Help me pleaseee I really need help

Help Me Pleaseee I Really Need Help


Answer 1


we would need the chapters to read

Related Questions


Letter to a Citizen of Kentucky, an excerpt

Executive Mansion, Washington,
April 4, 1864.
A. G. Hodges, Esq., Frankfort, Ky.

My Dear Sir:
You ask me to put in writing the substance of what I verbally stated the other day, in your presence, to Governor Bramlette and Senator Dixon. It was about as follows:
I am naturally anti-slavery. If slavery is not wrong nothing is wrong. I cannot remember when I did not so think and feel; and yet I have never understood that the Presidency conferred upon me an unrestricted right to act officially in this judgment and feeling. It was in the oath I took that I would to the best of my ability preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. I could not take the office without taking the oath. Nor was it in my view that I might take the oath to get power, and break the oath in using the power.
I understood, too, that in ordinary civil administration this oath even forbade me to practically indulge my primary abstract judgment on the moral question of slavery. I had publicly declared this many times and in many ways; and I aver that, to this day I have done no official act in mere deference to my abstract judgment and feeling on slavery. I did understand, however, that my oath to preserve the Constitution to the best of my ability imposed upon me the duty of preserving, by every indispensable means, that government, that nation, of which that Constitution was the organic law. Was it possible to lose the nation, and yet preserve the Constitution?
By general law, life and limb must be protected; yet often a limb must be amputated to save a life, but a life is never wisely given to save a limb. I felt that measures, otherwise unconstitutional, might become lawful by becoming indispensable to the preservation of the Constitution through the preservation of the nation. Right or wrong, I assumed this ground, and now avow it. I could not feel that to the best of my ability I had even tried to preserve the Constitution, if, to save slavery, or any minor matter, I should permit the wreck of government, country, and Constitution altogether.
When, early in the war, General Fremont attempted military emancipation, I forbade it, because I did not then think it an indispensable necessity. When, a little later, General Cameron, then Secretary of War, suggested the arming of the blacks, I objected, because I did not yet think it an indispensable necessity. When, still later, General Hunter attempted military emancipation, I forbade it, because I did not yet think the indispensable necessity had come. When, in March and May and July, 1862, I made earnest and successive appeals to the Border States to favor compensated emancipation, I believed the indispensable necessity for military emancipation and arming the blacks would come, unless averted by that measure. They declined the proposition; and I was, in my best judgment, driven to the alternative of either surrendering the Union, and with it the Constitution, or of laying strong hand upon the colored element. I chose the latter. In choosing it, I hoped for greater gain than loss; but of this I was not entirely confident...

Yours truly,

A. Lincoln

Read the following lines from the passage:

I am naturally anti-slavery. If slavery is not wrong nothing is wrong. I cannot remember when I did not so think and feel; and yet I have never understood that the Presidency conferred upon me an unrestricted right to act officially in this judgment and feeling.

Which comes closest to capturing Lincoln's true meaning in this passage? (4 points)

I believe in abolishing slavery, but I know the majority of the people do not support it.

I do not believe in forcing my beliefs on the people just because I am the president.

I do not believe that the presidency gives me the authority to abolish slavery.

Those who support abolishing slavery should look to another government authority.





Lincoln states," I am naturally anti-slavery. If slavery is not wrong nothing is wrong." This shows how he is against slavery and believes in the abolishment of it.

-Read this excerpt from Emily Dickinson’s “Hope is the thing with feathers”
"Hope" is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul
And sings the tune without the words
And never stops – at all
What is being compared to hope in the excerpt's central metaphor?
A. A bird
B. Hope
C. Flight
D. Feathers



A. a bird


With words like "feathers" "perch" "singing a tune", all three of those things point towards a bird. it's not flight as that is never mentioned at all and doesn't really makes sense. and hope and feathers WERE mentioned but they are just a part of the metaphor, the actual metaphor, and the thing that the describing words are describing- Is a bird! hope this helps

Match each sentence to its purpose in a well-developed analysis.

This shows the Haida myth largely

depends on the work of a child.

a concluding statement

Raven as a child is an important

character because he creates light.

the analysis of the evidence

Therefore, both myths show that their

cultures may have valued children.

a connection back to the point

The Haida myth uses Raven, who takes

the shape of a baby.

the evidence



Raven as a child is an important character because he creates light. - a connection back to the point

Therefore, both myths show that their cultures may have valued children. - a concluding statement

The Haida myth uses Raven, who takes the shape of a baby - the evidence

This shows the Haida myth largely depends on the work of a child. - the analysis of the evidence


To understand the relationship between the above phrases, you need to know that an analysis of evidence is a phrase that explains a point in the text and promotes support for the text in general. In this case, this type of sentence promotes explanations, mainly about how the text's statements were constructed.

A connection back to the point, on the other hand, is a phrase that promotes a reference to something that has already been talked about and discussed in the text before.

A conclusive statement is the phrase that shows a resolution, a conclusion in fact, after reading and analyzing the text.

Finally, the evidence is an affirmation and a positioning about something in the text.

Answer: The first one goes to- a connection back to the point

The second one goes to- a concluding statement

The third one goes to- the evidence

The fourth one goes to- the analysis of the evidence


I just did it!!

1. When in his poem "Annabel Lee" Edgar Allen Poe writes "the moon never beams without bringing me dreams of the beautiful Annabel Lee", he is using the literary technique of

2. The Latin title that the Romantic poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge chose for his poem, "Apologia Pro Vita Sua" translated to English means

3. In the poem "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" the English Romantic poet William Wordsworth uses ________________________________________________________ when he says the daffodil flowers are like a "company" of friends that he feels he is spending time with.

4. The Romantic artistic movement placed great value on the ___________________________________________________________________________

as a valid, meaningful point-of-view which to record in artistic works.

5. ____________________________________________________________________________

is an example of the anaphora technique from Walt Whitman's poem "When I Heard The Learn'd Astronomer Speak".

6. In the metaphor that Edgar Allen Poe creates for his poem "A Dream Within a Dream" the shore stands for life itself and the surf hitting the shore and the grains of sand it is constantly washing away stand for _________________________________________________________________________.

7. When Samuel Taylor Coleridge says that he believes that the poet can see "phantoms of sublimity" that perhaps others don't see when he uses his imagination to look within himself, this is an example of the Romantics emphasis upon the existence and importance of the ___________________________________________________________________________.

8. Walt Whitman carefully crafts the _________________________________________________ in each of the stanzas of his poem "When I Heard The Learn'd Astronomer Speak" to show us that for him it is not the scientific, rational understanding but the natural, direct experience of nature that is "perfect".

answer choices for questions

time itself and the

the way it is constantly

"washing" away the days

of our lives internal rhyme

"When I was shown the charts

and diagrams, to add,

divide, and measure them

Assonance anaphora

individual, subjective external rhyme

experience of the world

apology for my life/lifestyle

"When I was shown all the

different scientific things to use"

apology for my diction allusion


external, objective

experience of the world metaphysical personification

the way ocean waves rhyme scheme superphysical

are constantly washing

away the sand from beaches



1. personification

2. apology for my life/lifestyle

3. personification

4. experience of the world

5. "When I was shown the charts  and diagrams, to add,  divide, and measure them.."

6. time itself and the way it is constantly  "washing" away the days  of our lives.

7. individual

8. external rhyme


1. When in his poem "Annabel Lee" Edgar Allen Poe writes "the moon never beams without bringing me dreams of the beautiful Annabel Lee", he is using the literary technique of  personification.

This is so because an object that is not human is portrayed as though it was human.

2. The Latin title that the Romantic poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge chose for his poem, "Apologia Pro Vita Sua" translated to English means apology for my life/lifestyle.  

3. In the poem "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" the English Romantic poet William Wordsworth uses personification when he says the daffodil flowers are like a "company" of friends that he feels he is spending time with.

4. The Romantic artistic movement placed great value on the experience of the world as a valid, meaningful point-of-view which to record in artistic works.  

5. "When I was shown the charts  and diagrams, to add,  divide, and measure them.." is an example of the anaphora technique from Walt Whitman's poem "When I Heard The Learn'd Astronomer Speak".

This is true because the anaphora technique involves the use of repetition of a particular phrase or word in a sentence in other to point the author's viewpoint.

6. In the metaphor that Edgar Allen Poe creates for his poem "A Dream Within a Dream" the shore stands for life itself and the surf hitting the shore and the grains of sand it is constantly washing away stand for time itself and the way it is constantly  "washing" away the days  of our lives.

7. When Samuel Taylor Coleridge says that he believes that the poet can see "phantoms of sublimity" that perhaps others don't see when he uses his imagination to look within himself, this is an example of the Romantics emphasis upon the existence and importance of the individual.

8. Walt Whitman carefully crafts the external rhyme in each of the stanzas of his poem "When I Heard The Learn'd Astronomer Speak" to show us that for him it is not the scientific, rational understanding but the natural, direct experience of nature that is "perfect".

Which of the following is NOT an example of an event that would most likely take place in the resolution of a story?
Two sisters discover a mysterious cave filled with treasure while on vacation.
A lost puppy ends his adventures in the big city by finding his owner and returning home.
A group of friends arrives back home after an adventurous vacation in Belize.
A family resolves a decades-long argument and has a happy reunion.


Answer: The first one, about the cave.

Explanation: This is because a thing such as entering a mysterious cave makes it seem as if there is more to come. Whereas in the last three, it is something of a solution to a problem.


I think its A. I hope this helps!

if you were taylor swift,what inspirational song would you right about?​



I would right that its ok if you look different from the others


"An Italian kept a fruit-stand

on a corner where he had

good aim at the people who

came down from the elevated

station, and at those who

went along two thronged


A. exposition

B. rising action

C. falling action



A. exposition


The text above is an example of an exposition of the plot.

The exhibition is part of the plot where the elements that make up the story are presented. These elements are the characters, their characteristics, what they do, where they are, what the scenario is like, what their thinking is, among others. The purpose of the exhibition is to introduce these elements into the story, giving characteristics that make the reader familiar and ready to enter the story, knowing the basic elements that compose it.

Step 3: Next, add
ten drops of red
food coloring slowly.


Uhm okay thanks for this

Consider Lincoln’s purpose for writing, claims, reasons, evidence, premise, and the rhetorical devices used in the speech. See page 281 for assistance. Identify some of the aforementioned elements that give the speech its power and determine whether the speech was effective. In a well-developed paragraph, share your response


Answer and Explanation:

Hello. Since it is not possible to access page 281 of your book, this answer may be a little inaccurate, but I hope I will help you.

All the rhetorical resources used by Lincoln in his speeches, had as main objective, to create a discourse rich of information, which had the capacity to move the public to different aspects and tried to expose true, deep and proven arguments, through all the details of support and evidence.

All of this impacts the public in different ways, but all positive, stimulating the public's support for what is being talked about. Lincoln knew how to do this with mastery and for that reason, his speeches are remembered today, as speeches of great social impact.

Which sentence uses sensory language to create mood?

A.He drove down the street with the traffic.

B.He walked down the street beside the traffic.

C.He dashed down the street choked with traffic.





I has the most descriptive language


Very descriptive language

write a narrative essay in about 150 words on any one of the topices.
1. a random act of kindness



There are many different perceptions and definitions for loyalty. Everyone considers loyalty to be defined as respect, honesty, love and patients. I am going to spend the next five minutes explaining a new way to look at some forgotten definitions of loyalty and what it consists of.
I know that you have heard of devotion, but have you ever consider devotion being related with loyalty. When you have certain task and responsibilities you become devoted to completing them and staying on top of your game. You become devoted to performing at your very best and you make sure the least amount of mistakes is made. If you dig deeper you will see that being devoted to something is also a way of being loyal. Strive to be devoted to what you are trying to accomplish and you will also find yourself being loyal to what you are doing.
Now I want to talk about another way to look at loyalty. I am going to assume here and say that everyone in this room has a type of religion they follow. In religion you become devoted to your religion. You are righteous, you believe, you follow, and you become faithful to your religion. Faithfulness takes a lot of hard work dedication, time and trust. The time you spend and the effort you put out helps you become a better person and helps better the people around you. You encounter many obstacles on your chosen path but you still remain faithful in what you believe in. Again look closer at the word faithful and you will see that it is also a way of being loyal. To be faithful to your religion no matter what stands in the way or what other people say or think about it is also being loyal to what you believe in.

You can add some ideas u think about loyalty

Highlight the subordinating conjunction ("SWABI") in the sentence.
If Christina Tejada licks the ice sculpture, her tongue will get stuck to it.





Invert the following sentences like in Shakespeare



2 be or not 2 be




Go to the store and some tomatoes buy.

Called your sister did and a message she left.

His homework she told him to finish before television watching.

Got up early we drove to Disneyland.


Hope this helps!

Do you think Daisy ever loved Tom? Cite evidence.


Gatsby insists that Daisy pronounce that she never ever loved Tom; that she always loved Gatsby. That's how Gatsby loved her. And he insists that Daisy recipricate, that she say that she loved Gatsby the way Gatsby loved her. ... She did love Tom once, and she refuses to say otherwise.

What are 2 words to describe alive? I already have Living, Human, Breathing, Moving. Please don't tell me to look it up bc I did and don't use this for points because I really need 2 words. NO BIG WORDS like VItal.



Surviving, Not dead, Awake, Mortal, Existing, Among the living, Going on




heart and brain still working





Mrs. Berry’s class organized the lunch orders for their upcoming party in the table below.

Lunch Orders for the Class Party
Lunch Choice
Vegetarian Sandwich
Turkey Sandwich
Pepperoni Pizza
Cheese Pizza

Which relationship does the ratio 10:18 represent?
All Sandwiches : All Pizza
All Pizza : All Sandwiches
All Lunches : Cheese Pizza
Cheese Pizza : All Lunches






All sandwiches : All pizza


3 + 7 = 10 (sandwiches)

8 + 10 = 18 (pizza)

anthem chapter 5 summary
please help
in some of your own words ​



Ii believe by anthem you meant the book. Here is my answer!


In Chapter 5 of Ayn Rand's Anthem, Equality 7-2521 figures out how to make light with electricity. He is thrilled with his discovery and he wants right away to share it with the World Council of Scholars, in order that it might be used to make the world a better place.

Hope this helps!

What is the right adverb to complete they investigated the cause of failure very ...



tell me when u get the answer


Write a short diary entry about having Christmas day- every day
Brainiest for the best answer!!!


Dear Diary

This is day 30 of Christmas in a row. I enjoy the presents, but our parents are getting more poor as this continues. It won't stop snowing, Mariah Carey won't stop singing, this is just a nightmare. I know I wanted Christmas every day, but this is just absurd. I hope I am sleeping, because this dream turned into a nightmare.

Okay, it's Day 31, I think I am stuck in some crazy and insane loop. I love Christmas, but I want to celebrate 2021. The local newstation is also pretty confused, god might even be confused. I just want the day to go by as usual, I will and can do anything to do so.

Day 47, I think we are in a simulation, no way it's been 47 days for christmas. All though we don't have school, we are still stuck doing this same routine. I just pray that something happens to fix this situation. I love Christmas, I really do, but this is too much.

Day 47, it just occured to me we don't have to celebrate Christmas, we can just live our lives normally. I feel really dumb right now, but hey, atleast I got a break from School and chores! I am glad we also got to spend time as a family, instead of doing whatever we usually do by ourselves. I guess this wasn't so bad afterall, merry christmas to all and to all a good night!

What is the difference between tone and mood?



Tone refers to how the author feels towards the subject, or towards something. While 'mood', refers to the feeling of the atmosphere the author is describing. It is what the author makes you feel when you read his writings.


hope this helps!

the tone of the text is how the author portrays and writes their text. like for example a book could have a scary tone. but mood is how you feel while reading it.

What is the message of this cartoon?

Does it speak about the media in the Philippines? Why or why not?

Please help me!! ​



Some media outlets, such as RPN/IBC (television) and the Philippine Broadcasting Service (radio),. I describe media in the Philippines by means of using the normative theory of the press as "Social Responsibility Theory". ... Media should take responsibility, its their duty, cause it can harm them if they should say almost everything, or every details that is not necessary and appropriate If right atleats consider brainlist :)


Help please!!! I'll mark as BRAINLIEST. Only need to write the summary of the passage ​



Swimming is a technique to move unaided through water. It is a popular activity as well as a competitive sport. it was part of the modern Olympic as Athens in 1896. Swimming pools, beaches, lakes, or rivers are popular venues for swimmers. Lifeguards are paid to rescue other swimmers in distress .Swimming also useful in marine biology to study plants and animals. Swimming has become a professional competitive sport. This is a kind of specialized swimming in which the goal is to maximize speed. Breaststroke, butterfly and backstroke are some of the competitive events in swimming. Swimming is a good aerobic exercise, it helps to burn fat and reduce stress. There are several risk factors involved in swimming such as death by drowning, exposure to chemicals, infection, strings, exhaustion, sunburn, collision and inhalation.

what does "Tempt not but a desperate man" mean


Answer: mark me brainlist pls i hope this is a good answer

: Tempt not a desparate man" quote by William Shakespeare(Act V, Sc. III) It means that a man or women thats desperate for what ever reason it is from a to z it does not matter if they are at their weakest point and can not take anymore, so dont push them to hard .

Which sentence contains a spelling error?

A. I hope you're having a great day.

B. It's interesting that his mother is a state senato.

C. Their never going to win with that attitude.

D Your friends are proud of you.​


C because It’s supposed to be “They’re” instead of “Their”

5 Can you give Steve a message for me?'
Certainly ............ him at work later on today.



I don't understand stand the problem

Which steps can you take to improve flow in your essay? Check the four best choices.
O add transitions
O vary sentence structure
X change you to I
O combine related sentences
O include descriptions
X make sentences a similar length


Y(I have no idea how to do a check) Add Transitions

Y Vary Sentence Structure

Y Combine related sentences

Y Include Descriptions

Add transitions, very sentence structure, combine related sentences and include descriptions

List three things the government can do to help disabled people overcome barrier



the government can make builds more accessible by installing new ways disabled people can enter/do things in a building.the government can enact laws that prohibits businesses from discriminating disabled people.the government can put up signs that has important informations for disabled people to read. (signs menus that people can point to if they are unable to speak)


what are THREE things I could write about in this topic: honesty in FRIENDSHIP


Answer: trust is one reason



Communication with one another


Describe how well yall communicate with one another or when even if yall fight how long does it last and does it last for a long time or is resolve right then and there. just depends on what you want to do.

which kind of sentence is this. Because the diamond is worth so much, there were policemen nearby.
is it:
simple or,
compound or,
complex or,




the given sentence is compound complex

Choose the possessive case of the plural noun below
gold seekers
a gold seeker's
b. gold seekers'
C. gold's seekers
d. correct as is


Gold seekers’

Since the plural is gold seekers.... the apostrophe would be after the s
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