.The investment demand curve describes the relationship between investment and the interest rate.Net exports depend on foreign trade conditions and exchange rates.The money supply divided by the price level is known as the real money balance.The demand for money increases with income and decreases with the rate of interest.The IS curve is the combination of interest rates and output levels for which an expenditure balance occurs.

To learn more about  aggregate   click on the link below:


Punitive damages are designed to punish the wrongdoer. What type(s) of tort may be subject to a punitive damage award? a. Both intentional and unintentional torts b. Intentional torts c. Unintentional torts d. No torts e. All torts


Punitive damages are generally designed to punish the wrongdoer and deter others from engaging in similar conduct. However, the availability and applicability of punitive damages vary among different legal jurisdictions.

In most jurisdictions, punitive damages are primarily associated with intentional torts. Intentional torts involve deliberate harm or wrongdoing committed by one party against another, such as assault, fraud, defamation, or intentional infliction of emotional distress. Punitive damages may be awarded in such cases to punish the defendant for their intentional misconduct and send a message of deterrence.While punitive damages are more commonly associated with intentional torts, there are instances where certain jurisdictions allow punitive damages for certain types of severe or egregious unintentional torts. These may include cases involving gross negligence, willful misconduct, or recklessness that demonstrates a conscious disregard for the safety and well-being of others.

To know more about punitive click the link below:


Recommendations for improving recruiting workers with disabilities
Recommendations (3-5 recommendations)
What actions will be taken to reach these goals?
Who will be responsible for these actions?
Do these actions have a time frame?


To improve recruiting workers with disabilities, here are some recommendations. Firstly, it is important to have a clear and accessible recruitment process that is designed to cater to the needs of individuals with disabilities.

This includes making job applications accessible, ensuring job descriptions are inclusive, and providing accommodations during the recruitment process. Secondly, it is crucial to educate and train hiring managers on disability inclusion and best practices for accommodating employees with disabilities. Thirdly, organizations can partner with disability-focused organizations to source candidates and provide support during the recruitment process. Fourthly, it is important to create a culture of inclusivity within the organization to attract and retain individuals with disabilities. Lastly, organizations can conduct regular reviews of their recruitment practices to ensure they are effective and inclusive.

These actions should have a clear time frame, be assigned to specific individuals, and have regular reporting to track progress towards the goal of recruiting workers with disabilities. In conclusion, these recommendations should be implemented to ensure that organizations are creating an inclusive workforce for individuals with disabilities.

To know more about recruiting visit:


For each of the following four questions, explain your answers in as much short detail as possible. For each answer, (including all of the relevant elements of the law), state the relevant facts, apply the law to the facts, and give your opinion as to what the outcome should be. Each answer is 20 points (100 points total).
Acme Equipment offers to sell a dough-cutting machine to Big Bagels Inc. The offer states: "This offer expires Friday noon." Acme is based in Boca Raton, Florida. Big Bagels is based in Los Angeles, California. On Friday, at 10:00 am Eastern time (Florida time), the sales manager for Acme calls the president of Big Bagels and says, "Well, I guess you don’t want it. Contract is terminated." What are the elements of a valid offer? Was this a valid offer, and why? Should this contract be terminated, and why?
Yellow Heating Inc. offers to ship furnaces to Zippy Inc. for $4,500 cash. Zippy's CEO e-mails back, "Great, I accept, as long as we can make that payable in three weeks, not tomorrow." What are the elements of a valid acceptance? Was this a valid acceptance and why?
On Monday morning, Andy and Brian enter an oral, unwritten contract for the sale of five acres of land in Delray Beach, Florida, at "$10,000 per acre." On Tuesday morning, Andy demands that Brian pay him "$11,000 per acre" for the land. Brian refuses. Andy sues. Who should win, and why? In your answer, explain written/oral and implied/express contracts.
Abby is a brilliant 16-year-old high school student who has invented "The Spritzer," a device to keep vegetables fresh in the refrigerator. Abby goes to TGIThursdays restaurant, where she meets up with Brianna, the 23-year-old sister of Abby's best friend. They sit down for a bite to eat. Brianna has four vodka-and-tonics, Abby has a Coca-Cola. Brianna and Abby write a contract on a sheet of paper, and sign it, stating that Brianna promises to pay Abby $100,000 for all rights in The Spritzer. Is this a valid contract? What are the reasons why this might not be a valid contract?


a. The elements of a valid offer typically include an intention to be bound by the terms, definite and specific terms, communication of the offer to the offeree, and an invitation to enter into a contract.

In this case, the offer made by Acme Equipment to sell a dough-cutting machine to Big Bagels Inc. included the essential elements of a valid offer, such as a specific subject matter (dough-cutting machine), a clear intention to be bound by the offer, and communication of the offer to Big Bagels Inc. However, the offer also contained a time limit, stating that it expires on Friday at noon.

The sales manager of Acme Equipment called the president of Big Bagels before the stated deadline and unilaterally terminated the contract. This premature termination of the offer does not align with the terms set in the offer. Therefore, the offer was valid, and the contract should not be terminated as the termination occurred before the stated expiration time.

b. The elements of a valid acceptance include a clear and unequivocal acceptance of the offer, communication of acceptance to the offeror, and acceptance of all the terms of the offer without modification. In this case, Zippy Inc.'s CEO e-mailed Yellow Heating Inc. and expressed acceptance of the offer with a condition to make payment in three weeks instead of immediately.

This response does not constitute an unqualified acceptance as it modifies a material term of the offer (payment timeframe). Therefore, it can be argued that Zippy Inc.'s response is not a valid acceptance as it introduces a new term and is considered a counteroffer. To form a valid contract, Yellow Heating Inc. would need to accept or reject this counteroffer.

c. In this scenario, Andy and Brian entered into an oral, unwritten contract for the sale of five acres of land in Delray Beach, Florida, at a price of "$10,000 per acre." However, on the following day, Andy demands a higher price of "$11,000 per acre," which Brian refuses. The determination of who should win depends on the nature of the contract and the terms agreed upon.

Oral contracts can be valid and enforceable unless they fall within the scope of the Statute of Frauds, which requires certain contracts, including contracts for the sale of land, to be in writing. If the oral contract is enforceable, Andy's demand for a higher price constitutes a breach of contract, and Brian should win the case. However, if the contract falls under the Statute of Frauds, it would be unenforceable in the absence of a written agreement, and Andy's claim for a higher price would be irrelevant.

d. The contract between Abby and Brianna regarding the sale of Abby's invention, "The Spritzer," raises concerns about its validity. While a contract can be formed on a sheet of paper and signed by the parties, there are other factors to consider. In this case, Abby is a minor, being only 16 years old, which raises issues of capacity to enter into a contract. Minors generally lack the legal capacity to enter into binding contracts, and their contracts are often deemed voidable at their discretion. Additionally, the consideration provided by Brianna, four vodka-and-tonics, may not be considered sufficient or lawful consideration. Contracts require valid consideration, typically something of value exchanged between the parties.

The legality and adequacy of the consideration are important factors in determining the validity of a contract. Therefore, considering Abby's minor status and potential issues with consideration, the validity of this contract may be questionable.

Learn more about Oral contracts


All of the following are eligible for coverage under a Dwelling policy, except:
A residential structure with four rental units
A residence that is also used for a home office
Mobile homes permanently affixed to a foundation
The house on a family farm


The correct answer is C. Mobile homes permanently affixed to a foundation.

Dwelling policies typically provide coverage for residential structures, including single-family homes, duplexes, and some types of rental properties. However, mobile homes permanently affixed to a foundation are generally covered under a different type of policy called a mobile home insurance policy or manufactured home insurance policy.Therefore, all of the options provided are generally eligible for coverage under a Dwelling policy except for mobile homes permanently affixed to a foundation (option C).

To learn more about  permanently click on the link below:


Define personal selling ______ Difference between transaction-focused traditional selling and trust-based relationship selling ______Describe the emphasis on sales professionalism _______Explain the contribut ____


Define personal  selling is a marketing approach in which a company's sales force works on a one-tone basis with customers, engaging potential clients, and persuading them to purchase the product or service in question. This strategy  is not just an approach to selling goods or services.

It also necessitates the creation of a relationship with the client. It is a vital component of a company's promotional mix and a key tool for improving difference between transaction-focused traditional selling and trust-based relationship-focused traditional selling involves a seller completing a transaction with a buyer and then moving on to the next  It focuses on generating a high volume of sales through quick sales transactions with no regard for long-term customer .

It focuses on generating a high volume of sales through quick sales transactions with no regard for long-term customer satisfaction. Trust-based relationship selling, on the other hand, concentrates on establishing long-term relationships with customers by gaining their trust. This form of selling emphasizes customer satisfaction, focusing on building long-term relationships with clients. It aims to create customer loyalty and attract repeat the emphasis on s a set of behaviors and competencies that salespeople display when engaging with clients. The emphasis on sales professionalism includes exhibiting good manners and dress, using ethical business practices, acquiring product knowledge, and developing good communication and listening skills. This creates a customer experience that is professional, which can help to build trust and confidence with the the contribution of personal selling to a company's  of personal selling to a company's .

To know more about business visit;


Recently, General Mills launched all of the following products except which?
A. Betty Crocker Mug Treats B. Fiber One Gluten-free Bars C. Fruity Lucky Charms D. Epic Performance Bars E. YQ by Yoplait


Betty Crocker Mug Treats, Fiber One Gluten-free Bars, Epic Performance Bars, and YQ by Yoplait are all products that General Mills launched except Fruity Lucky Charms.

General Mills, Inc. is an American multinational company that specializes in the manufacture and marketing of branded customer food items, such as cereal, snack foods, and yogurt.

In more than 100 countries, the firm's brands include Cheerios, Annie's Homegrown, Yoplait, Nature Valley, Häagen-Dazs, Betty Crocker, Pillsbury, Old El Paso, Wanchai Ferry, Yoki, Blue, and more. Recently, General Mills launched a variety of new products to the market. Out of the options given, they did not launch Fruity Lucky Charms.

The products that are being launched have been created in response to consumer demand for products with fewer ingredients and less processing, and an increased interest in plant-based diets. The launch of new products is also expected to boost the company's revenue and increase its market share.

To know more about General visit :


(CO C) Steven transfers a building with an adjusted basis of $40,000 and a fair market value of $100,000 to XYZ Inc. in return for 100% of its stock. The building is subject to a $55,000 mortgage, which XYZ Inc. assumes. Please calculate the amount of any gain that Steven will need to report. Please also calculate Steven's basis in the stock. Show all of your work.


Steven will need to report a gain of $15,000 ($100,000 fair market value - $55,000 mortgage - $40,000 adjusted basis). This is because the amount of the mortgage assumed by XYZ Inc. is greater than the adjusted basis of the building. Therefore, Steven will have a taxable gain on the transfer.

To calculate Steven's basis in the stock, we first need to determine the total value of the consideration he received. This includes the assumption of the mortgage by XYZ Inc. and the value of the stock received.
The total value of consideration received is:
$55,000 (assumed mortgage) + $100,000 (fair market value of the building) = $155,000
Therefore, Steven's basis in the stock is $155,000.

To double-check this calculation, we can also calculate the basis as follows:
Adjusted basis of the building ($40,000) + Gain recognized on the transfer ($15,000) = Total basis in the stock ($55,000)

To know more about taxable visit:-


What would you advise leaders to do who are facing their own obstacles?
What should leaders do when the obstacles faced by group members are of a personal nature and not directly related to the group efforts? Is there a preferred leadership style in these situations? Explain.
How can a leader assess what a follower’s motivation level is and what style of leadership he or she would respond best to?


Leaders facing obstacles should:

Embrace a growth mindset, seek support from mentors or peers, adapt strategies, stay resilient, and learn from failures.

Facing personal obstacles, leaders should:

Show empathy, offer support, foster a supportive environment, and promote work-life balance for team members.

Assessing a follower's motivation and preferred leadership style involves:

Engaging in open communication, observing behavior, providing feedback, using assessments, tailoring approaches, and continuously monitoring and adjusting.

By following these approaches, leaders can overcome obstacles, support their team members, and effectively lead based on individual motivation and preferences.

Learn more about leadership here:


A price level adjusted mortgage (PLAM) is made with the
following terms:
Amount = $96,800
Initial interest rate = 4 percent
Term = 30 years
Points = 6 percent
Payments to be reset at the beginning of


A price level adjusted mortgage (PLAM) is a type of mortgage in which the borrower's monthly payments are adjusted annually based on changes in the Consumer Price Index (CPI). The purpose of this type of mortgage is to protect the lender against inflation, while at the same time providing the borrower with some protection against rising interest rates.

Based on the terms provided, here's how the PLAM would work:

The loan amount is $96,800

The initial interest rate is 4 percent

The loan term is 30 years

Points are 6 percent

Payments will be reset at the beginning of each year based on changes in the CPI

Points are upfront fees charged by the lender that are typically expressed as a percentage of the loan amount. In this case, the points are 6 percent of the loan amount, or $5,808.

To calculate the monthly payment for the PLAM, we can use an online mortgage calculator or a spreadsheet program like Excel. Based on a 30-year loan term, a 4% interest rate, and a loan amount of $96,800, the monthly payment without points would be $461.98.

However, with the addition of 6% points, the loan amount increases to $102,608 ($96,800 + $5,808). This increase in loan amount means that the monthly payment will also increase.

Learn more about  interest rate from


LaVine Corp. had 1,000,000 shares of common stock outstanding
throughout 2021.
On August 1, 2021, LaVine issued $12 million of ten year, 6% bonds.
Beginning August 1, 2023, bondholders may exercise a conversion privilege
to convert the bonds into 300,000 shares of LaVine common stock.
During 2021, LaVine reported $8,000,000 of net income and paid $500,000
in preferred dividends.
LaVine's marginal income tax rate is 20%.
What is LaVine's 2021 diluted earnings per share?


LaVine's 2021 diluted earnings per share can be calculated by considering the potential conversion of the bonds into common stock.

To calculate diluted earnings per share, we need to add the interest expense on the convertible bonds (6% of $12 million) to the net income, and then adjust for the potential increase in shares due to the conversion privilege.

Net income: $8,000,000

Interest expense on convertible bonds: 6% of $12 million = $720,000

Tax adjustment (20% tax rate): $720,000 * (1 - 20%) = $576,000

Adjusted net income: $8,000,000 + $720,000 - $576,000 = $8,144,000

Adjusted weighted average number of shares:

Common stock outstanding: 1,000,000 shares

Potential additional shares from bond conversion: 300,000 shares

Adjusted weighted average number of shares: 1,000,000 + 300,000 = 1,300,000 shares

Diluted earnings per share: $8,144,000 / 1,300,000 shares = $6.26

LaVine's 2021 diluted earnings per share considers the potential impact of the convertible bonds on the company's earnings. The net income for the year is adjusted by adding the interest expense on the bonds and then adjusting for taxes. This reflects the potential impact of the bonds on the company's earnings. Additionally, the weighted average number of shares is adjusted to include the potential shares that would be issued if bondholders exercise the conversion privilege. By calculating the earnings per share on this adjusted basis, we obtain the diluted earnings per share figure of $6.26 for the year 2021.

learn more about EPS here:


"6. t value is considered as acceptable for scholarly publication when
a. It is -200/100
b. It is 100/60
c. It is 1.5
d. It is 1.9
7. Cost functions are primarily and directly used for improving
a. organizations’ effectiveness
b. Organizations’ missions
c. Organizations’ long term goals
d. Organizations’ efficiency
8. If an English major’s annual salary is coded as 1 with a dummy variable and its coefficient is -20,000
a. It means he makes $20,000 less than his father who is an English professor
b. It means he makes $20,000 more than non English majors
c. It means he makes $20,000 less than non English majors
d. It means he makes $20,000 more than his younger brother who is an English teacher
9. Commercial publishers
a. Are competitive suppliers
b. Are oligopoly suppliers
c. Are monopsonies
d. Are monopoly suppliers


For scholarly publication, a t-value is considered acceptable when it is 1.97. Cost functions are primarily and directly used for improving organizations' efficiency.

The critical value for most conventional significance levels is 1.96, which is rounded to 1.97. Therefore, a t-value of 1.97 or higher is considered acceptable for publication.

Cost functions are primarily used for improving organizations' efficiency. Cost functions help organizations analyze and understand the relationship between inputs and outputs, allowing them to identify areas where costs can be minimized while maintaining or improving productivity.

When an English major's annual salary is coded as 1 with a dummy variable and its coefficient is -20,000, it means they make $20,000 less than non-English majors. The negative coefficient indicates a decrease in salary compared to the reference group (in this case, non-English majors).

Commercial publishers are considered competitive suppliers. They operate in a market where multiple publishers exist and compete with each other to provide products and services.

Learn more about Cost functions here:


Nimbus, Inc. hace escobas y las vende a domicillo. La siguiente tabla muestra muestra la relación entre el número de empleados y la producción de Nimbus diaria: Costo Producto Costo Costo Total Empleados Producción Marginal Total Promedio Marginal 0 0 $ $ 20 50 90 120 140 150 7 155 Use solo números y puntos decimales. Utilice dos lugares decimales para todas las cantidades de dinero. Redondee correctamente. 1 3 4 5 6. Nimbus, Inc. makes brooms and sells them door-to-door. The following table shows the relationship between the number of employees and the daily Nimbus production:
Use only numbers and decimal points. Use two decimal places for all money amounts. Please round correctly.
Fill in the marginal product column.
An employee costs $100.00 per day and the company has fixed costs of $200.00. Use this information to fill in the total cost column.
Fill in the average total cost column. (Remember that Average Total Cost = Total Cost/Quantity)
Fill in the marginal cost column.


The ATC is the sum of the average variable cost and the average fixed cost.

Marginal product column: Number of employeesProductionMarginal Product (change in Q/change in L)070 502002 9040 12020 14010 1505 Given the table above, the marginal product (change in quantity/change in labor) was computed using the difference in production levels across two levels of labor. The average total cost (ATC) can be calculated by dividing the total cost by the quantity. So, the ATC is the sum of the average variable cost and the average fixed cost.

Total cost column: Number of employeesProductionMarginal Product (change in Q/change in L)Total CostVariable CostFixed Cost2002000 100200 200200 3002500 125200 300250 3603100 155200 300600 4003600 180200 3001100 4203750 187.5 200 3001550 5404450 222.5 200 3002400 7005200 260 200 300

Average total cost column: Number of employeesProductionMarginal Product (change in Q/change in L)Total CostVariable CostFixed Cost Average Total Cost2002000 100200 2000 110.00250 3603100 155200 3100 20.00360 3600 180200 3600 22.50450 4203750 187.5 3750 25.001550 5404450 222.5 4450 30.002400 7005200 260 5200 35.00

Marginal cost column: Number of employeesProductionMarginal Product (change in Q/change in L)Total CostVariable CostFixed CostAverage Total CostMarginal Cost2002000 100200 2000 110.00150100 2503600 180200 3600 22.5021040 4504203750 187.5 3750 25.001500 5505404450 222.5 4450 30.001350 5907005200 260 5200 35.001300

To know more about average variable cost click here:


Choose the term that best matches the following description:
Supplies for office use were purchased during the year for $500,
and $100, of the office supplies remained on hand (unused) at


The term that best matches the description is "office supplies expense." Office supplies expense refers to the cost incurred by a company for purchasing supplies used in its day-to-day operations. In this case, $500 worth of office supplies were purchased during the year. However, at the end of the year, $100 worth of supplies remained unused or on hand. This means that $400 worth of supplies were actually used or consumed during the year, which is reflected as an expense on the company's income statement.

In accounting, when office supplies are purchased, they are initially recorded as an asset called "office supplies" on the balance sheet. However, as the supplies are used or consumed, their value is recognized as an expense on the income statement. The remaining supplies at year-end are considered part of the company's assets because they still have value and can be used in the future. Therefore, the $100 worth of supplies that remained on hand at year-end is not considered an expense but is included in the company's ending inventory. The office supplies expense for the year would be calculated as the initial purchase of $500 minus the ending inventory of $100, resulting in a net expense of $400.

Learn more about Expense here ;


you have been appointed to project manager the building of a hospital in soweto where a number of people have recently died due to covid coronavirus the hospital is needed urgently due to the existing hospital having limited capacity to accommodate the thousand of coronavirus infected resident that are in gire need of hospital care or risk death the south african minister of health has a personal interest in this project and has determine astrict deadline for the completiond of the project the minister is an ex -resident of soweto and hence is passionate about helping the resident he has pledged to the residents that he will ensure that the hoispital is made operational in record time. as the appointed project manager have been mandate ti deliver on the project an and have been instructed that the project risks need to be managed in a prudent manner
Question 1 '
when considering the project ri9sk,project managers consider project risk principle in order to plan well for the risk that may occur .you have set up a meeting specifically to discuss the project risk .start the meeting by outlining the risk management principles to your team.
Question 2
the next aspect that you will highlight with your team are the topics addressed in project risk management .enlighten your team on each of these topics by discussing each one in detail so that they may understand the impact of each of them on project.
Question 3
for an upcoming project of your choice develop a procurement plan that will ensure the timeous available of required resource for successful task execution in order to meet the desired project outcomes be sure to include all processes and activities that enable the project manager to acquire the goods and suppliers required to perform the project scope of work as a project manager you need to ensure further that consideration is given to quality and timeframe requirements when planning the procument of required resources additionally ,highlight the input tools and throughout the procument management process.
Question 4
one of the most common approaches to identify the sources of risk is brainstorming the project manager shouls invovles key project team members in identifying potential sources of risk .now that your team is sitting with you ,use the brainstorming approach to map out the potential risks of your project
Question 5
Risk management planning should begin as early as possible when a project is conceived and should be complted early in the project(PMI 2017:401) the process should be continuosly engaged in throughout the project life cycle as new or unidentified risk emerge.present a graph to your team showing risk in the project lifecycle the graph should show the degree of the risk over project time the cost of project and risks ishould be plotted separately. provide an in depth discussion of the risk that you identified for your project .


The project manager has been appointed to build a hospital in Soweto due to the recent Covid-19 deaths that have occurred in the area. A new hospital is urgently needed to cater to the growing number of patients in need of hospitalization as the existing hospital has limited capacity.

The South African Minister of Health has a personal interest in the project, having grown up in Soweto, and is passionate about helping the residents. The project manager is mandated to deliver on the project and instructed to manage project risks in a prudent manner. The brainstorming approach is one of the most common ways to identify the sources of risk. Therefore, the project manager should involve key project team members in identifying potential sources of risk.  A graph that shows the degree of the risk over project time and the cost of the project and risks should be plotted separately. Risk management planning should start as early as possible when the project is conceived and should be completed early in the project. The process should be continuously engaged in throughout the project life cycle as new or unidentified risk emerges.  There are several risks associated with building the hospital in Soweto. These risks include funding risks, political risks, safety risks, and legal risks. Funding risks arise when there is a shortage of funds for the project. Political risks arise when the government changes its policies, causing delays in the project. Safety risks arise when there is a lack of safety measures, causing harm to workers or project delays. Legal risks arise when there are legal issues such as permits or contracts.

To know more about hospitalization  visit:


The company is Netflix. Industry and Economic Analysis. This section will focus on evaluating the selected company’s industry, its market structure, competitors, supply and demand, regulations, outlook or forecast, and other relevant factors specific to that industry. The section should also cover macro and microeconomic trends. This considers current monetary policy, GDP growth, the current economic health of the country of origin, and/or the company's global presence, all of which are relevant for valuing a company.
A. General economic overview. This will explore trends in economic indicators. It will also cover the output of goods and services produced by the domestic and global economies.
i. Economic output and consumption. Identify national trends that could impact your chosen company or its industry as a whole based on macroeconomic qualitative data.
ii. Current monetary and trade policy. Evaluate upcoming changes to policies or regulations that would impact your selected company or its industry.
iii. Explain the relationships these policies and regulations would have with the company’s sales or expenses.


Economic output and consumption: To evaluate national trends that could impact Netflix or the streaming industry as a whole, we need to consider macroeconomic qualitative data related to economic output and consumption. This includes indicators such as GDP growth, consumer spending, and employment rates.

Current monetary and trade policy:

Changes in monetary and trade policies can have significant implications for Netflix and its industry. Monetary policies, set by central banks, affect interest rates, inflation rates, and overall liquidity in the economy. Trade policies, including tariffs or trade agreements, can impact international trade and global market dynamics.

Relationships with sales and expenses:

The relationships between policies and regulations and Netflix's sales and expenses are intertwined. Favorable economic conditions with strong GDP growth, increased consumer spending, and supportive monetary policies can contribute to higher demand for streaming services, potentially leading to increased Netflix subscriptions and revenue.

Learn more about Economic output and consumption from


Quip Corporation wants to purchase a new machine for $290,000. Management predicts that the machine will produce sales of $198,000 each year for the next 5 years. Expenses are expected to include direct materials, direct labor, and factory overhead (excluding depreciation) totaling $88,000 per year. The firm uses straight-line depreciation with an assumed residual (salvage) value of $50,000. Quip's combined income tax rate, t, is 30%.
Management requires a minimum after-tax rate of return of 10% on all investments. What is the approximate internal rate of return (IRR) of the proposed investment? (Note: To answer this question, students must have access to Table 2 from Appendix C, Chapter 12.) Assume that all cash flows occur at year-end.


the approximate internal rate of return (IRR) for this investment is 14.45%. It represents the rate of return that the investment is expected to generate, meeting the management's minimum after-tax rate of return of 10%.

To calculate the approximate internal rate of return (IRR), we need to determine the cash flows associated with the investment and find the discount rate at which the net present value (NPV) of those cash flows is zero.

In this case, the initial cash outflow is $290,000 (the cost of the machine). The annual cash inflows are $198,000 (sales) and the annual cash outflows are $88,000 (expenses). We also need to consider the salvage value of $50,000 at the end of 5 years.

Using these cash flows and the given tax rate of 30%, we can calculate the net cash flows for each year by subtracting the expenses and multiplying by (1 - t). We then calculate the NPV at various discount rates using the formula:

[tex]NPV = Cash Flow / (1 + Discount Rate)^Year[/tex]

By trial and error, we can find the discount rate that makes the NPV equal to zero. In this case, the discount rate that achieves an NPV closest to zero is approximately 14.45%.

learn more about Internal Rate here:


What are the major promotional tools used in marketing? Describe
all of them and cite examples where necessary to explain
Explain the communication process.
What are the different"


Major promotional tools used in marketing There are several promotional tools in marketing that companies can use to promote their products and services. The following are some of the major promotional tools in marketing:A Advertising is a non-personal form of communication that is used to promote a product, service, or idea. I

t is a paid form of promotion that is designed to reach a large number of people. Examples of advertising include TV commercials, radio ads, newspaper ads, billboards, and online ads.Personal selling Personal selling is a face-to-face form of communication that involves selling a product or service to a customer. It is a personal form of promotion that is designed to build relationships with customers and create a loyal customer base. Examples of personal selling include door-to-door sales, telemarketing, and sales presentations.Sales promotion Sales promotion is a short-term promotional strategy that is designed to increase sales of a product or service. It is a way to create excitement and interest in a product or service.

Examples of direct marketing include email marketing, direct mail, and telemarketing.Communication processThe communication process involves several steps that are necessary to ensure that the message is received and understood by the receiver. The following are the different steps in the communication process:SenderThe sender is the person who sends the message. The sender is responsible for encoding the message into a form that can be transmitted to the receiver.Message The message is the information that is being communicated. It can be in the form of words, symbols, or images.Channel The channel is the medium through which the message is transmitted. It can be in the form of verbal, written, or electronic communication.

To know more about communication visit:-


Jay Emm Ltd manufactures and sells only one product. The following information refers to the operations during April 2020: 1. Cost per Unit of Product Raw Materials: R40.00 R36.00 Direct Labour: Material J (8kg at R5 per kg) Material M (6kg at R6 per kg) Station 1 (7 hrs at R8 per hour) Station 2 (5 hrs at R6 per hour) 9 hours at R5 per hour R56.00 R30.00 Manufaturing Overheads: R45.00 R207.00 Raw Material inventory 1 April 2020 30 April 2020 Material J 8,000 kg 7,000 kg Material M 4,000 kg 2,000 kg Production Statistics for April 2020 500 units Finished goods on 1 April Sales in April 3,000 units at R300 per unit 300 units Finished products on 30 April Required Prepare the following budgets for April 2020: a) b) Raw Materials Purchases budget (kilogram and value) c) Direct labour budget (hours and value) d) Manufacturing overheads (hours and value) e) Closing inventories (units, kilograms, and value) Formatting (currency, thousands indicator, lines etc.) 2. 3. E36


In April 2020, Jay Emm Ltd prepared the following budgets:

a) Raw Materials Purchases Budget: This budget includes the quantity and value of raw materials to be purchased.

b) Direct Labour Budget: This budget outlines the number of labor hours and their corresponding value.

c) Manufacturing Overheads Budget: This budget includes the hours and value of manufacturing overhead costs.

d) Closing Inventories: This budget provides information on the number of finished goods, kilograms of raw materials, and their corresponding value.

To prepare the budgets, we need to gather the relevant information from the given data. In April 2020, the production statistics show that 500 units of the product were manufactured, and there were 300 units of finished goods on April 1st and 300 units on April 30th.

a) Raw Materials Purchases Budget: To calculate the raw materials purchases, we need to determine the raw material usage per unit. Based on the information given, Material J has a usage of 8 kg per unit and Material M has a usage of 6 kg per unit. Using the production statistics, we can calculate the total raw material requirements for April. The difference between the April 1st and April 30th inventories gives us the raw materials used during the month. Multiplying the raw materials used by their respective costs per kg gives us the value of raw materials purchases.

b) Direct Labour Budget: The direct labor budget involves determining the labor hours required for production. Based on the information provided, we have the labor hours per unit for each station. Multiplying the labor hours per unit by the number of units produced gives us the total labor hours required. Multiplying the labor hours by their corresponding wage rates provides the value of direct labor.

c) Manufacturing Overheads Budget: The manufacturing overheads budget involves determining the manufacturing overhead hours and costs. We already have the labor hours per unit for each station from the direct labor budget. Multiplying the labor hours per unit by the number of units produced gives us the total manufacturing overhead hours. Multiplying the manufacturing overhead hours by their corresponding costs per hour provides the value of manufacturing overheads.

d) Closing Inventories: The closing inventories budget provides information on the ending inventory levels. We already have the beginning and ending inventories for both Material J and Material M. By calculating the difference in kilograms and multiplying it by the cost per kg, we can determine the value of closing inventories.

By following these calculations, Jay Emm Ltd can prepare the budgets for April 2020, which will provide valuable insights into their raw materials, labor, overheads, and inventory levels.

Learn more about Budget here:


Make an assessment of the current architecture of
STARBUCKS. Is the current architecture appropriate? Please also
recommend changes supported by arguments from the organisations
current and future.


The current architecture of Starbucks is appropriate, but some changes can enhance its effectiveness and future prospects.

How can the current architecture of Starbucks be improved?

Starbucks current architecture effectively supports its operations and customer experience. The company's strategic layout includes a combination of company-owned stores and licensed stores, providing a strong foundation for growth and brand consistency. The architecture facilitates the efficient flow of operations, ensuring a seamless customer journey from ordering to pickup.

However, to further enhance its architecture, Starbucks could focus on a few key areas. Firstly, optimizing its digital infrastructure and mobile ordering system would improve convenience and streamline the ordering process. Investing in robust technology would enable customers to easily place and customize orders, reducing wait times and enhancing overall customer satisfaction.

Additionally, Starbucks could consider expanding its physical presence in emerging markets, capitalizing on growing consumer demand. This expansion would require careful market research and analysis to ensure the new stores align with local preferences and cultural nuances. By adapting its architecture to suit diverse markets, Starbucks can establish a stronger global presence and tap into new revenue streams.

Learn more about Starbucks


The median household income in Prince Edward Island is approximately $44,180 per year, while the median household income in Alberta is about $78,213. However, suppose the growth rate of per capita real GDP in Prince Edward Island is higher than in Alberta (3% versus 2%).
a. From the perspective of trying to maximize your income per capita, which state will have higher increases in income over the next few years?
(a) Alberta, because income is already higher.
(b) Alberta, because incomes are rising slower.
(c) Prince Edward Island, because the lower income means the cost of living is less.
(d) Prince Edward Island, because the growth rate is higher.

b. From the perspective of trying to maximize your income per capita, which state will have higher increases in income in the long run?
(a) Prince Edward Island, because the higher growth rate will lead to higher incomes in the long run.
(b) Prince Edward Island, because the cost of living is lower.
(c) Alberta, because incomes are higher now.
(d) Alberta, because the growth rate is lower, so the cost of living is lower.


a. The correct answer is (d) Prince Edward Island, because the growth rate is higher.

Given that the growth rate of per capita real GDP in Prince Edward Island is 3% and in Alberta is 2%, it means that Prince Edward Island's economy is expanding at a faster pace compared to Alberta. This higher growth rate suggests that the incomes in Prince Edward Island are expected to increase at a greater rate over the next few years. Therefore, from the perspective of maximizing income per capita, Prince Edward Island is likely to experience higher increases in income.

b. The correct answer is (a) Prince Edward Island, because the higher growth rate will lead to higher incomes in the long run.

In the long run, a higher growth rate of per capita real GDP implies sustained economic expansion and increasing incomes over time. Therefore, Prince Edward Island, with its higher growth rate of 3%, is expected to have higher increases in income in the long run compared to Alberta. The higher growth rate will lead to higher incomes per capita and contribute to the economic development of Prince Edward Island. The cost of living or current income levels in Alberta do not necessarily determine the long-term income growth prospects of the two regions.

Learn more about growth rate here:


Some empirical trade economists have noted that for many products, countries are both importers and exporters. For example, India both imports and exports sports goods. How do you explain this? A. India has an absolute advantage in the production of sports goods, thereby allowing the country to both import and export OB. Countries that have a comparative advantage in producing certain goods expand their trade when exchange rates are favorable OC India has a comparative advantage in producing sports goods, where it allows other countries to produce those goods to keep the world market stable OD. Countries differentiate their products to cater to a wide variety of tastes that exist worldwide


The phenomenon of countries both importing and exporting certain products can be explained by the concept of comparative advantage.

Comparative advantage refers to a situation where a country can produce a particular good or service at a lower opportunity cost compared to other countries.

In the case of India and sports goods, it is likely that India has a comparative advantage in producing these goods. This means that India can produce sports goods more efficiently or at a lower cost compared to other countries.

As a result, India can export sports goods to countries where it does not have a comparative advantage, allowing it to earn foreign exchange and access a wider market.

At the same time, India may also import sports goods from other countries where they have a comparative advantage in their production. By importing sports goods, India can benefit from access to a greater variety of products and cater to the diverse tastes and preferences of its domestic consumers.

Learn more about products here :


Willingness to pay for reducing pollution can be estimated from
A. Additional wages offered for similar jobs at more polluted workplaces.
B. Additional property values offered for similar properties at less polluted locations.
C. Both of the above.
D. None of the above.


The correct option is C. Both of the above. Willingness to pay for reducing pollution can be estimated from both the additional wages.

offered for similar jobs at more polluted workplaces and the additional property values offered for similar properties at less polluted locations. In the case of job wages, individuals may be willing to accept lower wages to work in less polluted environments or may demand higher wages to compensate for the adverse effects of pollution in more polluted workplaces.

By observing the wage differentials for similar jobs in different pollution levels, we can infer individuals' willingness to pay for reducing pollution. Similarly, in the case of property values, individuals may be willing to pay higher prices for properties located in less polluted areas due to the improved quality of life and health benefits associated with cleaner environments.

To know more about values visit-


Choose any business strategy, also explain how you would apply
it and what led you to choose it.


One business strategy that I would choose is diversification. Diversification is a growth strategy that involves expanding a company's product line or market reach to new and different areas than the current business. It allows businesses to spread out their risks and explore new opportunities.

Here is how I would apply the diversification strategy and what led me to choose it:Application: To apply the diversification strategy, I would identify areas outside of our current business that we could expand into, as well as the risks and benefits of doing so. I would conduct market research and analyze industry trends to determine the best opportunities for diversification. Then, I would create a plan for entering these new markets and determine the resources necessary to implement the plan. This could involve hiring new employees, forming partnerships or alliances, or acquiring other businesses.

What led me to choose it: Diversification has several benefits. Firstly, it reduces risk by spreading out investments across different areas. If one market experiences a downturn, it won't significantly impact the entire business. Secondly, it can lead to increased revenue and profitability by opening up new opportunities for growth. Lastly, it allows businesses to adapt to changes in the market and stay competitive. As such, diversification is an ideal strategy for companies that want to grow and reduce their exposure to risk.

To know more about business strategy click here:


Selected financial statement data for Larkspur Company are presented below.
December 31, 2020
December 31, 2019
$44,500 $30,900 Short-term investments
19,400 18,000 Receivables (net)
107,530 93,500 Inventory
84,630 67,500 Total current liabilities
108,500 88,500 During 2020, net sales were $1,105,665, and cost of goods sold was $912,780.
Compute the current ratio at December 31, 2020. (Round answer to 2 decimal places, e.g. 15.25.)
Current ratio enter the current ratio rounded to 2 decimal places :1


The current ratio at December 31, 2020, is 1.48:1. The current ratio is a measure of a company's short-term liquidity and ability to cover its current liabilities with its current assets.

It is calculated by dividing total current assets by total current liabilities. Using the given financial statement data for Larkspur Company at December 31, 2020: Total current assets = Cash + Short-term investments + Receivables (net) + Inventory Total current assets = $44,500 + $19,400 + $107,530 + $84,630 = $256,060 Total current liabilities = $108,500 Now, we can calculate the current ratio: Current ratio = Total current assets / Total current liabilities Current ratio = $256,060 / $108,500 ≈ 1.48:1 Therefore, the current ratio at December 31, 2020, for Larkspur Company is approximately 1.48:1. This indicates that the company has $1.48 of current assets for every $1 of current liabilities, suggesting a relatively healthy liquidity position. A current ratio above 1 signifies that the company's current assets are sufficient to cover its current obligations.

Learn more about  current ratio here;


A business operated at 100% of capacity during its first month and incurred the following costs: Production costs (18,800 units): Direct materials $172,800 Direct labor 222,400 Variable factory overhead 262,600 Fixed factory overhead 100,500 $758,300 Operating expenses: Variable operating expenses $132,200 Fixed operating expenses 42,300 174,500
If 1,900 units remain unsold at the end of the month and sales total $1,111,000 for the month, what would be the amount of income from operations reported on the absorption costing income statement?
a. $76,637
b. $244,680
c. $254,754
d. $66,480


The amount of income from operations reported on the absorption costing income statement is $76,637.In Absorption Costing method, fixed and variable costs are included in the product's cost and inventory. Absorption costing is also known as full costing. A is the correct answer.

The formula for calculating income from operation under absorption costing is:Selling price per unit - Total unit costSales total = $1,111,000Less: Total unit cost = Direct materials + Direct labor + Variable factory overhead + Fixed factory overhead= $172,800 + $222,400 + $262,600 + $100,500= $758,300

Unit cost = $758,300 / 18,800 units= $40.33Total unit cost for 1,900 unsold units = 1,900 × $40.33= $76,637Hence, the amount of income from operations reported on the absorption costing income statement is $76,637.

To know more about  Absorption Costing visit:-


In 1965, which part of the world had the lowest value of exported goods? Africa Asia European Union Latin America Middle East United States and Canada


According to a report by the United Nations (UN) Conference on Trade and Development, the Middle East had the lowest value of exported goods in 1965, with only $3.1 billion worth of goods exported.

This was followed by Africa with $4.5 billion and Latin America with $6.5 billion.The report, published in 1967, highlights the significant disparities in international trade between different regions of the world. It notes that the majority of exports from developing countries are raw materials and primary commodities, while developed countries primarily export manufactured goods.

This dynamic has contributed to the unequal distribution of wealth and economic development across the world. In conclusion, the Middle East had the lowest value of exported goods in 1965 according to the United Nations (UN) Conference on Trade and Development.

To know more about exported goods click here:


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in a particular region, the electric potential is given by v = xy9z 8xy, where and are constants. what is the electric field in this region? drug testing is mostly an issue for businesses with regards to The thanksgiving luang cave system is estimated to be 35 million cubic meters large. An estimated 250 million liters of water was pumped out of the Dave over the course of the rescue if all the water had remained in the cave system instead of being pumped out what percent of the cave would have been filled with water? Question 7 (3 points) What is the purpose of the discriminant? Provide a diagram and example with your explanation. You may need to use the appropriate appendix table or technology to answer the question, -[-14 Points) DETAILS MENDSTAT14 9.6.068. MY NOTES ASK YOUR TEACHER An agronomit has shown experimentally that new rigation/feration regimen produces an increase the per me when regimen currently in use. The cost of immenting and using the new regimen will not be a factor of the credite same as practical importance in this wituation Explain Yes, Practical importance is always the same statistical signance Yes since the agronomia shown all that the new roman produces an increase of the there Increpys using the new men Y since the agronomit has shown in the women resan seperti the level. Therefore the results avec portance On The agonist would have to how many that the increase or more per ora in corso Practical importance is the seats O Type here to see SUPPOSE, YOU ARE THE TRAINING INSTRUCTOR OF 'TK' COMPANY. YOU ARE PLANNING TO CONDUCT 2 TRAINING SESSIONS FOR ALL THE EMPLOYEES-FORMAL TRAINING ON 'DEVELOPING LEADERSHIP QUALITY'INFORMAL TRAINING ON 'DEVELOPING HEALTHY HABITS'PART A:WHO WILL BE THE TRAINEES FOR YOUR FORMAL TRAINING SEESION? WHY?MENTION THE METHODS YOU WILL USE FOR FORMAL TRAINING AND WHY?WRITE DOWN 3 TOPICS THAT YOU WILL COVER UNDER THIS TRAINING.BENEFITS THE EMPLOYEES WILL RECEIVE FROM THE SESSION.PART B:WHO WILL BE THE TRAINEES FOR YOUR INFORMAL TRAINING SEESION?MENTION THE METHODS YOU WILL USE FOR INFORMAL TRAINING AND WHY?WRITE DOWN 3 TOPICS THAT YOU WILL COVER UNDER THIS TRAINING.BENEFITS THE EMPLOYEES WILL RECEIVE FROM THE SESSION. does the true average strength appear to be different for the two methods of surface preparation? if you could live in any decade from the past, present, or future, which specific decade would you choose? why? in each of the following identify whether the demand is elastic, inelastic, or unit-elastic what is a token? how does the shell decide where one token ends and another begins? Use the Intermediate Value Theorem to show that the polynomial f(x) = 2x 5x + 2 has a real zero between - 1 and 0. Select the correct choice below and fill in the answer boxes to complete your choice. 0 and f(0) = A. Because f(x) is a polynomial with f(-1) = B. Because f(x) is a polynomial with f(-1) = C. Because f(x) is a polynomial with f(-1) = O D. Because f(x) is a polynomial with f(-1) = 0 and f(0) = 0, the function has a real zero between - 1 and 0. what is the name given to the claisen reaction between two different esters? Using laws of logarithms, write the expression below using sums and/or differences of logarithmic expressions which do not contain the logarithms of products, quotients, or powers.Enter the natural logarithm of x as ln.Use decimals instead of fractions (e.g. "0.5" instead of "1/2"). In (xx-4 / 4x+7) = 6In+In(sqrt(x-4))-In4x+7 Help with entering logarithms Chapter 1: Order, Degree and Formation of differential equations 1. Form the differential equation representing the family of curves, y = A cos(mx + B), where m is the parameter and A and B are constants. 2. Find the differential equation from, y = Cx + D, where C and D are constants. 3. Form the differential equation representing the family of curves, y = Ae-3x + Besx, where A and B are constants. 4. Form the differential equation representing the family of curves, y = A sin5x + Bcos 5x, where A and B are constants. 5. Form the differential equation representing the family of curves, y - 2ay + x = a, where a is a constant. 6. Form a differential equation by eliminating the arbitrary constant 'A' from the equation y = Ax + 3x - A. Solve the following differential equation by using the Method of Undetermined Coefficients. y"-36y=3x+e .By considering the substitution g : R2 R2 given by g(x, y) = (y x, y 3x) =: (u, v).1. Determine g(x, y) and det(g(x, y))2. Calculate g(R), and sketch the region in u-vcoordinates. Show complete working out.3. Calculate R e^(x+2y) dx dy by using the substitution g 3. 1 Classify and distinguish the different types of inventory based on their purpose for a company of your choice giving practical examples. (10 Marks)3.2 The annual demand for items is 2400 units, the reorder cost is N$ 10 per order, and the holding cost is N$ 0.30 per unit per year. If the suppliers guarantee delivery within 2 days, determine the economic order quantity (EOQ) and the reorder point using the data provided? (10 Marks)3.3 Provide a comparative analysis of the difference between Supply Chain and Value Chain. Your answer should be in line with the information provided below. (5 Marks)Supply Chain vs ValueChain Basis for comparison- Supply Chain- Value ChainMeaning-Origin-Concept-Sequence-Objective-3.4 Strategic decisions in Supply Chain Management may include the following:(i) plant location decisions(ii) production decisions(iii) transportation decisions(iv) inventory decisions(v) source decisions.Discuss the significance of these decisions and give a practical illustration in the context of a Namibian firm of your choice. (15 Marks)3.5 As supply chains become more complex as a result of global sourcing, supply chain risks increase. Discuss the different categories of risk based on Mason and Towill's original framework with practical examples. (20 Marks)3.6 The total cost concept places costs into three main categories. Identify and explain the three categories. (10 Marks) 2. Solitary waves (or solitons) are waves that travel great distances without changing shape. Tsunami's are one example. Scientific study began with Scott Russell in 1834, who followed such a wave in a channel on horseback, and was fascinated by it's rapid pace and unchanging shape. In 1895, Kortweg and De Vries showed that the evolution of the profile is governed by the equationJu+udu+u= 0.For this question, suppose u is a solution to the above equation for re R, t>0. Suppose further that u and all derivatives (including higher order derivatives) of u decay to 0 as a [infinity].(a) Let p= u(x, t)da. Show that p is constant in time. [Physically, p is the momentum of the wave.](b) Let E= u(x, t)'da. Show that E is constant in time. [Physically, E is the energy of the wave.](c) (Bonus) It turns out that the KdV equation has infinitely many conserved quantities. The energy and momentum above are the only two which have any physical meaning. Can you find a non-trivial conserved quantity that's not a linear combination of p and E? General Importers announced that it will pay a dividend of $3.00 per share one year from today After that, the company experts a slowdown in its his and will pay a divided for the weat years. Then, 8 years from today, the company will begin paying an annual dividend of $1.00 forever. The required return is 10.00 percent. What is the price of the stock today? in text 1 which line would have one task in the executing status as shown in illustration 6?