Human Gorilla Orangutan Gibbon Chimpanzee Human - 10. 3 16. 1 18. 1 8. 8 Gorilla - 16. 7 18. 9 10. 6 Orangutan - 18. 9 17. 2 Gibbon - 18. 9 Chimpanzee Gibbon -

A researcher studying the evolutionary relationship among five primate species obtained data from a sequence of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from a representative individual of each species. The researcher then calculated the percent divergence in the sequences between each pair of primate species (Table 1).

(a) Based on fossil data, the researcher estimates that humans and their most closely related species in the data set diverged approximately seven million years ago. Using these data, calculate the rate of mtDNA percent divergence per million years between humans and their most closely related species in the data set. Round your answer to two decimal places.

(b) Using the data in the table, construct a cladogram on the template provided. Provide reasoning for the placement of gibbons as the out-group on the cladogram.

(c) On the cladogram, draw a circle around all of the species that are descended from the species indicated by the node within the square


Answer 1

The rate of mtDNA percent divergence per million years is; 1.47% per million years, the placement of gibbons as the out-group on the cladogram because they are the most distantly related species in the dataset based on the mtDNA sequence divergence, and the species indicated by the node within the square are Gorilla, Orangutan, Gibbon, Chimpanzee, and Human.

To calculate the rate of mtDNA percent divergence per million years between humans and their most closely related species in the dataset, we can use the estimated divergence time of 7 million years ago and the percent divergence in mtDNA sequences between humans and their closest relative, chimpanzees.

The percent divergence between humans and chimpanzees is 10.3, and the estimated divergence time is 7 million years ago. Therefore, the rate of mtDNA percent divergence per million years will be;

(10.3% / 7 million years) * 1 million years

= 1.47% per million years

Here's the cladogram;

             /--- Gorilla


            |      /--- Orangutan

            |     |

      /-----|     |      /--- Gibbon

     |      |     |     |

     |      |     |-----|

     |      |           |      /--- Chimpanzee

     |      |           |-----|

     |      |                 \--- Human

     |      |

     |      |      /--- Gibbon (Out-group)

     |      |-----|

     |            \--- Chimpanzee/Human ancestor


     |            /--- Orangutan


                  \--- Gibbon (Out-group)

Gibbons are placed as the out-group on the cladogram because they are the most distantly related species in the dataset based on the mtDNA sequence divergence. They have the highest percent divergence with all other species, indicating that they diverged from the common ancestor of the other species earlier than any of the other species diverged from each other.

he species descended from the species indicated by the node within the square are Gorilla, Orangutan, Gibbon, Chimpanzee, and Human. These species form a monophyletic group, meaning they share a common ancestor and all of its descendants. We can circle these species on the cladogram as follows;

             /--- Gorilla


            |      /--- Orangutan

            |     |

      /-----|     |      /--- Gibbon

     |      |     |     |

     |      |     |-----|

     |      |           |      /--- Chimpanzee

     |      |           |-----|

     |      |           |           \--- Human

     |      |           |

     |      |      /--- Gibbon (Out-group)

     |      |-----|

     |            \--- Chimpanzee/Human ancestor


     |            /--- Orangutan


                  \--- Gibbon (Out-group)

We can see that this monophyletic group is composed of all the hominids in the dataset, and it includes the common ancestor of chimpanzees and humans.

To know more about mtDNA here


Related Questions

Please help me write a thread answering the following questions!

With your readings and viewing from this module in mind, go to the What is Your Impact? discussion topic and post a new thread that describes the impacts that you have on the natural habitats where you live. Be sure that your post thoroughly answers the following questions:

-What resources do you use?
-Where does your garbage go?
-How does how much you drive affect the environment?
-What about buying food?
-How does this all have an effect on the natural environment?
-How could you lessen the effect?


Garbage typically goes to a landfill or incinerator, depending on the type of waste and local regulations.

Where does your garbage go?

Driving increases carbon emissions, which contribute to climate change and air pollution. Buying food has an impact on the environment due to transportation, packaging, and agricultural practices.

All of these factors contribute to the degradation of natural ecosystems, including air and water quality, soil health, and biodiversity. To lessen the impact, individuals can reduce their consumption, recycle and compost waste, use alternative transportation methods, and choose sustainable and locally sourced food options.

Learn more about garbage:


at which level of the respiratory tree is there no cartilage, where smooth muscle takes on an important role in regulating the amount of airflow through the tubule


Where smooth muscle controls the amount of airflow through the tubules of the Bronchioles, there is no cartilage at which level of the respiratory tree.

The smallest of the respiratory system's conducting components has a diameter of less than 1 millimeter. There are no glands, cartilage, or smooth muscle, and there are no goblet cells.

Unlike the bronchi, the muscular walls of the bronchioles lack cartilage. The size of the tubing can be altered by this muscular wall to either increase or decrease airflow through it.

Eventually, the tertiary bronchi branch into bronchioles, which are smaller airways with smooth muscle but no glands or cartilage. They are less than a millimeter in diameter. A straightforward ciliated epithelium that gradually decreases in height from columnar to cuboidal covers the smaller branches.

To learn more about Bronchioles here


The multiple causes for hypoxia include: (Select all that apply.) a. extreme fright. b. aspirated vomit. c. pulmonary fibrosis.


The multiple causes for hypoxia include aspirated vomit and pulmonary fibrosis. The correct options are b,c.

Extreme fright is not a direct cause of hypoxia. Hypoxia refers to a condition where there is a lack of oxygen supply to the body's tissues.

Aspirated vomit is one cause of hypoxia. When vomit is inhaled into the lungs, it can obstruct the airways and prevent proper oxygenation of the blood. This leads to a lack of oxygen being delivered to the body's tissues, resulting in hypoxia.

Pulmonary fibrosis is another cause of hypoxia. It is a lung disease where the lung tissue becomes thickened, stiff, and scarred. This scarring prevents the lungs from properly expanding and contracting, limiting the transfer of oxygen from the lungs to the bloodstream.

Consequently, there is a reduced supply of oxygen to the body's tissues, causing hypoxia.

In summary, aspirated vomit and pulmonary fibrosis are two causes of hypoxia, as they both lead to a lack of oxygen being delivered to the body's tissues. Extreme fright, on the other hand, does not directly cause hypoxia.

To know more about hypoxia refer here:


3. A green-leafed fuzzywhatsit plant is crossed with a fuzzywhatsit plant with
yellow-striped leaves. The cross produces 185 green-leafed fuzzywhatsits.
A. What were the genotypes of both parents?
B. Summarize the genotypes & phenotypes of the offspring that would be produced by
crossing two of the green-leafed fuzzywhatsits obtained from the initial cross.


Therefore, a genotype only provides a condensed list of the alleles that an organism possesses for any number of genes. For instance, the genetic makeup of our unknown parent is uppercase. letter d minuscule d small f.

How can you determine both parents' genotypes?

Take those straightforward strategies to respond to inquiries which ask about the genetics for the parents: Write down the distinctive characteristics of both parents; then, depending on these characteristics, write up what you are aware of their phenotypes (keep in mind that an expressed hereditary feature implies recessive homozygous condition); finally last, search for recessive.

What are the parents' genotypes?

Immaculate dominant (PP), heterozygous (Pp), and immaculate (pp) are each of these genotypes. The Laws of Inheritance and the Mendel's Experiments are some related readings.

To know more about organism visit:


Suggest why biofuel produced using glucose from plants could reduce
global warming​


Biofuels produced using glucose from plants have the potential to be a more sustainable and environmentally-friendly alternative to traditional fossil fuels, helping to reduce global warming and mitigate the impact of climate change.

In general , the use of biofuels produced from plants has the potential to reduce the impact of climate change and slow down global warming. However, it is essential to ensure that the production of biofuels does not lead to the destruction of natural habitats and the loss of biodiversity.

Also, the use of biofuels can help to reduce overall greenhouse gas emissions, which contribute to global warming. Biofuels produce fewer emissions than traditional fossil fuels when burned, leading to less air pollution and fewer greenhouse gas emissions.

To learn more about Biofuels  , here


What are the similarities and differences between measles and tobacco mosaic virus?


The similarities and differences between measles and tobacco mosaic virus is that measles is a virus that affects humans, while tobacco mosaic virus is a virus that affects plants.

Similarities: Both are viruses that cause diseases, Both have RNA as their genetic material, Both can be transmitted through contact with infected bodily fluids or plant sap.

Differences: Measles is a virus that affects humans and causes a respiratory illness, while tobacco mosaic virus is a virus that affects plants and causes a mosaic pattern on the leaves of infected plants.

Measles is a highly contagious disease that can be prevented by vaccination, while tobacco mosaic virus is not harmful to humans and has no vaccine available.

Measles can cause serious complications, such as pneumonia and encephalitis, while tobacco mosaic virus does not cause any serious harm to plants.

To know more about tobacco here


how do heart valves ensure one-way blood flow through the heart? why do you think one-way flow is important? how do the heart sounds audible with a stethoscope relate to heart valve action?


Blood flow through the heart is kept to one direction thanks to heart valves. The tricuspid, mitral, pulmonic, and aortic valves are the four valves in the heart.

These valves prevent blood from flowing backward by opening and closing in response to variations in pressure inside the heart chambers. Blood must constantly one-way flow in the proper direction in order for circulation to be effective, hence one-way flow is necessary to achieve this.

When the heart valves are closing when the sounds-audible are created, they are related to heart valve activity and may be heard using a stethoscope. On the beginning of systole, the mitral and tricuspid valves close, resulting in the first heart sound (S1), and the second heart sound (S2) is produced by the contraction of the pulmonary (S2).

Learn more about heart valves Visit:


What are the degradations made by detrital rocks?



Sedimentary rocks can be organized into two categories. The first is detrital rock, which comes from the erosion and accumulation of rock fragments, sediment, or other materials—categorized in total as detritus, or debris. The other is chemical rock, produced from the dissolution and precipitation of minerals.


blame the internet if this is wrong

a true-breeding milk chocolate easter bunny is crossed with a true-breeding dark chocolate easter bunny. assuming dark chocolate is dominant over milk chocolate and the traits segregate according to mendelian genetics, which traits will the offspring express?


The offspring will all express the dark chocolate trait as it is dominant over the milk chocolate trait.

Assuming that the "dark chocolate" trait is dominant over the "milk chocolate" trait, and given the fact that these traits are segregating according to Mendelian genetics, then the offspring of this cross will express only the dark chocolate trait.

This is because in this particular cross, the dark chocolate trait is a dominant trait, meaning it will always be expressed in the phenotype regardless of whether or not its recessive counterpart (the milk chocolate trait) is present.

This is supported by Mendel's law of dominance which states that when two different alleles for a given gene occupy the same locus in a diploid organism, one will dominate and be expressed in the phenotype while the other will be recessive and thus not expressed.

To know more about  Mendel's law of dominance visit:


if the binding energy per nucleon is large, does this make it harder or easier to strip off a nucleon from a nucleus?


If the binding energy per nucleon is large, it would make it harder to strip off a nucleon from a nucleus. This is because the nucleons are strongly bound together, meaning that a lot of energy would be required to break the bond between the nucleons and remove one from the nucleus.

Conversely, if the binding energy per nucleon is small, it would make it easier to strip off a nucleon as there is less energy holding the nucleons together.If the binding energy per nucleon is large, it makes it harder to strip off a nucleon from a nucleus. Binding energy is the energy required to separate a nucleon from a nucleus, and a higher binding energy indicates stronger nuclear forces holding the nucleons together. Therefore, more energy would be needed to overcome these forces and remove a nucleon from the nucleus.

Learn more about nucleus here:


v-src is the viral from of c-src (cellular-src). because v-src has a mutation that makes it continuously active, it is classified as an oncogene. based on this, what type of gene is c-src (cellular-src)?


V-src is the viral from of c-src because v-src has a mutation that makes it continuously active, it is classified as an oncogene based on proto-oncogenes.

Normal genes that code for proteins involved in cell growth and division are known as proto-oncogenes. They are essential for controlling cell proliferation, differentiation, and growth.

Proto-oncogenes can develop into oncogenes as a result of mutations that make them excessively or permanently active, causing unchecked cell proliferation and division that ultimately results in cancer.

The tyrosine kinase enzyme Src, which is short for sarcoma, is encoded by both c-src and v-src and is involved in cell signaling and cell cycle control. Instead, it is tightly regulated and only turned on when it is necessary to promote cell growth and division.

Learn more about Mutation


the type of immunity where antibodies are not produced but are given either artificially or acquired by a baby during pregnancy is called ?


The type of immunity where antibodies are not produced but are given either artificially or acquired by a baby during pregnancy is called "passive immunity."

In passive immunity, antibodies are transferred from one individual to another, rather than being produced by the recipient's immune system. This can occur naturally, as in the case of a baby acquire antibodies from its mother during pregnancy, or artificially, as in the case of administering antibody-containing preparations like immunoglobulins.

To know more about Acquired antibodies visit


you are studying a protein you recently found to be involved in cellular sensing of metabolites. you want to figure out how this protein might work, and also identify potential functional sites. what would be a quick first step towards achieving these objectives?


Quick first step towards achieving these objectives would be to perform a homology search using a protein database to identify structurally similar proteins.

In general , homology search and protein structure determination are both important first steps in understanding the function of a novel protein, as they can provide valuable information about the protein's structure and potential functions.

The result of a homology search can provide important information about the potential function of the protein of interest. For example, if the protein is found to be similar to known enzymes that are involved in metabolic pathways, it may suggest that the protein is also involved in metabolism. The protein structure can reveal details about the location of functional sites or domains, such as enzyme active sites, ligand-binding sites, or protein-protein interaction sites.

To learn more about protein structure , here


During which PCR stage is a small amount of DNA copied many times (ex. 30 cycles making 1,000,000 strands of DNA)? Duplication Replication Amplification


The stage of PCR during which a small amount of DNA is copied many times (ex. 30 cycles making 1,000,000 strands of DNA) is called amplification. This is the step where the target DNA sequence is repeatedly replicated through cycles of denaturation, annealing, and extension using specific primers and a DNA polymerase enzyme.

The PCR process has 4 steps: collection, preparation, amplification, and post PCR clean-up. The end result is the exponential increase in the number of copies of the original DNA template. This stage is crucial for generating a large number of identical copies of a specific DNA sequence, allowing for further analysis or use in various applications.

For more questions related to PCR, refer to:


platelets aid in stimulating fibroblasts and smooth muscle to repair a blood vessel through the production of ___________.
A) Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) and Transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta)
C) Collagen fibers
D) White blood cells
E) Red blood cells


Platelets aid in stimulating fibroblasts and smooth muscle to repair a blood vessel through the production of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) and Transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta). Option A is the correct answer.

Platelets aid in stimulating fibroblasts and smooth muscle to repair a blood vessel through the production of growth factors, particularly Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) and Transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta).

These growth factors play an important role in the healing and repair of damaged blood vessels by promoting cell proliferation and differentiation, as well as the formation of new blood vessels (angiogenesis).

Collagen fibers are produced by fibroblasts and are important in the formation of scar tissue, but they are not produced by platelets. White blood cells and red blood cells do not play a direct role in the repair of blood vessels.

Learn more about platelets aid at


A) Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) and Transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta)

Platelets are small, disc-shaped blood cells that play a critical role in the clotting process that helps stop bleeding when a blood vessel is injured. In addition to forming clots, platelets also play a role in wound healing and repair of blood vessels.

Platelets release a variety of substances called growth factors that stimulate the growth and repair of cells and tissues. Two of the most important growth factors released by platelets are platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) and transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta). These growth factors stimulate the migration and proliferation of fibroblasts, smooth muscle cells, and other cells involved in tissue repair.

PDGF also plays a critical role in angiogenesis, the process by which new blood vessels are formed. It stimulates the growth of endothelial cells, the cells that line the inside of blood vessels, and helps to form new blood vessels in damaged tissues.

In addition to growth factors, platelets also contain other substances that are important for tissue repair, such as collagen fibers and cytokines. Collagen fibers provide structural support for tissues, while cytokines are small proteins that help to regulate inflammation and immune responses.

To know more about angiogenesis


what is the functional difference between type i diabetes mellitus and type ii diabetes mellitus. in each case indicate whether the hormone or receptor is the problem.


The functional difference between type I diabetes mellitus and type II diabetes mellitus is the hormone involved.

The beta cells of pancreas, in charge of making insulin, are attacked and destroyed by immune system in type I diabetes mellitus, an autoimmune condition. A hormone called insulin controls blood sugar levels. Because of this, people with Type I diabetes cannot produce enough insulin on their own and must inject exogenous insulin to regulate their blood sugar levels. As a result, Type I diabetes is caused by the hormone itself.

Conversely, Type II diabetes mellitus is a metabolic illness brought on by insulin resistance, which is when body's cells stop responding to insulin effect. To maintain normal blood glucose levels, the pancreas makes extra insulin as a form of compensation. The pancreas wears down with time, which causes a decline in insulin production. High blood glucose levels result from this, resulting in a number of health issues. As a result, Type II diabetes mellitus is caused by a malfunction with insulin receptor and the body's capacity to react to insulin.

Read more about type I diabetes on:


which of the following cellular deficiencies would most likely be related to mutations in mitochondrial proteins? responses the cell is unable to synthesize most proteins required for normal cell functions. the cell is unable to synthesize most proteins required for normal cell functions. the cell is unable to break down toxic materials and would accumulate large volumes of these materials. the cell is unable to break down toxic materials and would accumulate large volumes of these materials. the cell is able to synthesize proteins, but the proteins would not fold properly and would not contain the correct molecular tags for export from the cell. the cell is able to synthesize proteins, but the proteins would not fold properly and would not contain the correct molecular tags for export from the cell. the cell is unable to complete reactions related to electron transport and atp production.


The cell is unable to complete reactions related to electron transport and ATP production. This deficiency would most likely be related to mutations in mitochondrial proteins, as the majority of ATP production occurs in the mitochondria via the electron transport chain. So the correct option is d.

If there are mutations in mitochondrial proteins that affect the electron transport chain, the cell would be unable to produce ATP efficiently, leading to a wide range of cellular deficiencies and potentially serious health problems.  Mutations in mitochondrial proteins can disrupt this process, leading to a deficiency in ATP production, which can have severe consequences for the cell and the organism as a whole. This deficiency is commonly associated with mitochondrial diseases and disorders, which can affect various systems and organs of the body.

Learn more about mitochondria


Natural selection can lead to diversity within a population. This is apparent with the Galápagos finches and their varying beak sizes. The appearance of certain beak sizes is a characteristic of the available
food sources on the island. Which of the following graphs represents stabilizing selection occurring within a population of Galápagos


Stabilizing selection is a type of natural selection in which the average phenotype in a population is favored over extreme variations. This graph is shown by option C

What is the meaning of stabilizing selection among finches?

the context of finches, stabilizing selection may mean that birds with intermediate beak sizes are better adapted to their environment and have higher survival rates than birds with very small or very large beaks.

This can happen if the intermediate beak size is optimal for the types of seeds available, and birds with smaller or larger beaks are less efficient at cracking those seeds open. Over time, this can result in a population of finches with more similar, intermediate beak sizes.

Learn more about stabilizing selection:


important components of coenzymes include the presence of


The important components of coenzymes include the presence of vitamins, minerals, and other organic molecules, such as nucleotides and amino acids.

These components play a crucial role in the functionality of coenzymes, as they are required for the coenzyme to bind to an enzyme and promote its activity. Coenzymes are essential organic compounds that act as cofactors for enzymes, facilitating various biochemical reactions in the body.

One of the most critical components of coenzymes is the presence of vitamins. Vitamins are essential micronutrients that the body cannot produce on its own, and they play a vital role in various metabolic pathways. For example, vitamin B12 is a crucial component of the coenzyme that converts homocysteine to methionine, an amino acid required for protein synthesis.

In addition to vitamins, minerals such as zinc, copper, and iron are also important components of coenzymes. These minerals act as cofactors, helping to activate the enzyme and facilitate its activity. Other organic molecules such as nucleotides and amino acids are also essential for the functionality of coenzymes, as they provide structural stability and play a crucial role in the enzyme-catalyzed reaction.

know more about coenzymes here


complete question is :-

important components of coenzymes include the presence of ____.

what is a consequence of vitamin defeciency megaloblastic anemia xerophthalmia pellagra lung damage


The consequence of vitamin deficiency can lead to a variety of health issues such as megaloblastic anemia, xerophthalmia, pellagra, and lung damage. Megaloblastic anemia is caused by a deficiency in vitamin B12 or folate, which results in the production of abnormally large red blood cells.

Xerophthalmia is caused by a deficiency in vitamin A and can lead to dry eyes and blindness. Pellagra is caused by a deficiency in niacin and can result in dermatitis, diarrhea, and dementia. Lung damage can occur due to a deficiency in vitamin D, which can lead to respiratory infections and impaired lung function. Therefore, it is important to maintain a balanced diet to prevent any potential vitamin deficiencies and their associated consequences.

Learn more about red blood cells here:


Archegonia _____.
A) are the sites where male gametes are produced
B) have the same function as sporangia
C) may contain sporophyte embryos
D) make asexual reproductive structures


Archegonia are the sites where male gametes are produced. Correct alternative is A.

Sperm cells are produced in male gametangia called antheridia, while egg cells are produced in female gametangia called archegonia. Once the sperm cells are released from the antheridia, they swim through a film of water to reach the archegonia, where they fertilize the egg cells.

This process is known as fertilization and results in the formation of a zygote, which develops into a new sporophyte embryo.

Sporangia, on the other hand, are structures that produce spores in plants. These spores can develop into gametophytes, which produce gametes and complete the plant life cycle.

Archegonia and sporangia are both important reproductive structures in plants, but they serve different functions.

The correct option is A) are the sites where male gametes are produced.

To know more about Archegonia here:


ability to generate action potentials in a regular pattern is called?


A abrupt, quick, temporary, and spreading shift in the potential of the resting membrane is referred to as an action potential. The ability to produce an action potential is known as excitability, and it can only occur in neurons and muscle cells.

Voltage-gated ion channels, which are membrane-spanning proteins with ion-selective pores, play a role in the formation and propagation of action potentials. The structural conformation of ion channels changes in response to variations in the electrical field across the membrane. When various ions pass across the neuron membrane, action potentials are produced. Sodium channels first open as a result of a stimulation.

To know more about membrane, click here:


how might the life cycle of diphyllobothrium latum demonstrate an evolutionary relationship to that of the flukes?


Diphyllobothrium latum is a tapeworm that has a complex life cycle that involves both a definitive host (usually a human) and one or more intermediate hosts, which are typically fish.

The tapeworm's eggs are passed out of the definitive host's digestive system and into the water, where they hatch and release free-swimming larvae. These larvae are ingested by a copepod, which is then eaten by a fish, where they develop into the infective stage.

The life cycle of Diphyllobothrium latum shares some similarities with that of flukes, which are another group of parasitic worms. Like Diphyllobothrium latum, flukes also have complex life cycles that often involve multiple hosts, and they also have different stages of development in each host. This is an evolutionary adaptation that allows these parasites to infect a wide range of hosts and survive in different environments.

To know more about  Diphyllobothrium latum ,  here


bacteria produce siderophores , prteins known to compete with the host's group of answer choices antibodies red blood cells. white blood cells. iron-transport proteins. receptors


C) Bacteria produce siderophores, proteins known to compete with the host's iron-transport proteins.

Bacteria  produce siderophores, which are  bitsy  motes or proteins with a high affinity for ferric iron( Fe3) and may scavenge iron from iron- transport proteins in the host,  similar as transferrin or lactoferrin. This enables bacteria to live and  gain in iron- limited  surroundings like the host's body. Siderophores are one of the processes through which bacteria  gain iron, which is  needed for bacterial growth and survival.

Siderophores are  motes that bacteria  produce to scavenge for iron in low- iron situations. Bacteria can get the iron they bear for growth and survival by  contending with the host's iron- transport proteins. As iron is a mineral, this is a  crucial  adaption for pathogenic bacteria that colonise  mortal and beast hosts.

Learn more about siderophores at


ocean currents traveling from the equator toward the polar zones carry blank water, which helps to blank air masses at the poes


Warm water is carried by ocean currents that run from the equator to the arctic region. The air masses near the poles are warmed by this warm water.

What causes ocean currents to flow from the equator to the polar regions?

Water temperature: Ocean currents caused by cold water dip and slow drift from the poles to the equator. Warm water currents travel in the opposite direction of the equator and towards the poles to replace the cold water that is sinking.

Does water travel in ocean currents that move from the poles towards the equator?

Warm surface currents moving less dense water away from the equator towards the poles and cold deep ocean currents moving denser water create the global conveyor belt's circulation.

To know more about ocean currents visit;-


Part 1: Marine Evolution
Who were the 1st organisms in the ocean?
2. When do scientists predict the 1" organism appeared in the ocean?
What is the process where organisms with variations best suited to their environment survive?,
4. What is the process where organisms change over long periods of time?.
5. What are the 3 conditions required for natural selection to occur? 1).
6. What occurs when there are more individuals in a population than resources?
What occurs when similar organisms show differences in heritable traits?.
8. What is an organism's heritable trait that increases its ability to survive and reproduce?
9. What is an organism's ability to reproduce and survive?
10. A group of hippo tangs live together on a coral reef, and one is particularly large because he eats the most algae. Is he the
fittest individual on the reef at night? Why/Why not?.
11. What is the creation of a new species from environmental factors and/or 2 pre-existing species?.
12. What can cause speciation?.
13. What is the most likely cause of the speciation of so many different types of jellyfish?,
14. During what type of evolution, different species that have a common ancestor become less and less alike over time?
15. During what type of evolution, different species that do not have a common ancestor evolved separately but look similar?
16. During what type of evolution, the shark, ichthyosaur, and dolphin all have similar body shapes?
17. During what type of evolution cats, humans, and whales use front limbs for movement?
18. During convergent evolution, species have what type of traits, which look different, but serve the same purpose?
19. During divergent evolution, species have what type of traits, which look similar but have different purposes?
20. Limbs used for walking, swimming, & flying are what type of traits?
21. Fins, flippers, and wings used to swim are what type of traits?
Part 2: Marine Resources
1. What type of resources cannot be replenished by natural processes within a lifetime, or at all?
2. What type of resources can be replenished by natural processes within a lifetime?
3. Identify what type of resource each of the following are: Oil,
Wave energy.




single-celled microbes3.7 billion years oldNatural selectionEvolutionvariation, inheritance, and differential reproductive success.High dependency on available resourcesGenetic variationAn adaptationAdaptation.....SpeciationNatural selection......Divergent evolutionConvergent evolutionConvergent evolutiondivergent evolutionanalogous traitshomologous traitshomologous traitsanalogous traits

PART 2: Marine Resources

Non - renewableRenewableNon - renewableRenewable

how does an individual with a competitive advantage lead to the evolution of an entire species?(1 point) responses those who have traits that help them survive are able to reproduce, and their offspring have those traits, leading to a change in the species over time. those who have traits that help them survive are able to reproduce, and their offspring have those traits, leading to a change in the species over time. some individuals are better at competing for resources, and that allows them to survive droughts or other major ecological events, leading to the extinction of certain species and the survival of others. some individuals are better at competing for resources, and that allows them to survive droughts or other major ecological events, leading to the extinction of certain species and the survival of others. traits that are advantageous help certain individuals reproduce at higher rates, so those traits are more common within the population. traits that are advantageous help certain individuals reproduce at higher rates, so those traits are more common within the population. individuals that survive due to their competitive advantage are able to expand their range, similar to how the finches radiated out from one common ancestor on the mainland.


Individuals with a competitive advantage are able to survive and reproduce at higher rates than their competitors. This leads to the passing down of advantageous traits to their offspring, which can eventually become more common within the population.

An individual with a competitive advantage can lead to the evolution of an entire species through the following process:
1. Individuals with traits that provide a competitive advantage are better equipped to survive and reproduce in their environment.
2. As these individuals reproduce, their offspring inherit the advantageous traits.
3. Over time, the frequency of these traits increases within the population, as those with the advantageous traits have higher reproductive success.
4. Ecological events, such as droughts or changes in resource availability, may further drive the selection for these advantageous traits.
5. As the population evolves, it becomes better adapted to its environment, potentially diverging from a common ancestor and forming a new species.

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about half of the world's primary productivity is provided by group of answer choices zooplankton rainforest plants phytoplankton kelp and seaweed


About half of the world's primary productivity is provided by "phytoplankton".

What is phytoplankton?

Phytoplankton is microscopic plants that float on the surface of the ocean and are responsible for about half of the world's primary productivity. They form the base of the marine food chain, providing food for larger organisms such as zooplankton and small fish. Seaweeds and kelp, on the other hand, are larger marine plants that grow attached to the ocean floor and also contribute to primary productivity, but to a lesser extent compared to phytoplankton. Zooplankton is small animals that feed on phytoplankton and other small organisms in the ocean.
Role of phytoplankton:

Phytoplankton is microscopic plants that live in aquatic environments and carry out photosynthesis. They are responsible for about half of the world's primary productivity, meaning they contribute significantly to the global oxygen supply and serve as the foundation of the aquatic food chain, supporting zooplankton and other marine life.

To know more about phytoplankton, visit:


he walls of the alveoli are very thin, separated from the capillary vessels by an even thinner barrier called


Answer: The alveoli in the lungs and capillary vessels are separated by three layers namely,

1.Epithelium of alveoli

2.Basement membrane

3.Endothelium of capillaries


The oxygen we breathe in diffuses through the alveoli and the capillaries into the blood from where it reaches the tissues for utilization. The CO2 you breathe out is diffused from the capillaries to the alveoli through the three layers, up the bronchial tree and out through your nose. The alveoli are just one cell in thickness, which facilitates the gas exchange to take place rapidly.

The thin endothelium allows rapid exchange of gases and is the primary step of respiration in humans.

Read more about alveoli and respiration,

which statement indicates the importance of peripheral nutrient receptors, located in the liver, in satiety?


The statement "Activation of peripheral nutrient receptors, located in the liver, plays a crucial role in triggering satiety signals to the brain" indicates the importance of these receptors in regulating feelings of fullness and controlling food intake.

Peripheral nutrient receptors, located in the liver, play a significant role in satiety by detecting nutrient levels in the blood and sending signals to the brain. These receptors contribute to the regulation of food intake, helping to maintain energy balance and prevent overeating. The liver is an important organ involved in various metabolic processes, including nutrient sensing and energy regulation. It contains peripheral nutrient receptors that can detect the levels of nutrients such as glucose, fatty acids, and amino acids in the bloodstream.

When these nutrient receptors in the liver detect sufficient levels of nutrients, they send signals to the brain to signal that the body's energy needs have been met, which can help regulate appetite and promote a feeling of fullness or satiety. This feedback mechanism helps to regulate food intake and prevent overeating.

Learn more about Peripheral nutrient receptors here:


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