Define the _make method, which takes one iterable argument (and no self argument: the purpose of _make is to make a new object; see how it is called below); it returns a new object whose fields (in the order they were specified) are bound to the values in the interable (in that same order). For example, if we called Point._make((0,1)) the result returned is a new Point object whose x attribute is bound to 0 and whose y attribute is bound to 1.


Answer 1
This picture will show you the answer and guide the way to victory
Define The _make Method, Which Takes One Iterable Argument (and No Self Argument: The Purpose Of _make
Answer 2

We can actually see that the _make method is known to be a function that creates named tuple type.

What is _make method?

_make method is seen in Python programming which is used to create a named tuple type instantly. It can be used for conversion of objects e.gtuple, list, etc. to named tuple.

Thus, we see the definition of _make method.

Learn more about Python on


Related Questions

Veronica is looking for a reliable website with information about how old you have to be to use social media. What should she look for?



The URL of the website


Look for .gov and .edu as they are often reliable sources

Write a program with the total change amount as an integer input, and output the change using the fewest coins, one coin type per line. The coin types are Dollars, Quarters, Dimes, Nickels, and Pennies. Use singular and plural coin names as appropriate, like 1 Penny vs. 2 Pennies. The input should be an integer, with the unit as "cents". For example, the input of 126 refers to 126 cents. 1 Dollar = 100 cents 1 Quarter = 25 cents 1 Dime = 10 cents 1 Nickel = 5 cents 1 Penny = 1 cent Ex: If the input is:



In Python:

cents = int(input("Cents: "))

dollars = int(cents/100)

quarters = int((cents - 100*dollars)/25)

dimes = int((cents - 100*dollars- 25*quarters)/10)

nickels = int((cents - 100*dollars- 25*quarters-10*dimes)/5)

pennies = cents - 100*dollars- 25*quarters-10*dimes-5*nickels

if not(dollars == 0):

   if dollars > 1:

       print(str(dollars)+" dollars")


       print(str(dollars)+" dollar")

if not(quarters == 0):

   if quarters > 1:

       print(str(quarters)+" quarters")


       print(str(quarters)+" quarter")

if not(dimes == 0):

   if dimes > 1:

       print(str(dimes)+" dimes")


       print(str(dimes)+" dime")

if not(nickels == 0):

   if nickels > 1:

       print(str(nickels)+" nickels")


       print(str(nickels)+" nickel")

if not(pennies == 0):

   if pennies > 1:

       print(str(pennies)+" pennies")


       print(str(pennies)+" penny")



A prompt to input amount in cents

cents = int(input("Cents: "))

Convert cents to dollars

dollars = int(cents/100)

Convert the remaining cents to quarters

quarters = int((cents - 100*dollars)/25)

Convert the remaining cents to dimes

dimes = int((cents - 100*dollars- 25*quarters)/10)

Convert the remaining cents to nickels

nickels = int((cents - 100*dollars- 25*quarters-10*dimes)/5)

Convert the remaining cents to pennies

pennies = cents - 100*dollars- 25*quarters-10*dimes-5*nickels

This checks if dollars is not 0

if not(dollars == 0):

If greater than 1, it prints dollars (plural)

   if dollars > 1:

       print(str(dollars)+" dollars")

Otherwise, prints dollar (singular)


       print(str(dollars)+" dollar")

This checks if quarters is not 0

if not(quarters == 0):

If greater than 1, it prints quarters (plural)

   if quarters > 1:

       print(str(quarters)+" quarters")

Otherwise, prints quarter (singular)


       print(str(quarters)+" quarter")

This checks if dimes is not 0

if not(dimes == 0):

If greater than 1, it prints dimes (plural)

   if dimes > 1:

       print(str(dimes)+" dimes")

Otherwise, prints dime (singular)


       print(str(dimes)+" dime")

This checks if nickels is not 0

if not(nickels == 0):

If greater than 1, it prints nickels (plural)

   if nickels > 1:

       print(str(nickels)+" nickels")

Otherwise, prints nickel (singular)


       print(str(nickels)+" nickel")

This checks if pennies is not 0

if not(pennies == 0):

If greater than 1, it prints pennies (plural)

   if pennies > 1:

       print(str(pennies)+" pennies")

Otherwise, prints penny (singular)


       print(str(pennies)+" penny")


Create a flowchart that assigns a counselor to a student.
You need to ask a student for the first letter of his/her last name. Assign a counselor based on the following criteria:
A through M are assigned to Ms. Jones
N through Z are assigned to Mr. Sanchez


Please Help! Unit 6: Lesson 1 - Coding Activity 2
Instructions: Hemachandra numbers (more commonly known as Fibonacci numbers) are found by starting with two numbers then finding the next number by adding the previous two numbers together. The most common starting numbers are 0 and 1 giving the numbers 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5...
The main method from this class contains code which is intended to fill an array of length 10 with these Hemachandra numbers, then print the value of the number in the array at the index entered by the user. For example if the user inputs 3 then the program should output 2, while if the user inputs 6 then the program should output 8. Debug this code so it works as intended.

The Code Given:

import java.util.Scanner;

public class U6_L1_Activity_Two{
public static void main(String[] args){
int[h] = new int[10];
0 = h[0];
1 = h[1];
h[2] = h[0] + h[1];
h[3] = h[1] + h[2];
h[4] = h[2] + h[3];
h[5] = h[3] + h[4];
h[6] = h[4] + h[5];
h[7] = h[5] + h[6];
h[8] = h[6] + h[7]
h[9] = h[7] + h[8];
h[10] = h[8] + h[9];
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
int i = scan.nextInt();
if (i >= 0 && i < 10)

Write a class called Dragon. A Dragon should have a name, a level, and a boolean variable, canBreatheFire, indicating whether or not the dragon can breathe fire. The class should have getter methods for all of these variables - getName, getLevel, and isFireBreather, respectively.


Answer: A dragon name could be name Holls and at level 14 and can breathe fire


Package Newton’s method for approximating square roots (Case Study: Approximating Square Roots) in a function named newton. This function expects the input number as an argument and returns the estimate of its square root. The program should also include a main function that allows the user to compute the square roots of inputs from the user and python's estimate of its square roots until the enter/return key is pressed.An example of the program input and output is shown below:Enter a positive number or enter/return to quit: 2 The program's estimate is 1.4142135623746899 Python's estimate is 1.4142135623730951 Enter a positive number or enter/return to quit: 4 The program's estimate is 2.0000000929222947 Python's estimate is 2.0 Enter a positive number or enter/return to quit: 9 The program's estimate is 3.000000001396984 Python's estimate is 3.0 Enter a positive number or enter/return to quit


I’m confused what are you asking

The python program that calculates the volume and the square of the volume is as follows

radius = float(input("Radius: "))

volume = (4.0/3.0) * (22.0/7.0) * radius**3

sqrtVolume = volume**0.5

print(f'The volume is {volume} units cubed')

print(f'The square root of that number is {sqrtVolume}')

How to write the program?

The complete program written in Python where comments are used to explain each line is as follows

This gets the radius

radius = float(input("Radius: "))

#This calculates the volume

volume = (4.0/3.0) * (22.0/7.0) * radius**3

#This calculates the square root of the volume

sqrtVolume = volume**0.5

#This prints the volume

print(f'The volume is {volume} units cubed')

#This prints the square root of the volume

print(f'The square root of that number is {sqrtVolume}')

Therefore, The python program that calculates the volume and the square of the volume is as follows

radius = float(input("Radius: "))

volume = (4.0/3.0) * (22.0/7.0) * radius**3

sqrtVolume = volume**0.5

Read more about python programs at


Play now? Play later?
You can become a millionaire! That's what the junk mail said. But then there was the fine print:

If you send in your entry before midnight tonight, then here are your chances:
0.1% that you win $1,000,000
75% that you win nothing
Otherwise, you must PAY $1,000

But wait, there's more! If you don't win the million AND you don't have to pay on your first attempt,
then you can choose to play one more time. If you choose to play again, then here are your chances:
2% that you win $100,000
20% that you win $500
Otherwise, you must PAY $2,000

What is your expected outcome for attempting this venture? Solve this problem using
a decision tree and clearly show all calculations and the expected monetary value at each node.
Use maximization of expected value as your decision criterion.

Answer these questions:
1) Should you play at all? (5%) If you play, what is your expected (net) monetary value? (15%)
2) If you play and don't win at all on the first try (but don't lose money), should you try again? (5%) Why? (10%)
3) Clearly show the decision tree (40%) and expected net monetary value at each node (25%)



wow what a scam


What’s the difference packet switching and message switching??


Im not sure but the person above is right x :)))

Explanation dudjdb

Write VHDL code for the circuit corresponding to an 8-bit Carry Lookahead Adder (CLA) using structural VHDL (port maps). (To be completed before your lab session.)



perdo si la pusiera es español te ayudo pero no esta en español

The ABC box company makes square puzzle cubes that measure 4 inches along each edge. They shipped the cubes in a box 8 in x 12 in x 16 in. How many cubes can they ship in the box?


Answer: They can ship 32 puzzle cubes in the box.

Explanation: So the volume of each puzzle cubes = side³

=(4)³ cubic inches.

Then the volume of the box is= (8×12×16) cubic inches.

(8×12×16)/4^3= 32

A car dealership needs a program to store information about the cars for sale. For each car, they want to keep track of the following information number of doors (2 or 4), whether the car has air conditioning, and its average number of miles per gallon. Which of the following is the best design?
a. Use classes: Doors, Airconditioning, and MilesPerGallon, each with a subclass Car.
b. Use a class Car, with subclasses of Doors, Airconditioning, and MilesPerGallon.
c. Use a class Car with three subclasses: Doors, Airconditioning, and MilesPerGallon.
d. Use a class Car, with fields: numDoors, hasAir, and milesPerGallon.
e. Use four unrelated classes: Car, Doors, Airconditioning, and MilesPerGallon.



The answer is "Choice d".


In this topic, the option d, which is "Use a class Car, with fields: numDoors, hasAir, and milesPerGallon" is right because the flag, if air-conditioned, of its numbers of doors, was its average kilometers per gallon, qualities of either an automobile, in which each one is a basic value so that they're being fields of a class of cars.

The best design for the given program will be;

D: Use a class Car, with fields: numDoors, hasAir, and milesPerGallon.

What is the best design for the program?

In this question, the best design for the program to keep track of the number of doors (2 or 4), whether the car has air conditioning, and its average number of miles per gallon is to "Use a class Car, with fields: numDoors, hasAir, and milesPerGallon"

That option is right because has classified the cars with the accurate parameters to be searched which are its numbers of doors, average miles per gallon, air condition.

Read more about programming at;

why was the 80s bad for Disney i know one example but ill tell you after you answer



The dark stories behind it? i dont  know lol

whats this oh _____
what is it
A) jane
B) juan.
D) horse



juan duhhhhh hehehe


who likes tom holland as spiderman and his web shooter tippets when he swings off buildings in new york city midtown, Forest Hills and he is a superhero and I am his humongous fan of spiderman or peter parker the spider man






ayo no spikar english :u

Provide a status report to your classmates and instructor. Describe any modifications that you have made to the design or documentation, discuss whether you encountered any new challenges or risks, and describe the mitigation strategy you implemented for addressing each risk. Are you meeting the objectives identified in your system proposal?What hardware, software, virtual desktop resources, and so on will you need to design and implement your system?What adjustments have you made to your document based on peer feedback?How do system components and applications interface and share data?In response to your peers, provide constructive feedback on their system design document progress and suggestions that they can incorporate into their documentation or projects. Is a sufficient amount of detailed information being provided to enable implementation by any skilled IT practitioner? Do you see any potential obstacles that they might come up against? If so, what approach can they take to overcome these challenges?When preparing your status reports, be sure that they are clear and well written. Engage your classmates in discussions that mimic the team dynamics expected in professional, real-world information technology project environments.Refer to the Discussion Rubric for directions on completing these discussions.



that's muddled up I can't make out the question

Which elements of text can be changed using automatic formatting? Check all that apply.
A) smart quotes
B) accidental usage of the Caps Lock key
C) fractions
D) the zoom percentage
E) the addition of special characters ​


A) smart quote and B) the zoom percentage and E) the addition of special characters

Answer:a, d, e


Wilma is looking for facts about social media for her research project. What fact should she use for her project?

1: Communicating with social media is hard
2: Social media is a great way to communicate.
3: Social media is fun and easy to use.
4:The minimum age for some social media sites is 13.


the fact she should use for her project is number 4 because that’s the only fact, the rest are opinions!
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