Critical Thinking Questions:
a. Consider how the lowa constitution discusses civil rights and civil liberties. How
are lowa's liberties and rights different from those found in the US constitution?
1. How do you know? (Give evidence from the documents)
b. Of the 2 types of language used in the constitutions (specific and detailed vs.
vague and general) which do you prefer? Is it better to have a clear, precise and"
exact constitution, or is it better to have language that is general and has more
"wiggle room"?
Why do you think so?


Answer 1

a. The Iowa Constitution includes additional protections for individual liberties beyond what is stated in the U.S. Constitution, such as rights for crime victims and environmental protection.

The Iowa Constitution includes language related to environmental rights, and protection which is not present in the U.S. Constitution.

What about the preference of languages of the constitution?

The preference for specific and detailed language versus vague and general language in Constitutions depends on the context and societal needs. Both have pros and cons.

For example, a constitution with specific and detailed language can provide clarity and precision in terms of rights and liberties.

On the other hand, a constitution with vague and general language can provide flexibility and allows for interpretation and evolution of rights and liberties as society progresses.

Learn more about constitutions at


Related Questions

The term “discretion” is often defined as selective decision making by police and others in the juvenile justice system who are faced with alternative modes of action. Discuss some of the factors affecting the discretion of the police when dealing with juvenile offenders.


1. The Seriousness of the Offense: The severity of the offense committed by the juvenile offender is one of the main factors influencing the police’s discretion.

What is juvenile?

Juvenile refers to a period of life in which a person is not yet an adult. As such, it is typically used to refer to young people between the ages of 13 to 18.

When the crime is more serious, the police are more likely to take a harsher stance in order to deter any future criminal activity.
2. Prior Criminal History: The police also take into consideration the offender’s prior criminal history when making their decisions. If a juvenile offender has a prior criminal record, the police are likely to be more stringent in their enforcement of the law and to impose harsher penalties.
3. Community Standards: The standards of the community in which the juvenile offender committed the crime also play a role in the discretion of the police. If the community believes that the offender should be harshly punished, the police are more likely to take a stricter approach.
4. Age of the Offender: The age of the juvenile offender is another factor taken into consideration when the police are making their decisions. Generally, the younger the offender, the more lenient the police are likely to be.
5. Nature of the Offense: The nature of the offense also affects the police’s discretion. If the offense is more violent or harmful, the police are more likely to take a stricter stance.
6. Mitigating Factors: The police also take into account any mitigating factors that may have contributed to the offense. For example, if the juvenile offender acted out of fear or duress, the police may be more likely to be lenient.

To learn more about juvenile

What are the implications for anthropology with regard to globalization?


Communities on the margins face a serious threat from globalisation. Anthropologists investigate the cultures of these marginalised groups.

What ramifications does globalisation have for anthropology?

One of the major contributions of the anthropology of globalisation has been to emphasise the relationship between what is referred to as the "local" and the "global," emphasising the interaction between the reality of long-standing social and cultural worlds and large-scale global shifts.

What is the purpose of globalisation anthropology?

The Anthropology of Globalization focuses on both the large-scale processes that are causing different cultures to become more interconnected and the culturally specific ways that people all over the world, from Africa and Asia to the Caribbean and North America, mediate these processes.

To know more about globalization visit:-


Give an example of a time when a state had a law (or a hypothetical example) that was in conflict with federal law. Should the state be allowed to keep their law different, or should the federal government have the power to make them change it? Explain.


An example of a time when a state had a law in conflict with federal law is the state of Alabama's decision in 2011 to pass an immigration law that was deemed unconstitutional by the federal government.

What is immigration?

Immigration is the process of moving to a new country or region to live permanently. It involves a combination of legal and cultural processes that differ from country to country. Immigrants may move to a new country for a variety of reasons, including economic, social, family, or political opportunities.

The law made it a criminal offense for an undocumented immigrant to be present in the state and gave local law enforcement the power to detain people they believed were undocumented. The federal government argued that the Alabama law was in violation of the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution, which states that federal law is the supreme law of the land and state laws are subordinate to it.
In this case, the federal government should have the power to make the state change their law, as it is in violation of the Constitution. Allowing states to pass laws that conflict with federal law would be a violation of the separation of powers and could have an adverse effect on the civil rights of citizens. Furthermore, it could create a confusing and chaotic legal system with different laws in different states.

To learn more about immigration

The president is part of ​


The president is part of the executive branch of government.

What branch of government does the president belong to?

The president of the United States is part of the executive branch of government, which also includes the vice president and the cabinet. This branch is responsible for enforcing laws and carrying out policies, and is distinct from the legislative and judicial branches.

The president is the head of the executive branch and is responsible for overseeing its operations, appointing officials, and serving as commander-in-chief of the armed forces. Additionally, the president has the power to veto legislation passed by Congress and to make executive orders. The executive branch plays a critical role in the governance of the United States and is an essential part of the country's democratic system.

Read more about president


Evaluate how community respond to women and children in light of the following aspects ........1)Bill of rights...2) Discrimination....3)Human Rights Violations​​


Evaluating  how community respond to women and children:

Bill of Rights: The Bill of Rights is a set of fundamental rights guaranteed to individuals by the United States Constitution.Discrimination: Discrimination against women and children can take many forms, including gender-based violence, unequal pay, and lack of access to education or healthcare.Human Rights Violations: Human rights violations against women and children can take many forms, including forced labor, human trafficking, and sexual exploitation.

Evaluating how community respond to women and children?Bill of Rights: The Bill of Rights can be used as a tool to protect the rights of women and children in the community. For example, if women or children are being denied equal protection under the law, they can use the Bill of Rights to assert their rights and seek legal recourse.

Discrimination: Discrimination can have a devastating impact on the lives of women and children, and it is important for the community to recognize and address these issues. One way to combat discrimination is through education and awareness-raising campaigns that challenge harmful stereotypes and promote gender equality and children's rights.

Human Rights Violations: These violations can have long-lasting physical, emotional, and psychological effects on their victims, and they must be addressed through legal and policy measures. The community has a responsibility to ensure that the rights of women and children are protected and that perpetrators of human rights violations are held accountable.

Learn more about Bill of Rights here:


1.United Nations Organisation 2.United Nations Organisation specialized agencies​


The United Nations, particularly informally also referred to as the United Nations Organisation, is an intergovernmental organization whose stated purposes are to maintain international peace

2.) Explain what happens
to a given supply curve
as a result of each of the
a. Resource prices fall.
b.Technology advances.
c. A quota on importing
a good is repealed.
d. A tax on producing a
good is repealed.


Answer: a. On the off chance that asset costs drop, the fetched of creating a great diminishes, and firms can create more of the great at any given cost. This leads to a rightward move within the supply bend, demonstrating that firms are willing to supply a bigger amount of the great at each cost level.

b. On the off chance that innovation propels, the taken a toll of generation diminishes, which leads to an increment in supply at any given cost. This leads to a rightward move within the supply bend.

c. In the event that a standard on bringing in a great is canceled, firms can presently moment more of the great at a lower fetched. This leads to an increment within the supply of the great, coming about in a rightward move within the supply bend.

d. In case a assess on creating a great is canceled, the taken a toll of generation diminishes, and firms can deliver more of the great at any given cost. This leads to an increment within the supply of the great, coming about in a rightward move within the supply bend.


USE ACADEMIC VOCAB What is the definition of the word "spectrum" in paragraphs 1 and 6? A a broad range of ideas that are related and form a series a series of colors produced when sunlight is passed through a prism a formation of a shape in the sky after a heavy rainstorm a group of objects that are on display and in a certain order during a storm​


In paragraphs 1 and 6, the word "spectrum" refers to a series of colors produced when sunlight is passed through a prism. It is used in a scientific context to describe the range of electromagnetic radiation that is visible to the human eye, which includes colors from violet to red.

What is electromagnetic radiation?

Electromagnetic radiation is a type of energy that travels through space in the form of waves. It is composed of electric and magnetic fields that oscillate at right angles to each other and to the direction of the wave's travel.

Examples of electromagnetic radiation include radio waves, microwaves, infrared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet radiation, X-rays, and gamma rays.

Electromagnetic radiation has different wavelengths and frequencies, and it is classified according to the range of wavelengths or frequencies that it occupies, which is known as the electromagnetic spectrum.

learn more about spectrum:


who as the person to discover a cell and what is a cell and what do hey do


Answer is down below!


English scientist Robert Hooke published Micrographia in 1665. In it, he illustrated the smallest complete parts of an organism, which he called cells.

describe the physical and chemical changes that occurs in digestion when eating a slice of pizza


Our digestive system undergoes a number of physical and chemical changes after eating a slice of pizza.

First, the pizza slice is mechanically broken down into tiny pieces by our teeth, increasing the food's surface area and facilitating the action of the digestive enzymes.

Pizza's proteins and carbohydrates start to break down as soon as it enters the stomach due to gastric acid. Then, in order to further break down the food, the stomach muscles contract in order to churn the contents and combine them with the digestive juices.

The partially digested pizza then travels to the small intestine, where the liver's bile and the pancreas' enzymes break it down into smaller molecules so that it may be absorbed into the bloodstream.

The small intestinal cells that line the small intestine then absorb the nutrients from the pizza and transport them to the liver and other organs where they are used for cellular processes such as energy production.

Overall, the mechanical and chemical changes that take place during digestion include the activity of digestive acids and enzymes on the nutritional components of the pizza, as well as the mechanical breakdown of food in the mouth and stomach.

learn more about digestion here


what factors affect the life expectancy in a region? Explain with the impact of each.
(minimum five examples)


Answer :

[tex]\implies[/tex] There are numerous elements that can influence a region's life expectancy. Here are a couple such examples:

Demographics: Age, gender, and ethnicity all have an impact on life expectancy.Socioeconomic status: People with higher levels of education and income live longer than those with lower levels of education and income.Health-care resources: Having access to high-quality health-care services can increase life expectancy.The environment: Pollution, climate, and other environmental factors can all have an impact on health and life expectancy.Lifestyle choices: Smoking, alcohol intake, food, and physical activity can all have an impact on life expectancy.

How mexican government works?



In Mexico, they have three Government levels: central, state, and local. Each state elects its own Governor and its own Congress. Every state is divided into smaller municipalities with its own elected mayors. Mexico's written Constitution was enacted in 1917, after a long and bloody Revolution.

Please help! I need this ASAP!

1. What did Fannie Lou Hamer tell young black people from Mississippi about staying there to
fight injustice vs. going to other places like Chicago?

2. Malcolm X introduced Hamer as America's _____.

3. Why did President Lyndon Johnson attempted to interrupt Hamer's televised testimony at the 1964 Democratic National Convention?|

4. How does Medgar Ever's death save Hamer's life?

5. What kind of preparation did Rev. Parker recall thinking about as to whether his cousin had
received prior to walking into the store?

6. Parker stated that Till's murderers were highly
protecting the "southern way of life."

7. What did Claudette Colvin tell authorities about what glued her to her seat? What two black
leaders did she she say held her shoulders down?

8. What was the juvenile deliquent conviction that Colvin wanted expunged?

9. What does Colvin say are the reasons she believes her story was overshadowed by Rosa Parks' story?

10. What do these individuals' stories (about their lived experiences and that of their loved ones)
tell us about how popular civil rights narratives have often been told?


The answers are:

MississippiBlack QueenThreatened by the MFDP's presence at the conventionStand against racism and injusticePsychological preparationThe Doubly Dead,Shoulders down to keep her in her seatDisturbing the peaceRosa Parks' story for several reasonsStruggle for civil rightsWhat is Mississippi?

The Southern region of the United States includes the state of mississippi. To the north, Tennessee, to the east, Louisiana and the Gulf of Mexico to the south, and to the west, Arkansas and Louisiana.

Young black people in Mississippi were inspired by Fannie Lou Hamer to stick there and pursue justice.Hamer was presented by Malcolm X as "Black Queen" of America.Because he was worried that Hamer's statement would harm both the democratic Party and his reputation, President Lyndon Johnson attempted to cut short her broadcast testimony at the 1964 Democratic national Convention.Hamer's life was spared by Medgar Ever's passing because it motivated her to become an activist for civil rights and speak out against racism and injustice.Rev. Parker remembered wondering what sort of psychological training his relative may have undergone before entering the store.This is true, of course. Parker stated in his article, "The Doubly Dead," that "the murderers of Emmett Till were, in their own way, protecting the southern way of life."According to Claudette Colvin, two black leaders, Reverend H. H. Hubbard and C. C. Calhoun, pushed her shoulders down to keep her seated since she did not want to leave her position.Colvin requested the expungement of her conviction for "disturbing the peace" as a juvenile delinquent.Colvin thinks Rosa Parks' narrative eclipsed hers for a number of reasons.The experiences of these people show us that popular civil rights narratives frequently present a particular viewpoint while omitting the viewpoints of other active participants who also underwent and contributed to the struggle for civil rights.

To learn more about Mississippi, visit:


In which two Gospels (out of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) did Peter go to the tomb?

This is regarding the Catholic bible


U hanging manz Kim located Jamal

essay about how to manage household tasks (epp)


Managing household tasks efficiently can be a difficult task, especially for those who lead busy lives. However, with proper planning and organization, it is possible to keep a clean and organized home while still taking care of other responsibilities. In this essay, I will outline some effective strategies for managing household tasks using the EPP method.

The EPP method stands for "Eliminate, Prioritize, and Plan," and is a useful framework for managing household tasks. The first step is to eliminate tasks that are unnecessary or can be delegated to someone else. For example, if you find that you are spending a lot of time cleaning certain areas of the home that are rarely used, consider reducing the frequency of cleaning or delegating the task to another family member. By eliminating unnecessary tasks, you can free up more time for other important activities.

The next step is to prioritize tasks according to their importance and urgency. Make a list of all the tasks that need to be done and then prioritize them based on their urgency and importance. For example, tasks such as paying bills and grocery shopping may be more urgent than cleaning the bathroom or doing laundry. By prioritizing your tasks, you can ensure that you are focusing on the most important things first.

The final step is to plan how you will complete the tasks. This involves setting a schedule and allocating specific times for completing each task. Some tasks may need to be completed daily, while others may only need to be done weekly or monthly. It is important to be realistic when planning your schedule and to allow for some flexibility in case unexpected events occur.

In addition to the EPP method, there are other strategies that can help you manage household tasks more efficiently. One effective strategy is to use a cleaning schedule or checklist. This can help you stay on track and ensure that all necessary tasks are completed on time. Another strategy is to delegate tasks to other family members. This not only helps to reduce your workload, but also teaches children important life skills and responsibilities.

In conclusion, managing household tasks can be a challenging and time-consuming task, but with the EPP method and other effective strategies, it is possible to keep a clean and organized home while still managing other responsibilities. By eliminating unnecessary tasks, prioritizing tasks, and planning your schedule, you can ensure that you are making the most of your time and energy. Remember to stay flexible and adaptable, and don't be afraid to ask for help when needed.
Why should I do household tasks at such a young age? This is one question, rather a complaint every young child may have asked him or herself while growing up. Household tasks may have seemed as an irritable or annoying duty in the mind of young children; however, what young children do not realize are the positive benefits it brings for them in the future. Household tasks are the medium of bringing real life situations in smaller sets to a family, allowing younger children to interact with these kind of situations earlier and within a safer environment. Moreover, children who help out with household tasks at a young age are the ones that are seen more successful in their lives as compared

Write an essay on the Fourth Industrial Revolution (“4IR”) challenge to South Africa, with reference to the following: a) historically contextualise the 4IR in relation to and describe preceding industrial revolutions, b) describe the physical, digital and biological clusters of the 4IR, c) the disruptive effects of the 4IR, and d) debunking the argument about 4IR with reference to issues about capitalism, capitalist social relations, profit-motives and innovating technology.


The Fourth Industrial Revolution reduces jobs due to the introduction of technological facilities in the work environment. Naturally, revolutions are disruptive, as the 4IR holds all the powers to create complete new industries or sectors while totally destroying others.

What is the 4th Industrial Revolution on South Africa?

C4IR South Africa

The Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution South Africa supports enterprise transformation across a number of sectors, as properly as government transformation to maintain strong and resilient technology governance protocols and develops.

Thus, a general conclusion is that the Fourth Industrial Revolution may make contributions to the extend of poverty and hunger and to the widening of income and social inequality with rich and high-skilled human beings taking advantage from the technological progress and low-paid and less certified personnel

Learn more about 4th Industrial Revolution on South Africa here:

Fascism was a 20th-century form of dictatorship that tried to create a successful society by giving the dictator strict control of everything, including individual lives. People who opposed the dictator were jailed or killed. It flourished between 1919 and 1945 in several countries, mainly Italy, Germany, Spain, and Japan.

Among the factors contributing to the rise of fascism in Europe were the economic dislocation following World War I (1914-1918), the threat of communism arising from the Russian Revolution of 1917, and the Great Depression of the 1930s.

Which of the following is one of the reasons that people in some countries supported dictators in the early 1900s?
Dictators promised to listen to the opinions of all people.
Economic problems forced people to turn to a strong leader.
People thought they would have less economic security.
People thought they would have more personal freedom.




The reason why is because the dictation will do anything to be voted in

Both conclusions are based on valid data and scientific can both conclusions be valid?


If two conclusions are based on valid data and scientific reasoning, it's possible that both of them could be valid, but they might not necessarily be compatible with each other.

What is reasoning?

Reasoning is the process of using logical thinking to make sense of information or come to a conclusion about a situation. It involves analyzing facts, making deductions, and drawing conclusions based on evidence or prior knowledge. Deductive reasoning involves starting with a general principle and then applying it to specific situations, while inductive reasoning involves starting with specific observations and drawing a general conclusion based on them. Reasoning is an important skill in many areas of life, from problem-solving and decision-making to scientific inquiry and critical thinking. It can be improved through practice and by learning to recognize common fallacies and biases that can interfere with sound reasoning.

To learn more about reasoning, visit:


Solution to problems facing democracy



Technology will change the following four democratic institutions by 2030: 1) Free, fair, and frequent elections. 2) Freedom of expression. 3) Independent sources of information. 4) Freedom of association – mediated by information technology but safeguarded by the Constitution.

How did the economy in the South change after the Civil War?


Answer: sharecropping and inhabitant cultivating took the put of servitude and the ranch framework within the South.


Use the following image to answer the question.

Flowchart with 6 boxes. Box A sits at the very bottom of the left side of the flowchart, which flows into Box B. Box B flows into Box C. Box C flows into Box D. On the bottom of the right side of the flowchart, Box F flows into Box E, and Box E flows into Box D. Box D is the highest point in the flowchart.

Jenny is accused of breaking a federal law. Which section of the diagram represents the court that will have original jurisdiction?



The third option, Box F in the flowchart stands in for the District Court that will have initial jurisdiction because Jenny is alleged to have broken federal law. Hence the federal original court of jurisdiction and the court that would hear Jenny's case initially is represented by the box F.

Describe the Federal Court system in the US.

In the United States of America, there are five main categories that make up the Federal Court system.

United States Supreme Court.

US Courts of Appeals.

Federal District Courts.

US bankruptcy courts.

Exceptional U.S. court jurisdiction.

Any civil actions that originate under the Constitution, federal laws, or treaties of the United States of America are subject to original jurisdiction in the U.S. District Courts, according to the U.S. Constitution. As a result, it is logical to infer that Jenny broke the federal law, and as a result, the U.S. District Court would have original jurisdiction, as indicated by Box F in the flow diagram (flowchart) seen in the image linked below.

To learn more about federal law, visit:


The complete question is:

The image is attached below:

One of the associations that the Johari Window identifies is the Hidden Self is Known by the Self and
a. Unknown by Others
b. Known by Others
c. Unknown by the Self




What is the meaning of the word branch in this selection base on the context clues


Branch: anything that extends from a primary line or source; a natural division of a plant stem (such as a bough sprouting from a trunk or twig from a bough). River limb.

What is the meaning of branch?

Branch is defined in the Britannica Dictionary. a tree component that emerges from the trunk. birds singing from a tree's branches.

Branch, bough, and limb are terms for a tree's parts. In general, a branch refers to a big or tiny split. Only the bigger branches are referred to as boughs: an apple-laden bough. To climb out on a limb, which is a significant branch or principal division of a tree trunk.

'Branch' can be a verb or a noun, as was said above. Use of a noun We have branches in all of the major suburbs and our main location is located downtown.

To learn more about Britannica visit :


Which is the role of Georgia's state agencies?


Answer: They lead agencies responsible for enforcing state laws and carrying out programs like education, elections, and law enforcement.


How do you think sociologist can contribute constructively to present South Africa


Historically, South Africa has lacked a culture of trust in negotiation as a conflict accommodation mechanism.

Refer to the table, which illustrates the multiplier process. The marginal propensity to consume is


In the given table, which illustrates the multiplier process. The marginal propensity to consume is. 0.8. The correct option is c.

The marginal propensity to consume is a metric that quantifies induced consumption, the concept that the increase in personal consumer spending occurs with an increase in disposable income. The proportion of disposable income which individuals spend on consumption is known as propensity to consume. MPC is the proportion of additional income that an individual consumes.

For example, if a household earns one extra dollar of disposable income, and the marginal propensity to consume is 0.65, then of that dollar, the household will spend 65 cents and save 35 cents.

Learn more about about marginal, here:


True? or False?

Childhood apraxia of speech would be considered a receptive language disorder.





"In typical speech/language development, the child's receptive and expressive skills increase together to a large extent. What is often seen in a child with apraxia of speech is a wide gap between their receptive language abilities and expressive abilities."



Childhood of apraxia

Childhood apraxia of speech (CAS) is a speech disorder in which a child's brain has difficulty coordinating the complex oral movements needed to create sounds into syllables, syllables into words, and words into phrases. Typically, muscle weakness is not to blame for this speech disorder.

There are two questions

What is the increase in the average temperature of the atmosphere surrounding Earth?

A. Global Climate Change
B. Enhanced Human Greenhouse Effect
C. Greenhouse Effect
D. Global Warming


What is the greenhouse effect

A. The passing of heat from the sun through Earth's atmosphere
B. Trapping of oxygen in Earth's atmosphere and reflecting of carbon dioxide back into space
C. Reflection of all heat from the sun back into space
D. Clouds and gases in the atmosphere trap heat rising from the earth and redirect it back towards the surface




What is the increase in the average temperature of the atmosphere surrounding Earth?

D. Global Warming


What is the greenhouse effect

D. Clouds and gases in the atmosphere trap heat rising from the earth and redirect it back towards the surface

why did Russia send troops into the capital of Chechnya​


Russia sent troops into the capital of Chechnya to quell a separatist rebellion and restore federal control. The Option A.

What was the reason behind Russia's military intervention in Chechnya?

In 1994, Chechnya declared independence from Russia, sparking the First Chechen War. The war ended in 1996 with a ceasefire and a de facto independence for Chechnya. However, Chechen separatists continued to fight for full independence, and by 1999, the situation had deteriorated, with Chechen militants launching attacks on Russian targets.

In response, Russian forces invaded Chechnya, including the capital, Grozny. The conflict, which lasted until 2009, was marked by widespread human rights abuses and devastation. The reasons for Russia's military intervention were complex, including concerns over territorial integrity, the desire to maintain control over resources such as oil pipelines, and the need to counter terrorism.

Read more about troops


How were plebeians and enslaved persons similar in Roman society?

They were not able to own property.

They were not educated in the laws.

They were not allowed to be soldiers.

They were not allowed to become citizens.


Both plebeians and enslaved persons were not allowed to become citizens in Roman society.

What is Roman Society?

Roman society refers to the social, cultural, and political structures and institutions that existed in ancient Rome from the 8th century BC to the fall of the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century AD. Roman society was divided into several classes, including the patricians (wealthy landowners and aristocrats) and the plebeians (common people who were mostly farmers, tradespeople, and soldiers).

In Roman society, plebeians and enslaved persons were both groups of people who were considered to be of lower status and had fewer rights and privileges than the patricians, who were the wealthy and elite class. Plebeians were free citizens, but they were not allowed to hold high public office or intermarry with patricians.

Learn more about Roman Society from the given link


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