Every actress has to audition before they get the party


Answer 1

Yeah, this could be the case if actress is newly recruited or is seeking growth.

This is a simple sentence if we speak about grammatical part. In every career, the growth comes after struggle. So, this could the case here too.

The use of grammar is appropriate in the sentence. Typically, an actress have to go through certain interviews and rounds, it may be two, three or more. Determination is what can get through this struggle phase.

Read more about actress and party,


Related Questions

Children should study computer science in
elementary school. "It has become crucial to hold at
least a basic understanding of how the devices that
play such a large role in modern life actually work."
Strong Source Information
and a Strong Reporting Verb
A Weak Reporting Verb
Weak Source Information
No Source Information or
Reporting Verb


This is a no source information or reporting verb. Option D is correct.

There are many different types of reporting verb in the English language. Two of the most common are say (said) and tell (told). We often use the verb “say” to describe what someone said to us or what we said to them.

For example, ‘agreed’ and ‘conceded’ both mean ‘agreed to’, are followed by that clause, and are weak verbs, so they both have the same overall meaning, usage, and strength. These are examples of a weak reporting verb. There are also some reporting verbs that are primarily used to describe what the writer is doing and not doing. These are called ‘neutral’ reporting verbs because they don’t imply any value judgment on the writer’s part.

To learn more about reporting verb, refer to the link:



Number of voters 1 9 4 7 3 6
1st choice D A B C D B
2nd choice B C C D A D
3rd choice A B A A B C
4th choice C D D B C A

Find the Borda Count for Candidate B. Use the count that assigns 1 point to last place.

Count =

Question HelpQuestion 4: Video1Message Message instructor
Submit QuestionQuestion 4


To calculate the Borda Count for Candidate B, we assign points based on the rankings given by the voters. The candidate ranked first receives n-1 points, the candidate ranked second receives n-2 points, and so on, where n is the total number of candidates. Lastly, the candidate ranked last receives 1 point.

Given the rankings:

1st choice: D A B C D B
2nd choice: B C C D A D
3rd choice: A B A A B C
4th choice: C D D B C A

We have 6 voters, so the Borda Count for Candidate B can be calculated as follows:

For the 1st choice, Candidate B receives 6-3 = 3 points (3 voters ranked B in first place).
For the 2nd choice, Candidate B receives 6-3 = 3 points (3 voters ranked B in second place).
For the 3rd choice, Candidate B receives 6-2 = 4 points (2 voters ranked B in third place).
For the 4th choice, Candidate B receives 1 point (1 voter ranked B in fourth place).

Therefore, the Borda Count for Candidate B is 3 + 3 + 4 + 1 = 11 points.

Stink the incredible shrinking kid summary, the main idea, and what is your message



"Stink: The Incredible Shrinking Kid" is a captivating children's book by Megan McDonald, beautifully illustrated by Peter H. Reynolds. Join Stink Moody, the little brother of Judy Moody, on an extraordinary adventure!

The story revolves around Stink, a second-grader who suddenly starts shrinking. Not only is he already small for his age, but now he's getting even smaller! Stink finds himself facing a whole new set of challenges due to his diminishing size. Everyday tasks become daunting as he struggles to reach things and deals with classmates who tease him.

In his quest to stop shrinking and return to his regular size, Stink embarks on an exciting journey. He delves into scientific experiments, seeks advice from loved ones and friends, and discovers the power of acceptance and embracing one's uniqueness.

The main idea of "Stink: The Incredible Shrinking Kid" is to encourage self-acceptance and resilience. Stink's shrinking size serves as a metaphor for feeling small or inadequate, reminding us that our worth isn't determined by our physical stature. The book imparts a valuable lesson about embracing individuality, recognizing our strengths, and approaching challenges with a positive mindset.

The message I take from "Stink: The Incredible Shrinking Kid" is that regardless of our size or outward appearance, embracing our uniqueness, facing challenges with resilience, and believing in our own abilities are key to personal growth and success, highlighting the importance of self-acceptance and celebrating our individual qualities while fostering a positive attitude, seeking creative solutions, and surrounding ourselves with supportive loved ones and friends who uplift and guide us along the way.

Hope this helps :)

Question 9: Paragraph Coherency

Directions: Arrange the sentences below into a coherent paragraph. Select the most coherent restructured order.

Scrambled Sentences:

(1) When it was being constructed in the early 1970s, its windows began cracking and falling to the ground.

(2) Eventually, the cracking was blamed on the windows' rigid, double-paned glass.

(3) Single-pane windows were installed, and the plywood building crystallized into a shining jewel.

(4) The Hancock Tower in Boston is a thin, mirror-glass slab that rises almost eight hundred feet.

(5) They were replaced with plywood until the problem could be found and solved.


The most restructured is 4,1,2,5,3. The most coherent restructured is 4,1,2,5,3, as  coherent paragraph is a group of related sentences that flow logically and smoothly, 

The correct order of Restructured Order is, 

(4) The Hancock Tower in Boston is a thin, mirror-glass slab that rises almost eight hundred feet.

(1) When it is being constructed in the early 1970s, its window began cracking and falling to the ground.

(2) Evntually, the cracking was blamed on the windows' rigid, double-paned glass.

(5) Thy were replaced with plywood until the problem could be found and solved.

(3) Single-pane window were installed, and the plywood building crystallised into a shining jewel.

The most coherent restructured order is:

(4) The Hancock Tower in Boston is a thin, miror-glass slab that rises almost eight hundred feet. (1) When it was being constructed in the early 1970s, its windows began cracking and falling to the ground. (2) Eventually, the cracking was blamed on the windows' rigid, double-paned glass. (5) They were replaced with plywood until the problem could be found and solved. (3) Sigle-pane windows were installed, and the plywood building crystallized into a shining jewel.

Learn more about paragraph here.



write a story that ends with I came out from the office with tears all over my face​


Answer: I walked inside of my office, and a few moments later my boss calls me. I went inside of his office and he talks to me about errors I've been making while working. "After so many mistakes and after many warnings I have no choice but to fire you." My boss said, I walked out from with tears all over my face.

use an appropriate words to complete the inversions in the following sentences.
a) No Sooner ....... the firemen exting. wished one forest fire than another started
b) Never before......... I been so petrific as when I did a parachute jump.
c) I suspect that only much later from now .......... we find out the cause of the explosion.
d)little....... we know at the moment where the ability to clone human might lead.
e)Under no circumstances....... passenger permitted to smoke on the flight.​



a) No sooner had the firemen extinguished one forest fire than another started.

b) Never before had I been so petrified as when I did a parachute jump.

c) I suspect that only much later from now will we find out the cause of the explosion.

d) Little do we know at the moment where the ability to clone humans might lead.

e) Under no circumstances are passengers permitted to smoke on the flight.

O Circle the definition that matches the word used in the sentence below.
de spair
1. v. To lose hope
2. v. To be overcome by a sense of defeat
3. n. A total lack of hope
The despair in Evelyn's eyes told him that the situation was worse than he feared.


The definition that matches the word "despair" used in the sentence is,

A total lack of hope.

A state of deep grief, hopelessness, or discouragement is referred to as despair. It is a profound sense of failure or loss that is frequently accompanied by the conviction that nothing will change for the better.

A person experiencing despair could feel helpless and overtaken by unfavourable feelings.

Personal problems, substantial losses, traumatic events, chronic sickness, or the perception of having no options or answers can all serve as triggers for despair. It is a strong emotional state that has the potential to impact both a person's mental and physical health.

Learn more about hopelessness here:



rewrite using pronouns
please give britney the ball that belongs to britney​


By using pronouns the sentence will be please give the ball as it belongs to her.

A pronoun was a word that replaces a noun or noun phrase. Pronouns refer to either a previously mentioned noun or a noun that does not need to be specifically named.

Personal pronouns, that refer to the person or people who speak or write (first person), the person and people being spoken to (second person), or other people as well as things (third person), are the most common. Personal pronouns, like nouns, can be either the subject or the object of a verb or preposition:

Learn more about pronoun, here:



What type of sentence is this?

Ashton wants to learn to play the guitar. (4 points)



The sentence "Ashton wants to learn to play the guitar" is a simple sentence.

Ashton wants to learn how to play the guitar, which is a straightforward phrase.

An independent clause, usually referred to as a simple sentence, has a subject and a predicate and represents a complete notion. Ashton is the subject and "wants to learn to play the guitar" is the predicate in this sentence.

It is a simple phrase since there are no subordinating conjunctions or coordinating conjunctions to link the many independent clauses.

To know more about independent clauses:



rearrange: At some to deposit he was money the given



Given the words, "At some to deposit he was money the given," it looks like they need to be rearranged in a proper sentence structure.

A possible rearrangement could be: "He was given some money to deposit at some point."

He was given some money to deposit at the bank.

Kindly Heart and 5 Star this answer and especially don't forgot to BRAINLIEST, thanks!

Para-linguistic features (voice, gestures and non-verbal cues), if omitted, can harm the crux of your intended communication. Express your ideas in favor or against this hypothesis in a creative manner


The expression of my ideas without the use of Para-linguistic features is:

My Expression

In a world where words danced alone, devoid of gestures and melody,

Meanings would hide beneath the surface, lost in a silent symphony.

Voice, the conductor of emotions, and gestures, their dancers in flight,

Entwine with words, crafting a vivid tapestry of shared insight.

Non-verbal cues, like brushstrokes on a canvas, add depth and hue,

Subtle nuances that amplify messages, creating a connection true.

For in this realm of communication, the missing puzzle piece,

Without para-linguistic features, understanding finds no release.

So let us embrace the harmony, where words and expressions entwine,

For only then can the crux of communication truly align.

Read more about hypothesis here:



Question 1:
1.1 Discuss the different language teaching approaches as set out in CAPS. In your discussion, indicate
which teaching approach(es) would, in your opinion, be suitable for the teaching of the content:
"Reads a story" as stipulated in the table for Grade 4, term 1, week 1-2. Explain how you would
use this approach when teaching "Reads a story".
1.2 Find a poem suitable for any Intermediate Phase grade and copy and paste, scan, or type it into
your assignment.
1.2.1 Discuss how you will integrate the four language skills in the teaching of the poem. In your
discussion, include the following:

A brief discussion of each language skill
• An indication of the activities that will cover the different language skills during the lesson
For this question the four language skills should be incorporated in between the pre-reading.
during-reading and post-reading stages.


1.1 Discuss the different language teaching approaches set out in CAPS. In your discussion, indicate which teaching approach(s) would, in your opinion, be suitable for the teaching of the content: "Read a story" as stipulated in the table for Grade 4, term 1, week 1-2. Explain how you would use this approach when teaching "Read a story". (10)

In the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS), there are various language teaching approaches to teach different content. When teaching the content "Read a story" to Grade 4 students, one suitable approach is the Whole Language Approach.

The Whole Language Approach focuses on the integration of reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills in a meaningful context. It emphasizes the importance of authentic and engaging texts, such as stories, to develop students' language skills. When teaching "Read a story" using this approach, the following steps can be taken:

Pre-reading: Begin by introducing the story to the students, building their interest and background knowledge. Discuss the title, cover, and illustrations. Activate prior knowledge related to the story topic. Encourage students to make predictions about the content and engage in a brief discussion.

During reading: Read the story aloud to the students or have them read it silently. Encourage active participation by asking comprehension questions, discussing key vocabulary, and promoting critical thinking. Use strategies like think-aloud, visualization, and connections to enhance comprehension and engagement.

Post-reading: After reading the story, facilitate a discussion to understand and address any questions or confusion. Encourage students to share their thoughts, feelings, and opinions about the story. Engage them in activities such as retelling the story, identifying the main ideas, summarizing, or creating illustrations related to the story.

The Whole Language Approach allows students to immerse themselves in authentic language experiences, fostering a love of reading, and developing their language skills holistically. It encourages meaningful interactions with texts and promotes language acquisition through exposure, engagement, and purposeful communication.

1.2 Find a poem suitable for any Intermediate Phase grade and copy and paste, scan, or type it into your assignment.

Sure! Here's a poem suitable for Intermediate Phase grades:

Title: "The River"

The river flows like a sparkling stream, reflecting the sunlight's golden gleam. It twists and turns, meanders free, carving its path through land and trees.

The water rushes, a joyful sound, creating ripples as it's unbound. There is an air of history, secrets, and tales yet to be told.

Beneath the surface, life's hidden deep. In the river's embrace, creatures creep. With a playful dance, fish and frogs find solace in this vast expanse of water.

The river nurtures us, brings life, it sustains nature, and it calms strife. Protecting the river, for me, and you, is a gift we can cherish forever.

1.2.1 Discuss how you will integrate the four language skills into the poem teaching. In your discussion, include the following: • A brief discussion of each language skill • An indication of the activities that will cover the different language skills during the lesson For this question, the four language skills should be incorporated between the pre-reading, during-reading, and post-reading stages. (10)

To integrate the four language skills (reading, writing, speaking, and listening) when teaching the poem "The River," the following activities can be incorporated into the lesson:


Reading comprehension: Before reading the poem, engage students in a

Is the word in bold an adjective
or an adverb?
Minerva McGonagall
never finishes her
cans of soda.


In the sentence "Minerva McGonagall never finishes her cans of soda," the word "never" is an adverb.

In order to offer information regarding the method in which an event or situation is described, as well as its duration, frequency, degree, and scope, adverbs are often employed to characterize verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs.

In this statement, the word "never" modifies the verb "finishes" and indicates how frequently Minerva McGonagall does the duty. That demonstrates that she never finishes the soda cans' contents. As a result, "never" functions as an adverb in this phrase.

To know more about adverbs:



Match these items. Match the Items in the left column to the items in the right column.
1. equilibrium point
2. equilibrium price
3. excess demand
4. excess supply
price at which quantity supplied
equals quantity demanded
more demand than needed
more supply than needed
point at which the supply and
demand curves intersect


1. Equilibrium point – Demand curves intersect.

2. Equilibrium price – Price at which quantity supplied equals quantity demanded.

3. Excess demand – More supply than needed.

4. Excess supply – More supply than needed.

1. Equilibrium point: In economics, an equilibrium point refers to a state where the supply and demand for a particular good or service are balanced.

2. Equilibrium price: The equilibrium price is the price at which the quantity demanded of a product or service matches the quantity supplied in the market.

3. Excess demand: Excess demand, also known as a shortage, occurs when the quantity demanded of a product exceeds the quantity supplied at the prevailing price.

4. Excess supply: Excess supply, also known as a surplus, occurs when the quantity supplied of a product exceeds the quantity demanded at the prevailing price.

Thus, both excess demand and excess supply represent imbalances in the market. While excess demand indicates that consumers are willing to buy more than what is available, excess supply indicates that producers are supplying more than what consumers are willing to purchase.

Know more about equilibrium:



How does the speaker convey what it means to be an immigrant in America?


Depending on their perspective and personal experiences, speakers may communicate the immigrant experience differently.

The context of the question is missing os teh answer is written in a generalizing manner.

The speaker could talk about their own experience as an immigrant, stressing their journey, difficulties, and triumphs. They may offer personal knowledge of the immigrant experience and the difficulties of adjusting to a new nation by sharing their stories.

To arouse empathy and understanding, the speaker may employ emotive language, tales, or narrative tactics. They may highlight the bravery, tenacity, and sacrifices that immigrants frequently undertake in order to provide a better life for their families.

Learn more about immigrants, here:



L 3.2.3 Quiz: Understand Divided Loyalties
Question 4 of 10
Which situation is an example of internal conflict?


The president cannot make up his mind about running for reelection is an example of internal conflict. The correct option is B.

Thus, the president can't decide whether to seek for reelection. This hypothetical situation illustrates the internal conflict the president is having about whether to seek reelection.

The president's own ideas, feelings, and concerns about the possible outcomes, personal goals, and the effect on their legacy are what are at odds. Indecisiveness is a clear example of internal conflict since it includes a character's internal battle rather than external events or barriers. It displays the inner anguish and competing wants the president wrestles with.

Thus, the ideal selection is option B.

Learn more about internal conflict here:



Which situation is an example of internal conflict?

a. the chef is given praise for his meal

b. the president can not make up his mind about running for reelection

c. The solider tries to hide from enemy

d. the children are trapped in a snowstorm

3. Show how the length of day changes with latitude by plotting the following points. Use the
table below as a graph and place an X in the box where you want to plot a data point. For
example, if you find that a day is 10 hours long at 30° N latitude, represent this data with an X
in the box where 10 hours meets 30 degrees. (You may use a graphing program like Excel if
you prefer.)
Hours of daylight
Winter solstice
Hours of daylight
Summer solstice


The table shows winter and summer solstice daylight hours. Each set lasts 24 hours at the highest latitude and 4 hours at the lowest.

A graph using latitude values on the y-axis and daylight hours on the x-axis would plot the points. Find the hour of daylight for each latitude value in the table and mark a "X" in the box.

If the winter solstice has 10 hours of daylight at 30° N latitude, select the row and mark a "X" in the box where 10 hours intersects 30°.

Plotting these points shows how latitude affects day length during the winter and summer solstices.

Learn more about summer solstice, here:



13. Use appropriate words to show emphasis.
a. Nosooner.............the fireman extinguished forest fire than another started.
b. Rarely..............anyone have witnessed such amazing sight.
c. Only by luck.... ......... I find my lost watch. d. Never before............. I been lucky in my life have witnessed such amazing sight. e. Little....she know about the rules and regulations of the office when she joined the office.

16. Provide a single word to each of the given statement.
a. The narrower middle part of the human figure.....
b. Look at but not to buy goods.........
c. One of the curved bones that protect the lungs.
d. Someone who is always shopping..
e. Argue over the price of something....

17. Use the appropriate phrasal verbs to complete the following sentences.
a. We were very happy at the end of the day because our plan worked......well.
b. The prime minister held..... .......his hands to each member of the winning team.
c. It is better to set..... ..early if we want to reach soon.
d. Our culture is based.......... orientalism.
e. I wanted to speed ..........my car because I did not have much time then. ​


Don’t know some but will help as much as I can…
13b- has
-c did
-e did
B- browse
C- ribs
E- Haggle/ Bargain

3. What is ironic about the words in the inscription on the statue (Line 11)? * 1 point
a. They are the words of someone other than Ozymandias.
b. They are the words of a humble king yet the statue is "colossal."
c. They are the words of a rich and powerful king yet the statue and surrounding
kingdom are in ruin.
d. They are the words of the speaker, who was told about the inscription by the


The irony about the words in the inscription on the statue (Line 11) is they are the words of a humble king yet the statue is "colossal."

The correct answer to the given question is option B.

The statue of Ozymandias is in ruins, despite the fact that it was once a "colossal" representation of a "king of kings." The irony of the words in the inscription on the statue is that they contradict the current condition of the statue, which is a ruin.

Despite the fact that the statue of Ozymandias is in ruins, the inscription on the base of the statue boasts about Ozymandias's power and wealth.The inscription on the statue is written by Ozymandias himself, boasting about his power and dominance over the land and people.

The inscription says, "My name is Ozymandias, king of kings; Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" The inscription suggests that Ozymandias was a great ruler who had a great kingdom, but this is now contradicted by the fact that his statue lies in ruins in the desert.

The statue and the surrounding kingdom are in ruins, despite the fact that they were once grand. The inscription on the statue is ironic because it suggests that Ozymandias was a powerful and wealthy king who had a great kingdom, but this is now contradicted by the fact that his statue lies in ruins in the desert.

Despite the fact that Ozymandias was a powerful king, his legacy has been destroyed by the ravages of time, leaving behind only the ruins of his once-great kingdom.

For more such questions on colossal, click on:



Which of these sentences is written correctly?
OA. Those kids tiring us out by wanting to run and played every five seconds, and that was only when they weren't bounced off the
OB. Those kids tires us out by wanting to run and playing every five seconds, and that was only when they weren' bouncing off the
OC. Those kids tired us out by wanting to run and play every five seconds, and that was only when they weren't bouncing off the walls!
OD. Those kids tired us out by wanting to running and playing every five seconds, and that was only when they weren't bouncing off the



oc is correct answer I think that

Which line of text shows characteristics of a script?

Washington: The time for bravery is now. [Exhaling deeply] We must cross.
General George Washington led his troops across the Delaware River.
George Washington said, “We must cross the Delaware River tonight.”
Despite the winter weather, George Washington insisted crossing the river.


The line of text that shows characteristics of a script is: Washington: The time for bravery is now. [Exhaling deeply] We must cross.

Which line of text exhibits characteristics of a script?

The line that demonstrates characteristics of a script is: "Washington: The time for bravery is now. [Exhaling deeply] We must cross." This line resembles a script because it includes dialogue in quotation marks, indicating that it is spoken by a specific character.

Its provides clear instruction or direction for the characters involved suggesting a scripted scene or sequence of events. The use of quotation marks and the mention of the character's name also align with the formatting conventions commonly found in scripts for plays, films or other performance mediums.

Read more about script



put the verb in correct order. drive/you/it/me/can/speed/when/you/slowly?/nervous/makes



What is the main benefit group members are getting by
interacting with each other in this way?
O They are able to focus on the task at hand.
O They are learning share in discussions equally.
O They are being given a chance to use active
O They are learning from each other by sharing
multiple perspectives.



Work together


Because it's important or get knowledge about something else

how does the theme 'fear' come full circle at the end of the alchemist


Paulo Coelho's book "The Alchemist" concludes with the protagonist, Santiago, conquering his fears and recognizing the life-changing potency of pursuing one's aspirations, thereby bringing the theme of fear back to its origin.

How is the theme of fear used in the book by Paulo Coelho?

While pursuing his Personal Legend, Santiago battles with his emotions of anxiety, ambiguity, and hesitation.

The transformation that can occur when one embraces their fears and takes brave steps toward self-discovery is exemplified by the resolution of his fear.

Thus, we can see how fear manifests itself in the book through Santiago and becomes a theme.

Read more about themes here:



in what ways does the authors use of figurative language contribute to her centrel idea in sea stars by barbra hurd


In "Sea Stars" by Barbara Hurd, the author's use of figurative language serves to reinforce the central idea of the poem, which is the beauty and resilience of sea stars. Hurd employs vivid imagery, such as "the knobs of their legs" and "the knobs of their eyes," to bring the sea stars to life in the reader's imagination.

Additionally, Hurd uses metaphors and similes to describe the sea stars, comparing them to "small miracles" and "sunflowers." These comparisons emphasize the sea stars' ability to thrive and persevere in their harsh ocean environment.

The use of personification, such as describing the sea stars as "grasping" and "reaching," further reinforces their tenacity and resilience. Overall, the author's use of figurative language in "Sea Stars" serves to enhance the poem's central theme and leave a lasting impression on the reader.

For more questions on: poem



What is the conflict in the story of the witch by edilberto tiempo


Winnie has difficulty. She lives in a black home with all-black furnishings, fixtures, walls, and flooring.

Wilbur, Winnie's black cat, covers his eyes while sleeping so Winnie can't see him and steps on him. She decides to alter Wilbur's fur color to make him stand out more as her answer. Edilberto Tiempo's "The Witch" is a reflection on the tendency of individuals, in this case, rural Filipinos, to follow the crowd, regardless of whether or not a certain idea is hypothetical.

The American author Shirley Jackson wrote a short tale titled "The Witch." The narrative, which is only a few pages long and has a very simple premise, describes how a mother rides the train.

Learn more about the conflict in the story here:



Change Indirect Speech.
"Can we stop at the next village?"
She asked me ........... ​



She asked me if we could stop at the next village


question sentences in direct speech changes to either if or whether.

Select the three adverbs.
Scarlett silently crept downstairs, inspected the contents of the refrigerator, and
discovered some previously forgotten leftovers.


The three adverbs are: Silently, previously, and some.

What are adverbs?

Adverbs are parts of speech that can be used to show the way and manner that something happened. In the sentence above, there are three adverbs that we can easily identify. Silently shows the quiet manner in which Scarlett crept downstairs.

Also, the word previously is an adverb that tells of the last time that the leftovers were forgotten. Finally, some is an adverb that indicates the quantity of the leftovers. The three adverbs are some, previosuly and silently.

Learn more about adverbs here:



How did the ski troops prove themselves to military commanders?


During World War II, ski troops were primarily utilized by the United States Army's 10th Mountain Division in the Italian Campaign. The mountainous terrain and harsh winter conditions of the Italian Alps made it difficult for traditional infantry to navigate and launch attacks. Ski troops, however, were specially trained to operate in these conditions, utilizing their skis and snowshoes to move quickly and silently through the snow.

The ski troops proved their worth to military commanders through their successful missions and contributions to the war effort. In particular, the 10th Mountain Division played a crucial role in the Battle of Riva Ridge, a strategic point held by the Germans.

The ski troops were able to climb the steep mountain slopes undetected and launch a surprise attack on the German positions, ultimately capturing Riva Ridge. This victory was a turning point in the Italian Campaign and demonstrated the effectiveness of ski troops in mountain warfare.

Additionally, the 10th Mountain Division played a key role in the capture of the Italian cities of Verona and Bolzano, further proving their value to military commanders. Overall, the ski troops' specialized training and abilities in mountain warfare proved themselves to be a valuable asset to the military commanders in World War II.

For more questions on: World War II



What does it mean spatial awareness in early childhood education?


The ability to comprehend and make use of their immediate environment is referred to as spatial awareness in early childhood education. It is the capacity to comprehend how things fit into their surroundings and interact with one another.

Children should work on developing this ability since it will help them comprehend and securely navigate their world. Several activities may be used to increase spatial awareness. Playing with puzzles or blocks, for instance, teaches kids about size, form, and how things go together.

Children can better learn spatial concepts such as distance and orientation by playing games like tag or hopscotch. Moreover, allowing kids the chance to explore their environment  through activities like neighbourhood walks or participation in the outdoor activities.

Learn more about  environment   at:



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Which of the following is true regarding parties who make mutualmistakes of law?The contract becomes null and nonbinding on the parties.One of the parties can annul the contract stating that it is Is there one universal way for a multinational company to motivate employees around the world to exert maximum effort and be accountable for their results? Further, is there one universal way to motivate scientists, salespeople, and other professionals? Please explain. Between the EFE matrix and Competitive profile matrix,which one do you think would be more effective within anorganization? What made you choose this answer? ery TestWhat is the solution of this equation?1-3+4z = 1Enter the correct answer. For each of the following studies, the samples were given an experimental treatment and the researchers compared their results to the general population. Assume all populations are normally distributed. For each, carry out a Z test using the five steps of hypothesis testing for a two-tailed test at the .01 level and make a drawing of the distribution involved. Advanced topic: Figure the 99% confidence interval for each study. A researcher wants to know the average number of hours college students spend outside of class working on schoolwork a week. They found from a SRS of 1000 students, the associated 95% confidence interval was (10.5 hours, 12.5 hours).a. What is the parameter of interest?b. What is the point estimate for the parameter? Think of at least one security concern in the country assigned to you and come up with a policy recommendation on how the ASEAN (and your country) can respond to it. You are free to choose between traditional and non traditional (transborder, transnational) security threats.Include in your output the following:1. Discussion of the security concern explain why it is a threat and to who and what exactly. You may discuss more than one, but please be mindful of the time limit (25 pts)2. Policy recommendation basic stipulations/contents of the policy and actors involved/ to be tapped on/ bodies to be called on or created (25 pts) "Newton Company currently produces and sells 6,000 units of a product that has a contribution margin of $5 per unit. The company vells me product for a sales price of $18 per unit. Fored costs are $16,000. The company is considering investing in new technology that would decrease the variable cost per unit to $10 per unit and double total fixed costs. The company expects the new technology to increase production and sales to 16,000 units of product. What sales price would have to be charged to earn a $80,000 target profit assuming the Investment in technology is made? 16:32 pped Multiple Choice o $17 o $ o $18" Check all the statements that apply to the Second millennium BCE. a.There were no diplomatic relations between the various states and/or empires. b. Western Asia was divided into small, petty states. c. Vast empires emerged in western Asia and Africa. 8. Name two sets of vectors that could be used to span the xy-plane in R. Show how the vectors (-1, 2, 0) and (3, 4, 0) could each be written as a linear combination of the vectors you have chosen. Mathew Philp, president of North Idaho Mining Ltd., has made budgets a major focus for managers. Making budgets was such an important goal that the only two managers who had missed their budgets in 20X7 (by 2% and 4%, respectively) had been summarily fired. This caused all managers to be wary when setting their 20X8 budgets.The Red Mountain division of North Idaho Mining had the following results for 20X7:Sales, 1.6 million pounds at $.95/ pound$1,520,000Variable costs880,000Fixed costs, primarily depreciation450,000Pretax profit190,000Molly Stark, general manager of Red Mountain, received a memo from Philp that contained the following:"We expect your profit for 20X8 to be at least $209,000. Prepare a budget showing how you plan to accomplish this."Stark was concerned because the market had recently softened. Here market research staff forecast that sales would be at or below the 20X7 level, and prices would likely be between $0.92 and $0.94 per pound. Her manufacturing manager reported that most of the fixed costs were committed and there were few efficiencies to be gained in the variable costs. He indicated that perhaps a 2% savings in variable costs might be achievable, but certainly no more.Prepare a budget for Stark to submit to headquarters. Identify some dilemmas she faces in preparing this budget.Comment on problems you see in the budgeting process at North Idaho Mining.Suppose Stark submitted a budget showing a $209,000 profit. It is now late in 20X8 and she has had a good year. Despite an industry-wide decline in sales, Red Mountain's sales matched last year's 1.6 million pounds, and the average price per pound was $0.945, nearly at last year's level and well above that forecast. Variable costs were cut by 2% through extensive efforts. Still, profit projections were more than $9,000 below budget. Stark was concerned for her job so she approached the controller and requested that depreciation schedules be changed. By extending the lives of some equipment for 2 years, depreciation in 20X8 would be reduced by $15,000. Estimating the economic lives of equipment is difficult, and it would be hard to prove that the old lives were better than the new proposed lives. What should the controller do? What ethical issues does this proposal raise? Suppose that f(x) is a function with f(20) = 345 and f' (20) = 6. Estimate f(22). Find the critical points of the function f(x, y) = x + y - 4zy and classify them to be local maximum, local minimum and saddle points. .Artwork #1: 1. artwork image (2" x2"): 2. Title: The Curtain 3. Artist: Edgar Degas 4. Media: pastel over charcoal and monotype on laid paper mounted on board 5. approximate size: 29x 33.3 cm (11 7/16 x 13 1/8 inches) Paragraph for Artwork #1: (what drew you to or you found interesting about the artwork (why selected); relate the artwork to the course you are studying; comment on the elements of art and principles of design as well as the overall composition;) A football team consists of 10 each freshmen and sophomores, 19 juniors, and 15 seniors. Four players are selected at random to serve as captains. Find the probability of the following. Use a graphing calculator and round the answer to six decimal places. Part 1 All 4 are seniors. P(4 seniors) = part 2 There are 1 each: freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior. P(1 of each) = Part 3 There are 2 sophomores and 2 freshmen. P(2 sophomores, 2 freshmen) = Part 4 At least 1 of the students is a senior. P( at least 1 of the students is a senior) what is the marginal cost of expanding production from 1 units to 2 units? Factory rent $ 28,800 19, 800 Company advertising Wages paid to laborers 84,900 Depreciation for president's vehicle 8,090 Indirect production labor 1,960 Utilities for factory 31,900 Production supervisor's salary 31,000 President's salary 60, 100 Direct materials used 34,500 Sales commissions 7,670 Factory insurance. 12,500 Depreciation on factory equipment 26,000 Required: 1. Calculate the direct labor cost for Wonderway. 2. Calculate the manufacturing overhead cost for Wonderway. 3. Calculate the prime cost for Wonderway. 4. Calculate the conversion cost for Wonderway. 5. Calculate the total manufacturing cost for Wonderway. 6. Calculate the period expenses for Wonderway. 1. Direct Labor Cost 2 Manufacturing Overhead 3. Prime Cost 4 Conversion Cost 5. Total Manufacturing Cost 6. Period Expenses OK ant ences For each of the following independent cases (A through E), compute the missing values in the table: Case Prime Cost Conversion Cost Direct Materials Direct Manufacturing Overhead Total Manufacturing Cost Labor A $ 1,150 $ 3,700 B 6,930 3,060 9,480 D 1,930 3,010 5,960 E 6,840 11,660 11,630 7,990 20,700 2,170 $ 2,140 1,490 3,480 2 2. Name three conditions for recycling to sustainably contribute to reducing the environmental footprint of a disposable single-use product or packaging. Answer here Given that tracking can impact students' perceptigh of their abilities, what is the likely consequence of a bright low-income student being placed in acollege track?OA. That student would believe that they were smart, and college was attainable.OB. That student would not do well because they would not be with their friends.OC. That student would do well but not as well as if private school were an option.O D.That student would do well only if it were it a school with mainly low-income students. Q When you ask entity staff for a process description and you are provided with a process flow diagram, what would be your next step? Select the three responses. Ignore it and create your own process flow diagram to comply with the existing audit documentation and requirements of AAM. Read it and try to understand the flow of the process, seeking clarification with entity staff as necessary before using it as the basis for audit documentation. File the process flow diagram as audit documentation of the business process. Create a narrative to describe what you learned from the process flow diagram. Identify control activities in the process flow diagram that may not be documented in the process description of the client Read it and try to understand the flow of the process, seeking clarification with e as necessary before using it as the basis for audit documentation. File the process flow diagram as audit documentation of the business process. Create a narrative to describe what you learned from the process flow diagram. Identify control activities in the process flow diagram that may not be documented process description of the client Add Audit specific Elements to the process description of the client