Analyze the analogy about the “snow monsters” that Dai gives the new reelers on page 31. Why does she share this with them? What does it mean to the women?

complete anwsers from the book ("Reeling for the Empire")


Answer 1

In the short story "Reeling for the Empire," the character Dai shares an analogy about "snow monsters" with the new reelers on page 31. She does this to illustrate the idea that they are all like "snow monsters," in that they are all forced to suppress their true selves and conform to the expectations of their employer.

What is an analogy?

An analogy is a comparison between two different things that are similar in some way. It is often used to explain complex or abstract concepts by relating them to something more concrete or familiar. Analogies can be useful in helping people to understand new ideas by drawing on their prior knowledge and experiences.

Analogies typically involve two things: the subject, which is the thing being explained or described, and the object, which is the thing that the subject is being compared to. The object is usually something that the audience is familiar with, such as an everyday object or a commonly understood concept. By comparing the subject to the object, an analogy can help to clarify and simplify the concept, making it easier to understand.

Analogies are commonly used in literature, science, and everyday speech to help people understand complex ideas. They can also be used to make arguments or persuade people by drawing on emotions or associations related to the object being compared to the subject. Overall, analogies are a powerful tool for communication and can help people to better understand and connect with new ideas.

To learn more about analogy, visit:


Related Questions

Order in which persons may become President if the President becomes dies or is removed from office.
A. Executive Order
b. Electoral College
c. Winner takes all
D. Succession


The correct order is:

D. Succession
A. Executive Order
B. Electoral College
C. Winner takes all

The order of succession is established by the Presidential Succession Act of 1947 and outlines who would become President if the President dies, resigns, or is removed from office. The Executive Order can be used by the President to establish policies and procedures within the executive branch. The Electoral College is the process by which the President is elected, and the winner takes all refers to the fact that the candidate who wins the majority of votes in a state receives all of that state's electoral votes.

How were people’s attitudes towards anatomy and the science of the human body changing around the time of Frankenstein’ publication ?


the public's attitudes towards anatomy remained complex and often conflicted

Mary Shelley

Attitudes towards anatomy and the science of the human body were undergoing substantial shifts in Western civilization about the time Mary Shelley's Frankenstein was published in 1818. Growing interest in anatomy research during the 18th century resulted in an expansion in medical schools and dissections. However, there was opposition to this practise and widespread outrage, particularly when it came to acquiring bodies for dissection.The UK's Anatomy Act of 1832 made it legal to supply bodies for dissection and medical research at the beginning of the 19th century. This made it less common for remains to be taken illegally, including by grave-robbing or murder, and it was simpler for medical schools to conduct research.

To know more about  Shelley, click on the link :


Read "Explosion of the S.S. Challenger" Pg. 429

1. What is Reagan's claim about the future of the space program 7

2. What premise about the space program does Reagan express in lines 22- 26? How does this premise relate to his claim?

3. Analyze What specific groups of people does Reagan directly address in his speech? How do the assurances he makes to them impact his message?

4. What values does President Reagan suggest all Americans share in his appeals to their sense of patriotism?

5. According to Reagan, how are the Challenger astronauts similar to Sir Francis Drake? Is this a valid comparison? Explain why or why not.

6. Identify two purposes of Reagan's speech. How do the style and content of the speech contribute to his purposes?

7. Is Reagan's statement that tragedies like the Challenger explosion are "all part of the process of exploration and discovery" valid? What types of evidence does Reagan provide to support this idea? What types of evidence does he not address?

8. John G. Magee, Jr., died a few months after writing the poem "High Flight," which expresses his feelings about being a World War II pilot. Is Reagan's quote from the poem an effective way to end his speech? Explain your response






1. What is Reagan's claim about the future of the space program 7

Reagan admitted his mistakes and claimed that the nation's space program will be safer and better prepared in the future to become a renewed source of pride, despite the setbacks resulting from the shuttle Challenger tragedy.

2. What premise about the space program does Reagan express in lines 22- 26? How does this premise relate to his claim?

Reagan just wanted to create a nondisastrous plan to implement a better plan to avoid unnecessary issues within the space program.

3. Analyze What specific groups of people does Reagan directly address in his speech? How do the assurances he makes to them impact his message?

President Reagan, in his speech about the explosion of the space shuttle Challenger, mentioned the time, groups of crew, families, and school children.

4. What values does President Reagan suggest all Americans share in his appeals to their sense of patriotism?

Freedom, economic prosperity, opportunity, and the rule of law were some of the values mentioned by President Reagan in their Christmas talk about the family in the US. Presumably, he meant these were values shared by many Americans. While these are nice sounding phrases, I believe that many Americans would doubt that they benefitted supposedly from the implementation of these policies and they certainly weren't meant for other countries such as Nicaragua where he backed the contras to fight the Sandinistas who were trying to implement these things for the vast majority of the people who had suffered so much under Somoza.

5. According to Reagan, how are the Challenger astronauts similar to Sir Francis Drake? Is this a valid comparison? Explain why or why not.

According to Reagan, the Challenger Astronauts were similar to Sir Francis Drake because he died doing something he loved. "390 years ago, the great explorer, Sir Francis Drake died aboard a ship off the coast of Panama. He lived by the sea, died on it, and was buried on it." The challenger Astronauts loved what they did despite knowing the risks involved. "They wished to serve, and they did" Just like Sir Francis Drake, the Challenger Astronauts lived as astronauts and also died as one, Sir Francis Drake lived as an explorer and died as one.

6. Identify two purposes of Reagan's speech. How do the style and content of the speech contribute to his purposes?

1. If the referred speech is the “Challenger Disaster” I could state that he pursued two purposes:

• Uplift a shocked nation

• Acknowledge the Challenger crew as heroes, who sacrificed themselves doing their jobs

2. Both objectives were achieved through the use of persuasive statements in his speech, by appealing to people´s emotions. In this order of ideas, the first purpose was to help people make sense of how they felt about the tragedy.

7. Is Reagan's statement that tragedies like the Challenger explosion are "all part of the process of exploration and discovery" valid? What types of evidence does Reagan provide to support this idea?  What types of evidence does he not address?

Yes because tragedies like the Challenger explosion are ''all part of the process of exploration and discovery" because we are exploring horizons that are beyond our experiences. We only prepare for things that we have already encountered in life. When we go beyond our borders, we need to prepare for the risks and dangers that we will face. As we explore, we discover new things and we learned new things. We can only apply our learning in future endeavors after we have encountered them. There is a phase called "Trial and Error." We try and try and we encounter errors along the way but we do not give up trying until we achieve our desired output. We learn from our errors, we examine the cause, and the situation it is in and we apply this learning to ensure that no such scenario will happen again.

8. John G. Magee, Jr., died a few months after writing the poem "High Flight," which expresses his feelings about being a World War II pilot. Is Reagan's quote from the poem an effective way to end his speech? Explain your response

Reagan's speech from January 28, 1986, was a mournful speech after the explosion of the Space Shuttle Challenger, the first in-flight explosion in space program history. Ending the speech with the quote from "High Flight" was a way of connecting both tragedies, all of the deaths of WW2 and these deaths in the Shuttle, and a way of saying that the nation and the space program will continue despite the tragedy, just as United States continued WW2 until tyranny in Europe was defeated.


How will you support this evidence with analyBody
Paragraph 1
• What reason or counterclaim will you develop
• How will you connect this to your overall claim?
• What evidence will you provide to support your
Body Paragraph 2
• What reason or counterclaim will you develop here?
• How will you connect this to your overall claim?
• What evidence will you provide to support your
• How will you support this evidence with analysis?


Analysis: By examining the impact of internment on individuals and communities, we can see the devastating effects that can result from government actions that violate civil liberties and due process.

What is Paragraph?

A paragraph is a unit of writing that contains one main idea or topic. It is a group of related sentences that develop and support the main idea or topic. A well-written paragraph typically begins with a topic sentence that introduces the main idea, followed by supporting sentences that provide details, examples, evidence, or analysis to develop and expand on the topic.

Evidence: The forced removal and internment of over 120,000 Japanese Americans during World War II was a clear violation of their constitutional rights. Additionally, there is evidence that the decision to intern Japanese Americans was based on racism and prejudice rather than actual threats to national security.

Learn more about  Paragraph from the given ink


Marawi City Sultan and Professor Punduma Sani made a joke about having "never made love with an armalite." What does this say about those who think that Filipino Muslims are violent people? Why does the professor resort to humor?
2. Reporting if its nonsense


This joke says that Filipino Muslims are not necessarily violent people and that stereotypes about them being violent are not accurate.

What is violent ?

Violence is defined as physical force that is used to harm or intimidate a person or group. It is characterized by aggression, destruction, and the threat of harm. Violence can include physical abuse, destruction of property, or the threat of harm. It can also include psychological forms of abuse, such as verbal, bullying, or intimidation. Violence can also take the form of economic or political coercion. Violence is often used to gain power or control over another person, or to intimidate or harm a group of people. It can cause physical or psychological harm, and can lead to long-term negative consequences.

To learn more about violent


To support your claim and present a strong argument, you should always include



Evidence supports a claim and presents strong evidence

danger. Which two sentences from the texts best convey this idea?
She knew that her actions might put her in danger of a Taliban
attack, since they use violence to silence opponents. ("Malala's)
Fight," paragraph 3)
The following year, she used a pseudonym to blog for the British
Broadcasting Corporation about what life was like living under the
constant threat of Taliban violence. ("Malala's Fight," paragraph 3)
In recent ethnic conflicts in southern India, hundreds of Muslims and
Hindus killed each other. ("The Freedom Train," paragraph 2)
A dozen Hindu men armed with knives and hammers invaded the
kitchen of a hotel in search of Muslims. ("The Freedom Train,"
paragraph 2)
But the Hindu employees convinced the mob that everyone there
was Hindu. ("The Freedom Train," paragraph 2)


The two sentences that best convey the idea are:

A. "She knew that her actions might put her in danger of a Taliban attack, since they use violence to silence opponents." ("Malala's Fight," (paragraph 3)

C. "A dozen Hindu men armed with knives and hammers invaded the kitchen of a hotel in search of Muslims." ("The Freedom Train," paragraph 2)

What is an idea?

An idea is a mental concept or thought that represents something new, innovative, or creative. It can be an abstract notion, a plan, a proposal, or a suggestion that is formed in the mind. Ideas can be generated through various means such as brainstorming, observation, analysis, and experience. They are often used to solve problems, create new products or services, improve existing ones, or bring about social change.

Ideas are usually expressed through language or other forms of communication such as art, music, and technology

Learn more about idea on


D are thinking of 33 Doctors say if we want to stay healthy, we ...........void eating too much red meat. A B C D had to have to don't have needn't have $4 Only people know that Julia was born in Holland. A a few B a little C some of D not many 5 I really love watching the Tomb Hunter films, A but if they were scary B though they are scary C unless they were scared although they are scared D​


Past research has red meat to increased risks of , cardiovascular healthy and certain . The studies have also pointed to an elevated  of mortality from red meat intake.

What health issues does red meat cause?

However, it's also high in saturated fat, and some processed varieties may be high in sodium and preservatives, affect health. Furthermore, several observational studies link red consumption to higher of heart disease, certain cancers.

Is it OK to eat red meat twice a day?

Red is an excellent source of protein and iron for your body, but too much of it good for you. Although you can safely eat two small servings of red meat daily.

To know more about healthy visit :-


Surprisingly, Guests have a _____ to use the indoor pool in the summer.
1- Trend
3- Movement
4- habit




Tendency is like automatic, while habit is gained after time and the others are pretty obv

Can someone please help me, ASAP! Write and analyze a poetry by following the examples that the question explains, and please list the poem name, and the person who made/wrote it Also, Include the answers to the questions below about the poetry. THANK YOU!

1. What is the literal meaning of the poem? You may need to paraphrase lines to get to this. Look up words you don't know.

2. Who is the speaker in the poem (like a narrator, but it's called the persona in poetry). Is there a listener or another character who acts as the recipient? Is it you? Someone else?

3. What is the speaker's tone, or what is the tone of the poem? Which words reveal this tone? (The tone can be sad, happy, ironic, dark, hopeful, child-like, etc...)

4. What heavily connotative words are used?

connotation=what the word makes you think of, what feelings the word evokes denotation=the dictionary definition

5. What concrete images does the poet use?

sight / sound / taste / touch / smell

Do any of these concrete images help to convey an abstract idea?

love / hate / death / loneliness

6. What figures of speech are used? simile (like or as comparison) “but I hung on like death....” metaphor (comparison) look at "The Journey" for an example personification=giving human-like qualities to inanimate objects (or concepts)

symbolism=a concrete object/image that stands for more than its literal meaning.

alliteration=repetition of an initial sound "in a deep and dark December"

allusion=reference to a historical, biblical, or mythological event or person

7. What is the occasion or setting of the poem? Is it important to the meaning?

8. What is the role of metrics (rhyme, rhythm)

9. Is the form important? Stanza breaks, rhyme scheme, individual lines...)

10. What else seems important or interesting about the poem?


The poem we choose here is: . "Wild nights - Wild nights!".

1. The poem "Wild nights - Wild nights!" is about the speaker's desire to be with their beloved. The "wild nights" symbolize their passion and the feeling of being alive, while the "mournful” (sad) sea represents the separation from their beloved.

2. The speaker in the poem is the persona who is expressing their feelings of desire and longing for their beloved. There is no specific listener or recipient mentioned in the poem.

What is poem?

A poem is a form of literary expression that utilizes language to evoke emotions, convey ideas or experiences, and create aesthetic beauty. It is a type of writing that uses various techniques such as rhyme, meter, metaphor, and imagery to convey meaning and emotion. Poems can be written in many different styles, including free verse, sonnets, haikus, and ballads.

3. The tone of the poem is passionate and intense. The use of the words "wild" and "passionate" reveals this tone.

4. The heavily connotative words used in the poem are "wild," "mournful," "passionate," "longing," and "quenchless."

5. The concrete images used in the poem are the "sea," "vessels," "ship," and "night." These images help to convey the abstract idea of the speaker's desire for their beloved.

6. The figure of speech used in the poem is personification. The sea is given human-like qualities when it is described as "mournful."

7. The occasion or setting of the poem is not explicitly stated, but it seems to take place in the speaker's imagination or dreams.

8. The metrics used in the poem are rhythm and rhyme. The rhythm is mostly iambic (stressed and unstressed syllables in a pattern), while the rhyme scheme is AABB.

9.  The form of the poem is important in creating the overall effect of the poem. The use of short lines and the AABB rhyme scheme give the poem a sense of urgency and passion.

10. The poem is interesting because it uses simple language and concrete images to convey a complex emotional state. The passion and desire expressed in the poem are universal and relatable, making it a timeless piece of literature.

Learn more about poem on


Read It Work individually. Reread the first stanza of "The King's Speech." Use a vertical rule to separate individual feet. Then, mark the stressed () and unstressed () syllables of each foot. Note: The poet may deviate from strict iambic pentameter, perhaps by including two stressed syllables or more than two syllables in a foot, or by using fewer than five feet per line. Identify these variations, and consider how they add to the poem's meaning. The first line has been marked for you. After all members of your group have finished marking the stanza, compare and discuss your work. The palace clocks | are still | as coats | of mail Time stopped; I flicked it with my fingernail. My taste is shattered on these works of art It fathers by a touch: My bread's too rich, My butter much too golden, and my meat A nugget on my plate as cold as ice; Fresh water in my throat turns precious there, Where every drop becomes a millionaire​


The friendship between the king and the commoner is summarised in "The King's Speech" in one word and the final syllable of another.

What is the speech's conclusion, Dr. King?

Logue joins Bertie in the film's closing scene and assists him in delivering his first speech during a time of war. Bertie delivers a powerful speech with Logue's assistance and friendship, and his words are an inspiration to people all around England.

What perspective does King express in his speech?

Overall, this film has a strong gravitational pull towards Bertie and is a definite third-person omniscient narrative. The last disclaimer, "Lionel and Bertie remained friends for the rest of their lives," maintains this omniscience.

To know more about King Speech visit:


Upon returning to Athens after defeating the Minotaur in Crete, Theseus replaced King Aegeus, leading Athens into a new era of success.



This statement is partially correct. Upon returning to Athens after defeating the Minotaur in Crete, Theseus did meet with King Aegeus, who was his father and showed him the white sails of his ship, indicating that he had been successful and had survived the dangerous mission. However, King Aegeus did not recognize the meaning of the white sails and assumed that Theseus had failed and died. As a result, he threw himself into the sea in despair, giving his name to the Aegean Sea.

After the death of King Aegeus, Theseus became the new king of Athens and led the city into a new era of success. He is famous for his many accomplishments, including the unification of Attica, the establishment of a commonwealth, and the creation of the Panathenaic Games. However, it was not his victory over the Minotaur that directly led to his ascent to the throne, but rather the tragic events that followed his return to Athens.

How did the Kansas-Nebraska Act affect the issue of enslavement? unit test


The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 had a significant impact on the issue of enslavement in the United States. The act repealed the Missouri Compromise of 1820 and allowed for the expansion of slavery into new territories. This led to a conflict between pro-slavery and anti-slavery forces, particularly in Kansas, which became known as "Bleeding Kansas." The act also contributed to the tensions that ultimately led to the American Civil War.


Sorry it's late


Should the voting age be lowered to sixteen essay writing


The issue of whether the voting age should be lowered to sixteen has been a topic of debate for many years. Some argue that sixteen-year-olds are too young and inexperienced to vote, while others argue that they are mature and informed enough to participate in the democratic process. In this essay, I will argue that the voting age should be lowered to sixteen.

Body Paragraph 1:
Sixteen-year-olds are old enough to drive, work, pay taxes, and join the military, so they should also be allowed to vote. At sixteen, individuals are considered mature enough to make important life decisions, such as choosing a career path or enlisting in the military. Therefore, it is only fair that they should have a say in who is elected to represent them and make decisions that will affect their lives.

Body Paragraph 2:
Lowering the voting age to sixteen would also increase youth participation in politics. Young people are often criticized for being disengaged from politics and not voting, but studies have shown that when given the opportunity, they are eager to participate. By allowing sixteen-year-olds to vote, we would be sending a message that their voices matter, and that they have a stake in the future of our country.

Body Paragraph 3:
Opponents of lowering the voting age argue that sixteen-year-olds are not informed or educated enough to make good voting decisions. However, this argument is flawed. Many adults are also uninformed about politics and make poor voting decisions, so age is not necessarily a reliable indicator of political knowledge. Additionally, sixteen-year-olds are often more informed and engaged in current events than adults give them credit for. They are exposed to a wide range of information through social media and other sources, and many take an active interest in issues that affect their communities.

In conclusion, lowering the voting age to sixteen is a practical and fair solution that would increase youth participation in politics and send a message that their voices matter. It is time for us to recognize that sixteen-year-olds are mature and informed enough to participate in the democratic process and have a say in the future of our country.

Pls mark!

You can give the tour guide a tip but it is not necessary.

You __________________________ give the tour guide a tip.



you can give a tour guide tip because why not


Last year, a French restaurant used 918,270 ounces of cream. This year, due to a menu update, the restaurant used 183,654 ounces of cream. By what percentage did the restaurant's annual cream usage decrease?





One difference between the texts is that only "The Freedom Train Keeps Rolling"
O mentions the United Nations intentional organization
Oshares examples of a modern-day Underground Railroad
Otells readers how a foundation can help girls in the Middle East
O gives readers a glimpse into how someone wins a Nobel Peace Prize


According to the alternatives provided, "The Freedom Train Keeps Rolling" is the only text that explicitly references the United Nations, which makes it different from the other texts.

What is a good illustration of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea?

As an illustration, consider the Agreement for the Implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea Provisions of 10 December 1982 Relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks. The General Assembly unanimously accepted it in 1995.

The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea was created under which international treaty?

The Third United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea created the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea as an independent judicial body to resolve disagreements relating to the interpretation and application of the Convention.

to know more about The Freedom Train Keeps Rolling here:


Why should a university give you $10,000? and how would you spend it as a wise college student?​


As a college student, I would spend 10,000 dollars very wisely. A big part of it would go to student loans/debt. The rest of the money would go to any school supplies, books, or items that would be beneficial for learning.

what would you do if when you ok so he said yes would go.





ok. so what would you do if he said yes ? when would you go?

In at least 150 words, explain how the dialect used by Huck and Jim in these excerpts contributes to the realism of the


The dialect that Huck and Jim employ in the extracts adds to the realism by capturing the experience of the marginalized group.

What is the concept of realism?

According to realism, in philosophy, things that are known or observed have an existence or nature that does not depend on who is thinking about or observing them.

Who invented realism?

Gustave Courbet of France was the founder of the realism painting movement. It extended throughout Europe and had an impact far into the next century, but as it entered the canon of painting, its use as a word to describe a particular creative style has diminished.

To know more about Realism visit:


The complete question is -

Read the excerpts below from The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and answer the question.

"... and the thunder would go rumbling and grumbling away, and quit-and then RIP comes another flash and another sockdolager. The waves most washed me off the raft sometimes-

"Say, who is you? Whar is you? Dog my cats ef I didn' hear suman. Well, I know what I's gwyne to do: I's gwyne to set down here and listen tell I hears it ag'in."

In at least 150 words, explain how the dialect used by Huck and Jim in these excerpts contributes to the realism of the story.

you have heard that your friend in another school wants to involve himself/herself in examination malpractice during the forthcoming Basic Education Certificate Examination. write a letter warning him/her of the dangers of such an action and advising him/her to take his/her studies seriously instead​



How are your studies? I hope you are preparing very well for your coming final exams. It is my prayer that you record a sounding success in the exams.The purpose of my writing you is to express and warn you against the dangers in examination malpractice.As you must  have been told several times before now that, examination malpractice which is a common phenomenon in most public examinations carried a penalty of twenty-one years  jail term under decree of our constitution, I hereby warn you not to fall a victim because it will affect you so much and the plans on the ground daddy has for you.Besides, where there is a report of examination malpractice, such centre stands the risk of cancellation of results and so you might not be able to fulfill your desire of moving to the university, such centre stands the risk of cancellation of results and so you might not be able to fulfill y our desire of moving to the university. This would give a big set-back to the candidates concerned.Bayo, I have known you as a serious and hard-working brother of mine, the moment you put yourself in the position of those seeking shadows in terms of ‘runs’ or certain help instead of sweating, you’ll just discover that you will become a lazy drone in academics and you may end up as a failure. So, try and read your books and pray to your God for a big success in your exams and I believe God is able.Let me not waste your precious time with  too mush talk on exam malpractice; I have sent the sum of five thousand hair to your account to help you buy necessary things as well as keep you buoyant throughout the period of your exams. Spend wisely and face your studies. Greet your friends for me. My wife and children greet you.


2. Do not forget to take your umbrella. It ............. by the time you get to work.

a) is going to snow
b) will be snowing
c) will snow
d) will have snowed


The correct answer is:

b) will be snowing

The sentence is in the future tense, and the context suggests that it will be raining or snowing by the time the person gets to work. The future continuous tense (will be + present participle) is used to describe an action that will be in progress at a specific time in the future. Therefore, "will be snowing" is the correct verb form to use in this sentence.

What word would replace "house" to make the sentence to
refer to "a primitive building"?
The marooned sailors built a house with what was available
around the island.


The shipwrecked sailors constructed a home using materials found on the island.

What are sailors called?

A person who lives on the sea is referred to as a sailor, mariner, salt, seaman, or tar. One who works aboard a ship at sea is referred to as a sailor or seaman, particularly a crew member with a lower rank than petty officer, such as a sailor under the mast or an able-bodied seaman.

What use does a compass provide for a sailor?

A compass allows a mariner to examine the direction of their ship or ship to determine if it is crossing another boat's route or heading straight towards it. Plot lines are made using bearing obtained using a compass with hand bearings in order to get this data.

To know more about Sailor visit:


The complete question is -

What word would replace "house" to make the sentence to refer to "a primitive building"?

I just need and outline/draft!!! I’ll give brainliest!!

Complete the following activities.
1. Write a well-organized multi-paragraph essay (750-1,000 words) in which you analyze the relationship between some aspect of the historical, social, or cultural context in which Metamorphosis was
written and the meaning of the work as a whole.
Do not merely summarize the plot.
Use the following guidelines as a checklist to make sure you include each element in your draft:
• an introduction that engages the reader's attention and includes your thesis statement
• body paragraphs that address each of your major assertions
• textual support for each assertion
analytical statements that connect textual support to the assertions
• a conclusion that explicitly states a judgment of the literary merit of the text, as informed by your analysis of the text in its historical, social, or cultural context



F r a n z K a f k a’s Metamorphosis” is a thought-provoking novella that delves into the innermost thoughts of a man who wakes up one day transformed into a giant insect. Ka f k a’s work has been widely analyzed and interpreted over the years.

The overview of the text

However, it is crucial to understand the historical, social, and cultural context in which K a f k a wrote the novella to fully appreciate its meaning. In this essay, I will analyze the relationship between some aspect of the historical, social, or cultural context in which “Metamorphosis” was written and the meaning of the work as a whole.

Body Paragraphs:

K a f k a wrote “Metamorphosis” during a time of great social and political unrest in Europe. The novella was written in 1912, which was just before the First World War. The political and social tensions in Europe were already high, and the looming war only made it worse. This context is essential in understanding the themes of alienation and estrangement in the novella.

One of the major themes in “Metamorphosis” is alienation. K a f ka explores the feeling of being isolated from society and the consequences that arise from this isolation. The protagonist of the novella, Gregor Samsa, wakes up one day transformed into a giant insect. This transformation isolates him from the rest of society and makes him feel like an outsider. He becomes a burden on his family, who try to hide him away from the rest of the world. Gregor’s alienation from society is a reflection of the social tensions that K a f k a experienced during his time.

Another theme in “Metamorphosis” is the loss of identity. K a f ka explores how the transformation of the protagonist affects his sense of self. Gregor’s transformation changes him physically, but it also changes his identity. He is no longer a productive member of society and cannot contribute to his family’s welfare. K a f k a uses Gregor’s transformation to comment on the impact that social pressures can have on a person’s identity.

Textual Support:

K a f k a uses several literary devices to emphasize the themes of alienation and identity loss in “Metamorphosis”. He uses the imagery of Gregor’s transformation into an insect to create a sense of disgust and horror. The description of Gregor’s body is repulsive and highlights the alienation that he experiences. K a f k a also uses the motif of the door to emphasize the theme of isolation. The door represents the barrier between Gregor and the outside world. Gregor’s family locks him in his room, and he is unable to communicate with anyone outside of his family.

Read more about essay here:


3. Based on the text, with which statement would the author MOST LIKELY agree?
A. DaVinci's inventions were enhanced by his artistic practice.
B. DaVinci led an interesting life, even though it was not practical.
C. DaVinci ought to be known more as an inventor than as an artist.
D. DaVinci rather than the Wright brothers really invented the airplane.


Answer: A

Explanation: DaVinci was well known for his artistic pieces and they were later enhanced by his artistic practices. I hope this helps

Have you wrote to us regarding this issue before


"Have written" is simple past tense; "wrote" is present perfect tense. The explanation on this website is decent. When a completed action's results or consequences are still relevant, it is said to be in the Present Perfect.

How do the words write and wrote vary from one another?

Long vowels continue to sound in writing. I, you, she, he, and other people all used the past tense of write, which is wrote. Written is a past tense verb. I wrote to the bank, she wrote, and they wrote to me.

Has my mail from yesterday been received?

I wrote a letter to her yesterday is the proper way to phrase the sentence "I have written a letter yesterday," as "here Yesterday" should not be present with the tense of "I have written."

To know more about perfect tense visit:-


luxiourious hotel
accomadation: konaklama
portable dwelling:taşınabilir mesken

TASK 4 :
Prepare a remedial exercise for either student 1 (see Task 1), or student 2 (see task 2).
1.State which student the exercise is written for (student A or B)
2.Give one example of an error made by that student (the area of error that you will address is your remedial exercise)
3.Identify the area of error (e.g. incorrect formation of indirect speech)
4.Write a remedial task for the student to address the area of error you have identified.This should consist of 5 questions.
5.Write down the aim of the exercise.
E.g. The student will be able to use indirect speech correctly.
6.Write clear instructions for the student.
E.g.Identify and correct the errors.
7.Provide a worked example to support your instructions.
E.g. I finish work on 5 o’clock –incorrect
Correct : I finish work at 5 o’clock.
8.Include the answer key.


As we can see, either student's remedial activity can be made using the guidelines below:

Determine the student's unique learning requirements.Set specific learning objectives.Make the appropriate supply and material choices.Plan the exerciseCarry out the workout.track progressWhat is remedial exercise?

Remedial exercises are exercises or activities designed to help students or individuals who are struggling with a particular subject or ability. The goal of remedial exercises is to improve a person's performance and comprehension in a certain subject or skill area. They frequently concentrate on strengthening particular regions where there are deficiencies.

After putting the exercise into action, make sure to monitor the student's progress by assessing their performance on a regular basis and altering the exercise as required. Celebrate the students' successes and continue to offer them assistance and motivation as they work to improve their skills and comprehension.

To know more about remedial activity, visit:


what is the correct from addressing infernal dialogues?​
Then I told myself, "what it can't make? "


The correct form of addressing internal dialogues is to use quotation marks and italicize the text to indicate that it is a thought rather than spoken dialogue. In this case, the correct form would be: Then I told myself, "What if it can't be done?"

How to address this internal dialogue

When addressing internal dialogues, it's common to use quotation marks to indicate the direct speech or thoughts of the character. For example, "What can't it make?" shows the character's internal dialogue or thought, and the quotation marks indicate that it is a direct thought rather than external dialogue being spoken aloud.

This is a common convention in writing to differentiate between the character's thoughts and spoken words. Additionally, using proper punctuation and grammar is important to make the internal dialogue clear and easy to understand for the reader.

Read more on dialogues here:


pedi reliable source of scientific information. Website articles written by unidentified individuals or authors may not be used. Choose ONE of the following topics: Question 1 Text A A study by Pence (2021) states that the use of technology affects students' learning in many ways. Technology use in education has grown throughout the years. Currently, higher education institutions are going through a surge of technology use since the normal way of teaching and learning has changed drastically due to the Covid-19 pandemic. However, we need to take into considerations the positive and negative effects that comes with technology use in education, especially with students' learning. Adapted from: Accessed on 2022, May 19. Instruction: Using research, discuss TWO (2) positive and TWO (2) negative effects of how technology use in education affects students' learning. Your response should include a minimum of FIVE (5) credible sources. (50 marks)​


Recent years have seen a rise in the adoption of technology in education, especially during in the Covid-19 pandemic.

Covid 19 benefits and disadvantages:

Therefore, it's crucial to take into account both the possible advantages and disadvantages of technology use for student learning. The following four consequences of educational use of technology, all supported by reliable sources, are:

Positive results 1. Increased engagement: Among the potential advantages of using educational technology is the ability to make pupils more interested in the subject matter.

Negative consequences 1. Distraction: One potential drawback of computer use in schools is that it may divert pupils' attention.

To know more about student learning visit:


limit of (3x+7)/(x-1)^2 as x approaches 1






The limit of (3x+7)/(x-1)^2 as x approaches 1 is undefined or does not exist because the denominator becomes zero when x=1 and division by zero is undefined1.

I hope that helps!


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