discuss the powers used by the Texas Governor during the COVID-19 pandemic. Were the Governor's powers too extensive or not extensive enough?


Answer 1

Approving or rejecting legislation passed by the legislature. acting as supreme commander of the armed forces of the state. calling special legislative sessions with a specified agenda. presenting a report on the state's situation to the legislature at the start of each regular session.

What official powers are granted to the governor of Texas?

As commander-in-chief of the state's armed forces, the governor has the authority to sign and veto laws approved by the state legislature, call special sessions of the legislature, give reprieves and pardons, and nominate people to fill open positions.

What authority has been granted to the governor of Texas that is most significant?

One of the most important authorities granted by the Texas Constitution to the governor is the ability to appoint individuals to public office. About 3,000 nominations will be made by the governor during a four-year period.

To Know more about Constitution



Related Questions

How do we determine the limits of our responsibilities to strangers?


Gender can play a significant role in determining our obligations to strangers.  To determine what it is reasonable to expect us to do, we must understand human motivation and behavior

What did Roosevelt believe was a common cause of both bank runs and the Great Depression?
A.corruption in federal

B.a crisis of confidence

C.high tariffs



i think the answer is B

Roosevelt believed that a crisis of confidence was a common cause of both bank runs and the Great Depression. He recognized that people lost faith in the banking system and the economy as a whole, leading to widespread panic and the withdrawal of funds from banks. Therefore, option B is correct.

What are the causes great depression?

The Great Depression was a severe economic downturn that lasted for a decade, from 1929 to 1939. The causes of the Great Depression are complex and multifaceted, but some of the main factors include:

Stock market crash: The stock market crash of 1929 is often cited as the trigger for the Great Depression. In just a few days, billions of dollars were lost, causing panic and a sharp decline in economic activity.

Overproduction and under consumption: The 1920s were a period of rapid industrialization and overproduction, leading to a glut of goods and a decrease in demand.

Bank failures: Many banks had invested heavily in the stock market and suffered losses, leading to a wave of bank failures and a loss of confidence in the banking system.

Government policies: Some economists argue that government policies, such as protectionist trade policies and a tight monetary policy, worsened the depression.

Overall, the Great Depression was a complex and interconnected phenomenon that resulted from a combination of economic, social, and political factors.

Learn more about causes great depression here:



1. Where did the industrial revolution start?

2. The increase of machine-made goods is called…

3. Switching crops each year is called…

4. Moving to machine production of goods is…

5. Large farm fields surrounded by fences is called…





The industrial revolution is believed to have started in Great Britain in the mid-18th century, specifically in the textile industry in the region of Manchester.

The increase of machine-made goods is called industrialization.

Switching crops each year is called crop rotation, which helps to improve soil fertility and prevent the depletion of nutrients.

Moving to machine production of goods is called mechanization, which involves the use of machines and technology to perform tasks that were previously done by hand.

Large farm fields surrounded by fences is called an enclosure, which refers to the process of consolidating smaller landholdings into larger, more efficient farms by enclosing them with fences or hedges. This was a significant feature of the agricultural revolution that preceded the industrial revolution in Britain.

Which problem undermined Constantine's hope that adopting Christianity as Rome's state religion would bring Christian unity?



The issue of doctrinal divisions and theological differences within Christian communities hindered Constantine's goal that making Christianity Rome's official religion would bring about Christian unity. Following the adoption of Christianity as the state religion of the Roman Empire, a number of Christian sects with distinctive doctrines and interpretations of the Bible emerged. On fundamental topics like the character of God, Jesus' ministry, and the nature of redemption, these groups regularly differed.

Constantine had believed that the unifying power of Christianity would assist to maintain the empire and foster social harmony. This anticipation was, however, dashed by the formation of several sects and theological disputes, which sparked violence within the Christian community.

In order to address this issue, Constantine called the Council of Nicaea, which sought to unify Christian doctrine and settle differences between various groups, in 325 CE. Doctrinal disagreements were a source of contention within Christianity for decades to come, even if the council did contribute to the establishment of a fundamental set of Christian beliefs and practices.

What factors precipitated the development of the Illinois Juvenile Court Act of 1899? Discuss how thus new law changed the way juvenile offenders were treated when compared to adult offenders.


The development of the Illinois Juvenile Court Act of 1899 was precipitated by a growing recognition of the need to provide special care and attention to juvenile offenders.

What is special care?

Special care is a term used to describe extra attention and effort taken to ensure someone or something's wellbeing. It is often associated with providing care for people with special needs or in circumstances where extra attention is needed.

This recognition was largely driven by a combination of social, economic and political factors.
Firstly, the "Progressive Era" of the late 19th and early 20th centuries saw the emergence of an increased interest in the welfare and protection of children, leading to the development of humane reformatory institutions and a greater emphasis on rehabilitation.
The Illinois Juvenile Court Act of 1899 marked a significant shift in the way juvenile offenders were treated compared to adult offenders. This new law established a separate set of proceedings for juveniles, recognizing them as a unique class of citizens with different needs and rights. Unlike adult courts, juvenile proceedings were conducted in private to protect the child’s privacy and reputation.
Overall, the Illinois Juvenile Court Act of 1899 was a major milestone in the history of juvenile justice, establishing a separate court system that treated juvenile offenders with special care and attention.

To learn more about special care

Which was Hammurabi's greatest accomplishment?


He is noted for his surviving set of laws, which were inscribed on a stela in Babylon's temple of Marduk. Hammurabi's Code was once considered the oldest promulgation of laws in human history, though older, shorter law collections have since been found

What was the role of the Eight Judges in the Roman Government?

They allowed plebeians to have a voice in government.
They formed the executive, branch of the Roman Republic.
They ran the courts and governed provinces.
They expanded the power of Roman noblemen.​


Answer: They oversaw the courts and governed the provinces C

Which model correctly represents the electron dot diagram of antimony


d. Sb with 2 dots above and 1 dot each below, right, left model correctly represents the electron dot diagram of antimony .

What depicts The electron dot diagram ?

By putting dots around the symbol of an element, a Lewis electron dot diagram, also known as an electron dot diagram, a Lewis diagram, or a Lewis structure, depicts an atom's valence electrons. The number of valence electrons in an atom is proportional to the number of dots.

What is the electron of antimony?

The atomic number of antimony (Sb) is 51. The free electrons that are accessible at the final orbital are referred to as valence electrons. There are five total electron shells in Sb. Sb has the following electronic configurations: 2, 8, 18, 18, and 5.

To learn more about Lewis visit :



Complete question-

Which model correctly represents the electron dot diagram of antimony?

a.  At with 2 dots above and 1 dot each below, right, left.

b.  At with 2 dots each above, right, and below with 1 dot left.

c. Sb with 1 dot each above, right, below, left.

d. Sb with 2 dots above and 1 dot each below, right, left.

executory rights in a oil lease oklahoma



A mineral interest owner possesses executive rights, including reasonable surface use, the right to enter into a lease, and the right to drill or develop the minerals underlying the surface. A mineral interest owner also possesses the right to receive lease bonuses, delay rental payments, shut-in payments and royalties.


Hope this helps.

Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu.
The addition of
to the Union as a slave state led to a disagreement with northerners. They felt that the formation of anoth
slave state must be balanced by creating a corresponding
state. That is how the state of Maine was formed.


The addition of Missouri to the Union as slave state in 1820 led to a disagreement with northerners, particularly in Congress.

What is a slave?

A slave is a person who is considered property and is forced to work without pay or choice. Slavery has existed in various forms throughout history, and it has been used for labor, economic gain, and exploitation. Slaves have been subjected to physical, emotional, and sexual abuse, and have often been denied basic human rights such as education, freedom of movement, and the ability to make choices for themselves. Slavery has been abolished in most countries, but it still exists in various forms today, including forced labor, debt bondage, and human trafficking. The legacy of slavery has had a profound impact on society, contributing to systemic inequalities and discrimination against marginalized groups.

To learn more about slave, visit:



Similar to Greece, Japan was divided by __________ and had few areas for farming.

A) Deserts

B) Mountains

C) Beaches

D) Swamps



Similar to Greece, Japan was divided by mountains and had few areas for farming.


Farming can be done in many places in Japan. When it comes to large sacle farming however, there’s a matter of space. Japan is a relatively small country, with more than 70% of its land being mountainous. And because Japan is an island country, it is greatly affected by currents, which can cause severe typhoons. These obstacles hamper a mass agricultural production. Therefore, Japan is dependent on imported crops made in China and the USA, where flat plains with stable weather conditions can be found. Crops produced in these areas are often cheap and affordable.


Similar to Greece, Japan was divided by Mountains and had few areas for farming. Thus the correct option is B.

What is Farming?

Farming refers to the practice of agriculture or cattle rearing by managing livestock. This includes crop production while maintaining the quality of soil with the help of proper fertilsers to improve production.

The rocky geography of Japan is one of the primary causes of the country's limited cropland. The Pacific Ocean encompasses Japan, which is located on the eastern edge of the Eurasian continent.

The short growing season and scarcity of freshwater resources in Japan can make it difficult to grow crops and rear livestock. Due to its rocky geography and other environmental conditions, Japan has a restricted amount of land that may be used for agriculture.

Therefore, option B is appropriate.

Learn more about farming, here:



Which statement best describes the relationship between the programs of the New Deal and the end of the Great Depression?



Hope this helps


Which statement best describes the relationship between the programs of the New Deal and the end of the Great Depression? The New Deal had some impact on bringing about an end to the Great Depression.

8 canon of Florence Nightingal evironmental theory:


The ventilation, light, noise, cleanliness of the beds and linen, personal cleanliness, and eating are the most crucial canons.

How many principles make in Florence Nightingale's thesis?

This essay discusses how Nightingale's concept of environment is used in nursing practices. 13 environmental components—including air flow, spotless walls and floors, light, noise, personal hygiene, a pleasant bed and bedding, and eating—are identified and made clear in the concept.

What were the key environmental canons that Nightingale stressed when she created 13 environmental canons and thoroughly discussed each one?

Nightingale lists 13 environmental canons and elaborates on each one in considerable detail. Her main rules are air flow, noise, cleanliness of the walls and rooms, light, the bed and the linens, eating, and personal hygiene. Nightingale has skillfully described the outcomes of using her theory.

Learn more about nursing practices: https://brainly.com/question/17240465


In their quest to have direct trade with Europeans on the coast, Akyem and Akwamu often clashed. Akwamu Kingdom was successful in materializing this ambition by her conquest of Accra in 1677. However, by 1730, Akyem had conquered Akwamu kingdom to possess not only Akwamu itself but its large provinces like Accra and Ladoku.
Based on the above,
1. Discuss the initial challenges that Akyem faced with regards to raising people to administer those large territories.
2. What is the history behind the inability of Akyem to raise people to rule those territories?
3. What temporal solution did Akyem offer to solve the situation?


1. Akyem faced several challenges in its attempts to raise people to administer large territories.

What is administer?

Administration is the process of managing and organizing tasks, resources, and people in order to achieve a specific goal or purpose. It encompasses a variety of activities, such as implementing strategies, planning and organizing, monitoring, controlling, and problem solving.

The Akans of the Akyem kingdom had a decentralized form of governance, and they were not used to governing large areas. This posed a challenge in that they could not efficiently administer the newly acquired territories. Additionally, the Akans were not keen on having foreign rule, so they had to find ways to integrate the new territories without alienating the local population.
2. The history behind the inability of Akyem to raise people to rule those territories can be traced back to the Akans' decentralized form of governance. This form of governance was based on matrilineal clans and did not easily lend itself to the centralized rule needed to govern large territories. Additionally, the Akans were not interested in having foreign rule, so they had to find a way to integrate the new territories without alienating the local population.
3. To solve the situation, Akyem offered a temporal solution wherein they appointed local leaders to rule the acquired territories. These local leaders were chosen based on their loyalty to the Akyem kingdom and their ability to integrate the new territories. Additionally, Akyem also adopted some of the local customs and practices to make the transition smoother. This helped to ensure that the local population was not alienated and that the new territories were successfully integrated into the Akyem kingdom.

To learn more about administer

discuss the effect Citizens United v. F.E.C. has had on elections in the United States. You should explain whether you think it has had a positive or negative effect.




Citizens United v. F.E.C. was a landmark Supreme Court decision in 2010 that removed many restrictions on campaign spending by corporations, unions, and other organizations. The ruling allowed these groups to spend unlimited amounts of money to advocate for or against political candidates, as long as they do not directly coordinate with the candidate's campaign. The decision was based on the premise that political spending is a form of free speech protected by the First Amendment.

The decision has had a significant impact on elections in the United States. On the one hand, proponents of the ruling argue that it has enhanced freedom of speech and increased political participation by giving more voices and resources to various organizations. They also argue that it has enabled individuals and organizations to have a greater impact on political discourse and decision-making by allowing them to use their financial resources to support their preferred candidates.

On the other hand, opponents of the decision argue that it has had a negative effect on the electoral process. They argue that it has led to a flood of dark money and unlimited corporate spending, which has undermined the integrity of the democratic process by allowing wealthy individuals and organizations to exert disproportionate influence on elections. They also argue that it has created an uneven playing field, where candidates who are not supported by wealthy donors are at a significant disadvantage.

In my opinion, the Citizens United v. F.E.C. decision has had a mostly negative impact on the electoral process in the United States. The unlimited spending by corporations and other groups has led to a concentration of power and influence in the hands of a few wealthy donors, and has eroded the voice and influence of the average citizen. Furthermore, it has allowed for the proliferation of false and misleading advertisements, which can misinform and mislead voters.

Overall, while the decision may have had some positive impacts, such as increasing political participation, the negative consequences of allowing unlimited corporate spending on elections outweigh any potential benefits. Therefore, I believe that the decision has had a negative impact on elections in the United States

How did William Wells Brown influence change in the nineteenth century?


Answer: He made eloquent speeches putting forward ideas for reform


William Wells Brown was the first African-American to publish a novel, a play, a travel book, a military study of his people, and a study of black sociology. Throughout his life he was committed to the abolition of slavery.

Which of the following statements about the Korean War is supported by the information above?

The Korean people suffered the most from the war.
Overall, more civilians were killed than soldiers.
The United States suffered much more relative to the other countries involved.
American and Chinese civilians did not care about the war.


With almost 1.5 million civilian casualties and missing persons, the Korean people experienced the worst effects of the war.

What is Korean?

South Korea, North Korea, and Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture in China all have Korean as one of their official languages. It is sometimes referred to as "Kankoku-go" in Japan, where it is one of the official tongues. With a total of 1,722,000 civilian deaths and missing compared to 553,000 military deaths and missing, more people were slain than troops overall.

With 103,284 military fatalities, injuries, and missing persons compared to South Korea's 217,000, North Korea's 406,000, and China's 429,000, as well as China's 1,500,000 missing and missing persons, the United States suffered significantly less than the other participating nations. Civilians in China and America were unconcerned with the conflict.

To learn more about Korean, visit:




The Korean people suffered the most from the war.


We can see in the graph the huge casualties sustained by the Korean people, far more than the casualties of other nations.

To make the country more desirable to foreign companies, China

allowed corporations to govern certain regions.
established different government structures in some regions.
invited foreign governments to oversee some regions.
removed Communist Party control over business in some areas


To make the country more desirable to foreign companies, China has established different government structures in some regions, such as special economic zones (SEZs) and free trade zones (FTZs). These zones offer tax breaks, streamlined regulations, and other incentives to attract foreign investment. Additionally, the Chinese government has removed Communist Party control over business in some areas, allowing for greater autonomy and efficiency. However, corporations are not allowed to govern certain regions, and foreign governments are not invited to oversee any regions.





edge 23'

Which economic trend has Russia experienced in recent years? Question 2 options: declining investment in fixed capital and a falling GDP declining investment in fixed capital and a rising GDP increasing investment in fixed capital and a falling GDP increasing investment in fixed capital and a rising GDP


The economic trend that Russia has experienced in recent years is a declining investment in fixed capital and a falling GDP.

What is investment?

Investment is the process of putting money into assets or other financial instruments in order to generate income or capital gains. It is a key component of any financial plan and is used to create wealth and financial security over the long term. It typically involves purchasing stocks, bonds, mutual funds, real estate, or other types of assets that offer a return on the initial investment. Investment strategies vary based on individual goals and risk tolerance, but generally involve diversification and active management of the portfolio. Investing involves a certain level of risk, but can lead to increased financial stability and growth over time.

This trend has been largely attributed to the falling prices of oil and other commodities, as well as international economic sanctions imposed on the country. This has resulted in a decrease in the country's economic output and has weakened its currency.

To learn more about investment

Describe the positions and activities of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM). Were these countries successful in avoiding being swept up in the Cold War? Why or why not?


The Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) was an international organization of developing countries that sought to remain independent and not align with either of the Cold War superpowers, the US or USSR.

The Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) -

The NAM promoted cooperation and coordination among its member countries and advocated for their collective interests on the global stage. While the NAM did experience some success in avoiding being swept up in the Cold War, many of its member countries still faced political and economic pressures from the US and USSR, leading some to argue that its impact was limited.

The Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) was an international organization founded in 1961 consisting of developing countries that sought to remain independent and not aligned with either of the Cold War superpowers, the US or USSR. It advocated for cooperation and coordination among its member countries and their collective interests on the global stage. The NAM's main goals were promoting economic development, reducing poverty, and increasing political and diplomatic cooperation among its members. Some of the prominent members of the NAM included India, Indonesia, Egypt, Yugoslavia, and Cuba. Despite facing significant challenges from the global powers, the NAM was able to make some progress in promoting peace and stability in the world.

To know more about Non Aligned Movement -



- Which branch of government does the U.S. President head?
A. executive
B. legislative
C. judicial
D. Supreme Court

Anyone pls


Answer: A, Executive

Explanation: The executive branch's key roles include The President - The president is the head of state, leader of the federal government, and Commander in Chief of the United States armed forces.

what role did south african women play against the violation of human rights from the 1950s to 1960s​


South African women also played key roles in organizing boycotts, strikes, and civil disobedience campaigns against the apartheid system  in the struggle against human rights violations during the 1950s and 1960s.

South African women played a significant role in the struggle against human rights violations during the 1950s and 1960s. Women from various backgrounds and ethnicities came together to resist the apartheid system, which enforced racial segregation and denied basic rights to non-white citizens.

The  women were instrumental in supporting and sustaining the families of political prisoners and activists, providing food, clothing, and shelter.

Learn more about human rights violations here:



Examine the table and answer the following question: Which of the following
statements best groups these ideas together?
• German Nationalism
• Mein Kampf
OA. Factors leading to the Nazi Holocaust
B. Factors influencing the rise of the Social Democrat Party
OC. Factors leading to the German invasion of Poland
D. Factors influencing the Nuremburg Trials


A. Factors leading to the Nazi Holocaust, this statement best groups the ideas of Anti-Semitism, German Nationalism and Mein Kampf together.

There were several factors that led to the Holocaust. The Nazis' will and ability to wipe out the Jewish population is its direct cause.

However, their need for blood didn't just strike them. The antisemitic Nazi ideology must be viewed in the larger context of historical animosity against Jews, contemporary racism, and nationalism.

Hence, option A. is correct.

What exactly was the Holocaust?

Six million European Jews were subjected to systematic, state-sponsored persecution and murder during the Holocaust (1933–1945) by the Nazi German dictatorship and its allies and accomplices. The Holocaust occurred between 1933 and 1945, according to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

When Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party assumed power in Germany in January 1933, the Holocaust era officially started. When the Allies conquered Nazi Germany in World War II in May 1945, it came to an end. The Hebrew word "shoah," which means "catastrophe," is also frequently used to allude to the Holocaust.

To know more on The Holocaust visit:



Pros and Cons of Interest Groups
Can monitor government action Mostly benefit well-funded groups
Which numbered pair of phrases best completes the table?
OA (1) Can inspire political participation; (2) Are overly focused on
one group's goals
OB. (1) Increase public awareness of policy issues, (2) Generally
support only third parties
C. (1) Help reduce the amount of money spent in politics; (2) Are
associated with unethical tactics
OD. (1) Raise money to support important causes; (2) Cannot sue in
federal courts


Interest groups' benefits and drawbacks include the following: (1) They can encourage political engagement; and (2) They tend to be unduly centered on the objectives of one particular organization. Option (A) is correct as a result.

A formal association that works to influence public policy is typically what is known as an interest group. Politics engagement by interest groups provides advantages. We can all examine fresh notions, concepts, and viewpoints through interest groups. It offers a chance to become a leader in the community.

When there are active interest groups, the loudest voices typically prevail. It is a simple method for delaying all legislative proceedings. The objectives of one group are disproportionately prioritized by the groups.

Learn more about interest groups, from:



How was the Cold War an influence among these new nation-states?



The Cold War influenced American foreign policy, political ideology, the domestic economy, the president, and the personal lives of Americans, resulting in an environment where normal and obedience were required. Resistance began to grow at a steady rate towards the end of the 1950s and reached a peak in the late 1960s.

The Cold War had a significant influence on the new nation-states that emerged after World War II. The competition between the two superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union, created a global environment of tension and suspicion that affected the political and economic development of these nations.

Many of these new nation-states were caught in the middle of the East-West rivalry, and the two superpowers sought to gain their support or influence their political orientation. This often resulted in these nations being used as pawns in the larger geopolitical game between the US and the Soviet Union.

The Cold War also had a profound impact on the political ideologies and systems adopted by these nations. Many of them were forced to choose between the capitalist system promoted by the United States or the socialist/communist system promoted by the Soviet Union. Some nations tried to adopt a non-aligned stance, but this was often difficult to maintain given the pressure from both sides.

The Cold War also influenced the economic development of these nations. The superpowers offered aid and investment to promote their political agendas, but this often came with strings attached. Many of these nations became dependent on foreign aid and loans, which made them vulnerable to external pressures and economic shocks.

Overall, the Cold War had a significant impact on the new nation-states that emerged after World War II. It shaped their political orientation, economic development, and global relations, and its legacy continues to be felt in many parts of the world today.

what factors did President Obama take into consideration when he nominated Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, and Merrick Harland to fill Supreme Court vacancies? why did the vacancies occur for Obama to nominate these people in the first place? what were the results of the nominations? and why? what factors did the Senate take into account in voting in favor or against these nominees?


The president referred to Sotomayor as "an inspirational woman" in his prepared remarks and said that she had "worked at practically every level of our legal system, giving her with a depth of knowledge and a breadth of view that will be crucial as a Supreme Court justice."

Obama tried to nominate this person for the Supreme Court.

Merrick Garland, the Chief Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, was proposed by President Obama on March 16, 2016, to take the vacancy on the Court.

What part does the Senate play in the selection of justices?

In the case of presidential appointments to the federal courts, where judges are given life tenure under the Constitution and can only be removed through the drawn-out legislative impeachment process, the Senate's authority of advice and consent may be of the utmost importance.

To Know more about Constitution



Would you describe the 1920s as a decade that benefited women? Why, or why not? Remember to consider the experience of all women when composing your answer.


Women also increased their labour-force participation, actively participated in the nation's emerging mass consumer culture, and enjoyed greater personal independence.

What impact did the 1920s have on women?

Women's life, however, evolved in ways other than appearance. Today's society accepts that women may be self-sufficient and make their own choices concerning school, jobs, marital status, and careers. Women's domains of influence had broadened to include both public and private life. The "new woman" was here. The 1920s were a transitional decade, with many Americans purchasing vehicles, radios, and telephones for the first time. Automobiles raised the demand for good roads. The radio helped to bring the rest of the world closer to home. The telephone connected families and friends.

To know about women in 1920 visit:



Which statement best explains the relationship between the Industrial Revolution and the development of communism?
A. The Industrial Revolution led to the adoption of new technologies and machines.
B. The Industrial Revolution was slow to affect society and communists wanted to speed up the process.
C. The Industrial Revolution led to a decrease in workers' rights and their living conditions
D. The Industrial Revolution increased pride in workers' labor and the goods they produced.


The statement that best explains the relationship between the Industrial Revolution and the development of communism is C. The Industrial Revolution led to a decrease in workers' rights and their living conditions, which in turn helped to fuel the growth of communism.

During the Industrial Revolution, new technologies and machines were adopted, which led to increased productivity and economic growth. However, this growth often came at the expense of workers, who were subjected to long hours, low wages, and poor working conditions. As a result, many workers began to organize and demand better treatment, leading to the development of labor unions and other worker movements.

Communism emerged as a response to these conditions, with its advocates calling for a system in which workers controlled the means of production and shared in the benefits of their labor. In communist theory, the state would own and control all property, with the goal of creating a more equal and just society.

Thus, the Industrial Revolution played a crucial role in the development of communism, as it created the conditions that led to widespread dissatisfaction among workers and the growth of socialist and communist movements.

According to the correspondence theory of truth, a statement is true of it matches up with what's "out there" in the real world.
True or False


True. The correspondence theory of truth states that a statement is true if it accurately represents reality, or what is "out there" in the real world.

What is correspondence?

Correspondence is the exchange of written or electronic messages between two or more parties. It includes letters, emails, instant messages, texts, or any other type of communication. This type of communication is used to accomplish various tasks, such as forming business partnerships, resolving conflicts, and providing customer service. Correspondence also serves as a way to share personal thoughts and feelings, such as with friends and family. In addition, it can be used to convey official announcements or as an efficient way to communicate with a large group of people. Correspondence helps to build relationships, maintain connections, and spread information.

Therefore the correct answer is true

To learn more about correspondence



3. One way that European society was changed as a result of the Industrial Revolution
included -
the spread of famine caused by families abandoning farms
the emergence of a middle class and a working class
the decline of the population due to factory accidents
O the rejection of the teachings of the Catholic Church


B. Most nineteenth century industrialized nations in Europe experienced a general rise in the overall standard of living due to the advances in technology, increased production and improved infrastructure.

What is infrastructure?

Infrastructure is the underlying framework of physical structures and systems that support an economy. It includes roads, bridges, airports, power plants, water systems, telecommunications networks, and so on. Infrastructure is vital for economic growth and stability, because it facilitates the transport of goods and services, provides access to energy sources, and improves communication and quality of life.

This resulted in an increase in wages, improved health, greater access to education and other benefits. Other factors such as the establishment of labor unions and improved social welfare programs also helped to improve the standard of living.

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1. Next years expected firm earnings are $8,000, shares outstanding 2000, ROE=16% required rate of return k= 9%, your plowback ratio b=17% and assuming constant growth dividends. Calculate the PVGOPlease use 5 decimal places in your response2. Next years expected firm earnings are $6,000, shares outstanding 1000, ROE=13% required rate of return k= 10%, your plowback ratio b=20% and assuming constant growth dividends. Calculate todays price P0Please use 4 decimal places in your response The length of a side of an equilateral triangle is 14 centimeters.What is the length of the altitude of the triangle? 2 7cm 3 7 cm 7 2 cm 7 3 cm The length of a rectangular poster is 2 more inches than two times its width. The area of the poster is 84 square inches. Solve for the dimensions (length and width) of the poster. a student dissolves of resveratrol in of a solvent with a density of . the student notices that the volume of the solvent does not change when the resveratrol dissolves in it.calculate the molarity and molality of the student's solution. round both of your answers to significant digits.molaritymolality karl-anthony is trying to plate gold onto his silver ring. he constructs an electrolytic cell using his ring as one of the electrodes. he runs this cell for 94.7 minutes at 220.8 ma. how many moles of electrons were transferred in this process? a physical inventory taken on december 31, 2020, resulted in an ending inventory of $1,050,000. jep's markup on cost has remained constant at 32% in recent years. jep suspects that an unusual amount of inventory may have been damaged and disposed of without appropriate tracking. at december 31, 2020, what is the estimated cost of missing inventory? knowing this was a legal win for southern slave onwer how do you think this decision still could have contributed to the civil war ? what is the purpose of kelley's rhetorical one a group of related organelles in plant cells that are involved in the storage of starches, fats, proteins, and pigments. is called? Watters Umbrella Corp. issued 15-year bonds 2 years ago at a coupon rate of 8 percent. The bonds make semiannual payments. If these bonds currently sell for 115 percent of par value, what is the YTM? evolutionary changes that create new species, impacting the diversity of organisms over long periods of time through the evolution and extinction of many species, best describes which process? Your stock has a = 2.77, the expected return on the stockmarket is 16.67%, and the yield on T-bills is 6%. What is theexpected return on your stock? please help! and explain and show work of how you got the answer. I will mark you brainliest. A classmate of yours stated that a solid line is not a good representation of an arithmetic sequences. What logical assumption is your classmate using?The classmate is not correct. A line is a good representation of an arithmetic sequence.A line is a series of dots that represent each value of the sequence.A line has the same slope as the common difference in the sequence.An arithmetic sequence is a set of discrete values, whereas a line is a continuous set of values. All of the following are included in the central supramolecular activation complex (c-SMAC) except _____.A. CD4 or CD8B. ICAM-1C. CD28D. T-cell receptorE. PKC- news sites on-line often provide a fractured visual environment with a level of simultaneity and interaction for the viewer/audience member. the united states strategy against japan in the pacific can be described as a island hopping. b human wave assaults. c a battleship ""slugfest."" d a traditional naval blockade. e guerilla warfare. a 10 ml suspension, in water, is made from a bloody stool sample collected from a neonate. the specimen is centrifuged and the resulting pink supernatant transferred in equal volumes to 2 tubes. the first tube serves as a reference while the second tube is alkalinized with 1 ml of 0.25 m sodium hydroxide. the second tube changes to yellow within 2 minutes. this reaction indicates the presence of : The rules used to describe the structure of a language (including order of words) are referred to asA. semanticsB. PragmaticsC. PhonologyD. Grammar The term 'Time inconsistency of optimal policy' refers to:Select one:a.An incentive to deviate from the natural rate ofunemployment.b.The setting up of an independent central bank.c.An incenti