PART A: What is the central idea of the text?

ALarge bills can contribute to crime and may be phased out.

BPaying with big bills is convenient and protects your privacy.

CPeople cannot commit crimes with cards and cryptocurrency.

D Individuals are switching to digital money in order to prevent crime


Answer 1

The central idea of the text Individuals are switching to digital money in order to prevent crime. So the option D is correct.

As a means of reducing crime, using digital money, or money that is kept electronically and accessed through an internet platform, is becoming more and more common. Traditional payment methods like cash or credit cards are sometimes viewed as less safe and secure than digital money.

It is more difficult for criminals to access or use digital money for unlawful activities like money laundering or identity theft because it is transferred electronically. Additionally, the traceability of digital currency facilitates the tracking and investigation of shady transactions. So the option D is correct.

To learn more about digital money link is here



Related Questions

Select the word from the drop-down menu that most accurately completes the sentence.

For a writing assignment, Tamika was asked to rewrite a poem using ________ for as many of the words as possible.
It was interesting to see how changing words to their opposites affected the meaning of the poem.

A. Antonyms
B. illustrations
C. Rhymes
D. synonyms





Antonym is a word with the opposite meaning of another.

After Dill wonders aloud what Boo Radley looks like, Jem gives a description from his imagination. How does he describe Boo? What image does his description evoke?


In Harper Lee's novel "To Kill a Mockingbird," Jem describes Boo Radley as being about six-and-a-half feet tall, with a long, jagged scar across his face and a row of jagged teeth.

What image does Harper Lee description evoke?

He also says that he drools most of the time and that his eyes pop out, giving him a frightening appearance. Jem's description creates an image of a monstrous and grotesque figure, evoking fear and fascination. It reflects the rumors and legends that have grown up around Boo, who is seen as a mysterious and dangerous figure by many of the children in the neighborhood.

To know more about Harper Lee visit:



Compose 2-3 sentences about your issue/topic in the style of each genre about Fields of Blood: My Life As a Prison Laborer?


Autobiography Genre:

Fields of Blood:

My Life As a Prison Laborer is a gripping autobiography that delves into the harrowing experiences of the author as a prisoner subjected to forced labor.

Through vivid and raw storytelling, the author paints a stark picture of life behind bars and the dehumanizing conditions of prison labor, shedding light on the injustices and hardships faced by those caught in the cycle of incarceration.

Social Justice Genre:

Fields of Blood: My Life As a Prison Laborer is a powerful exposé that shines a spotlight on the systemic issues surrounding the use of prison labor.

With unflinching honesty, the author shares their personal story, revealing the exploitation and abuse that prisoners face as laborers in a profit-driven system.

This thought-provoking book challenges readers to confront the unethical practices of the prison industrial complex and advocate for social change.

During the Harlem Renaissance,
black entertainers no longer faced discrimination.
black performers pioneered new genres of music.
white Americans stopped listening to jazz and blues.
the south desegregated all schools and public places.



b) black performers pioneered new genres of music


the Harlem renaissance was when black artists, primarily from the Harlem area, began experimenting with new types of jazz music


Read the excerpt from "What Educated Women Can
Do" by Indira Gandhi. Here, she discusses India's
students being called to work in other countries.
But it is not all a one-sided business because there are
many who are persuaded and cajoled to go even when
they are reluctant. We know of first class students,
especially in medicine or nuclear energy for instance,
they are approached long before they have passed out
[of college] and offered all kinds of inducements to go
out. Now, that shows that people do consider that they
have a standard of knowledge and capability, which will
be useful any where in the world.
Mark this and return
Which type of reasoning does Gandhi include in her
abductive reasoning
circular reasoning
deductive reasoning
O inductive reasoning


Inductive reasoning. Inductive reasoning involves reasoning from specific examples or observations to broader generalizations or conclusions. In this excerpt, Gandhi is using examples of Indian students being offered inducements to work abroad to support her broader argument that educated women have an important role to play in India's development. She is drawing a general conclusion based on specific examples, which is characteristic of inductive reasoning.

which interview question shows that you understand the significance of the event you are asking about
A. what happened to you on Nov. the 5th
B. who was with you on that exhilarating day on the mountain
C. what are the names of the people involved?



B. Who was with you on that exhilarating day on the mountain?

Option A and option B do not necessarily show that the interviewer understands the significance of the event. Option C is the better option because it shows that the interviewer understands the importance of identifying the people involved in the event and their roles. This can provide context and help the interviewer understand the event better. Additionally, asking about the names of the people involved can help the interviewer follow up with more specific questions about their actions and perspectives during the event.


The interview question that shows understanding of the significance of the event is B. "Who was with you on that exhilarating day on the mountain?"

This question acknowledges the importance of the event by using the adjective "exhilarating" to describe it, indicating that it was a notable and significant experience. Additionally, it specifically asks about the people who were with the person during the event, implying that they played a role in the significance of the event. This question shows an understanding of the event's impact and the significance of the people involved, indicating a deeper understanding of the event being discussed.

1. Claim: Every student should have a compu O A. Counterclaim: Students have many opportunities to use computers in school or the library. B. Counterclaim: Schools should help students buy used computers. C. Counterclaim: Most students spend too much time on computers anyway.​


Claim: Every student should have a computer.

Counterclaim A: Students have many opportunities to use computers in school or the library.
- While it is true that many schools and libraries have computers available for student use, these resources may not always be accessible or convenient for every student.
- Having a personal computer allows students to have more control over their own learning and to work on assignments and projects outside of school hours.

Counterclaim B: Schools should help students buy used computers.
- While this is a possible solution, it may not be feasible for all schools or students, especially those who come from low-income households.
- Additionally, used computers may not always be reliable or have the necessary features and software to support students' academic needs.

Counterclaim C: Most students spend too much time on computers anyway.
- While it is important for students to have a balanced lifestyle that includes physical activity and social interactions, computers have become an integral part of modern education and daily life.
- Restricting or limiting students' access to computers may hinder their ability to keep up with academic demands and technological advancements.

While there may be counterarguments to the claim that every student should have a computer, the benefits of having a personal computer for academic and personal use outweigh the potential drawbacks. It is important for schools and policymakers to address the digital divide and provide resources and support for students who may not have access to computers at home.

Which of the following best describes a distinction the author makes between peruggia and Geri when he describes their meeting in Florence


The option that best describes a distinction the author makes between peruggia and Geri when he describes their meeting in Florence is this:

C He emphasizes that Geri never had any intention of participating in selling the stolen work as Peruggia had hoped to do.

How is the distinction made?

The author makes a distinction between Peruggia and Geri when describing their meeting in Florence by emphasizing that Geri never had any intention of participating in selling the stolen work as Peruggia had hoped to do.

This distinction highlights the differing motives and moral character of the two individuals involved in the theft of the painting, with Peruggia being more focused on financial gain and Geri being less willing to participate in illegal activities.

Learn more about The mystery of the missing Monalisa here:



what’s the three accounts of the boston tea party. what’s the overall pov of each account? how are the three writers povs alike and different


There are several primary accounts of the Boston Tea Party, but three of the most well-known are the accounts provided by George Hewes, Samuel Cooper, and Thomas Hutchinson.

George Hewes was a participant in the Boston Tea Party and his account was written in 1834, many years after the event. Hewes' account provides a first-person narrative of the event and is focused on the actions of the Sons of Liberty, who he viewed as the heroes of the event. His account is sympathetic to the colonial cause and portrays the actions of the Sons of Liberty as a bold act of rebellion against British tyranny.

Samuel Cooper was a prominent Boston pastor and patriot who wrote his account of the Boston Tea Party in 1773, shortly after the event. Cooper's account is more moderate in tone than Hewes' and portrays the event as a regrettable but necessary act of protest against British policies. He expresses sympathy for the merchants whose property was destroyed but also criticizes the British government for refusing to address colonial grievances.

Thomas Hutchinson was the governor of Massachusetts at the time of the Boston Tea Party and his account was written in 1773, shortly after the event. Hutchinson's account is critical of the colonial protestors and portrays them as lawless mobs who destroyed private property without justification. His account is sympathetic to the British government and portrays their response to the Boston Tea Party as necessary to maintain law and order.

The overall point of view of each account is shaped by the writer's political perspective and personal experiences. Hewes and Cooper were both sympathetic to the colonial cause and viewed the Boston Tea Party as a necessary act of protest against British policies. Hutchinson, on the other hand, was loyal to the British government and viewed the actions of the colonial protestors as lawless and unjustified.

While each writer's point of view differs, they share some similarities in their accounts. For example, all three accounts agree that a group of colonists dressed as Native Americans boarded British ships and dumped tea into Boston Harbor. However, their interpretations of the event and its significance differ based on their personal experiences and political perspectives.

To prepare for the clsss for the debate about the importance of space exploration Kyle created an agenda and a list of rules to share before the debate begins based on his actions what will Kyle's roll be in the debate

A. Teacher
B. Listener
C. Moderater
D. Participant​


To prepare for the class for the debate about the importance of space exploration Kyle created an agenda and a list of rules to share before the debate begins based on his actions Moderator will Kyle's roll be in the debate. Option C is the correct option.

As the debate's moderator, Kyle will be responsible for making sure that everything goes according to plan and that everyone abides by the rules. He is in charge of introducing the subject, delivering the opening remarks of each debater, and introducing the debate's many rounds.

Kyle will be in charge of keeping track of each speaker's time during the debate to make sure that all points are covered and the conversation stays on track. He will also be in charge of ensuring that the discussion is respectful and that no one speaks over another speaker. Kyle will also be in charge of summarizing the points made by the participants and proclaiming the winner at the conclusion of the discussion. Option C is the correct option.

To learn more about Kyle link is here:



what makes a productive discussion? in your response, consider the following:
1.what language should you use?
2.why does a discussion stand out as successful?



a productive discussion


A productive discussion is one where all participants engage in meaningful and respectful communication to exchange ideas, information, and perspectives. To make a discussion productive, it's important to use clear and concise language that is free from jargon, sarcasm, or personal attacks. Here are a few factors that contribute to a productive discussion:

Language: The language used during a discussion plays a crucial role in ensuring its productivity. Participants should use a clear and concise language that is easy to understand, avoids ambiguity and is respectful towards others. It is also important to use active listening skills, which include paying attention, asking relevant questions, and clarifying misunderstandings.

Active participation: A successful discussion requires active participation from all participants. Participants should be willing to share their thoughts, listen to others' viewpoints, and offer constructive feedback. Additionally, it is important to encourage all participants to speak up and contribute to the discussion to ensure that everyone has an equal opportunity to participate.

Respectful behavior: Participants should be respectful towards each other and avoid personal attacks, insults, or discriminatory language. Disagreements should be expressed in a polite and respectful manner, with an aim to understand others' perspectives and reach a common ground.

A clear goal: A productive discussion should have a clear goal or purpose. This helps to keep the discussion on track and ensures that all participants are working towards a common objective. Having a clear goal also helps to keep the discussion focused and prevents it from becoming too broad or unfocused.

In summary, a productive discussion requires clear communication, active participation, respectful behavior, and a clear goal or purpose. When these factors are present, a discussion stands out as successful because it results in a meaningful exchange of ideas, increased understanding, and the potential for positive outcomes.

a letter to a friend in another country telling him the importance of technology today​


Answer: Dear [Friend],

I hope this letter finds you in good health and spirits. As we continue to navigate through these uncertain times, I cannot help but reflect on the importance of technology in our lives today.

Technology has become an integral part of our daily routines, from the way we communicate with each other, to the way we work, learn, and even entertain ourselves. The advancements in technology have made the world a smaller place, allowing us to connect with people from different parts of the world with just a click of a button.

In today's world, technology has revolutionized the way we conduct business, healthcare, and education. We can access information and knowledge from anywhere in the world, allowing us to learn and grow in ways we never thought possible. Technology has also helped us to address some of the world's biggest challenges, from climate change to global health crises.

Moreover, technology has played a critical role in keeping us connected with our loved ones, especially during these times of social distancing and lockdowns. From video calls to social media platforms, technology has allowed us to stay connected and continue to build and maintain relationships even when we cannot be physically together.

In summary, technology has become an indispensable part of our lives, and its importance will only continue to grow as we move forward. I encourage you to embrace technology and its possibilities to improve your life and those around you.

I hope this letter finds you well, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this topic.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]


T/F If one assumes that communication is flowing as intended, one tends to move on with the dialog without allowing feedback to indicate whether clarity of expression and communication has been achieved.


True. If one assumes communication is flowing as intended, they may not actively seek feedback to confirm clarity of expression and communication, potentially leading to misunderstandings.

When one party assumes that communication is proceeding as intended, the other side need not be consulted to assure mutual comprehension. This presumption could be risky since it might cause others to misunderstand or misinterpret the intended message.

Without asking for comments, people would not be aware of any problems with comprehension or clarity, and the dialogue might go on without the required corrections. To ensure that the message has been properly heard and comprehended, it is crucial to actively seek feedback throughout the communication.

Learn more about communication:



True. If one assumes that communication is flowing as intended, one tends to move on with the dialog without allowing feedback to indicate whether clarity of expression and communication has been achieved.

Assuming that communication is flowing as intended can lead to a lack of feedback and can result in misunderstandings or miscommunications.

It is important to actively seek feedback and ensure that both parties have a clear understanding of the message being conveyed.
if one assumes that communication is flowing as intended, they may move on with the dialogue without allowing feedback to indicate whether clarity of expression and communication has been achieved.

Miscommunication is the social failure to effectively and appropriately communicate. One of many different kinds of communication impediments, it.

Excessive communication is one of the main reasons for misunderstandings in business. The crucial takeaways might be easily overlooked when information is sent in several communications over a long period of time or when important information is buried in a big message.

To know more about  miscommunications, click here:



The table below shows the average temperatures for Tampa, Florida recorded for 12 months.
Month Temperature
January 22°C (72°F)
February 23°C (74°F)
March 26°C (79°F)
April 28°C (83°F)
May 31°C (88°F)
June 33°C (92°F)
July 34°C (95°F)
August 34°C (95°F)
September 32°C (90°F)
October 31°C (88°F)
November 26°C (79°F)
December 23°C (73°F)

Why do the temperatures change over the months?

Because the Sun is tilted on its axis, parts of Earth get more sunlight during different times of Earth's yearly orbit.

Because Earth is tilted on its axis, parts of Earth get more sunlight during different times of Earth's yearly orbit.

Because the Moon is tilted on its axis, it reflects more sunlight on Earth during different times of Earth's yearly orbit.

Because Earth is tilted on its axis, the stars reflect more light during different times of the Earth's yearly orbit.



The correct answer is B. "Because Earth is tilted on its axis, parts of Earth get more sunlight during different times of Earth's yearly orbit."


This is because Earth's axis is tilted at an angle of approximately 23.5 degrees relative to its orbit around the Sun. This tilt causes different parts of the Earth to receive varying amounts of sunlight throughout the year as it revolves around the Sun. When a particular hemisphere of the Earth is tilted towards the Sun, it receives more direct sunlight and experiences warmer temperatures, while the hemisphere tilted away from the Sun receives less direct sunlight and experiences cooler temperatures. This results in the change in temperatures over the months as observed in the average monthly temperatures for Tampa, Florida in the given table.

the writer wants to add a sentence at the end of the passage to summarize the main claim of the passage. which of the following choices, if added after sentence 15, best accomplishes this goal? responses in fact, some people view the current age as ushering in a significant shift in the world of work, driven not by coal or electricity, but by automation and artificial intelligence. in fact, some people view the current age as ushering in a significant shift in the world of work, driven not by coal or electricity, but by automation and artificial intelligence. instead, we should only adopt automated technologies in cases where it is absolutely necessary. instead, we should only adopt automated technologies in cases where it is absolutely necessary. we must follow the example of other countries and adopt basic income programs. we must follow the example of other countries and adopt basic income programs. although large-scale change is likely in many sectors, education reform and a progressive bi program will help us offset risk and protect social stability. although large-scale change is likely in many sectors, education reform and a progressive bi program will help us offset risk and protect social stability. indeed, although the united states has long been a major center of automation, other countries are playing an increasingly large role in the development and adoption of automated technologies.



The sentence that best summarizes the main claim of the passage when added after sentence 15 is: "Indeed, although the United States has long been a major center of automation, other countries are playing an increasingly large role in the development and adoption of automated technologies."


This sentence highlights the global aspect of automation and acknowledges the involvement of other countries in driving the shift in the world of work towards automation and artificial intelligence.

they love the outer look of a thing . make it imperative sentence



Love the outer look of a thing!

Do you work or are you a student?


Answer: Student right now.


Student at the moment

Why do you think the little animal mad promise?


To get dwelling places and build personal belongings for its kind.

some people think that more money should be spent on protecting endangered species while others think it is a waste of money.
do you agree or disagree with this opinion? why? ​


Unchecked deforestation and species extinction, according to studies, would negatively affect people. Unexpected benefits from even obscure animals, like cancer-fighting medications, can benefit humans.

What can you do to save endangered animals, and what shouldn't you?

According to scientists, preserving the special habitats in which threatened species dwell is the best approach to preserve them. For food, housing, and somewhere to rear their young, wildlife needs locations. Habitat damage is a result of development, logging, oil and gas drilling, overgrazing, and overstocking.

What occurs if we fail to conserve endangered species of animals?

Without protection, endangered species may eventually go extinct, which would have a variety of negative effects on our access to food, clean water, the environment, and even our health.

To know more about endangered species  visit:



Haircut Hysteria

A dance was set for Saturday;

all my friends were going.

I had my ticket and my plans,

but I indeed wasn’t glowing.

My hair was long and straggly;

I wasn’t looking good.

I needed some de-tangler—

I needed to look good.

Mom said, “Get a haircut!”

I knew that she was right,

but going to a hair salon

caused me nervous fright.

Washing, clipping, spraying, primping—

it’s such a risky move!

Short? Curly? Straight? Trendy?

Would my hairstyle improve?

I walked into the hair salon,

and felt a little foolish.

They took me to the styling chair,

in a black cape, looking ghoulish.

“Oh my, this is a nasty mess!”

said the stylist with a knowing smile,

“but do not worry one little bit.

I have a perfect style!”

She washed my hair and combed it,

And then she started cutting.

She snipped and snapped and snipped some more;

my poor heart was thudding.

She used some gel and then some spray,

And then she got the dryer.

Brushing, blowing, twisting, rolling,

her skills I did admire.

I started smiling. This could be

the hairstyle of my dreams.

And then I looked into the mirror:

it was a dreadful scene!

My hair was oh-so fluffy,

and short.

I looked like Fifi, the puppy,

the fancy poodle sort.

I smiled weakly and paid the bill,

and hurried out the door,

flipped up my hood and headed home;

I couldn’t take much more.

I ran upstairs and washed my hair.

I scrubbed out all the goo,

combed it back, and let it dry.

What else could I do?

I went off to the dance that night,

Wondering what I had done.

My best friend greeted me and said,

“Your ‘do’ rates number one!”

“Thanks!” I said, surprised and grateful,

my worries now departed.

I danced all night so joyfully,

my life had been restarted.

Next time I need a haircut,

I won’t freak out or moan.

I promise no hysterics—

I’ll simply trust in myself alone!

One theme from this poem is that things are usually not as bad as you think they will be. Describe how the speaker develops this theme over the course of the poem. Use evidence from the poem to support your response.


In the poem "Haircut Hysteria," the speaker develops the theme that things are usually not as bad as you think they will be through her experience of getting a haircut.

What is the explanation for the above response?

At the beginning of the poem, the speaker is nervous and anxious about going to the hair salon, but her mother convinces her to get a haircut. Throughout the haircut process, the speaker is filled with worry and doubts about how she will look.

However, in the end, the speaker's fears are unfounded, as her friends at the dance compliment her on her new hairstyle. This experience shows that the speaker's initial anxieties were exaggerated and that she need not have worried so much.

Learn more about theme at:



4 Complete the sentences with the correct verb. 3
1 At the weekend, my friends and I often
2 My brother listens to music when he. A puzzle.
3 L. The guitar in a rock band.
4 My mum. Pilates every Tuesday.
5 Every morning, my dad. Running.
6 We always. Cards on New Year's Eve. ​


The completed sentences are:

At the weekend, my friends and I often go fishing.My brother listens to music when he does a puzzle.L. plays the guitar in a rock band.My mum does Pilates every Tuesday.Every morning, my dad goes running.We always play cards on New Year's Eve.

In these sentences, the correct verb is used in each sentence to describe an activity. The verbs used are "go fishing," "does a puzzle," "plays," "does Pilates," "goes running," and "play" to describe various activities such as fishing, doing a puzzle, playing the guitar, doing Pilates, going running, and playing cards.

The sentences show that the correct verb usage is essential in providing accurate information about what a person is doing or what activity they are engaged in.

To learn more about verbs, here



feedback should be _____ in nature. in other words, it should expressly describe to an employee what is expected of him or her.


Feedback should be specific in nature, providing clear and detailed information to employees about what is expected of them.

It should focus on particular behaviors or actions, rather than vague generalizations or personal opinions. By using specific examples and providing constructive criticism, feedback can help employees understand how they can improve their performance and contribute to the success of the organization.

Clear and specific feedback can also help to build trust and rapport between managers and employees, fostering a positive and productive work environment. Ultimately, effective feedback is essential for helping employees reach their full potential and achieve their goals.

Learn more about  specific in nature



Feedback should be specific in nature. In other words, it should expressly describe to an employee what is expected of him or her.

By providing detailed feedback, an employee can understand what areas they need to work on and what they are doing well. This can help them improve their performance and achieve their goals. It's crucial to describe the issue you're addressing when providing feedback to employees. Be specific so the other person will comprehend the situation. Mention the date, the location, or the particular project assignment. It's crucial to describe the issue you're addressing when providing feedback to employees. Be specific so the other person will comprehend the situation. This form of criticism can range considerably from a simple "good job on that report" to something more meaningful, like demonstrating a different approach to someone.

To know more about comprehend refer :



Studying the make up of our individual bacteria communities will help scientist get a better idea of which bacteria help human body based on the context of the sentence what does make up mean


Bacterial communities can be as small as a single cell or as large as multicellular colonies. Bacterial communities' effects eventually spread to include entire hosts and tissues.

What exactly do microbial communities consist of?

Microorganisms that live in colonies called microbial communities share a shared habitat. The microbial populations that make up the community can engage in various types of interaction, such as as predators and prey or as symbionts.

What are the bacterial communities made out of?

The bacterial community consisted of 41 phyla, with Actinobacteria accounting for 33% of all sequences. Proteobacteria (25%), Acidobacteria (9.5%), Firmicutes (8%), Chloroflexi (6.5%), Planctomycetes (4.5%), Verrucomicrobia (3.5%), Bacteroidetes (2.2%), and Gemmatimonadetes (1.7%) were the next most prevalent phyla.

To know more about Bacterial communities  visit :-



what is an important factor in successful persuasive speaking? multiple choice question. pressuring your audience to do what is right avoiding considering your audience before you speak knowing as little as possible about your audience so that they won't influence you tailoring your speech to the values and beliefs of your audience


An important factor in successful persuasive speaking is tailoring your speech to the values and beliefs of your audience. So the option D is correct.

Tailoring your persuasive speech to the values and beliefs of your audience is an important factor in successful persuasive speaking. This means that you must first understand the values and beliefs of your audience before you can effectively present your argument.

By addressing the values and beliefs that are important to your audience, it helps to create a shared understanding and allows you to build an argument that resonates with them. It also allows you to present your argument in a way that is more likely to be accepted. So the option D is correct.

To learn more about persuasive speaking link is here



The complete question is:

What is an important factor in successful persuasive speaking?

multiple choice question.

A. pressuring your audience to do what is right

B. avoiding considering your audience before you speak

C. knowing as little as possible about your audience so that they won't influence you

D. tailoring your speech to the values and beliefs of your audience

Below are some traits of Chris. Give an example from the movie The Pursuit of Happyness from when he shows each trait.


SELFLESSNESS - In the movie The Pursuit of Happyness, Chris Gardner displays selflessness when he gives the last of his money to a homeless man who is struggling to survive. Despite facing his own financial difficulties, Chris recognizes the plight of the homeless man and willingly shares his resources.

How to explain the traits

AUDACITY - Chris Gardner demonstrates audacity when he takes a chance and applies for an unpaid internship at a prestigious brokerage firm, despite lacking the required qualifications. He boldly approaches the CEO of the firm and convinces him to give him a chance, demonstrating his audacity and willingness to take risks.

COURAGE - Chris Gardner exhibits courage throughout the movie as he faces numerous challenges and setbacks while trying to provide for his family. He risks everything, including his own safety and well-being, to pursue his dream of becoming a stockbroker and providing a better life for his son.

INTEGRITY - Chris Gardner's integrity is evident when he refuses to compromise his principles, even when faced with the temptation to engage in unethical behavior to make money. He remains honest and true to his values, even in the face of extreme adversity.

Learn more about character on



In the article "What’s it like to live without electricity" on CommonLit, What are some alternatives that people of Sadikpur use to survive without electricity?


The people of Sadikpur use alternatives such as kerosene lamps, solar panels, and biogas to survive without electricity. They also use stoves to cook food and hand pumps to draw water from the ground.

In the article "What's it like to live without electricity," the author describes how people in Sadikpur, India, have learned to live without electricity. The author explains that while many of us take electricity for granted, there are still millions of people around the world who don't have access to it. In Sadikpur, the people have found ways to adapt to this lack of electricity by using alternative sources of energy.

The article describes some of these alternatives, such as kerosene lamps, solar panels, and biogas. It also discusses the challenges that come with living without electricity, such as the lack of access to modern technology and limited educational opportunities.

To learn more about educational opportunities, here



2- Write 5 rules (sentences) of etiquette. Use should or shouldn’t and because in each
sentence. Write in full sentences- capital letters and full stop.
You should arrive on time for dinner in Germany because it is disrespectful to be late.


Etiquette refers to the set of customary rules and behaviours that are considered polite and appropriate in a particular society, culture, or setting. It includes a range of social behaviours, such as how to greet someone, how to dress for a particular occasion, how to behave in public, and how to communicate effectively with others.

List down the 5 rules of etiquette.You shouldn't interrupt someone while they are speaking because it shows disrespect and can be rude.You should hold the door for the person behind you because it is a polite gesture that shows consideration.You shouldn't use your phone during a meeting or dinner because it can be distracting and disrespectful to those around you.You should say "please" and "thank you" when making a request or receiving something because it shows appreciation and politeness.You shouldn't speak loudly in public places because it can disturb others and invade their personal space.

To learn more about Etiquette, visit:



In terms of voice production, volume is dependent on the step of _________.
a. breathing
b. phonation
c. resonation
d. articulation


Answer: Breathing


im him

the answer to this question would be… a. breathing

Just pick the correct sentence colored in blue font :)



"When her mother left the room, Naima continued playing her game, but for some reason she wasn't enjoying it anymore."

"As she reached for her backpack, she felt an enormous sense of relief."


1. When her mother left the room, Naima continued playing her game but for some reasons was no longer enjoying it anymore. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw her backpack, and she pictured the homework stuffed right down the bottom of the bag. 

2. As she reached for her backpack, she felt an enormous sense of relief.

Read the sentence from an argumentative essay about homelessness.

There should be services to give homeless people a break from the stuff they have to deal with in their everyday lives.


The sentence presents an argument in favour of creating services to offer respite to homeless people from the difficulties they face in their daily lives.

Write a short note on the difficulties faced by homeless people.

Homeless individuals face a multitude of challenges and difficulties on a daily basis. They are often without access to basic necessities like food, shelter, and clean clothing. They also frequently lack access to healthcare services, leading to untreated physical and mental health issues. Finding employment can be incredibly difficult for homeless people, as they often lack a stable address, phone number, or even identification documents. This makes it challenging to apply for jobs or receive government assistance. Additionally, homeless individuals are often subjected to discrimination and harassment by both the public and law enforcement, making it difficult for them to find safe places to sleep or simply exist in public spaces. All of these factors combine to make life as a homeless person incredibly challenging, and addressing these difficulties is crucial for creating a more equitable and just society.

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explain how mergers and acquisitions and corporate buyout activities are enhanced by low interest rates, and why leveraged buyout activity, in particular, tends to decline as interest rates rise. when a person speaks to an audience, they're not only appealing to the audience's mental process but also asking them to: describe the role of one global brand in changing culture? what is the degree of the polynomial 8 x to the power of 5 plus 4 x cubed minus 5 x squared minus 9 ? Peter and Blair recently reviewed their future retirement income and expense projections. They hope to retire in 28 years and anticipate they will need funding for an additional 20 years. They determined that they would have a retirement income of $65,000 intoday's dollars, but they would actually need $93,166 in retirement income to meet all of their objectives. Calculate the total amount that Peter and Blair must save if they wish to completely fund their income shortfall, assuming a 3 percent inflation rate and a return of 11 percent. Question - The total amount that Peter and Blair must save if they wish to completely fund their income shortfall, assuming a 3 percent inflation rate and a return of 11 percent is $_________(Round to the nearestcent.) chico company paid $500,000 for a basket purchase that included office furniture, a building and land. an appraiser provided the following estimates of the market values of the assets if they had been purchased separately: office furniture $110,000; building $400,000, land $80,000. based on this information, the amount of cost that would be allocated to the office furniture is closest to: Companies frequently use information from the following sources when conducting their credit analysis: 1. I) financial statement supplied by the customer; 2. II) payment history supplied by other firms; 3. III) payment history supplied by banks I only Il only ll and Ill only O I, II and III some people tested the same angles, but the blood drops look different. give two reasons that may account for this. please help someone..50 points 2. What images from the verse does the poet use to evoke images cthe poverty he endured prior to achieving Hip-Hop fame?to evoke images A prediction of something dreadful about to happen is involved in a(n) __________.a. millenarian social movementb. alternative social movementc. proactive social movementd. social movement organization How do countries protect their domestic economy from excessive influence by multinational corporations?A.by raising the price of goods and services provided by the multinationalsB.(Correct)by requiring the multinationals to export a certain percentage of their productsC.by limiting the supplies of the multinational corporationsD.by developing their internal economies long the diffusion of innovation curve, blank make up the second group of consumers to adopt an innovation; they tend to be leaders in a social setting. multiple choice question. first movers innovators pioneers early majority early adopters need help? review these concept resources. The real risk-free rate is 4.5%. Inflation is expected to be 3.5% this year and 5.5% during the next 2 years. Assume that the maturity risk premium is zero.a.What is the yield on 2-year Treasury securities? Round your answer to two decimal places.b.What is the yield on 3-year Treasury securities? Round your answer to two decimal places A student mixes 100. mL of 0.25 M HCl(aq) with 200. mL of 0.50 M HClO4(aq) and then dilutes the mixture with distilled water to a total volume of 500. mL. The [H3O+] in the final solution is closest to(A) 0.0025 M(B) 0.12 M(C) 0.25 M(D) 0.75 M the loudness of sound, measured in decibels (db), is calculated using the formula , where l is the loudness, and i is the intensity of the sound.what is the intensity of a fire alarm that measures 125db loud? round your answer to the nearest hundredth.intensity suppose the federal reserve sets the reserve requirement at 15%, banks hold no excess reserves, and no additional currency is held. what is the money multiplier the dimensions of noahs ark were reported as 3.0 102 cubits by 5.0 101 cubits. express this size in units of feet (1 cubit = 1.5 ft) a proton moving in the plane of the page has a kinetic energy of 6.00 mev. a magnetic field of 1.00 t is directed into the page. the proton enters the magnetic field with its velocity vector at an angle? which of the following is not a way nucleosome formation affects dna? group of answer choices the dna is compacted. the access to dna by enzymes is altered. binding of h1 destabilizes the nucleosome, alleviating the transcriptional repression exerted by the binding of nucleosome histones. transcription is inhibited by the tight, internucleosome connections mediated by histone tails. binding of the transcription factor sp-1 can alleviate the transcriptional repression exerted by the histone binding.