7. Please help yourselfs to drinks. 8. The mixture was gave a stir before heating.​


Answer 1


7. Please help yourselves to drinks. 8. The mixture was given a stir before heating.

Related Questions

The 1909 short story "The Machine Stops" by E.M. Forster focuses on the dangers of human dependence on technology. Consider how this social issue still impacts humanity over 100 years later. Write an informational/explanatory essay OR create a Book Creator project that explains the current impact of human dependence on technology. Be sure to include information from BOTH your research and the short story.​




The issue of human dependence on technology has been a topic of discussion for many years. In the 1909 short story "The Machine Stops" by E.M. Forster, the author predicted a future in which people would be overly reliant on technology, leading to their downfall. More than 100 years later, this issue is still prevalent in our society. This essay explores the current impact of human dependence on technology, drawing insights from both the short story and current research.

The Machine Stops

In Forster's "The Machine Stops," people live in a society where they rely entirely on a machine for all their needs, from communication to transportation to entertainment. The machine has replaced nature, and people live in isolated cells connected by a vast network of pipes and wires. They communicate with each other through a screen, and physical contact is rare. The machine is treated as a deity, and people worship it as such. However, when the machine starts to break down, society falls apart, and people are left helpless.

Current Impact of Human Dependence on Technology

Today, we live in a society where technology has become an integral part of our lives. We rely on technology for communication, entertainment, work, and education. We use smartphones, computers, and other devices to stay connected with others and to access information. However, this dependence on technology has led to several negative consequences.

One of the significant impacts of technology is the erosion of face-to-face communication. As people spend more time communicating online, they lose the ability to read social cues and body language. This can lead to misunderstandings and misinterpretations of intent, which can harm relationships. Furthermore, social media can create a false sense of connection, leading people to feel more isolated and lonely.

Another impact of technology is the erosion of privacy. With the increasing use of technology, we are constantly generating data about ourselves. Companies use this data to target advertisements and track our behavior. Additionally, governments can use this data to monitor our activities, potentially violating our privacy rights.

Finally, dependence on technology can lead to a loss of critical thinking skills. With the abundance of information available online, it can be challenging to distinguish between accurate and inaccurate information. People may become reliant on technology to provide answers, leading to a lack of critical thinking skills.


In conclusion, the issue of human dependence on technology is still prevalent in our society, just as it was in Forster's "The Machine Stops." While technology has undoubtedly improved our lives in many ways, it has also had negative consequences, such as the erosion of face-to-face communication, the erosion of privacy, and the loss of critical thinking skills. As we continue to rely on technology, it is essential to be mindful of its potential consequences and to find ways to mitigate its negative impacts.


In the context of the Thelma and Louise story in the module, suppose that Louise discovers Thelma's action (confess or don't confess) before choosing her own actionBased on the payoff matrix provided, Louise willa. confess whether or not Thelma confessed.b. not confess only if Thelma confessed.c. not confess only if Thelma didn't confess.d. not confess regardless of whether or not Thelma confessed.e. confess only if Thelma did not confess


If Louise discovers Thelma's action before choosing her own action in the Thelma and Louise story, her decision will depend on Thelma's action and the corresponding payoff in the matrix. The Correct option D

If Thelma chooses to confess, Louise will choose to confess as well, since this would result in the lowest jail time for her.

If Thelma chooses not to confess, Louise will choose to not confess if she is risk averse, as this would result in the lowest total jail time for both of them. However, if Louise is risk-seeking, she may choose to confess, as this would result in a higher potential payoff for her (5 years in jail instead of 6 months).

In summary, Louise's decision will depend on Thelma's action and her own risk preference.

Learn more about Louise story



Complete Question:

Which of the following is a possible decision that Louise would make if she discovered Thelma's action (confess or don't confess) before choosing her own action in the Thelma and Louise story, based on the provided payoff matrix:

a. confess whether or not Thelma confessed.

b. not confess only if Thelma confessed.

c. not confess only if Thelma didn't confess.

d. not confess regardless of whether or not Thelma confessed.

e. confess only if Thelma did not confess.

Select the verb :

Gregory Eddie had planted an apple tree in the yard.


Planted is the verb in this sentence.

Write a story about someone calling you


Answer: okkkk


I woke up to a ringing on my phone, except the ringtone meant it was an unknown caller. I picked up my phone as I answered the call, now most people would say they don't answer unknown calls, but..- I have absolutely

no buts' I really shouldn't be picking up a call at 3:02 am But oh well..-

"Hi there.",

I cringed at the British accent not that I hate it or anything but it still gets pretty annoying I'm sure a small Irish accent can get annoying too. So, who am I to judge?


I don't recognize the voice at all. I hang up and turn on my side to sleep.

Hours later I woke up to the phone ringing. Again?

"You should've answered me when you had the chance now you won't have much of a chance to do Anything."


I whimpered. I heard a small crash. As I hopped out of bed to go check on it, I grabbed a bat from my high-school baseball competition as I saw a swift movement from they corner of my eye I whimpered a small sob,

That was last month, I survived a attempted Murder.

But why am I the one in a mental Asylum" You may ask?

Well that person, the one who broke in, was dead five years ago.

Read the passage. In 1803, Congress approved the treaty that finalized the Louisiana Purchase. The size of the United States almost doubled. Jefferson still held hope that the territory contained the famed and elusive Northwest Passage, a water route from the eastern United States to the Pacific Ocean, but because this land had not yet been explored by White settlers, Jefferson and Congress were in the dark about exactly what they had purchased. Jefferson sent Merriweather Lewis, his private secretary, and William Clark, an associate of Lewis’s, to explore the territory. Without the help of Sacajawea, a Shoshone woman Lewis and Clark met in the Rocky Mountains, it is unlikely their expedition would have been as successful as it was. Which text structure is used in this passage? chronological order compare/contrast description problem/solution


I think it is description.

Rhetorical devices are special kinds of language that are used to persuade an audience.
Satire often relies on ____________________ , a ____________________ or inconsistency between what is ____________________ and what is ____________________ .
____________________ is a description of something as being ____________________ or less than it really is.
A false ____________________ is an ____________________ assumption that forms the basis of an argument.
(contradiction, said, smaller, premise, meant, understatement, verbal irony, incorrect)


Rhetorical devices are special kinds of language that are used to persuade an audience.

Satire often relies on verbal irony, a contradiction or inconsistency between what is said and what is meant.

Understatement is a description of something as being smaller or less than it really is.

A false premise is an incorrect assumption that forms the basis of an argument.

Three methods and techniques Abraham Lincoln would use to reach the current world's audience in "a house divided"


"A House Divided" is a famous speech delivered by Abraham Lincoln in 1858, during a time of great political and social upheaval in the United States.

If Abraham Lincoln were to deliver this speech to a modern-day audience, there are several methods and techniques that he might use to reach his audience and convey his message effectively:

Use social media and digital communicationUse visual aidsUse storytelling and emotional appeals

Hence, these are the three methods or techniques that would be used by Abraham Lincoln to reach the current world's audience.

Learn more about Abraham Lincoln, here:



________ have lost, through ________, the ability to grow on minimal medium.


Organisms have lost, through mutation, the ability to grow on minimal medium.

Many organisms, due to genetic mutations or evolutionary changes, have lost the ability to grow on minimal medium. Minimal medium refers to a nutrient-rich environment that contains only the essential nutrients necessary for an organism's growth, such as carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and trace minerals.

However, some organisms have experienced genetic mutations that have resulted in the loss of certain metabolic pathways or transport systems required for growth on a minimal medium. These mutations may have occurred over time through natural selection or genetic drift, leading to the loss of specific abilities to synthesize or transport certain nutrients. As a result, these organisms may become dependent on more complex nutrient sources or require specific supplements in their growth medium to compensate for their metabolic deficiencies.

To learn more about minimal medium, visit here



Select the word that means a written plan of events or activities. Proclaim


Program means a written plan of events or activities. So the option C is correct.

Proclaim: To make public or declare a fact, opinion, or belief; to announce officially. Proclaiming is a way of making something public or official. It can be done through speech, writing, or other forms of communication.

Produce: To create, make, or bring into existence; to bring forward for consideration or use. Produce is an action that brings something new into existence, or brings forward something that already exists for a particular purpose.

Program: A plan or system of action, especially one designed so as to be orderly and efficient; a set of instructions for a computer or other electronic device.

Protect: To guard or shield from harm or danger; to keep from being damaged or destroyed; to preserve from attack or violation. So the option C is correct.

To learn more about Program link is here



Synthesizing information allows a reader to


synthesize information allows a reader to combine multiple sources of information into a cohesive and comprehensive understanding of a topic. By synthesizing information, a reader is able to identify common themes, patterns, and connections among the sources, and develop a deeper understanding of the topic as a whole.

The process of synthesizing information involves several steps, including identifying the main ideas and arguments presented in each source, analyzing the evidence used to support these ideas, and evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of each source. The reader must then compare and contrast the different sources, identify similarities and differences, and ultimately integrate the information from each source into a coherent whole.

Synthesizing information is an important skill for academic research, as it allows researchers to evaluate and analyze multiple sources of information in order to develop a comprehensive understanding of a topic. It is also a valuable skill for everyday life, as it enables individuals to make informed decisions based on a wide range of information sources.

The prompt of the essay is : is space a daring adventure or dangerous risk?
If you could help me come up with a hook for the introduction that would be great. I will reward 30 points


Here are a few hook ideas for your essay introduction:

1. "Space: the final frontier." This iconic phrase from Star Trek captures the sense of adventure and exploration that has always drawn humans to the stars. But is space really a daring adventure, or is it a dangerous risk that we should avoid?

2. Imagine standing on the surface of a distant planet, looking up at the stars and feeling the weight of history and possibility bearing down on you. For centuries, humans have dreamed of exploring space, but is that dream worth the risks involved?

3. From the first time humans looked up at the night sky, we have been fascinated by the mysteries of the universe. But as we push farther and farther into space, we must ask ourselves: are we embarking on a daring adventure, or are we taking a dangerous risk that could have dire consequences for our planet and our species?

4. Space travel has always been a risky business. From the early days of rocket launches to the modern era of space tourism, astronauts and cosmonauts have faced countless dangers and challenges. But is the thrill of exploration worth the potential dangers of space travel?

Based on the context of this excerpt, which of the following is most likely the reason Jing-mei wanted her mother to shout at her?

She wanted her mother to be openly angry instead of quietly disappointed.
She has been waiting to shout at her mother for some time.
She blames her mother for her failure at playing piano.
She does not want to shout at her mother.


Based on the context of this excerpt, She has been waiting to shout at her mother for some time. Option 2 is correct.

What is the summary of the passage?

This passage is from "Two Kinds", by author Amy Tan. The speaker feels devastated and everyone is staring at them. On the bus ride home, the father hums a tune while the mother remains silent, which disappoints the speaker. They had been waiting for their mother to start shouting so they could shout back and blame her for their misery.

In this passage, the narrator describes a situation where they have done something wrong or disappointing, causing their mother to lose everything and react with a quiet, blank look. The narrator feels devastated, and others around them seem to be gawking or judging the situation. The family then travels home on a bus, with the father humming a tune and the mother remaining silent. The narrator is expecting the mother to shout and blame them for their mistake, but instead, she goes to the back bedroom without saying anything. The narrator is disappointed that they didn't receive the expected response from their mother.

Learn more about "Two Kinds" here:



Full question is:

But my mother's expression was what devastated me: a quiet, blank look that said she had lost everything. I felt the same way, and it seemed as if everybody were now coming up, like gawkers at the scene of an accident, to see what parts were actually missing. When we got on the bus to go home, my father was humming the busy-bee tune and my mother kept silent. I kept thinking she wanted to wait until we got home before shouting at me. But when my father unlocked the door to our apartment, my mother walked in and went to the back, into the bedroom. No accusations. No blame. And in a way, I felt disappointed. I had been waiting for her to start shouting, so I could shout back and cry and blame her for all my misery.

Based on the context of this excerpt given above, which of the following is most likely the reason Jing-mei wanted her mother to shout at her?

She wanted her mother to be openly angry instead of quietly disappointed.She has been waiting to shout at her mother for some time.She blames her mother for her failure at playing piano.She does not want to shout at her mother.

please help
• Prompt 1: There is one door you pass every day that is always locked. However, one day, you pass by and it's slightly ajar. You decide to walk in. Plan a narrative about what you find and what happens when you enter.

now Include the final draft of your narrative below. Use this checklist to be sure you have included all required elements:
 an exposition that introduces a protagonist and a setting
 rising action that introduces the conflict and two events that develop the conflict
 a climax in which the protagonist must make a decision to resolve their conflict
 falling action that reveals what happens after the protagonist’s decision
 a resolution that contains the protagonist’s reflection and a theme (or lesson learned)
 well-developed characters, conflict, and setting
 at least two narrative techniques (dialogue, flashback, foreshadowing, juxtaposition, pacing, or sensory details)
 temporal words and phrases that clarify the passage of time for your reader
 at least 500 words in length


Every day, I passed by the same door. It was always locked, and I never gave it much thought. But one day, as I walked by, I noticed that it was slightly ajar. I hesitated for a moment, but curiosity got the better of me and I decided to walk in.

The room was dark and musty, and I could feel the dust in the air. I took a few steps forward and noticed a faint light coming from the corner of the

Click the image. help ?


this question doesn’t really make that much sense but i would go with b it makes the most sense out of all of the answers and also i didn’t read the paragraph before so it probably would have made more sense if u sent a pic of the paragraph as well but it’s fine anyways i think it’s B

a play in which events are connected to each other in strict, chronological order, with a cause-effect logic, and in which dramatic experience attempts to convey a lifelike progression of experience through time, is classified as continuous in structure and nonlinear in chronology. discontinuous in structure and linear in chronology. not being an imaginative piece of art. continuous in structure and linear in chronology.


A play that follows a strict, cause-effect logic with events occurring in chronological order is considered to have a continuous structure.

However, if the events are linearly arranged, it is classified as having a linear chronology. Therefore, a play that attempts to convey a lifelike progression of experience through time with a strict cause-effect logic is classified as continuous in structure and linear in chronology.

                             This type of play provides a realistic and immersive dramatic experience for the audience, allowing them to connect with the story and characters on a deeper level. A play is categorised as discontinuous in structure and linear in chronology if the events are connected to one another in a precise, chronological, cause-and-effect continuity and if the dramatic experience seeks to depict a genuine progression of experience across time.

To know more about chronological refer :



In the Passage, how does the narrator's point of
view MOST impact the story?
A) His initial doubt gives way to excitement, which
then excites Cavor.
B) His enthusiasm about traveling into outer space
makes him overlook the danger in Cavor's plans.
C) His better understanding of mechanics makes him
take the lead in designing Cavor's sphere.
D) His lack of confidence leads him to doubt the plan,
which disappoints Cavor.


His lack of confidence leads him to doubt the plan, which disappoints Cavor is most impact the story.

What is story?

Story is a narrative of events, real or imaginary, which is connected and has a beginning, middle and end. It is used to entertain, inform, and engage an audience. Stories can be told in many ways, from books and movies to songs and plays. They can be humorous, inspiring, educational, or even frightening. A good story will have characters with whom the audience can identify, conflict, a resolution, and a message that resonates with the audience. Storytelling can be a powerful tool for understanding and sharing experiences, values, and beliefs.

To learn more about story



(From, "A Civil Action")
In the final paragraph, why does the author focus on Anne's observations about the neighborhood's problems with local water? How does this paragraph support the main idea of the selection? Highlight textual evidence and make annotations to explain your ideas.


In the final paragraph of "A Civil Action," the author focuses on Anne's observations about the neighborhood's problems with local water to emphasize the gravity of the contamination issue and the dire need for a solution. The paragraph supports the main idea of the selection, which is the tragic consequences of environmental negligence and the importance of holding corporations accountable for their actions.

The author highlights Anne's observations by stating, "Anne Anderson had been right. The water was terrible." This statement is significant because it confirms Anne's initial concern about the water quality and validates her efforts to bring attention to the issue. The author goes on to describe the extent of the contamination, stating that "the water was toxic," and that "the community had been drinking and cooking with poisoned water for years." This information underscores the severity of the situation and highlights the need for immediate action to protect the health and well-being of the community.

Furthermore, the author uses the paragraph to show the devastating effects of the contamination, stating that "the children of Woburn had been struck down by a cluster of rare and fatal diseases." By emphasizing the tragic consequences of environmental negligence on innocent children, the author makes a powerful argument for the importance of holding corporations accountable for their actions and preventing similar tragedies in the future.

In summary, the author focuses on Anne's observations about the neighborhood's problems with local water in the final paragraph to underscore the severity of the contamination issue and support the main idea of the selection, which is the tragic consequences of environmental negligence and the importance of holding corporations accountable for their actions.

how does speech at the march on washington (lewis) stand out to the passage ? explain why it is effective. Use MLA citation style to document the passages?


The speech given by John Lewis at the March on Washington in 1963 stands out due to its powerful and emotional content, which effectively conveyed the urgency and importance of the civil rights movement. Lewis, who was just 23 years old at the time, spoke as the chairman of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and represented a younger generation of activists who were committed to nonviolent protest and direct action.

How to explain the Speech

One of the most striking aspects of Lewis's speech is his use of vivid and evocative language to describe the experiences of African Americans who were fighting for their rights. He speaks of being "beaten, arrested, and jailed" for participating in peaceful protests and describes the struggle for civil rights as a "revolution of values" that is necessary for the survival of democracy.

Lewis also uses repetition and rhetorical devices to emphasize his message and drive home the importance of the civil rights movement. He repeatedly states that the time for change is now, saying "We cannot wait; we cannot be patient," and calls on his audience to join him in the fight for justice: "So I appeal to all of you to get into this great revolution that is sweeping this nation. Get in and stay in the streets of every city, every village and hamlet of this nation until true freedom comes."

Overall, Lewis's speech is effective because it combines personal experience with a clear and urgent call to action. He speaks with conviction and passion, inspiring his listeners to take up the cause of civil rights and work towards a better future for all Americans. His words continue to resonate today and serve as a powerful reminder of the ongoing struggle for equality and justice.

Learn more about speech on:




Consider the Chinese proverb "when the wind of change blows some build walls while other build windmills. "Which does the family in this poem do ? Explore your ideas in a written argument -MAGIC ISLAND - Please just explain it more to me


The family in Mark Bussing's poem "Magic Island" must contend with a wind of change that could upend the tranquilly of their island home.

Instead of erecting barriers to keep the change out, they embrace it by constructing windmills that harness its energy and provide the island with power. This choice exemplifies the wisdom of the Chinese saying, which holds that people who embrace change rather than fighting it will discover ways to benefit from it.

The poem portrays the family's optimistic response to the winds of change. Instead than striving to ignore or dismiss the need to adapt to the changing world around them, they come up with an innovative way to use it. The windmills stand for their readiness to adapt to change and their resolve to make the most of the circumstances. They can continue to live in peace and keep their connection to nature thanks to this mentality and their way of life on their island.

The family in "Magic Island" demonstrates that, rather than erecting barriers to keep change out, it is possible to embrace it and exploit it to one's benefit. By doing this, they put into practice the Chinese saying that says that while some people build walls in response to change, others create windmills.

To learn more about Magic Island link is here



It was the morning that we fell apart
A thorn was digging deep inside my heart
She smiled, but I knew that we were hurt
And of the wrong we were both alert

We were best friends, and this was our first fight
Somehow we still wanted to make things right
Jenny, I am sorry, I was the first to say
We should not end our friendship this way

Ally, you are right. I am sorry, too.
Let's work it out; what are we to do?
Jenny asked and looked into my eyes
We weren't yet saying our last goodbyes

Identify the rhyme scheme of this poem.
All the lines end in the same rhyme.
Every other line in this poem rhymes.
The even lines share a rhyme.
Each pair of lines shares a rhyme.


Each pair of lines in this poem rhymes with the other.

The correct option is D.

What is a rhyme in poetry?

In rhyme, syllables are repeated, often towards the end of a verse line. In rhymed syllables, all sounds typically come after the final stressed syllable. Rhyme is one of the first literary components we are taught, although it can be difficult to apply rhyme well.

Why is rhyme so significant?

Children and newborns learn about words, sounds, and language production through rhyme. Early reading abilities are developed in youngsters through hearing and employing rhyme, rhythm, and repetition. Early brain development depends on the repetition of words, concepts, and abilities because it lays the groundwork for early learning.

To know more about Rhyme visit:



Write a story that explains two heads are better than one


Once upon a time, in a faraway kingdom, there lived two brothers named Jack and Tom. Jack and Tom were known throughout the kingdom for their intelligence and problem-solving skills. They were always able to find solutions to the most challenging problems, and this made them very valuable to the king.

One day, the king summoned Jack and Tom to his palace and presented them with a difficult challenge. He had received a message from a neighboring kingdom that threatened war if the king did not give them a large sum of money. The king needed to find a way to deal with this threat without going to war.

Jack and Tom put their heads together to come up with a solution. They spent many hours discussing the problem and analyzing the situation from different angles. They looked at the kingdom's finances, the enemy's military strength, and the possible diplomatic solutions.

As they worked, they realized that they each had different strengths and perspectives. Jack was great at analyzing financial data and coming up with creative solutions, while Tom was an expert in military strategy and diplomacy. Together, they were able to come up with a plan that utilized both of their strengths.

They presented their plan to the king, and he was impressed with their solution. He implemented their plan, and it was successful in avoiding war and protecting the kingdom.

From that day on, Jack and Tom worked together on every problem that the kingdom faced. They became known as the two heads that were better than one. Their teamwork and collaboration saved the kingdom many times over, and they were regarded as heroes by the people.

The moral of the story is that when people work together and combine their strengths and perspectives, they can achieve great things. Two heads are better than one, especially when it comes to problem-solving and decision-making.

Reading Skills Workbook, M-STEP Daily Practice, Grade 7
Which word could best be used in place of principle?
Occam's razor is a useful and versatile scientific principle that
scientists and others use to make decisions.

A Problem
B Theory
C Experiment
D Error


Experiment - best be used in place of principle. "A Occam's razor is a useful and versatile scientific principle that scientists and others use to make decisions."

Will mark brainliest

Based on the details provided in the scenes featured in this lesson, which best describes Friar Lawrence?

Amusing worrier

Scheming companion

Disinterested advisor

Clever peacekeeper



Clever peacekeeper


Friar Lawrence is a character who acts as a mediator between the Montagues and Capulets, and he uses his knowledge of herbs and medicines to try to bring peace to the warring families.

He is also instrumental in the tragic events that occur in the play, but ultimately, his intentions were for the good of both Romeo and Juliet.

Therefore, "Clever peacekeeper" would be the most fitting description of his character.

Hope this helps!


Clever peacekeeper


Drag the tiles to the correct boxes to complete the pairs.
Identify the tectonic plate boundaries.
transform boundary
convergent boundary
divergent boundary
Illustration depicts a two layer rectangular land block with trees. A cleft is represented in the middle and the right block upper layer, with three straight arrows, overlapping on the upper layer of the left block with four right curved arrows.
Illustration depicts a two layer rectangular land block with trees. A cleft represented in the middle divides the land into two blocks and three bidirectional arrows on each block shows horizontal displacement of the two blocks.
Illustration depicts a rectangular block of land with bushes and a cleavage in between represented by 4 bidirectional arrows.


The three types of tectonic plate boundaries are transform boundary, convergent boundary, divergent boundary.

What are tectonic plates and how are the three types different?

Tectonic plates are large, solid slabs of rock that make up the Earth's lithosphere, which is the outermost solid layer of the Earth. These plates are in constant motion, moving around on the underlying layer called the asthenosphere. The movement of the plates is due to the forces generated by heat in the Earth's core, and the plates move very slowly, at rates ranging from a few millimeters to a few centimeters per year. The movement of these plates can cause earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, the formation of mountains, and the creation of oceanic trenches.

The three types are:

Transform boundary: where two plates slip past one another in contrary directions.Convergent boundary: where two plates move towards each other, resulting in one plate being subducted (forced beneath) the other plate.Divergent boundary: where two plates move away from each other, resulting in the creation of new crust.

Learn more about tectonic plates here:



plss answer the questions




1. The giant's efforts only intensified as the villagers' prosecution increased.

2. When Tricia won the lottery she began to flaunt her new-found wealth.

3. It wasn't long before Charlie had some serious misgivings about his course of action.

#4 looks right

5. "Please exercise restraint if you meet a Roman on the road," he suggested.

6.  The Jews chafed under Roman rule.

7. My uncle was defrauded out of his life savings.

8. The whole family was distraught when Grandma Shirley passed away.

“Pi,” “radius,” “square,” and “diameter” are examples of


Pi,” “radius,” “square,” and “diameter” are examples of mathematical terms related to geometry and shapes, specifically those related to circles and squares.

What is Geometry?

Geometry is a branch of mathematics that is concerned with the study of the physical properties of shapes, sizes, positions, and orientations of objects in space. It involves the study of various geometric shapes, such as points, lines, curves, surfaces, and solids, and the relationships between them. These relationships can be expressed through various measurements, such as length, area, volume, and angle, which help us understand and describe the properties of these shapes.

Geometry is a foundational field in mathematics, and its concepts and principles are used in many areas of science, engineering, and technology. For instance, geometry is applied in architecture, where designers use geometric principles to create plans for buildings and structures. In engineering, geometry is used to design and manufacture machines and devices, such as engines and turbines. In computer graphics, geometry is used to create virtual 3D models and animations. Furthermore, geometry plays an important role in many fields of science, including astronomy, physics, and chemistry.

Overall, geometry is a crucial branch of mathematics that enables us to better understand and describe the physical world around us and apply mathematical principles to solve practical problems in various fields.

To learn more about “Pi,” visit:



Which of the following best matches a central idea from the text with a detail that
supports it?
A Central idea: Many important discoveries are made during experiments.
Supporting detail: Doctors began using X-rays to examine injured patients.
Central idea: Some important discoveries are not well understood at first.
Supporting detail: Artificial sweetener was based on a kind of coal tar.
Central idea: Some scientists make accidental discoveries that help people.
Supporting detail: Penicillin is still used in modern times to save lives.
Central idea: Dedicated scientists may accidentally become great inventors.
Supporting detail: Fleming used plates called petri dishes to grow bacteria.


"Doctors soon discovered that they could examine broken bones using X-ray images."  the one that most effectively pairs a text's main concept with a supplementary detail.

How x-rays function ?

Ionizing radiation is passed through the body in very small doses. This used to be recorded onto a sheet of unique film. Nowadays, x-ray exams are more likely to employ a tool that will record transmitted x-rays and produce an electronic image. Healthy bones appear white or grey because the calcium in bones prevents radiation from passing through. On the other hand, radiation is easily absorbed by air, which is why healthy lungs appear black.

To know more about X-rays visit:



What is the best summary of the passage? A. Maria and the narrator are hiking in the forest and looking for a place to camp. They spot some Douglas Firs and are so enchanted by their beauty that they forget about their campground. After picking up trash from the forest and taking pictures, they come to a treacherous-looking bridge, and on the other side, they find a campground which is uninhabited. B. While looking for a campground in the forest, Maria and the narrator spot a lot of trash, including candy wrappers and rice packets. They begin to collect the trash, and later when they spot some Douglas Firs, they become so enchanted by their beauty that they forget about their campground. Finally, they reach a place where they spot a bear. C. While looking for a campground, Maria and the narrator admire the Douglas Firs in the forest. On their way, they find a trail of half-eaten food, and Maria picks up the trash while the narrator takes pictures of the trees. Finally, they arrive at an uninhabited campground, and when they spot a bear near the bushes, it drops an empty package of peanuts and scampers away. D. Out in a forest, Maria and the narrator admire the Douglas Firs that are supposed to survive for hundreds of years. They search for a place where they can camp, and on the way they find a lot of trash. Maria picks up the trash, while the narrator takes pictures of the trees, and soon, they arrive at an uninhabited campground. While fixing the tent, they spot a bear in the bushes.


Answer: C. While looking for a campground, Maria and the narrator admire the Douglas Firs in the forest. On their way, they find a trail of half-eaten food, and Maria picks up the trash while the narrator takes pictures of the trees.  Finally, they arrive at an uninhabited campground, and when they spot a bear near the bushes, it drops an empty package of peanuts and scampers away.

Explanation: This summary captures the main events and details mentioned in the passage. It mentions the admiration of the Douglas Firs, the discovery of trash, Maria's action of picking up the trash, the narrator taking pictures, the arrival at an uninhabited campground, and the encounter with a bear dropping an empty package of peanuts.



Answer: C

Explanation: I would say this because they do not say exactly how much time it takes, meanwhile people know vaguely how long it takes to do the other mentioned activities.

Fill in the blanks below with the correct word from the word bank: (supporting, central idea, topic)
______________+ ____________details= __________


There are many limited resources available to address Virtual Meetings Laws?
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