In "Araby," at the end of the story the young boy
a. decides to bring Mangan's sister
b. buys nothing
c. leaves Ireland
d. decides his uncle is a fool
e. buys a chalice


Answer 1

b. buys nothing.

Araby; mangan's sister; vendors

At the end of "Araby," the young boy realizes the futility of his quest to buy a gift for Mangan's sister at the bazaar called Araby. The bazaar is closing, and most of the vendors have already packed up and left. The boy feels disillusioned and ashamed, realizing that his infatuation with Mangan's sister was misguided and that his pursuit of her was a fantasy. He leaves the bazaar without buying anything and feels a sense of bitterness and resentment towards himself, his uncle, and the world around him.

To know more about araby:


Answer 2

The child discovers in "Araby" that his affection for Mangan's sister is in vain, despite the event's exotic-sounding name, and that he will not have enough money to buy a gift for her. The correct answer is b. buys nothing.

He is unaware that Mangan's sister harbours romantic affections for him as well. He just finds out that she is sad that she can't go to Araby because of a prior obligation. By the time "Araby" comes to a close.

The young kid has come to terms with the futility of his attempt to purchase a gift for Mangan's sister at the Araby fair. The majority of the vendors had already finished packing up and leaving the bazaar as it closes.Realising that his obsession with Mangan's sister was misdirected and that his pursuit of her was a fiction, the youngster is disheartened and ashamed. He walks out of the market empty-handed, feeling furious and resentful towards himself, his uncle, and the world in general.

To know more about Araby visit:


Related Questions

Please help! INSTRUCTIONS are below on image!!!! ONLY HELP IF YOU KNOW HOW TO! IF YOU DON'T DO THIS CORRECTLY AND JUST USE a useless answer i will report you. this is a serious project and i would love the help. thank you :) (P.S I will definitely mark you brainliest if you help me well!!)
YOU MUST USE iambic pentameter and use 10 syllables stressed and unstressed in each sentence. A story based in school must be included. Instructions are on image.


We can write a short scene between three people at school in which we try to use the same style as Shakespeare, focusing on the use of iambic pentameter.

(Enter ANA and LEO, carrying books)


Good LEO, pray tell, what books you hold?


These volumes fair contain the words of old,

Of poets who did speak of love so true,

Of knights who fought and died for love anew.


Indeed, such tales doth make the heart rejoice,

And lift the soul upon the wings of voice.

But tell me, canst thou read them with such skill,

That thou mayst teach me too to drink my fill?


Aye, lady fair, my skills are not so great,

But I shall teach thee well, and not be late.


Then let us find a nook, a quiet place,

Where we may sit and read, and learn apace.

(They exit)

(Enter MARCUS)


Good day, my friends, what be this bookish chase?

Methinks such words doth not befit thy face.


Nay, friend, these books are treasures of the mind,

And teach us how to love and be more kind.


Pah! Such tales are for those with time to waste,

And not for men with swords and foes to face.


Good sir, why must thou be so full of jest,

And mock the knowledge that doth make us blessed?


Ha! I shall leave thee now, with thy books and rhymes,

And seek a livelier place to spend my time.



Do not heed him, my love, for he doth lack

The understanding of a learned knack.

Let us continue on, and read with glee,

And find new worlds in each sweet poetry.

(They exit)


A typical scene by Shakespeare

A typical play scene by Shakespeare often features complex language, intricate character relationships, and a heightened sense of drama. Shakespearean plays are known for their use of iambic pentameter, a rhythmic pattern consisting of ten syllables per line, with alternating stressed and unstressed syllables.

The language in Shakespeare's plays often includes metaphor, simile, allusion, and other literary devices, creating a rich and vivid world for the characters and the audience. The characters themselves are often complex and multifaceted, with conflicting desires, motivations, and emotions.

With that in mind, we can conclude that the scene above is a good example and answer to the question.

Learn more about iambic pentameter here:


Underline two sentences in the passage that show examples of persuasive techniques. Use the Persuasive Technique chart to label each example that you underline.​


"We can make a difference in our community by volunteering our time and energy. It's easy to get started and the rewards are great!"

1. We can make a difference in our community by volunteering our time and energy. (Appeal to Emotion)

2. It's easy to get started and the rewards are great! (Positive Language)

Cynthia's letter to Miguel about Cynthia's new neighborhood event. the secret passphrase is encrypted inside.


Dear Miguel,I hope this letter finds you well! I've been settling in to my new neighborhood, and I wanted to tell you about an exciting event that I'm organizing.

What is letter ?

Letter is an important form of communication and can be defined as a written or printed message from one person or group of people to another. Letters are one of the oldest forms of communication and have been used since ancient times to send messages, share news, and express feelings. Letters allow people to communicate over long distances, providing a way to stay connected to family, friends, and loved ones. Letters can be used to inform, persuade, entertain, or express feelings, and are a great way to express thoughts and feelings that may be difficult to express in person.

To learn more about letter


Fill in the blanks below with the correct word from the word bank: (complete, predicate, subject, simple)
Every sentence has a subject and a predicate.

The ____________ is the "who" or "what" of the sentence and the ______________ is what is said about the subject or what the subject does.

____________ subjects contain a noun or pronoun (or may be a group of words if it is a compound subject)

_________subjects include all of the words that tell about the subject.


The subject is the "who" or "what" of the sentence and the predicate is what is said about the subject or what the subject does.

Simple subjects contain a noun or pronoun (or may be a group of words if it is a compound subject).

Complete predicates include all of the words that tell about the subject.

What makes the trial by arena "fair" in the king's eyes?

A. The accused decide their own fate by choosing a door.

B. The judge cannot be held accountable if the accused is


C. The accused suffer either way, either by death or by


D. The accused can decide if they are guilty by knowingly

choosing their fate.


The accused decides their own fate by choosing a door makes the trial by arena "fair" in the king's eyes. Option A is correct.

In the short story "The Lady or the Tiger?" by Frank R. Stockton, the king sees the trial by arena as fair because the accused has the power to determine their own fate by choosing a door. The accused is given two doors to choose from, behind one is a tiger that will kill them, and behind the other is a lady that they must marry.

The king believes that since the accused is given an equal chance to live or die, the trial is fair. However, this type of trial is ultimately unjust because the accused has no control over which door they choose and the outcome is left purely to chance. The king's belief that this type of trial is fair highlights the flaws in his thinking and the brutal nature of his justice system. Hence Option A is correct.

To learn more about The Lady or the Tiger?, here


Passage 1 excerpt from William Jefferson Clinton, Second Inaugural Address, January 20, 1997 This is the heart of our task. With a new vision of government, a new sense of responsibility, a new spirit of community, we will sustain America's journey. The promise we sought in a new land we will find again in a land of new promise. In this new land, education will be every citizen's most prized possession. Our schools will have the highest standards in the world, igniting the spark of possibility in the eyes of every girl and every boy. And the doors of higher education will be open to all. The knowledge and power of the Information Age will be within reach not just of the few, but of every classroom, every library, every child. Parents and children will have time not only to work, but to read and play together. And the plans they make at their kitchen table will be those of a better home, a better job, the certain chance to go to college. Passage 2 adapted from Herbert Hoover, Inaugural Address, Monday, March 4, 1929 Although education is primarily a responsibility of the States and local communities, and rightly so, yet the Nation as a whole is vitally concerned in its development everywhere to the highest standards and to complete universality. Self-government can succeed only through an instructed electorate. Our objective is not simply to overcome illiteracy1. The Nation has marched far beyond that. The more complex the problems of the Nation become, the greater is the need for more and more advanced instruction. Moreover, as our numbers increase and as our life expands with science and invention, we must discover more and more leaders for every walk of life. We cannot hope to succeed in directing this increasingly complex civilization unless we can draw all the talent of leadership from the whole people. One civilization after another has been wrecked upon the attempt to secure sufficient leadership from a single group or class. If we would constantly refresh our leadership with the ideals


and talents of our entire population, we should be secure in our progress. Hoover emphasizes the need for advanced education to produce leaders for every walk of life, while Clinton emphasizes the importance of education for every citizen and the accessibility of knowledge and information to all. Hoover mentions the need for an instructed electorate, while Clinton focuses on education as a means to achieve a better home, job, and chance to go to college. Both speeches recognize the importance of education, but with different emphases and objectives.

what kind of evidence is the aggressive driving


Answer:Traffic congestion


Answer: A Pre-Employment Screening.

what is a theme of the poem if? a most people handle failure better than they handle success. b talking about your problems is the first step toward solving them. c people should spend more time in crowds and less time around royalty. d becoming a grownup takes confidence, determination, and virtue.


The theme of the poem is about the people who handle failure better than they handle success and the grow ups can take up confidence and determination.

The main reason why poet says that people can handle failure better than the success is because when people gain success then they always tend to loss there interest over there work. The success of person can change the mindset of a person. But a person who is lost due to failure he starts to build his drawbacks and improves himself.

When people start to talk about there problems they start to share there weakness to others. This does not solve the problems but creates new type of problem where people start to make use of our weakness for there benefits. So its better not to share the problems, because it will not solve the problems but create different issues.

When people start to spend more time with crowds rather than spending time in the royalty they start to losses there precious time. This is because when people work or be in a crowded place then they usually do not spend time for something useful they tend to make use of there time for the things which are not worth to spend the time. But when people start to spend there time for royalty they make use of the time in a effective way.

The main theme of the poem is that grow up builds on more confidence, determination and virtue. This is because when people start to grow there mindset and improve themselves they will gradually bring up with a matured mindset. The grow ups will have the strength to think brave and builds the inner confidence.

The grow ups will have mindset that can improve there insight and think creatively about there future. So they will be determined about there goal and aims, they will also improve there virtue and this will provide growth to there life.

The poet says that if the person thinks mature and behave well- mannered he will lead a perfect life and also will be ready to face the problems.

To read more about the theme of poem to face failure and the changes in the grow ups follow the link below:



1. In what two states did American Indians lose all their land between 1864 and 1894? Which state continued to have a large area of American Indian land in 1894?
2. In which states west of the Mississippi River did American Indians have no lands in 1864? Why not?



1. American Indians lost all their land between 1864 and 1894 in the states of Oklahoma and Nebraska. The state that continued to have a large area of American Indian land in 1894 was Oklahoma.

2. In 1864, American Indians had no lands in the states of Texas, Arkansas, Missouri, and Iowa west of the Mississippi River. This was because of a combination of factors, including forced removal and relocation policies implemented by the U.S. government, encroachment of American Indian lands by settlers, and land cessions and treaties that resulted in the loss of traditional American Indian territories. These policies and actions often disregarded American Indian land rights, leading to the loss of ancestral lands and displacement of indigenous peoples from their traditional territories.


Final answer:

Between 1864 and 1894, American Indians lost all their land in several states, including Montana and Wyoming. However, Oklahoma still had a significant area of American Indian land in 1894. Additionally, by 1864, states like Minnesota and Iowa, west of the Mississippi River, had no American Indian lands due to government policies and conflicts.


The subject of your question pertains to American Indian history and land distribution. Between 1864 and 1894, American Indians lost all their land in multiple states due to a series of policies by the U.S. government aimed at assimilation and land redistribution, two of these were Montana and Wyoming. By 1894, despite land loss, a large area of American Indian land was still held in Oklahoma, as this territory was a destination for many tribes during the forced removals of the 1830s, known as the 'Trail of Tears'.

Concerning states west of the Mississippi River, there were no American Indian lands in states like Minnesota and Iowa in 1864. The reason could be due to the rapid westward expansion, government displacement policies, and conflict like the Dakota War of 1862 in Minnesota that resulted in the forced removal of the native Dakota Sioux.

Learn more about American Indian Land Loss here:


2. Describe at least three design decisions you could make to create a clear, effective presentation. (1-3 sentences. 3.0 points)


1. The images; when making a presentation is should be appealing to the eye. What does it look like? Does it fit the theme? Is there reasons why this is in the presentation? Often times people will add too much to their presentations. Often enough, you just simply need to provide appealing and appropriate imagery.

2. Words; when you are making a presentation, you need to provide words for people to follow. However you shouldn’t write everything you are going to say, you should just write the key points and allow your viewers to listen to what you are saying, instead of reading.

3. Organization of the presentation, what is the order you are presenting, what information is most important and what do you honk needs to be shared. Should the context of what you are presenting to first? Or should the bulk of your information come first. Many of these things need to be accounted for in your presentation.

When presenting it is often best to place yourself as the viewer. While all of your information might be there, are the viewers truly receiving this information, and are they enjoying it? What can YOU do to make it better?

Which best explains how this quote develops the theme that "Sometimes
extreme measures are needed to get your point of view across"?
Choose 1 answer:
It contrasts the extreme measures of Kelly and the finalists with the
peaceful actions of Tucker and the GNA.
It provides an example of something unlawful that Kelly and the
other finalists do to protest the new regime under General Taney.
It extends the idea that standing up to authority is best
accomplished through violence.
It develops the idea that some measures for expressing point of view
are appropriate and others are not.


The best answer that explains how the quoted develops the theme is "It develops the idea that some measures for expressing point of view are appropriate and others are not." The Option D.

How does the quoted sentence develops the theme?

The quote suggests that extreme measures may be necessary in certain situations to convey one's point of view effectively. It implies that sometimes, conventional or peaceful actions may not be sufficient to make a point or bring about change.

The quote highlights the idea that there may be a fine line between appropriate and inappropriate measures when expressing a point of view. Therefore, the Option D is correct.

Read more about theme


how did acuna react when people first talked to him about pilitics and civil rights in from working roberto acuna farmer worker


Acuna's response when individuals first discussed politics and civil rights with him was information provided by a working farmer worker named Roberto Acuna.

Who fought to make farm labourers' working conditions better?

The majority of Cesar Chavez's life was spent working on Californian fields, where wages were meagre and amenities were sparse. In an effort to change the situation, he began organising farm employees into a labour union in the 1950s so that they could demand from their employers higher wages and better working conditions.

Farmers attributed their issues to whom and why?

Farmers attributed their issues to big business, particularly the railways and banks. They thought that banks set interest rates excessively high and that railways could charge whatever they wanted.

To know more about Roberto acuna  visit:


The following question is incomplete the complete question is as follows:

how did acuna react when people first talked to him about pilitics and civil rights in from working roberto acuna farmer worker suggest ?

Book- Cry the beloved country

After coming to Johannesburg what has happened to him or her since arriving?

John Kumalo-
Absalom Kumalo-
Gertrude Kumalo-
Stephen Kumalo-


In this film's rendition of the play, there is a suggested incestuous relationship between Hamlet and his mother. They kiss in a way that suggests more than just familial affection.

Why did so many individuals relocate to Johannesburg?

Corporate offices of various national and international businesses are located in Johannesburg, one of the continent's major financial hubs. Many people from all over the world move to the city in pursuit of employment opportunities.

What was the outcome in Johannesburg, South Africa?

In 1928, Johannesburg was incorporated as a city, making it South Africa's largest metropolis. In 2002, eleven additional municipalities joined forces to form the City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality. It is now used.

To know more about Johannesburg visit:-


Read the passage. Then answer the question that follows.

ANTONY. Come I to speak in Caesar’s funeral.

He was my friend, faithful and just to me.

But Brutus says he was ambitious,

And Brutus is an honourable man.

BRUTUS. There is tears for his love, joy for his

fortune, honour for his valour, and death for his

ambition. Who is here so base that would be a


–The Tragedy of Julius Caesar,

William Shakespeare

Why does Antony keep saying that Brutus is an honorable man?

What does Brutus think was Caesar’s greatest evil?

What attitude do both speakers share?


Antony keeps saying that Brutus is an honorable man as a way to show respect for Brutus and to honor Caesar's memory.

Brutus thinks that Caesar's greatest evil was ambition.

Both speakers share a reverence for Caesar and a respect for Brutus.

Antony keeps saying that Brutus is an honorable man because he feels that Brutus has acted out of a sense of duty, rather than out of ambition or personal gain. He respects Brutus for being willing to make the difficult decision of killing his friend, Caesar, in order to uphold the values of Rome.

Brutus believes that Caesar's greatest evil was his ambition. He believes that ambition led to Caesar's death, and that it is a quality that should be reviled. He speaks out against ambition, saying that it is a quality that should be punished with death, and that no one should follow in Caesar's footsteps and be "a bondman" (i.e. a slave) to ambition.

Both Antony and Brutus share a respectful attitude towards Caesar. They recognize his love, fortune, and valour, and do not condone his ambition. They also share a sense of justice, as Antony acknowledges that Brutus is an honorable man.

To learn more about Antony link is here:


ECR Rough Draft for "The Cowboys' Home on Wheels" and "The U-S-U range


ECR Rough Draft for "The Cowboys' Home on Wheels" and "The U-S-U range"

How to explain the draft

"The Cowboys' Home on Wheels" is a story about a group of cowboys who have been on the road for months, traveling from one ranch to another in search of work. The cowboys are tired and homesick, and they long for a place to call their own. One day, they come across an abandoned train car and decide to make it their home on wheels.

The cowboys work together to fix up the train car, painting it with bright colors and adding a porch and some windows. They also add some bunk beds, a stove, and a table for meals. The train car becomes a cozy home for the cowboys, and they are finally able to relax and enjoy each other's company.

As the cowboys continue their journey, they encounter many challenges, including harsh weather conditions and dangerous animals. But they always have their home on wheels to come back to, and they find comfort in knowing that they have each other to rely on.

Learn more about Draft on;


You like to watch television every day. At the beginning of the school holidays your television suddenly broke down. It took two weeks to repair. Write a letter to a friend, explaining:

• how you first reacted to the breakdown of the television;
• how you spent your time instead of watching television;
• what you learnt from the experience.

Any one of the pictures above may give you ideas, but you are free to use any ideas of your own. Your letter should be between 150 and 200 words long.
Do not write an address.​


Dear [Name of Friend],

I hope you are well and happy to receive this letter. I wanted to share with you a surprising occurrence that happened to me at the start of the school break. Suddenly, my television stopped working, and I was shocked! You are aware that I enjoy watching television every day and that it used to be an important component of my routine. But, fixing it took two weeks.

I first had no idea what to do with all of my free time since I wasn't watching TV. After all, I then made the decision to explore some brand-new interests. I started reading books and went to the library to check out several titles on subjects I was interested in learning more about. I also spent more time outside, taking long walks across the park and taking pleasure in the clean air. Also, I increased my cooking and tried with various recipes.

I discovered through this experience that there are a lot of activities outside of watching television. That helped me realize that I should spend my time following my passions and enjoying the things I do. That was a wonderful break, even though I missed watching my favorite shows, and I learned about new hobbies that I want to continue following even after my television is fixed.

I appreciate you reading my letter, and I hope you will. I want to hear from you as soon as possible.

best wishes

(Your Name)

22. The passage is written from the perspective
of someone who is
(A) actively engaged in conducting
petrochemical research.
(B) an advocate for the production of purely
synthetic oil.
(C) a prospector involved in the search for
underwater oil deposits.
(D) knowledgeable about oil deposits and
the oil-mining industry.





What is the main idea of the section titled “The Eyes Have It”


We  can see here the main idea of this section is to highlight the power of observation and perception through the eyes.

What is main idea?

The main idea is the central thought or concept of a piece of writing, speech, or any other form of communication. It is the primary message that the author wants to convey to the audience or reader. The main idea is often expressed in a single sentence known as the thesis statement.

"The Eyes Have It" is a section of a short story by Ruskin Bond, which revolves around the protagonist's experience of travelling on a train and his encounter with a fellow passenger. The main idea of this section is to highlight the power of observation and perception through the eyes.

The protagonist, who is visually impaired, relies on his other senses to understand his surroundings. However, he notices that other passengers on the train are constantly looking out of the window, trying to catch a glimpse of the passing scenery.

Learn more about main idea on


The author develops the idea that Latino/a Americans have actively worked toward civil rights in the United States including


The author develops the idea that Latino/a Americans have actively worked toward civil rights in the United States by

including C. Several examples of people and organizations fighting for civil rights

What is civil rights?

Civil rights refer to the legal and social rights that every individual should have regardless of their race, gender, religion, ethnicity, or any other characteristic. These rights are typically related to equality, fairness, and justice, and they are essential for protecting people from discrimination and ensuring that everyone has an equal opportunity to participate in society.

Some of the most important civil rights include the right to vote, the right to freedom of speech and religion, the right to a fair trial, and the right to equal protection under the law. These rights are enshrined in various laws and legal documents, including the U.S. Constitution, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Learn more about civil right on;


On your mark. Get yeti go achieve


Creatures post proof of existence through their physical presence, behavior, and evidence of their daily activities.

Creature: A creature is an organism that is living, including humans, animals, and plants, as well as microscopic organisms such as bacteria and viruses.

Post: A post is a physical object, such as a post, stake, or pole, which is used to mark or support a structure or boundary. Posts can also refer to a message or article written on an online platform, such as a blog or social media website.

Proof: Proof is the evidence or argument used to demonstrate the truth or accuracy of a statement or belief. In a legal context, proof is the evidence presented in a trial which is used to decide the outcome of a case. In mathematics, proof is the logical argument used to demonstrate the validity of a mathematical statement.

To learn more about physical presence link is here


The complete question is:

On your mark. Get yeti go achieve.

Write about terms creature, post, proof. In one senetence.

Why does the author consider some forms of embarrassment good for us, a Contrast and Contradiction from what we might expect? Do you agree with this view?


The author considers some forms of embarrassment good for us because they can lead to self-awareness and growth, challenging us to address our weaknesses and learn from our mistakes, which is a Contrast and Contradiction from what we might expect.

I agree with this view as it aligns with the concept of constructive criticism, where we can use our flaws as a catalyst for personal improvement. It is through acknowledging our mistakes and shortcomings that we can become more self-aware and learn from our experiences.

While embarrassment can be uncomfortable and even painful, it can also be a powerful tool for personal growth and development. By embracing our imperfections and being open to feedback, we can cultivate a growth mindset and strive towards becoming the best version of ourselves.

To learn more about Contrast and Contradiction, here


Questions 1-7 weed warts


what’s your question?

Which source is a secondary source? (1 point)
O a photograph
O a magazine article
O a diary
O a history book



A history book is an example of a secondary source, as it is written by an author who is interpreting and analyzing primary sources (such as diaries, letters, and other historical documents) to create a narrative or argument about a particular topic or period of history.

15 unit 6
Josephine is considering what colors to use for her presentation. Why should she avoid red and green?

The combination is difficult for people with color blindness to distinguish.

The combination reminds most people of Christmas.

There’s no good reason not to use that combination.

The combination is offensive in some cultures.


In my opinion, I think it’s choice A
A pretty sure


Based on the definition for the verb contrive , what does the word contrivings mean as it is used in line 29, and what is its impact on the meaning and tone of the poem?


The word that is contrive means something that is foolish. The verb contrive in verb means when the verb takes the position of the object in the sentence.

A verb contrive is a form of the English which will compliment the word and it is a positive form of the sentence. It describes when a the sentence is in a positive way to show the creative or clever thinking. The   contrive can be said as borrowed words or to bring up something or someone.

The sentence which can be said contrive when it has the action with direct object and sometimes it make use of the persons such as first person or second person or third person. The contrive verb usually defines the direct action of receiving the things from whom are from what.

The actual tone of contrive verb can be thought as some think that is false or made up one because the contrive are not always natural or not  planned. The example can be given that the poet contrive a clever pot.

The verb contrive are usually used to show that the action done is with the difficulty and supportive to the intransitive of the verb. It also shows how the situation is taken place in the form of verb. In poetry the verb contrive can be said as the way to handle something or providing a devise and to plan something different. It always supports the verb to make up the schemes.

The contrive is when something is changed, untrue or falsely then it can be terms as planned event but when it is not  then we can say that it is predefined or something that can cause natural in the poetry form.

To read more about contrive of verb in poem form follow the link below:



crooks is alone in his room when lennie wanders in


Crooks, who is alone in his room, is surprised when Lennie wanders in.

What happens when Crooks and Lennie cross paths?

Crooks, a stable buck on the ranch, is used to being isolated due to his race, and he finds solace in his room. However, when Lennie, a mentally challenged farmhand, enters Crooks' room by mistake, Crooks is taken aback by the unexpected intrusion.

At first, Crooks is cautious and defensive, as he is not used to having visitors in his private space. However, as Lennie innocently shares his childlike dreams and desires, Crooks begins to open up and engage in conversation with him. Despite their differences in race, mental capacity, and social status, a brief bond is formed between Crooks and Lennie, highlighting the complexities of human interactions.

Read more about lennie wanders


which of the following is considered a tribute speech? a. toast at a wedding b. roast of the guest of honor at a banquet c. eulogy d. all of the above



d.) all of the above


These are all considered a trinute speech, because they are all contributing to something or someone. Hope this helps :)

What is one of the main implicit messages of "The Lottery"?

O The lottery has dangerous consequences in the village.

Society's traditions can be pointless and harmful.

It is best to follow society's rules and traditions.

Places with small populations promote a sense of community.


Society's traditions can be pointless and harmful is one of the main implicit messages of "The Lottery". So the option B is correct.

In "The Lottery," the lottery custom is shown as being damaging and futile. The lottery is a custom that has been carried out for many years and is regarded as an essential component of village life. But in the end, the lottery is just a useless custom with no practical use.

The locals use it as amusement but also as a means of enforcing passivity and compliance. Since one individual is chosen to be sacrificed as part of the lottery tradition, it is ultimately detrimental. The death of this person, who is selected at random, is viewed as the necessary price to be paid for the community to maintain equilibrium. So the option B is correct.

To learn more about The Lottery link is here


find the analogy that best matches the bold words

a) create : make
b) solar: power
c) fuel: gas
d) surrender : fight


The analogy that best matches the words provided is option D, surrender : fight, since they both establish a relationship of opposition between the words.

What is an analogy?

An analogy between words is a comparison that draws similarities between two pairs of words that may seem dissimilar on the surface, based on their meaning, function, or relationship. Analogies help to explain complex concepts or ideas by using a more familiar or relatable analogy.

In generate : destroy, the analogy is that the two words are antonyms, that is, they present opposite meanings. The same goes for option D, surrender : fight. That is why we can choose option D as the right answer.

Learn more about analogies here:


How does the use of figurative language, and Ava‘s line impact the mood of the dialogue?


cuz figurative language evokes emotion, it creates more compelling narratives and arguments.

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