I need someone to write me an three paragraphs about the dramatic element found in the play called Raisin in the Sun


Answer 1

Some of the dramatic elements found in the play called "Raisin in the Sun" are:


What are the key dramatic elements in "Raisin in the Sun"?

Conflict is a major dramatic element because Younger family faces internal and external conflicts that create tension throughout the play.

The climax of the play is reached when Walter's plan to invest the insurance money in a liquor store is revealed which leads to a heated argument between him and his family.

The resolution comes as the family members learn to understand and appreciate each other's dreams and aspirations which culminated in their decision to move into the new house in a white neighborhood despite the challenges they may face.

Read more about dramatic element



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fictional stories, usually realistic are about mysterious events that is not explained or a crime that is not solved intoll the end


The fiction stories that are typically grounded in reality but involve elements of mystery and unresolved crimes.

What are fictional stories?

These types of stories often leave the reader guessing until the very end, as they try to piece together the clues and solve the puzzle alongside the protagonist.

Some examples of this genre include classic detective novels like Agatha Christie's "Murder on the Orient Express" or modern crime thrillers like Gillian Flynn's "Gone Girl." While the details of the plot may vary, the common thread is the tension and intrigue created by the unresolved mystery at the heart of the story.

To know more about fiction stories visit:



Hello there! Doing this novel in class. I can't seem to find what this assignment is asking. I was wanting to know, if any one has time, to help me with this!

Thanks, Smj


I hope i don't get this wrong but, firstly, its asking you to give a main trait of a charcter, a word that describes their personality, the second bit is asking you how is this presented in the novel? like what does the character do to make them seem like they are (main trait), like how they act or say something, their choice of words/actions. you just list different examples of how it's presented, giving quotes i think?

After reading On Being Crippled by Nancy Mairs, what stylistic and rhetorical devices does the author use to appeal to the pathos of the reader? Provide Textual Evidence


In "On Being Disabled," Nancy Mairs employments a few complex and explanatory gadgets to offer to the sentiment of the peruser. Here are a number of cases:


Mairs employments allegories to describe her inability in a way that's relatable to the peruser. For illustration, she depicts her body as "a historical center of wounds" and "a collection of peculiarities" (passage 1).

2. Anaphora:

Mairs employments anaphora, the reiteration of a word or state at the starting of progressive clauses, the affect of her incapacity. For case, she composes, "I am a cripple. I select this word to name me" (section 1).

3. Incongruity:

Mairs employments incongruity to form a sense of differentiate between her physical confinements and her mental capacities. For case, she composes, "Physical confinements appear to me insignificant compared with the boundless extent of mental opportunity" (section 2).

4. Inference:

Mairs implies to other scholars and scholars to supply a outline of reference for her possess encounters. For illustration, she references Shakespeare's Richard III and logician René Descartes.

Here is a few printed prove to bolster these cases:

1. "I am a cripple. I select this word to title me. I select from among several conceivable outcomes, the foremost common of which are 'handicapped' and 'disabled'" (anaphora).

2. "I put it aside, feeling like an insect on its back, its spindly legs waving quickly" (metaphor).

3. "Inability could be a difficult shake to thrust tough, but there are rewards for doing so" (allegory).

4. "Physical impediments appear to me insignificant compared with the boundless degree of mental opportunity" (incongruity).

5. "I have continuously abhorred being debilitated. I despised the physical impediments forced on me by spina bifida" (tenderness).

6. "My instructive accomplishments exceed the physical ones" (tenderness).

7. "To be disabled is to be an eyewitness, to be constrained to go up against the nature of human creatures and of oneself" (poignancy).

8. "I have misplaced, and proceed to lose, bodily quality. I cannot walk, run, or stand for any length of time" (tenderness). 

To know more about On Being Crippled by Nancy Mairs refer to this :



• Prompt 1: There is one door you pass every day that is always locked. However, one day, you pass by and it's slightly ajar. You decide to walk in. Plan a narrative about what you find and what happens when you enter

Answer the following questions in complete sentences that reflect on the narrative writing process.
Reflection Question My Response
Which plot element (exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution) was the most difficult to write? Why?
Which two narrative techniques (dialogue, flashback, foreshadowing, juxtaposition, pacing, sensory details) did you use in your writing?

Copy and paste an example of each from your narrative.
What is the theme (or lesson learned) from your narrative? Use a complete sentence.

06.06 Transitioning to the End Rubric


At my high school, there was a similar set of double doors. When I passed, I would always try the handle, but it was always locked. The handle eventually turned. Since I was the only person in the hallway, I thought it over before choosing to carefully swing open the doors. There were two washing machines in a small, gloomy room.

Is the story's escalating action its most intense section?

The climax is thought to be the story's pivotal moment. It is typically the culmination of mounting action and the most dramatic and emotional period. This phase in the story usually sees the main character undergo some sort of change.

What is the most significant action in the story?

The climax, which is the major narrative point and is debatably the most significant section of a novel, places our characters in a scenario where they must make a decision that will have an impact on the rest of the story.

To know more about protagonist visit :-



which type of audience appeal calls for a speaker to use facts, statistics, and common sense? which sentence best summarizes truman's persuasive strategy in this part of the speech? apex


The type of audience appeal that calls for a speaker to use facts, statistics, and common sense is called the logical appeal or logos. This type of appeal is used to convince the audience through rational and logical means.

As for Truman's persuasive strategy in this part of the speech, without knowing the specific part of the speech, it is difficult to provide a summary. However, in general, Truman was known for using straightforward language and appealing to the common sense of his audience. He also used emotional appeals when necessary, such as in his famous "Truman Doctrine" speech where he appealed to the fear of communism spreading.

Overall, his persuasive strategy was a combination of logical and emotional appeals.

To know more about persuasive strategy, click here:



from "plays and players" how does the line "characters born of the poets brain" affect the meaning of the interview


Character formation in theatrical works is the topic of conversation, as implied by the phrase "characters born of a poets brain" in the setting of a discussion about plays and actors.

What do you mean by Character formation?

The word "brain" reinforces the concept that these individuals are works of the playwright's mind and artistic vision rather than actual people. It emphasises how every person in a play is skillfully and thoughtfully created to perform a certain function within the plot.

The significance of the writer's involvement in bringing such personalities to life on stage is further highlighted by this phrase.

To know more about theatrical  visit:



what organizational method (or methods) might you use to arrange main points for speeches with the following specific purpose statements?


When arranging main points for speeches with specific purpose statements, there are various organizational methods that can be used depending on the type and content of the speech.

One effective method is the topical method, where the main points are organized according to the topic or subject being discussed. Another method is the chronological method, where the main points are arranged in order of time or sequence. The problem-solution method can also be used when the purpose of the speech is to identify a problem and propose a solution. Additionally, the cause-effect method can be used when the purpose of the speech is to explain the cause and effect relationship between different ideas or events. Ultimately, the organizational method used will depend on the purpose of the speech and the content being presented.

To know more about speech refer :



in a small-group network, the chain ranks high in __________.


In a small-group network, the chain is a communication structure in which information flows sequentially from one member to the next in a linear fashion, similar to a chain.

The chain structure is characterized by a high degree of centralization, where one individual (usually the leader or the person at the beginning of the chain) has more control over the communication flow and decision-making process.

The chain structure is often associated with efficiency and clarity of communication, as there are fewer opportunities for misinterpretation or confusion. However, it can also be prone to delays, as the information must be relayed sequentially through all members of the chain before reaching the desired recipient. Additionally, the chain structure may limit the diversity of ideas and perspectives, as communication is restricted to a linear flow.

Learn more about network



Use your knowledge of the excerpt from My Life With the Chimpanzees

and "Hachiko: The True Story of a Loyal Dog" to consider qualities that human beings and animals seem to share. Write a explanatory essay that answers the question: What qualities do Goodall and Turner believe people and animals share?

Think about the experiences Goodall has with the chimpanzees and the way Turner describes Dr. Ueno and Hachiko. Identify feelings and ways of behaving that the two authors suggest animals and people have in common


The qualities that Jane Goodall and Dr. Orie Turner believe people and animals share are loyalty, intelligence, compassion, and a strong sense of family.

In Jane Goodall's excerpt from My Life With the Chimpanzees, she explores the behavior of the chimpanzees she was studying and was surprised to discover that their behavior and emotions were not so dissimilar from those of human beings. She observed and documented traits of loyalty, intelligence, and compassion in the chimps, traits that she also believed were present among human beings.

For example, Goodall noted that when a group of chimps moved to a new area, the young ones were taken care of and protected by the older chimpanzees. This loyalty and commitment to family is something that Goodall has seen in humans as well. Dr. Orie Turner's story of Hachiko, the loyal dog, also speaks to the shared qualities of loyalty, intelligence, and compassion between animals and people.

To learn more about My Life With the Chimpanzees link is here



Why is having free time good for mental health please answer help


There are both physical and psychological benefits of leisure time, with reduced levels of stress, anxiety, and depression; improved mood; and higher levels of positive emotion. Engaging in recreational activities can also lower cortisol levels, blood pressure, and heart rate.

Imagine that your teacher wanted a group of students to present one poem with students individually saying lines. Decide on the largest number of students who could smoothly present this poem and explain your choice. Use two details from the poem to support your response.


The concept of "Myself" by Edgar Guest is developed to show the character learning to appreciate and forgive himself in order to set himself free and eventually lead a happy life.The guest considers all of the good and bad deeds he has done in his life.

What stands out in this poem as its main theme?

The main idea of a poem is its topic, or, to use another expression, "what it's about." The poet had something in mind when they wrote the poem, even though many people are uncomfortable with poetry being "about" anything.

What stands out as the main concept of Edgar A. Guest's poem Be a Friend?

the Edgar Guest. Through this lovely poetry, he wishes to express his gratitude for his constant company and contribution to his happiness. Although the speaker would like to pay him back, he means a lot to him and his assistance cannot be returned.

To know more about "Myself" visit:-



in act 1 stoppard includes the story of the unicorn. in act 2 he continues with philosophical anecdotes, like the chinaman and the hanged actor, and with intelligent jokes, like saul/paul and the three converts. what do these add to the play?


The story of the unicorn, the philosophical anecdotes and the jokes all serve to add a sense of humor and irony to the play.

The anecdotes and jokes provide a light-hearted and often self-deprecating commentary on the characters and their relationships. They also provide a break from the more serious topics of the play, allowing for the audience to pause and reflect on the ideas and emotions being explored. Ultimately, these add to the overall complexity and depth of the play, providing a refreshing contrast to the more serious moments.

They add a layer of lightheartedness and comedy that is essential to the play's themes and the development of the characters. Furthermore, the comic scenes provide a sense of relief from the tension and give the audience a chance to laugh and take a break from the intensity of the drama.

To learn more about unicorn link is here



The Song: Disney's Part of your world
1. What is the speaker’s tone in this song?
2. What persona is the speaker trying to become?
3. Is this song an example of a monologue? Explain why or why not?
4. What is the extended metaphor in the song?
5. Provide one example of how imagery is shown in the song.





The speaker's tone in the song "Part of Your World" is wistful and longing.

The speaker is trying to become a persona who dreams of a life beyond her current circumstances, yearning for something more and believing that she is meant for greater things.

Yes, the song is an example of a monologue as it is a speech delivered by one person, the speaker, expressing her thoughts, feelings, and desires.

The extended metaphor in the song is the comparison of the speaker's desire to be part of the human world to a fish out of water, emphasizing her feeling of being out of place and yearning to belong.

One example of how imagery is shown in the song is the line "Up where they walk, up where they run, up where they stay all day in the sun," which creates a vivid image of a world that is bright, lively, and free, contrasting with the dark, confined space that the speaker is currently in.

Read the passage.

The Peanut Man

courtesy of the Library of Congress

George Washington Carver was a person born into slavery in Diamond Grove, Missouri, around 1864. He is one of the nation's most famous agricultural scientists. He is best known for his research on peanuts and his commitment to helping poor Southern African American farmers.

George Washington Carver was always interested in plants. When he was a child, he was known as the "plant doctor." He had a secret garden where he grew all kinds of plants. People would ask him for advice when they had sick plants. Sometimes he'd take their plants to his garden and nurse them back to health.

Later, when he was teaching at Tuskegee Institute, he put his plant skills to good use. Many people in the South had been growing only cotton on their land. Cotton plants use most of the nutrients in the soil. (Nutrients provide nourishment to plants.) So, the soil becomes "worn out" after a few years. Eventually, cotton will no longer grow on this land.

This was especially bad for poor African American farmers, who relied on selling cotton to support themselves. Carver was dedicated to helping those farmers, so he came up with a plan.

Carver knew that certain plants put nutrients back into the soil. One of those plants is the peanut! Peanuts are also a source of protein.

Carver thought that if those farmers planted peanuts, the plants would help restore their soil, provide food for their animals, and provide protein for their families--quite a plant! In 1896 peanuts were not even recognized as a crop in the United States, but Carver would help change that.

Carver told farmers to rotate their crops: plant cotton one year, then the next year plant peanuts and other soil-restoring plants, like peas and sweet potatoes. It worked! The peanut plants grew and produced lots of peanuts. The plants added enough nutrients to the soil so cotton grew the next year. Now the farmers had lots of peanuts--too many for their families and animals--and no place to sell the extras.

Carver invented all kinds of things made from peanuts. He wrote down more than 300 uses for peanuts, including peanut milk, peanut paper, and peanut soap. Carver thought that if farmers started making things out of peanuts, they'd have to buy fewer things and would be more self-sufficient. And if other people started making things out of peanuts, they would want to buy the extra peanuts, so the farmers would make more money. Although not many of Carver's peanut products were ever mass-produced, he did help spread the word about peanuts.

Peanuts became more and more popular. By 1920 there were enough peanut farmers to form the United Peanut Association of America (UPAA). In 1921 the UPAA asked Carver to speak to the U.S. Congress about the many uses for peanuts. Soon the whole country had heard of George Washington Carver, the Peanut Man! And by 1940 peanuts had become one of the top six crops in the U.S.


Which statement is a main idea of the text?


A. Carver helps people figure out what is wrong with their plants.

B. Before Carver, peanuts were not recognized as a crop in the United States.

C. Many African American farmers grow cotton and raise animals for a living

D. Sweet potato and pea plants do not pull nutrients from the soil.


Option C is correct. Many African American farmers grow cotton and raise animals for a living

What is the idea of the passage

The main idea of the text is that George Washington Carver was a famous agricultural scientist who helped poor Southern African American farmers by promoting the planting of peanuts to restore the soil and provide food and protein.

The answer is C: Many African American farmers grow cotton and raise animals for a living.

Read more on George Washington Carver



What does the phrase "charted the course for the nation" mean as it is used in paragraph 1 of the passage? A ran for an office B fought for more freedom C moved to a country D planned for the future​


The phrase "charted the course for the nation" as used in the given context means to "plan for the future" Option D

What does the phrase mean and how to understand phrase contextual meaning?

The phrase  "charted the course for the nation" also means to establish a direction or plan of action that a nation will follow. This often involves developing policies, setting goals, and taking actions that will shape the nation's progress and development.

To identify the contextual meaning of a phrase, you should follow these steps: Identify the phrase, Look for the surrounding words, Determine the tone or purpose of the sentence, Consider the audience or situation and Look for context clues: Context clues such as punctuation, capitalization, and emphasis can also provide additional information about the intended meaning of a phrase.

Find more exercises on  contextual meaning of a phrase;



Select all that apply.​ ASAP


To be effective, the conclusion of a narrative must be able to show how the character has grown or changed and be able to wrap up the plot without leaving any loose ends.

What is the conclusion of a narrative?It is the last part of the story.It's the end of the plot.

The conclusion is the moment when the story is over, all issues have been resolved, and the characters are ready to move on with their lives.

At this point all elements of the story should be wrapped up satisfactorily, with no loose ends or disputes. Furthermore, the concussion should show how the story impacted the characters and brought about changes in them.

Learn more about plot conclusion:



What can readers infer about why the speaker is stopping in the woods?
O The speaker loves the cold weather.
O The speaker dislikes his family.
O The speaker dislikes the man who owns the woods.
The speaker enjoys the quiet time away from other people.


d. The speaker enjoys the quiet time away from other people. As the speaker enjoys the solitude of being alone and away from other people, they pause in the woods.

The speaker has stopped by the trees, but why?

To take in the natural beauty and snowfall in the woods, the speaker stopped by a little wooded area. He desired to savour the peace and quiet of the wonderful, deep, and dark woods.

How does halting by the woods respond?

He was familiar with the woods where he had halted. Knowing who owned that land mass was not a surprise to him. Additionally, he was aware that the owner did not now reside in his immediate area and was instead a villager in the area. He was confident that the owner wouldn't notice him trespassing because of this.

To know more about stopping in the woods visit:



1. pinker's essay, published for a general american readership, incorporates the work of scholars and scientists. what techniques does he use to create interest in the question of moral judgments for general readers?


In Pinker's essay, he employs a variety of techniques to engage a general American readership in the question of moral judgments.

One such technique is the use of relatable anecdotes and examples that allow readers to connect with the topic on a personal level. Additionally, Pinker uses accessible language and avoids overly technical jargon, making the concepts he presents more approachable for a broader audience. He also cites and references the work of scholars and scientists throughout the essay, lending credibility to his arguments and demonstrating the importance of the topic to experts in the field.

By incorporating the perspectives of both experts and everyday individuals, Pinker effectively bridges the gap between academic research and general readership, encouraging readers to engage with and reflect on the complex topic of moral judgments.

To learn more about Pinker, click here:



The dialogue and behavior in i don’t like to brag but of Finn and Zelda suggest that they are


The dialogue and behavior in "I don’t like to brag but.." of Finn and Zelda suggest that they are: F witty and clever.

What what can be suggested about the charaacters?

The behavior of the characters in the stories suggest that they were witty and clever persons. They were not pushed to say anything that came to mind but applied some restraint.

A dialogue is a conversation between individuals or characters in a play. The statements made by Finn and Zelda during the dialogue can help in drawing conclusions about their personalities.

Learn more about dialogues here:



What is an example of an internal conflict in A Midsummer Night's Dream?


The only really serious conflict is the one between Hermia and her father, and that is literally a life or death situation for her. She does not have the right, under Athenian law, to decide who she wants to marry. Her father says it will be Demetrius or death.

In this dialogue, what do the stage directions suggest about Kareem?
GINA. Hey, I hear you're a great dancer.
KAREEM. [Gulps] Oh yeah. I'm the best in the town.
GINA. Then let's dance!
KAREEM. [Scratches the back of his head and looks from side to side
nervously] I would, but I'm so great at it, you might not be able to keep
up with me.


Kareem's confidence in his dancing skills may not be as strong as he claims it to be, according to the stage directions. When asked to dance, he gulps, appears uneasy, and scratches the back of his head to show this.

What's a good dialogue?

Excellent conversation advances either the story or your understanding of the characters, or both, without becoming monotonous. It also rings true, is suitable to the speaker, and is what that individual would say in those circumstances.

Why is dialogue written?

Additionally, dialogue gives your writing a more immersive sense. Long prose paragraphs are broken up and your reader is given something to "hear" outside your narrator's voice. Writers frequently utilise conversation to depict how characters interact with one another, their surroundings, and the storyline they are following.

To know more about Dialogue visit:



1) What was Jesus Colon's dilemma on the train? What were the different factors he was weighing in his mind?

2) What was at stake in Colon's decision? How did he feel about his choice afterwards?

3) Why do you think he wrote this story?

4) Discuss the significance of the title. Why is it important to the message of the story?

5) Create a different ending to the story. What do you think Colon might have done? How do you think the woman might have responded to the action you have imagined for Colon? Describe how Colon would feel after he made a different choice.

6) Make a personal connection with this story and connect the two stories of "Little Things are Big" and "Danger of a Single Story. "


In "A Puerto Rican in New York", Jesus Colon faced a decision on the train regarding whether to intervene against discrimination towards a black woman. His decision affected both the woman's dignity and his own values. He wrote the story to create awareness about discrimination and racial injustice. The title emphasizes the significance of small actions.

The passage raises the issue of cultural assimilation in the United States. The narrator is a Puerto Rican man who feels torn between the desire to maintain his cultural identity and the pressure to conform to American norms. He experiences a dilemma when he witnesses a white woman being harassed on a train by a group of Puerto Rican youths. He must decide whether to intervene and risk being seen as a traitor to his own people or to remain silent and uphold the solidarity of his community.

The story explores the complexities of cultural identity and the challenges faced by marginalized communities in navigating societal expectations. A possible ending is that the woman and other passengers intervene, and Colon feels a mix of emotions. The stories highlight the power of our actions and words and the importance of promoting empathy and equality.

To know more about Jesus Colon, here



11 unit 6
What feature allows most presentational design programs to build a page piece by piece?






The feature that allows most presentational design programs to build a page piece by piece are: B. templates.

What are Templates?

Templates are pre-designed structures that allow the user to build a page in sections, creating a consistent look and feel throughout the entire document.

Templates allow most presentational design programs to build a page piece by piece. The templates can be customized with different fonts, colors, and graphics to match the specific needs of the user.

This feature allows for easy and efficient creation of professional-looking documents, as the user can simply add their own content to the pre-designed structure.

Learn more about templates on:



before you begin to compose a message, you should conduct research to collect the necessary information. to avoid frustration and inaccurate messages, be sure to consider the receiver's position. which questions should you ask yourself before determining what and how to research? check all that apply. what is the receiver to do after reading the message? will the receiver like the template i plan to use? should i use formal headings? what does the receiver need to know about this topic?


Before you begin to compose a message, it is important to ask yourself several questions to determine what and how to research. Some of the questions to consider are:

1. What is the receiver's position and what do they need to know about this topic?
2. What is the receiver expected to do after reading the message?
3. Should you use formal headings to address the receiver?
4. Will the receiver appreciate the template you plan to use?
By considering these questions, you can ensure a well-researched and accurate message tailored to the needs of the receiver.

To know more about reading refer :



Lynching and Lynch Mobs

What influence did lynch mobs have on local governments and people in power?

At their peak, how often would lynchings take place? In which part of the country were they most prominent? Why were they overlooked and ignored? Explain.


Lynching served the overarching social goal of preserving white supremacy in the social, political, and economic arenas.  With an average of nearly 150 per year, 1882 to 1901 saw the highest number of lynchings.

In plain English, what is lynching?

A lynching is the public execution of a person who has not been given due process. Although police officials did take part, these murders were frequently carried out by irrational mobs masquerading as justiciars.

In India, why do lynchings occur?

Reasons for mob lynching. Lack of patience: People rush to judge those who break the law and attempt to punish the victim by presuming that they are to blame. They don't wait for the legal system to formally recognise him or her as a culprit.

To know more about Lynchings visit:



Slaughterhouse 5 1. In Chapter 1 Vonnegut tells the reader that he has promised Mary O'Hare that he will not
make war glamorous. Give some details that show he is keeping this promise in this


He discusses the excessive number of youths fighting in the conflict. He also talks about dying honestly and without embellishment.

What does Slaughterhouse-first Five's chapter mean?

Slaughterhouse-first Five's chapter functions more like an introduction or prelude than like the conventional opening chapter of a novel. More biographical than fictional, it not only recounts a significant portion of Kurt Vonnegut's life story but also describes how the book was created.

Why did Mary O'Hare become agitated while Vonnegut was there?

The spouse of Bernhard O'Hare is Mary. Vonnegut is rebuked by Mary because she thinks his book would glorify war; he, however, makes a commitment not to do so.

To know more about Mary O'Hare visit:



What is the poet's main message in this sonnet (poem)? Explain with a CER (Claim, Evidence and Reasoning). Sonnet XXVII: I know I am but summer to your heart
by Edna St. Vincent Millay.


The movie Love Is Not Everything explores the ways in which love cannot protect a person from potentially fatal circumstances and the ways in which a person may be prepared to give up that love. The speaker compares love to nature in the first quatrain of "Pity Me Not Because the Light of Day," which starts the poem.

What is the subject of Edna St. Vincent Millay's sonnet?

This is a classic Shakespearean sonnet that, like many of Millay's poetry, discusses love. In this passage, the speaker warns a lover that their time together is fleeting.

What is Edna St. Vincent Millay's topic in Sonnet 29?

Themes. Millay explores concepts related to relationships and nature. The majority of the poem is devoted to the poet's speaker comparing their relationship, the highs and lows of love,

To know more about Edna St. visit:-



"What private school do you children attend?" the woman asked.
Miss Johnson walked over to the woman and said proudly, "These are students from Louise Spence
"But they're so well behaved, the woman said with surprise. "Isn't that school in the ghetto?"
A. suggesting that children cannot behave themselves at a concert
B. proving that old people don't know what they are talking about
C. showing that certain people think that kids from the inner city are trouble
D. showing why that Louise Spencer Elementary is the best school in the city
BEST: FL-ELA K12. EE11, FL-ELA K12, EE 21


The passage and the woman's used of ghetto is showing that certain people think that kids from the inner city are trouble. Option C

What does the woman mean by ghetto?

The woman's surprise at the students being well-behaved implies that she has a preconceived notion that children from a school in the "ghetto" or inner city would be poorly behaved or cause trouble.

This passage highlights the stereotypes and prejudices that some people may hold about children from disadvantaged areas.

The term "ghetto" originally referred to a section of a city, often a slum area, where a particular group of people, especially a minority group, is forced to live due to social, legal, or economic pressure.

Historically, ghettos were often created as a result of discriminatory policies or actions by those in power.

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Wtite a debate for or against the motion Mixed sex school is better than single sex school


For the Motion: Mixed-sex educational settings offer a wider range of learning opportunities and promote social growth.

Single-sex educational institutions foster academic success and offer kids a secure environment in which to learn.

For the Motion: Because they offer a more realistic learning environment, mixed-sex schools are preferable than single-sex ones. Students who attend a mixed-sex school get the ability to relate to and comprehend people from various backgrounds and genders. In the real world, where kids will probably interact with people from many walks of life, this will prepare them. Furthermore, mixed-sex schools give kids greater chances to connect with people of the opposite sex, which can aid in the development of critical social skills.

Mixed-sex schools can also give students a competitive edge in the classroom. In mixed-sex classrooms, students frequently outperform their peers in academic success and test performance.

For the Motion: Mixed-sex schools are not always preferable than single-sex institutions. With no added social pressure from the other sex, single sex schools can offer pupils a cosy and secure setting in which to learn. Single-sex educational institutions may be able to better meet the demands of its pupils. According to studies, single-sex schools foster an environment that is more equal for learning and encourages pupils to participate in class debates. Additionally, single sex schools relieve kids from gender norms and prejudices that could be reinforced in a mixed sex setting.

To learn more about Single-sex link is here:



Describe an early development in the plot of "The Watson's Go To Birmingham" and explain why it's important. In the chapters 1-5​


The church bombing in the early chapters of "The Watsons Go to Birmingham" serves as a pivotal event that highlights the harsh realities of racism and sets the tone for the story.

Why is the church bombing significant in "The Watsons Go to Birmingham?

The church bombing in the initial chapters of "The Watsons Go to Birmingham" is a significant event as it portrays the pervasive racism and violence that African Americans faced during the Civil Rights era.

The bombing of the church, a place of worship and sanctuary for the African American community, shocks the Watson family and brings the harsh reality of racism to the forefront of the story. The event serves as a catalyst for the Watson family's journey from their home in Flint, Michigan, to Birmingham, Alabama, and adds depth to the plot by setting the stage for the family's experiences with racial discrimination and prejudice in the South.

Read more about Plot



Other Questions
the value of the action potential -- how much greater the electric potential is inside the axon as compared to outside the axon -- is around 30 mv for the average neuron in humans. if the length constant of an axon is about 2 mm, at what distance (to the nearest tenth of a mm) from the end of the axon where this action potential is applied would the potential difference across the membrane become less than 3.3 mv (which is a very weak signal)? (and this fast decay of the potential difference is why the action potential must be regenerated with further depolarization along the axon. with additional depolarization down the length of the axon, the action potential is thus maintained as a strong voltage pulse -- again, with a maximum value of around 30 mv -- that can travel along the entire length of axons, which can be over a meter long!) again, we can use the equation that relates the potential difference across a membrane as a function of how far from the end of the axon this potential difference is measured, i.e., . minimum required information for inflight emergencies is: aircraft identification and type; pilot's desires, and ________________. if dunkin donuts (dd) were to follow the actions of starbucks and copy all of their strategies and pricing, dd could be described as a(n Which graph shows the solution to the inequality Negative 3 x minus 7 less-than 20 Group of answer choices A number lines goes from negative 10 to positive 10. An open circle appears at positive 9. The number line is shaded from positive 9 through negative 10. A number line goes from negative 10 to positive 10. An open circle appears at positive 9. The number line is shaded from positive 9 through positive 10. A number line goes from negative 10 to positive 10. An open circle appears at negative 9. The number line is shaded from negative 9 through positive 10. A number line goes from negative 10 to positive 10. An open circle appears at negative 9. The number line is shaded from negative 9 through negative 10. jane smith earns $975 a week. as of the end of february, jane has cumulative earnings $7,800. during the last week of february, how much of her current earnings are subject to state unemployment tax? Fill in table.It takes Shaun 90 minutes to complete a 15 mile race. Assume Shaun runs at a constant rate during the race. Complete the table to show Shauns time, in minutes, and distance, in miles, at each checkpoint. While volunteering at a local museum, you are helping the curator organize works for an upcoming exhibit. The museum has have recently obtained a series of carved figurines made of terracotta. Some have a cleft head, slanted eyes, and a downturned mouth. Some of these figurines have mostly human characteristics while others appear to be mostly jaguar. In which section of the exhibit would you and the curator MOST likely place these pieces? A. Mayan art B. Aztec art C. Incan art D. Olmec art Solve by using matrices.2x -y + 3z = 180-4x + 2y + 3z = 2253x - 4y = 270X= -66, y = [?], z =Enter Select the correct answerWhich preposition best completes the second sentence?Du bist spt. Ich habe ____ eine ganze Stunde auf dich gewartet. A. fr B. vor C. seit D. am the impact of electronic and print news media causes americans to focus most on __________ politics. a. community b. local c. state d. national ABC is a full-time messenger and payload dispatch office for corporate organizations around the globe. It for the most part manages conveying and following the bundles conveyed. ABC EXPRESS has its yearly spending meeting during the finish of year. The organization has in excess of 30,000 full-time workers, 5,00,000 clients for each month, and a normal of 3 million bundles per day. The way where the organization structures pay scales is distinctive for lasting and impermanent staff. A portion of the criteria which the organization uses to choose the compensation are as per the following: 1. Number of bundles being conveyed: Permanent workers get $50 for each bundle they convey, while transitory representatives get $30 for each conveyed bundle. 2. The separation they travel: Permanent workers get a day by day recompense of $75 for their movement. Also, transitory workers get a day by day recompense of $65 for their movement. 3. Movements: People who work for the night move get an extra compensation of 10% far beyond their customary compensation. Contingent upon every one of these elements, the essential compensation structure is chosen. Presently, the organization needs to compensate the workers with rewards dependent on their evaluation as follows: (Assume that evaluation is given as information. ) Evaluation Al: 5% of essential compensation Evaluation A2: 10% of essential compensation Evaluation A3: 15% of essential compensation With all the data gave, utilize all conceivable kind of explanations and articulations and plan a Java program to assist the administration with calculating the net compensation (fundamental added to reward) for representatives. Clue: Make utilization of if-else, switch case, and number juggling administrators. Test the yield by gathering the program and executing the equivalent through IDE the power of a dinner table selection test Carbon dioxide is reduced by using electrons obtained from inorganic molecules, such as ammonia or hydrogen gas by ______________ since they do not use solar energy. You are still performing CPR as a single rescuer. The AED detects a shockable rhythm and advises a shock. After delivering 1 shock you immediately resume CPR with what ratio of compressions to breaths? if a response is not followed by a reward after it has been repeated many times, it will go away. this describes the operant conditioning term of question 25 options: a) punishment. b) extinction. c) negative reinforcement. d) time out. Suppose that the functions fand g are defined as follows.f(x)=2x-1g(x)=3x-5 Miller Inc. has requested a new line of credit to address the seasonality of revenues. The request is for an $12,500,000 demand loan and resulted in your lender requiring a working capital analysis. You have been assigned the task of calculating the expected line of credit requirement based on the information provided below. The lender has suggested a covenant which limits the current ratio including any demand bank loan to no worse than a 2:1.Given this is a future oriented analysis - use 360 days as a year.Your task:a) Prepare a schedule of working capital that determines what the maximum loan amount is which meets a Current Ratio of 2:1b) If the maximum loan was not allowed to exceed 75% of Accounts Receivable and 25% of Inventory determined in a) above - is the loan request above covered with adequate security? Show calculation and decision.c) If the loan limit is below the $12,500,000 requested above, what would the accounts payable days to pay be revised to reach the proposed limit.AssetsAccounts receivable45 days to collectInventory120 days on hand (seasonal variation)Accounts payable60 days to payShort term bank loanTO BE DETERMINEDIncome StatementRevenue - net 30 day selling terms120,000,000Cost of sales58% of revenuesKey Performance IndicatorCurrent Ratio> 2:1 motion sickness is thought to occur because of a conflict between the _____ systems. You are given the following information for a delta-hedged portfolio for a call option on a stock:a. The underlying stocks current price is 40.b. The continuous annual dividend rate of the stock is 0.02.c. = 0.3d. The option expires in one year.e. The continuously compounded risk-free interest rate is 0.04.Determine the two stock prices at the end of the one week (7 days) for which there would be approximately no gain or loss for the delta-hedged portfolio. which assessment finding will the nurse monitor as an indicator of an undesired effect of penicillin g?