are you happy?! becasue i am.. i hope you are too.


Answer 1





Answer 2


Thanks! Have an amazing day!


Related Questions

1. Pouvez-vous dire exactement à quelle époque se déroule cette
histoire ?



Can't understand your language mate!

Answer: Qu‘Elle histoir?


Decide whether the following sentence is grammatically correct or incorrect.
Ne lui pas donne ton livre !
O Correct
O Incorrect


The answer is incorrect


yes it is

Ne lui pas donne ton livre !



don't give him your book


                            so yes

help me out! it was due yesterday :((



- Vous "allez"-où ? (aller)

- Au stade mais Papa "vient" avec nous !  (venir)

- Tu "pars" à quelle heure ? (partir)

- à 18 heures mais maintenant, je "sors", (sortir) je "vais" (aller) chez la coiffeuse.

- Les enfants se "peuvent" (pouvoir) pas aller au concert ce soir, ils sont malades et ils "doivent" (devoir) se coucher tôt.

What is the correct French word that fits the definition?
I carry this on my back.
un tableau
un sac à dos
un ordinateur
un maître



[tex]\boxed {\boxed {\sf B. \ Un \ sac \ \`a \ dos}}[/tex]


Let's translate each answer choice.

Un tableau

A painting or a table

Un sac à dos

A backpack

Un ordinateur

A computer

Un maître

A teacher

We want to find the word for an object that is carried on the back. Backpacks are carried on backs, so the correct answer is un sac à dos


un sac a dos

which is a backpack

have a good day!

Part 3: Complète les phrases avec la forme appropriée du verbe être. Highlight the correct verb.
4. Tu
B. suis
A. est
B. es
amusant, à mon avis.
5. Je
1. Je
A. es
2. Le professeur
A. est
3. L'élève
A. est
B. es
A. es
B. suis
6. Et toi, mon ami, tu
A. es
B. suis
B. es
Part 4: Danielle is describing herself and her classmates to a pen pal. Complete her note with the correct form
of the verb être.
Ma copine Juliette, elle 1.
une brune. Juliette 2.
petite, mais moi, je 3.
grande. Elle 4.
mignonne et elle 5.
très intelligente. Et Julien, il 6.
grand. Pierre 7
Igénial! Julien 8.
un peu timide, mais il 9
super-cool! Et toi?
Tu 10. comment?
*brune = brunette


1. B suis 2.A est 3.A est 4.B es 5. B suis 6. A es Part 4. 1. Elle est 2. Juliette est 3. Moi je suis 4. Elle est Elle est 6. Il est 7. Pierre est 8. Julien est 9. Mais il est 10. Tu es

Complete the dialogue below with the verbs in the brackets: the simple present tense

y’all helpppp!



Je "veux"(vouloir) sortir, mais je ne "peux" (pouvoir) pas : je "dois"(devoir)

finir mon exercice.

Le matin, vous "prenez"(prendre) quoi ?

- Nous "buvons" (boire) un thé et nous "mangeons"(manger) un fruit.

Vous "vous vous couchez"(se coucher) à quelle heure ?

- à 10 heures mais nous ne "dormons" (dormir) pas tout de suite.

If you had been a delegate to one of the state conventions, would you have sided with the Federalists, or the Anti-Federalists? Use what you know about each group to support your own point of view and opinion. << Read Less



I would choose Federalists.


Why? The federalist wanted a federal government that governed over all the states. Anti-federalists believed that doing this would give too much power to the government and wanted each state to completely govern themselves. And with this I believe that what the federalist did was fair and reasonable, they decided on creating local government and federal government. So states had their own governments and their own laws. However they also had the federal government that was in charge of more larger things, like education systems and war conflict/military etc. They also had representatives of each state that represented their states beliefs in the federal government. So in this case both sides win.

Choose the correct sentence that would replace the indirect object with a pronoun: Je donne un cadeau à mes parents. (1 point) Group of answer choices Je lui donne un cadeau. Je la donne un cadeau. Je les donne un cadeau. Je leur donne un cadeau.


The answer is "Je lui donne un cadeau" :)


Je leur donne un cadeau.


Parents is plural so automatically we can eliminate 'lui' and 'la'. 'les' is plural but it doesn't fit in this context. The sentence is talking about the speakers own parents. Therefore, using 'leur' would be appropriate since it is a possesif "déterminant".

Fill in the blank in the following sentence with the appropriate word(s) below.
Lucie pense souvent _____.
A. de Paries
B. jouer du piano.
C. à sa grand-mère
D. le Canada


Lucie pense souvent (=Lucie often thinks)

C. à sa grand-mère (=about her grandmother)

Lucie pense souvent à sa grand-mère.

helpp don’t just leave wrong answers!


J'ai une jolie photo de on nouveau colège, regarde!

Aujourd'hui, il fait très beau, mais un peut trop chaud.

Dans les jour aux, on apprendre beaucoup de choses.

1. What time is it in the video?
2. At what time is the movie?


We need to see the video and the movie , where ?

Choose the correct way to spell this date in French: August 27th
l'août vingt-sept
le vingt-sept août
le vingt-sept aout
août vingt-sept



le vingt-sept août


The correct way is : le vingt-sept août

Salut j'ai besoin d'aide pour rédiger une lettre


Hi :)

I don't really know who is Ernest Pinard and what his réquisitoire is but I can help you find arguments from Les Fleurs du Mal because I have studied it in class for a while

Basically, Les Fleurs du Mal was considered really controversial and modern because Baudelaire transformed "bad things" into beautiful poems, which was the opposite of the Platonic tradition (tradition platonicienne) which said that beauty was necessarily assosciated with good. So yeah, it was really audacious to do that at the time and Baudelaire quite succeed !

By the way, my teacher told us that transforming "bad" or common things into something "great" can be called "alchimie poétique" (poetic alchemy) because the goal of alchemy was to transform things (like mud or lead) into gold.

Unfortunetaly I don't have the book with me right know be we can pretty easily find example of poems to illustrate that .

Also, he uses a lot of analogies such as metaphors, allegories and other stylistic devices (I don't know if it's how to say "figures de style" :/ ).

One part of the book is called "Tableaux parisiens" (=parisian paintings) so it kinda compare his poetry, full of imagery and considered beautiful, to painting. So that emphasises the aesthetic side of Baudelaire's poetry.

Hope it kinda helps and sorry for my english

Write 3 or 4 sentences in French saying what a healthy person does and does not do. Your sentences could be descriptions of what they do to stay healthy or actually what a healthy person looks like. (ie. She doesn't smoke. She doesn't sneeze.) At least 2 of your sentences need to be negatives.

You MAY use a dictionary to look up verbs you don't know (such as to smoke (fumer), but you may NOT use an online translator or any other resource to create your sentences for you. You may not copy sentences from the examples below or from any other resource.


Une personne en bonne santé ne fume pas. Elle mange des légumes. . . .



1. Elle ne prend pas de drogue, elle ne devient pas folle (She doesn't do drugs she doesn't go crazy) there is one sentence


Il ne regarde pas le télévision toute la journée. (He doesn’t watch tv all day)

Elle va au gym tous les jours. (she goes to the gym everyday)

Il ne Peut pas parler facilement aux gens. Il n’a pas beaucoup de confiance en lui-même



He can not talk easily to pepol. He doesn’t have much confidence in him.




how do you say love in french?


Answer: amour





Nah I'm jp

a quel époque se déroule Jeannot et colin?


En 1764 se déroule Jeannot et colin

Answer: en 1764


Please Answer Quickly!!
Quelle phrase est grammaticalement correcte?
David est sur le troisième étage.
David est dans le troisième étage.
David est au troisième étage.



the 3rd one


please help !!!
Faites des phrases
Depending on the cue at the end of each item, write a complete sentence in the negative or form a question using inversion.
1.le professeur / donner / des devoirs / ?
2.les étudiants / partager / les livres / ?
3.nous / manger / la pizza / (–) / aimer / la littérature / (–)
5.on / chercher / la librairie / ?
6.vous / commencer / des études supérieures / ?
7.tu / détester / la chimie / (–)
8.nous / voyager / avec Thomas / ?


1. Le professeur donne-t-il des devoirs?
2. Les étudiants partagent-ils les livres?
3. Nous ne mangeons pas la pizza
4. Je n'aime pas la littérature
5. Cherchions-nous la librairie?
6. Commencez-vous les études supérieures?
7. Tu ne détestes pas la chimie
8. Voyageons-nous avec Thomas?


le professeur / donner / des devoirs / ?

Le professeur donne-t-il des devoirs?

les étudiants / partager / les livres / ?

Les étudiants partagent-ils les livres?

nous / manger / la pizza / (–)

Nous ne mangeons pas la pizza.

je / aimer / la littérature / (–)

Je n'aime pas la littérature.

on / chercher / la librairie / ?

Cherche-t-on la librairie?

vous / commencer / des études supérieures / ?

Commencez-vous des études supérieures?

tu / détester / la chimie / (–)

Tu ne détestes pas la chimie.

nous / voyager / avec Thomas / ?

Voyageons-nous avec Thomas?

elle depense beaucoup d'euros: ____ euros


She spends a lot of euros
420, because she is spending a lot and that is the biggest amount.

Hope this helps!

HELP PLEASE!!!! 25pts Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb être. On ________ au restaurant. (1 point) es suis sont est



On est au restaurant.


Translation, We are at the restaurant. (Is Es, suis, sont, est the word box?)

i believe the answer is est.

Decide which indirect object pronoun should replace the underlined word.
Ne dis pas la verité à Sophie.
O lui
O leur


Lui should replace the underlined word
La bonne réponse est « lui »

Complete the dialogue below with the verbs in the brackets: the simple present tense

y’all helpppp!



1. veux, peux, dois

2. prenez, buvons, mangeons

3. vous couchez, dormons



-Je "veux" sortir mais je ne "peux" pas : Je "dois" finir mon exercice.

-Le matin, vous "prenez" quoi ?

-Nous" buvons" un thé et nous "mangeons" un fruit.

"-Vous vous couchez" à quelle heure ?

- A 10 heures mais nous ne "dormons" pas tout de suite.

What does the underlined word mean in the following sentences?
Le livre est sur la table.


Answer: The

Hope I helped! Good luck!


the ill update soon


Fill in the blank in the following sentence with the appropriate form of the verb aller below.
Marie et moi __ à la bibliothèque.
A. allons
B. vont
C. va
D. aller



i think it's A




Marie et moi "allons" à la bibliothèque.

A. allons

Fill in the blank in the following sentence with the appropriate word(s) below.
Nous venons ___ Canada.
A. du
B. de la
C. de
D. des





Nous venons  du Canada.

Canada is masculine ( LE CANADA)

Expression VENIR DE +article

We use the contracted article DU  (contraction of DE +LE)

It is incorrect to say DE LE

Nous venons du Canada

On dois manger des légumes tous les jours.
-No change is necessary





On belongs to il/elle.

On doit manger des légumes tous les jours

PLEASE HELP Complete the following sentences with the logical answers or statements. This is an oral assignment; pay attention to the pronunciation.
11. Est-ce qu'il y a un crayon dans ton sac? (Use the negative form)Non,_________.

12.____________? (Use inversion.)Non, il n'y a pas de livre dans le sac.

What do the following people like (or not like)?
13. Louise is afraid of heights. Elle_________. (Use the negative form and logical sport.)

14. Marc aime Chopin et Beethoven. Il__________. (Use the logical verb and type of music.)

15. Il aime Louis Armstrong et Nina Simone. Il_________. (Use the logical verb and type of music.)

16. Marie and Paul like skating a lot. Ils_________.

17. Paul likes snow a lot. Il__________. (Use the logical verb and type of sport.)

18. Tu aimes le tennis?Non,___________. (Use the negative form.)

19. Sophie likes windsurfing a lot. Elle________.

20. Marc aime la nature et la marche à pied. Il________.



11. Non, il n'y a pas de crayon dans mon sac.

12. Est-ce qu'il y a un livre dans ce sac ?


I respond to another post you posted I think for the rest sooo i'm gonna stop here for this one

how would u say how in french


Answer: its spelled like "comment" and it sounds like


how = comment
but u don’t say the ent mornelike commo

imma create a game in among us

wanna play​



coolllllllll that's coollll


Is it still live?


I wanna play?

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