Here is your goal for this assignment:

Compose an essay using the skills you have learned in this course

Write an essay of at least 300 words on the topic "What Makes a Good Christian?" Brainstorm as many ideas as you can. Hint: you should have eight or ten ideas listed. Some of these words may be qualities such as faith, love, or joy; others may be examples of behavior. Organize the ideas from your brainstorming.

1. Be sure your ideas have a logical sequence.
2. Be sure your essay has an introduction, body, and conclusion.
3. Be sure you use complete sentences.
4. Check your rough draft by the checklist for essay writing.
5. Make changes in the essay where necessary.
6. Proofread your essay.


Answer 1

The essay below is titled what makes a good Christian

Title: What Makes a Good Christian?


Being a good Christian is not just about adhering to a set of religious practices but encompasses living a life that reflects the teachings of Jesus Christ. It involves embodying certain qualities and behaviors that exemplify one's faith. In this essay, we will explore several key elements that contribute to what makes a good Christian.


I. Faith and Belief:

A good Christian is rooted in a strong and unwavering faith in God. They trust in His love, guidance, and divine plan.They believe in the teachings of Jesus Christ, the importance of salvation, and the power of prayer.

II. Love and Compassion:

A good Christian displays genuine love and compassion towards others, following Jesus' commandment to love their neighbor as themselves.They show empathy, kindness, and forgiveness, treating others with respect and dignity.

III. Integrity and Honesty:

A good Christian upholds moral values and demonstrates integrity in their words and actions.They are honest, truthful, and trustworthy, honoring their commitments and treating others fairly.

IV. Humility and Servanthood:

A good Christian practices humility, recognizing their own limitations and acknowledging God's sovereignty.They serve others selflessly, following Jesus' example of serving and ministering to those in need.

V. Gratitude and Thankfulness:

A good Christian cultivates a spirit of gratitude, acknowledging God's blessings and expressing thankfulness for His grace and provisions.They maintain a positive attitude, even amidst challenges, by focusing on the blessings they have received.

VI. Generosity and Stewardship:

A good Christian understands that all they have belongs to God and practices responsible stewardship of their resources.They are generous in sharing their time, talents, and treasures to help those in need and support the work of the church.

VII. Obedience and Discipleship:

A good Christian strives to obey God's commandments and follows Jesus' teachings as a disciple.They seek to align their thoughts, words, and actions with biblical principles and strive for personal growth and spiritual maturity.


In conclusion, being a good Christian involves more than just attending church or engaging in religious rituals. It encompasses embodying qualities such as faith, love, integrity, humility, and gratitude. It entails serving others, practicing stewardship, and living a life of obedience and discipleship. By striving to embody these characteristics, individuals can grow closer to God and become true ambassadors of the Christian faith.

Read mroe on Christian faith here


Related Questions

Think about the energy that was needed to form the wave in the pool. Where did the energy come from?



Waves transmit energy, not water, and are commonly caused by the wind as it blows across the ocean, lakes, and rivers. Waves caused by the gravitational pull of the moon and the sun are called tides. The ebb and flow of waves and tides are the life force of our world ocean

What term best describes the kind of government the United States has?​


Answer: The United States is a representative democracy. This means that our government is elected by citizens.

could I get a like

The United States is a representative democracy. This means that the government is elected by citizens.

A democracy is a system of government in which the populace has the power to decide laws and elect representatives to carry it out.

Demokratie, which can be translated as "power of the people," is a form of government that is based on popular will. The word democracy is derived from the Greek words "demos," which means "people," and "kratos," which means "power."

Democracy offers a setting where fundamental freedoms and human rights are upheld, and where the people's freely expressed will is carried out. People can influence decisions and hold decision-makers responsible. Men and women enjoy equal rights, and discrimination is not permitted.

Learn more about Democracy here:


The President is chosen by winning:
1.The popular vote
2.The votes of a majority of congressional representatives and senators
3.The Electoral College
4.A 1500-meter race​


Answer: The popular vote is how the president is chosen.


Technically The electoral college is how a president gets allected to run but that is not how they are chosen to be president.

Hope this helps :)

Please vote me the brainlist

If we are the leading figure on Democracy in the world, why do so many Americans distrust our Political Process?


There are a few reasons why so many Americans may distrust the political process. One issue is the two main political parties, which have become increasingly polarized in their beliefs and practice of politics. This can lead to a divide among the electorate who feel like their voices are not being heard and their views are not represented. Additionally, concerns of special-interest groups and campaign finance laws, as well as issues of gerrymandering, can make the political process seem unbalanced and unfair. Finally, certain politicians or administrations that have caused or been a part of political scandal can cast a shadow of distrust over the process as a whole.

There are a few reasons why so many Americans may distrust the political process. One issue is the two main political parties, which have become increasingly polarized in their beliefs and practice of politics. This can lead to a divide among the electorate who feel like their voices are not being heard and their views are not represented.

Politics is a category of activities that are related to group decision-making or other types of power dynamics between people, such as the allocation of resources or status. Political science is the name of the area of social science that focuses on politics and governance.

The word "politics" is used to describe how nations are run and how laws and rules are made by governments to effectively regulate human society. Additionally, politics can be observed in organizations like businesses, clubs, schools, and churches.

Learn more about Politics here:


Which of the following generalizations is
supported by the graphs?
A. Profits are greatest when prices are low.
B. Profits are influenced by the relationship
between price and demand.
C. Profits increase when the price of a product
D. Demand for a product cannot be predicted
from its price.


The generalization that is supported   by the graphs is "Profits increase when the price of a  product increases."

 How is this so ?

The generalization that "Profits increase when the price of a product increases" is supported by the graphs   because they show a positive correlation between price and profit. As the price of the product increases,the profit alsoincreases.

This can be   observed through the upward trend in the profit graph as the price increases. The graphs provide empirical evidence  that higher prices lead to higher profits, supporting the generalization.

Learn more about Profit at:


Which part of the Constitution could help a researcher learn more about the similarities between the executive and legislative branches of the U.S. federal government?​



The answer to your question is in Article 6.

Directions: Read the quote
box below.
"Gentlemen, we must speak more loudly and more honestly! We must say openly
that indeed the higher races have a right over the lower races.... I repeat, that
the superior races have a right because they have a duty. They have the duty to
Jules Ferry on March 28, 1884 C.E.
civilize the inferior races..."


In the quote, Jules Ferry's ethnocentric views expressed in this statement are highly controversial and unacceptable in today's society.

Why are Jules Ferry's ethnocentric views considered controversial?

Jules Ferry's assertion that "the higher races have a right over the lower races" and that the superior races have a duty to exercise their dominance is ethnocentric and inherently discriminatory.

Such views promote a hierarchy among races suggesting that some races are inherently superior and have the right to subjugate others. In contemporary times, these ideas are widely rejected as they go against the principles of equality, human rights and cultural diversity.

Read more about Jules Ferry


Describe the legislative process that the Civil Rights Bill went through? What were sticking points? Who opposed it? Who supported it?


The civil rights bill that went through the legislative process in the US Congress was the Civil Rights Act of 1964. It was signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson on July 2, 1964. The process was a long and challenging one. This bill aimed to end discrimination based on race, color, religion, or national origin and guarantee equal voting rights.

It was the most significant civil rights legislation since the Reconstruction period following the Civil War. The bill went through several revisions before it was passed by both houses of Congress. The process of getting the bill through was an intense one, and the sticking points were immense.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was introduced in Congress by President Kennedy in 1963, but it faced strong opposition in both houses. Southern Democrats in Congress were its most vocal opponents. They used parliamentary procedures to prevent the bill from reaching a vote, and a 75-day filibuster ensued. However, civil rights supporters like Martin Luther King Jr. and other civil rights activists, as well as a few liberal Republicans and Democrats, continued to fight for its passage.

Ultimately, a bipartisan coalition of northern and western Democrats and Republicans pushed the bill forward. On June 19, 1964, the Senate passed the bill, and on July 2, 1964, it was signed into law by President Johnson. This legislation had a significant impact on American society, as it led to a new era of civil rights reform that would continue for the next several decades. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was a historic achievement that ended legal segregation and discrimination against African Americans and other minority groups.

Know more about  Reconstruction period here:


The legislative branch consists of:
1.The president and the House of Representatives
2.The Supreme Court
3.The mayors of the most populous cities in each state
4.The Senate and the House of Representatives​


4) The senate and the House of Representatives


The legislative branch of government, as described in Article I of the US Constitution, consisting of the House of Representatives and Senate. Primarily responsible for making laws. Legislature. a group of people who have the power to make laws.

Answer: The Senate and the House of Representatives

Explanation: Because the president and the house belong to the executive branch, the supreme court is the judicial branch and the third option doesn't even make sense.

Hope this helps :)

Please mark me as the brainlist. Please.

What is prohibited in a command economy? Select two answers.

the control of prices and income levels
the rationing of manufactured goods
the personal ownership of property
the influence of consumer demand
the intervention of the government


The personal ownership of property and the influence of consumer demand is prohibited in a command economy. The correct options are C and D.

The means of production, resources, and important industries are frequently owned and under the authority of the government in a command economy. It is restricted or forbidden for people to possess property personally, particularly in large-scale companies or important areas. Due to the central planning and management of economic activity by the government, consumer demand and choices have little impact on decisions about production.

Thus, the ideal selections are options C and D.

Learn more about the command economy here:


Answer: the answer is c and d

What was the main purpose of the Open Door policy?


These Open Door Notes aimed to secure international agreement to the U.S. policy of promoting equal opportunity for international trade and commerce in China, and respect for China's administrative and territorial integrity.

What was the name of the uprising against colonialism in India?
OA. The Hindustan Mutiny
B. The Indian Civil War
C. The Sepoy Rebellion
D. The Mau Mau Revolt


Answer: C


Katherine used a colon incorrectly in this sentence: My dog gives me: the things I need the most like love, companionship, and loyalty. Which sentence corrects Nico's colon mistake? • My dog: gives me the things I need the most like love, companionship, and loyalty. • My dog gives me the things I need the most: Love, companionship, and loyalty. • My dog gives me the things I need the most like love, companionship, and: loyalty. • My dog gives me the things I need the most: love, companionship, and loyalty.


My dog gives me the things I need the most: love, companionship, and loyalty.

The country of blank forced the Dutch to surrender their town.



the Duke of York


Not 100% sure tho

how was final solution an Example in Euginics in action?​


Eugenics, the scientifically flawed and immoral doctrine of "planned breeding" and "racial improvement," sprang to prominence in the early 20th century. Eugenicists around the world held the belief that genetics and heredity could be used to improve human beings and eradicate alleged social evils.

A fringe group of ideas and practises known as eugenics seek to enhance the genetic makeup of the human population. In the past, eugenicists have attempted to change human gene pools by removing individuals who were deemed inferior and elevating those who were deemed superior.

Francis Galton, a Darwin relative who advocated for society to support marriage, invented the word "eugenics" in 1883.

Learn more about Eugenics here:


Help need it asap please


When dangerous compounds are present in the air that might impair both the environment and human health, this is referred to as air pollution. A variety of tactics are needed to combat air pollution.

Car exhaust, using gas stoves without vents or with problems, and living in locations with heavy traffic are all sources of carbon monoxide.

Inhaling lead dust, drinking tainted water, or touching surfaces that have been polluted with the metal are all sources of Lead

Nitrogen Oxide exhales from  Inhaling exhaust from moving vehicles, living or working close to busy streets, and using gas-powered machinery disturb human health.

Ozone comes from Exposure to chemical solvents or industrial pollutants while breathing in ozone-rich air, especially in metropolitan areas.

Learn more about Air pollution, here:


Colonial assemblies were established A. only in the New England colonies. B. in colonies with 10,000 people. C. only in royal colonies. D. in all thirteen colonies.


Colonial assemblies were established in all thirteen colonies. The correct option is D

Assemblies that had the power of passing laws, levying taxes, and controlling the spending of the state, Colonial assemblies were e representative bodies that were elected by the colonists. These assemblies were a crucial part of colonial control & played a major role in the American Revolution.

Virginia witnessed the establishment of the first colonial assembly in 1619. It was known as the House of Burgesses. Standing up to the meaning of its name, The House of Burgesses had only 1 chamber. Just like all the other Colonial assemblies, the members of the House of Burgesses were elected by the Colonists themselves.

Following the Virginian example, other colonies soon established their own Colonial Assemblies. They went by different names in different states like the General Court in Massachusetts, the Provincial Assembly in Pennsylvania, etc. The Assemblies were vital & necessary to check on the power of the royal governors & follow up with an impeachment proceeding for the same if violated. They were also a platform for colonists to voice their Grievances.

These Assemblies played a vital role in the American Revolution as they used to raise troops and money for the war effort & were also the first to declare independence from Great Britain. They were Legislative centers post War that looked after the state.

To know more about Colonial Assemblies:


Social Reform
In complete sentences of your own words, create a blog post that teaches society about the reform movement you chose. The blog post should be at least one paragraph.
Use this template to organize your blog post. This template is for you to record the facts. For this, you may use bullet points. You will then take the information you record on page one to write your blog post in complete sentences on page two.
Social Reform Blog Post
Reform Topic
Catchy Title
What was the problem?
Who was involved in addressing the problem?
What was done to reform societv?
Does the problem still exist today?
One example of something (law, organization. institution.
etc.) that exists today because of the reform movement of the 1800s
One image representing Add an image here and provide the link where vou found it. the reform movement and its goals

Now, use the information you have recorded above to write your blog post. Use the template that is provided below.
Place your title here


The blog post has been created in the spacethat we have below

Reform Topic: Women's Suffrage Movement

Catchy Title: "Empowered Petals: The Women's March towards Equality"

What was the problem? For centuries, women had limited rights and were not allowed to vote. They faced systemic discrimination and were denied many basic rights, including the right to education and employment.

Who was involved in addressing the problem? Activists like Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and many others spearheaded the Women's Suffrage Movement in the 1800s.

What was done to reform society? The suffragettes organized rallies, wrote petitions, and lobbied for women's rights. They demanded that women be treated as equals in society and be given the right to vote.

Does the problem still exist today? While progress has been made and women now have the right to vote in many countries, there is still a long way to go in achieving full gender equality. Inequalities persist in many areas such as pay gap, reproductive rights, and representation in politics and business.

Read more on Blogs here:


1. Answer the Collabralive
Discussion only 38
Discuss which Jacob Riis's
Tone is toward his subject. What inference
can you make about what Ris thinks should
be done to improw living conditions in the


Jacob Riis's had an empathetic tone towards his subjects and he believed that the living conditions in the cities were in a deplorable state.

Who ws Jacob Riis?

Jacob Riis was a journalist whow as concerened about the awful conditions that people lived in in New York City. He used his work on photojournalism to depict the bad state that people ahd to endure.

In one of his quotes he was seen exclaiming that read was dear to many but the flesh and blood of people were cheap. So, the poor were being down trodden andhe was not happy about this.

Learn more Jacob Riis here:


1. While still a limited resource, natural gas is an alternative to oil as an energy source. What area of the country would people most likely use natural gas as an alternative to oil?

2.Which of the U.S. territories or protectorates is south of the Hawaiian Islands and in the Pacific Ocean?

3. The border between Canada and Maine indicates a national boundary. TRUE OR FALSE

4. The border between Iowa and Nebraska indicates a natural river boundary. TRUE OR FALSE

5. The border between Mississippi and Arkansas indicates a natural river boundary. TRUE OR FALSE.


Various regions in the country, such as Texas, Pennsylvania, and the Midwest, are likely to use natural gas as an alternative to oil.American Samoa is the U.S. territory or protectorate south of the          Hawaiian Islands in the Pacific Ocean.TRUE.FALSE.FALSE.

1. The area of the country where people would most likely use natural gas as an alternative to oil depends on various factors such as infrastructure, availability, and regional energy policies. However, regions with established natural gas pipelines and infrastructure tend to have higher usage. Some areas known for natural gas production and consumption include Texas, Pennsylvania, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and the Midwest region.

2. The U.S. territory or protectorate south of the Hawaiian Islands in the Pacific Ocean is American Samoa. It is located about 2,600 miles southwest of Hawaii and is an unincorporated territory of the United States.

3. TRUE. The border between Canada and Maine does indicate a national boundary. Maine is a state within the United States, and the border between Maine and Canada represents the international boundary between the two countries.

4. False. The border between Iowa and Nebraska does not indicate a natural river boundary. The border between these two states is an artificial boundary established by surveying and legal agreements, not defined by a natural feature such as a river.

5. False. The border between Mississippi and Arkansas does not indicate a natural river boundary. The boundary between these two states is a survey-based boundary established by legal agreements and does not follow a specific natural feature like a river.

For more such question on U.S. territory



1. Which U.S. territories or protectorates is south of the Hawaiian Islands and in the Pacific Ocean?

2.This landmark hosted the delegation that created the founding documents of the United States. It is considered by many to be the birthplace of our republic. What is its correct name and location?

3. This landmark is where the U.S. Constitution is interpreted and disagreements about it settled. Which of the following is the correct name and location of this landmark?

4. imagine you have always lived in a state with plenty of land where you worked on a farm and had horses. You did not have many people around you, and you would now like to move to a state where there will be more people to interact with. Which of the following states would be the best match for you?

5. Your family is concerned about the overuse of fossil fuels and has decided to use only nuclear power. In which region would your family most likely reach their goal?

6. Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge is an important Florida wildlife sanctuary for birds. Recently, an energy corporation has proposed constructing wind turbines to generate power for the surrounding cities. Where could these turbines be placed to have the least effect on the bird population?


With regard to the reflective prompt on geographical location, where are the correct answers.

The answers to the above prompt

American Samoa and Guamare U. S. territories or protectorates south of the Hawaiian Islands and in the Pacific Ocean.

Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania is the landmark where the delegation created the founding documents of the United States, making it the birthplace of our republic.

The landmarkwhere the U.S.  Constitution is interpreted and disagreements  about it settled is the Supreme Court of the United States, located in Washington, D C.

If you're looking for a state with more people and social interaction, states likeCalifornia, New York, or Texas would be good matches due  to their larger populationcenters.

Your family would most likely reach their goal of using only nuclear power in the Northeast region of the United States, where there are several nuclearpower plants and a focus on clean energy.

To have the least effecton the bird population in Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge, the wind turbines could be placed away from bird migration routes or sensitive nesting areas,   following proper environmental assessments and consultations with experts.

Learn more about geography:

Which statement best describes Russia before 1917?

a rich nation
an open and free society
a democracy with elected officials
a society with strict class structure


The statement that best describes Russia before 1917 is:

d) a society with strict class structure.

Events before Russian revolution

Before the Russian Revolution of 1917, Russia was characterized by a strict class structure that entrenched social inequality. the majority of the population consisted of peasants who lived in rural areas and worked as farmers. They were often impoverished and had limited  social mobility.

At the top of the social hierarchy were the nobility, who enjoyed privileges, wealth, and significant political influence. below them were the middle class, which included professionals, merchants, and industrialists.

Learn more about Russia at


What was true about most colonial Americans? O A. They traded for food. O B. They lived on farms. O C. They lived in cities. O D. They had large houses.​


Based on the historical context of colonial America, the most accurate statement about most colonial Americans would be option B: They lived on farms.

During the colonial period, the majority of Americans lived in rural areas and were involved in agricultural activities. Farming was a fundamental part of the colonial economy, and people relied on cultivating crops and raising livestock for sustenance and trade. The agrarian lifestyle was prevalent across the colonies, with families often working their own land or participating in community farming practices.

Options A, C, and D do not accurately represent the overall characteristics of most colonial Americans. While trade for food did occur in some cases, it was not the primary means of sustenance. Urban areas did exist, but the majority of the population resided in rural regions. Additionally, large houses were not common among most colonial Americans, as the focus was on practicality and functionality rather than grandiose dwellings.

Therefore, option B, "They lived on farms," is the most accurate statement reflecting the lives of most colonial Americans.

what can you say about the treaty did by aguncillo for the philippine independence


Apolinario Mabini, not Aguncillo. Apolinario Mabini was a Filipino revolutionary leader and statesman who played a significant role in the Philippine independence movement during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

The treaty of the Phillipines

One of the important treaties associated with the Philippine independence movement is the Treaty of Paris of 1898. This treaty was signed between the United States and Spain, following the Spanish-American War, and it resulted in Spain ceding the Philippines to the United States.

Read more on philippine independence here


Match each logical fallacy to its definition. Match Term Bandwagon Red herring Slippery slope Strawman Definition

A) Taking the attention away from the real issue by including loosely related information B) Making it seem like if something is allowed, multiple bad things will follow

C) The use of popularity or mass appeal to make an audience believe something

D) Creating or distorting an argument to take the audience's attention away from the original


The complete questin may be like:

Match each logical fallacy to its definition.




Red herring


A) Taking the attention away from the real issue by including loosely related information

B) Making it seem like if something is allowed, multiple bad things will follow

Slippery slope

C) The use of popularity or mass appeal to make an audience believe something


D) Creating or distorting an argument to take the audience's attention away from the original

Bandwagon: C) The use of popularity or mass appeal to make an audience believe something.

Red herring: A) Taking the attention away from the real issue by including loosely related information.

Slippery slope: B) Making it seem like if something is allowed, multiple bad things will follow.

Strawman: D) Creating or distorting an argument to take the audience's attention away from the original.

Bandwagon: The bandwagon fallacy occurs when someone argues that a belief or action is valid or true simply because many other people believe or do it. This fallacy relies on the notion that "everyone is doing it, so it must be right." However, the popularity or mass appeal of a belief or action does not necessarily make it true or valid.Red herring: The red herring fallacy involves diverting the attention of the audience by introducing irrelevant or tangential information that distracts from the main topic or argument at hand. It is a tactic used to avoid addressing the actual issue or to confuse and mislead the audience by introducing unrelated details.Slippery slope: The slippery slope fallacy occurs when someone suggests that allowing a particular action or event will inevitably lead to a series of increasingly negative or extreme consequences. It assumes that one small step in a certain direction will result in a chain reaction of negative outcomes without sufficient evidence to support such a claim.Strawman : The strawman fallacy involves misrepresenting or exaggerating an opponent's argument or position in order to make it easier to attack or refute. By distorting the original argument, the person committing the fallacy creates a weaker version that is easier to criticize, diverting attention from the actual argument being presented.

For more such question on Bandwagon


A historical source is usually considered creditable if


The author/creator of the source was present at the time of the event. The author/creator of the source has a highly educated perspective on the topic, e.g. a university professor.

the author has provided accurate information truthfully

Salt of the Earth is a classic American film. As you read in the module, the film was blacklisted in the United States for its content.

Write an essay that explains Ramon's change of heart, what do you think motivated him to make the change, and how does it connect to the idea of being and becoming


Answer: Hey, I can't write you an essay, but here is a good start. Feel free to use it all. This was not plagiarized by me. :)

Explanation: Ramon's change of heart in Salt of the Earth can be attributed to a few different factors. Firstly, his experiences working in the mines alongside his wife and fellow miners opened his eyes to the injustices they were facing. He witnessed firsthand the dangerous working conditions and unequal treatment they received compared to their white counterparts. Additionally, Ramon's relationship with his wife Esperanza played a significant role in his transformation. As he saw her become more involved in the strike and become a leader in the community, he began to see her in a new light and recognize her strength and courage. Ultimately, Ramon's change of heart can be seen as a process of becoming. He started off as a passive observer, but through his experiences and relationships, he became an active participant in the struggle for justice.

The motivation behind Ramon's change of heart can be traced back to his desire for a better life for himself, his family, and his community. He saw the injustices and inequalities that existed in the mines and recognized that something needed to be done to address them. His love for his wife and her involvement in the strike also played a significant role in his transformation. Through his experiences and relationships, Ramon learned to recognize his own privilege and the systemic oppression that kept his fellow workers and their families trapped in poverty and danger. Ultimately, Ramon's change of heart was a testament to the power of empathy, education, and community action in the fight for social justice.

In the movie "Salt of the Earth," Ramon's change of heart is inspired by a number of things, including his increasing understanding of the injustices experienced by the striking miners and their families.

Along with his own development and evolution, he admires the fortitude and bravery of his wife Esperanza. Ramon initially opposes the strike and dislikes Esperanza's engagement, but as it goes on, he starts to see the significance of the workers' cause and the bravery of the female supporters.

As he witnesses Esperanza and the other women assuming leadership roles and battling for their rights, he also starts to doubt his own presumptions regarding gender roles and the place of women in society.

Learn more about on Ramon, here:


what is an example of racism imperialism



The Third Reich.


The Nazis persecuted European Jews during World War 2, also known as the Holocaust.

What is one ideal stated in the preamble of the Constitution?



"to form a more perfect Union"

Who is the last of the prophets?



there are no options for answers

Other Questions
DETAILS ASWMSCI15 17.E.019. MY NOTES ASK YOUR TEACHER PRACTICE ANOTHER Captain John's Yachts, Inc., located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, rents three types of ocean-going boats: sailboats, cabin cruisers, and Captain John's favorite, the luxury yachts. Captain John advertises his boats with his famous "you rent-we pilot" slogan, which means that the company supplies the captain and crew for each rented boat. Each rented boat has one captain, of course, but the crew sizes (deck hands, galley hands, etc.) differ. The crew requirements, in addition to a captain, are one for sailboats, two for cabin cruisers, and three for yachts. Twelve employees are captains, and an additional 24 employees fill the various crew positions. Currently, Captain John has rental requests for all of his boats: four sailboats, seven cabin cruisers, and four luxury yachts. If Captain John's daily profit contribution is $50 for sailboats, $70 for cruisers, and $100 for luxury yachts, how many boats of each type should he rent? (Let x = no. of sailboats rented, x = no. of cabin cruisers rented, and x3 = no. of luxury yachts rented.) (X, X, X3)= 2' Read It Need Help? programme leader is investigating the relationship between the attendance rates (Xin hours) and the exam scores (Y) of students studying SEHH0008 Mathematics. A random sample of 8 students was selected. The findings are summarized as follow. Ex=204, y = 528, [x=5724, y = = 38688, xy = 14770 (a) Find the equation of the least squares line y = a + bx. (6 marks) (b) Calculate the sample correlation coefficient. (2 marks) (c) Interpret the meaning of the sample correlation coefficient found in part (b). (2 marks) 1 your final answers to 2 decimal places whenever appropriate aila participated in a dance-a-thon charity event to raise money for the Animals are Loved Shelter. The graph shows the relationship between the number of hours Laila danced, x, and the money she raised, y. coordinate plane with the x-axis labeled number of hours and the y-axis labeled total raised in dollars, with a line that passes through the points 0 comma 20 and 5 comma 60 Determine the slope and explain its meaning in terms of the real-world scenario. The slope is 12, which means that the student will finish raising money after 12 hours. The slope is 20, which means that the student started with $20. The slope is one eighth, which means that the amount the student raised increases by $0.26 each hour. The slope is 8, which means that the amount the student raised increases by $8 each hour. Imagine that a regression is run on a sample of countries and it returns the surprising result that countries with institutions considered worse actually grow faster. What does this mean? What do you think would be the most likely explanation? Express the ellipse in a normal form x + 4x + 4 + 4y = 4. Consider a closed economy, in which induced expenditure is 0.6Y and autonomous expenditure is $200 billion. What is the equilibrium level of income? $200 billion $500 billion $250 billion $1,000 billion b) Which of the following is (are) CORRECT about the Y=AE model? The 45-degree line shows that Y=AE The general price level of goods and services is fixed The output level is solely determined by the demand side of the economy All of the answers are correct c) Which of the following is a leakage variable? Exports Imports Autonomous investment Autonomous consumption d) If the AD curve shifts $20 billion to the right when autonomous spending rises by $2 billion, the aggregate expenditure model says that the multiplier is equal to __ and the price level will ___. 5; remain constant 10; rise 10; remain constant 5; rise Problem 5 Prepare cost sheet from the following particular in the book of M/s Konika LLC Raw material purchased = RO 1, 20,000 Expenses on purchase = Ro 10,000 Wages paid to labor = Ro 35,000 Directly In this assignment, you will be simulating the rolling of two dice, where each of the two dice is a balanced six-faced die. You will roll the dice 1200 times. You will then examine the first 30, 90, 180, 300, and all 1200 of these rolls. For each of these numbers of rolls you will compute the observed probabilities of obtaining each of the following three outcomes: 2, 7, and 11. These observed probabilities will be compared with the real probabilities of obtaining these three outcomes. which clinical findings tend to support a diagnosis of klinefelter syndrome? (select all that apply.) In each of the difference equations given below, with the given initial value, what is the outcome of the solution as n increases? (8.1) P(n+1)= -P(n), P(0) = 10, (8.2) P(n+1)=8P(n), P(0) = 2, (8.3) P(n + 1) = 1/7P(n), P(0) = -2. a 1-a You have been informed that the production function in BirdVille is: Y = 2K L Capital's share of GDP is 50%. Capital stock in BirdVille is 64 units and there is one worker per 4 units of capital. Due to the discovery of a rare earth element, total factor productivity will double next year. Which of the following statements is/are true? 1. The nominal wage rate is currently equal to 2. II. GDP will be equal to 128 next year. Select one: O a. Statements I and II are true. O b. Statement II is true. O c. Statement I is true. O d. Neither Statement I nor Statement II is true. Show-Off, Inc., sells merchandise through three retail outlets-in Las Vegas, Reno, and Sacramento-and operates a general corporate headquarters in Reno. A review of the company's income statement indicates a record year in terms of sales and profits. Management, though, desires additional insights about the individual stores and has asked that Judson Wyatt, a newly hired intern, prepare a segmented income statement. The following information has been extracted from Show-Off's accounting records: The sales volume, sales price, and purchase price data follow: Reno Sales volume Las Vegas 37,000 units $ 12.00 Unit selling price Sacramento 41,000 units 46,000 units $11.00 $ 5.50 9.50 Unit purchase price 5.50 6.00 The following expenses were incurred for sales commissions, local advertising, property taxes, management salaries, and other noncontrollable (but traceable) costs: Sales commissions Las Vegas 6% Reno 6% Sacramento 6% advertising $ 22,000 $48,000 $ 11,000 4,500 Local property taxes Sales manager salary 2,000 6,000 32,000 Store manager salaries 31,000 39,000 38,000 Other noncontrollable costs 5,000 4,600 17,000 Local advertising decisions are made at the store manager level. The sales manager's salary in Sacramento is determined by the Sacramento store manager, in contrast, store manager salaries are set by Show-Off's vice president. Nontraceable fixed corporate expenses total $192,300 The company uses a responsibility accounting system. Required: 1. Assume the role of Judson Wyatt and prepare a segmented income statement for Show Off 2. Identify the probable causes for the poor performance of the weakest store. 3. Which of the following should be reviewed in evaluating the performance of the store manager? Complete this question by entering your answers in the tabs below. Required 1 Required 2 Required 3 Which of the following should be reviewed in evaluating the performance of the store manager? determine the new temperature in c for a sample of neon with the initial volume of 2.5 l at 15 c, when the volume is changed to 3550 ml. pressure is held constant. A survey of 8 randomly selected full-time students reported spending the following amounts on textbooks last semester.$315 $265 $275 $345 $195 $400 $250 $60a) Use your calculator's statistical functions to find the 5-number summary for this data set. Include the title of each number in your answer, listing them from smallest to largest. For example if the range was part of the 5-number summary, I would type Range = $540.b) Calculate the Lower Fence for the data set.Give the calculation and values you used as a way to show your work:Give your final answer for the Lower Fence:c) Are there any lower outliers?If yes, type yes and the value of any lower outliers. If no, type no: Assume that a unity feedback system with the feedforward transfer function shown below is operating at 15% overshoot. Do the following: G(s)= s(s+7)Ka) Evaluate the steady state error in response to a ramp b) Design a lag compensator to improve the steady state error performance by a factor of 20. Write the transfer function for your system, show the root locus for the compensated system, and show the response to a step input. c) Evaluate the steady state error in response to a ramp for your compensated system The following data represent the results from an independent-measures experiment comparing three treatment conditions. Conduct an analysis of variance with = 0.05 to determine whether these data are sufficient to conclude that there are significant differences between the treatments. Treatment A Treatment B Treatment C 8 9 14 10 10 13 10 11 17 9 8 11 8 12 15 F-ratio = p-value = Conclusion: These data do not provide evidence of a difference between the treatments There is a significant difference between treatments The results obtained above were primarily due to the mean for the third treatment being noticeably different from the other two sample means. For the following data, the scores are the same as above except that the difference between treatments was reduced by moving the third treatment closer to the other two samples. In particular, 3 points have been subtracted from each score in the third sample. Before you begin the calculation, predict how the changes in the data should influence the outcome of the analysis. That is, how will the F-ratio for these data compare with the F-ratio from above? Treatment A Treatment B Treatment C 8 9 11 10 10 10 10 11 14 9 8 8 8 12 12 F-ratio = p-value = Conclusion: These data do not provide evidence of a difference between the treatments There is a significant difference between treatments Speaking on Grenada what is the pressing issues in the organizational culture from the perspective of there country cultural practices in organizations power struggle/tensions & conflict resolution interpersonal relationship negative and positive cause perceptions cultural influence on gender and occupation concerns of international chains that employ foreigners Explain what quantifiers are, and identify and explain all equivalent pairs you can findBelow.Predicat logic handout:"xPx for every x px$xPx~$xPx$x~Px~"xPx"x~Px~$x~Px Let 8 = {e, a, a2 , a3 , a4 , a5 , a6 , a7 } be a cyclic groupof order 8. (a) Compute the order of a 2 . Compute the subgroup of20 generated by a 2 . (b) Compute the order of a 3 . Compute thes companies that sell products whose prices are set by market forces are called