discuss the effect Citizens United v. F.E.C. has had on elections in the United States. You should explain whether you think it has had a positive or negative effect.


Answer 1

According to the Supreme Court, the First Amendment prohibits Congress from fining or imprisoning individuals or groups of individuals for merely engaging in political speech.

How Citizens United v FEC impact elections in this country?

The FEC had determined in 2003 that companies couldn't spend too much money on "electioneering communications." The ruling effectively granted businesses the power to personally support candidates for election or defeat by spending money on electioneering communications (even incorporated non-profit organisations).

The court ultimately came to the conclusion that the anti-corruption interest in this case is inadequate to overturn Citizens United's restriction on some forms political speech and that "independent expenditures, including those made by corporations, do not give rise to corruption or the appearance of corruption."

Prohibitions on independent political spending by any organisation were determined to be unlawful in the Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission ruling. Corporate and union spending on elections was prohibited under these regulations.

Learn more about Citizens United v FEC:



Related Questions

.Due to the difficulties of passing immigration reform through a Republican-controlled Congress, President Obama chose to issue the executive order "Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)" as a means of protecting the immigrant children who have grown up in the United States After repeated efforts to get additional funding for a new wall along the U.S.-Mexico border from the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives failed, President Trump finally issued the executive order: "Border Security and Immigration Enforcement Improvements" as a means of using existing federal funds to begin building the wall. What do both of these scenarios demonstrate about why presidents use executive orders?​



President Obama proposed improving legal immigration processes, strengthening border security, deporting people convicted of a felony, expanding the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, and creating the Deferred Action for Parents of U.S. Citizens and Lawful Permanent Residents (DAPA) program. DACA and DAPA were the most controversial elements of the president's plan with Republican critics, including Texas Governor Greg Abbott and Sen. Mike Lee (Utah), saying that the programs were a form of amnesty.[8] President Obama responded to these criticisms, saying, "I know some of the critics of this action call it amnesty. Well, it’s not. Amnesty is the immigration system we have today – millions of people who live here without paying their taxes or playing by the rules, while politicians use the issue to scare people and whip up votes at election time."[7]

Texas and the 25 states that brought a lawsuit against the Obama administration argued that President Obama did not have the authority to implement DAPA because it was essentially a new law. The brief submitted to the U.S. Supreme Court on behalf of Texas and the states argued that "DAPA is a crucial change in the Nation’s immigration law and policy—and that is precisely why it could be created only by Congress, rather than unilaterally imposed by the Executive.

The Obama administration argued that the president's actions were legal because Congress had given the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) the ability to administer and enforce immigration laws under the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). The DHS secretary had the authority to decide whom to deport and whom to grant deferred action to under the INA, and "Congress has repeatedly recognized" this ability in other legislation. The United States government argued that the ruling of the appeals court, which stated that DAPA could not be implemented, "will allow States to frustrate the federal government’s enforcement of the Nation’s immigration laws. It will force millions of people—who are not removal priorities under criteria the court conceded are valid, and who are parents of U.S. citizens and permanent residents—to continue to work off the books, without the option of lawful employment to provide for their families.

What type of leader was Theodora



One of the most powerful women in Byzantine history was Theodora, an empress who was married to Justinian I in the sixth century. She promoted religious and social policies that were significant to her by using her position of strength and influence.


Theodora's successes were entirely her own, the product of her astute political savvy, quick wit, astute social skills, and strong moral convictions.

how were the victims of Racims in both germany in south Africa​



Racism had a significant impact on both Germany and South Africa in the past, but the nature and scope of racism differed in both countries.

In Germany, during the Nazi regime led by Adolf Hitler, millions of Jews, Romas, homosexuals, disabled people, and others were targeted and systematically murdered in what became known as the Holocaust. This was a result of Nazi ideology that deemed certain groups of people as inferior and unworthy of life. The Holocaust is considered one of the most significant tragedies in human history and serves as a reminder of the devastating consequences of racism, discrimination, and prejudice.

In South Africa, apartheid was a system of institutionalized racial segregation that was implemented by the white minority government in the mid-20th century. It resulted in widespread discrimination, inequality, and human rights abuses against non-white South Africans, particularly Black people. Non-white people were denied many basic rights, such as access to education, housing, and employment. The apartheid system was ultimately dismantled in the early 1990s, following years of protests, sanctions, and international pressure.

Both Germany and South Africa have since made efforts to acknowledge and address their respective histories of racism, including through education, remembrance, and policies aimed at promoting equality and combating discrimination.

explain the causes of World War I including the formation of European alliances and the roles of imperialism, nationalism, and militarism




The global battle known as World War I lasted from 1914 until 1918. The reasons of the conflict were intricate and numerous, although they may generally be linked to a variety of interrelated issues, such as the establishment of European alliances, imperialism, nationalism, and militarism.

The development of European alliances was one of the major factors that led to World War I. Several European nations made alliances with one another in the years preceding the war in an effort to bolster their positions in the event of conflict. The Triple Alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy and the Triple Entente between Great Britain, France, and Russia were the most significant of these partnerships.

The buildup to World War I was also significantly influenced by imperialism.Several European nations had imperial aspirations and tried to enlarge their spheres of influence and dominion. As a result, there was fierce rivalry for resources and lands, especially in Africa and Asia. Conflicts and rivalry between European nations were frequently caused by the battle for colonies and markets.

In the years leading up to the conflict, nationalism also played a part. Several European nations saw the rise of nationalist groups as people fought to defend their national identities and interests. This increased hostilities between various national groups, especially in areas like the Balkans where they coexisted in precarious balance.

And last, militarism was a significant contributor to World War I.Each European state that wanted to keep its position of power and reputation made significant investments in its military forces. As a result, there was a competition to develop the most advanced military technologies and capabilities among various nations. The militarization of Europe increased the likelihood of violence and made it more challenging to settle disputes peacefully.

Together, these elements produced a very unstable environment in Europe that ultimately sparked the start of World War I. The trigger event that started the war was the murder of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary by a Serbian nationalist in June 1914, although the underlying factors had been accumulating for a long time.


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Fill in the blanks to tell what Blare
did to help the children of Haiti.


The plan was for Blare to deliver more than just his one unique bear to Haiti. He intended to appeal to his neighborhood to gather several bears. He wanted to amass 2,000 bears. Many children in Haiti would be inspired by that.

Blare Gooch: Who is he?

Blare Gooch, a 13-year-old from Grand Rapids with connections to Bronson, was chosen by Parenting magazine as one of the "Kids of the Year" for his "Blare's Bears for Haiti" campaign.

Does Haiti pose a threat?

Avoid traveling to Haiti due to kidnapping, bloodshed, and unrest there. Americans need to leave Haiti immediately due to the current security, medical, and infrastructure problems. United States citizens who want to leave Port-au-Prince should follow local news reports and only depart when it is judged safe to do so.

Learn more about infrastructure problems: https://brainly.com/question/3808148


6. What is one example in the passage of problems between the state governments and
the national government?

Anyone pls


So essentially the question is: How can the state government go against the federal government?

The given information leaves no area for the passage but I can mildly infer what you mean.

To start:

So, constitutionally speaking, the States have more rights than the federal government.

We didn’t start out with a country which was then divided up into states.

Instead, we started out with states that all agreed to have a Federal Government that was given limited powers by those states. The states reserved the right of veto over many things the Federal Government might do. In fact, when the Confederation of Southern States decided to secede from the Union before the Civil War, they were prevented from doing so not because seceeding was unconstitutional (it wasn’t), but because the Federal Government went to war with the Southern States under president Abraham Lincoln and re-captured those lands with the same expansionist mindset that was used to take away the land of Native Americans in the Westward growth of this country. That Civil War resulted in more American deaths than WWI and WWII combined.

It is the nature of government to assume a necessity and right of top-down absolute control over everything and everyone of it’s subjects. The US Constitution was set up to prevent that, but most people who enter government are soon infatuated and addicted to power and our constitution has been chipped away at ever since. It is not so much that the written text of the constitution has been changed legally and voted on, but that a combination of lawmakers and judges throughout history have simply ignored the Constitution.



Answer the following in at least 5-8 complete sentences.

In your own words, provide a definition for the term imperialism that addresses the four different arguments about the causes and values of imperialism (as mentioned in the article).

First argument: Does Imperialism pay?
Second argument: Imperialism is the nature of human beings.
Third argument: Strategy and security of the region.
Fourth argument: Moral grounds- the spread of religion.
Part 2 - Opinion Writing:

Based on what you have learned in this unit, as well as from the article, write an introductory paragraph to an essay expressing your opinion on the issue of imperialism. Overall, is imperialism a positive or negative condition and/or policy, and what are some examples to support your position?



L'impérialisme peut être défini comme une politique d'expansion territoriale et d'influence politique et économique sur d'autres nations et peuples. Cette politique a été motivée par différents arguments, notamment économiques, humains, stratégiques et moraux. Certains ont justifié l'impérialisme en affirmant qu'il était rentable, que la domination était la nature humaine, que cela garantissait la sécurité régionale ou que c'était une façon de propager une religion. Cependant, d'autres ont critiqué cette politique en affirmant que c'était une forme de domination et d'exploitation qui nuisait aux peuples soumis. Ils ont également souligné les effets négatifs sur la culture et la société des nations dominées. En fin de compte, l'impérialisme peut être considéré comme une politique et une condition à la fois positives et négatives, en fonction des motivations, des méthodes et des conséquences. Dans cet essai, je vais soutenir que l'impérialisme est généralement une politique négative en raison des conséquences néfastes pour les peuples dominés, mais que dans certains cas, il peut être considéré comme positif, par exemple lorsque les peuples dominés bénéficient d'une modernisation bénéfique, d'une meilleure gouvernance et de protections accrues contre les conflits. Pour illustrer mon point de vue, je vais examiner plusieurs exemples d'impérialisme dans l'histoire, tels que le colonialisme européen en Afrique, l'impérialisme japonais en Asie et l'expansion américaine dans les Caraïbes et en Amérique latine.


What was president Lincoln’s central goal during the civil war



President Lincoln's central goal was to preserve the Union.

Explanation: Hope it helps you :))))

What was the Gulf of Tonkin incident?
A. The declaration of war by South Vietnam on the US
B. The attacking of a US ship in a Vietnamese harbor
C. The bombing of a South Vietnamese town
D. The first US attack on Vietnamese soil



Option B is the correct answer.


The Gulf of Tonkin incident was a series of events in August 1964 that involved the alleged attacks on two American naval destroyers, USS Maddox and USS Turner Joy, by North Vietnamese patrol boats in the Gulf of Tonkin. As a result, the US Congress passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, which authorized the use of military force by US armed forces in Vietnam.

what was the result of the war of 1812?​


The War of 1812 was a war between the United States and Great Britain, which lasted from 1812 to 1815. Despite some early American successes, such as victory at the Battle of Lake Erie, the war was generally inconclusive and ended in a draw. In 1814, both sides agreed to a peace treaty called the Treaty of Ghent, which restored relations between the two countries to the way they were before the war. One of the long-term effects of the war was that it strengthened the feeling of national unity in the United States and led to further territorial expansion in the West.

Upon his arrival at Sobibor, Abraham was chosen to work as one of the Sonderkommando. Having heard rumors of the fate of most prisoners deposited at Sobibor, Abraham could not hide his relief. A Nazi guard read his face and sneered, “Don’t get too comfortable, Jew.” What did the guard MOST likely mean by this statement?

He knew that Abraham would probably die of disease quickly anyway.

He was telling Abraham that he could arrange his death at any time.

The guard did not have any reason behind this statement other than racism.

He knew that those in Abraham’s job were replaced every four months.


Option (b), Abraham received the message that he might plan his demise at any time.

For Jews, how lethal was Sobibor?

To carry out the mass murder of Europe's Jews, the SS built killing facilities that were entirely or mostly used for gassing human people in gas chambers. Sobibor was one of these killing grounds. It was one of three extermination camps linked to Operation Reinhard, an SS plan to kill more than two million Jews living in the General Government, the German-ruled part of occupied Poland.

Sonderkommandos, which were labor organizations, were founded by German prisoners of the Nazi extermination camps. They were made up of prisoners, the most of whom were Jews, who were forced to help in the Holocaust's gas chamber murder of victims out of fear for their own lives. The Sonderkommandos of the concentration camps, who were always inmates, had nothing to offer with the SS-Sonderkommandos, a group of ad hoc organizations put up between 1938 and 1945 from the personnel of various SS departments.

Learn more about Nazi extermination camps: https://brainly.com/question/850450


The statement below is from a historical document.
We the People of the United States...
do ordain and establish this
Constitution for the United States of
Source: Library of Congress
How is this statement reflected in the modern American political


This opening statement from the US Constitution, "We the People of the United States...", establishes the fundamental principle that the legitimacy and authority of the US government derives from the people. Some key ways this is reflected in the modern US political system:

1. Sovereignty resides with the people. The people have the ultimate authority and can change the government and constitution as they see fit. The government is designed to serve the people.

2. There are provisions for the people to have a say in government policymaking and influence their representatives. This includes free speech rights, the right to petition, elections, and more. Representatives must be responsive to citizens.

3. There are limits on government power and protections of individual rights and liberties. The Bill of Rights specifically protects rights that belong to the people, limiting what the government can do.

4. Amending the constitution is possible through direct action by the people and states, not just the federal government. This allows the people to formally change the system that governs them.

5. There is an emphasis on consent of the governed, with government legitimacy flowing from the bottom-up rather than top-down. Government must have the consent and support of the people.

6. Federalism divides power across levels of government and between branches, with checks and balances. This makes it harder for any one group to control government and policymaking against the will of the people. Power remains dispersed.

So in essence, the overall system is designed to be accountable to citizens, limit government power over people, and ensure government officials ultimately derive their authority from the people. That founding principle profoundly shapes American democracy and politics.

Which of the following describes a way in which enslaved Africans would
resist the conditions of slavery?
Choose 1 answer:
converting to Judaism
contracting smallpox
working at a faster pace
breaking tools which one is correct


Breaking tools, resistance against cruel enslavers

Answer: They broke tools.

Explanation: Don't worry this answer is correct, I answered this question on khan Academy :).

Throughout history, gold has been a valuable precious metal. Its value as a metal led many civilizations to use it as a currency. In this role, gold was serving as which type of money?
A. Commodity money
B. Representative money
C. Fiat money
D. Currency money SUBMIT​




Commodity money

Gold was serving as commodity money. Money that derives its worth from the commodity from which it is made is known as commodity money. Thus, option A is correct.

What is commodity money?

Objects with intrinsic worth or use, as well as their value when used to purchase products, make up commodity money. This contrasts with fiat money, which derives its value from having been established as money by government regulation, and representational money, which has no intrinsic worth but instead represents something valuable like gold or silver, in which it can be exchanged.

Gold, silver, copper, salt, peppercorns, tea, ornamented belts, shells, alcohol, cigarettes, silk, candies, nails, cocoa beans, cowries, and barley are a few examples of commodities that have been used as means of exchange.

Learn more about commodity money here:



The Santa Fe Trail was used as a trade route between Mexico and:
A. Montana.
B. California.
C. Oregon.
D. Missouri.



Yo, the Santa Fe Trail was a trade route back in the day, connectin' Mexico with Missouri, man. So the answer is D. Missouri, bro!

Answer: D.Missouri


Missouri is where it started and Mexico is where it ended.

Rosa Parks moved when she was 11 years old. She moved to the city of Montgomery,
Alabama. Why did she move?


Answer: hope it helps


In her younger years she was sick much of the time, and as a result, was a small child. Her parents eventually separated and her mother took her and her brother and moved to Pine Level, a town adjacent to Montgomery, Alabama. There Rosa spent the rest of her childhood on her grandparents' farm.


because she needed to care for her dying grandmother and, shortly thereafter, her chronically ill mother.


In your own words why“the colonial government in Haiti introduced apartheid style legislation which discriminated against free coloured and black people in order to keep them in their place


The colonial government in Haiti introduced apartheid-style legislation to maintain a rigid social hierarchy based on race and to preserve the power and privileges of the white ruling class. This legislation discriminated against free colored and black people, denying them access to education, economic opportunities, and political rights. By limiting the opportunities available to people of color, the government sought to prevent them from challenging the status quo and asserting their own rights and interests. This system of segregation and discrimination was designed to reinforce white supremacy and to ensure the continued subjugation of the black majority. It was a tool of oppression that served to reinforce the power of the colonial regime and to maintain the status quo of racial inequality and injustice.

Identify the 15 cabinet departments and the names of each department secretaries under the Biden administration. (Use Wikipedia or other sources)



Kamala Harris


Antony Blinken


Janet Yellen


Lloyd Austin


Merrick Garland


Deb Haaland


Tom Vilsack


Gina Raimondo


Xavier Becerra


Marcia Fudge


Pete Buttigieg


Jennifer Granholm


Dr. Miguel Cardona


Denis McDonough


Alejandro Mayorkas


Michael Regan


Avril Haines


Katherine Tai


Linda Thomas-Greenfield


Dr. Cecilia Rouse


Isabel Guzman


Shalanda Young


Dr. Arati Prabhakar


Jeff Zients



My source: https://www.whitehouse.gov/administration/cabinet/

4. In two or three sentences, explain what a trade bloc is. Then briefly describe the purpose of each of
these three important trade blocs: North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the European
Union (EU), and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). (4 points)



A Trade bloc is a group of nations that has agreed on special agreements in regards to their economic relationship to each other

(NAFTA): The North American Free Trade Agreement’s purpose is to remove Tax and non-tax barriers of trade and investment between the United states, Mexico, and Canada.

(EU): The European Union’s purpose is to create growth and jobs by increasing the opportunities for trade and investment with the rest of the world as its the single largest market due to the amount of countries using the Euro as their currency

(ASEAN): the Association of Southeast Asian Nation’s purpose is to accelerate economic growth by loosening restrictions on goods, services and capital within the internet market and through that advance cultural, economical and social progress and development.

(All of the above was stated by the associations themselves)

The Venetians and Ottomans were trade partners because?



a mutually beneficial relationship providing each with access to key ports and valuable goods


i hope this helps :)

What was the result of the damage caused by the Great Seattle Fire of 1889?


120 acres (25 city blocks) had been destroyed, as was every wharf and Mill from Union to Jackson Streets. Although the loss of human life was evidently low (no statistics were kept on that) it was estimated that 1 million rats were killed. Thousands of people were displaced, and 5,000 men lost their jobs.

What weakness of Japan’s geography did the allies exploit?
A. Japan’s borders are very large, so Allies were able to sneak in undetected
B. Japan has large oil fields, so Allies were able to take the oil to refuel while fighting
C. Japan relies on imports, so Allies cut off supply lines
D. Japan has no access to the sea, so Allies surrounded them easily





Why didn't delegates at the Second Constitutional Convention end slavery in Tennessee?​


Slavery-abolitionist groups petitioned the convention, but the delegates disapproved of the request. The constitution expanded the number of ways that people might participate in politics, but it only granted white males the right to vote.

What is Constitutional Convention?Between May and September of 1787, the Philadelphia Constitutional Convention gathered to discuss how to fix the issues caused by the Articles of Confederation's flimsy central administration. The Federal Convention met to amend the Articles of Confederation on May 14, 1787, in Philadelphia's State House (Independence Hall). The members met seldom because there were initially only two state delegations present, adjourning each day until a quorum of seven states was reached on May 25.  The nascent nation was in danger of breaking apart because to the states' disputes about trade, taxation, trade rights, and territory. A Grand Convention of state delegates was called by Alexander Hamilton in order to work on amending the Articles of Confederation.

To learn more about Constitutional Convention, refer to:


Washington produces 70 percent of which agricultural good in the United
A. Potales
B. Apples
C. Shellfish
D. Wheat





apples have a brainly day

What evidence supports the fact that this image is of a trial? Check all of the boxes that apply. The women are pointing. The women are wearing white hats. It looks like there are guards and judges, as well as a jury.


A. The women are pointing and C. It looks like there are guards and judges, as well as a jury. These are the evidences from image that  supports the fact that this image is of a trial.

Hence, options A. and C. are the right choice.

Trial and example: what are they?

A judicial hearing to decide the outcome of a specific case is known as a trial. For example-Should your cousin be detained for taking her neighbor's dog, she may face a Trial.

What stage of the trial is that?

A trial is when parties to a disagreement gather together to submit information as evidence in a formal setting, often a court, before a judge, jury, or another authority tasked by law with finding a fact, in an effort to resolve their conflict.

To know more about Trial visit:



The complete question is-

What evidence supports the fact that this image is of a trial? Check all of the boxes that apply. ( The image is added below)

A. The women are pointing.

B. The women are wearing white hats.

C. It looks like there are guards and judges, as well as a jury.

Analyze the power that unions have in states that have passed right-to-work laws compared to those states that have not


Right-to-work laws prohibit unions from requiring workers to join a union or pay union dues as a condition of employment.

What is a union?

A union refers to a system of government or organization that aims to promote and coordinate social programs and policies across a region or country. The goal of a social union is to ensure that all citizens have access to similar social benefits and services regardless of their location or economic status. Social programs such as healthcare, education, and social security are often coordinated through a social union, and funding for these programs may be provided by a central government or by member states or provinces. The concept of a social union is often associated with federal systems of government, where individual states or provinces retain some autonomy but are also bound together by a common set of social policies and programs.

To learn more about union, visit:



Complete Question:

Analyze the power that unions have in states that have passed right-to-work laws compared to those states that have not?

Illegal drugs are a problem in Colombia. true or false?


Answer: very true jesus how much there is. its crazy


Which statement is true about the Native American population in the United States?

A)It declined in the late 1800s due to mass migration to other countries.

B)Native Americans share a common culture and language.

C)Some groups are currently developing mineral resources on their land.

D)Native Americans came to the United States to help build railroads.


C) Some groups are currently developing mineral resources on their land.

Which troops were the first to reach Berlin, and start to bring an end to the war?
A. Soviet
B. American
C. Italian
D. British





The battle began on April 16 when the Soviets attacked along the Oder River near Berlin. They quickly defeated the German forces outside Berlin and advanced on the city. By April 20th the Soviets began bombing Berlin. They worked their way around the city and had it completely surrounded in a few days.

Explain what events and actions caused the conflict
between Barbara Frietchie and the Confederate soldiers.
Write three to four sentences.


While Confederate soldiers marched by, Barbara Frietchie flew a Union flag.

What about Barbara Fritchie?

According to Barbara Fritchie's tale, as Confederate troops advanced into Union territory and drew near a particular town, the men there took down the Union flags that were flying out of concern for retaliation.

Barbara Fritchie would have none of that, so she: went outside and flew the Union flag; rebuked General "Stonewall" Jackson for trying to convince her to take it down by reminding him that it was the flag of the United States and that he must respect it; and went back inside and lowered the Union flag. She requested that no soldier take the flag down, and General Jackson complied.

To learn more about Barbara Fritchie, refer to:


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1. To what degree are trends in business and developments in technology forcing workers to write more than ever before? What evidence supports this trend? (Obj. 1) consider the following polymer (pva) and potential-cross linking agent (boric acid). what type of intermolecular forces is likely to sustain cross-linking of polymeric chains in this system? What is y - 4 = -2(x - 1) in Slope-Intercept Form y = -2x - 6 y = -2x + 6 y = -2x - 2 y = -2x + 2 a lynch mob that enables its members to believe they will not be prosecuted is an example of group of answer choices social loafing. groupthink. deindividuation. a risky shift. Make, The babys cried. Into a super sentence An intravenous pyelogram confirms the presence of a large renal calculus in the proximal left ureter of a newly admitted patient. The patient is not a candidate for conservative measures, so surgical correction is ordered. A temporary stent is inserted. In addition to observing the patient for hemorrhage, what should be the nurse's post-surgical interventions include for this patient? (co 5) a textbook company claims that their book is so engaging that more than 55% of students read it. if a hypothesis test is performed that rejects the null hypothesis, how would this decision be interpreted? g A(n) _____________ volume is similar to a primary partition, but in fact, is not a primary partition.1. mirrored2. simple3. spanned4. striped 25. Which is the solution set of the equation2x + 3x - 2 = 0?(1) (-1/2,2}(2) {1/2,-2}(3) {1/2,2}(4) {-1/2,-2} Suppose the risk-free rate is 3.53% and an analyst assumes a market risk premium of 5.32%. Firm A just paid a dividend of $1.36 per share. The analyst estimates the of Firm A to be 1.34 and estimates the dividend growth rate to be 4.58% forever. Firm A has 300.00 million shares outstanding. Firm B just paid a dividend of $1.55 per share. The analyst estimates the of Firm B to be 0.89 and believes that dividends will grow at 2.76% forever. Firm B has 197.00 million shares outstanding. What is the value of Firm A?Round to: 2 decimal places. A client with cancer develops pancytopenia during the course of chemotherapy. The client asks the nurse why this has occurred. The nurse explains that:1 Steroid hormones have a depressant effect on the spleen and bone marrow2 Noncancerous cells also are susceptible to the effects of chemotherapeutic drugs3 Lymph node activity is depressed by radiation therapy used before chemotherapy4 Dehydration caused by nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea results in hemoconcentration in your own words explain why story telling is important to human being scott reports having attended aa meetings. what can be said about alcoholics anonymous and similar self-help groups? What is the main benefit of the questions at the beginning of the "Review of U.S. Human Space Flight" article? To convince readers all arguments have been considered To include as many skeptics and naysayers as possible To outline the problems human space flight must overcome To suggest more research needs to be done quickly Write just the answer The president can forgive someone who has committed a crime which is known as a A client is admitted to the postpartum floor after a vaginal birth. Which finding indicates the need for immediate intervention? A. lochia that soaks a perineal pad every 2 hrs B. persistent headache with blurred vision C. red, painful nipple on one breast D. strong-smelling vaginal discharge A(n) _____ interview is a special type of clinical interview designed not only to assess a problem demanding urgent attention, but also to provide immediate intervention for the problem.A) protractedB) informalC) crisisD) abbreviated When gathering details to compare subjects, which is the most effective strategy? A. (correct)list specific questions about both subjects B. use the mental shopping technique C. conduct a writing marathon D. write down the details by grouping them in pairs which of the following are characteristics of tacacs ? (select two.) answer allows three different servers (one each for authentication, authorization, and accounting). allows two different servers (one for authentication and authorization and another for accounting). uses udp. uses tcp. can be vulnerable to buffer overflow attacks. brainlistshow all steps nd i will make u brainlist