In the opening sentence, the author assumes which of the following about his audience?
A country founded on the principle of individual freedom—“life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”1—has both a gift and a problem. “No man is an island,” the English poet John Donne wrote in the seventeenth century, but in the late eighteenth century, at least in America, you very nearly could be, at least physically. The continent was so immense, the forests so thick, and the land so fertile, that a man could literally live alone. Strictly speaking, if survival was all that mattered, he did not even need a market to sell to. He had everything he needed in the woods, streams, and fields.

This was how Americans saw themselves, or claimed to see themselves. In his first Farewell Address—the one in 1783, when he resigned his commission as commander in chief of the continental army—General George Washington envisioned his disbanded troops heading out to the “extensive and fertile Regions of the West,” which would “yield a most happy Asylum to those, who, fond of domestic enjoyment are seeking for personal independence.”

This independence was not only geographical, it was psychological, spiritual, political—and legal. With the colonial grants wiped away by revolution, new American landowners could buy and hold land in “fee simple,” just the way the highest-ranking feudal lords had done at the top of Old World society. Every man was his own lord and vassal. He could make whatever money he could, and keep most of it as his own. There would be taxes in the New World, but they were not “direct.” Indeed, for the first century of its existence, Washington derived the bulk of its revenue from global trade—from import tariffs and duties—and from sales of federal land.

The spirit of economic individualism was always with us, and by the middle of the nineteenth century it had become a kind of secular religion in the world of business, even when the aim of big business was to snuff out the very entrepreneurialism that nurtured commerce to begin with. In 1886, at the height of the first Gilded Age, the U.S. Supreme Court declared that the Southern Pacific Railroad—and, by extension, all profit-making corporations—were entitled to be viewed as individual persons in the eyes of the law. We were the first country in the world to view them that way, but it made sense: Individualism was Us, even if Us was a corporate leviathan. Americans have never fully accepted the idea that tax tables should be designed, and revenues disbursed, in a way that makes government the redistributor of wealth and guarantor of income. “Fairness” is one thing, redistribution another.

There was another view—a counterpoint—and much of our history is about the struggle of communal thinking to gain sway in the economic life of America. The question has never been whether Americans would pitch in to help each other—but rather the extent to which government could require them to do so. Observers from Tocqueville onward have commented on our willingness, even eagerness, to join voluntary associations, from civic groups to teaching circles. Americans give more to charity per capita than citizens of any other country. Bill Gates and Warren Buffett2 established the wealthiest charitable foundation in history. We may “bowl alone” more often these days, as author Robert Putnam gloomily puts it in his metaphor for anomie,3 but we also worry about the fact that we do so. Walt Whitman,4 our bard of brotherhood, saw no conflict between his own credo of the individual and his love of all mankind. “[W]hoever walks a furlong without sympathy,” he wrote in “Song of Myself,” “walks to his own funeral drest in a shroud.”

But what is the government’s role in reconciling two age-old American concepts: “There’s no such thing as a free lunch” and “united we stand”?

A)They are familiar with the phrase “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

B)They view the phrase “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” with skepticism.

C)They hold individual freedom in high regard.

D)They view individual freedom as both a gift and a problem.

E)They are probably unfamiliar with the principle of individual freedom.


Answer 1




Answer 2

They view the phrase “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” with skepticism. hence the option C is correct.

What is a Symbolism?

Symbolism is the use of symbols or objects to represent abstract ideas or concepts. It is a literary technique that allows writers to convey complex meanings and ideas through the use of symbolic imagery.

In literature, symbolism can take many forms. It can be a recurring motif or image, such as a rose representing love or a dove representing peace. It can also be a more abstract concept, such as the use of colors to represent different emotions or states of mind.

The use of symbolism allows writers to convey meaning on multiple levels. For example, a character in a story may be described as wearing a red dress.

On a literal level, the dress is simply a piece of clothing. However, on a symbolic level, the color red can represent passion or danger, giving the description of the character added meaning.

Learn more about Symbolism here:


Related Questions

Congressman Sanchez is an effective legislator behind the scenes” or “Congressman Sanchez is a largely ineffective Congressman behind the scenes.” Is an example of


Congressman Sanchez is either a largely ineffective congressman or "Congressman Sanchez is an efficient legislator behind the scenes."

Who is called legislator?

A legislature is made up of legislators. Indirect election and executive nomination are also widely used, particularly for bicameral legislatures with an upper house, even if popular voting is still the most popular method of choosing lawmakers in democracies. pertaining to the part of the government in charge of making laws, collecting taxes, and distributing money. Legislative and judicial comparison.

Parliament refers to the President, the Union's legislative body, and the two chambers of parliament referred to as the House of the People (Lok Sabha) and the Council of States (Rajya Sabha). Not more than six months following the end of its previous session, each House must reconvene. Sometimes the two Houses will meet together.

To know more about government, visit:


A Family That Plays Together
by Tirzah Tyler
On Friday morning, Sergio flung his backpack over his shoulder and sighed.
"It's just for fwo nights," he told his father
"Mijo, we're a mariachi band. If you abandon us, we'll only have one guitar,"
Mr. Rosales said with a frown and a gleam in his eye that made him look like a
heartbroken puppy
Sergio had never seen his father cry, but he wondered if maybe he was
about to witness that phenomenon. Telling him about working at a shoe store
over the weekend with a friend was not going well "Dad, I'm going to make
more money than I would performing with the family." Sergio explained.
"But we always play togetherl And then we all split the profits Mr. Rosales
exclaimed. Now he looked like the Paricutin volcano about to erupt in a Mexican
"Dad, it's going to be OK" Sergio said. "Ana knows the guitar parts to all the
songs just as well as I do if she just plays her guitar louder than usual, I think
the family will sound just fine"
Mr. Rosales sighed and said calmly, "I can't make you perform with us." Then
he added, "When you started spending so much time with Jeremy, I thought
maybe you just needed a friend. Now I'm beginning to think that you just don't
want us in your life anymore"
"Dad, I love you all," Sergio said. "I'm not trying to leave the family I'll just bo
away for four hours tonight and six hours tomorrow night. The more I earn now,
the less I need to earn later Comprendes, Papi?"
Mr. Rosales gently stroked his chin in thought. He nodded and replied, "SI,
Mijo, claro que si to say that he understood what Sergio was saying
After school, Sergio rode the city bus with his friend Jeremy to Speedaway
Athletic Shoes. Their plan was to do inventory, they were going to make a list of
the store's supplies After the boys arrived at the store, Sergio unzipped his
backpack and took out his calculator and pencil Jeremy turned on the TV in the
store's break room and tuned in to his favorite show
it's OK if we goof off," Jeremy said. "Speedaway will pay us for four hours of
work, but our job will only take us about two hours. We can do whatever we
want while we're here. The manager told me so
Sergio groaned at the thought of being dishonest. He thought about his
family playing his favorite mariachi songs without him Then he decided that
earning less money with his family was better than earning more money with a
As politely as he could, Sergio said goodbye to Jeremy and caught the next
bus home. After he arrived, he threw his backpack onto his bed, changed into
his uniform, and fished his guitar out of his closet. Then he half-walked, half-ran
the eight blocks to the restaurant where his family was performing
8 of 10 Answered
Which word best describes Sergio's character?
OA. ke
OB. greedy
OC. confused
OD. honorable
Session Timer: 14:06
Session Score: 63% (5/8)


Sergio is clearly honorable for his dad's profession and the family over money, as can be seen from the preceding text.

Sergio and his friend Jeremy took the city bus after school to get to Speedway Athletic Shoes. They intended to do an inventory and compile a list of the store's stock. Sergio unzipped his rucksack as the lads got to the shop and pulled out his calculator and pencil. Jeremy flipped on his preferred programme on the TV in the store's break area. We can have fun and act silly, Jeremy added, "We'll get paid by Speedway for four hours of work, but it will only take us around two. While we are here, we are free to do whatever we wish. Sergio scowled at the prospect of lying, "The manager told me that."

He imagined his family listening to his favorite mariachi music without him. Then he came to the conclusion that spending less money with his family would be preferable to spending more money with a buddy. Sergio said Jeremy farewell as well as he could before boarding the subsequent bus home. He walked in, dropped his bag on the bed, changed into his uniform and pulled his guitar from his wardrobe. Then he sprinted the eight streets to the restaurant where his family was performing as he partially walked.

To know more about A Family That Plays Together visit:


Choose all the statements that are true about Nelson Mandela's speech.

A Mandela recognizes that the government is beginning to see its need to negotiate with those who would change its structure.Mandela recognizes that the government is beginning to see its need to negotiate with those who would change its structure.

B In this speech, Mandela has an angry, passionate tone that is full of powerfully dangerous emotion.In this speech, Mandela has an angry, passionate tone that is full of powerfully dangerous emotion.

C Mandela advocates that young people forego organizing formally and pursue violent protest.Mandela advocates that young people forego organizing formally and pursue violent protest.

D Mandela believes that continuing to recruit more members to the cause to end apartheid is as important as beginning negotiation with the government.Mandela believes that continuing to recruit more members to the cause to end apartheid is as important as beginning negotiation with the government.

E In this speech, Mandela is trying to motivate young people to continue the fight to stop apartheid.In this speech, Mandela is trying to motivate young people to continue the fight to stop apartheid.

F In order to make his speech dramatic and powerful, Mandela uses metaphors, similes, and other rhetorical devices to heighten his emotional effect.In order to make his speech dramatic and powerful, Mandela uses metaphors, similes, and other rhetorical devices to heighten his emotional effect.

G Mandela wants young people to think of negotiating with the apartheid government as the next step in the struggle to end racist government.


We can see here the true statements about Nelson Mandela's speech are:

A) Mandela recognizes that the government is beginning to see its need to negotiate with those who would change its structure.

D) Mandela believes that continuing to recruit more members to the cause to end apartheid is as important as beginning negotiation with the government.

Who is Nelson Mandela?

Nelson Mandela was a South African anti-apartheid revolutionary, political leader, and philanthropist who served as the President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999. He was the country's first black head of state and the first elected in a fully representative democratic election.

Mandela was born on July 18, 1918, in Mvezo, a small village in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa. He studied law at the University of Fort Hare and the University of Witwatersrand and became involved in anti-colonial politics, joining the African National Congress (ANC) in 1944.

The other statements are:

E) In this speech, Mandela is trying to motivate young people to continue the fight to stop apartheid.

F) In order to make his speech dramatic and powerful, Mandela uses metaphors, similes, and other rhetorical devices to heighten his emotional effect.

G) Mandela wants young people to think of negotiating with the apartheid government as the next step in the struggle to end racist government.

Learn more about Nelson Mandela on


Strength in this shows a more analytical approach to learning.
Worth 5.000 points.

A. Concrete Experience

B. Reflective Observation

C. Active Experimentation

D. Abstract Conceptualization


The sentence "Strength in this shows a more analytical approach to learning" is an example of abstract conceptualization, as option D shows.

What is abstract conceptualization?It is the use of logic and concepts to understand information.It is the use of models and subjective ideas to define concepts.

The analytical approach to learning is directly associated with abstract conceptualization. This is because the analytical approach uses subjunctive factors that stimulate thinking and reasoning to be understood.

These elements can be easily found in abstract conceptualization and therefore it is the ideal model for analytical learning.

Learn more about abstract conceptualization:


Introduction and thesis for Dorian gray in a essay


Answer: "The Picture of Dorian Gray" is a novel written by Oscar Wilde that explores the dangers of aestheticism and the pursuit of pleasure. The story follows Dorian Gray, a young and handsome man who becomes obsessed with maintaining his youthful beauty and indulging in a life of hedonism. As the story progresses, Dorian's actions become increasingly immoral, leading to tragic consequences for himself and those around him. The thesis of this essay is that Wilde uses the character of Dorian Gray to criticize the societal obsession with physical beauty and pleasure, highlighting the destructive consequences that come with pursuing these ideals to the extreme.


What contrast does the speaker establish in the following lines in Snow-Bound?
And ever, when a louder blast
Shook beam and rafter as it passed,
The merrier up its roaring draught
The great throat of the chimney laughed;
The outside world is violent and dark, while the inside world is calm and brightly lit
The volume of the world outside almost drowns out the sounds of family inside.
The outside weather is threatening, while the fire inside provides protection.
The outside sounds are deafening, but the family is able to laugh them off.


Since the particles are closer to one another than in less dense air, Snow-Bound sound travels best in the former.

The sound waves' underlying process is what?

The air inside the inflatable is compressed, causing the air molecules there to be closer together than those outside. In fact, the sound energy can be sent by these atoms inside the inflatable in this manner. The transmission of pressure and the rarefaction of air atoms produce reverberant sound waves.

What subject is Snow-Bound's main focus?

Snowbound's core tenet is that, no matter what, family will always be there to provide solace. The final line of this passage further emphasises the concept, which is illustrated throughout the poem. additional, less noticeable

To know more about Snow-Bound visit :-


Read the following excerpt from a student essay. How can the writer best improve his or her
Ponies are a type of horse, but there are significant differences between ponies and
horses. Ponies are generally shorter than horses. Ponies also tend to live longer than
horses. Horses are considered to be over fifty-eight inches tall, and ponies are less than
that. Horses usually live to be twenty-five to thirty years old. Most ponies live to be
thirty-five or even forty.
A- by reordering sentences to keep related ideas together
B- by moving the first sentence to the end of the paragraph



A- by reordering sentences to keep related ideas together.

The writer can best improve their organization by choosing option A, which involves reordering sentences to keep related ideas together. Currently, the paragraph jumps between discussing the differences between ponies and horses and their respective lifespans, which can be confusing for the reader. By grouping related ideas together, the paragraph will be more coherent and easier to follow. Option B, which suggests moving the first sentence to the end of the paragraph, does not address the underlying issue of disorganization and may make the paragraph less clear.

Which would be the BEST way to communicate your findings if you were doing an inquiry on rising sea levels?

A Post your findings on social media. Post your findings on social media.
B Invite friends over to discuss over dinner. Invite friends over to discuss over dinner.
C Publish a paper in a scientific journal. Publish a paper in a scientific journal.
D Call an expert on the phone to tell them your findings.


D Call an expert on the phone to tell them your findings

Why posting your findings in social media won't work?

It would be helpless at this time to share your findings on social media since you will not get an immediate response.

Why discussing it with friends will not work? Why scientific journal won't work?

Friends may not have a wide knowledge in the topic, similar to a expert. So calling friends over a dinner and discussing won't help you. It would take more time and be time-consuming to write journals and publish them. Also it is not sure if we would get an immediate response for the journal.

Why calling a expert will work?

The only method to discuss your findings and the inquiry on rising sea levels and the only person who can save you is by calling an expert over the phone. Therefore, that would be the best answer to this question. So the best way to communicate regarding your findings and doing an inquiry on rising sea levels would be calling an expert and clear the doubts.

To know more about Communication visit:


Which details does Taney use as evidence to support his reasoning? Check all that apply.



C, D, and E


2. PART B: Which detail from the text best supports
the answer to Part A? In the common lit teenage inventor Alexis Lewis thinks that’s kids have the solutions to the world’s problems


"I believe that kids have the solutions to the world’s problems, and that adults should be listening to them more," said Lewis.

Which one of the following words is an irregular noun plural?
A. Animals
B. Geese
C. Automobiles
D. Houses



Regular noun plural would be adding -s to the singular noun. So any plural form which is not created in this manner would be irregular.

The correct answer is B) geese, because the singular is goose.

1 Work in pairs. Look at the title of the article and the two photos. Why do you think these competitions are "crazy"?​


Competitions are events in which individuals or teams compete against each other to achieve a specific goal or to win a prize.

What is competition about?

Competitions can be found in various fields, including sports, academics, arts, business, and more. Competitions often involve rules, guidelines, and criteria that participants must follow to compete fairly.

Competitions can be a great way for individuals to challenge themselves, test their skills and knowledge, and gain recognition for their achievements. They can also provide opportunities to meet new people, learn from others, and showcase talents. Competitions can range from local or regional events to international competitions, and can have various formats such as online or in-person.

Examples of competitions include the Olympics, World Cup, spelling bees, science fairs, hackathons, business plan competitions, and many more.

Learn more about competition on;


Conduct rhetorical analysis on the three magazine advertisements below. Specifically, examine how the Aristotelian appeals--ethos, pathos, and logos--function in the ads.
For each advertisement, analyze how one of the appeals is being used. For example, explore the role of pathos in the Nike ad, ethos in the Toyota ad, and logos in the Surfrider Foundation ad (you should decide which appeal you want to analyze the function of in each ad; just make sure that each of your three responses focuses on a different appeal). Each response should be 50+ words. This forum will close at 8pm on Sunday, April 16th.


Restate the question

limit of (3x+7)/(x-1)^2 as x approaches 1






The limit of (3x+7)/(x-1)^2 as x approaches 1 is undefined or does not exist because the denominator becomes zero when x=1 and division by zero is undefined1.

I hope that helps!


A lifter may wear two pairs of socks during the deadlift, as long as at least one pair meets the requirements of covering the lifters calves True False


False. Long socks help to move the weight back and protect the shins during deadlifts. Injury protection is provided for the hamstrings and glutes.

You wear socks for deadlifts, why?

To avoid the barbell's knurling from scraping the shin and potentially causing it to bleed, deadlifters wear long socks that cover the entire lower leg. This keeps the gym where the lifter is working out and their body more hygienic.

Can you deadlift competitively while wearing socks?

d) Shin-length socks must be worn to protect the shins when deadlifting by covering them. g) Socks must not touch the knee and cannot be layered over it. Belts are allowed for competitors.

To know more about lifters visit:


To support your claim and present a strong argument, you should always include



Evidence supports a claim and presents strong evidence

kindness is a quality that is gradually disappearing among us today​.
Essay not less than 250words


Kindness, once considered a fundamental virtue, appears to be fading in modern society. In today's fast-paced world, where self-interest and individualism often take precedence, acts of kindness seem to be decreasing.

What is kindness?

This essay will explore the reasons behind the decline of kindness and discuss the impact of this trend on individuals and society as a whole.

One of the primary factors contributing to the diminishing kindness in society is the increasing emphasis on materialistic values. In a consumer-driven culture that prioritizes wealth, success, and personal gain, acts of kindness may be viewed as secondary or even unnecessary. The relentless pursuit of material possessions and the accumulation of wealth can create a sense of competition, selfishness, and a lack of empathy towards others. In such a mindset, kindness may be perceived as a weakness or an inconvenience that hinders personal advancement.

Another factor that affects the decline of kindness is the pervasive influence of technology and social media. In the digital age, people are often more connected to their screens than to each other. The rise of social media platforms has led to a shift in how people interact, with virtual interactions replacing genuine face-to-face connections. The anonymity of online communication can lead to increased incivility, cyberbullying, and a decrease in empathy and compassion towards others. The lack of personal connection and human interaction in the virtual world can erode the foundation of kindness in society.

Furthermore, the fast-paced nature of modern life leaves little time for acts of kindness. People are often busy with their own lives, consumed by work, responsibilities, and commitments. In such a hectic lifestyle, acts of kindness may be viewed as time-consuming or inconsequential, leading to a lack of effort or motivation to practice kindness towards others.

Read more about kindness here:


what is the correct from addressing infernal dialogues?​
Then I told myself, "what it can't make? "


The correct form of addressing internal dialogues is to use quotation marks and italicize the text to indicate that it is a thought rather than spoken dialogue. In this case, the correct form would be: Then I told myself, "What if it can't be done?"

How to address this internal dialogue

When addressing internal dialogues, it's common to use quotation marks to indicate the direct speech or thoughts of the character. For example, "What can't it make?" shows the character's internal dialogue or thought, and the quotation marks indicate that it is a direct thought rather than external dialogue being spoken aloud.

This is a common convention in writing to differentiate between the character's thoughts and spoken words. Additionally, using proper punctuation and grammar is important to make the internal dialogue clear and easy to understand for the reader.

Read more on dialogues here:


Read the passage.
Ellen Ochoa began her career with NASA in 1988. Her
first assignment was as a research engineer at the
Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, California. She
became the first Hispanic woman to travel to space
when she served as mission specialist on a flight of the
space shuttle Discovery in April 1993.
Read Reyhan's paraphrase of the excerpt.
In 1988, Ellen Ochoa joined NASA as a research
engineer at the Ames Research Center in California. In
1993, she served as a mission specialist on the space
shuttle Discovery. On that flight, she became the first
woman to go to space.
Mark this and return
Which paraphrasing mistake does Reyhan make?
© She changes the meaning of the information in the
original text.
• She includes wording that is too close to the original
• She includes her personal opinion of ideas in the
original text.
She adds information that is not found in the original

The answer is A she changes the meaning


Yes, option a) is correct. Reyhan's paraphrase incorrectly states that Ellen Ochoa was the first woman to go to space, whereas the original text states that she was the first Hispanic woman to travel to space. This changes the meaning of the information in the original text.

What is there in space?

Space is vast and contains many things such as stars, planets, asteroids, comets, moons, nebulae, galaxies, and more. It also contains radiation, cosmic dust, and other particles. The study of space is known as astronomy, and scientists are constantly discovering new information and objects in space. However, most of space is empty space or a vacuum, with very little matter present in some areas.

Reyhan's paraphrase incorrectly states that Ellen Ochoa was the first woman to go to space, which is not accurate as the original text specifies that she was the first Hispanic woman to travel to space. This changes the meaning of the information in the original text. It is important to be careful when paraphrasing to ensure that the meaning of the original text is accurately conveyed.

To know more about comets visit:

What is the main benefit of the questions at the beginning of the "Review of U.S. Human Space Flight" article?

To convince readers all arguments have been considered
To include as many skeptics and naysayers as possible
To outline the problems human space flight must overcome
To suggest more research needs to be done quickly


The main benefit of the questions at the beginning of the "Review of U.S. Human Space Flight" article is to outline the problems human space flight must overcome i.e. option c).

What is a Space flight?
A space flight is a journey made beyond the Earth's atmosphere into outer space. It typically involves the use of a spacecraft or a rocket to transport people or payloads into space. Space flights have been conducted for a variety of purposes, including scientific research, exploration, commercial activities, and military operations. Some of the most famous space flights in history include the Apollo moon landing missions, the Space Shuttle program, and the International Space Station missions.

The main benefit of the questions at the beginning of the "Review of U.S. Human Space Flight" article is to outline the problems and challenges that human space flight must overcome. By asking these questions, the author is introducing the key issues and concerns that the article will address. This sets the stage for the rest of the article and helps the reader to understand the purpose and scope of the piece. Additionally, the questions help to engage the reader and generate interest in the topic by presenting a series of thought-provoking queries that are relevant to the subject matter.

To know more about article visit:

what you do you think would be the result of an A.I. such as ChatGPT merging with a form of synthetic media? What are some of the good things that could happen? What are some of the negative things?


The result of an AI merging with a form of synthetic media could potentially lead to the creation of highly advanced and sophisticated virtual beings capable of carrying out complex tasks and interacting with humans in ways that were previously impossible.

What would be the result of an A.I. merging with a form of synthetic media?

The merging of AI and synthetic media has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with digital content, creating more immersive and personalized experiences for users.

An AI that is capable of learning from and adapting to human behavior, combined with synthetic media that can create highly realistic simulations of real-world scenarios, could result in the creation of virtual assistants, digital avatars, and other forms of virtual beings that are indistinguishable from real humans.

Read more about synthetic media


Most students prefer this story:
What makes this story interesting? Check all of the
boxes that apply.
T was hiking on a crisp, clear autumn morning
when a snake came slithering toward me. "It's
The writing style is exciting, and the author
probably just a garter snake," I thought. As
uses precise words.
the snake slithered nearer, I spotted a rattle
The passage includes sensory details, such
dit the tip of its tail. I jumped back with a gasp.
as what the narrator saw and heard.
The snake was poisonousl
The passage makes it easy to decide how the
narrator felt during the event.
The event is told in a reasonable sequence.


C and D especially D

Exercise 6. Read the text and circle the correct form of the verb.

Ty Warner 1) has been making / made toys since 1986. In 1992, he 2) has gotten / got the idea to make stuffed animals that children could afford. The first nine Beanie Babies® 3) have appeared / appeared in stores just one year later. Pattie the Platypus and her eight companions 4) have sold out / sold out immediately. Ever since then, store owners 5) have been having / had a hard time keeping Beanies on the shelves. In the 1990s, the fad 6) has become / became an international craze, and the Babies are still popular around the world today. More than 2 billion fans 7) have visited / have been visiting Ty's website, and not long ago, one toy collector 8) has been paying / paid an amazing $24,000 for a Beanie. Which reminds me – I'd like to discuss some trades. 9) Have you found / Have you been finding Iggy the Iguana yet?

Exercise 7. Put in the correct form of the verbs.

1. My best friend, Emma, was no longer there. She _____________ (go) away.

2. There was a car by the side of the road. It _______________________ (break) down and the driver was trying to repair it. So we ____________________ (stop) to see if we could help.

3. I invited Ann to dinner last night but she couldn’t come. She _______________ (already arrange) to do something else.

4. When I arrived, Ann ___________________ (wait) for me. She was rather annoyed with me because I was late and she _______________________ (wait) for a very long time.

5. I really must go and see the dentist. One of my teeth _____________ (ache) for weeks.

6. When Melanie arrived at David's place, he ________________ (lie) on the sofa reading a detective novel. He __________________ (buy) it at the second-hand bookshop, and he _________________________ (read) it for most of the afternoon.


The business that made the well-known Beanie Babies goes by the moniker Ty. Ty Inc. was formed in 1986 by American entrepreneur H. Ty Warner, who also created the Beanie Babies brand of toy animals.

Who or what are Ty Beanie Babies?

In 1993, a little manufacturer called Ty from Illinois introduced the line of toys, and within a short period of time the plush animals had completely revolutionised the toy industry. Even customers who are aware that Ty produces Beanie Babies might think the letters are an acronym. They genuinely use the originator of the business, H.

What kind of profit did Ty make on Beanie Babies?

Around 1999, when the beanie craze was at its height, Ty Inc., a privately held company, is thought to have profited by more than $700 million in a single year. With a net worth of more than $2.5 billion, the Beanie Baby explosion and the development of the Internet are credited with making Warner a billionaire.

To know more about Ty Beanie Babies visit:-


danger. Which two sentences from the texts best convey this idea?
She knew that her actions might put her in danger of a Taliban
attack, since they use violence to silence opponents. ("Malala's)
Fight," paragraph 3)
The following year, she used a pseudonym to blog for the British
Broadcasting Corporation about what life was like living under the
constant threat of Taliban violence. ("Malala's Fight," paragraph 3)
In recent ethnic conflicts in southern India, hundreds of Muslims and
Hindus killed each other. ("The Freedom Train," paragraph 2)
A dozen Hindu men armed with knives and hammers invaded the
kitchen of a hotel in search of Muslims. ("The Freedom Train,"
paragraph 2)
But the Hindu employees convinced the mob that everyone there
was Hindu. ("The Freedom Train," paragraph 2)


The two sentences that best convey the idea are:

A. "She knew that her actions might put her in danger of a Taliban attack, since they use violence to silence opponents." ("Malala's Fight," (paragraph 3)

C. "A dozen Hindu men armed with knives and hammers invaded the kitchen of a hotel in search of Muslims." ("The Freedom Train," paragraph 2)

What is an idea?

An idea is a mental concept or thought that represents something new, innovative, or creative. It can be an abstract notion, a plan, a proposal, or a suggestion that is formed in the mind. Ideas can be generated through various means such as brainstorming, observation, analysis, and experience. They are often used to solve problems, create new products or services, improve existing ones, or bring about social change.

Ideas are usually expressed through language or other forms of communication such as art, music, and technology

Learn more about idea on


Help with all the questions I will send the poem and questions


Poetry is a genre of literature that is different from other genres because it is characterized by the use of highly condensed language, often rich in imagery and metaphor, and with a strong focus on sound, rhythm, and the arrangement of words on the page. Poetry is usually more concerned with the emotional and sensory experience of the reader than with the narrative or plot.

How to explain the poem

The language conventions that the poet has discarded include rules of grammar, punctuation, and capitalization. The poet has used run-on sentences, omitted commas, and capitalized words in unexpected places. While these rules are normally important for clarity and understanding, poets are allowed to ignore them in order to create a certain effect or convey a certain mood. By breaking the rules of language, a poet can create a sense of chaos, fragmentation, or emotional intensity.

Five difficult words in the poem are "amber", "sable", "slender", "brisk", and "gruel". To explain these words to young English FAL learners in South Africa, I would use simple language and examples that they can relate to. For example, I might explain that "amber" is a color that looks like honey or caramel, "sable" is a type of furry animal that lives in Africa, "slender" means thin or delicate like a flower stem, "brisk" means energetic or lively like someone who just had a cup of coffee, and "gruel" is a type of thin porridge that is commonly eaten in many parts of Africa.

The African pot reminds the poet of scenes from everyday life in Africa, such as women carrying pots on their heads, children playing with mud, villagers gathering around a fire, the smell of cooking food, and the sound of music and singing. The poet makes the reader think of these scenes specifically because they evoke a sense of nostalgia and cultural pride, and because they represent a way of life that is connected to the land and community.

The African pot reminds the poet of rural life or the past because it is a symbol of traditional African culture, which is often associated with rural areas and older generations. Modern, urban African life is often characterized by a mix of traditional and Western influences, and the poet may feel that the African pot represents a more authentic and pure expression of African identity and heritage.

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The epigram in algernon's last line is used to?





Professional relationship


The mission statement outlines the dynamic steps that will be taken to carry out the vision, whereas the vision statement is a static mental image of what you hope to accomplish.

What are the personal missions and goals?

Your goal is outlined by this. It is the explicit, quantifiable expression of what you ultimately hope to accomplish in your life or work. Goals and objectives This is somewhat more sentimental. Here, you outline your basic principles and how you intend to use them to fulfil your objective.

What exactly is a person's personal mission?

A personal mission statement outlines your values, your identity, and how you measure success. A personal mission statement can help you make decisions and maintain focus.

To know more about mission and vision visit:


Order in which persons may become President if the President becomes dies or is removed from office.
A. Executive Order
b. Electoral College
c. Winner takes all
D. Succession


The correct order is:

D. Succession
A. Executive Order
B. Electoral College
C. Winner takes all

The order of succession is established by the Presidential Succession Act of 1947 and outlines who would become President if the President dies, resigns, or is removed from office. The Executive Order can be used by the President to establish policies and procedures within the executive branch. The Electoral College is the process by which the President is elected, and the winner takes all refers to the fact that the candidate who wins the majority of votes in a state receives all of that state's electoral votes.

you have heard that your friend in another school wants to involve himself/herself in examination malpractice during the forthcoming Basic Education Certificate Examination. write a letter warning him/her of the dangers of such an action and advising him/her to take his/her studies seriously instead​



How are your studies? I hope you are preparing very well for your coming final exams. It is my prayer that you record a sounding success in the exams.The purpose of my writing you is to express and warn you against the dangers in examination malpractice.As you must  have been told several times before now that, examination malpractice which is a common phenomenon in most public examinations carried a penalty of twenty-one years  jail term under decree of our constitution, I hereby warn you not to fall a victim because it will affect you so much and the plans on the ground daddy has for you.Besides, where there is a report of examination malpractice, such centre stands the risk of cancellation of results and so you might not be able to fulfill your desire of moving to the university, such centre stands the risk of cancellation of results and so you might not be able to fulfill y our desire of moving to the university. This would give a big set-back to the candidates concerned.Bayo, I have known you as a serious and hard-working brother of mine, the moment you put yourself in the position of those seeking shadows in terms of ‘runs’ or certain help instead of sweating, you’ll just discover that you will become a lazy drone in academics and you may end up as a failure. So, try and read your books and pray to your God for a big success in your exams and I believe God is able.Let me not waste your precious time with  too mush talk on exam malpractice; I have sent the sum of five thousand hair to your account to help you buy necessary things as well as keep you buoyant throughout the period of your exams. Spend wisely and face your studies. Greet your friends for me. My wife and children greet you.


Devon shares his thoughts in narrated paragraphs and in a poem–two different structures. What thoughts in his narration are emphasized most clearly in his poem ?

(Bronx Masquerade )


Following his discovery in the library, Devon feels ashamed to go back to school. After being spotted at the library, Devon is concerned that his team will perceive him as a nerd.

The poem by Devon has a topic, what is it?

In his poetry, Devon explores who he really is. There is much more to this man than just his ability to play basketball, which is all most people perceive.

What impression is altered in Diondra's mind as a result of seeing Raul's own photo?

What caused Diondra to reconsider exposing her creative side after seeing Raul's self-portrait? She realised she could create a better portrait. She coveted Raul's admiration because she wanted it herself. She came to the conclusion that she was sick of being inauthentic.

To know more about Devon visit:-


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