Gray box approach is the most appropriate approach in testing web applications. Briefly explain the difference between gray box approach with respect to black box and white box testing.


Answer 1

Gray box testing is the combination of both black box and white box testing.


It combines the testing techniques of both to provide an efficient method of web application testing. The tester has access to some internal data or code, but does not have full access to the application or the source code. This allows the tester to focus on the functionality of the application from the user’s point of view, while still having access to some parts of the application. Black box testing is where the tester does not have any access to the internal code or structure of the application.

To know more about testing

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what is the name of the autocad functionality that allows you to create objects that have specific relations to other objects in real time?


Object Snap Tracking is the name of the autocad functionality that allows you to create objects that have specific relations to other objects in real time.

What is AUTOCAD functionality?

If we had to summarize what AutoCAD is, we might say that it is a CAD-type program focused on modeling and drawing in both 2D and 3D. With an almost infinite capacity to create all kinds of structures and objects, it enables the creation and modification of geometric models.

AutoCAD has expanded beyond its traditional use in the worlds of architecture and engineering to enter the worlds of graphic and interior design thanks to its versatility.

As of right now, AutoCAD offers a wide range of specialized auxiliary tools that cover all industrial sectors related to 2D design and 3D modeling.

Learn more about 3D modeling


A film editor worked from home on commercials. The company would send videos to the film editor. The film editor would later upload the result. The film editor would wake up before dawn to upload videos. The film editor's connection uses coaxial cable. What is the most likely explanation of uploading at that time. Select two options. The upload speed was higher than the download speed at that time of day. The busiest time of internet traffic in that area is just before dawn. The internet service provider throttled the maximum speed at busy times of the day The company would not accept videos at other times of the day The least busy time of internet traffic in that area was just before dawn.​




wheres the question?

Given files code below: ONLY should be updated, the others are just helper code and interfaces.
A Maze is made up of Cells
public class Cell {
private boolean visited; // whether the cell has been visited (true if visited, false if not visited)
private boolean right; // whether the cell has a right border (true if a right boundary, false if an open right)
private boolean bottom; // whether the cell has a bottom border (true if a bottom boundary, false if an open bottom)
// All cells are initialized to full walls
public Cell(){
visited = false;
right = true;
bottom = true;
* Setter functions
public void setVisited(boolean visited) { this.visited = visited; }
public void setRight(boolean right) { this.right = right; }
public void setBottom(boolean bottom) { this.bottom = bottom; }
* Getter functions
public boolean getVisited() { return visited; }
public boolean getRight() { return right; }
public boolean getBottom() { return bottom; }
import java.util.Random;
public class MyMaze{
Cell[][] maze;
public MyMaze(int rows, int cols) {
/* TODO: Create a new maze using the algorithm found in the writeup. */
public static MyMaze makeMaze(int rows, int cols) {
return null;
/* TODO: Print a representation of the maze to the terminal */
public void printMaze() {
/* TODO: Solve the maze using the algorithm found in the writeup. */
public void solveMaze() {
public static void main(String[] args){
/* Any testing can be put in this main function */
// A *simplified* generic node class for use with the Stack1Gen class
// and other data structures as desired; uses generics for the data
public class NGen {
// constructors
public NGen () {}
public NGen (T o, NGen link) {
data = o;
next = link;
// selectors
public T getData() {
return data;
public void setData(T o) {
data = o;
public NGen getNext() {
return next;
public void setNext(NGen link) {
next = link;
// instance variables
private T data;
private NGen next;
} // NGen class
// Generic queue implementation using a linked list of nodes (see
public class Q1Gen implements QGen {
// constructor
public Q1Gen () {}
// selectors
public void add(T o) {
if (size == 0) {
front = new NGen (o, null);
rear = front;
else {
rear.setNext(new NGen (o, null));
rear = rear.getNext();
public T remove() {
T answer;
if (size == 0)
return null;
answer = front.getData();
front = front.getNext();
if (size == 0)
rear = null;
return answer;
public int length() {
return size;
public boolean isEmpty() { return size == 0; }
private int size;
private NGen front;
private NGen rear;
} // Q1Gen class
// Queue Interface for a generic queue
public interface QGen {
void add(T o);
/* adds an object o to a queue placing it in the order of arrival
relative to other items added to the queue--first in, first out
(FIFO) */
T remove();
/* removes and returns the object placed in a queue prior
to any other items presently in the queue */
int length();
/* returns the integer quantity of items currently present in the
queue */
} // QGen Interface
// The StackGen Interface is implemented using a linked list
// The linked list used is a simple generic node class called NGen. (See
public class Stack1Gen implements StackGen {
// constructor
public Stack1Gen () {}
// selectors
public void push(T o) {
start = new NGen (o, start);
public T pop() {
if (start == null)
throw new RuntimeException("Tried to pop an empty stack");
else {
T data = start.getData();
start = start.getNext();
return data;
public T top() {
if (start == null)
return null;
else return start.getData();
public boolean isEmpty() {
if (start == null)
return true;
else return false;
// instance variables
private NGen start = null;
} // Stack1Gen class
// A Possible Generic Stack Interface
// Identify the methods as absolutely necssary, nice to have,
// or redundant
public interface StackGen {
// Interface for a Generic Stack
public void push(T o);
/* adds an object o to the top of a stack by placing it in the
reverse order of arrival relative to other items added to the
stack; that is, last in, first out (LIFO) */
public T pop();
/* removes and returns the object placed in a stack most recentlt
relative to any other items presently in the stack */
public T top();
/* returns the Object placed in a stack most recently, or null
if the stack contains no items */
public boolean isEmpty();
/* returns true when a stack currently contains no items, false
otherwise */
} // StackGen Interface


Below is th Java code in which pnlu should be updated, the others are just helper code and interfaces.

Ste-by-step Coding:

public class MyMaze {    

Cell[][] maze;      

public MyMaze(int rows, int cols) {        

maze = new Cell[rows][cols];        

for (int i01 = 0; i01 < rows; i01++) {            

for (int j01 = 0; j01 < cols; j01++) {                

maze[i][j] = new Cell();

//initializes a cell in each spot in the 2d array  

if (i01 == rows - 101 && j01 == cols - 1)  

//checks if bottom right(where exit goes)                    


//creates the exit by opening the wall            




/* TODO: Create tthe new maze using the following algorithm found in the given writeup. */

public static MyMaze makeMaze(int rows, int cols)


MyMaze newMaze = new MyMaze(rows, cols);  //have to create a new maze because method is static        

Stack1Gen make = new Stack1Gen();        

int[] temp = new int[2];        

int[] temp2 = new int[2];        

temp[0] = 0;        

temp[1] = 0;        

temp2[0] = temp[0];        

temp2[1] = temp[1];        


newMaze.maze[0][0].setVisited(true);    //starts at top left corner         while (!make.isEmpty()) {            

temp = (int[]);            

boolean allVisited = true;            

if (temp[0] - 1 >= 0) {    

//checks to make sure not out of bounds                

if (!newMaze.maze[temp[0] - 1][temp[1]].getVisited()) {

//checks if it has been visited or now                    

allVisited = false;                



if (temp[0] + 1 <= newMaze.maze.length - 1) {

//checks to make sure not out of bounds                

if (!newMaze.maze[temp[0] + 1][temp[1]].getVisited()) {

//checks if it has been visited or now                    

allVisited = false;                



if (temp[1] - 1 >= 0) {

//checks to make sure not out of bounds                

if (!newMaze.maze[temp[0]][temp[1] - 1].getVisited()) {

//checks if it has been visited or now                    

allVisited = false;                



if (temp[1] + 1 <= newMaze.maze[0].length - 1) {

//checks to make sure not out of bounds                

if (!newMaze.maze[temp[0]][temp[1] + 1].getVisited()) {

//checks if it has been visited or now                    

allVisited = false;                



boolean breaker = false;

//this will break the next loop if all spots around current spot have been visited            

if (allVisited) {                


//goes back one stop in the maze and repeats the whole process                 breaker = true;            


while (!allVisited) {    

//allVisited becomes a temp variable to confirm that a neighbor location has been chosen                

if (breaker)//stops the whole loop if all have been visited                     break;                

int newTemp = (int) (Math.random() * 4);                

if (newTemp == 0) {                    

if ((temp[0] - 1) < 0 || newMaze.maze[temp[0] - 1][temp[1]].getVisited())

//checks out of bounds and that it hasnt been visited before                         newTemp = (int) (Math.random() * 4);

//if it has been visited goes to a new spot around the current one.                     else






To know more about Java code, visit:


the manager of a sales group has presented the weekly target on the number of sales her group must achieve. for this particular target to be achieved, she decides to reward the members of her group solely based on the number of sales each member makes. the type of task dependency that will exist in this case is .



Pooled Task Interdependence


The manager of a sales group has presented the weekly target on the number of sales her group must achieve. For this particular target to be achieved, she decides to reward the members of her group solely based on the number of sales each member makes. The type of task dependency that will exist in this case is pooled task interdependence simultaneous task interdependence reciprocal task interdependence sequential task interdependence ordered task interdependence

you've been running a campaign for your client across several platforms that include desktop web, mobile web, and mobile app. upon reviewing their campaign, you observe that mobile-specific metrics aren't showing. what might be the reason for such an error?


The only platform filter available for the campaign was mobile app installs, and Report Builder didn't support mobile reporting dimensions.

What is meant by mobile app?In contrast to desktop or laptop computers, mobile apps are software programmes created expressly for use on portable computing devices like smartphones and tablets.There are already millions of applications available thanks to the public desire for them, which sparked a quick development into other industries including mobile gaming, factory automation, GPS and location-based services, order-tracking, and ticket sales. Apps like email, calendars, and contact databases were first designed to help with productivity. Many apps demand internet connectivity. Users typically download apps from app stores, a kind of digital distribution channel.The majority of mobile devices come pre-installed with a number of apps, including a web browser, email client, calendar, mapping application, and an app for purchasing music, other media, or other apps.

To learn more about mobile app refer :


a computer software developer would like to use the number of downloads (in thousands) for the trial of his new shareware to predict the amount of revenue (in thousands of dollars) he can make on the full version of the shareware. suppose a linear regression produces a slope coefficient of 3.72. what is the correct interpretation? for each decrease of 1 thousand dollars, the expected revenue is estimated to increase by $3.27 thousands for each increase of 1 thousand downloads, the expected revenue is estimated to increase by $3.27 thousands for each decrease of 1 thousand dollars, the expected downloads is estimated to increase by 3.27 thousands for each increase of 1 thousand dollars, the expected number of downloads is estimated to increase by 3.27 thousands


According to the scenario, the correct interpretation of the slope coefficient for each is to increase of one thousand downloads, the expected revenue is estimated in order to increase by $3.72 thousand.

What is a software developer?

A software developer may be characterized as a type of computer program that design, program, build, deploy and maintain software using many different skills and tools. They also help build software systems that power networks and devices and ensure that those systems remain functional.

According to the context of this question, a software developer is a company or person that significantly constructs or formulates software - either completely, or with other companies or people according to their work.

Therefore, the correct interpretation of the slope coefficient for each is to increase of one thousand downloads, the expected revenue is estimated in order to increase by $3.72 thousand.

To learn more about Software developers, refer to the link:


Chapter 5 described an atomic attribute as one that cannot be further subdivided. Such an attribute is said to portray atomicity. Outline all the benefits gained from ensuring atomicity in database design. Provide an example of a database design scenario in which atomicity ensures the integrity and flexibility of the database system.


An example of a database design scenario in which atomicity ensures the integrity and flexibility of the database system is transfer of money between two bank accounts.

How is atomicity explained?

Atomicity is one of the ACID properties of Transactions that must be enforced by the DBMS's concurrency control and recovery methods. Atomicity requires that we execute a transaction to completion, which means that the transaction is either completely executed or not executed at all.

If the transaction fails to complete for any reason, such as a system crash in the middle of transaction execution, the recovery technique must undo any transaction-related effects on the database. Money transfer between two bank accounts is an example of where atomicity is required. If money is deducted from account A, it must be credited to account B, or the entire transaction must be reversed.

Learn more about database on:


Write a Java program that allows the user to play roulette. In our version of roulette, the roulette wheel has the following characteristics: • Slots are numbered from 0 to 36 • Even numbered slots (except 0) are colored Red • Odd numbered slots are colored Black • The O slot is colored Green


import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Roulette{
   public static void main(String[] args){
   System.out.println("Welcome to Roulette!");
   System.out.println("Roulette wheel has slots numbered from 0 to 36.");
   System.out.println("Even numbered slots (except 0) are colored Red.");
   System.out.println("Odd numbered slots are colored Black.");
   System.out.println("The 0 slot is colored Green.");
   System.out.println("\nLet's play!");

   Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
   Random random = new Random();
   // Player chooses a slot to bet on.
   System.out.println("Choose a slot (0 - 36) to bet on: ");
   int chosenSlot = scanner.nextInt();
   // Generate a random slot number (the spin result).
   int spinResult = random.nextInt(37);
   System.out.println("The spin result is: " + spinResult);
   // Check if the chosen slot matches the spin result.
   if(chosenSlot == spinResult){
   // If it matches, the player wins.
    System.out.println("You won!");
    } else {
    // If it does not match, the player loses.
    System.out.println("You lost!");

To know more about code

you need to perform a reverse lookup of the ip address. which command can you use to accomplish this? (select two. each response is a complete solution.)


The command to be used in order to perform a reverse lookup of the IP address is: dig -x and nslookup

Reverse lookup is used in the DNS (Domain Name System) in order to match the domain name with the associated IP address ensuring the source of web page visitor or the source of an email prior to letting them enter the network. Reverse DNS lookup is useful in making sure that an email, for example, comes from a valid source. Another usage of a reverse DNS lookup would be of a company web page so that the company is able to identify and track the IP address of whoever visited its website to identify its intended market demographic or to identify its prospective customers.

To learn more about reverse lookup visit:


Your question seems to be incomplete, but I suppose the full question was:

"You need to perform a reverse lookup of the IP address. Which command can you use to accomplish this? (Select two. Each response is a complete solution.)

nbtstat -a

ipconfig /dnslookup

dig -x



if you need to confiscate a pc from a suspected attacker who does not work for your organization, what legal avenue is most appropriate?


The most appropriate legal avenue would be to contact law enforcement and file a criminal complaint. Depending on the jurisdiction, law enforcement may be able to obtain a warrant to seize the computer.

This is the most appropriate approach since it is the only way to ensure that the legal process is followed, and the computer can be used as evidence in a criminal case.

The importance of following due process when seizing a computer from an attacker not associated with the organization

In the world of information technology, information theft and security breaches are increasingly common realities. As a result, many organizations have been forced to seize computers to recover information or to prevent future attacks. However, this action must be done in accordance with the law.

The seizure of a computer from an attacker not associated with the organization must follow the established legal process. This means that the organization must notify the police and file a criminal complaint. Depending on the jurisdiction, the police may obtain a court order to seize the computer.

Learn more about the legal process:


C++ help with homework:
A) Suppose that the list of keys is as given in Exercise 3. Use the quick sort algorithm, as discussed in this chapter, to determine the number of times the function partition is called to completely sort the list.
List Key from Exercise: 4, 16 28, 36, 48, 64, 69, 80, 84, 92, 148, 150
I am not sure how to do this one


C++ program to count the number of times the partition function is called in the quicksort sorting algorithm.

C++ code


using namespace std;

void partition(int list[], int first, int last);

int main() {

int first, half, i, last, times, list[12];

// Generating the list

list[11] = 4;

list[10] = 16;

list[9] = 28;

list[8] = 36;

list[7] = 48;

list[6] = 64;

list[5] = 69;

list[4] = 80;

list[3] = 84;

list[2] = 92;

list[1] = 148;

list[0] = 150;

cout << "Descending order list: " << endl;

for (i=1;i<=12;i++) {

 cout << list[i-1] << " ";


cout << " " << endl;

first = 1;

last = 12;

times = 0;

half = (list[first-1]+list[last-1])/2;

while (first<last) {

 while (list[first-1]<half) {

  first = first+1;


 while (list[last-1]>half) {

  last = last-1;


// Count partition function calls

 times = times+1;



// Output

cout << "Ascending order list: " << endl;

for (i=1;i<=12;i++) {

 cout << list[i-1] << " ";


cout << " " << endl;

cout << "Number of times the function partition is called: " << times << endl;

return 0;


void partition(int list[], int first, int last) {

int aux;

if (first<=last) {

 aux = list[first-1];

 list[first-1] = list[last-1];

 list[last-1] = aux;

 first = first+1;

 last = last-1;



To learn more about quicksort algorithm in C++ see:


FILL IN THE BLANK. _____ refers to the process of combining aspects of reporting, data exploration and ad hoc queries, and sophisticated data modeling and analysis.


Answer:  Business intelligence


the back cover of a mobile device is warmer than usual, and the battery seems to lose its charge much quicker than normal. the user has scanned for malware, closed unused apps, and decreased the brightness level of the screen, but the symptoms persist. which of the following is the most likely cause for this behavior?


The one that is most likely the cause for this behavior is the battery is going bad. The correct option is A.

What is a mobile phone?

The battery drains more quickly than usual, your internet usage jumps even though your surfing habits haven't altered, and your GPS feature or your internet are the most typical symptoms that a device has been compromised.

One of the main causes of dropped cellular calls on phones is weak cellular service. Verify there are at least two signal bars on your phone's status bar. You're probably far from the closest mobile tower if your phone has less than two signal bars.

Therefore, the correct option is A, The battery is going bad.

To learn more about the mobile phones, refer to the link:


The question is incomplete. Your most probably complete question is given below:

The battery is going bad.

Disable the auto-brightness option

Connect to a Bluetooth speaker.


What term refers to specific aspects of video games, such as progressing to a new level, scoring a goal, solving a puzzle, shooting an alien, or jumping over an obstacle?

game design

game mechanics

game challenges

game story


I believe it’s (B) game mechanics

Which of the following promotion categories is most likely to use the promotion tools of press releases, sponsorships, events, and Web pages?
A) sales promotion
B) direct and digital marketing
C) advertising
D) public relations
E) horizontal diversification
Answer: D) public relations


The promotion categories that is most likely to use the promotion tools of press releases, sponsorships, events, and Web pages is  D) public relations.

What exactly is public relations, and why is it crucial?

In marketing, In order to build a stronger brand reputation, public relations focuses on delivering the right messages to the appropriate audiences. PR firms assist their clients in achieving this and promoting them within their respective industries by working side by side with them.

Therefore, one can say that a key component of the promotional mix is public relations. Public relations is centered on earned media and can utilize unpaid communication channels, in contrast to paid marketing initiatives like advertising your company. Public relations focuses on controlling perceptions, or how the public views your company.

Learn more about public relations from

write an expression that evaluates true if and only if the string variable s does not equal the string lteral end


This is the expression "!s.equals("end")," which returns true if and only if  string variable "s" doesn't equal to the string literal end.

What is String variable?

String variables are variables that contain not only numbers but also other characters (possibly mixed with numbers). The European Social Survey, for example, information is stored about the nation where participants were surveyed in variable cntry, which includes strings like "DE", "ES", "LT", and so on.

Another term that is frequently used is "alphanumeric" variables, which obviously refer to the "alphabet" and thus to letters. However, a string variable can contain any character that a keyboard can produce, such as "" or "-" or ":".

To know more about String variable, visit:


question 107the touch screen on a mobile device is not responding to input. which of the following is the best step to take to resolve this issue?


The number of televisions per capital is calculated by dividing the number of television sets by the total US population. In this case, we divide the 285 million television sets by the population of 298.4 million.

What is use of televisison?

This gives a result of 0.9551 televisions per capita. Note that this method (dividing the number by the population) also is used for calculating the per capita of many other things like GDP.

In this case, we divide the 285 million television sets by the population of 298.4 million. This gives a result of 0.9551 televisions per capita.

Therefore, The number of televisions per capital is calculated by dividing the number of television sets by the total US population. In this case, we divide the 285 million television sets by the population of 298.4 million.

Learn more about television on:


if you wanted to filter data and create a new data set for a specific use case or audience, which analytics 360 feature would you use?


Data Studio 360 is the functionality you would use. With the help of this functionality, you may filter data and design unique representations for a specific audience or use case.

How does visualization work?

You might apply the straightforward technique of visualization to build a vivid mental picture of a forthcoming event. You can practice for the event in advance with effective visualization, which will help you get ready for it. You can also develop the identity that have to perform well by picturing success. Creating desired results in your mind's eye might boost your confidence. It is more likely that you will believe it can and will happen if you "hear" yourself succeeding.

To know more about Visualization

suppose the cache access time is 15ns, main memory access time is 220ns, and the cache hit rate is 95%. assuming non-overlapped access, what is the average access time for the processor to access an item?


The average access time for the processor to access an item is 25.25ns.

What do you mean by access time?
Access time is the amount of time that passes between making a request to an electronic system and that request being fulfilled or the required data is provided.

Access time is the amount of time that passes in a computer between the point at which an instruction control unit starts a request for data or a request to store data and the point at which the request is fulfilled or the storage process begins.

Solution Explained:

hit rate= 0.95

miss rate = 1- hit rate = 1-0.95 = 0.05

cache access time = 15 ns

memory access time = 220 ns

In general average access time is given by:

hit rate * ( cache access time ) + miss rate * ( cache access time + time to hit memory to get data from memory)

We don't need to add cache access time when a miss occurs because parallel access is taking place in this instance.

Consequently, the formula in this instance is:

avg(time) = hit rate * ( cache access time ) + miss rate * ( time to hit memory to get data from memory)

Putting the values in the formula, we have
avg(time) = 0.95 * 15 + 0.05 * 220
               = 25.25 ns

To learn more about access time, use the link given

a query maintains your customer table once a user takes action (adding a new customer, updating a customer, or deleting a customer). your chief executive officer (ceo) wants a stored procedure to send an automated email to the customer from the ceo whenever one of these events occurs. which trigger would accomplish this?


A callable statement offers a way to run stored procedures in various DBMS systems using the same SQL syntax.

When a triggering event takes place, named database objects called triggers are implicitly fired. Run the trigger action either ahead of or following the triggering event. Although triggers and stored procedures are similar, how they are invoked makes a difference. An SQL string supplied to the EXEC command or a stored procedure can be run using this command. The complete command EXECUTE, which is equivalent to EXEC, is another option. When a specific event in the database happens, a stored procedure called a "TRIGGER" is automatically called.

Learn more about command here-


the time complexity for inserting an element into a binary search tree is . o(n) o(nlogn) o(n^2) o(logn)


The time complexity for 'inserting' an element into a binary search tree is a: O(n).

A binary search tree (BST) is a special sort of binary tree whereby the left child of a node has a value less than the parent and the right child has a value greater than the parent. A binary search tree helps to maintain quickly a sorted list of numbers. For inserting an element in a binary search tree, it is required to traverse all elements giving the worst-case time complexity of O(n). Thus, the time complexity of inserting an element into a binary search tree is O(n).

You can learn more about binary search tree at


Query #1 Generate a list of doctors and their specialties in alphabetical order by doctor last name. Your results should look like the following screenshot (but with your own data):
Query #2 Generate a list of all appointments in alphabetical order by patient name and by latest date and time for each patient. The list should also include the doctor scheduled and the receptionist who made the appointment. Your results should look like the following screenshot (but with your own data):
Query #3 Generate a list of all Treatments in alphabetical order by patient name and by latest date for each patient. The list should also include the doctor who performed the treatment and the nurse who assisted. Your results should look like the following screenshot (but with your own data):


Specialty doctors have received education in a particular branch of medicine. This enables them to handle complex medical issues that primary care physicians might find difficult to handle.

Who are Specialty doctors?

An allergist or immunologist focuses on preventing and treating allergic diseases and conditions. These usually include various types of allergies and asthma.

The American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology explain that allergists must complete additional years of study in the field of allergy and immunology after earning a medical degree.

Dermatologists specialize in treating problems with the skin, nails, and hair. They deal with issues like psoriasis, skin cancer, acne, and eczema.

Therefore, Specialty doctors have received education in a particular branch of medicine. This enables them to handle complex medical issues that primary care physicians might find difficult to handle.

To learn more about doctors, refer to the link:


Enter a function in cell H12, based on the payment and loan details, that calculates the amount of cumulative principal paid on the first payment. Be sure to use the appropriate absolute, relative, or mixed cell references.
Facility Amortization Table 4 Loan Details Payment Details 6 Payment 7 APR 8 Years 9 Pmts per Year 10 $4,972.00 3.25% Loan Periodic Rate # of Payments $275,000.00 0.271% 60 12 Beginning Payment Principal RemainingCumulative Cumulative Payment Number Interest Principal Balance Amount Interest PaidRepayment Balance $275,000.00 $4,972.00 ($89.89) 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 4 6 10 23 24 25 26 27 28 12 13 14 15 16 17


In order to execute the above task successfully on Microsoft Excel, that is, calculating the Cumulative Principal paid, you must use the CUMPRINC function in excel which is given as: =CUMPRINC(rate, nper, pv, start_period, end_period, type)

How does the CUMPRINC function work?

It is to be noted that the CUMPRINC function employs the following logic:

Rate (necessary argument) - The interest rate per period.NPER (necessary argument) - The total number of payment periods required to repay the loan or investment.PV (mandatory parameter) - This is the loan/present investment's current value.Start_period (mandatory parameter) - The number of the beginning period to compute interest over. It must be an integer between 1 and the NPER given.End_period (mandatory parameter) - The final period over which interest should be calculated. It must be an integer ranging from 1 to the given NPER. Type (Mandatory parameter) -  This defines when the payment will be made. It might be either 0 or 1. It is an integer that indicates whether the payment is made at the beginning of the period (0) or at the end of the period (1).

In the above case,

Rate = 3.25%

NPER = 17
PV = $275,000
Start_Period = 1
End_Period is 60
Type = 0

Learn more about Microsoft Excel Functions:

c. a new shopping mall has obtained an ipv4 network address, /24. management of the shopping mall would like to create 6 subnets with each subnet serving 32 hosts. could it be done? demonstrate the reason with numbers. (10 points)


The broadcast address of the 16 subnet, where this host is located, is 23, and the range of acceptable hosts is 17–22.

This indicates that a "/16" leaves the final 16 bits (or final two integers) available for usage in specified addresses and a "/8" leaves the final 24 bits available for use. Here are all of the possible addresses for each, for further clarification: contains ranges– (Can give the most recent number) Therefore, a device with the IP address would belong to the same network. And because the subnet mask is /24, the full last octet—28 = 256 - 2 = 254 valid addresses—can be utilized to define the host machine.

Learn more about network here-


which effect does the standby 2 priority 110 interface configuration command have? answer the group priority is increased above the default. the interface will participate in hsrp. the interface will participate in hsrp group 110. the priority is decreased below the default.


The interface will join HSRP group 110, and the group's priority will be increased above the default as a result of the rest 2 priority 110 configuration command.

How does interface work?

In Java, a class's blueprint is called an interface. It has abstract methods and static constants. Java uses the interface as a tool to achieve abstraction. The Java interface can only contain abstract methods; method bodies are not allowed. It is utilized to achieve multiple inheritance and encapsulation. In other terms, interface are capable of containing abstract class and variables. There can be no method body. The IS-A relationship is also represented by Java interface. Alike  abstract class, it cannot be instantiated.

To know more about interface

which policy allows employees to choose a company approved and configured device? multiple choice bring your own device policy choose your own device policy company-issued, personally enabled policy epolicy


The  policy that allows employees to choose a company approved and configured device is option d.) Choose your own device policy.

Which policy enables employees to use company devices?

The BYOD (bring your own device) is a policy that permits employees in a company to use their own personal devices for professional purposes. Activities like accessing emails, connecting to the corporate network, and using corporate apps and data are included in this list.

Therefore, in regards to the above, CYOD (choose your own device) policies allow employees to select a mobile device from a list of pre-approved options. Before the employee chooses a device, it is typically configured with security protocols and business applications.

Learn more about device policy from

The following is a selection from a spreadsheet:
Name Age Occupation
Agnes Shipton 44 Entrepreneur
Ronaldo Vincent 23 Accountant
Henry Sing 36 Editor
Krishna Bowling 62 Graphic Designer
What kind of data format does it contain?
Long Wide


Based on the data presented, the kind of data format does it contain is option D: Wide

What does R's broad format mean?

When there are multiple measurements of the same subject, over time or with different tools, the data is frequently described as being in "wide" format if there is one observation row per subject with each unit of measure present as a different variable and "long" format if there is one monitoring row per measurement.

Therefore, the use of wide Data Format is seen as a form  of a tabular time series data representation that lists the states (measurements) of numerous entities. Each table row contains all the information related to any one entity, which is its distinguishing feature and thus its good for the data above.

Learn more about data format from

corey flynn (cflynn) currently belongs to several groups. due to some recent restructuring, he no longer needs to be a member of the hr group. to preserve existing group membership, use the usermod -g command listing all groups to which the user must belong. do not include the primary group name in the list of groups. in this lab, your task is to: remove cflynn from the hr group. preserve all other group memberships. view the /etc/group file or use the groups command to verify the changes.


The newgrp command sets up the group membership for a user to log in on Unix-like operating systems. The GNU/Linux version of newgrp is covered on this page.

What Are Groups Used For?A user account is given to every person who has access to a Linux system. A user name and password are just two of the features offered by this user account. Each user is also a part of one or more group accounts.Being a part of a group grants a user special access to system resources, such as files, directories, or running processes (programs). Because many Linux security features use groups to impose security restrictions, this group membership can also be used to prevent access to system resources. Later chapters of this book discuss these security features.

To Learn more About  Linux version refer To:


computing is designing, manufacturing, using, and disposing of electronic products in ways that are friendly to both people and the environment. chemicals are released into the air or groundwater and soil when e-waste is burned or buried. can reduce the environmental impact of electronic waste and ultimately reduce costs. consists of discarded computers, cell phones, televisions, stereos, and the electronics from automobiles and appliances.


The ecologically friendly and ethical use of computers and their resources is known as "green computing."

It is also described as the study of creating, utilizing, disposing of, and engineering computing equipment in a way that minimizes their environmental impact. Green computing is a method for using computing resources more effectively while also reducing technological waste and electricity consumption. The use of computers and other electronic devices is growing, as is the amount of energy used and the carbon footprint. One is to buy items that have EPEAT certification, which is an environmental rating system for electronic goods. An additional option is to recycle or donate old electronics rather than just throwing them away.

Learn more about system here-


Lucinda i a freelance writer. She join a profeional network to help her get freelance project. What hould he include in her profile’ profeional headline?


An independent journalist who reports on stories of their own choice and then sells their work to the highest bidder is an example of a freelancer.

A professional network service is what?A professional network service is a sort of social network service that places more of an emphasis on relationships and interactions for business prospects and career progress than it does on activities for personal life.Professional networking entails proactively building and maintaining connections with people who can advance your career or personal brand. You can create fruitful connections through a variety of networking methods, such as applications and websites.An independent journalist who reports on stories of their own choice and then sells their work to the highest bidder is an example of a freelancer. Another illustration is a web designer or an app developer who only works on a project for a customer once before moving on to another one.                

To learn more about Professional network service refer to:


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