Hope this helps!
A data science experiment you are conducting has retrieved two historical observations for the price of Bitcoin(BTC) on December 2, 2017 of 11234 and 12475. Create a Python script that stores these two historicalobservations in a list variable namedbtcdec1.Your data science experiment requires four additional data tasks. The first task is to use the listappend()method to add the BTC price of 14560 to the listbtcdec1. The second task is to create a new empty listnamedbtcdec2and append the BTC prices of 15630, 12475, and 14972. The third task required you to usethe listextend()method to add the contents ofbtcdec2into the listbtcdec1. The fourth and final taskrequires you to use the listsort()method of the listbtcdec1to sort the items in the newly extended list,then use theprintstatement to output the content of listbtcdec1to the Python console.Starter code:_______.
Following are the code to this question:
btcdec1=[11234, 12475] #defining a list btcdec1 that holds two integer values
btcdec1.append(14560)#using append method to add value in btcdec1 list
btcdec2=[]#defining an empty list btcdec2
btcdec2.append(15630)#using append method to add value in btcdec2 list
btcdec2.append(12475)#using append method to add value in btcdec2 list
btcdec2.append(14972)#using append method to add value in btcdec2 list
btcdec1.extend(btcdec2)#using the extend method to add value list into btcdec1
btcdec1.sort()#using sort method to arrange value in ascending order
print(btcdec1)#print list btcdec1
[11234, 12475, 12475, 14560, 14972, 15630]
In this code a list "btcdec1" is declared, which holds two integer variables, in the next step, it uses the append method to add another element into the list.
In the next step, another empty list "btcdec2" is declared, which uses the append method to hold the integer element, and uses the extend and sort method to add the second list into the first one and then sort the whole list and print its values.
To copy an item, you would:
O Highlight the item, right click, and select copy
O Press Ctrl + X
O Press Ctrl + Z
O Highlight text
h. What is recycle bin?
Trash application, the Recycle Bin
Write your own printArray() function found in Processing for the Arduino. For simplicity, you can limit printArray() to integer arrays and you will also pass the size of the array to your function. For example, given the following code:
int terps[5] = {7, 9, 12, 1, 46};
void printArray(int arrayToPrint[], int arraySize) { // YOUR CODE HERE }
void setup()
{ // put your setup code here, to run once:
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
printArray(terps,sizeof(terps)/sizeof(int)); delay(1000);
You should repeatedly see the following in the serial monitor:
[0]: 7
[1]: 9
[2]: 12
[3]: 1
[4]: 46
Follows are the method definition to this question:
void printArray(int arrayToPrint[], int arraySize) //defining a method printArray that accepts two array in its parameters
for (int j = 0; j < arraySize; j++)//defining for loop print Serial numbers
Serial.print("[");//use print method to print square bracket
Serial.print(j);//use print method to print Serial numbers
Serial.print("]: ");//use print method to print square bracket
Serial.println(arrayToPrint[j]);//printing array value
In the above code, a method "printArray" is declared that holds two arrays "arrayToPrint and arraySize" as a parameter, and inside the method is used for loop to print the values.
In the loop, first, it uses the square bracket to print the serial number and in the last step, it prints array values.
5.18 LAB: Output numbers in reverse Write a program that reads a list of integers, and outputs those integers in reverse. The input begins with an integer indicating the number of integers that follow. For coding simplicity, follow each output integer by a comma, including the last one. Ex: If the input is: 5 2 4 6 8 10 the output is: 10,8,6,4,2, To achieve the above, first read the integers into a vector. Then output the vector in reverse.
In C++:
using namespace std;
int main(){
int len, num;
vector<int> vect;
cout<<"Length: ";
for(int i = 0; i<len;i++){
vector<int>::iterator iter;
for (iter = vect.end() - 1; iter >= vect.begin(); iter--){
cout << *iter << ", ";}
This declares the length of vector and input number as integer
int len, num;
This declares an integer vector
vector<int> vect;
This prompts the user for length
cout<<"Length: ";
This gets the input for length
The following iteration gets input into the vector
for(int i = 0; i<len;i++){
This declares an iterator for the vector
vector<int>::iterator iter;
The following iterates from the end to the beginning and prints the vector in reverse
for (iter = vect.end() - 1; iter >= vect.begin(); iter--){
cout << *iter << ", ";}
Cole has to edit and resize hundreds of photographs for a website. Which Adobe
software program would be the best choice to complete this task?
a.) Animate b.) Dreamweaver c.) Illustrator d.) Photoshop
2. BIOS is contained in ROM and not in RAM. Can you guess why?
Because RAM is only used for short term storage (and doesn't contain anything that will need to be accessed often) RAM it loses its contents when turned off. So when you power on a computer, it has to start running bootup code which has to be stored in ROM
Your friend really likes talking about owls. Write a function owl_count that takes a block of text and counts how many words they say have word “owl” in them. Any word with “owl” in it should count, so “owls,” “owlette,” and “howl” should all count.
Here’s what an example run of your program might look like:
text = "I really like owls. Did you know that an owl's eyes are more than twice as big as the eyes of other birds of comparable weight? And that when an owl partially closes its eyes during the day, it is just blocking out light? Sometimes I wish I could be an owl."
# => 4
You will need to use the split method!
Here is what I have so far, it doesn not like count = 0 and i keep getting an error.
def owl_count(text):
count = 0
word = 'owl'
text = text.lower()
owlist = list(text.split())
count = text.count(word)
text = "I really like owls. Did you know that an owl's eyes are more than twice as big as the eyes of other birds of comparable weight? And that when an owl partially closes its eyes during the day, it is just blocking out light? Sometimes I wish I could be an owl."
print (count)
In this exercise we have to use the knowledge of computational language in python, so we find the code like:
The code can be found attached.
So let's write a code that will be a recognition function, like this:
def owl_count(text):"I really like owls. Did you know that an owls eyes are more than twice as big as the eyes of other birds of comparable weight?"
word = "owl"
texts = text.lower()
owlist = list(texts.split())
count = text.count(word)
num = [owlist, count] #num has no meaning just random var
See more about python at
It is important to create a strong password because it will
let someone steal your personal information
allow your friends to easily guess it
keep your private information safe and secure
give your computer a virus
Are items a through e in the following list algorithm? If not, what qualities required of algorithms do they lack?
a. Add the first row of the following matrix to another row whose first column contains a nonzero entry. (Reminder: Columns run vertically; rows run horizontally.)
[1 2 0 4 0 3 2 4 2 3 10 22 12 4 3 4]
b. In order to show that there are as many prime numbers as there are natural numbers, match each prime number with a natural number in matching the first prime number with 1 (which is the first natural number) and the second prime number with 2, the third with 3, and so forth. If, in the end, it turns out that each prime number can be paired with each natural number, then it is shown that there are as many prime numbers as natural numbers.
c. Suppose you're given two vectors each with 20 elements and asked to perform the following operation. Take the first element of the first vector and multiply it by the first clement of the second vector. Do the same to the second elements, and so forth. Add all the individual products together to derive the dot product.
d. Lynne and Calvin are trying to decided who will take the dog for a walk. Lynne suggests that they flip a coin and pulls a quarter out of her pocket. Calvin does not trust Lynne and suspects that the quarter may be weighted (meaning that it might favor a particular outcome when tossed) and suggests the following procedure to fairly determine who will walk the dog.
1. Flip the quarter twice.
2. If the outcome is heads on the first flip and tails on the second, then I will walk the dog.
3. If the outcome is tails on the first flip, and heads on the second, then you will walk the dog.
Following are the responses to the given points:
The following features must contain a well-specified algorithm:
Description [tex]\to[/tex] Exact measures described
Effective computation [tex]\to[/tex] contains steps that a computer may perform
finitude [tex]\to[/tex] It must finish algorithm.
In choice "a", there is little algorithm Because it does not stop, finiteness has already been incomplete. There is also no algorithm.
In choice "b", it needs productivity and computational burden. because it's not Enter whatever the end would be.
In choice "c", the algorithm is given the procedure. It fulfills all 3 algorithmic properties.
In choice "d", each algorithm is a defined process. Since it needs finitude.
What is computer science
computer science is the study of computer and computing as well as theoretical and practical applications.
pls give me thanks ☺️☺️
Write a function solution that, given an integer N, returns the maximum possible
value obtained by inserting one '5' digit inside the decimal representation of integer N.
1. Given N = 268, the function should return 5268.
2. Given N = 670, the function should return 6750.
3. Given N = 0, the function should return 50.
4. Given N = -999, the function should return - 5999.
Assume that:
• N is an integer within the range (-8,000..8,000).
In your solution, focus on correctness. The performance of your solution will not be the
focus of the assessment.
Copyright 2009-2021 by Codility Limited. All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized copying, publication or
disclosure prohibited
You did not specified the language, so I did my program in python.
Hope it helps!!!
full meaning of ENDVAC
EDVAC was one of the earliest electronic computers. Unlike its predecessor the ENIAC, it was binary rather than decimal, and was designed to be a stored-program computer. ENIAC inventors John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert proposed the EDVAC's construction in August 1944.
Here is the full meaning
Hello! So I have been practising some coding, however, there seems to be an error in my code. I have been trying to figure out what is wrong, however, I just can't seem to find it. There is no syntax error but, there seems to be a problem with my input. I am currently using and I am making a calculator. I would input something like "multiply" however, the calculator would only square. I have tried changing the variables but it just keeps coming back to the first "if" statement. I would appreciate some help.
You OR expressions are wrong.
Rather than writing:
if method == "Square" or "square":
You should write:
if method == "Square" or method == "square":
The expression should evaluate to something that is true or false.
In the above case, the expression is method == "Square" or method == "square" which can are actually two sub-expressions with an or in between them:
subexpr1 or subexpr2
each of the sub-expressions should evaluate to true or false.
method == "Square" is one of those sub-expressions.
That is how an expression is broken down by the compiler.
TIP: If you would add method = method.lower() right after the input, you could simplify all the if statements by removing the uppercase variants.
Define a class named Money that stores a monetary amount. The class should have two private integer variables, one to store the number of dollars and another to store the number of cents. Add accessor and mutator functions to read and set both member variables. Add another function that returns the monetary amount as a double. Write a program that tests all of your functions with at least two different Money objects.
using namespace std;
class Money{
int dollars;
int cents;
Money(int d=0, int c=0){
void setDollar(int d){
dollars = d;
void setCent(int c){
cents = c
int getDollar() {
return dollars;
int getCent() {
return cents;
double getMoney(){
return (dollars + (cents/100));
// testing the program.
int main(){
Money Acc1(3,50);
cout << M.getMoney() << endl;
Money Acc2;
cout <<"$" << Acc2.getDollars() << "." << Acc2.getCents() << endl;
return 0;
The C++ source code defines the Money class and its methods, the class is used in the main function as a test to create the instances of the money class Acc1 and Acc2.
The object Acc2 is mutated and displayed with the "setDollar and setCent" and "getDollar and getCent" methods respectively.
Difference between a port and a connector
A connector is the unique end of a plug, jack, or the edge of a card that connects into a port. Port: The port has either holes or a slot that matches the plug or card being connected into the port. For example: cables are plugged into Ethernet ports, and cables and flash drives are plugged into USB ports.The objective of this task is to use Scapy to estimate the distance, in terms of number of routers, between your VM and a selected destination. This is basically what is implemented by the traceroute tool. In this task, we will write our own tool. The idea is quite straightforward: just send a packet (any type) to the destination, with its Time-To-Live (TTL) field set to 1 first. This packet will be dropped by the first router, which will send us an ICMP error message, telling us that the time-to-live has exceeded. That is how we
This project is based on SEED labs by Wenliang Du, Syracuse University.
get the IP address of the first router. We then increase our TTL field to 2, send out another packet, and get the IP address of the second router. We will repeat this procedure until our packet finally reach the destination. It should be noted that this experiment only gets an estimated result, because in theory, not all these packets take the same route (but in practice, they may within a short period of time). The code in the following shows one round in the procedure
a = IP()
a.dst '
a.ttl = 3
b = ICMP()
send (a/b)
If you are an experienced Python programmer, you can write your tool to perform the entire procedure automatically. If you are new to Python programming, you can do it by manually changing the TTL field in each round, and record the IP address based on your observation from Wireshark. Either way is acceptable, as long as you get the result
Task: Sniffing and-then Spoofing
In this task, you will combine the sniffing and spoofing techniques to implement the following sniff- and-then-spoof program. You need two VMs on the same LAN. From VM A, you ping an IP X. This will generate an ICMP echo request packet. If X is alive, the ping program will receive an echo reply, and print out the response. Your sniff-and-then-spoof program runs on VM B, which monitors the LAN through packet sniffing. Whenever it sees an ICMP echo request, regardless of what the target IP address is, your program should immediately send out an echo reply using the packet spoofing technique. Therefore, regard-less of whether machine X is alive or not, the ping program will always receive a reply, indicating that X is alive. You need to use Scapy to do this task. In your report, you need to provide evidence to demonstrate that your technique works.
kad ;ikajlfhdakjsfhadskfadhkjfahdjkfadk a jk h
is this even a legit question
Create the HTML code for this
1.Font size for the text is 20px2.Background color for table dataiscyan and table headeris lightgrey.3.Text is center aligned.4.Height of the table is 200px andwidth is 500px.5.Border thickness 2px,colour black and collapsed
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<table id="myTable">
<caption>Duty Roster for last two days</caption>
<tr><td>Monday</td><td colspan="2">John</td></tr>
<tr><td>Tuesday</td><td rowspan="2">Tom</td><td>Peter</td></tr>
#myTable {
background-color: Cyan;
border-collapse: collapse;
height: 200px;
width: 500px;
font-size: 20px;
#myTable td,th {
border: 2px black solid;
text-align: center;
#myTable td:first-child, th {
background-color: lightgray;
font-weight: bold;
1, How can technology serve to promote or restrict human rights? [2 points]
Examples of how technology can be used as a powerful tool for human rights are ever expanding. Newer technologies such as artificial intelligence, automation, and blockchain have the potential to make significant positive contributions to the promotion and protection of human rights.
What does the abbreviation JPEG stand for?
A. Japanese Photographic Examination Group
B. Joint Photo Examination Group
C. Joint Photographic Expert Group
D. Jefferson Photo Exclusive Group
E. Jacket Photo Extension Group
c) giant photographic experts group
(often seen with its file extension stands for
"Joint Photographic Experts Group",
You are given the following segment of code:Line 1: PROCEDURE printScorePairs()Line 2: {Line 3: count <-- 0Line 4: sum <-- 0Line 5: i <-- 1Line 6: scores <-- [73, 85, 100, 90, 64, 55]Line 7: REPEAT UNTIL ( i > LENGTH (scores) )Line 8: {Line 9: sum <-- scores[i] scores[i 1]Line 10: DISPLAY ( sum )Line 11: i <-- i 2Line 12: }Line 13: }The ABC company is thrifty when it comes to purchasing memory (also known as RAM) for its computers. Therefore, memory is of the utmost importance and all programming code needs to be optimized to use the least amount of memory possible. What modifications could be made to reduce the memory requirements without changing the overall functionality of the code?
Move Line 10 to after line 12
Required: Modify the program
From the procedure above, the procedure prints the sum at each loop. Unless it is really necessary, or it is needed to test the program, it is not a good practice.
To optimize the program, simply remove the line at displays the sum (i.e. line 10) and place it at the end of the loop.
So, the end of the procedure looks like:
Line 10: i <-- i 2
Line 11: }
Line 12: DISPLAY ( sum )
Line 13:
Which situations are the most likely to use telehealth? Select 3 options.
Your doctor emails a suggested diet plan.
Your brother was tested for strep throat and now you think you have it.
Your doctor invites you to use the patient portal to view test results.
You broke your arm and need a cast
You request an appointment to see your doctor using your health app.
Your doctor emails a suggested diet plan.
Your brother was tested for strep throat and now you think you have it.
Your doctor invites you to use the patient portal to view test results.
Your doctor emails a suggested diet plan
You request an appointment to see your doctor using your health app
Your doctor invites you to use the patient portal to view test results
Edge 2022
what, if anything, is returned by the method call rearrange ("apple")?
[tex] \boxed{E} \to \boxed{nothing \: is \: returned \: due \: to \: run \: tie \: error}[/tex]
what is ergonomic in computer science
Ergonomics is the science of fitting jobs to people. One area of focus is on designing computer workstations and job tasks for safety and efficiency. Effective ergonomics design coupled with good posture can reduce employee injuries and increase job satisfaction and productivity.
which among the following if absent, a computer is not complete.
A. mouse
C. user
D. projector
user because all the other things the computer need
I have a question about this programming assignment. The outcome when the user puts in Taylor for guest one and Fernando for guest 2 should be, "Your party is ruined and another bad pop song will be written." However, it does not. What do I add to get this outcome? Do I need more brackets?
Use guestNumber1.equals(Fernando) instead of the double equal signs. You cant compare strings with ==
Suppose you present a project and your supervisor comments that the graphics need to be a higher quality and suggests you replace a circuit board. To what circuit board is your supervisor referring?
graphics card
video card
sound card
system card
Answer:graphics card
graphics card
List and fully describe at least 3 examples of input devices and how they are applied in the real world. (In separate paragraphs.)
1. Mouse
2.Graphic Tablet
1. A computer mouse (plural mice, rarely mouses) is a hand-held pointing device that detects two-dimensional motion relative to a surface. This motion is typically translated into the motion of a pointer on a display, which allows a smooth control of the graphical user interface of a computer.
2.Graphic tablets, because of their stylus-based interface and ability to detect some or all of pressure, tilt, and other attributes of the stylus and its interaction with the tablet, are widely considered to offer a very natural way to create computer graphics, especially two-dimensional computer graphics
3.A keyboard is for putting information including letters, words and numbers into your computer. You press the individual buttons on the keyboard when you type. The number keys across the top of the keyboard are also found on the right of the keyboard. The letter keys are in the centre of the keyboard.
Online, it is easy to think of communication as “computer to ____________” rather than “_________ to ___________”.
person, computer, person
computer, person, computer
person, person, person
computer, person, person
Online, it is easy to think of communication as “computer to computer” rather than “person to person”. Thus, option D is correct.
What is communication?It is possible to describe communication as the act of passing the information between one person or group of people to the next. Communicating facilitates easy understanding of what a different person is trying to say or convey. There are two forms of communication: both verbal and nonverbal.
With the help of communication the person can tell and feature tthe data between the person and an group. In this, that data is given to the people and the data is not given to the person but it is rather given to the person. As this data is been transferred from one computer to another and then it reaches the people.
Therefore, option D is the correct option.
Learn more about communication, here:
1. In what ways a computer system is like a human being
2. In what ways is it not like a human being
3. What will happen if the computer is not invented
a computer system can be considered similar to human beings in a way that it needed various parts in order to it to function it humans we need the or such as hurt brain veins exactra while computer need the CPU Ram etc