After 8 hours of snow, the temperature dropped by 16 degrees. What was the average change in temperature each hour while it was snowing?


Answer 1

The weather dropped 2 degrees for every hour is snowed.

Hope this helps!

Answer 2


The temperature dropped 2 degrees

Step-by-step explanation:

16 divided by 8

Related Questions

A. 11.8%






D.) 1.375

Step-by-step explanation:

3/8 = .375

1 + .375 = 1.375

It’s D don’t ask me how I just know okay

A polygon has the same number of angles does sides. which of these figures have the same number of angles?
Thanks i’ve gotten this wrong five times now and can’t seem to get it‍♀️.



Je veux juste dire que j'aime ta photo de profil, désolé je n'ai pas pu m'empêcher d'être stupide

Step-by-step explanation:

Answer: Hexagon goes on the left, regular hexagon goes on the left, regular pentagon goes on the left, isosceles triangle goes on the left, triangle goes on the left, and square goes on the left.

Step-by-step explanation: A hexagon has six sides and six angles. A regular pentagon has five sides and five angles. A regular hexagon has six sides and six angles. An isosceles triangle has three sides and three angles. A triangle has three sides and three angles. A square has four sides and four angles. Hexagon: the prefix hexa- means six. Regular pentagon: the prefix penta- means five. Regular hexagon: the prefix hexa- means six. Isosceles triangle: the word tri-angle literally means three-angle, and all triangles have three sides. Triangle: the word tri-angle literally means three-angle, and all triangles have three sides. Square: a square is a Quadrilateral, which means it has four sides and four angles. Hope this was helpful!

118/13= 59/z

what is the answer?? ​


Z=6.5 because 118/2 is 59 and 13/2 is 6.5 hope I got it right and it helped


[tex]z = 6.5[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

If we take a look at the problem, we are solving for z.

[tex]\frac{118}{13} = \frac{59}{z}[/tex]

To figure it out, we have to cross multiply. So we take [tex]118 * z[/tex] and [tex]59 * 13[/tex], which gives us [tex]118z =767\\[/tex]. Next, we divide both sides with 118.

[tex]\frac{118}{118}z=\frac{767}{118}\\ \\z = 6.5[/tex]

Then, we get 6.5 as our answer!

Hope this helped!

-Bob Ross

Johnny has 20 coins. They are nickels and dimes. If Johnny has $1.40, how many dimes does Johnny have?



Step-by-step explanation:

I think you should subtract

Hope this helps you

Johnny would have 12 dimes. 12 times 10 = $1.20. Then, 8 nickels. 8 times 5 = $0.40.

So, Johnny would have 12 dimes and 8 nickels.

Plz Need Help Fast, I will mark brainilest


The answer is 3 I think

tape diagrams help please



w+1.3=2.7 i think

Step-by-step explanation:

w + 1.3 = 2.7 or
2.7 = 1.3 + w

At a butcher​ shop, Karl bought 7 13/20 lb of beef and some pork. He left with 14 19/25 lb of meat. Express the number of pounds of pork be bought using a decimal.


I think it’s 43 1/5 but I’m not sure

What is 45 x 78÷ 14 + 98



Step-by-step explanation:


Choose the correct word form of 187.023
1 x 100 + 8 x 10 + 7 x 1 + 2 x 0.01 +3 x 0.001
one hundred eighty-seven. twenty-three thousandths
one hundred eighty-seven and twenty-three thousandths
one eight seven twenty-three thousandths


One hundred eighty seven and twenty three thousandths

Katherine lives (1 x 100) + (2 x 1) + (8 x 1/10 ) + (4 x 1/100 ) miles away from her grandma. Which number represents the distance in base-ten numeral?


The answer is 102.84



Answer: It is a 90 Clockwise Degree Turn.

Step-by-step explanation:

From my knowledge, a 90-degree turn is a turn to the right.

So if you turn the "C" in the Y-axis 90 degrees you will get The "C" on the X-axis.

For Example: When you walk around a street you either turn 90 degree's to the right or 90-degrees to the left.

Hope this Helps!

90° clockwise around the origin :)

Chelsey is repairing her iPad and needs to tighten a screw that holds the battery in. She tried a 3/4 mm screwdriver, which was too large, and a 1/2 mm screwdriver, which was too small. Which of the following screwdrivers might fit the screw?


Answer:ask Siri

Step-by-step explanation:

But it is 8mm

8 idkjjbsjcbjsjbsfkiihekii

2/3 of a circle is what % of a circle


Hi! I believe your answer is 66% because 2/3 is equivalent to 0.66666667, which simplifies to 66%. I hope this helps you! Good luck and have a great day. ❤️✨

The answer should be 80%

WHat's the answer!! Help, has to be either B or D




Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:

Olivia is making bead bracelets for her friends. She can make 3 bracelets in 15 minutes.

What does the proportionality constant represent in this situation?


Sbajaiendjzusndnfnfbfbf ring

Which expression could be modeled using the diagram?
An area model has 4 shaded parts and 1 unshaded part. The shaded parts are labeled StartFraction 4 Over 5 EndFraction.
4 divided by one-fifth
4 divided by StartFraction 4 Over 5 EndFraction
StartFraction 4 Over 5 EndFraction divided by one-fifth
One-fifth divided by StartFraction 4 Over 5 EndFraction



4 divided by one-fifth

Step-by-step explanation:

A trick with fractions is if you want to find the numerical value of the fraction divide the Numerator by the denominator and you will get a decimal value that is easier to work with, I hope this helps! ^<^


4/5 divided by 1/5

Step-by-step explanation:

BRAINLIST and points help




Step-by-step explanation:

b= 2
hope this helped

A. Playing basketball, Chores, Homework, Reading

B. Reading, Homework, Chores, Playing basketball

C. Chores, Playing basketball, Homework, Reading

D. Reading, Homework, Playing basketball, Chores



the answer is c my good friend

Step-by-step explanation:

just look at the chart

Which expression would be easier to simplify if you used associative property to change the grouping.
A. 4+(1.2+(-0.2))
B. 85+(120+80)
C. [-40+(60)]+52
D (2+3/7)+4/7
(I'll give brainliest for the correct and most accurate answer.)



D. (2 + 3/7) + 4/7

Step-by-step explanation:

In B and C, the numbers involved in expressions are integers.

Hence, they can be easily added or subtracted.

In D, the numbers involved in expression are fractions which are not grouped together.

They can be added but by using associative property, it becomes much more easier.

That is, grouping fractions.

Solve both please 7th grade math


A 49
B will be 106 i Belive

The Farmers Market sells apples by the bushel, and each bushel of apples weighs 42 lbs. A bushel of large apples contains 84 apples. If a bushel of small apples contains twice as many apples as a bushel of large apples, how many small apples are in 1 lb. of small apples? It’s says show work


Answer:  4 apples in 1 lb

Step-by-step explanation:  There are twice as many small apples  as large apples, so multiply 2 × 84 = 168

to find apples per pound, divide the total number of apples, 168,  by the weight of the bushel: 42 lbs.

168 /42 = 4 apples/lb

The required number of small apples in one pound is 4.

Given that,
Each bushel of apples weighs 42 lbs. A bushel of large apples contains 84 apples. If a bushel of small apples contains twice as many apples as a bushel of large apples, how many small apples are in 1 lb. of small apples, is to be determined.

What is simplification?

The process in mathematics to operate and interpret the function to make the function or expression simple or more understandable is called simplifying and the process is called simplification.

Large apples in 1 pound = 84 / 42 = 2
Now, according to the question,
Number of small apples = 2 (number of large apples)
Number of small apples = 2 (2)
Number of small apples = 4

Thus, the required number of small apples in one pound is 4.

Learn more about simplification here:


A 1-unit by 4-unit rectangle is shown below




Step-by-step explanation:

You multiply the height times the width

The area of shaded rectangle is 8/3 square units.

To find the area of shaded rectangle.

What is rectangle?

A rectangle is a type of quadrilateral that has its parallel sides equal to each other and all the four vertices are equal to 90 degrees.

Given that:

length=4 units

width= 1-unit

The rectangle is subdivided into 3 parts 1 units is unshaded and rest are shaded.

Area of rectangle =length*width

Area of bigger rectangle =length*width

                                       =4*1 square units

                                       =4 square units

width is subdivided into 3 parts .

so, 1/3,1/3,1/3 are the width.

Area of un shaded rectangle=length*width

                                                 =4*1/3 square units

                                                  =4/3 square units

so, Area of bigger rectangle=Area of un-shaded rectangle+ Area of shaded rectangle

4 =4/3+Area of shaded rectangle

Area of shaded rectangle=4-4/3

Area of shaded rectangle=12-4/3

Area of shaded rectangle=8/3 square units

Therefore, the area of shaded rectangle=8/3 square units.

Learn more about rectangle here:


A model of a car was made using a scale of 1 in: 15 in. If the size of the car in the model is 8 in, then what is the actual length?



Step-by-step explanation: it would be 120 because you just multiply 8x15. if i inch = 15, 8 inch=120! hope this helps :)


120 I think if its wrong sry

1. The relationship between a distance in yards (y) and the same distance in miles (m) is
described by the equation y = 1760m.
a. Find measurements in yards and miles for distances by filling in the table.
distance measured in miles
distance measured in yards
b. Is there a proportional relationship between a measurement in yards and a
measurement in miles for the same distance? Explain why or why not.


Therefore, the ratio of yards to miles is always constant, making it a proportional relationship.

What is equation?

An equation is a mathematical statement that shows the equality between two expressions. It typically includes one or more variables, which are unknowns that can take on different values. An equation can be solved by finding the value or values of the variable(s) that make both sides of the equation equal.


a. Using the equation y = 1760m, we can fill in the table as follows:

distance measured in miles distance measured in yards

1                        1,760

5                8,800

3.520     6,195.2

17,600      30,800,000

b. Yes, there is a proportional relationship between a measurement in yards and a measurement in miles for the same distance. The equation y = 1760m shows that the number of yards is always 1760 times greater than the number of miles. This means that if you double the number of miles, the number of yards will also double, and if you triple the number of miles, the number of yards will triple, and so on.

To know more about equation,


Which expression would be easier to simplify if you used commutative property to change the grouping?
A. 95+47+5
B. 1/4+3/4+2
C. 20+80+(-11)
D. -40+(-50)+17
(I'll give brainliest for correct answer and how accurate it is.)


A because it’s just pluss what makes it easier


I think c

Sory if it is wrong

Step-by-step explanation:

What is the danger zone for bacteria? A. Below 40 B. Between 40 and 140 C. Above 140 D. The only safe temperatures are between 40





Bacteria grow most rapidly in the range of temperatures between 40 °F and 140 °F, doubling in number in as little as 20 minutes. This range of temperatures is often called the "Danger Zone." Never leave food out of refrigeration over 2 hours.


B. Between 40 and 140 Fahrenheit

Step-by-step explanation:

This is called the "Danger Zone" because between these temperatures bacteria grow the fastest. Doubling time can be as little as 20 minutes.

What is the perimeter, in units, of the polygon ABCDEF? PLEASSE HELPP


the answer is 26 units if I’m correct!! I’m sorry If it’s wrong
The perimeter is 26 unites

the following equation has been solved incorrectly. Explain the students error​


On the right side of the equation, when the student combined like terms, 7x and -4x, they did not combine them correctly. Instead of combining them correctly, the student forgot to include the sign of the -4x which caused the sum of the two terms to be 11x instead of 3x. Hope this helps!
What he said ^^ no problem

Jayden bought 3.126 pounds of gummy bears. If he ate 1.4 pounds, how many does he have left?


3.126 - 1.4 = 1.726

Hope this helps! :D

1.726 sorry if im incorrect :(


Answer most be to the question on the picture



90 degrees

Step-by-step explanation:


So based on that we can tell it is neither a 90° or 180° angle, we can cross out A and B, And if it were C, it would stay the same. So our answer is D.

Please consider Brainliest ( as promised ), and it shouldn’t be wrong. But your alternative is C if yes.
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