In the beginning of the story, Kitsune says that all the women make up different stories about themselves. She says, “the more our kaiko-bodies begin to resemble one another, the more frantically each factory girl works to reinvent her past” (Russell 23). Why do the women “frantically” do this?

complete anwser with quotes from the book (“ Reeling for the Empire”)


Answer 1
The women in "Reeling for the Empire" frantically reinvent their pasts as a way to maintain their individuality and sense of self in an environment that seeks to strip them of their humanity. Kitsune explains that the women are forced to wear identical kaiko uniforms and are subjected to long hours of monotonous work. She says, "We are required to wear identical kaiko uniforms and work long hours with no breaks. It is an environment that seeks to eradicate our individuality, to reduce us to interchangeable parts" (Russell 22).

As a result, the women feel a deep sense of loss and disconnection from their former lives. Kitsune observes that "our memories fade, and with them our sense of self" (Russell 23). In order to resist this erasure, the women begin to invent new stories about themselves, creating new identities that allow them to maintain a sense of agency and control over their lives. Kitsune explains, "The more our kaiko-bodies begin to resemble one another, the more frantically each factory girl works to reinvent her past, to distinguish herself in some small way" (Russell 23).

By inventing new stories, the women are able to assert their individuality and resist the dehumanizing effects of their work. As Kitsune notes, "We are not machines. We are not interchangeable parts. We are women with stories" (Russell 23).

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Answer: Click on the document for your essay! :D


PLEASE HELP ASAP i need this answer its due until end of period (40 MINUTES)


The point of view based on the information is that C. The narrator is critical if Martha.

What is a point of view?

In literature, point of view refers to the perspective from which a story is narrated or presented to the reader. It determines how the events of the story are perceived and interpreted by the reader.

There are several types of point of view, including:

First person: The story is narrated by a character within the story, using "I" and "me" pronouns.

Second person: The story is narrated using "you" pronouns, placing the reader directly into the story.

Third person limited: The story is narrated by an outside observer who focuses on the thoughts and experiences of one character.

Third person omniscient: The story is narrated by an outside observer who has access to the thoughts and experiences of multiple characters.

Learn more about point of view on


Which sentence from the passage includes a subordinating conjunction?

“The principle behind biomimicry is not simply to copy nature, but to look at the designs that we can see in nature and use those designs to help solve human problems.” (paragraph 2)

“One of the clearest examples of biomimicry is found in the buildings that we live and work in.” (paragraph 3)

“Spanish architect Antoni Gaudí was inspired by a forest canopy when he designed the Sagrada Familía Basilica.” (paragraph 13)

“As these contemporary architects strive to create these structures, they turn to various designs in nature to inspire them.” (paragraph 3)


“The principle behind biomimicry is not simply to copy nature, but to look at the designs that we can see in nature and use those designs to help solve human problems.”

How may the subordinating conjunction "because" be used in a sentence?

Since it only has one function, the conjunction because is used to demonstrate the causal connection between a subordinate sentence and a major clause. Because is the first word in an unfinished sentence. Considering that he refused to utilise a seat belt. There appears to be something lacking in this situation.

A subordinating conjunction introduces a sentence, what is that sentence?

An incomplete sentence—not a complete sentence—is what a dependent clause is. Since they don't offer all the information, fragments might be confusing to readers. The independent and dependent clauses in this statement.

To know more about conjunction visit:-


What is the theme of Our Town Act III? Use evidence from the text to support your answer.



The theme of Act III of "Our Town" by Thornton Wilder is the fleeting nature of human existence and the importance of cherishing the present moment.

Throughout Act III, the characters who have died return to the stage to observe the living and reflect on their own lives. The Stage Manager notes, "They're talking about the living. But it doesn't do any good. They don't understand." This highlights the separation between the living and the dead, and the inability of the living to fully appreciate life while they have it.

Emily, who has recently died, is particularly struck by this realization. She observes her family and friends going about their daily routines, taking everyday things for granted, and not fully appreciating the beauty of life. She says, "Do any human beings ever realize life while they live it, every, every minute?"

In the final moments of the play, Emily is given the chance to relive one day from her past. She chooses her twelfth birthday, but quickly becomes overwhelmed by the intensity of the experience. She notes how much she took for granted in life, and how little she appreciated the simple pleasures of existence. She says, "I can't go on. It goes so fast. We don't have time to look at one another."

These moments highlight the theme of the fleeting nature of human existence and the importance of cherishing the present moment. The characters in the play are reminded that life is short and that we must appreciate the beauty of everyday life while we have it.

Look at the examples in the highlighted text. Which one reflects the historical influence of a time when ships were powered by sails?


Later the stump of topmast with a white ball one reflects the historical influence of a time when ships were powered by sails.

The correct option is C.

What is a sail on a ship?

A sail is a large piece of material that is fastened to a mast and uses wind to move a sailboat through the sea. Learning how to properly use the sails is a necessary part of learning to sail a boat. The main sail and the jib, sometimes known as the headsail, are often found aboard sailboats.

How do sails function?

It is clear that sails are adaptable wings since they are moving in a twisted article and alongside one another. They generate force by forcing air through their curved leeward side, which lowers pressure on that side of the sail and causes it to operate as the boat's propeller.

To know more about Sails visit:


The complete question is -

Which one reflects the historical influence of a time when ships were powered by sails?

A. A large wave caught him and flung him with ease

B. The correspondent for instance who had been taught to be cynical

C. Later the stump of topmast with a white ball

D. The mind of the master of the vessel

E. These waves were most wrongfully and barbarously abrupt

F. None of them knew the color of the sky

To understand and reflect on what an author is saying in a poem, one must _____. read it out loud to an audience look up biographical material on the author seek out what other authorities or sources say about it perform a close reading


One must "perform a close reading" in order to comprehend and consider what the poet is trying to communicate. So, option D is the best decision.

What impact does an author's background have on the writing he creates?

In the same way, an author's past influences their writing. Their writing is significantly influenced by their gender, race, and social status. As a result, you can better appreciate the messages that are important to the author's body of work if you are more familiar with them.

What is poetry, and how does it communicate with the reader or listener?

Poems are works of literature that are composed in the form of stanzas and frequently pay close attention to the lines, rhythm, and poetic techniques such assonance, consonance, and alliteration. Figurative language is also used in poetry.

To know more about author reading visit:


Explain how Lady Macbeth's actions in Act V, Scene 1, draw meaning to the repeated images of blood, darkness, and sleep.


Explains that there are many symbols used in macbeth that help us understand the play. light and darkness repeated good and things, and blood represents .

What does darkness symbolize in Shakespeare?

Like many of his contemporaries, Shakespeare used darkness figuratively to represent evil. In the Jacobean era, morality plays were popular and the symbolism of 'light' as good and 'darkness' as evil was well-known.

What does the symbol of darkness represent?

Darkness can encompass a primitive chaos, and the powers of that chaos; it is not essentially evil, yet it is largely associated with death and destruction, captivity and spiritual darkness. The gloom preceded the Fiat Lux traditionally represents the states that give rise to chaos.

To know more about repeated visit :-


Adolescence can be a difficult, yet exciting, stage of life as you mature and begin to take on more responsibility. Each person is different in their development rate. Each family is different in deciding when new privileges are given. Think about your life and where you were just a few years ago compared to now. Complete the following chart by answering the questions for each of the four milestone areas. (1 point each)

(body traits)
Psychological (emotions)
(interact with others)
How are you different than 5 years ago?

What is the best part about this stage of life?

What is the hardest part about this stage of life?

What responsibilities & privileges do you have now that you would not have been trusted to have 5 years ago?

What concerns do you have as you progress into the ‘adulthood’ stage of life?

What do you look forward to as you progress into the ‘adulthood’ stage of life?

How can you prepare yourself to better transition into adulthood? (1 point)


Although not for everyone, it is stated that childhood is the finest time of our lives. But as time goes on, we discover how to cope with all of life's emptiness.

What is the hardest part about this stage of life?

The most difficult time in a person's life is adolescence. There are just too many significant life changes occurring, including behavioural, psychological, and physical changes. Teenagers can easily make blunders that lead them astray as they are yearning for the adult world.

What concerns do you have as you progress into the ‘adulthood’ stage of life?

Early in life, a person is preoccupied with learning how to share intimacy, looking to build connections, and looking for intimate love. Long-term partnerships develop, and marriage and procreation frequently follow. The Young adult must also make decisions about their career.

to know more about Adolescence here:


Marawi City Sultan and Professor Punduma Sani made a joke about having "never made love with an armalite." What does this say about those who think that Filipino Muslims are violent people? Why does the professor resort to humor?
2. Reporting if its nonsense


This joke says that Filipino Muslims are not necessarily violent people and that stereotypes about them being violent are not accurate.

What is violent ?

Violence is defined as physical force that is used to harm or intimidate a person or group. It is characterized by aggression, destruction, and the threat of harm. Violence can include physical abuse, destruction of property, or the threat of harm. It can also include psychological forms of abuse, such as verbal, bullying, or intimidation. Violence can also take the form of economic or political coercion. Violence is often used to gain power or control over another person, or to intimidate or harm a group of people. It can cause physical or psychological harm, and can lead to long-term negative consequences.

To learn more about violent


Which of the following identifies the main idea of the text?"The Terror"


Diaz learned how risky being different by accepting his fear.

What terror's overarching concept?

His autobiographical essay, "The Terror," describes the paralysing anxiety he felt as a teenager as a result of being "beaten down" by adolescents on the other side of his neighbourhood.

Where does Junot Diaz get his ideas from?

Author Junot Dáz, who was born in the Dominican Republic, penned books about immigrants, particularly Latinos and Latinas, and life both abroad and in the US. In his novel and short stories, he used a lot of Spanish terms and phrases with the English text.

To know more about phrases visit:-


What does the building of its nest by a robin in the lilacs suggest? I remember I remember ​


While Hood's poem's content is quite clear, it is worthwhile to go a bit deeper into its language to understand why it is so well regarded.

Summary of the poem:

Of course, this is a Christian concept; after all, God prevented Adam and Eve from eating from the Tree of Knowledge in the Garden of Eden. But ignorance and innocence are praised as qualities in many countries, civilizations, and traditions. Because he was aware of how little he actually understood, Socrates was regarded by the (divine) Delphic Oracle as the wisest man in Athens in ancient Greece. Confucius and other thinkers caution us against being arrogant and believing we are experts simply because we have greater knowledge. The same concept is expressed sentimentally yet effectively in "I Remember, I Remember."

To know more about Thomas Hood visit:


Good evening.
who can give me a summary of all the heroes of Greek mythology.
thank everyone​



There are numerous heroes in Greek mythology, so it is impossible to provide a comprehensive summary of all of them. However, here are some of the most well-known and important heroes in Greek mythology:

1. Achilles: The greatest warrior of the Trojan War, who was invulnerable except for his heel.

2. Heracles (Hercules): A demigod who performed incredible feats of strength and completed twelve impossible tasks (the Labors of Hercules).

3. Theseus: A hero who slew the Minotaur and became the king of Athens.

4. Perseus: A hero who slew the Gorgon Medusa and used her head to turn his enemies to stone.

5. Jason: A hero who led the Argonauts on a quest to obtain the Golden Fleece.

6. Odysseus: A hero who was the king of Ithaca and famous for his cunning, bravery, and ten-year journey home after the Trojan War.

7. Bellerophon: A hero who rode the winged horse Pegasus and defeated the monster Chimera.

8. Orpheus: A musician and poet who journeyed to the underworld to rescue his beloved Eurydice.

9. Atalanta: A skilled huntress who participated in the Calydonian boar hunt and married the hero Meleager.

10. Theseus and the Argonauts: A group of heroes who sailed with Jason on his quest for the Golden Fleece.

These are just a few of the many heroes of Greek mythology, each with their own unique stories and accomplishments.


What functions do plot complications serve in a story's rising action? Select all correct answers.
A. They develop characters as they respond to challenges and obstacles.
B. They create tension and suspense as the story moves toward its climax.
C. They help readers get to know and understand characters better.
D. They introduce readers to characters and settings.


Answer: A, B, & C


Plot complications during a story's rising action serve to develop characters as they face challenges, create tension and suspense as the story approaches its climax, and help readers understand characters better. These complications do not primarily introduce readers to characters and settings, as that typically happens during the exposition or the beginning of the story.

Which two lines in this excerpt from Ernest Lawrence Thayer’s "Casey at the Bat" support the theme that the desire to win at all costs makes people act desperately?
Ten thousand eyes were on him as he rubbed his hands with dirt;
Five thousand tongues applauded when he wiped them on his shirt;
Then while the writhing pitcher ground the ball into his hip,
Defiance flashed in Casey’s eye, a sneer curled Casey’s lip.

And now the leather-covered sphere came hurtling through the air,
And Casey stood a-watching it in haughty grandeur there.
Close by the sturdy batsman the ball unheeded sped—
“That ain’t my style," said Casey. “Strike one!” the umpire said.

From the benches, black with people, there went up a muffled roar,
Like the beating of the storm-waves on a stern and distant shore;
“Kill him! Kill the umpire!” shouted someone on the stand;
And it’s likely they’d have killed him had not Casey raised his hand.

With a smile of Christian charity great Casey’s visage shone;
He stilled the rising tumult; he bade the game go on;
He signaled to the pitcher, and once more the dun sphere flew;
But Casey still ignored it and the umpire said, “Strike two!”


The lines “From the benches, black with people, there went up a muffled roar, Like the beating of the storm-waves on a stern and distant shore;” and “‘Kill him! Kill the umpire!’ shouted someone on the stand;” from "Casey at the Bat" support the theme that the desire to win at all costs makes people act desperately.

Write a short note on "Casey at the Bat".

"Casey at the Bat" is a narrative poem written by Ernest Lawrence Thayer in 1888. It tells the story of a baseball team from Mudville and their star player, Casey, who is known for his confident and arrogant demeanour. The poem builds up to a crucial moment when Casey is up to bat with two strikes against him, and the crowd is on the edge of their seats waiting to see if he will win the game for his team. The poem ends with Casey striking out, leaving the crowd disappointed.

The poem has become a classic piece of American literature and is often referenced in popular culture. It has been adapted into various forms, including stage plays, operas, and animated shorts. "Casey at the Bat" is a timeless tale of the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat, capturing the essence of sports and competition.

To learn more about "Casey at the Bat", visit:


Leport 15 Period 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Major Trends Possible reasons for trend (discuss two) Sex Using the statistics below, write a report titled: Drowning cases in Fiji from 2006 to 2016 You may use the following headings in the report: (1) Introduction (ii) (iii) (iv) Conclusion Recommendation (discuss one) 75 48 47 40 30 Male Female Total 28 9 37 37 8 45 35 13 48 45 4 49 40 13 53 36 9 45 58 17 36 12 35 12 33 7 25 5 11 6 Drowning Cases in Fiji from 2006 to 2016 Age Under 10 11-17 18-25 26-35 36-45 years years years years years 9 4 10 8 4 6 3 12 9 3 16 1 12 5 4 11 4 9 5 7 14 9 10 10 5 11 2 5 7 5 3 25 16 14 6 5 6 11 10 3 5 14 4 7 9 6 6 7 7 11 6 Adapted from: 0 Above 45 years 2 12 10 13 5 15 11 13 6 7 4 Total 37 45 48 49 53 45 75 48 47 40 30​


This report looks at the drowning cases in Fiji from 2006 to 2016 using statistics from the Fiji Statistics Bureau.

What is report ?

A report is a document that presents organized information about a particular subject. Reports typically include a summary of the information, analysis of the data, and recommendations for action. Reports are used in a variety of fields and industries, including business, finance, education, and government. Reports are often used to provide information to decision makers and stakeholders, such as customers, shareholders, and government officials. Reports can also be used to document procedures, evaluate performance, and assess progress. Reports are typically written in a formal style and include facts and figures that are supported by evidence.

To learn more about report


1. Choose the correct answer. 1. I need to improve my English B. but A in order to C. and 2. my mother tongue is Mongolian, I can also speak English and German fluen A Although B. However C. So that D. Also 3. The wardrobe door is broken we call a carpenter tomorrow? A. Do B. Have D Shall 4. The Bogd Khan museum over a hundred years ago near the Tuul River. A built B. was build C. was built D. has been built 5 The people in this country__________ about an earthquake or an avalanche lately. A. hasn't heard B haven't heard 6 I could get my dream job. D. so that A. Either of C. Ought C. didn't hear D. weren't heard ---these birds is an herbivores. They only eat meat. B. Neither of C Both of D. All of​


The correct grammar are have been inputed below;

1. I need to improve my English  in order to ...

2. my mother tongue is Mongolian, (B) However I can also speak English and German

3. The wardrobe door is broken (D) Shall we call a carpenter tomorrow?

4. The Bogd Khan museum (C) was built over a hundred years ago near the Tuul River.

The people in this country (B) haven't heard about an earthquake or an avalanche lately.

I could get my dream job. (A) Either of these birds is an herbivore. They only eat meat. (B) Neither of

What is the right use of grammar?

Grammar is the set of rules that govern how words are used in a language to form meaningful sentences.

Using correct grammar is important for effective communication and avoiding misunderstandings. It includes using proper sentence structure, subject-verb agreement, correct punctuation, and appropriate use of tenses.

Paying attention to grammar enhances clarity and precision in your writing and speaking, and demonstrates your mastery of the language.

Find more useful exercises on grammar;


the girl is always happy.(adverb sentence)


The girl is always happily.

What is the adverb?

The adverb "happily" is used to modify a verb, not an adjective. In the sentence "The girl is always happy," "happy" is an adjective that describes the state or condition of the girl, and "always" is an adverb that modifies the verb "is" by indicating the frequency or duration of the girl's happiness.

If you want to use an adverb in the sentence, you could modify the verb "is" with an adverb to describe how the girl is happy. For example:

The girl is always happily smiling.The girl is always joyfully happy.The girl is always exuberantly happy.

In these examples, the adverbs "happily," "joyfully," and "exuberantly" modify the verb "is" to convey how the girl is happy, providing additional information about the manner or intensity of her happiness.

Read more about adverb here:


Consider the poems.

"She Walks in Beauty"
by George Gordon Byron An excerpt from "To Helen"
by Edgar Allan Poe
She walks in Beauty, like the night Of cloudless climes and starry skies; And all that's best of dark and bright Meet in her aspect and her eyes: Thus mellowed to that tender light Which Heaven to gaudy day denies.

One shade the more, one ray the less, Had half impaired the nameless grace Which waves in every raven tress, Or softly lightens o'er her face; Where thoughts serenely sweet
How pure, how dear their dwelling-place.

And on that cheek, and o'er that brow, So soft, so calm, yet eloquent, The smiles that win, the tints that glow, But tell of days in goodness spent, A mind at peace with all below, A heart whose love is innocent!

Helen, thy beauty is to me Like those Nicean barks of yore, That gently, o'er a perfumed sea, The weary, wayworn wanderer bore To his own native shore.

On desperate seas long wont to roam, Thy hyacinth hair, thy classic face, Thy Naiad airs have brought me home To the glory that was Greece And the grandeur that was Rome.

Lo! in yon brilliant window-niche How statue-like I see thee stand, The agate lamp within thy hand! Ah, Psyche, from the regions which Are Holy Land!

Which statement best describes the subjects of the poems?

The woman in Byron’s poem is wealthy; the woman in Poe’s poem is powerful.
The woman in Byron’s poem is youthful; the woman in Poe’s poem is mature.
The woman in Byron’s poem is gentle; the woman in Poe’s poem is welcoming.
The woman in Byron’s poem is adventurous; the woman in Poe’s poem is wise.


Lord Byron's poem “She Walks in ” was written in praise of a  Beauty. History holds that he wrote it for a  she was in mourning, wearing a black dress with glittering sequins.

What is the theme of the poem She Walks in Beauty by Lord Byron?

In this poem, the primary theme  by the poet is that of , where he praises a woman he encounters as being flawless. The other themes are that of the between darkness and light as well as the perfect balance between the mind and the body.

Where is the poem She Walks in Beauty set?

The setting of the poem is made – the woman is compared, in the opening lines, to "night" and "starry skies.

To know more about Beauty visit :-


Either can be used hereechanic. He ------ cars.




He like cars

Which would you follow,the decision that your mind is saying or the choice that your heart is dictating?


However, the decision whether to follow the mind or the heart is a personal one and depends on the situation and individual circumstances. In some cases, it may be more logical to follow the mind, especially when dealing with complex problems that require careful analysis and critical thinking. In other cases, following the heart may be more appropriate, especially when dealing with matters of emotion and personal values. Ultimately, it's important to find a balance between the two and make a decision that is both logical and feels true to your values and beliefs.

what two things are being compared in the sentence your voice is like bells over roofs at dawn



your voice/bells over roofs at dawn


What are good excuses to tell my coaches on why I didn’t make it to practice?


If you have a valid reason for missing practice, it's best to communicate it with your coach as soon as possible.

Reasons that may make you miss practice

Some legitimate reasons may include illness, family emergencies, or other personal obligations.

However, if you find yourself frequently making excuses, it may be important to reassess your commitment to the team and communicate any concerns or issues with your coach.

Hence it is adviced to take up the reason you are missing practice with your coach.

Read more on coaches here:


ant to KS tes. Grammar Revision: Parts of speech 1. Read the poem I Like Little Kitty by Jane Taylor and answer the questions tha I like little Kitty, her coat is so warm; And if I don't hurt her, she'll do me no harm. So I'll not pull her tail, nor drive her away, But Kitty and I very gently will play. She shall sit by my side, and I'll give her some food; And she'll love me because I am gentle and good. I'll pat little Kitty, and then she will purr; And thus show her thanks for my kindness to her. I'll not pinch her ears, nor tread on her paw, Lest I should provoke her to use her sharp claw. I never will vex her, nor make her displeased- For Kitty can't bear to be worried or teased.find adjective n function they perform


The adjectives in the poem are the following, and they function to modify certain nouns in order to provide characteristics of the Kitty in the poem.

little (describes Kitty)warm (describes Kitty's coat)gentle (describes the speaker's behavior towards Kitty)good (describes the speaker's character)sharp (describes Kitty's claw)worried (describes how Kitty feels when she's provoked or teased)displeased (describes how Kitty feels when she's vexed)

What is an adjective?

An adjective is a word that describes or modifies a noun or pronoun. It provides information about the quality, quantity, size, shape, age, color, origin, or any other characteristic of the noun or pronoun it modifies.

The function of the adjectives is to provide additional information about the nouns they modify. In this case, they describe the physical and emotional characteristics of Kitty, as well as the speaker's behavior towards her. The adjectives "gentle" and "good" highlight the speaker's kind and compassionate nature, while the adjectives "sharp," "worried," and "displeased" emphasize the potential negative consequences of mistreating Kitty. By using adjectives to create a vivid picture of Kitty and the speaker's relationship with her, the poem reinforces the message that animals should be treated with kindness and respect.

Learn more about adjectives here:


1. What Literacy Assessments would you use for each of the Three Tiers in Multi-Tier Systems of Support (MTSS) Framework?


The normal expectation for Tier 1 pupils is that 80% of them will achieve their learning objectives. The MTSS framework's main element is Tier 1 instruction.

What are the three tiers in multi-tiered support systems (MTSS)?

In an MTSS model, there are typically three tiers of support. In Tier 1, all students receive excellent instruction and support throughout the classroom. Tier 2 offers specialised assistance to fill in a student's skill shortcomings. Tier 3 entails extensive support, which is typically given more frequently and in smaller groups.

What are multi-tiered literacy assistance systems?

Many schools employ the MTSS framework to give challenging children specialised attention. Early intervention is the main objective of MTSS in order to help students catch up with their peers. It all pupils are screened, and issues with behaviour and academic performance are addressed. Multi-tiered system of supports is referred to as MTSS.

To know more about MTSS visit:-


common general barries of entry of small businesses into markets makes special reference to township entrepreneurship barries ​


Managing Finances, Inadequate Market Experience, Human Resource Issues, Non-strategic Planning, Lack of Capacity, Political Barriers, Lack of Practical Knowledge are general barriers to small enterprises .

What are the four impediments to entrepreneurship?

Four frequent impediments to entrepreneurship can be identified: inability to acquire funding, a lack of human capital, a lack of social capital, and discrimination.

What is one impediment to small business success?

Even for organisations with higher profit margins, inefficiencies in unexpected expenses might jeopardise growth. It's critical to sort through and properly identify all expenses so that you can devise a strategy to reduce them and allow your small business to flourish.

The following question is incomplete the complete question is as follows:

What are the common general barries of entry of small businesses into markets makes special reference to township entrepreneurship barries ​?

To know more about small businesses  visit:


I would like assistance in my final paper for British literature, may anyone please assist me?


To prepare for a final paper on British literature, you should:

How to prepare

Review the course materials, including texts, lectures, and notes.

Identify key themes, ideas, and literary devices that are relevant to the topic of your paper.

Research additional sources, such as scholarly articles, books, and criticism, to deepen your understanding of the subject.

Develop a clear thesis statement and outline for your paper.

Write a rough draft and revise it several times for clarity, coherence, and accuracy.

Proofread your final paper carefully for errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

Submit your paper on time and in accordance with the instructions provided by your instructor.

Read more about British literature here:

Give one justification for why the following sentences can be identified as either a Simple, Compound, Complex or Compound Complex sentence:
(i) The talented singer who performed at the concert came to the party at the weekend.
(ii)Although I am not very good, I really enjoy playing rugby.
(iii)Serena struck a beautiful backhand shot, but the return was even of a better quality
(iv) Thabo could not travel and Thembi could not leave the house because they had to quarantine.​


Answer: (i) This is a complex sentence because it has one independent clause "The talented singer came to the party" and one dependent clause "who performed at the concert".

(ii) This is a complex sentence because it has one independent clause "I really enjoy playing rugby" and one dependent clause "Although I am not very good".

(iii) This is a compound-complex sentence because it has two independent clauses "Serena struck a beautiful backhand shot" and "the return was even of a better quality", and one dependent clause "but".

(iv) This is a compound sentence because it has two independent clauses "Thabo could not travel" and "Thembi could not leave the house", joined by the coordinating conjunction "and".


please help [100} POINTS


Based on the information in the short story "Gren's Ghost" by Marie-Louise Fitzpatrick, it is possible to identify which stage of rebellion the protagonist

Gren's Ghost

The material in Marie-Louise Fitzpatrick's short story "Gren's Ghost" can be used to determine which stage of rebellion the protagonist, Finbar Flynn, is in. To accomplish so, one would need to examine Finbar's actions and compare them to the various stages of rebellion described in Pickhardt's paper.When writing an informational essay on this topic, it is critical to clarify your argument or assertion clearly. This could include deciding which stage of rebellion Finbar is in and offering evidence from the tale and article to back up your claim.To effectively organise and develop your thoughts, consider employing a structured essay format that contains an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

To know more about essay, click on the link :


The words photograph, photosynthesis, and telephoto all share the root –photo. This root is most likely related to



Answer: Light


what's the 12 planets ordered​


Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are listed from closest to the sun to farthest. A dwarf planet has replaced Pluto, which was once thought to be the furthest planet.

In astrology, what names are given to the 12 planets?

A few of them are the sun (Surya), moon (Chandra), Mars (Mangala), Mercury (Buddha), Jupiter (Brihaspati), Venus (Shukra), Saturn (Shani), Rahu (moon's north node), and Ketu (moon's south node).

What are the names of the eleven planets in alphabetical order?

Starting with the planet closest to the sun and moving outward, here is the solar system's planet order: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and then any more planets that might be present Seventh Planet.

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a firm expects to increase its annual dividend by 20 percent per year for the next two years and by 15 percent per year for the following two years. after that, the company plans to pay a constant annual dividend of $3 a share. the last dividend paid was $1.00 a share. what is the current value of this stock if the required rate of return is 12 percent? group of answer choices $17.71 $20.50 $18.97 $21.08 $21.69 3. On Monday, James scored 9,755 points while playing a video game. On Tuesday, he scored 13,783 points while playing the same game. How many more points did he score on Tuesday than on Monday? Write an equation that represents a function that relates the value of Ethans car in dollars, g(t), and the time in years since he bought the car. As far back as 2737 BC, the Chinese were using marijuana to treat gout, malaria, and gas pains, T or F? A(n) ________ methodology is process-oriented and develops in a step-by-step technique, with each step building on the previous one.A. explicitB. tacitC. conversionD. structuredE. parallel you will put your answers into a textbox. be sure to number your answer with the correct question number. you do not have to show your work. a certain country has a money supply of $50. the velocity of money is 10. the quantity of goods being produced is 400. 1. what is the average price of goods in the store for this country (to two places past the decimal point)? now the central bank of this country doubles the money supply (an increase of 100%) to $100. velocity stays the same. the quantity of goods produced rises to 450 goods. 2. what is the new price level (to two places past the decimal point)? 3. what is the inflation rate for this country (to one place past the decimal point)? you answer should be in percent form. enough of a monoprotic acid is dissolved in water to produce a 1.28 m solution. the ph of the resulting solution is 2.64 . calculate the ka for the acid. Essentially, the ROT13 cipher is a multialphabet cipher consisting of 13 possible letters. (true or false) which kinetic chain checkpoint should be observed carefully because it controls the movement of the lower extremities what did shively's study done on social stress in winston salem, nc, on meerkat monkeys discover? what is important about the distribution of weight in monkeys that are in different places in the social hierarchy? in blackburn's study on chronic stress in women, what did she find? what does this have to do with chromosomes (telomeres) and stress? when dissecting rat brains, what did researchers find in examining stressed brains versus non-stressed brains? what area(s) of the brain were affected? Suppose fhat F(x) = x^2 and G(x) = -1/4 (x+7)^2 . Which statement best compares the graph of G(x) with the graph if F(x)? the three prescriptions involved in developing a personal-selling philosophy are to adopt the marketing concept, to assume the role of problem solver or partner in helping customers make informed and intelligent business decisions, and to poor white southerers slavery. multiple choice question. universally despised generally championed overwhelmi A new three-year CMO has two tranches. The 'A' tranche has a principal of $28.9 million with an of 3.25%. The 'Z' tranche has a coupon of 5.21% with a principal of $34.7 million. The mortgages backing the security issue have a fixed rate of 6.17% with a maturity of three years. All payments are made and compounded annually at the end of the year. The issue will be over-collateralized with $4.7 million of equity. Priority payments made to the 'A' tranche will consist of A's promised coupon, all mortgage pool amortization, and any interest accrued to the "Z' tranche. Once the 'A' tranche has been repaid, the 'Z' tranche will start to receive its own interest and all mortgage pool amortization. The equity class will only get residual cash flows. How much total cash flow will be received by the 'A' tranche in year 1 of the CMO? $21.75 million $22.35 million $22.96 million $23.56 million $24.17 million Previous Page Next Page Page 12 of 25 Match the cloud service to the correct scenarios.movable tilesplatform as a service(PaaS)infrastructure as a service(IaaS)software as a service(SaaS)ScenarioTracy purchases networking services and manages themwithout having to buy hardware.Kevin, a third-party vendor, manages and maintains webapplications that can be run directly from a web browser.Michaels organization uses a cloud service that providesan environment to develop and deploy software. The culture in which the agricultural subsistence strategy expanded rapidly was theA)AnatolianB)NatufianC)PPNAD)PPNB Can someone help me with this I am too lazy to work it out which observations illustrate shared ancestry by anatomical comparison studies? check all that apply.check all that applythe same structure has evolved to carry out different functions.the same structure has evolved to carry out different functions.different structures evolve in similar ways when subjected to the same selective pressures.different structures evolve in similar ways when subjected to the same selective pressures.a structure becomes vestigial.a structure becomes vestigial.structures are found as ice melts, the water molecules group of answer choices stay ordered the same as in ice. go from a less-ordered phase to a more-ordered phase. go from a well-ordered phase to a less-ordered phase. none of the above previousnext This control sequence is used to skip over to the next horizontal tab stop. true or false