Explain the steps that had to occur under the law for the UNIFOR
casino workers to be in a legal position to conduct the strike.


Answer 1

To conduct a legal strike, UNIFOR casino workers, or any other group of workers in Canada, would typically need to follow a series of steps prescribed by labor laws. Although the specific requirements can vary depending on the jurisdiction and collective bargaining agreements, here is a general outline of the steps involved:

Collective Bargaining: UNIFOR would engage in negotiations with the employer to reach a collective bargaining agreement (CBA) that outlines the terms and conditions of employment. If the negotiations fail to result in an agreement, the union may seek other avenues to advance their interests.

Mediation/Conciliation: If the parties are unable to reach an agreement through direct negotiations, they may seek the assistance of a mediator or conciliator. This impartial third party helps facilitate negotiations and encourages a resolution.

Strike Vote: Before proceeding with a strike, the union must conduct a strike vote among its members. The vote requires a majority in favor of the strike action to authorize the union to proceed with a strike.

Cooling-off Period: In some cases, labor laws may require a cooling-off period after the strike vote. This period allows for further negotiation or the involvement of additional mediation or conciliation services.

Notice of Strike: Once all legal requirements are met, the union must provide the employer with advance notice of the intention to strike. The length of the notice period varies depending on the jurisdiction and specific labor laws.

Commencement of Strike: After the notice period has expired, the union can legally commence the strike action. Workers would stop working, picket lines may be established, and other forms of protest may be initiated.

Learn more about legal strike here:



Related Questions

Renault said they are expanding its collaboration with US
chipmakers Qualcomm.
How does the principal-agent problem apply to the
Renault-Qualcomm partnership?


The principal-agent problem refers to a situation where the goals and interests of the principal (in this case, Renault) may not align perfectly with the goals and interests of the agent (Qualcomm) who is acting on behalf of the principal. This misalignment can lead to conflicts and challenges in the partnership. In the context of the Renault-Qualcomm collaboration, the principal-agent problem may apply in the following ways:

1. Information Asymmetry: Renault may not have complete knowledge or control over Qualcomm's actions and decisions, creating information asymmetry. Qualcomm, as the agent, may have access to information that Renault is not fully aware of, which can impact decision-making and lead to conflicts if the interests of both parties diverge.

2. Goal Divergence: Renault and Qualcomm may have different objectives and priorities. Renault's goal may be to enhance its vehicles' technology and performance, while Qualcomm may focus on maximizing its own profits or market share. These differing goals can create conflicts if the agent prioritizes its own interests over those of the principal.

3. Monitoring and Control: The principal-agent problem arises when the principal has limited control and monitoring capabilities over the agent's actions. Renault may face challenges in effectively overseeing Qualcomm's activities and ensuring that they align with Renault's expectations and objectives.

To mitigate the principal-agent problem, Renault can implement various strategies. These may include clearly defining roles and responsibilities, establishing performance metrics and incentives, maintaining open communication channels, and implementing mechanisms for monitoring and accountability. By actively managing the principal-agent relationship, Renault can strive to align the interests of both parties and minimize conflicts that may arise.

Learn more about the principal-agent problem and its implications in business partnerships here:



Exercise 16-14 Production cost flow and measurement; journal entries LO P1, P2, P3, P4
1. Compute the (a) cost of products transferred from weaving to sewing, (b) cost of products transferred from sewing to finished goods, and (c) cost of goods sold.
2. Prepare journal entries dated June 30 to record (a) goods transferred from weaving to sewing, (b) goods transferred from sewing to finished goods, and (c) sale of finished goods.


a) The cost of products transferred from weaving to sewing = $106,200

b) The cost of products transferred from sewing to finished goods = $150,000 c) The cost of goods sold = $132,000 Computation of the cost of products transferred: 1) Weaving Department Cost of Units in Inventory, June 1 = (4,000 × $4) $16,000 Cost of Units Started during June = (24,000 × $6) $144,000 Total Cost to Account for $160,000 Less: Cost of Units in Inventory, June 30 (8,000 × $8) (64,000) Costs Accounted for by the Weaving Department $96,0002) Sewing Department Cost of Units in Inventory, June 1 = (2,000 × $12) $24,000 Cost of Units Transferred in from Weaving Department $96,000 Total Cost to Account for $120,000Less: Cost of Units in Inventory, June 30 (6,000 × $16) (96,000)Costs Accounted for by the Sewing Department $24,0003) Finished Goods Department Cost of Units in Inventory, June 1 = $0Cost of Units Transferred in from Sewing Department $24,000Total Cost to Account for $24,000Less: Cost of Units in Inventory, June 30 (2,000 × $12) (24,000) Costs Accounted for by the Finished Goods Department $0Journal Entries: June 30 (a) Work in Process—Sewing 96,000Work in Process—Weaving 96,000 (b) Work in Process—Finished Goods 24,000Work in Process—Sewing 24,000(c) Cost of Goods Sold 132,000Work in Process—Finished Goods 132,000 (Sale of 2,000 units at $66 per unit).

To know more about Inventory visit:



Crane Company has the following information available for September 2020. Unit selling price of video game consoles $600 Unit variable costs $360 Total fixed costs $93,600 Units sold 600 (a) Compute the unit contribution margin. Unit contribution margin Prepare a CVP income statement that shows both total and per unit amounts. CRANE COMPANY CVP Income Statement Total $ $ $ $ Per Unit + (c) Compute Crane' break-even point in units. Break-even point in units eTextbook and Media units Prepare a CVP income statement for the break-even point that shows both total and per unit amounts. CRANE COMPANY CVP Income Statement Total Per Unit $ $ $ $


The unit contribution margin, Crane' break-even point in units will be 390 units.

(a) The unit contribution margin can be calculated as follows:

Unit Contribution Margin = Unit Selling Price - Unit Variable Costs

Unit Contribution Margin = $600 - $360 = $240

(b) CVP Income Statement:


CRANE COMPANY CVP Income Statement


Total Sales Revenue                  $360,000 (600 units * $600)

Total Variable Costs                 $216,000 (600 units * $360)


Contribution Margin                 $144,000

Total Fixed Costs                   $93,600


Net Income                         $ 50,400



Per Unit:


CRANE COMPANY CVP Income Statement (Per Unit)


Total Sales Revenue                  $600

Total Variable Costs                 $360


Contribution Margin                 $240

Total Fixed Costs                   $156


Net Income                         $ 84



(c) To compute the break-even point in units:

Break-even Point (in units) = Total Fixed Costs / Unit Contribution Margin

Break-even Point (in units) = $93,600 / $240 ≈ 390 units

(d) CVP Income Statement for Break-Even Point:


CRANE COMPANY CVP Income Statement (Break-Even Point)


Total Sales Revenue                  $234,000 (390 units * $600)

Total Variable Costs                 $140,400 (390 units * $360)


Contribution Margin                 $ 93,600

Total Fixed Costs                   $ 93,600


Net Income                         $      0



Per Unit:


CRANE COMPANY CVP Income Statement (Per Unit, Break-Even Point)


Total Sales Revenue                  $600

Total Variable Costs                 $360


Contribution Margin                 $240

Total Fixed Costs                   $240


Net Income                         $   0



Thus, the break-even point for Crane Company is approximately 390 units. At this point, the company's total contribution margin equals its total fixed costs, resulting in zero net income.

For more details regarding income statement, visit:



QUESTION 14 Which criteria are considered when deciding to use an quid pro quo strategy? (choose as many as apply) Need for communication efficiency Need for consensus-building All answers are correct The amount of information


The criteria considered when deciding to use a quid pro quo strategy include the need for communication efficiency, consensus-building, and the amount of information involved.


The need for communication efficiency arises when there is a requirement to exchange goods, services, or agreements promptly and effectively. This strategy allows for clear and direct communication, ensuring that both parties understand the terms and conditions of the exchange.

Consensus-building is another important criterion as it ensures that all parties involved are in agreement and have a shared understanding of the benefits and obligations of the exchange. This helps to establish a mutually beneficial relationship and promotes trust and cooperation.

Additionally, the amount of information involved plays a role in deciding whether to use a quid pro quo strategy. If there is a substantial amount of information to be exchanged or if the terms of the exchange are complex, a quid pro quo strategy can help streamline the process and ensure a fair and equitable exchange.

Overall, all of these criteria are considered when deciding to use a quid pro quo strategy, as they contribute to effective communication, consensus-building, and managing the exchange of valuable resources or agreements.

Learn more about strategy here:



The income statements for Arrow
Corporation for years ending December 31, 2021 and 2020 follow:
($ millions)
Sales revenue
Cost of sales


The income statement for Arrow Corporation shows sales revenue of $150,000 for the year ending December 31, 2021, and $100,000 for the year ending December 31, 2020. The cost of sales is reported as $100,000 for both years. The summary provides an overview of the revenue and cost figures for the two years.

The income statement summarizes a company's financial performance by showing the revenues earned and the expenses incurred during a specific period. In this case, Arrow Corporation's income statement indicates that the company generated sales revenue of $150,000 in 2021, representing an increase from the previous year's revenue of $100,000.

The cost of sales, also known as the cost of goods sold, represents the direct costs associated with producing the goods or services sold by the company. In this scenario, Arrow Corporation reported a cost of sales of $100,000 for both 2021 and 2020, indicating consistent expenses related to the production of goods.

By analyzing the income statement, stakeholders can assess the company's revenue growth, cost management, and overall profitability. The information provided in the income statement serves as a crucial tool for evaluating financial performance and making informed decisions regarding the company's operations.

To learn more about  cost of sales click here: brainly.com/question/28387717


A monopolist produces the good or with costs of c for each unit of x. The inverse demand function is given by p(x) = a - bx (with a, b > 0). a) The monopolist has to pay a tax t (with 0 < t < 1) on his profits. What is the monopolist's optimization problem? Calculate the profit maximizing price and quantity from the first-order conditions.


The monopolist's optimization problem is to find the quantity and price that maximize their profit after paying the tax. The first-order conditions are used to calculate the profit-maximizing price and quantity.

The monopolist's optimization problem is to maximize their profits, taking into account the tax on profits. To solve this, the monopolist needs to determine the price and quantity that will maximize their profits after paying the tax. The monopolist's profit function is given by π(x) = (p(x) - c) * x, where π(x) represents the profit, p(x) is the price as a function of quantity x, c is the cost per unit, and x is the quantity sold.

To incorporate the tax, the monopolist's profit after tax, denoted as π'(x), can be expressed as π(x) * (1 - t), where t is the tax rate. The first-order conditions involve maximizing the profit function with respect to x. Taking the derivative of the profit function with respect to x and setting it equal to zero gives the following condition: dπ(x)/dx = 0

=> (p(x) - c) + (dp(x)/dx) * x = 0

By substituting p(x) = a - bx into the above equation and solving for x, we can find the quantity that maximizes the profit. Then, plugging this value of x back into p(x) will give us the corresponding price.

LEARN MORE ABOUT optimization here: brainly.com/question/31913432


what sort of companies might employ a private company marketplace


A private company marketplace (PCM) is a digital platform that allows a company's employees to buy goods and services directly from pre-approved vendors.

A private company marketplace (PCM) is a digital platform that allows a company's employees to buy goods and services directly from pre-approved vendors. It is a type of digital procurement platform that streamlines the procurement process by automating it. PCM is a relatively new concept, but it is quickly gaining popularity in various industries.
The following types of companies might employ a private company marketplace:
1. Companies with a large workforce:
Companies with large numbers of employees have complex procurement procedures that can benefit from a PCM. A PCM streamlines the procurement process and ensures that employees get what they require with ease.
2. Companies with high turnover:
Companies with a high turnover rate need an efficient system to manage the procurement process. A PCM ensures that employees have access to goods and services from approved vendors at all times.
3. Companies with multiple locations:
Companies with multiple locations face significant challenges when it comes to procurement. A PCM provides a centralized platform to manage procurement across multiple locations.
4. Companies with a diverse range of products and services:
Companies that have a diverse range of products and services might employ a PCM to ensure that employees have access to the goods and services they need to perform their job.
In conclusion, companies that employ a private company marketplace are those that have a large workforce, high turnover rate, multiple locations, and a diverse range of products and services. A PCM streamlines the procurement process and ensures that employees have access to the goods and services they need from approved vendors.

To know more about private company marketplace visit: https://brainly.com/question/31387563


How to manage a hotel in Hungary?
write done your marketing plan with budget


To manage a hotel in Hungary, you will need to implement a comprehensive marketing plan with a well-detailed budget. Below are the steps to follow to develop your marketing plan with a budget:1. Conduct Market Re-search T he first step is to conduct a market research to identify the demand for hotel services in Hungary.

By carrying out a market analysis, you will be able to determine the size of the market and segment your target customers. You should also assess your competitors and their marketing strategies to get an idea of what works in the industry.2. Define Your Hotel Brand The next step is to define your hotel brand by creating a unique selling proposition (USP). Your USP should reflect your target customers' needs and differentiate your hotel from the competition.3. Develop a Marketing Mix After defining your USP, you can develop a marketing mix that includes product, price, place, and promotion.

In terms of product, you should focus on providing quality services that meet your customer's needs. For pricing, you should be competitive and fair to attract and retain customers. Your hotel's location is also an essential element of your marketing mix. You can use the place element to target customers who require specific services. Finally, promotion is crucial in marketing your hotel, and you should use various channels such as social media, online platforms, billboards, and radio to reach your target customers.4. Set Marketing Goals and ObjectivesTo determine your marketing budget, you need to set your marketing goals and objectives. The goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. Objectives may include increasing bookings by 20% in the next six months or increasing your website's traffic by 50% in three months.5. Allocate Your Marketing BudgetAfter setting your goals and objectives, allocate your marketing budget according to the most effective marketing channels. For instance, if online marketing is the most effective, allocate more funds to online advertising. A well-prepared marketing plan will help you achieve your business goals and attract more customers.

To know more about implement visit:



Given that the Bank of Ghana (BOG) has set a required requirement ratio of 10%, currency in circulation (C)= GHC700m, demand deposit (D) GHC1500m, excess reserve (ER)= GHC1.5m and money-supply (M1)=C+D=GHC2200m. i. Calculate the currency ratio
ii.Calculate the excess reserve ratio
iii. Calculate the money multiplier
b) Explain the theories behind the term structure of interest


excess reserve ratio = 0.1%

money multiplier =  3.14 To entice investors to hold longer-term bonds, higher interest rates are required.

i. the currency ratio can be calculated by dividing currency in circulation (c) by the money supply (m1):

currency ratio = c / m1 = ghc700m / ghc2200m = 0.3181 or 31.81%

ii. the excess reserve ratio can be calculated by dividing excess reserves (er) by demand deposits (d):

excess reserve ratio = er / d = ghc1.5m / ghc1500m = 0.001 or 0.1%

iii. the money multiplier can be calculated by dividing the money supply (m1) by the monetary base, which is the sum of currency in circulation (c) and total reserves (tr):

monetary base (mb) = c + tr = ghc700m + ghc1.5m = ghc701.5m

money multiplier = m1 / mb = ghc2200m / ghc701.5m ≈ 3.14

b) the term structure of interest refers to the relationship between the maturity or term length of debt instruments (such as bonds) and the corresponding interest rates. there are several theories that attempt to explain the term structure of interest:

1. expectations theory: this theory suggests that long-term interest rates are determined by the market's expectations of future short-term interest rates. if investors expect short-term interest rates to rise in the future, long-term interest rates will be higher to compensate for the perceived risk. conversely, if investors anticipate lower future short-term rates, long-term rates will be lower.

2. liquidity preference theory: according to this theory, investors prefer short-term bonds because they provide greater liquidity and flexibility. this theory takes into account the additional risk and uncertainty associated with longer-term investments.

3. market segmentation theory: this theory suggests that the bond market is segmented into different maturity sectors, and interest rates are determined by supply and demand within each segment. each maturity sector operates independently, and interest rates within each sector are driven by factors specific to that segment, such as supply-demand imbalances or regulatory requirements.

4. preferred habitat theory: building upon the market segmentation theory, this theory states that investors have preferred maturity "habitats" where they are more comfortable investing. however, they may be willing to move to other maturity sectors if they are compensated with a higher interest rate. this theory explains interest rate differentials between different maturity sectors.

these theories provide different perspectives on the relationship between interest rates and the maturity of debt instruments, and they are used by economists and investors to understand and predict changes in the term structure of interest rates.

Learn more about bond here:



A Broker representing a seller is reviewing a contract for sale. If the broker discovers that the buyer is signing as a corporation, he should take all of the following steps to ensure the validity of the contract EXCEPT
A.) Confirm that the corporation is in existence
B) get a personal guarantee of performance from the signer.
C.) obtain a power of attorney from his client to enable him to negotiate with authority.
D.) obtain a resolution of the board of directors that authorizes the signing of the contract.


A broker representing a seller who discovers that the buyer is signing as a corporation should take all necessary steps to ensure that the contract is valid

. These steps may include confirming the corporation's existence, obtaining a resolution from the board of directors, and obtaining a power of attorney. However, getting a personal guarantee of performance from the signer is not necessary.

When a buyer signs as a corporation, it is important for the broker to verify the validity of the corporation and ensure that the signatory has the authority to bind the corporation to the contract. The broker should confirm that the corporation is in existence and in good standing. In addition, the broker should obtain a resolution from the board of directors that authorizes the signing of the contract. This resolution should be in accordance with the corporation's bylaws and state law. The broker may also obtain a power of attorney to ensure that he or she has the authority to negotiate and sign on behalf of the corporation.

However, getting a personal guarantee of performance from the signer is not necessary as the corporation is a separate legal entity from the signatory. A personal guarantee is typically used when an individual, rather than a corporation, is signing the contract. Therefore, it is important for the broker to take all necessary steps to ensure that the contract is valid when the buyer is signing as a corporation.

To learn more about contract click brainly.com/question/32327870


how did the sarbanes oxley act impact corporations financial reports


The Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) of 2002 imposed stricter regulations and requirements on corporations, aiming to improve financial reporting and transparency. It increased accountability, strengthened internal controls, and introduced stricter auditing standards to enhance the accuracy and reliability of corporations' financial reports.

Transparency refers to the degree to which information, actions, and processes are open, accessible, and visible to stakeholders. In the context of business and governance, transparency is crucial for building trust, accountability, and ethical behavior. Transparent practices ensure that information about an organization's financial performance, decision-making processes, and potential conflicts of interest are readily available to shareholders, investors, employees, and the public. This includes clear and comprehensive financial reporting, disclosure of relevant information, and open communication channels. Transparent organizations are better positioned to foster credibility, attract investment, mitigate risks, and maintain positive relationships with stakeholders, ultimately contributing to long-term sustainability and success.

Learn more about Transparency here;



Thornton Corporation incurs the following annual fixed costs: Item Depreciation Officers' salaries Long-term lease Property taxes Cost $ 61,000 180,000 95,000 10,000 Required Determine the total fixed cost per unit of production, assuming that Thornton produces 6,000, 6,500, or 7,000 units. (Round your answers to 2 decimal places.) 6,000 6,500 7,000 Units Produced Fixed cost per unit


The fixed cost per unit of production is $57.67 when 6,000 units are produced, $53.23 when 6,500 units are produced, and $49.43 when 7,000 units are produced.

Fixed costs refer to the type of costs that don't vary according to production levels. On the other hand, variable costs change with the production volume. Fixed costs for a company would be costs such as property rent, property taxes, and insurance that would remain constant over a production period.

Thornton Corporation Inc. incurs the following annual fixed costs:

Depreciation - $ 61,000

Officers' salaries - $ 180,000

Long-term lease - $ 95,000

Property taxes - $ 10,000

Fixed cost per unit can be calculated as the total fixed cost divided by the number of units produced.

To determine the total fixed cost per unit of production, assuming that Thornton produces 6,000, 6,500, or 7,000 units, we need to divide the total fixed cost by the respective number of units produced.

Total fixed cost = Depreciation + Officers' salaries + Long-term lease + Property taxes= $ 61,000 + $ 180,000 + $ 95,000 + $ 10,000= $ 346,000

Fixed cost per unit when 6,000 units are produced = Total fixed cost / Number of units produced= $ 346,000 / 6,000= $ 57.67

Fixed cost per unit when 6,500 units are produced = Total fixed cost / Number of units produced= $ 346,000 / 6,500= $ 53.23

Fixed cost per unit when 7,000 units are produced = Total fixed cost / Number of units produced= $ 346,000 / 7,000= $ 49.43

Thus, the fixed cost per unit of production is $57.67 when 6,000 units are produced, $53.23 when 6,500 units are produced, and $49.43 when 7,000 units are produced.

To know more about Fixed costs visit:



There are 10 producers each with a cost curve C(q) = q?. The demand curve is given by D = 2000 – 10p. Each producer creates a MEC (marginal external cost) of $100 per unit produced. a) What is the competitive equilibrium quantity produced and consumed? b) What is the efficient quantity?


a) The competitive equilibrium quantity is found by setting the quantity supplied (10q) equal to the quantity demanded (2000 - 10p) and solving for q.

b) The efficient quantity is where the marginal social cost (MSC = C(q) + MEC) intersects with the demand curve (D = 2000 - 10p). Solving for q will give the efficient quantity.

In a competitive market, the quantity produced and consumed is determined by the interaction of supply and demand forces. In this scenario, there are 10 producers with a cost curve of C(q) = q? and a demand curve given by D = 2000 - 10p.

To find the competitive equilibrium quantity, we equate the quantity supplied by the producers (10q) with the quantity demanded by consumers (2000 - 10p). Solving this equation will give us the quantity at which supply equals demand, representing the competitive equilibrium quantity produced and consumed.

By substituting this equilibrium quantity into the demand curve equation, we can determine the corresponding price in the competitive market.

Learn more about competitive here;



Which of the following statements are TRUE?
I. An investor who pays no tax would be more likely to accept the view that high dividends increase stock values rather than the view that low dividends increase stock values.
II. corporation announces a large increase in its annual dividend, but its stock price declines. This could result from bird-in-the-hand theory.
III. Assume that the tax on dividends and the tax on capital gains is the same. All else equal, a prudent investor would prefer dividends because a dollar today is always worth more than a dollar to be received in the future.
IV. If John owns 5% of XYZ corporation before its 2 for 1 stock split, John will own 5% of XYZ corporation after the stock split as well


Among the given statements, statement II is TRUE. The other statements (I, III, and IV) are FALSE.

I. This statement is FALSE. An investor who pays no tax would not be more likely to accept the view that high dividends increase stock values. The perception of how dividends affect stock values is not solely determined by tax considerations but also by factors like the investor's risk preferences and market expectations.

II. This statement is TRUE. According to the bird-in-the-hand theory, investors value dividends more than potential capital gains. A large increase in annual dividends, which indicates higher current income, may not necessarily lead to an increase in stock price if investors value immediate cash flows (dividends) more than future capital gains.

III. This statement is FALSE. It is not universally true that a prudent investor would prefer dividends over capital gains. The preference depends on various factors, including the investor's investment objectives, time horizon, and tax considerations. Different investors may have different preferences regarding the timing and nature of cash flows.

IV. This statement is FALSE. In a 2-for-1 stock split, the number of shares owned by an investor doubles, but the ownership percentage remains the same. Therefore, if John owns 5% of XYZ corporation before the stock split, he would still own 5% of the corporation after the stock split.

Learn more about tax here : brainly.com/question/12611692


The labor market on Starkiller Base is described using the following supply and demand curves for labor: W = -1/15 Lᴰ + 400/15
W = 1/10 Lˢ + 10
Suppose there are 600 non-institutionalized adults in this economy. Question 9: If there is no minimum wage, how many people are unemployed in the neoclassical labor model?
Question 10 If the minimum wage is $22, how many people are hired on Starkiller Base?
Question 11 If the minimum wage is $22, what is the labor force participation rate? The answer is in percentage form, do not include % symbol.
Question 12 If the minimum wage is $22, what is the unemployment rate? The answer is in percentage form, do not include % symbol. Route to the nearest full percent. ie: 12.70 = 13


To answer the questions, if the minimum wage is $22, 120 people would be hired on Starkiller Base.without additional information on the labor supply and demand.

The supply curve for labor is represented by W = -1/15 Lᴰ + 400/15, where W is the wage rate and Lᴰ is the quantity of labor supplied.

The demand curve for labor is represented by W = 1/10 Lˢ + 10, where Lˢ is the quantity of labor demanded.

Question 9: If there is no minimum wage, how many people are unemployed in the neoclassical labor model?

To find the level of unemployment, we need to determine the equilibrium quantity of labor. This occurs when the quantity of labor demanded equals the quantity of labor supplied. We can set the supply and demand equations equal to each other:

-1/15 Lᴰ + 400/15 = 1/10 Lˢ + 10

Simplifying the equation:

-1/15 Lᴰ = 1/10 Lˢ - 1/3

To know more about supply click the link below:



Discuss the relationship between Risk and Return. 1 mark b) List the two (2) main sources of capital that big corporations use to finance their investments. 2 marks c) Discuss which source of capital is used MORE and WHY? 2 marks Question 3 4 marks Net Present Value (NPV). RAK Itd made an investment in Project A and expects the following estimated Net Cash inflows below for five (5) years. Use this information to answer the questions that follow: Project A Time 0 (10,000) 1 2,500 2 5,000 3 4,500 4 8,000 5 3,500 2 marks a) Calculate Net Present Value (NPV) of Project A, assuming the cost of capital is 10% per annum. b) Should RAK Ltd accept this Project? If YES, Why? If NO, why not? Assume an annual interest rate of 10% for all five (5) years. 2 marks


a) To calculate the Net Present Value (NPV) of Project A, we need to finance discount the net cash inflows to their present value and then subtract the initial investment.

Year 1: PV = 2,500 / (1 + 0.10)^1 = 2,272.73

Year 2: PV = 5,000 / (1 + 0.10)^2 = 4,132.23

Year 3: PV = 4,500 / (1 + 0.10)^3 = 3,401.35

Year 4: PV = 8,000 / (1 + 0.10)^4 = 5,386.94

Year 5: PV = 3,500 / (1 + 0.10)^5 = 2,058.32

Now we can calculate the NPV by summing up the present values and subtracting the initial investment: NPV = -10,000 + 2,272.73 + 4,132.23 + 3,401.35 + 5,386.94 + 2,058.32

= 7,251.57

Therefore, the Net Present Value (NPV) of Project A is 7,251.57.

b) To determine whether RAK Ltd should accept this project, we need to compare the NPV to zero. If the NPV is positive, it indicates that the project's returns are higher than the cost of capital, and the project should be accepted. If the NPV is negative, it means the project's returns are lower than the cost of capital, and the project should be rejected. In this case, since the NPV is positive (7,251.57), RAK Ltd should accept Project A. The positive NPV indicates that the project is expected to generate a return higher than the 10% cost of capital. By accepting the project, RAK Ltd can expect to create value for its shareholders.

Learn more about finance here : brainly.com/question/30502952

A business needs 80 cabinets, 250 tables, and 300 shelves cleaned out. He has two part-time employees Patrick and Andrew. Patrick can clean eleven cabinet, thirty one tables and forty selves in one day, while Andrew can clean ten cabinet, thirteen tables, and sixty two shelves in one day. Patrick is paid P628 per day and Andrew is paid P508 per day. In order to minimize the cost, how many days should Patrick and Andrew be employed? (Use: graphical method and simplex method) 2. JB is the director of the Computer Center for PUP. He now needs to schedule the staffing of the center. It is open from 8am til midnight. JB has monitored the usage of the center at various times of the day, and determined that the following number of computer consultants are required: Time of Day Minimum Number of Consultants Required to be on Duty 8am-12pm 8 12pm-4pm 4 6 4pm-8pm 8pm-12am 10 Two types of computer consultants can be hired: full-time and part-time. The full-time consultants work for 8 consecutive hours in any of the following shifts: morning(8am- 4pm), afternoon (12pm-8pm) and evening(4pm-12am). Full time consultants are paid Php 250 per hour. Part-time consultants can be hired to work any of the four shifts listed above. They are paid Php 200 per hour. An additional requirement is that during every time period, there must be at least 2 full-time consultation duty for every part-time consultant on duty. JB would like to determine how many full-time and how many part-time workers should work each shift to meet the above requirements at the minimum cost. (a) Formulate a LP model for this problem and use technology to get an optimal solution to this LP using simplex algorithm. (b) If we restrict variables to be natural numbers, find an optimal solution to this LP.


Using a software tool like Exc-el Solver or any other linear programming solver, we can solve this LP model to obtain the optimal solution that minimizes the cost while meeting the staffing requirements.

To solve the first problem using the graphical method, we can plot the constraints and objective function on a graph and identify the feasible region and optimal solution. Let's define the variables as follows:

x: Number of days Patrick is employed

y: Number of days Andrew is employed

Objective: Minimize the cost C = 628x + 508y

Subject to the following constraints:

11x + 10y >= 80 (cabinets constraint)

31x + 13y >= 250 (tables constraint)

40x + 62y >= 300 (shelves constraint)

x, y >= 0 (non-negativity constraints)

Plotting these constraints on a graph, we can find the feasible region and the corner points of the region. We evaluate the objective function at these corner points to find the optimal solution.

Using the simplex method:

Let's formulate the LP model for the second problem:

Decision Variables:

Let x1, x2, x3 be the number of full-time consultants for morning, afternoon, and evening shifts, respectively.

Let y1, y2, y3, y4 be the number of part-time consultants for each shift.

Objective Function:

Minimize the cost: C = (8x1 + 8x2 + 8x3) * 250 + (4y1 + 6y2 + 4y3 + 4y4) * 200


Subject to the following constraints:

Full-time consultants:

x1 >= 8 (morning shift)

x2 >= 4 (afternoon shift)

x3 >= 6 (evening shift)

Part-time consultants:

y1 + y2 >= 8 (morning shift)

y2 + y3 >= 4 (afternoon shift)

y3 + y4 >= 8 (evening shift)

y4 >= 10 (night shift)

Non-negativity constraints:

x1, x2, x3, y1, y2, y3, y4 >= 0

Learn more about employees here:-



The following items were taken from the financial statements of M. Wright Company. (All dollars are in thousands.) 5,500 Accumulated depreciation 1,000 (All dollars are in thousands.) Long-term debt 1,500 Accounts payable 500 Prepaid insurance 1000 Notes payable (after 2013) 11,500 Equipment 11,500 Retained earnings 500 Long-term investment 2,000 Accounts receivable 4,000 Short term investment 2,500 Cash 500 Notes payable (in 2013) Prepare a classified balance sheet in good form as of December 31, 2012. Q7) Total liability and shareholders' Q1) find the total current assets: a. 4,000. equity: a. 15,500 b. 4,500. b. 16,000 c. 9,000. c. 16,500 d. 11,500.


Based on the given information, the total current assets of M. Wright Company as of December 31, 2012, is $11,500. The correct answer is d) 11,500.

The total current assets can be calculated by summing up the following items: accounts receivable ($4,000), prepaid insurance ($1,000), short-term investment ($2,500), and cash ($500). Adding these amounts together gives a total of $11,500.

Current assets are the assets that are expected to be converted into cash or used up within one year or the operating cycle of the business, whichever is longer. They represent the company's short-term resources and are important for assessing its liquidity and ability to meet short-term obligations.

In this case, the total current assets of $11,500 indicate the value of M. Wright Company's short-term assets as of December 31, 2012.

Learn more about investment here : brainly.com/question/15105766


In terms of cross-cultural values, people in the United States
tend to have relatively high individualism, a medium
achievement-nurturing orientation, and medium power distance.
True or False


The statement is True. In terms of cross-cultural values, people in the United States tend to have relatively high individualism, a medium achievement-nurturing orientation, and medium power distance.

Orientation refers to the process of familiarizing individuals with their new environment, whether it be a workplace, educational institution, or any other setting. It typically involves providing information, guidance, and support to help individuals understand the expectations, policies, procedures, and culture of the organization or institution they are joining. Orientation programs aim to help new members integrate smoothly, adapt to their roles, and become productive contributors.

These programs may include introductions to key personnel, tours of the facility, training on specific tasks or systems, and the provision of relevant resources. Orientation plays a crucial role in facilitating the acclimatization process, reducing uncertainty and anxiety, and fostering a positive and inclusive atmosphere for newcomers.

To learn more about Orientation visit here:



When a manager uses a consult individually decision-making style, the manager seeks potential solutions from individual subordinates. makes the decision without any input. seeks potential solutions from individuals in a group setting. passes the responsibility for decision making on to subordinates. QUESTION 20 Isra manages the customer service department for her company. She has a hard time controlling her emotions and often threatens to fire her employees if they do not comply with her dermands. Isra's leadership style lacks and she relies on to manage her department. emotional intelligence; coercive power cognitive intelligence; referent power openness; expert power core self-evaluation; reward power QUESTION 21 describe how well the firm performed last year. describe the current financial health of the business, while Balance sheets; income statements Revenue budgets; solvency ratios Income statements; capital budgets Ratio analyses; balance sheets QUESTION 22 When firms in an industry produce more supply than is needed to meet demand, this is known as overcapacity. differentiation. commonization. industry concentration QUESTION 23 Six Sigma and quality circles are common features of total quality management. cost centers. behavioral controls. balanced scorecard. QUESTION 24 Designating formal reporting relationships and identifying the division of labor are elements describing the horizontal vertical parallel perpendicular framework of an organization's structure.


The manager who uses a consult individually decision-making style seeks potential solutions from individual subordinates. The answers received from the individuals are used by the manager to make decisions.

Consultative decision making style means consulting people in a group or individually, who may be affected by the decision taken, with an intention to obtain relevant information and ideas from them. The manager who uses a consult individually decision-making style seeks potential solutions from individual subordinates. The manager consults the individuals who might be affected by the decision made, to get information and ideas from them. These ideas help the manager to make better decisions. A consult individually decision-making style is quite effective when the manager needs to gather more information about specific issues.

The given question 21 requires the description of the current financial health of the business, while mentioning Balance sheets; income statements; Revenue budgets; solvency ratios; Income statements; capital budgets; Ratio analyses; balance sheets.Balance sheets: A balance sheet is a statement of the financial position of a business. It represents the financial health of the business as of a particular date. It consists of assets, liabilities, and shareholders' equity.Income statements: An income statement is a statement of financial performance that shows the financial results of the business for a given period. It represents the financial health of the business over a period of time. It consists of revenues, expenses, and net income.Revenue budgets: A revenue budget is an estimate of the income expected to be generated by the business during a particular period.Solvency ratios: A solvency ratio is a measure of the ability of the business to meet its long-term obligations. It indicates whether the business has enough assets to cover its long-term liabilities.

To know more about potential visit:



FBB Limited had sales in year O of $250,000 with cost of goods sold of $160,000 and depreciation
at $11,600. They have made projections for their sales for the next three years of $250,000,
$248,000 and $256,000. They believe their costs of goods sold will remain at the current level of
$160,000 p.a. with the same level of depreciation. The tax rate is 30% p.a, and is paid in the year of
income. The WACC for FBB's is 7%, tax is 30% and the long-run (assume perpetual) growth rate
after year three is 3%.
a) What are the cash flows for FBB's? b) What is the horizon value for FBB's? c) What is the value of FBB's?


a) The cash flows for FBB Limited can be calculated by subtracting the costs (including depreciation) and taxes from the sales revenue for each year. Assuming the tax is paid in the year of income, the cash flows are as follows:

Year O:

Sales: $250,000

Cost of Goods Sold: $160,000

Depreciation: $11,600

Taxable Income: $250,000 - $160,000 - $11,600 = $78,400

Tax: $78,400 * 30% = $23,520

Cash Flow: $250,000 - $160,000 - $11,600 - $23,520 = $54,880

Year 1:

Sales: $250,000

Cost of Goods Sold: $160,000

Depreciation: $11,600

Taxable Income: $250,000 - $160,000 - $11,600 = $78,400

Tax: $78,400 * 30% = $23,520

Cash Flow: $250,000 - $160,000 - $11,600 - $23,520 = $54,880

Year 2:

Sales: $248,000

Cost of Goods Sold: $160,000

Depreciation: $11,600

Taxable Income: $248,000 - $160,000 - $11,600 = $76,400

Tax: $76,400 * 30% = $22,920

Cash Flow: $248,000 - $160,000 - $11,600 - $22,920 = $53,480

Year 3:

Sales: $256,000

Cost of Goods Sold: $160,000

Depreciation: $11,600

Taxable Income: $256,000 - $160,000 - $11,600 = $84,400

Tax: $84,400 * 30% = $25,320

Cash Flow: $256,000 - $160,000 - $11,600 - $25,320 = $59,080

b) The horizon value for FBB Limited is calculated using the perpetuity formula, which considers the projected cash flow in the year after the last projected year and the long-run growth rate. In this case:

Horizon Value = (Cash Flow in Year 4) / (WACC - Growth Rate)

Assuming the cash flow in Year 4 is the same as Year 3 ($59,080), the calculation becomes:

Horizon Value = $59,080 / (7% - 3%) = $1,476,000

c) The value of FBB Limited can be calculated by discounting the cash flows and the horizon value back to their present value using the WACC. The value is the sum of the present values of the cash flows and the horizon value:Value = Present Value of Cash Flows + Present Value of Horizon Value

To calculate the present value, we divide the cash flows and horizon value by (1 + WACC)^n, where n is the number of years from the current year. Then we sum up these present values.

Value = [($54,880 / (1 + 7%)^0) + ($54,880 / (1 + 7%)^1) + ($53,480 / (1 + 7%)^2) + ($59,080 / (1 + 7%)^3)] + [$1,476,000 / (1 + 7%)^3]

After performing the calculations, the value of FBB Limited can be determined.

LEARN MORE ABOUT revenue here: brainly.com/question/27325673


With a history of over 70 years of development and 16 manufacturing plants around the world, Tupperware has achieved the Guinness World Record for the greatest design of the 20th century with the Reddot Creative Design Award, Top Best Company in America, Top Admirable Company in the Id,...; famous for specialized products of food storage and preservation, are products from raw plastics, high-end, long-term use, repeated use. Tupperware has been officially present in Vietnam since 2016. Currently, Tupperware Vietnam has three main product lines: Tup product line specializing in water containers with diverse colors and sizes; Home service product line provides food storage solutions for kitchen shelves, freezers, and refrigerator compartments; Cooking class series provides food processing solutions with smart and environmentally friendly products.


Tupperware Vietnam has three main product lines that include Tup product line specializing in water containers with diverse colors and sizes, Home service product line provides food storage solutions for kitchen shelves, freezers, and refrigerator compartments, and Cooking class series provides food processing solutions with smart and environmentally friendly products.

Tupperware is a Top Admirable Company that has a history of over 70 years of development and has achieved the Guinness World Record for the greatest design of the 20th century. It has also won the Reddot Creative Design Award. It is famous for specialized products of food storage and preservation. Tupperware products are made from raw plastics and are high-end, long-term use, and repeated use.Tupperware has been officially present in Vietnam since 2016. Tupperware Vietnam has three main product lines: Tup product line specializing in water containers with diverse colors and sizes; Home service product line provides food storage solutions for kitchen shelves, freezers, and refrigerator compartments; Cooking class series provides food processing solutions with smart and environmentally friendly products.Tupperware has 16 manufacturing plants around the world and specializes in food storage and preservation products made of raw plastics that are high-end, long-term use, and repeated use. It is famous for specialized products of food storage and preservation.

To know more about Tupperware Vietnam visit:



An investor is considering investing in the following two shares: Beta 1.4 Fortress PLC Castle PLC 0.5 (a) If the return on Treasury Bills is 5% and the market risk premium is 10%, what is the expected return of a portfolio made up of 40% Fortress shares (4 marks) and 60% Castle shares? (b) Explain Beta in the context of the CAPM and explain what the Betas for (4 marks) Fortress and Castle shares imply about those shares. (c) Shares in Empire PLC have a Beta of 0.9 and are estimated to have an expected return of 16%. Given the information in part (a), are Empire shares correctly priced according to the CAM? Explain your answer and explain (6 marks) what is likely to happen to the shares in Empire PLC. (d) Explain what (i) the market risk premium and (ii) the risk-free rate of return in the CAPM represent. (4 marks) (e) Explain why it is difficult to empirically test the CAPM.


a.) the weights are 0.4 for Security A and 0.6 for Security B. (b) Fortress is expected to have a higher return than Castle to compensate investors for the additional risk. (c)  If the market is efficient, this will lead to an increase in the price of Empire shares until they reach their equilibrium level. (d) In the context of the CAPM, it is usually represented by the yield on short-term Treasury Bills. (e) It is difficult to empirically test the CAPM because it relies on a number of assumptions that may not hold in the real world.

a. The calculation for the expected return on the portfolio made up of 40% Fortress shares and 60% Castle shares can be made using the following formula:Expected Return on Portfolio = Expected Return on Security A x Weight of Security A + Expected Return on Security B x Weight of Security B where Security A is Fortress PLC with an expected return of 18.4% (1.05 x 0.10 + 1.4 x 0.10), Security B is Castle PLC with an expected return of 7.5% (1.05 x 0.10 + 0.5 x 0.10), and the weights are 0.4 for Security A and 0.6 for Security B. Plugging in the values we get:Expected Return on Portfolio = 18.4% x 0.4 + 7.5% x 0.6= 11.56%

b. Beta is a measure of a stock's volatility in relation to the overall market. In the context of the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), Beta is used as a measure of systematic risk. The Betas for Fortress and Castle shares imply that Fortress is more risky than Castle because it has a higher Beta. This means that Fortress has a higher volatility in relation to the overall market. Thus, Fortress is expected to have a higher return than Castle to compensate investors for the additional risk.

c. The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) states that the expected return on a security is equal to the risk-free rate plus the security's Beta multiplied by the market risk premium. Using this formula, we can calculate the expected return on Empire PLC as follows:Expected Return on Empire PLC = 5% + 0.9 x 10% = 14%As we can see, the expected return on Empire PLC is 2% higher than the estimated expected return of 16%. According to the CAPM, this means that Empire shares are underpriced, and investors can earn a return higher than the expected return of 16% by investing in Empire shares. If the market is efficient, this will lead to an increase in the price of Empire shares until they reach their equilibrium level.

d. The market risk premium is the difference between the expected return on the market portfolio and the risk-free rate of return. It represents the extra return that investors demand for taking on risk. The risk-free rate of return represents the return that an investor would earn on an investment that has zero risk. In the context of the CAPM, it is usually represented by the yield on short-term Treasury Bills.

e. It is difficult to empirically test the CAPM because it relies on a number of assumptions that may not hold in the real world. These assumptions include the assumption of rational investors, efficient markets, and the validity of the historical data used to estimate the Betas. In addition, there are other factors that may affect the returns of a security, such as company-specific events, that are not captured by the CAPM. As a result, it is difficult to conclusively test whether the CAPM accurately predicts stock returns in the real world.

To know more about CAPM visit:



in what way does absenteeism result in a direct cost to a business?


Absenteeism in the workplace can result in direct costs for a business in several ways:

1. Loss of productivity: When employees are absent, their work tasks and responsibilities are either left undone or need to be reassigned to other employees. This can lead to a decrease in overall productivity and efficiency, as well as potential delays in projects or tasks.

2. Overtime or replacement costs: In order to compensate for absent employees and maintain required staffing levels, businesses may need to incur additional costs. This can include paying overtime to other employees to cover the workload or hiring temporary or substitute workers, which often come at a higher cost than regular employees.

3. Reduced customer service and satisfaction: Absenteeism can impact customer service levels, especially if employees directly interact with customers. When key personnel are absent, it can result in longer wait times, delays in service, and a decline in customer satisfaction, potentially leading to lost business and negative word-of-mouth.

4. Increased training and onboarding expenses: If absenteeism becomes a recurring issue or if employees are absent for extended periods, businesses may need to invest in training and onboarding new employees to fill the gaps. This incurs additional costs for recruitment, hiring, and training processes.

5. Health insurance and benefit costs: In some cases, absenteeism may be due to employee illness or health-related issues. Businesses may bear the cost of providing health insurance and benefits to cover medical expenses and support employees during their absence.

Overall, absenteeism directly affects a business's bottom line by reducing productivity, increasing costs, impacting customer service, and requiring additional resources to manage and mitigate the effects of absenteeism.

Learn more about Loss of productivity here:



Which of the following statements about the cash method of
accounting is false?
Under the cash method, annual taxable income equals annual net
cash inflow.
The revenue from a s


The false statement about the cash method of accounting is "Under the cash method, annual taxable income equals annual net cash inflow."

In the cash method of accounting, revenue is recognized when cash is received, and expenses are recognized when cash is paid. This means that the timing of cash inflows and outflows determines when revenue and expenses are recognized for tax purposes. However, it does not necessarily reflect the true profitability or financial performance of a business.

Under the cash method, taxable income is calculated by subtracting cash expenses from cash revenue. It does not consider non-cash items such as accounts receivable, accounts payable, or depreciation. As a result, the cash method may not accurately represent the financial position or performance of a business over a given period. Therefore, it is important to carefully consider the limitations and implications of using the cash method of accounting for tax purposes.

Learn more about Accounting : brainly.com/question/31320373


Correlation = 0.2 Z-score for Y = -1.56 What is the prediction of the z-score for X?


To predict the z-score for X based on the given correlation of 0.2 and the z-score for Y (-1.56), we need additional information such as the correlation between X and Y and the standard deviation of both X and Y. Without this information, we cannot directly determine the z-score for X.

The correlation coefficient measures the strength and direction of the linear relationship between two variables. In this case, a correlation of 0.2 suggests a weak positive linear relationship between X and Y. However, the z-score for Y (-1.56) does not provide sufficient information to estimate the z-score for X.

To make predictions about the z-score for X, we would need to know the correlation between X and Y and the standard deviations of both X and Y. With these values, we could use statistical techniques such as linear regression to estimate the z-score for X based on the z-score for Y.

Therefore, without additional information, it is not possible to accurately predict the z-score for X based solely on the given correlation and the z-score for Y.

To know more about standard deviations  click this link-



the estimated overhead cost per unit of the allocation base is the:____


The estimated overhead cost per unit of the allocation base is the predetermined overhead rate. Predetermined Overhead Rate

To allocate overhead costs to products, companies use a predetermined overhead rate, which is calculated by dividing the estimated total overhead costs by the estimated activity level of the allocation base. The predetermined overhead rate is then applied to each unit of the allocation base to determine the amount of overhead cost allocated to each product.

The predetermined overhead rate is calculated by dividing the total estimated overhead costs by the total estimated units of the allocation base. This rate is used to allocate overhead costs to products or services based on their usage of the allocation base, such as direct labor hours, machine hours, or other relevant measures.

To know more about overhead cost visit:


Q25 give correct answer in 10 mins i will thumb up
QUESTION 25 El Toro Manufacturing Inc declared a 25% share dividend when it had 200,000 ordinary shares (€5 par value) outstanding. The market price per share was €8 on the declaration date. The e


To calculate the amount of the share dividend and the retained earnings reduction, we can follow these steps:

Determine the number of new shares issued:

Number of new shares = Number of existing shares * Share dividend percentage

Number of new shares = 200,000 * 25% = 50,000 shares

Calculate the market value of the new shares:

Market value of new shares = Number of new shares * Market price per share

Market value of new shares = 50,000 * €8 = €400,000

Calculate the par value of the new shares:

Par value of new shares = Par value per share * Number of new shares

Par value of new shares = €5 * 50,000 = €250,000

Calculate the retained earnings reduction:

Retained earnings reduction = Market value of new shares - Par value of new shares

Retained earnings reduction = €400,000 - €250,000 = €150,000

Therefore, El Toro Manufacturing Inc's share dividend will result in a retained earnings reduction of €150,000.

To know more about share dividend click this link -



What is the price of a bond with the following information? It is 1.5 years until expiration. The coupon rate is 6 percent and coupon payments are made once per year. The market rate of return is 8.6 percent. The bond has a face value of 1000 SEK (Answers are rounded to integers) a) 111 b) 994 c) 941 d) 920 e) 1075


The price of the bond is 897 SEK (rounded to the nearest integer).Option (c) 941 is the correct answer.

Given data:Time to maturity (n) = 1.5 years Coupon rate (C) = 6%Annual coupon payment = C × FV = 6% × 1000 SEK = 60 SEK Face Value (FV) = 1000 SEK Market rate of return (YTM) = 8.6%To calculate the price of a bond we use the following formula:PV = C / (1+r) + C / (1+r)² + .... + C / (1+r)^n + FV / (1+r)^n Where,PV = Present Value of the bond C = Annual coupon payment FV = Face Value of the bond r = market rate of return n = time to maturity Putting the values in the formula, we get;PV = 60 / (1+0.086) + 60 / (1+0.086)² + 60 / (1+0.086)³ + 1000 / (1+0.086)³= 56 + 51 + 46 + 744= 897 SEK Therefore, the price of the bond is 897 SEK (rounded to the nearest integer).Option (c) 941 is the correct answer.

To know more about SEK visit:



Option d) 920. Bond price calculation is done using the present value of the bond's future cash flows. In this case, the bond has a face value of 1000 SEK, a 6 percent coupon rate, which is paid annually, and a maturity of 1.5 years.

The market rate of return is 8.6 percent. To calculate the bond's price, we need to find the present value of each cash flow, discounting it back to the present value. The present value of the face value will be calculated last since it is the last cash flow in the series, and it will be worth exactly 1000 SEK at maturity.

To find the present value of the bond, we can use the following formula:

PV = (C / (1 + r)^1) + (C / (1 + r)^2) + ... + (C + FV / (1 + r)^n)

where PV is the present value of the bond, C is the annual coupon payment, FV is the face value of the bond, r is the market interest rate, and n is the number of years until maturity.

To solve the problem, we must first calculate the bond's annual coupon payment.

Coupon = Coupon rate × Face value

Coupon = 6% × 1000 SEK

Coupon = 60 SEK

The bond has a 1.5-year time to maturity, and the coupon payments are made annually. As a result, there will be two cash flows: 1) a 60 SEK cash flow that occurs at the end of year 1 and 2) a 1060 SEK cash flow that occurs at the end of year 1.5.

Present value of the cash flow at the end of year 1:

PV1 = 60 SEK / (1 + 8.6%)^1PV1 = 55.14 SEK

Present value of the cash flow at the end of year 1.5:

PV2 = (60 SEK + 1000 SEK) / (1 + 8.6%)^1.5PV2 = 864.47 SEK

Now we can find the bond's price by adding the present values of the two cash flows.

PV = 55.14 SEK + 864.47 SEK

PV = 919.61 SEK

We must round our answer to the nearest integer, giving us an answer of 920 SEK. Therefore, option d) 920 is the correct answer.

Learn more about market rate of return: https://brainly.com/question/28526971


If GDP is $400 billion, depreciation is $100 billion, and net factor income from the rest of the world is -$60 billion, then net national product is a. $440 billion. Ob. $240 billion. Oc. $300 billion. O d. $360 billion.


To calculate net national product (NNP), we need to subtract depreciation from gross domestic product (GDP) and add net factor income from the rest of the world. The correct answer is $240 billion and hence the option b.

Given GDP of $400 billion, depreciation of $100 billion, and net factor income from the rest of the world of -$60 billion, the net national product can be determined.

Net national product (NNP) is obtained by subtracting depreciation from GDP and adding net factor income from the rest of the world.

Given that GDP is $400 billion and depreciation is $100 billion, we subtract $100 billion from $400 billion to get a net domestic product of $300 billion.

Next, we need to consider net factor income from the rest of the world. If the net factor income from the rest of the world is -$60 billion, we add this amount to the net domestic product.

Adding -$60 billion to $300 billion gives us a net national product of $240 billion.

Therefore, the correct answer is option b: $240 billion. This represents the net national product after accounting for depreciation and net factor income from the rest of the world.

Learn more about Net national product here :



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