Did you mean: write a letter to your father who lives in ghana telling him where you wish to spend your forthcoming holiday….450 words


Answer 1

Here is a draft for a 450-word letter to your father in Ghana regarding your forthcoming holiday:

Dear Dad,

I hope this letter finds you well in Ghana. I have some important decisions to make regarding my upcoming holiday break and wanted to get your input and advice. As you know, I have been very stressed and busy with my studies this year and a nice holiday would do me a world of good. I have some options in mind for how I would like to spend my break and wanted to discuss them with you.

The first option is to visit you and your family in Ghana. It has been over two years since I last saw you all and I miss you dearly. Spending time with you, relatives and reconnecting with my roots would be rejuvenating. However, the travel time there and back is quite long and expensive. I also have responsibilities here that I cannot ignore for too long.

The second option is to take a beach vacation with some friends. We were thinking Hawaii, the Bahamas or a tropical island in the Caribbean would be ideal. Lying on the beach, swimming and just relaxing seem perfect after this school year. However, I feel I would miss out on quality time with you and my Ghanaian family and culture.

The third and final option is to stay home and recharge here. I could sleep in, read books, binge-watch shows, catch up on hobbies and unplug from the world. While low key, I think I would feel guilty about not taking any real time off. I also have chores and tasks I have been neglecting that I should attend to.

In the end, I have to weigh all the pros and cons of each option and go with what I feel will benefit me the most during this time off. Your input on these options would help guide my decision making. Please let me know if any option stands out to you, or if there is another suggestion I have not considered.

I look forward to hearing from you and thank you in advance for your advice and support. I miss you!


[Your name]

Answer 2

Answer: Dear Father,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. It has been a while since we last spoke, and I thought I would take this opportunity to update you on my plans for the upcoming holiday season.

After much thought and consideration, I have decided that I would like to spend my forthcoming holiday in Ghana. As you know, Ghana is a country that has always held a special place in my heart, and I am excited to have the opportunity to explore more of its beauty and culture.

One of the main reasons why I am drawn to Ghana is its rich cultural heritage. From its vibrant music scene to its colourful markets, there is so much to see and experience in this incredible country. I plan to visit several cultural and historical sites that celebrate Ghana's rich history and traditions.

For instance, I am keen on visiting the Cape Coast Castle, which played a pivotal role in the transatlantic slave trade. I want to learn more about this dark period of Ghana's history and reflect on the impact it has had on the country and its people.

I also plan to visit the W.E.B. Du Bois Museum, which honours the life and legacy of the renowned civil rights activist and Pan-Africanist. As someone who has always been passionate about social justice and equality, I am eager to learn more about Du Bois's contributions to these causes.

Of course, I will also be taking some time to relax and unwind during my holiday. Ghana's stunning beaches and natural beauty are sure to provide the perfect opportunity to recharge my batteries and return to work feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

I plan to visit the Busua Beach Resort, which boasts a beautiful beachfront and offers a variety of activities, including surfing and snorkelling. I am also looking forward to exploring Ghana's breathtaking national parks, including Mole National Park and Kakum National Park.

I understand that this may come as a surprise, and I want to assure you that I have taken all necessary precautions to ensure my safety while traveling. I have consulted with travel agents and researched extensively to ensure that I am fully prepared for any eventuality.

In conclusion, I am excited about the opportunity to explore more of Ghana's beauty and culture during my forthcoming holiday. I hope that you are able to understand and support my decision to spend my holiday in Ghana. I look forward to sharing stories and photos with you upon my return.

With love and respect,

[Your Name]


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Describe the belief of enlightenment thinkers and writers
3.Jean-Jacques Rousseau
4.ceasare bonesana beccaira
5.Mary Wollstonecraft


Voltaire believed above all in the power of reason. He felt that no power, religious or political, could bring about social change.

What did Enlightenment thinker Montesquieu believe in?

Montesquieu determined that the best form of government was one in which the legislative, executive, and judicial authorities were independent and held each other in check to avoid any branch from becoming overly dominant.

What were the beliefs of Enlightenment thinkers and writers such as Jean-Jacques Rousseau?

Rousseau thought that reason, science, and art will enhance the lives of all people. He was a regular target of the clergy, nobility, and the government. Believed that Britain was the best-governed and most politically balanced country of his day.

What did Mary Wollstonecraft believe in as an Enlightenment thinker?

Mary Wollstonecraft (1759–1797) was a feminist writer and activist. She believed that women should be educated more because of their value in child rearing and as partners or "companions" to their husbands. Her personal life was considered scandalous at the time, as it featured an illegitimate child, love affairs.

To know more about enlightenment thinkers visit:



Part 2: Writing Free-Verse Narrative Poetry (on your own)

Then imagine that you are a refugee from this specific time and place in history. You, like Ha have been forced to flee your home country for your safety. On your own, write two free verse poems similar to Ha’s diary entries in the novel Inside Out & Back Again.

Please very important I swear pls help 100 points and BRAINLIEST


Leaving Home

I left my home behind,

the place where I grew up,

where I learned to laugh and love. But now, I am on the run,

fleeing from the violence and the guns.

My heart aches for the memories left behind,

as I journey towards a future I cannot define.

Lost in Translation

I am here, but I am not.

My words are lost, my voice forgot.

In a foreign land, I struggle to communicate,

to express my feelings, my hopes, my fate.

I long for the familiar, for the comfort of home,

but here I am, a stranger, lost and alone.

NOTE: These poems are similar to Ha's diary entries in the novel, which are written in free verse poetry form and express her heartbreak and struggles as a young Vietnamese refugee [2]. Writing free-verse poetry can be a cathartic and meaningful way for refugees to process their experiences and share their stories with the world.

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TASK 4 :
Prepare a remedial exercise for either student 1 (see Task 1), or student 2 (see task 2).
1.State which student the exercise is written for (student A or B)
2.Give one example of an error made by that student (the area of error that you will address is your remedial exercise)
3.Identify the area of error (e.g. incorrect formation of indirect speech)
4.Write a remedial task for the student to address the area of error you have identified.This should consist of 5 questions.
5.Write down the aim of the exercise.
E.g. The student will be able to use indirect speech correctly.
6.Write clear instructions for the student.
E.g.Identify and correct the errors.
7.Provide a worked example to support your instructions.
E.g. I finish work on 5 o’clock –incorrect
Correct : I finish work at 5 o’clock.
8.Include the answer key.


As we can see, either student's remedial activity can be made using the guidelines below:

Determine the student's unique learning requirements.Set specific learning objectives.Make the appropriate supply and material choices.Plan the exerciseCarry out the workout.track progressWhat is remedial exercise?

Remedial exercises are exercises or activities designed to help students or individuals who are struggling with a particular subject or ability. The goal of remedial exercises is to improve a person's performance and comprehension in a certain subject or skill area. They frequently concentrate on strengthening particular regions where there are deficiencies.

After putting the exercise into action, make sure to monitor the student's progress by assessing their performance on a regular basis and altering the exercise as required. Celebrate the students' successes and continue to offer them assistance and motivation as they work to improve their skills and comprehension.

To know more about remedial activity, visit:



PLease HELP 99 points Tribute to the Dog
by George Graham Vest
George Graham Vest (1830¬–1904) was an attorney and U.S. Senator who was known as one of the greatest public speakers and debaters of his time.. This speech is Graham’s closing argument in a case in which he represented a man who was suing another man for killing his dog. Graham’s impactful statement helped to win the case.
Gentlemen of the Jury: The best friend a man has in the world may turn against him and become his enemy. His son or daughter that he has reared with loving care may prove ungrateful. Those who are nearest and dearest to us, those whom we trust with our happiness and our good name may become traitors to their faith. The money that a man has, he may lose. It flies away from him, perhaps when he needs it most. A man's reputation may be sacrificed in a moment of ill-considered action. The people who are prone to fall on their knees to do us honor when success is with us, may be the first to throw the stone of malice when failure settles its cloud upon our heads.
The one absolutely unselfish friend that man can have in this selfish world, the one that never deserts him, the one that never proves ungrateful or treacherous is his dog. A man's dog stands by him in prosperity and in poverty, in health and in sickness. He will sleep on the cold ground, where the wintry winds blow and the snow drives fiercely, if only he may be near his master's side. He will kiss the hand that has no food to offer. He will lick the wounds and sores that come in encounters with the roughness of the world. He guards the sleep of his pauper master as if he were a prince. When all other friends desert, he remains. When riches take wings, and reputation falls to pieces, he is as constant in his love as the sun in its journey through the heavens.
If fortune drives the master forth, an outcast in the world, friendless and homeless, the faithful dog asks no higher privilege than that of accompanying him, to guard him against danger, to fight against his enemies. And when the last scene of all comes, and death takes his master in its embrace and his body is laid away in the cold ground, no matter if all other friends pursue their way, there by the graveside will the noble dog be found, his head between his paws, his eyes sad, but open in alert watchfulness, faithful and true even in death...................................................................
Why do you think Graham’s statement was so “impactful?” Make sure to include evidence to support your opinion. Your answer should be one paragraph (6-8 sentences).



Reword if needed

Graham's statement was impactful because he appealed to the emotions and values of the jury, emphasizing the unique loyalty and devotion that a dog shows to its owner. He contrasted the fickleness and potential disloyalty of human relationships with the unwavering loyalty of a dog. This argument likely resonated with the jury and tapped into their sense of empathy and compassion. Additionally, Graham's eloquent language and vivid imagery helped to paint a powerful picture of the bond between a man and his dog. Overall, Graham's statement was a compelling argument that successfully convinced the jury of the importance of a dog's life and the responsibility that humans have in protecting and respecting that life.


George Graham Vest's statement in defense of a man's dog was impactful because it appealed to the emotions of the jurors and the public. By contrasting the fickleness of human relationships with the unwavering loyalty of a dog, he created a powerful and relatable image that resonated with the jury. The use of vivid and evocative language, such as describing the dog sleeping on the cold ground and guarding its master even in death, helped to further strengthen the emotional impact of the statement. Additionally, the statement was delivered at the end of the trial, which allowed it to leave a lasting impression on the jurors as they deliberated on the case. As a result, the statement helped to win the case and has since become a memorable and iconic piece of American legal history.

please help [100} POINTS


Based on the information in the short story "Gren's Ghost" by Marie-Louise Fitzpatrick, it is possible to identify which stage of rebellion the protagonist

Gren's Ghost

The material in Marie-Louise Fitzpatrick's short story "Gren's Ghost" can be used to determine which stage of rebellion the protagonist, Finbar Flynn, is in. To accomplish so, one would need to examine Finbar's actions and compare them to the various stages of rebellion described in Pickhardt's paper.When writing an informational essay on this topic, it is critical to clarify your argument or assertion clearly. This could include deciding which stage of rebellion Finbar is in and offering evidence from the tale and article to back up your claim.To effectively organise and develop your thoughts, consider employing a structured essay format that contains an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

To know more about essay, click on the link :



What do Tommy Barnes' and Ben Rogers'
comments indicate about the Gang?
A.They are cautious about committing
serious crimes.
B.They are still innocent and
considerate children.
C.They are tough and hardened
criminals, though young.
D.They will not personally benefit by
joining the boys' Gang.


B.They are still innocent and considerate children.

The adventures of Tom Sawyer

Two characters from the venerable book "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" by Mark Twain are Tommy Barnes and Ben Rogers. They are shown as ordinary young boys that are full of energy, love to play games, and are curious about their environment. Despite their naughty actions, Ben and Tommy are shown to be kindhearted people with good intentions who have a sense of loyalty and camaraderie towards their friend Tom Sawyer. They are eager to accompany Tom on his excursions and stand up for him when he is in danger. Their personalities serve as examples of childhood innocence and joy as well as the value of friendship and devotion. Ben Rogers and Tommy Barnes are significant supporting figures in the book who add to the overall sense of adventure and fun.

To know more about fun, click on the link :



In the beginning of the story, Kitsune says that all the women make up different stories about themselves. She says, “the more our kaiko-bodies begin to resemble one another, the more frantically each factory girl works to reinvent her past” (Russell 23). Why do the women “frantically” do this?

complete anwser with quotes from the book (“ Reeling for the Empire”)


The women in "Reeling for the Empire" frantically reinvent their pasts as a way to maintain their individuality and sense of self in an environment that seeks to strip them of their humanity. Kitsune explains that the women are forced to wear identical kaiko uniforms and are subjected to long hours of monotonous work. She says, "We are required to wear identical kaiko uniforms and work long hours with no breaks. It is an environment that seeks to eradicate our individuality, to reduce us to interchangeable parts" (Russell 22).

As a result, the women feel a deep sense of loss and disconnection from their former lives. Kitsune observes that "our memories fade, and with them our sense of self" (Russell 23). In order to resist this erasure, the women begin to invent new stories about themselves, creating new identities that allow them to maintain a sense of agency and control over their lives. Kitsune explains, "The more our kaiko-bodies begin to resemble one another, the more frantically each factory girl works to reinvent her past, to distinguish herself in some small way" (Russell 23).

By inventing new stories, the women are able to assert their individuality and resist the dehumanizing effects of their work. As Kitsune notes, "We are not machines. We are not interchangeable parts. We are women with stories" (Russell 23).

I would like assistance in my final paper for British literature, may anyone please assist me?


To prepare for a final paper on British literature, you should:

How to prepare

Review the course materials, including texts, lectures, and notes.

Identify key themes, ideas, and literary devices that are relevant to the topic of your paper.

Research additional sources, such as scholarly articles, books, and criticism, to deepen your understanding of the subject.

Develop a clear thesis statement and outline for your paper.

Write a rough draft and revise it several times for clarity, coherence, and accuracy.

Proofread your final paper carefully for errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

Submit your paper on time and in accordance with the instructions provided by your instructor.

Read more about British literature here:


Which of the following statements best summarizes why O’Keeffe painted “Cow’s Skull: Red, White and Blue?”


Georgia O'Keeffe painted "Cow's Skull: Red, White, and Blue" in 1931. The painting is part of her series of skull paintings that depict the bones of animals she found in the New Mexico desert.

How to explain the information

The use of red, white, and blue in the painting is thought to represent O'Keeffe's love for America and her desire to express the beauty and ruggedness of the American landscape.

The cow skull itself symbolizes the cycle of life and death, as well as the harsh realities of the desert environment. Overall, the painting is a powerful expression of O'Keeffe's artistic vision and her fascination with the natural world.

Learn more about O’Keeffe on



Describe Troy and cory relationship essay format


Troy and Cory's relationship is one of the central themes in August Wilson's play "Fences." At the beginning of the play, Troy and Cory seem to have a close relationship, but as the play progresses, their relationship becomes strained and eventually breaks down completely.

In the early stages of the play, Troy and Cory have a strong father-son bond. Troy is a former baseball player who was denied the opportunity to play in the major leagues due to his race. He now works as a garbage collector and sees his son's passion for football as a waste of time. However, despite their disagreements, Troy and Cory share moments of affection and respect for each other.

As the play progresses, Troy's bitterness and disappointment with life begin to take a toll on his relationship with Cory. Troy becomes increasingly resentful of Cory's success and prospects for a college football scholarship. He thinks that Cory is wasting his time on football, just as he believes his own talents were wasted in baseball.

Troy's bitterness leads to him sabotaging Cory's chances of getting a scholarship by telling the football coach that Cory is no longer interested in playing. This act of betrayal leads to a physical altercation between Troy and Cory, which marks the end of their relationship.

In conclusion, Troy and Cory's relationship is a complicated and nuanced one. At the beginning of the play, they share a strong bond, but as the play progresses, their relationship becomes strained and ultimately breaks down. Troy's bitterness and resentment towards his own life cause him to lash out at Cory, which leads to the breakdown of their relationship.

Living outside in the elements is hard company on us all but especially for the Little Ones.
Which word is a context clue for the meaning of elements?
A. living
B. outside
C. company
D. especially​


The word which is a context clue for the meaning of elements is outside.

The correct answer is B.
the answer is either B or D

create a multimedia presentation. Make sure the presentation

clearly conveys to the audience your comparison of the two candidates’ arguments.

communicates your evaluation on which candidate’s arguments were stronger, and why.

makes use of media besides text alone to share your comparison and evaluation.

is fully digital so that you can share and publish the file for other students to see.

In the space below, describe how you used multimedia to communicate the information from Task 1 more clearly than you could have with text alone. If you have a shareable link to your presentation, you may also include that in the space below.


First step of multimedia Make the presentation more interesting by illustrating the candidates' points with pictures and videos.

Describe the multimedia techniques you employed to better convey the information from Task 1.

To compare and contrast the candidates' positions visually, create infographics or charts.

To clarify difficult topics or emphasise key points, use audio or voiceover.

To demonstrate how the arguments relate to one another and how they affect various stakeholders, use animations or visual effects.

Utilise interactive components to engage the audience and promote active engagement, such as polls or quizzes.

To create a multimedia experience that caters to various learning styles and preferences, combine text, graphics, videos, and other media.

To know more about multimedia visit:



How will you support this evidence with analyBody
Paragraph 1
• What reason or counterclaim will you develop
• How will you connect this to your overall claim?
• What evidence will you provide to support your
Body Paragraph 2
• What reason or counterclaim will you develop here?
• How will you connect this to your overall claim?
• What evidence will you provide to support your
• How will you support this evidence with analysis?


Analysis: By examining the impact of internment on individuals and communities, we can see the devastating effects that can result from government actions that violate civil liberties and due process.

What is Paragraph?

A paragraph is a unit of writing that contains one main idea or topic. It is a group of related sentences that develop and support the main idea or topic. A well-written paragraph typically begins with a topic sentence that introduces the main idea, followed by supporting sentences that provide details, examples, evidence, or analysis to develop and expand on the topic.

Evidence: The forced removal and internment of over 120,000 Japanese Americans during World War II was a clear violation of their constitutional rights. Additionally, there is evidence that the decision to intern Japanese Americans was based on racism and prejudice rather than actual threats to national security.

Learn more about  Paragraph from the given ink



Write a Research Paper of What are the Advantages of owning a pet?



Owning a pet can have numerous advantages for individuals and families. Here are some of the benefits:

### 1. Companionship

Pets can provide companionship and emotional support to their owners. They can be a source of comfort during difficult times, and can help reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation.

### 2. Stress Relief

Interacting with pets, such as petting or playing with them, has been shown to reduce stress levels in humans. This can have a positive impact on mental and physical well-being.

### 3. Exercise

Many pets require regular exercise, such as walking a dog or playing with a cat. This can encourage owners to be more active and lead to improved physical health.

### 4. Socialization

Owning a pet can also provide opportunities for socialization. For example, dog owners may meet and interact with other dog owners while walking their pets.

### 5. Improved Mood

Research has shown that owning a pet can improve overall mood and well-being. Pets can provide a sense of purpose and responsibility, which can be beneficial to mental health.

Overall, owning a pet can have a positive impact on various aspects of life. However, it is important to carefully consider the responsibilities and costs associated with pet ownership before making the decision to bring a pet into your home.


D) Lower decibel levels can cause just as much damage over time as higher decibel levels.
6) The central idea of the last paragraph is that
A) people should avoid jobs with loud machines.
B) people should play music at a low level to protect hearing.
C) people should limit their exposure to loud noises.
D) people should understand the way their ears receive sounds.
Read the passage on the left to answer the following questions:


We record noise levels in , or dBA. The higher the noise level, the noise.  listen to sounds at 70 dBA or for as long as you want.

What decibel level is harmful over time?

Noise above 70 dB over a of time may start to your . noise above 120 dB can cause immediate harm to your ears. The table below shows dB levels and how noise from everyday sources can affect your hearing.

Is lower decibel better?

Sounds at or below 70 dB are considered safe for our . That's the sound of a normal conversation two people. Sounds at 80 or 85 dB will over time.

To know more about levels visit :-



what two things are being compared in the sentence your voice is like bells over roofs at dawn



your voice/bells over roofs at dawn


Read It Work individually. Reread the first stanza of "The King's Speech." Use a vertical rule to separate individual feet. Then, mark the stressed () and unstressed () syllables of each foot. Note: The poet may deviate from strict iambic pentameter, perhaps by including two stressed syllables or more than two syllables in a foot, or by using fewer than five feet per line. Identify these variations, and consider how they add to the poem's meaning. The first line has been marked for you. After all members of your group have finished marking the stanza, compare and discuss your work. The palace clocks | are still | as coats | of mail Time stopped; I flicked it with my fingernail. My taste is shattered on these works of art It fathers by a touch: My bread's too rich, My butter much too golden, and my meat A nugget on my plate as cold as ice; Fresh water in my throat turns precious there, Where every drop becomes a millionaire​


The friendship between the king and the commoner is summarised in "The King's Speech" in one word and the final syllable of another.

What is the speech's conclusion, Dr. King?

Logue joins Bertie in the film's closing scene and assists him in delivering his first speech during a time of war. Bertie delivers a powerful speech with Logue's assistance and friendship, and his words are an inspiration to people all around England.

What perspective does King express in his speech?

Overall, this film has a strong gravitational pull towards Bertie and is a definite third-person omniscient narrative. The last disclaimer, "Lionel and Bertie remained friends for the rest of their lives," maintains this omniscience.

To know more about King Speech visit:



Can someone please help me, ASAP! Write and analyze a poetry by following the examples that the question explains, and please list the poem name, and the person who made/wrote it Also, Include the answers to the questions below about the poetry. THANK YOU!

1. What is the literal meaning of the poem? You may need to paraphrase lines to get to this. Look up words you don't know.

2. Who is the speaker in the poem (like a narrator, but it's called the persona in poetry). Is there a listener or another character who acts as the recipient? Is it you? Someone else?

3. What is the speaker's tone, or what is the tone of the poem? Which words reveal this tone? (The tone can be sad, happy, ironic, dark, hopeful, child-like, etc...)

4. What heavily connotative words are used?

connotation=what the word makes you think of, what feelings the word evokes denotation=the dictionary definition

5. What concrete images does the poet use?

sight / sound / taste / touch / smell

Do any of these concrete images help to convey an abstract idea?

love / hate / death / loneliness

6. What figures of speech are used? simile (like or as comparison) “but I hung on like death....” metaphor (comparison) look at "The Journey" for an example personification=giving human-like qualities to inanimate objects (or concepts)

symbolism=a concrete object/image that stands for more than its literal meaning.

alliteration=repetition of an initial sound "in a deep and dark December"

allusion=reference to a historical, biblical, or mythological event or person

7. What is the occasion or setting of the poem? Is it important to the meaning?

8. What is the role of metrics (rhyme, rhythm)

9. Is the form important? Stanza breaks, rhyme scheme, individual lines...)

10. What else seems important or interesting about the poem?


The poem we choose here is: . "Wild nights - Wild nights!".

1. The poem "Wild nights - Wild nights!" is about the speaker's desire to be with their beloved. The "wild nights" symbolize their passion and the feeling of being alive, while the "mournful” (sad) sea represents the separation from their beloved.

2. The speaker in the poem is the persona who is expressing their feelings of desire and longing for their beloved. There is no specific listener or recipient mentioned in the poem.

What is poem?

A poem is a form of literary expression that utilizes language to evoke emotions, convey ideas or experiences, and create aesthetic beauty. It is a type of writing that uses various techniques such as rhyme, meter, metaphor, and imagery to convey meaning and emotion. Poems can be written in many different styles, including free verse, sonnets, haikus, and ballads.

3. The tone of the poem is passionate and intense. The use of the words "wild" and "passionate" reveals this tone.

4. The heavily connotative words used in the poem are "wild," "mournful," "passionate," "longing," and "quenchless."

5. The concrete images used in the poem are the "sea," "vessels," "ship," and "night." These images help to convey the abstract idea of the speaker's desire for their beloved.

6. The figure of speech used in the poem is personification. The sea is given human-like qualities when it is described as "mournful."

7. The occasion or setting of the poem is not explicitly stated, but it seems to take place in the speaker's imagination or dreams.

8. The metrics used in the poem are rhythm and rhyme. The rhythm is mostly iambic (stressed and unstressed syllables in a pattern), while the rhyme scheme is AABB.

9.  The form of the poem is important in creating the overall effect of the poem. The use of short lines and the AABB rhyme scheme give the poem a sense of urgency and passion.

10. The poem is interesting because it uses simple language and concrete images to convey a complex emotional state. The passion and desire expressed in the poem are universal and relatable, making it a timeless piece of literature.

Learn more about poem on https://brainly.com/question/9861


1. What Literacy Assessments would you use for each of the Three Tiers in Multi-Tier Systems of Support (MTSS) Framework?


The normal expectation for Tier 1 pupils is that 80% of them will achieve their learning objectives. The MTSS framework's main element is Tier 1 instruction.

What are the three tiers in multi-tiered support systems (MTSS)?

In an MTSS model, there are typically three tiers of support. In Tier 1, all students receive excellent instruction and support throughout the classroom. Tier 2 offers specialised assistance to fill in a student's skill shortcomings. Tier 3 entails extensive support, which is typically given more frequently and in smaller groups.

What are multi-tiered literacy assistance systems?

Many schools employ the MTSS framework to give challenging children specialised attention. Early intervention is the main objective of MTSS in order to help students catch up with their peers. It all pupils are screened, and issues with behaviour and academic performance are addressed. Multi-tiered system of supports is referred to as MTSS.

To know more about MTSS visit:-



The Mercedes driver swerved to avoid the accident, otherwise it will be clear for everyone


Sorry but, this makes no sense? It’s just a random sentence.. no question or anything.

Passive voice: The accident would have been avoided by the Mercedes driver if he had not swerved.

Verbs: swerved, avoided.

Adjectives: clear.

What is the subject of the sentence?

In the given sentence, the subject of the sentence is "Mercedes driver" who performed the action of "swerving" to avoid the accident. The object of the sentence is "the accident".

To convert this sentence to passive voice, we need to make the object of the sentence "the accident" the subject of the sentence and make the subject "the Mercedes driver" the object of the sentence.

To do this, we can use the past participle form of the verb "avoid" which is "avoided" and form a passive sentence as "The accident would have been avoided by the Mercedes driver if he had not swerved".

Read more about passive voice here:



The Mercedes driver swerved to avoid the accident, otherwise it will be clear for everyone

Convert this to passive voice

Select the verbs and adjectives used

write a letter to the editor of white dolphin


Hello, Editor I'm writing to express how very concerned I am about the situation facing our seas' population of white dolphins.

Letter to the Editor:

I am extremely alarmed by the rapid fall in the population of white dolphin in our waters as a conscientious citizen and admirer of marine life. Many animals have been hurt or perished because of the enormous disturbance produced by the rapid expansion of coastal areas to those animals' natural habitats. This entails putting in place stringent rules to stop pollution, restricting rising sea levels in sensitive parts, and enforcing strict fishery restrictions to prevent overfishing of these animals. I implore the government and other interested parties to cooperate in protecting the white dolphin as well as its environment

To know more about white dolphins visit:



Marawi City Sultan and Professor Punduma Sani made a joke about having "never made love with an armalite." What does this say about those who think that Filipino Muslims are violent people? Why does the professor resort to humor?
2. Reporting if its nonsense


This joke says that Filipino Muslims are not necessarily violent people and that stereotypes about them being violent are not accurate.

What is violent ?

Violence is defined as physical force that is used to harm or intimidate a person or group. It is characterized by aggression, destruction, and the threat of harm. Violence can include physical abuse, destruction of property, or the threat of harm. It can also include psychological forms of abuse, such as verbal, bullying, or intimidation. Violence can also take the form of economic or political coercion. Violence is often used to gain power or control over another person, or to intimidate or harm a group of people. It can cause physical or psychological harm, and can lead to long-term negative consequences.

To learn more about violent



Which would you follow,the decision that your mind is saying or the choice that your heart is dictating?


However, the decision whether to follow the mind or the heart is a personal one and depends on the situation and individual circumstances. In some cases, it may be more logical to follow the mind, especially when dealing with complex problems that require careful analysis and critical thinking. In other cases, following the heart may be more appropriate, especially when dealing with matters of emotion and personal values. Ultimately, it's important to find a balance between the two and make a decision that is both logical and feels true to your values and beliefs.

What do you think Maurice will teach his children in a simple act


Answer: To learned to make a meaningful bound with one another.

Explanation: An invisible thread connects two people who are destined to meet and influence each other.

Read the excerpt from Roosevelt’s State of the Union address and the poster below it. As spokesmen for the United States Government, you and I take off our hats to those responsible for our American production—to the owners, managers, and supervisors, to the draftsmen and the engineers, and to the workers—men and women—in factories and arsenals and shipyards and mines and mills and forests—and railroads and on highways. Poster about construction workers. Which is a difference that arises as a result of the different ways in which the speech and the poster convey their intended messages? The poster’s images feature the male factory workers more prominently and almost hides the female worker in the background, while the speech specifically acknowledges both male and female workers equally. The poster’s images merely suggest that factory work is a thankless job, whereas the speech specifically acknowledges that it is. The poster’s images portray a variety of different industries, whereas the speech acknowledges only those who work in factories. The poster’s images clearly illustrate that factory work is a vital job, whereas the speech barely acknowledges its significance.


A difference arises in which the speech and the poster since the speech advocates equality between men and women, but in the poster man is seen in the forefront and the woman just as a silhouette.

Which is a difference that arises when  the speech and the poster convey their intended messages?

The difference that arises as a result of the different ways in which the speech and the poster impart their respective contents is that the poster’s representations boast the male factory workers more conspicuously and almost conceal the female worker in the background, while the speech specifically declares both male and female workers evenly. The speech mentions "men and women" working in various industries, while the poster focuses more on the male construction workers and relegates the female worker to the background. The poster’s images feature the male factory workers more prominently and almost hides the female worker in the background, while the speech specifically acknowledges both male and female workers equally. There is thus a stark contrast between the speech and the poster.

Read more about Roosevelt here:



Explain how Lady Macbeth's actions in Act V, Scene 1, draw meaning to the repeated images of blood, darkness, and sleep.


Explains that there are many symbols used in macbeth that help us understand the play. light and darkness repeated good and things, and blood represents .

What does darkness symbolize in Shakespeare?

Like many of his contemporaries, Shakespeare used darkness figuratively to represent evil. In the Jacobean era, morality plays were popular and the symbolism of 'light' as good and 'darkness' as evil was well-known.

What does the symbol of darkness represent?

Darkness can encompass a primitive chaos, and the powers of that chaos; it is not essentially evil, yet it is largely associated with death and destruction, captivity and spiritual darkness. The gloom preceded the Fiat Lux traditionally represents the states that give rise to chaos.

To know more about repeated visit :-



the girl is always happy.(adverb sentence)


The girl is always happily.

What is the adverb?

The adverb "happily" is used to modify a verb, not an adjective. In the sentence "The girl is always happy," "happy" is an adjective that describes the state or condition of the girl, and "always" is an adverb that modifies the verb "is" by indicating the frequency or duration of the girl's happiness.

If you want to use an adverb in the sentence, you could modify the verb "is" with an adverb to describe how the girl is happy. For example:

The girl is always happily smiling.The girl is always joyfully happy.The girl is always exuberantly happy.

In these examples, the adverbs "happily," "joyfully," and "exuberantly" modify the verb "is" to convey how the girl is happy, providing additional information about the manner or intensity of her happiness.

Read more about adverb here:



Planning a Narrative Paragraph About a Difficult Choice


A challenging decision in a narrative paragraph can be made by Finding a solid subject from the various narrative essay topics might be difficult, but with the appropriate guidance, you can make the best decision.

How are subjects for narrative essays different from those for other essay types?

Because they are frequently based on personal experiences, narrative essay ideas are often more imaginative and emotive than other sorts of essay topics. Also, they are frequently more open-ended, giving you more leeway to decide what to write about.

What should I write about in a narrative essay?

Any topic can be the subject of a narrative essay, although it is typically based on personal experience. Try to think of intriguing events from your life to create a story about.

To know more about Narrative Paragraph visit:-



What dilemmas arise when we view others differently than they view themselves?


The issues that can develop when people see us differently than we see ourselves are that the emotions of disappointment and may impair our self-esteem and add to anxiety and sorrow.

What exactly is Adichie's dilemma?

When people see us differently than we see ourselves, we can experience feelings of disappointment, which can lower our self-esteem and lead to feelings of anxiety and sadness. It eliminates the possibility that we are comparable to others in any way, and it also eliminates "the possibility of a relationship as human equals." "The single story creates stereotypes, and the result of a single is that it deprives individuals of dignity." Adichie's observation that when people perceive us in a different light than we see ourselves is telling.

To know more about dilemmas visit:



The following question is incomplete the complete question is as follows:

According to Adichie, what dilemmas can arise when others view us differently than we view ourselves?

ii) On Sundays, my sister... (can, would, used to, must) wake up and go to the temple. (choose correct modal)​


On Sundays, my sister  would  wake up and go to the temple

What is the term about?

The word "would " denotes the capability or prospect of something. One possible paraphrasing could be: The statement implies that the sister has the capability of doing so.

The right modal  verb to utilize in this statement is "would." It is one that is used to portray past practices or regularities. The speaker is recounting their sister's customary Sunday routine of rising and visiting the temple. The employment of "would" in this context tells that this was a recurring event in previous times.

Learn more about modal  verb from



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