a. What problems did Bismarck face as chancellor
of the German Empire?
b. What did Bismarck do to help Germany become
c. What factors led to the decline of Bismarck's
power as chancellor?


Answer 1

Liberal opposition, Austria, France, and Vatican- were a some of the issues Bismarck faced while serving as chancellor of the German Empire.

b. What did Bismarck do to help Germany become industrialized?Managed railroadStandardized bankingCentralized postal Telegraph system

To assist Germany in becoming industrialized, Bismarck implemented some of the actions listed above.

c.  What factors led to the decline of Bismarck's power as chancellor?Opposition from parliamentReformistsCatholics New emperor

These were some of the elements that contributed to Bismarck's loss of influence as chancellor.

What is the straightforward definition of industrialization?

The process of industrialization involves shifting a country or region's economy away from a reliance on agriculture and towards one that is driven by manufacturing. This transformation cannot be completed without the use of automated mass manufacturing techniques.

To know more about Industrialization visit:



Related Questions

Which of the following is true about the Cuban Missile Crisis? Select 4 answer choices

Question 2 options:

The Cuban Missile Crisis is an example of the constant standoff between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War.

The Soviets agreed to remove the missiles from Cuba when the United States agreed to remove their own missiles from Turkey.

The United States quarantined, surrounded, Cuba using military vessels.

The Soviet Union placing missiles in Cuba that threatened the United States.

The X-Men stopped a nuclear attack.



The Cuban Missile Crisis is an example of the constant standoff between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War.

The Soviets agreed to remove the missiles from Cuba when the United States agreed to remove their own missiles from Turkey.

The United States quarantined, surrounded, Cuba using military vessels.

The Soviet Union placing missiles in Cuba that threatened the United States.


The Cuban Missile Crisis of October 1962 was a direct and dangerous confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War and was the moment when the two superpowers came closest to nuclear conflict.



Answer: Hi! Read the explanation below:



Bullying and the Holocaust share a common theme of the abuse of power and the dehumanization of individuals. In both cases, those in positions of power sought to assert their dominance over others by using fear and intimidation tactics. In the Holocaust, the Nazis systematically targeted and persecuted Jewish people, as well as other minority groups, through propaganda, discrimination, and ultimately genocide. Similarly, in cases of bullying, individuals may use physical or emotional aggression to belittle and harm their targets, often seeking to establish a sense of superiority or control over them. Both bullying and the Holocaust demonstrate the devastating consequences that can result from unchecked abuse of power and the importance of promoting empathy, kindness, and respect for all individuals.


abuse and bullying


Examine two or more significant conflicts in the struggle for independence from Britain. Describe the successes and failures of each side, and provide a perspective that explains how the manner in which these wars were fought reveals something about the distinctions between the colonists and the British.


Although the colonists suffered a heavy defeat at Bunker Hill, it also demonstrated to the British that they were prepared to fight and were capable of holding their own. Although they were able to take the hill, the British incurred significant losses in the process, which had a negative impact on their spirits.

Due to a substantial colonial victory, the Battle of Saratoga marked a turning point in the Revolutionary War. The colonists' morale was raised as a result of the British being forced to surrender, and they also received crucial French backing.

The tactics used in these battles provide insight into the differences between the colonists and the British. While the British liked to battle in broad fields in traditional formation, the colonists depended on guerilla tactics like hiding behind buildings and trees and firing at the British from cover.

This demonstrates the colonists' ability to adapt and employ novel tactics in conflict as well as their capacity to make use of their familiarity with the environment. The British, on the other hand, were less willing to adjust to the shifting conditions and were more dogmatic in their approach to battle.

learn more about independence from Britain here



2. Explain how FEMA's role changed after it became part of the Department of
Homeland Security in 2003 and again after the response to Hurricane Katrina in
2005. (2 points)


FEMA or the Federal Emergency Management Agency, was created in 1979 to help prepare for and respond to the disasters in the United States.

What are disasters?

Disasters refer to events that cause significant harm and disruption to human lives, infrastructure, and the environment. They can be natural, such as earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, and wildfires, or human-made, such as industrial accidents, terrorist attacks, and civil unrest. Disasters can result in the loss of lives, displacement of people, damage to property and infrastructure, disruption of essential services, and the spread of diseases. They can have long-term economic, social, and environmental consequences. Disasters can be mitigated through preparedness measures such as risk assessments, emergency planning, and public education. Effective response and recovery efforts involve coordination and collaboration between government agencies, civil society organizations, and communities to restore normalcy and build resilience.

To learn more about disasters, visit:



Was the decision by President Carter to boycott the 1980 Olympic games a good decision for the United States? Did this decision make a difference in the Soviet Union’s invasion? Did it have a positive or negative impact on U.S. citizens? In other words, did it actually make a difference positively or negatively?


The decision by President Carter to boycott the 1980 Moscow Olympics is controversial and complex, with arguments on both sides.

On the positive side:

• It showed moral support for the U.S. boycott of the Olympics in protest of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Some saw it as a principled stand against Soviet aggression.

• It may have irritated the Soviet Union and weakened their prestige on the world stage by having a conspicuous absence of U.S. athletes at the games.

• It boosted patriotism and national pride in the U.S. for standing up to the Soviets.

However, there are also criticisms and downsides to consider:

• It likely did little to actually influence the Soviet presence or policies in Afghanistan. The boycott did not force the Soviets to withdraw.

• It denied U.S. athletes the chance to compete on the world stage and possibly win medals. This disappointed many American athletes and sports fans.

• It damaged relations with U.S. allies who did not support the boycott, creating diplomatic tensions.

• It gave the impression that the U.S. was capitulating to Soviet demands by compromising Olympic participation over foreign policy concerns.

• There is little evidence the boycott put meaningful economic or political pressure on the Soviet system. The Soviets seemed largely dismissive of it.

So in summary, while the boycott boosted morale at home, it likely had little practical impact on Soviet actions or policies. It made a statement but did not substantially change realities on the ground. The decision remains polarizing, with reasonable positions on both sides regarding its effectiveness and consequences. Ultimately, its positive or negative impact depends a lot on one's perspective.




Women played a key role, encouraging the larger democratic movement to include women's issues and fostering the leadership of women. The newly formed Federation of South African Women began organizing women of all races to fight together for equality.

Answer the following in at least 5-8 complete sentences.

In your own words, provide a definition for the term imperialism that addresses the four different arguments about the causes and values of imperialism (as mentioned in the article).

First argument: Does Imperialism pay?
Second argument: Imperialism is the nature of human beings.
Third argument: Strategy and security of the region.
Fourth argument: Moral grounds- the spread of religion.
Part 2 - Opinion Writing:

Based on what you have learned in this unit, as well as from the article, write an introductory paragraph to an essay expressing your opinion on the issue of imperialism. Overall, is imperialism a positive or negative condition and/or policy, and what are some examples to support your position?



L'impérialisme peut être défini comme une politique d'expansion territoriale et d'influence politique et économique sur d'autres nations et peuples. Cette politique a été motivée par différents arguments, notamment économiques, humains, stratégiques et moraux. Certains ont justifié l'impérialisme en affirmant qu'il était rentable, que la domination était la nature humaine, que cela garantissait la sécurité régionale ou que c'était une façon de propager une religion. Cependant, d'autres ont critiqué cette politique en affirmant que c'était une forme de domination et d'exploitation qui nuisait aux peuples soumis. Ils ont également souligné les effets négatifs sur la culture et la société des nations dominées. En fin de compte, l'impérialisme peut être considéré comme une politique et une condition à la fois positives et négatives, en fonction des motivations, des méthodes et des conséquences. Dans cet essai, je vais soutenir que l'impérialisme est généralement une politique négative en raison des conséquences néfastes pour les peuples dominés, mais que dans certains cas, il peut être considéré comme positif, par exemple lorsque les peuples dominés bénéficient d'une modernisation bénéfique, d'une meilleure gouvernance et de protections accrues contre les conflits. Pour illustrer mon point de vue, je vais examiner plusieurs exemples d'impérialisme dans l'histoire, tels que le colonialisme européen en Afrique, l'impérialisme japonais en Asie et l'expansion américaine dans les Caraïbes et en Amérique latine.


What is the main difference between primary and secondary sources?



Primary sources are firsthand, while secondary sources are made secondhand


firsthand meaning by someone who was there to experience an event and recorded the experience (diary, autobiography, voice recording)

secondhand meaning by someone who is telling the account of another person when they didn't experience it themselves (biography, a movie based on true events)

Answer the questions please with the cartoon you see please I will give brainliest


Words and visuals in the first cartoon include: Hybrid cars, health care, refinancing and the visuals include a mall, the text boxes, and the environment.

In the second picture, we can see one big and one small persons. In the text box, there is a message: You realize this means war.

Relation of the cartoons to domestic and foreign poilcies

The first cartoon relates to domestic policy because it deals with issues that affect a nationa dn its people.

Some of these issues are healthcare, and finance. In the second picture we can see the subject of foreign policy as war often involves different nations.

Learn more about domestic and foreign policies here:



how were mothers in georgia impacted by reagan'scuts to social welfare


During the presidency of Ronald Reagan in the 1980s, there were significant cuts to social welfare programs in the United States, including in the state of Georgia. These cuts affected many mothers who relied on these programs for assistance.

One of the most significant cuts was to the Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) program, which provided financial assistance to low-income families with children. In Georgia, this program was cut by about 30% during Reagan's presidency. As a result, many mothers who relied on this assistance struggled to make ends meet and provide for their families.

In addition to the cuts to AFDC, there were also cuts to other social programs, such as Medicaid and food stamps. These cuts made it even more difficult for mothers in Georgia to access basic healthcare and nutrition for themselves and their children.

The impact of these cuts on mothers in Georgia was significant, as many were forced to make difficult choices between paying for basic necessities like food and rent or providing for their children's healthcare and education. The cuts to social welfare programs under Reagan's presidency had a lasting impact on families in Georgia and across the United States.

Why did the Cold War accelerate the end of Jim Crow?


In this context, the issue of racial discrimination in the United States became a liability for the U.S. government, as it contradicted its rhetoric of freedom and democracy.

The Soviet Union and other communist countries exploited this contradiction by publicizing instances of racial injustice in the United States, and portraying them as evidence of the hypocrisy and moral bankruptcy of American democracy. This put pressure on the U.S. government to address the issue of racial discrimination, in order to counter the Soviet propaganda.

Additionally, the civil rights movement gained momentum during the Cold War, as African Americans and their allies used the rhetoric of freedom and democracy to challenge segregation and discrimination. The U.S. government was reluctant to intervene in this struggle, but as the movement grew in size and visibility, it became increasingly difficult to ignore.

Thus, the Cold War created a political and ideological climate that made it more difficult for the U.S. government to maintain the system of racial segregation known as Jim Crow. The pressures created by the Cold War, combined with the activism of the civil rights movement, helped to bring about significant changes in U.S. race relations in the 1950s and 1960s.

Which of the following was NOT a way in which the federal government tried to impact the economy during the war, and combat inflation?
A. War Production Board
B. War Bonds
C. Office of Price Administration
D. Smoot-Hawley Tariffs


Answer: war production board

D. Smoot-Hawley Tariffs was NOT a way in which the federal government tried to impact the economy during the war and combat inflation. The Smoot-Hawley Tariffs were passed in 1930 and were aimed at protecting American industries from foreign competition, but they are widely considered to have worsened the Great Depression. By the time the U.S. entered World War II, the government had shifted its focus to policies aimed at stimulating the economy and supporting the war effort.

explain the causes of World War I including the formation of European alliances and the roles of imperialism, nationalism, and militarism




The global battle known as World War I lasted from 1914 until 1918. The reasons of the conflict were intricate and numerous, although they may generally be linked to a variety of interrelated issues, such as the establishment of European alliances, imperialism, nationalism, and militarism.

The development of European alliances was one of the major factors that led to World War I. Several European nations made alliances with one another in the years preceding the war in an effort to bolster their positions in the event of conflict. The Triple Alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy and the Triple Entente between Great Britain, France, and Russia were the most significant of these partnerships.

The buildup to World War I was also significantly influenced by imperialism.Several European nations had imperial aspirations and tried to enlarge their spheres of influence and dominion. As a result, there was fierce rivalry for resources and lands, especially in Africa and Asia. Conflicts and rivalry between European nations were frequently caused by the battle for colonies and markets.

In the years leading up to the conflict, nationalism also played a part. Several European nations saw the rise of nationalist groups as people fought to defend their national identities and interests. This increased hostilities between various national groups, especially in areas like the Balkans where they coexisted in precarious balance.

And last, militarism was a significant contributor to World War I.Each European state that wanted to keep its position of power and reputation made significant investments in its military forces. As a result, there was a competition to develop the most advanced military technologies and capabilities among various nations. The militarization of Europe increased the likelihood of violence and made it more challenging to settle disputes peacefully.

Together, these elements produced a very unstable environment in Europe that ultimately sparked the start of World War I. The trigger event that started the war was the murder of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary by a Serbian nationalist in June 1914, although the underlying factors had been accumulating for a long time.


What dose the swastika symbol mean to you? What do you feel when you see this symbol?



Even though the symbol resembles many cultures such as African and Eurasian, it has been utilized by the Nazi; I don't certainly have a feeling towards it since I've really haven't seen it a lot anyway.

good fortune
The word swastika comes from the Sanskrit svastika, which means “good fortune” or “well-being." The motif (a hooked cross) appears to have first been used in Eurasia, as early as 7000 years ago, perhaps representing the movement of the sun through the sky.

What are the 3 parts to Gross Domestic Product?


Answer: Consumption + Investment + Government spending


50 Explain why the process of industrialisation brought about Social transformation I dramatic during the the lots Century.​



hope it helps :)


The process of industrialization brought about a dramatic social transformation during the 19th century because it fundamentally changed the way people lived and worked. Before the Industrial Revolution, most people lived in small rural communities and engaged in agricultural or craft-based activities.

Can someone help me to answer these questions please

Listen to Kerry Washington perform Sojourner Truth's speech Ain't I a Woman. Then go to ST's version at the Sojourner Truth Project's website. Compare the differences between Frances Gage's (the one Washington read) and Marius Robinson's earlier version (the one ST read). You can read them here.

Answer the following questions:

1. List 3 differences between the Robinson version and the Gage version of the speech.

2. Why do you think it is important to hear both versions of the speech?

3. How do you think the differences changed the way people (in the north and the south) understood the context of her speech? How about now?

4. How does hearing the differences in dialect change the way you think about the speech?

answer them in at least 10 sentences.

When women’s rights activists spoke out, who were they advocating for, white women or African-American women?

What are the distinct arguments that Truth makes in her speech?

What is Truth saying about women’s rights?

Who is going to give them these rights?

How does Truth’s speech reflect intersectionality?

What passages in the speech reflect this?


College loans are a type of financial aid offered to students to help them pay for their education. While college loans can be helpful in covering tuition costs, they also come with a number of pros and cons.


1-Access to higher education: College loans provide students with the opportunity to attend college, even if they do not have the financial means to do so.

2-Building credit: Taking out a college loan and making regular, on-time payments can help students build credit, which is important for future financial endeavors such as purchasing a home or a car.

3-Lower interest rates: Federal student loans generally have lower interest rates compared to private loans, making them a more affordable option for students.


1-Accumulating debt: College loans can accumulate into a significant amount of debt, which can take years or even decades to pay off.

2-Limited flexibility: College loans must be used specifically for educational expenses, meaning students may not have as much financial flexibility to use the money for other purposes.

3-High interest rates: Private student loans can come with high interest rates, which can significantly increase the amount of money that must be paid back over time.

According to The College Investor (2021), “students should approach college loans with caution, understanding the pros and cons before making a decision” (para. 3).

The College Investor. (2021). The pros and cons of student loans. https://thecollegeinvestor.com/317/top-advantages-and-disadvantages-of-student-loans/

Note: I have used APA 7th edition format for this answer.

Note: copy the link and put it in a new tab and search a citation machine like scribber and insert the link there for better
accurate citation

Which of these was not one of the main ways a person could become a slave in New England? if they sold themselves to pay a debt if they were forced into it by the courts if they were purchased from another colonist if they were captured during a war


Due to the region's more diverse economy, it was typical for individual enslaved individuals in New England to master specialized skills and trades. In order to administer their families and help them out at work, ministers, physicians, business owners, and tradespeople also employed slave labor.

What were the main reasons for slavery?

European traders were drawn to West Africa by its commercial riches like ivory and gold. Slaves in West Africa rose to prominence as the most valuable 'commodity' for European traders as the desire for cheap labour to work on plantations in the Americas increased. Before the arrival of the Europeans, slavery existed throughout Africa.

Slavery has been practised historically in a variety of ways, including as property, in bonds, as forced labor, and as sexual slavery.

Throughout the whole colonial era, slaves were imported into New England, and until the American Revolution, slavery was practised in all of the colonies. Most slaves lived at least part of their lives as slaves and were frequently purchased as young children in coastal cities.

Learn more about slave in New England:



Why did the Texans declare independence in 1836?


the usa was sick of listening and being under mexico’s rules. also, there were spanish documents that caused the texans to declare there independence

hope this helps

8. What did the media say happened to the American Embassy in Saigon during the Tet
Offensive? How is this different from what the military said happened?


On the early morning of 31 January 1968, as phase of the Tet Offensive, 19 Viet Cong sappers from the elite C-10 Sapper Battalion attacked the embassy.

How did the US media play a role during the Tet Offensive?

The sensationalist and tendentious media insurance of the failed Tet offensive, on the other hand, helped turn public opinion towards the administration's battle effort and led a majority of Americans to reject its claims of progress, despite all proof to the contrary. Commanding General William C.

On this day in 1968, as section of the Tet Offensive, a squad of Viet Cong guerillas assaults the U.S. Embassy in Saigon. The soldiers seized the embassy and held it for six hours until an assault force of U.S. paratroopers landed with the aid of helicopter on the building's roof and routed the Viet Cong.

Learn more about  Tet Offensive here:


The most highly populated region in Canada is: the Cordilleran region the St. Lawrence Lowlands region the Interior Plains region the Pacific region


The St. Lawrence Lowlands, home to major cities like Montreal, Quebec City, and Toronto, is Canada's most populous region.

Is the St. Lawrence Lowlands the region with the most people?

The ecozone reaches Quebec City along the St. Lawrence shoreline. The "most populous and prosperous terrestrial ecozone" is represented by it. and its two major cities, Toronto, Ontario, and Montreal, Quebec, are home to roughly half of Canada's population.

Choose the Lowlands area as the most populous region in Canada.

One of Canada's most rich, inhabited, and productive regions is the St. Lawrence Lowlands.

To know more about Toronto visit :-



Read these two sentences from the passage: "Although the Constitut
220 years old, it is still important today. It sets up the structure for our government
and divides it into three branches: legislative, executive, and judicial."
Which of the following describes the relationship between these two sentences?
A. The sentences describe a problem that has been solved.
B. The sentences explain a sequence of events.
C. The second sentence explains the first.
D. The first sentence is the effect of the second.

Pls someone is for today :(


The relationship between the two sentences is that the second sentence explains the first. The first sentence establishes the age of the Constitution and the second sentence explains that it is still important today because it sets up the structure for the government and divides it into three branches. Therefore, the correct answer is C.

1. After World War 2, Texas underwent many changes. One change was a huge increase in the state's ______.

2. President Eisenhower supported the creation of an ______ highway system to connect all states with high quality roads.

3. Because of new highways, people could live in ______ and drive to their jobs in the downtown area.

4. As ______ grew, the number of small, family-owned farms decreased.

5. The increased use of farm machinery and ______ greatly increased crop production.


After World War 2, Texas underwent many changes, and one change was a huge increase in the state's population.

What is population?

Population refers to the total number of individuals or organisms of a particular species living within a specific geographical area or region. It is a fundamental concept in ecology, demographics, and social sciences. The size and characteristics of a population are determined by various factors, including birth and death rates, migration patterns, and environmental factors such as resource availability and climate. Population size and growth rate have significant implications for social, economic, and environmental issues, such as urbanization, healthcare, food security, and biodiversity conservation. Understanding population dynamics is crucial for sustainable development and effective policy-making, particularly in the context of global challenges such as climate change, biodiversity loss, and human health.

To learn more about population, visit:



Illegal drugs are a problem in Colombia. true or false?


Answer: very true jesus how much there is. its crazy


The city state of Venice should only be governed by merchants who understand buisness and not by catholic clergy who only understand the Bible ?



It is worth noting that the governance of the city state of Venice during its history was complex and involved various groups, including merchants and the Catholic Church. The role and influence of different groups in Venice's government varied over time, and different individuals and factions had different perspectives on what was best for the city and its people. Ultimately, the effectiveness and legitimacy of a government depend on many factors, including the competence and integrity of its leaders, the quality of its institutions, and the support and participation of its citizens.

Which of these occurred as a result of the Fifteenth Amendment?

African American families divided by slavery were reunited.

Newly free men and women moved west to claim land.

African American men voted in the 1872 presidential election.

Newly free men and women were allowed to apply for U.S. citizenship.


Answer: #3 = African American men voted in the 1872 presidential election. her u go!!

. I got a ............. bag for birthday.

a) big Italian leather

b) big leather Italian

c) italian big leather

d) none of the above


I got a big leather
Italian bag for my birthday
None of the above because it does not make sense to put any of the above in a sentence.

Which of the following was NOT a decision made at the Yalta Conference?
A. Soviets did not have to allow free elections in occupied cities
B. The Soviets would join the war against Japan
C. Germany would be divided into four parts
D. Germans were to pay reparations for the war





What is the current balance between the government protecting the public from terrorist threats while also protecting people’s individual rights


the current balance is atleast high levels of the terrorist threats in the US and all around the world while also protecting the individual rights of the people 60% of it is on the individual rights and the 40% is on the terrorist threats

Describe the conditions in the Philippines before the outbreak of the revolution. In your own opinion, which of the causes of the struggle oppressed the Filipinos the most? why?​


After more than 300 years of Spanish colonial control, the Filipino independence war known as the Philippine Revolution (1896–1888) exposed the country's frailties.

What were the primary reasons behind the Philippine Revolution?

Spanish officials uncovered the "Katipunan," a Filipino revolutionary society plotting against their colonizers, in 1896, which ignited the revolt against Spain. It came to an end in 1902 when Spain lost and gave the United States dominion over the Philippines.

In the Philippines prior to colonization, what took place?

The Philippines did not have a distinct national identity when the Spanish arrived in 1565. Instead, the archipelago was made up of hundreds of areas inhabited by various tribal groups that engaged in conflict and commerce with one another. It was already a significant crossroads for trade and culture.

To know more about Philippines revolution visit:-



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