According to the U.S. Supreme Court, what would happen to Dred Scott?


Answer 1


Enslaved persons were unable to anticipate receiving assistance from the government at large or the legal system because they were not inhabitants of the United States, the U.S. Supreme Court said in this case. The ruling added that Congress lacked the power to outlaw slavery on federal property. (Dred Scott V. Sandford).

What if the U.S. Supreme Court had declared Dred Scott free?

Two of the states Scott had been in had precedent that once a slave was in a free state for some period of time, they became free. “this had been the holding in Louisiana state courts for more than 20 years” and “Missouri courts had previously heard over ten other cases in which they had freed slaves who had been taken into free territory”. The lower Missouri court, in fact, had ruled in favor of Scott: the Missouri Supreme Court had over-ruled them.

Suppose that the Supreme court would’ve affirmed the original lower court decision: Scott was free because he had spent long enough in free territory. This would’ve been, I think, a plausible result, perhaps even the expected result. Then what?

The Republican party weakens

The Dred Scott case galvanized the Republican party, as it led to (justified) fears that slavery would spread even to previously free states. Without this “lightning rod”, there would’ve been less support for Republicanism.

The Northern Democratic party strengthens

Conversely, the Northern Democrats (led by Douglas) had championed a compromise (“popular sovereignty”) under which territories could decide for themselves whether to allow slavery. This was torpedoed by the historical Dred Scott decision. Without this torpedo-ing, their compromise would’ve seemed more feasible.

In this scenario, I’ll posit that Lincoln still gets the 1860 nomination (he was seen as more moderate then Seward, and so given this less revved-up Republican party, he’s even more likely to win), and that the Democratic party still splits: if the Southern Democrats found the Union intolerable with a favorable Dred Scott ruling, they’d be even more upset now.

Let’s say that the Republican party is weakened enough, and the Northern Democrats strengthened enough, that Douglas becomes President - then what?

President Douglas

Douglas was pro-Union and anti-secession, saying:

I am in favor of executing in good faith every clause and provision of the Constitution and protecting every right under it - and then hanging every man who takes up arms against it!

I think when the CSA fired on Fort Sumter, Douglas would’ve reacted as Lincoln did; the Civil War is “on”. However, Douglas died of typhus in June 1861, only 3 months after inauguration. The new President, stepping into a Civil War that was going badly for the North, would be the slave-owning ex-Governor of Georgia, Herschel Vespasian Johnson.

President Johnson (Herschel, that is)

Historically when Georgia seceded he became a CSA senator: let’s assume that in this counter-factual he stayed on as VP, and hence becomes president when Douglas dies.

Johnson was a moderate (he opposed secession) but no Lincoln (or Douglas for that matter). I’ll guess the result would’ve been a negotiated peace, perhaps as soon as after the first battle of Bull Run (July 1861) , and an independent CSA.

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I just need and outline/draft!!! I’ll give brainliest!!

Complete the following activities.
1. Write a well-organized multi-paragraph essay (750-1,000 words) in which you analyze the relationship between some aspect of the historical, social, or cultural context in which Metamorphosis was
written and the meaning of the work as a whole.
Do not merely summarize the plot.
Use the following guidelines as a checklist to make sure you include each element in your draft:
• an introduction that engages the reader's attention and includes your thesis statement
• body paragraphs that address each of your major assertions
• textual support for each assertion
analytical statements that connect textual support to the assertions
• a conclusion that explicitly states a judgment of the literary merit of the text, as informed by your analysis of the text in its historical, social, or cultural context



F r a n z K a f k a’s Metamorphosis” is a thought-provoking novella that delves into the innermost thoughts of a man who wakes up one day transformed into a giant insect. Ka f k a’s work has been widely analyzed and interpreted over the years.

The overview of the text

However, it is crucial to understand the historical, social, and cultural context in which K a f k a wrote the novella to fully appreciate its meaning. In this essay, I will analyze the relationship between some aspect of the historical, social, or cultural context in which “Metamorphosis” was written and the meaning of the work as a whole.

Body Paragraphs:

K a f k a wrote “Metamorphosis” during a time of great social and political unrest in Europe. The novella was written in 1912, which was just before the First World War. The political and social tensions in Europe were already high, and the looming war only made it worse. This context is essential in understanding the themes of alienation and estrangement in the novella.

One of the major themes in “Metamorphosis” is alienation. K a f ka explores the feeling of being isolated from society and the consequences that arise from this isolation. The protagonist of the novella, Gregor Samsa, wakes up one day transformed into a giant insect. This transformation isolates him from the rest of society and makes him feel like an outsider. He becomes a burden on his family, who try to hide him away from the rest of the world. Gregor’s alienation from society is a reflection of the social tensions that K a f k a experienced during his time.

Another theme in “Metamorphosis” is the loss of identity. K a f ka explores how the transformation of the protagonist affects his sense of self. Gregor’s transformation changes him physically, but it also changes his identity. He is no longer a productive member of society and cannot contribute to his family’s welfare. K a f k a uses Gregor’s transformation to comment on the impact that social pressures can have on a person’s identity.

Textual Support:

K a f k a uses several literary devices to emphasize the themes of alienation and identity loss in “Metamorphosis”. He uses the imagery of Gregor’s transformation into an insect to create a sense of disgust and horror. The description of Gregor’s body is repulsive and highlights the alienation that he experiences. K a f k a also uses the motif of the door to emphasize the theme of isolation. The door represents the barrier between Gregor and the outside world. Gregor’s family locks him in his room, and he is unable to communicate with anyone outside of his family.

Read more about essay here:


llowing questions as instructed. [5] a A little girl swings cheerfully in the park. (identify each of the words in the sentence pattern) b. He slowly walked into the kitchen and asked for the dinner. (start the sentence with an adverb) c. Write an example of a compound sentence joined by the conjunction 'yet. d. Write a compound-complex sentence with only one independent clause. e. Write an example of a complex sentence using the casual element of the independent clause. 4. Choose the correct word for the following expressions a. The color of​


We can see here that the following will be:

a. A (article) little (adjective) girl (noun) swings (verb) cheerfully (adverb) in (preposition) the (article) park (noun).

b. Slowly (adverb), he walked into the kitchen and asked for the dinner.

c. The sky was dark, yet the stars shone brightly.

d. She studied hard for her exam, but she still didn't get a good grade.

e. As the rain poured down, we decided to cancel our picnic plans.

What is  a compound-complex sentence?

A compound-complex sentence is a sentence that has at least two independent clauses and at least one dependent clause. It combines the features of both compound and complex sentences, with multiple clauses and the use of coordinating and subordinating conjunctions to link them.

An example of a compound-complex sentence is: "I wanted to go to the concert, but I had to finish my work, which took much longer than I expected, so I missed the show." In this sentence, there are two independent clauses ("I wanted to go to the concert" and "I missed the show") and one dependent clause ("which took much longer than I expected").

Learn more about a compound-complex sentence on


What motif is presented in the second line of the haiku?
O art
• change
O nature
O time


The motif presented in the second line of the haiku is "change".

What is the explanation for the above response?

The motif presented in the second line of the haiku is "change." The juxtaposition of "O art" and "O nature" in the first and third lines, respectively, creates a contrast between human-made objects and natural elements.

By placing "change" in the center of the poem, the poet draws attention to the idea that both art and nature are subject to the forces of change over time. The use of the word "change" in the poem suggests a sense of impermanence and transience, highlighting the fleeting nature of all things in life.

Learn more about haiku at:


In raisin in the sun, How does mama feel about Mrs Johnson? and how do you know Mama feel that way In your own words please!!


In "A Raisin in the Sun," Mama doesn't have a favorable opinion of Mrs. Johnson, seeing her as a nosy and meddlesome neighbor who gossips and spreads rumors.

Mama's opinion

In "A Raisin in the Sun," there are a few instances where Mama expresses her dislike for Mrs. Johnson. For example, in Act I, Scene 1, Mama is annoyed when Mrs. Johnson comes over uninvited and starts prying into the family's business. Mama tells her, "I guess you better go out and see about your own children. . . . We don't need no nagging at our house."

In Act II, Scene 1, Mama also complains about Mrs. Johnson to her daughter, Beneatha. Mama tells Beneatha that Mrs. Johnson has been spreading rumors about the family and their financial situation, saying, "She been telling everybody we're poverty-stricken and living on relief."

Overall, Mama's attitude towards Mrs. Johnson is one of annoyance and disapproval. Mama values her privacy and does not appreciate Mrs. Johnson's intrusiveness or gossiping.

Learn more about Mama here:


In "A Raisin in the Sun," Mama (Lena Younger) has a complex relationship with her neighbor, Mrs. Johnson. Mama has a generally polite and courteous attitude towards Mrs. Johnson, but she also finds her gossipy and intrusive.

What happened in a raisin in the sun

Mama is a person who values her privacy and doesn't want her personal affairs to be discussed in public. She is also a proud and dignified woman who wants to maintain her independence and not be beholden to others. Mrs. Johnson, on the other hand, is a busybody who enjoys spreading rumors and talking about other people's business.

Mama's discomfort with Mrs. Johnson's behavior is evident in her tone and body language whenever she interacts with her. She is cordial but reserved, and she doesn't engage in small talk or gossip with her. Mama's responses to Mrs. Johnson's inquiries are often curt and to the point, and she doesn't elaborate on her personal life or feelings.

Furthermore, when Mrs. Johnson is talking to Mama about the neighborhood, Mama is not interested in what Mrs. Johnson is saying. Mama is just being polite because Mrs. Johnson is her neighbor.

In conclusion, Mama's feelings towards Mrs. Johnson can be summed up as polite but distant. Mama doesn't enjoy her company and finds her intrusive and gossipy, but she also doesn't want to create any unnecessary tension or conflict with her neighbor.

Read more on Raisin in the sun here:


Why is the class surprised when Mrs. Mayhew says that Rebecca will tell them abou
uddy? RL.4.1


The reading literature standard RL.4.1 specifies that students should be able to use facts and examples from a book to support their explanations of what the text expressly asserts and their conclusions about the text.

Based on this standard class is surprised when Mrs Mayhew says that Rebecca.

The class was undoubtedly taken aback when Mrs. Mayhew said Rebecca would tell them about Buddy since they thought they would learn about Buddy from Mrs. Mayhew, not a pupil. The reason the class is taken aback is not explicitly stated in the text, but it may be assumed that the students are unfamiliar with having a classmate tell a tale in this way.

to know more about Rebecca here:


Read the story (The Man in The Water)

Watch video on Air Florida 90

1. What actually happened on January 13, 1982? Give details of the event.

3. Who or what is the antagonist of this story? It can't be a person...

4. There were many "heroes" in this story. Why might the author decide to focus on the man in the water? Why not the pilots or rescue team?

5. Explain why you think the man "lost" or "won" his struggle. Does his death mean that he lost?

6. Imagine you were making a movie based on this event. Try to apply the Dramatic Arc to this story How would you label the 5 parts? List them starting from Introduction to Resolution.

7. The final sentence is "He was the best we can do. What does this mean to you? Is there any deeper meaning?

8. Why do you think no one really remembers this event today? It was a big deal at the time


The National Transportation Safety Board found that the crash was caused by a pilot error brought on by ice on the wings. When the pilot decided to take off just before 4 p.m., the aircraft had not been de-iced .

Who were the five people that survived Flight 90 of Air Florida?

The only survivors of the crash were the flight attendant Kelly Duncan, passengers Patricia "Nikki" Felch, Joe Stiley, Priscilla Tirado, and Bert Hamilton, and the flight crew. Sixth passenger Arland D. Williams Jr. initially escaped the collision, but drowned before he could be saved after letting the other survivors be saved first.

Why do you suppose today's population doesn't really recall this incident? Back then, that was a big deal?

According to the story, Air Florida Flight 90 was scheduled to undergo de-icing due to the snow before takeoff but the pilot failed to do so and also forgot to turn on the aircraft's own de-icing system because of poor weather conditions before to takeoff. Therefore, the National Transportation Safety Board came to the conclusion that the crash was caused by pilot error and faulty de-icing methods.

To know more about  Air Florida 90 visit:


QuickWrite Consider class discussions, the video, and the Launch Text as you think about the prompt. Record your first thoughts here. PROMPT: Is fear always a harmful emotion?


Because it can set off reactions that help you survive or deal with a dangerous circumstance, fear is not always a negative feeling.

What exactly is fear?

Fear is a negative feeling experienced under unsafe or dangerous circumstances. For instance, you might feel terrified in the dark since being blind leaves you defenceless.

Is fear a negative emotion?

Our bodies' natural reaction to a hazardous or uncertain circumstance is fear. This feeling is connected to bodily processes like a quicker heart rate that are intended to help you react in order to live or deal with the dangerous circumstance.This man's fear is a coping tool, therefore it's not always bad.

To know more about harmful emotion visit:


The following question is incomplete the complete question is as follows:

This question is incomplete because the video and text were not provided; due to this, the answer is based on general knowledge.

Brain Injuries and Sports
Playing sports can be rough, both for professionals and young athletes. There are
bumps, collisions, and falls, and sometimes these involve an athlete's head. In some
sports, such as boxing and American football, these blows to the head tend to be an
obvious part of the game, but they occur in other sports as well: team sports like soccer,
hockey, and basketball, and individual sports like skiing, ice skating, and skateboarding.
Regular blows to the head have been an accepted part of these games or sports. Until 2
recently, there was a lack of awareness of their negative impact. A major blow to the
head can lead to a brain injury called a concussion. The skull is hard and the brain is
soft. So a strong blow throws the brain against the inside of the skull, which can cause
extensive damage to the neurons in the brain. There is no reliable test for concussions,
so doctors usually diagnose them by observing a patient's behavior. A patient may
become confused and sleepy, have difficulty remembering things, and react slowly. He
or she should not be physically active for a few weeks following a concussion so that the
brain has the chance to recover from the injury. If a patient ignores these symptoms and
does not rest, the impact on behavior and cognitive function could become permanent.
New research suggests that the damage from many small, more minor blows to the
head may be just as bad, or even worse than one major blow. The effects of these small
blows can accumulate. What makes this particularly dangerous is that the effects are not
obvious right away. Athletes may not notice that they are injured, so they do not get any
treatment. They just keep playing. When athletes with brain injuries return to the game,
their judgment, coordination, and ability to focus on the game are often impaired. This
makes it more likely that they will be injured a second time. If that injury is a blow to
the head, the damage can be very serious.
Recent research has shown that young athletes are particularly vulnerable to these
brain injuries because their brains are not completely mature. In response, experts
recommend that young athletes wear head protection. However, they warn that this can
give athletes a false sense of safety, leading them to take unnecessary risks. Their most
crucial advice is that adults who are involved in athletics for young people should learn
about these injuries. They need to know how to prevent them and how to recognize
their symptoms.

Can you find main ideas


Main ideas include Playing sports can lead to head injuries, including concussions.

How to explain the idea

Concussions can have negative impacts on behavior and cognitive function.

New research suggests that many small blows to the head can be just as bad or worse than one major blow.

Young athletes are particularly vulnerable to brain injuries because their brains are not completely mature.

Experts recommend head protection for young athletes, but warn that it can give them a false sense of safety.

Adults involved in athletics for young people should learn about brain injuries, how to prevent them, and how to recognize their symptoms.

Learn more about brain on;


How were people’s attitudes towards anatomy and the science of the human body changing around the time of Frankenstein’ publication ?


the public's attitudes towards anatomy remained complex and often conflicted

Mary Shelley

Attitudes towards anatomy and the science of the human body were undergoing substantial shifts in Western civilization about the time Mary Shelley's Frankenstein was published in 1818. Growing interest in anatomy research during the 18th century resulted in an expansion in medical schools and dissections. However, there was opposition to this practise and widespread outrage, particularly when it came to acquiring bodies for dissection.The UK's Anatomy Act of 1832 made it legal to supply bodies for dissection and medical research at the beginning of the 19th century. This made it less common for remains to be taken illegally, including by grave-robbing or murder, and it was simpler for medical schools to conduct research.

To know more about  Shelley, click on the link :


Which of these conclusions about the speaker is best supported by lines 6-16?
My clouded reflection eyes me
like a bird of prey, the profile of night
slanted against morning. I turn
this way-the stone lets me go.
I turn that way-I'm inside
the Vietnam Veterans Memorial
again, depending on the light
to make a difference.
I go down the 58,022 names,
half-expecting to find
my own in letters like smoke.
A. As the speaker reads through the names of the deceased and missing-in-action soldiers, he begins to feel guilty that he survived the war.
B. The speaker is trying to understand his perspective on the memorial and his relationship with it.
OC. The speaker is lost inside the maze of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial's Inner structure.
D. The speaker's eyesight has never been the same since his time in Vietnam.
FL-ELA K12 EE.2.1
Save and continue


The best conclusion supported by these lines is option B: The speaker is trying to understand his perspective on the memorial and his relationship with it.

What is the poem about?

Throughout the passage of the poem, the speaker is reflecting on his experience of visiting the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, and how he feels when he is there. He describes his clouded reflection, which suggests that he is struggling to see himself clearly or understand his own emotions. He also mentions that he is "depending on the light to make a difference," which could be interpreted as a metaphor for his attempt to find clarity or meaning in his visit.

The speaker's sense of being "lost" inside the memorial could further suggest that he is struggling to navigate his own emotions and memories related to the war, and that he is seeking some kind of resolution or understanding.

Overall, the passage seems to be focused on the speaker's attempt to come to terms with his experience of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, rather than on his guilt, eyesight, or the structure of the memorial itself.

Learn more about poems here:


Select the sentence with a comparative adjective.

The green sea turtle is larger than the triggerfish.
The Hawaiian Honeykeeper is the most beautiful bird.
The Nene is a beautiful, small, brown and white bird.
The triggerfish is one of the fastest fish in the ocean.




The green sea turtle is larger than the triggerfish.


A comparative adjective is used to compare two or more things and indicate which one is superior or inferior to the other. In the given options, only the sentence "The green sea turtle is larger than the triggerfish" contains a comparative adjective, "larger," which is used to compare the size of the green sea turtle with that of the triggerfish.

Read the passage and identify any figurative language. I looked at the road ahead, which twisted up and around the side of the mountain like frosting on the side of a cake. It disappeared around the corner, but I could bet that it kept going upward. “You ready?” Donna asked, clipping her expensive bicycling shoes into their special pedals. “I guess,” I shrugged. With a whoop, Donna pushed off, and up the mountain we went. As we pedaled, sweat poured off me until the road behind me was a river. My calves were screaming, and my lungs felt like a boa constrictor was wrapped around them. Donna flew ahead of me. Only her back wheel caught my eye as I turned each corner. More than once, I thought to myself that if I got just a little farther behind, I could get off my bike and walk, and Donna would never know.


In this phase, you evaluate what you've said and how you've expressed it. You cannot move on to step two unless your message has been refined.Not all of these terms are brand-new, despite the fact that it could initially seem that way.

Does a boa constrictor consume humans?

There are rare instances of boa constrictors attacking humans, despite the fact that many people may be scared of them. Even newborn humans are too big to be considered ideal prey for these snakes.

The boa constrictor's method of breathing?

The animals gradually stretch a portion of their rib cage to breathe, which results in a pressure shift that draws air in. Those ribs are crushed when they are being squeezed. As prey is consumed,

To know more about constrictor visit:-


Read the passage from chapter 17 of The Prince.

Therefore a prince, so long as he keeps his subjects united and loyal, ought not to mind the reproach of cruelty; because with a few examples he will be more merciful than those who, through too much mercy, allow disorders to arise, from which follow murders or robberies; for these are wont to injure the whole people, whilst those executions which originate with a prince offend the individual only.

What meaning is emphasized by the use of the words merciful and mercy in the passage?




The meanings are very scarce he is very generous in his well being...




Explain the power (if any) the witches hold over Macbeth. Before Macbeth
could understand everything, the witches disappeared. What changed him to
be confident enough? What is his new reputation, and do you think caused
the changes?



The witches in Shakespeare’s play “Macbeth” hold a significant amount of power over the titular character. From the very beginning of the play, the witches’ prophecies influence Macbeth’s actions and decisions. For example, after hearing the prophecy that he will become king, Macbeth becomes consumed with ambition and begins to plot against King Duncan.

One of the most famous quotes from the play that demonstrates the witches’ power over Macbeth is when he says “Is this a dagger which I see before me, The handle toward my hand? Come, let me clutch thee. I have thee not, and yet I see thee still.” (Act II, Scene I). In this scene, Macbeth is hallucinating a dagger that leads him towards Duncan’s chamber. This hallucination is a manifestation of Macbeth’s guilt and inner turmoil, which were brought on by the witches’ prophecy.

Throughout the play, the witches continue to manipulate Macbeth through their prophecies and apparitions. They lead him to believe that he is invincible and cannot be defeated. This false sense of security ultimately leads to Macbeth’s downfall.

In addition to their influence over Macbeth, the witches also hold power over other characters in the play. For example, they prophesize that Banquo’s descendants will become kings. This prophecy drives Macbeth to have Banquo murdered in an attempt to prevent it from coming true.

The significance of the witches in “Macbeth” cannot be overstated. They represent the supernatural and the unknown, and their presence adds an element of mystery and foreboding to the play. The witches’ prophecies drive the plot forward and their manipulations have a profound impact on the characters and events of the story.

Lady Macbeth also reacts strongly to the witches’ prophecies. Upon hearing that her husband will become king, she becomes determined to make it happen. She encourages Macbeth to murder Duncan and even takes part in the planning of the crime. However, as the play progresses, Lady Macbeth becomes consumed by guilt and her mental state deteriorates.

In conclusion, the witches hold a great deal of power over Macbeth and other characters in Shakespeare’s play. Their prophecies and manipulations drive the characters to commit terrible acts and ultimately lead to their downfall. The witches represent an important element of the supernatural in “Macbeth” and their presence adds depth and complexity to the story.

In Shakespeare's play "Macbeth," the witches hold a significant power over Macbeth. They use their supernatural abilities to prophesize Macbeth's rise to power as king, which plants the idea in his mind that he could achieve this by any means necessary, even by committing regicide. Macbeth becomes obsessed with the prophecy and its fulfillment, and he becomes increasingly dependent on the witches' prophecies and guidance.

The witches' power over Macbeth is not direct, as they do not physically control or manipulate him. Instead, their power comes from their ability to plant the seeds of ambition and desire for power within Macbeth's mind. They also feed Macbeth's ego by telling him that he is destined for greatness, which reinforces his belief that he is entitled to the throne.

Macbeth's confidence grows after he hears the first prophecy from the witches, which comes true when he becomes the Thane of Cawdor. This success makes him believe that the prophecy of becoming king is also possible. As he becomes more confident in himself, he becomes more willing to take risks and pursue his ambition.

After Macbeth becomes king, his reputation changes from being a loyal and brave soldier to a ruthless and paranoid tyrant who will do anything to maintain his power. His new reputation is a result of his actions, as he becomes increasingly ruthless and paranoid, leading to the murders of those he perceives as threats to his power, including his friend Banquo and the innocent family of Macduff.

In summary, the witches hold a significant power over Macbeth through their ability to plant the seeds of ambition and desire for power in his mind. Macbeth's confidence grows after the first prophecy comes true, leading him to become more willing to take risks and pursue his ambition. His new reputation as a ruthless and paranoid tyrant is a result of his own actions, as he becomes increasingly desperate to maintain his power.

PART A: Which statement best describes how the author develops the narrator's point of view?
D. The author shows how the narrator's opinion of her brother has changed over the years as he has made countless mistakes.(answer)

PART B: Which section from the story best supports the answer to Part A?

A. "It took me a moment to take in the room. Even then, I felt that there was a theatrical quality to the way the drawers had been flung open. Or perhaps it was simply that I knew my brother too well." (Paragraph 3)

B. "Hey! Madam, why did you waste your fair skin on a boy and leave the girl so dark? What is a boy doing with all this beauty?" (Paragraph 8)

C. "But Enugu was anonymous. There the police could do what they were famous for doing when under pressure to produce results: kill people." (Paragraph 14)

D. "I wanted him to stop talking. He seemed to enjoy his new role as the sufferer of indignities, and he did not understand how lucky he was that the policemen allowed him to come out and eat our food, or how fool he'd been to stay out drinking that night, and how uncertain his chances were of being released." (Paragraph 24)


Part A's correct response is D: "The author illustrates how the narrator's opinion of her brother has evolved over time as he has made numerous mistakes."

How does the author in this section create the narrator's point of view?

Authors may assist build point of view by using the views, attitudes, and personalities of their characters. The least frequent of all points of view, a second person uses "you" to tell a tale about the reader.

What impact does the narrator option have on the story's plot?

Because a first-person narrator can only know what they are there to see and hear, the choice of narrator, particularly one in the first person, has an impact on the storyline. Because the narrator might not have seen or heard something, we can't know what other people are thinking, therefore a lot of activity is omitted.

to know more about narrators here;


ways in which the ongoing need for affirmative action perpetuates discrimination ​


The ongoing need for affirmative action perpetuates discrimination by creating reverse discrimination against individuals who may be more qualified for a position or opportunity but are not selected because of their race or gender.

What is the meaning of affirmative action?

Affirmative action refers to policies and practices aimed at addressing historical and current discrimination faced by certain groups, particularly in the workplace and in education. The purpose of affirmative action is to level the playing field and provide equal opportunities for marginalized groups, such as women, racial and ethnic minorities, and people with disabilities. Affirmative action can take many forms, such as setting quotas for the number of underrepresented groups in a particular field or providing preferential treatment during the hiring process.

The concept of affirmative action has been the subject of much debate and controversy. Supporters argue that it is necessary to ensure diversity and equal opportunities in society, while opponents argue that it is a form of reverse discrimination that can lead to unqualified individuals being hired or admitted to educational programs simply because of their demographic characteristics.

Overall, affirmative action remains a controversial and complex issue, with varying perspectives on its effectiveness and fairness.

To learn more about affirmative action, visit:


From the Big fish in troubled waters. Compare and contrast the ways the author's shaped their presentations in the two articles. Describe how their use of the key of information helped them to achieve their purposes. Use at least three details from the texts in your response.


The phrase "big fish in troubled waters" is a common idiom used to describe a person or organization that is successful despite being in a difficult situation. As such, many authors have used this phrase as a theme in their writing to explore various aspects of success in challenging circumstances.

How to explain ten phrase

One author who has explored this theme is Malcolm Gladwell in his book "David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants." Gladwell argues that, in many cases, being an underdog can actually be an advantage.

He cites numerous examples of people who have succeeded despite facing seemingly insurmountable odds, such as dyslexics who become successful entrepreneurs and basketball teams that win despite being much smaller than their opponents. Gladwell's presentation is characterized by his use of anecdotes and case studies to illustrate his points, as well as his engaging and accessible writing style.

Learn more about fish on;


Read the following excerpt about the invention of refrigerators and answer the question that follows. It wasn't until 1930, when Frigidaire began cooling with chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), that people began upgrading to refrigerators. Small, with big fans on top, the appliance changed the way America ate. Manufacturers provided books with menus for a lifestyle that included ice tongs, bridge parties, and recipes showing off all that a refrigerator could do for a single meal. (In 1929, Kelvinator suggested a raspberry cup, molded lamb, celery curls, and Kelvinator fruitcake with whipped cream.) Pre-fridge, "frozen desserts and frozen salads were nonexistent or just for wealthy people," says Sylvia Lovegren, author of Fashionable Food: Seven Decades of Food Fads. "All of a sudden, the middle class could have things that seemed high class a few years before." And what could be more high class than frozen cheese salad or an icy frappe made of condensed tomato soup? Which of the following details should be included in a summary of an article about the history of refrigerators?


The invention of refrigerators changed the way America ate when Frigidaire began cooling with chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) in 1930. Manufacturers provided books with menus and recipes showing off what a refrigerator could do for a single meal, and frozen desserts and salads became available to the middle class. Details that should be included in a summary of an article about the history of refrigerators include the introduction of CFCs in refrigeration, the change in the American lifestyle due to the availability of refrigerators, and the introduction of frozen foods to the middle class.





Explain why "The Wife's Lament" is an elegy. Use specific examples from the poem to illustrate your point.


An Old English poem with 53 lines called "The Wife's Lament" may be found on folio 115 of the Exeter Book. It is typically regarded as an elegy.

What does the poem "The Wife's Lament" mean?

The poem's main theme centers on the representation of the female speaker's desperation as well as the evocation of her pain.

What transpired to the wife in the lament of the wife?

Her attempts to successfully reunite with her spouse, however, are unsuccessful due to her husband's relatives. She is then ordered to dwell in a ground-level hole. We don't refer to a dilapidated apartment.

To know more about The Wife's Lament visit:


What is the mood of the verb in this sentence?
If I were you, I would consult a specialist.
O subjunctive
O indicative
O imperative


Answer: A; subjunctive.
Explanation: Subjunctive mood usually allows the speaker/writer to express their suggestion, wish, or demand. Typically, it would be shown as, “If I were you…” or “I suggest…” Indicative mood expresses an action as something that is true, or a fact. Typically it would be shown as, “Lisa does not like the flowers.” of “John is going to the beach.” Imperative mood expresses a command. Typically it would be shown as, “Come over here.” or “Don’t touch that.” Hope that helped!

3. Based on the text, with which statement would the author MOST LIKELY agree?
A. DaVinci's inventions were enhanced by his artistic practice.
B. DaVinci led an interesting life, even though it was not practical.
C. DaVinci ought to be known more as an inventor than as an artist.
D. DaVinci rather than the Wright brothers really invented the airplane.


Answer: A

Explanation: DaVinci was well known for his artistic pieces and they were later enhanced by his artistic practices. I hope this helps

What is the theme of lobs girl by joan aiken



Loyalty: The unusually powerful bond between Sandy and Lob offers a compelling portrayal of undying loyalty.

Family: The members of the Pengelly family treat one another with the utmost love and care.

The supernatural: The character of Lob seems to exist outside the boundaries of nature in several ways.


Use the Past Perfect Simple or the Past Perfect Continuous of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences.

1. (watch) Lucy went into the living-room. It was empty but the television was still warm. Someone _____________________________ it.

2. (play; not win) I _____________________ tennis, so I had a shower. I was annoyed because I ____________________ a single game.

3. (walk; walk) The walkers finally arrived at the destination. They __________________ all day, and they needed a rest. They _____________________ thirty miles.

4. (stop; smoke) When I saw Ben last week he said he _______________ smoking. But when I saw him two days later, he ____________________ a cigarette. He took the cigarette from his mouth and looked rather ashamed.

5. (have; see; know) Harry found a note from Graham in Celia’s coat. That’s how Harry found out they ________________ an affair. In fact they _____________________ each other for months. Graham’s wife ____________________ about it all the time.

Exercise 2. Use the Present Perfect Continuous or the Past Perfect Continuous of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences.

1. We (cook) _________________ all day for the party that evening and by 9 o’clock we still weren’t ready.

2. It (rain) ___________________ since 2 o’clock.

3. He was very tired when he got home. He (work) ____________ hard all day.

4. He (sell) ____________________ computers for 2 months.

5. They (play) _____________ tennis for about an hour when it started to rain.

6. They are good football-players. Since when (they, play) ______________________________ football?

7. My grandfather stopped smoking last year. He (smoke) _____________ for 50 years.

8. Nick was sitting on the ground. He was out of breath. He (run) _______.

9. By the end of their journey they were very tired. They (travel) _________________________ for two days.

10. We (wait) ______________________ for your call all night.

11. The children (sleep) _____________________ since they came back home.

12. My cousin (take) ___________________ music lessons for five years now.


1. was watching
2. played; did not win
3. were walking; walked
4. had stopped; was smoking
5. were having; had been seeing; had known

1. were cooking
2. had been raining
3. was working
4. had been selling
5. had been playing
6. have they been playing
7. had smoked
8. had run
9. had travelled
10. waited
11. have been sleeping
12. has been taking
Final answer:

The exercise pertains to using Past Perfect Simple and Past Perfect Continuous as well as Present Perfect Continuous or Past Perfect Continuous to correctly complete given sentences. The answers provided use these tenses appropriately to convey the intended meaning.


The completed sentences using Past Perfect Simple and Past Perfect Continuous are as follows:

Someone had been watching it.I had played tennis, so I had a shower. I was annoyed because I had not won a single game.The walkers finally arrived at the destination. They had been walking all day, and they needed a rest. They had walked thirty miles.When I saw Ben last week he said he had stopped smoking. But when I saw him two days later, he had been smoking a cigarette.That’s how Harry found out they had been having an affair. In fact they had been seeing each other for months. Graham’s wife had known about it all the time.

For Exercise 2 using Present Perfect Continuous or the Past Perfect Continuous:

We have been cooking all day for the party that evening.It has been raining since 2 o’clock.He had been working hard all day.He has been selling computers for 2 months.They had been playing tennis for about an hour when it started to rain.Since when have they been playing football?He had been smoking for 50 years.He had been running.They had been traveling for two days.We have been waiting for your call all night.The children have been sleeping since they came back home.My cousin has been taking music lessons for five years now.

Learn more about Present Perfect Tense here:


I still have problems with this questing please answer fast and help with other questions i posted


John believes that the world was created by God.The first verse of Genesis in the Holy Bible reads, "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth." Also mentioned in verse 25b is the phrase .

What is the creation according to John?

The Creation story is addressed once again in John's Gospel. According to John, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God" (John 1:1) is how his Gospel is introduced. John is saying that Jesus was there at the beginning of the universe by referring to him as "the Word."

To know more about Bible visit:


Which of the following are areas of individual competence? Select all that apply.
O critical thinking
O effective listening skills
O ability to direct
O assertion


The areas of individual competence are:

Critical thinking

Effective listening skills

The ability to direct and assertion are not typically considered as areas of individual competence, as they are more related to leadership and communication skills.


Critical thinking because it’s a mental thing, effective listening skills because u can’t have someone learn for you

+ A
Last year, Skip had signed up for baseball-to him, an exercise in futility,
considering the fact that he had never been able to hit or catch. In pickup or
organized basketball games, he had never scored a basket. Early on, he had
made peace with the realization that he was not the kind of athlefe his dad hadi
been Still, tomorrow marked the start of football tryouts, and he expected his dadi
to invite him into the backyard to practice kicking before dinner.
"Skipt" called Dad, right on cue. "Come on out."
T'm coming," answered Skip
Skip looked around the yard for the kicking net. But he didn't see one.
Instead, Dad motioned him over to the grill where he had laid out a tray of raw
hamburgers, hot dogs, and some vegetables
"I thought I'd teach you how to get perfect grill marks," said Dad
"But I thought we were going to kick footballs," said Skip
"Not tonight. Your uncle Bobby says you were a natural when you helped him with
his last catering gig. But believe it or not, I taught him everything he knows," said
Dad with a chuckle. "Now watch this."
Dad arranged the hamburgers on the grill and explained how to angle each
piece to get the perfect crisscross pattern. When he was about to place the
vegetables on the grill, Skip said, "Wait" He went to the kitchen and returned with
skewers and a small knife. He cut up the vegetables, then he put the cut vegetable
on skewers. "This is a better way to char them and put a little crisp on the outside,
he explained
Bobby's right. You really do know a thing or two about food," Dad said.
For the rest of the evening, there was no mention of football or any other
tryouts. They ate and chatted about grilling, and Skip let on how much he enjoyed
watching cooking shows on TV
"Really? I know you have a lot of interests, but I had no idea you were into
food shows said Dad "Some of those chefs are amazing," he added
Then Skip said, "Dad, I need to be straight with you"
"About what?
"I really don't want to play football-or baseball or basketball," responded
Skip T'm not the athlete you were, and I don't want to be."
His dad stiffened slightly, but his face portrayed nothing of the
disappointment Skip expected. Instead, he said, "Fair enough. It's just that you're
so into running, I assumed that, like me, you could play team sports, too."
"Maybe I can," said Skip "I just don't want to I like so many other things-
like cooking"
"Well then, Let's see what Bobby can teach you about "began Dad
before Skip stopped him
T'd rather learn from the best, Dad"
A warm grin spread across his father's face. "You've got it, Skip," he said.
6 of 10 Answered
Based on the passage, Dad can best be described as
OA. unaware or inattentive
OB. uncaring or inconsiderate.
OC. demanding and inflexible.
D. understanding and accepting





Read the passage from chapter 17 of The Prince.

Coming now to the other qualities mentioned above, I say that every prince ought to desire to be considered clement and not cruel. Nevertheless he ought to take care not to misuse this clemency. Cesare Borgia was considered cruel; notwithstanding, his cruelty reconciled the Romagna, unified it, and restored it to peace and loyalty. And if this be rightly considered, he will be seen to have been much more merciful than the Florentine people, who, to avoid a reputation for cruelty, permitted Pistoia to be destroyed. Therefore a prince, so long as he keeps his subjects united and loyal, ought not to mind the reproach of cruelty; because with a few examples he will be more merciful than those who, through too much mercy, allow disorders to arise, from which follow murders or robberies; for these are wont to injure the whole people, whilst those executions which originate with a prince offend the individual only.

How does the repetition of the words cruel and cruelty affect the tone of the paragraph?


As Machiavelli illustrates the advantages of a ruler's brutality, it gives the text a matter-of-fact tone. Regarding Cruelty and Clemency, and Whether it is Better to Be Loved than Feared

What is the major point of The Prince's Chapter 17?

Regarding Cruelty: Whether It Is Better to Be Loved Than to Be Feared, or the Opposite. Like generosity, compassion is typically praised. However, a prince needs to exercise caution when displaying sympathy.

What is The Prince's chapter XVII's resolution?

In conclusion, since people fear at the prince's command but love at their own whim, a good ruler will focus on his most effective means of control. Machiavelli addresses kindness and cruelty as he continues his examination of virtues that are not virtues.

To know more about Machiavelli visit:-


In the Article getting Lost in a Good Book Can Help Keep You Healthy,

lines 6 through 4 are important because they...

A: Show potential effects of reading over time
B: Highlight the value of scientific research
C: Emphasize the challenges beginning readers face
D: Provide examples of the problems scientists face


Demonstrate possible long-term effects of reading. They show the long-term advantages of reading.(option a)

What is the meaning hidden in the lines?

The lines state that "the advantages of reading a book include a long lifetime, fewer depressive symptoms, and higher cognitive function" and that "those who read books consistently over a long time were at a fewer risk of dying."

Your vocabulary expands along with your capacity for successful communication as you read more. Reading also enhances writing abilities by educating the reader about various writing styles.

To know more about reading visit:


What communication strategies do you think could best be utilized to minimize conflict across generations?


These are five techniques to improve intergenerational communication at work in terms of effectiveness, clarity, and quality.

How can we best explain to the Z generation what makes them unique from other generations?

Gaining the trust and loyalty of generation Z workers requires having open, sincere discussions with them. They also prefer face-to-face contact for this reason, as it is simpler for them to tell when someone is being honest with them.

How can we best explain to the Z generation what makes them unique from other generations?

Gaining the trust and loyalty of generation Z workers requires having open, sincere discussions with them. They also prefer in-person contact for this reason, as it is simpler to tell when someone is being honest.

To know more about Communication visit:-


Read the passage from chapter 17 of The Prince.

Upon this a question arises: whether it be better to be loved than feared or feared than loved? It may be answered that one should wish to be both, but, because it is difficult to unite them in one person, it is much safer to be feared than loved, when, of the two, either must be dispensed with. Because this is to be asserted in general of men, that they are ungrateful, fickle, false, cowardly, covetous, and as long as you succeed they are yours entirely; they will offer you their blood, property, life, and children, as is said above, when the need is far distant; but when it approaches they turn against you. And that prince who, relying entirely on their promises, has neglected other precautions, is ruined; because friendships that are obtained by payments, and not by greatness or nobility of mind, may indeed be earned, but they are not secured, and in time of need cannot be relied upon; and men have less scruple in offending one who is beloved than one who is feared, for love is preserved by the link of obligation which, owing to the baseness of men, is broken at every opportunity for their advantage; but fear preserves you by a dread of punishment which never fails.

What type of evidence does Machiavelli most use to support the argument that it is better for a prince to be feared than loved?


Machiavelli primarily uses anecdotal evidence to support his argument that it is better for a prince to be feared than loved.

What is Machiavelli?

Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli (1469-1527) was an Italian political philosopher, historian, musician, and a writer of the Renaissance period. He is best known for his book The Prince, which is a treatise on the art of governing a state. Machiavelli's political theories focus on the practical aspects of governing a state. He argued that the most successful form of government was one that combined strong central control with a certain amount of freedom for individuals.

He references historical examples, such as the idea that when a need is far away, people will offer their blood, property, life and children to a prince, but when the need arises, they will turn against him. He also points to the human tendency to be ungrateful, fickle, false, cowardly, and covetous. He concludes that because of these qualities, friendships that are obtained by payment are not reliable, and that people have less scruple in offending someone they love, as opposed to someone they fear.

To learn more about Machiavelli


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