3.1 State FOUR aims for conducting campaigns​


Answer 1

The four common aims of conducting campaigns are to raise awareness, change attitudes, mobilize action, and influence policy.

What are the Reasons for Conducting Campaigns?

Campaigns are often conducted to achieve specific objectives. Here are four common aims of campaigns:

Raise Awareness: The primary aim of many campaigns is to increase public awareness of a particular issue or cause. By raising awareness, the campaign aims to bring the issue to the attention of the public and stimulate action or change.

Change Attitudes: Campaigns may also aim to change attitudes and perceptions towards a particular issue or group of people. This may involve challenging stereotypes or prejudices and promoting more positive and inclusive attitudes.

Mobilize Action: Campaigns may seek to mobilize people to take action, whether it be signing a petition, attending a protest, or donating money. By mobilizing people, campaigns hope to create a groundswell of support for their cause and achieve their objectives.

Influence Policy: Finally, campaigns may aim to influence policy at a local, national, or international level. This may involve lobbying politicians, advocating for new laws or regulations, or engaging in public consultations. By influencing policy, campaigns hope to create lasting change that will benefit the communities they serve.

Learn more about campaigns on:



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_[blank]_is the act of officially approving and implementing a document.


The process of formally approving and executing a document is known as "approved for design" (AFD).

What is an approval document?

An approval document is any contract, license, permit, certificate, or other authority to engage in a trade, profession, or business.

What is the approved course of action?

An approval process is a type of business procedure that includes steps to formally approve work from different organizational levels. Create budgets, bills, project plans, marketing plans, or any other items that need approval from many departments as part of the assignment.

Why do we need an approval process?

Approval procedures are used to ensure that important decisions are made equitably, by the right people, and when they should be. The act of accepting or rejecting something is sometimes referred to as decision-making.

Learn more about approval process: https://brainly.com/question/704073


Most countries have a similar multiplier.’ Assess this statement.



Do all countries have the same multiplier?

Multipliers tend to be smaller in more open economies, because the more open an economy is the more of a shock will spread into other countries through imports, and small open economies such as Belgium have small multipliers.

What effect do tariffs have on Susan's and Claudia's workplaces?


Job security suffers as a result of the absence of tariffs. Claudia's employment is now more secure than it was before, but the likelihood of Susan losing her job has increased.

What impact do tariffs have on the places of employment of Claudia and Susan?

The shortfall of duties makes rivalry for Susan's organization. Susan's company dedicates itself to enhancing efficiency and quality in order to compete with television manufacturers in other countries. On the other hand, Claudia's business is now protected from foreign competition by tariffs, which has led to employee complacency and decreased productivity.

The imposed tariffs have reduced the efficiency of Claudia's factory. People are arriving late to work, machines break and cannot be fixed, and new ideas are not being contributed. As a result, Claudia's factory will suffer, while Susan's will grow.

To learn more about tariffs visit :



Complete question-

Susan works in a factory that makes televisions. The country in which she works just entered into a free trade agreement with several other countries. While Susan is concerned about increased competition from the countries that can now export their goods to her country tariff free, she is excited that her company is implementing new procedures at work to be more efficient. Within six months, her company is producing better televisions than before. Scenario 2 Claudia works in a factory that makes computers. Her country just imposed tariffs on all computers coming into the country. While Claudia is happy that the tariff reduces the chances of losing her job, she has noticed that the quality of the computers made at her factory has fallen. People are late to work, machines that break don’t get fixed, and no one seems to be talking about any new ideas. What effect do tariffs have on Susan’s and Claudia’s workplaces?

What method did protests use to fight against “whites-only” lunch counters in the South?


Table of Contents. The Greensboro sit-in was once a civil rights protest that commenced in 1960, when younger African American college students staged a sit-in at a segregated Woolworth's lunch counter in Greensboro, North Carolina, and refused to go away after being denied service.

What was once a protest technique used at some stage in the civil rights movement?

Sit-ins, boycotts, marches and civil disobedience had been signature actions of the struggle, in which hundreds had been arrested. Hundreds of hundreds participated in marches, boycotts and voter registration drives.

In 1957 King identified nonviolent techniques for racial justice as “creative forms,” inclusive of mass boycotts, sit down protests and strikes, sit-ins, refusals to pay bail for unjust arrests, mass marches, and prayer periods

Learn more about  protest in the South here:


how did alliances lead to ww1



Alliances played a significant role in the outbreak of World War I. In the decades leading up to the war, major European powers formed a complex system of alliances and treaties designed to promote their interests and provide for their mutual defense.

The two main alliances that emerged were the Triple Entente, comprising Britain, France, and Russia, and the Triple Alliance, comprising Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy. These alliances were formed in response to perceived threats from other powers, and were intended to deter potential aggressors by demonstrating strength and solidarity.

However, the system of alliances also created a situation in which a small conflict between two nations could quickly escalate into a much larger conflict involving multiple nations. This is exactly what happened in 1914, when the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary by a Serbian nationalist led to a chain of events that ultimately drew in all of the major European powers.

In the weeks and months following the assassination, Germany pledged to support Austria-Hungary in its efforts to punish Serbia, while Russia mobilized its army in support of Serbia. France and Britain, both allies of Russia, also began to mobilize their forces. As tensions continued to escalate, Germany declared war on Russia and France, and invaded Belgium as part of its strategy to quickly defeat France.

The outbreak of World War I was thus the result of a complex web of alliances, treaties, and rivalries that had developed over several decades. The system of alliances created a situation in which a small conflict could quickly escalate into a much larger conflict, with catastrophic consequences for the entire world.

I coded my data using a numerical code; male was 1, and female was 2, age was kept the same,classical was 1, Electronic was 2, Silence was 3, White noise was 4 and Lo-Fi was 5. The means of each condition were recorded as: silence was 3.4 credits, classical was 2.80 credits, Electronic was 2.83 credits,White noise was 2.75 credits and Lo-Fi was 3.0 credits. Using a independent one-way ANOVA, I got the standard deviation of each condition as well which is as follows: silence was 0.69 credits, classical was 1.78 credits, Electronic was 1.34 credits,White noise was 1.65 credits and Lo-Fi was 2.64 credits.Using the ANOVA test I also found the p-value to be 0.864. Since we were using a confidence ratio of 95%, that means the p-value has to be less than 0.05. Since p>0.05 because p=0.864, then my data is not statistically significant.

According to the above, Write the results in proper APA-style statistical notation.


There was no statistically significant difference found in the means of the different music conditions, F(4, 45) = 0.38, p = 0.864, η² = 0.034, with means and standard deviations as follows: silence (M = 3.4, SD = 0.69), classical (M = 2.80, SD = 1.78), Electronic (M = 2.83, SD = 1.34), White noise (M = 2.75, SD = 1.65), and Lo-Fi (M = 3.0, SD = 2.64).

What happened to Marco
Polo after he returned to
Europe from his stay in


After returning to Europe from his stay in China, Marco Polo settled down in Venice and wrote a book called "Il Milione" or "The Travels of Marco Polo," which described his experiences and adventures in Asia.

What did Marco Polo do after returning to Europe?

After spending over 20 years in Asia, Marco Polo returned to his hometown of Venice, where he settled down and began writing a book about his travels. "The Travels of Marco Polo" became one of the most influential travelogues in history, providing Europeans with a glimpse into the culture, geography, and trade of the East.

Although the accuracy of his accounts has been debated, Marco Polo's book served as a valuable source of information for later explorers and merchants. In addition to writing, Marco Polo also became a wealthy merchant and was involved in various political and diplomatic activities in Venice. He passed away in 1324, leaving behind a legacy as one of the most famous travelers and explorers in history.

Read more about Marco Polo



using the theoretical paradigms so you can meet the first learning objective for this topic. The United States has the dubious distinction of leading every other nation in both the largest total number and the largest percentage of incarcerated people. Using this case as an example, how would Conflict Theory explain this?


A conflict theorist might observe that individuals in society who are in positions of power enact criminal laws that serve their own interests while the weaker classes, who lack the means to influence such laws, bear the costs.

What is American conflict theory?

Conflict theory's major focus is on how social groups compete for limited resources. According to conflict theory, social and economic systems are used as weapons in conflicts between groups of people to perpetuate inequality and the hegemony of the ruling class.

Why is there such a high percentage of incarceration in the US?

The causes for increased incarceration rates mentioned above (US racial demographics, Rising Sentencing Laws, and Drug Sentencing Laws) have been blamed on the mainstream media's evolving editorial practices.

Learn more about Conflict theory: https://brainly.com/question/30141652


3. In “Nudist Management of Respectability” the author shows us how a seemingly “free” space is actual characterized by many norms. What is a norm? What are 3 of the norms that he discusses and how are they antithetical to common assumptions over nudist colonies?


A norm is a set of social rules or expectations that guide behaviour in a group or society. These rules are expressed or implied and are usually enforced by social or punitive measures.

In "Respectful Nudist Governance," the author points out that nudist colonies are not truly free, as they are governed by systems that control behaviour and demand respect. The three policies discussed in the article are:

Ethics: Nudist spaces have ethical rules that prohibit the expression of sexual pleasure, even in the absence of nudity and clothing. According to the widespread belief that nudist colonies were sexually tolerant, these structures were created by social and immoral practices.

Health and Wellness: Because nudity is about lifestyle, nudist settlements often set standards for health and wellness. Social media or criticism may affect people who fail to maintain a specific physical fitness.

Decency: Behavior and appearance, nudists are governed by colonial moral standards. This includes rules regarding hygiene, sanitation and etiquette. People who do not comply with these rules will be ostracized or ostracized from society.

The misconception that nudist colonies are an environment of lawlessness or chaos does not fit this model.

To know more about "Nudist Management of Respectability":



If your friend Mariana can wash dishes faster than you can and type papers better than you can, then.
A.) Mariana has an absolute advantage in both dishwashing and paper typing
B.) Mariana could never gain from specializing and trading one of these services with you
C.) Mariana will benefit from trading with you, but you would gain no benefits from trade
D.) Mariana has a comparative advantage in both dishwashing and paper typing



D.) Mariana has a comparative advantage in both dishwashing and paper typing. This is because comparative advantage refers to the ability to produce a good or service at a lower opportunity cost than another person or country. In this scenario, Mariana is more efficient at both dishwashing and paper typing, meaning she can produce those goods at a lower opportunity cost than her friend. Therefore, Mariana has a comparative advantage in both tasks.

In your own words, define “Emotional Intelligence” and apply it to guiding your staff to understand the importance of COVID-19 testing at your facility.


Emotional intelligence is ability to understand and manage the one's own emotions and to recognize and empathize with emotions of others.

What are emotions?

Emotions are complex psychological and the physiological states that are triggered by the external or internal stimuli. They can be described as intense feelings that are accompanied by physiological changes such as increased heart rate, sweating, and changes in facial expression. Emotions can be positive, such as joy, love, and happiness, or negative, such as anger, sadness, and fear. They play a crucial role in human experience, influencing behavior, cognition, and social interactions. Emotions are often expressed through verbal and nonverbal communication, including facial expressions, tone of voice, and body language. They are an integral part of the human experience and contribute to our overall well-being and sense of connection with others.

To learn more about emotions, visit:



American democracy is getting old, America was the first country to practice it, and it arose in a series of vast, dispersed, and diverse colonies that feared "the tyranny of the majority." As a result, the U.S. constitutional system lacks some of the immunity against electoral defeat that is common in newer democracies.


All nations, including the United States, are unable to have an ideal political structure or form of democracy. Each democracy has distinct qualities of its own because each one was founded and developed in response to its own history and surroundings.

How come American democracy is failing?

A representative democracy exists in America. Therefore, voters choose our government. Here, elected officials are chosen by the general populace. These legislators represent the views and concerns of the people in government. The US has referred to itself over the years as the "model of democracy" despite the defects in the architecture and difficulties in the application of its democratic system.

It has frequently meddled in the internal affairs of other nations and instigated wars under the pretence of "democracy," causing regional unrest and humanitarian tragedy. Problems including racial prejudice and conflict, money politics, identity politics, political polarisation, social division, and wealth inequality have grown more challenging to resolve. All things considered, US democracy is less effective.

To know more about racial prejudice, visit:



Read this sentence from paragraph 2 of the passage. "As the sun shines through these droplets, they separate the white light into individual colors." What is the meaning of the word "individual"? A separate B shining © lasting D odd​


is the separation of white light into it's component colours

Read this passage:
That whenever any Form of Government becomes
destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to
alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government,
laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its
powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to
effect their Safety and Happiness.
Which Enlightenment idea does the passage reflect?

A will of majority
B Natural Rights
C State of nature
D Popular sovereignty


Final answer:

The passage reflects the Enlightenment idea of Popular sovereignty, highlighting that the power to govern is derived from the people who reserve the right to change or abolish government structures that do not work towards their safety and happiness.


The passage reflects the Enlightenment idea of Popular sovereignty. This concept suggests that the source of all political power resides in the people, and they have the right to alter or abolish their form of government when it does not serve its intended purpose of safeguarding their life, liberty, safety, and happiness. The idea was especially influential during the 18th century, prominently featuring in movements that led to the democratic revolutions in America and France. It stems from the notion that governments are created by individuals to protect their inherent rights, and hence should be subject to change by those same individuals when it fails to fulfill its duties.

Learn more about Popular Sovereignty here:



Nikola’s t-shirt business produced 100 shirts. In less than one day, all 100 shirts sold out. Fifty additional orders were placed, but could not be fulfilled since he had run out of shirts. Which of the following is true?


What are the options

Theo: What is the role of the Holy Spirit today?



The Holy Spirit works in us by peeling away our sinful characteristics and replacing them with godly characteristics

1. Which of the following actions is characteristic of a republic? A. Voters go to the polls to elect a president. B. The Central Committee decides to give every citizen a job. C. All citizens meet in a local town hall to vote on a new ordinance. D. The county commission submits a proposed ordinance as a binding reference


Option C describes a situation where all citizens are meeting in a local town hall to vote on a new ordinance. This is an example of direct democracy, which is a form of republic where all citizens have a direct say in the decisions made by the government.

What is Central Committee?

The term "Central Committee" typically refers to a group or body of individuals who hold leadership or decision-making authority within a political party, organization, or government. It is often used in the context of political systems that follow a socialist, communist, or similar ideology.

This action is characteristic of a republic because it involves direct participation of citizens in decision-making through voting on a new ordinance. In a republic, the power rests with the people who exercise their rights through voting and participating in the democratic process.

Learn more about Central Committee from the given link



How did farmers in New England respond to the Industrial Revolution?


The response of farmers in New England to the Industrial Revolution was mixed, and varied depending on the individual farmer and their circumstances. Here are some of the ways in which farmers responded:

1] Transition to Industrial Jobs: Some farmers chose to leave their farms and take up jobs in the new industrial factories and mills that were popping up in the region.

2] Increased Competition: The Industrial Revolution led to the growth of large-scale, commercial agriculture in the Midwest, which produced crops more efficiently and at lower prices than New England farmers could. This put pressure on New England farmers to adapt and compete, which was difficult for many of them.

3] Agricultural Innovations: Some farmers responded to the increased competition by adopting new agricultural technologies and techniques, such as crop rotation, fertilizers, and improved breeds of livestock, in order to increase their yields and productivity.

4] Migration: The lure of land and economic opportunity in the West led many New England farmers to migrate to places like Ohio, Illinois, and Iowa, where they could start over and build new farms.

Overall, the response of New England farmers to the Industrial Revolution was shaped by a combination of economic pressures, technological innovations, and individual choices.

Learn more about Industrial Revolution


Q 10
Under the system of federalism, which of the following does the national government of the United States do that state and local governments do not?
A) print paper currency
B) impeach state governors
C) select city council members
D) establish public schools ​


Under the system of federalism, the national government of the United States only, has the power to

A) print paper currency.

Which part of the government prints money

Under the system of federalism in the United States, the power is divided between the national government and state governments. The national government has some powers that are not granted to state governments, such as printing paper currency, regulating interstate commerce, and conducting foreign relations.

However, state and local governments have powers that the national government does not have, such as establishing public schools, regulating intrastate commerce, and conducting local elections. Impeaching state governors and selecting city council members are also not responsibilities of the national government.

Learn more about system of federalism at



Which statement best describes the author’s point of view about Machu Picchu?

cross out
It was the most beautiful Inca settlement.
cross out
It was built with its environment in mind.
cross out
It was created for the sole purpose of farming.
cross out
It was constructed quickly without much thought.


Answer is down below!


Machu Picchu is often described as “mysterious,” but in fact a great deal is known about its construction and purpose. It was built as a royal estate for the first Inka emperor, Pachacuti Inka Yupanqui, in the middle of the 15th century, on a mountain saddle overlooking the Urubamba River (in modern day Peru). The location was approximately three days’ walk from the Inka capital of Cusco, and nearly 3,000 feet lower in elevation (7,972 feet / 2,430 meters), with a pleasant climate. It was intended as a place where the Inka emperor and his family could host feasts, perform religious ceremonies, and administer the affairs of empire, while also establishing a claim to land that would be owned by his lineage after his death. The site was chosen and situated for its relationship to the Andean landscape, including sight lines to other mountain peaks, called apus, which have long been considered ancestral deities throughout the Andes. The site contains housing for elites, retainers, and maintenance staff, religious shrines, fountains, and terraces, as well as carved rock outcrops, a signature element of Inka art.

It was the most beautiful Inca settlement: best describes the author’s point of view about Machu Picchu. Thus, option A is the correct option.

What is the settlement in Machu Picchu?

North of Cuzco in the Urubamba Valley of Peru's High Andes lies the Inca city of Machu Picchu. A castle, an imperial retreat, and a ceremonial precinct have all been used to characterize the location, which is positioned high above the Urubamba River. It was one of the holiest Inca monuments and was built by Pachacuti Inca Yupanqui about the year 1450 CE.

At its peak, it could house about 1,000 people. Machu Picchu was abandoned and forgotten after the Inca empire fell, and it wasn't until the explorer Hiram Bingham found it again in 1911 CE that it was rediscovered. UNESCO has designated Machu Picchu as a World Heritage Site. Pachacuti Inca Yupanqui established and owned the imperial estate Machu Picchu, which translates to "old hill."

Learn more about Machu Picchu here:



A u.s. business sells milk to consumers in fance. Which situation would most likely cause demand for milk to decline in France


A. A popular French nutrition author claims that milk is bad for people's health would most likely cause demand for milk to decline in France.

What is the reason for the increase in milk demand?

When choosing between products, various customers rely on advice from experts. Because Market are aware of this, they include medical professionals in advertisements. The demand for milk in France will drop if the well-known nutritionist has a bad opinion of milk products.

What drives an increase in a product's demand?

A product's demand is influenced by:

future assumptions

change in the cost of different products

Change in the pay of shoppers

At the point when it is normal that the cost of an item would increment later on. Customers would need to purchase the item now when it is less expensive in order to set aside cash.

To learn more about Market visit :



Complete question -

A U.S. business sells milk to consumers in France. Which situation would

most likely cause demand for milk to decline in France?

A. A popular French nutrition author claims that milk is bad for

people's health.

B. French consumers expect the price for milk to increase in the


C. Cheese and other products made from milk become more popular

in France

D. The French population grows steadily due to years of economic


Match each word with the phrase that best defines it.
home rule
the largest local government division within
a state
a city or town that has its own local
self-government by the people who are
citizens of a particular place
a document giving a city permission to have
its own local government
a law created by a local government


home rule - self-government by the people who are citizens of a particular place.

charter - a document giving a city permission to have

its own local government.

municipality - a city or town that has its own local


ordinance - a law created by local government.

county - the largest local government within.

Which of the following issues could not have been caused by acid rain?


Answer: A. desertification

Explanation: Desertification is removal of the natural vegetation cover. Agricultural activities in the exposed ecosystems of arid and semi-arid areas contribute to desertification, therefore it could not be caused by acid rain

Please help and hurry

#1: Why do locations near the equator generally have a warmer climate

A. Regions near the equator are surrounded by water

B. Regions near the equator receive fewer hours of direct solar energy

C. Regions near the equator are highest in elevation

D. Regions near the equator receive solar energy at a more direct angle

#2: How can mountains influence climate

A. They cause significant flooding around the bottom of the mountain

B. They can block the wind which can change the amount of precipitation that falls next to the mountain

C. Mountains do not have an impact on the climate of an area

D. They cause the land around the mountain to become very dry.



C c Answer:


The correct option is D. Regions near the equator receive solar energy at a more direct angle.

Due to the Earth's spherical shape, the equator receives more direct sunlight than the poles. This direct angle of the sun's rays leads to more intense solar radiation and, in turn, warmer temperatures.

Additionally, the atmosphere near the equator is generally less dense, allowing for less absorption of the sun's rays and more direct heating of the surface.

2. The correct option  is B. Mountains can block the wind and cause changes in precipitation patterns. As air flows towards a mountain, it is forced to rise and cool, climate leading to the formation of clouds and increased precipitation on the windward side of the mountain.

The leeward side of the mountain, on the other hand, experiences a rain shadow effect, where the air is dry and the climate is arid. Additionally, the height and slope of a mountain can influence the amount of precipitation that falls on either side.

Mountain can have significant impacts on the local climate and ecosystem, as well as on human settlements and agriculture in the surrounding areas.

Learn more about Climate here



A hurricane comes through town and breaks all the store windows on Main Street. Which of the following circumstances would make Brent more likely to start looting due to deindividuation?


A .Brent observes other shoplifters already present.,

B .Brent is actively encouraged by others to join in, and

C.  The town is huge, and Brent doesn't know many individuals there.

Is there looting during hurricanes?

Typhoon stealing from alludes to the robbery of property after a storm passes. This happens on the grounds that storms frequently make prime circumstances for hoodlums to take. The theft of goods from a location during war, riots, or, in this instance, natural disasters is known as looting. The majority of the time, looting is a crime, and stealing from others can result in an arrest. Then again, catastrophic events are exactly what they surmise: disasters.

After Hurricane Katrina, was there looting?

There were numerous reports of looting, shootings, violence, and murder in the immediate aftermath of Hurricane Katrina's 2005 destruction of the city. These reports, on the other hand, have since been discredited as being exaggerated and incorrect.

To learn more about Hurricane visit:



Complete question -

A hurricane comes through town and breaks all the store windows on Main Street. Which of the following circumstances would make Brent more likely to start looting due to deindividuation?

A .Brent sees other people already in stores looting goods.

B .Brent is actively encouraged by others to join in.

C. The town is large, and Brent doesn't know many people there.

D. Brent remains self-aware.

What is the purpose of using reflection in conflict resolution?
OA. To agree on a solution
B. To shift the perspective on the conflict
C. To demonstrate understanding and respect
D. To clarify the other person's position



The purpose of using reflection in conflict resolution is to demonstrate understanding and respect. Option C is correct. Reflection involves paraphrasing or summarizing what the other person has said in a way that demonstrates that you understand and respect their point of view. This can help de-escalate the conflict and create a more collaborative atmosphere for resolving the issue.

What is one reason that European men's "scientific" effort
to categorize humans into ranked racial groups was
inherently unscientific?


One reason that European men's "scientific" effort to categorize humans into ranked racial groups was inherently unscientific is that it was based on a flawed and biased methodology that relied on subjective observations and interpretations rather than empirical evidence and objective analysis.

What is a racial groups?

The concept of race as a biologically determined category has been discredited by modern science, as human genetic variation is complex and does not conform to simplistic racial categories. Furthermore, racial classifications have been used to justify discriminatory practices and policies, and are therefore inherently political and socially constructed rather than objective and scientific.

Therefore, the scientific effort to categorize humans into ranked racial groups was not truly scientific, as it was based on flawed methodologies, biased interpretations, and reflected social and cultural biases rather than objective empirical evidence.

Find out more about racial groups at:



Provide brief responses to the following questions (I also need this ASAP and I will give Brainliest)

1. The Black Panthers called their social programs ______ programs.

2. What 3 groups did the Rainbow Coalition join together?

3. An FBI memo stated that one of its goals was to prevent the rise of a _____ who would
unify and electrify the militant black nationalist movement.

4. What are some of the programs that marked Fred Hampton as a threat but are now staples in
U.S. society?

5. Assata Shakur's open letter to the pope was sent to him after what organization requested that he call for her extradition from Cuba?

6. What are the four things that Shakur, says she advocates for?

7. How many children were killed in the Philadelphia bombing of the MOVE headquarters? How many city blocks of houses were burned down?

8. How many years did Ramona Africa served in

9. True or False: Talmadge Hayer confessed that Muhammad Aziz and Khalil Islam assisted
him in the murder of Malcolm X.

10. Because _____ intentionally withheld documents that could have exonerated Aziz and
Islam, they each spent over 20 years in prison.



ten point program


we want power to determine the destiny of our black community.we want full employment for our people we want an end to the robbery and capitalists of our black community


I have a few of them for you.


Survival programs

Young Patriots Organization, Young Lords, Black Panther Party. Were the earliest. If you are looking for school groups It's the Black Student Union, Asian American Student Association, Standford American Indian Organization.

Black Messiah

Free Breakfast Program

New Jersey State Troopers

not sure as she taught a lot of things

6 adults and 5 children died in the attack. 1 child survived. 250 left homeless.

Sentenced to 7 years

What were the underlying causes of WW1


Answer: the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria Hungary.


I think this might be correct because in June 1914, a Serbian-nationalist terrorist group called the Black Hand sent groups to assassinated the Archduke.


Following were the underlying causes of WW1:

1. Militarism

2. colonialism

3. Group formation

4.  Assassination of  Archduke


Militarism was at peak during early 1900s which caused aggression and competition between different countries.

Almost entire Europe had built their empire in parts of Asia, Africa and struggles and fight for the colonialism was also a reason for the war.

There was a Group formation among countries in Europe. France, Britain and Russia at one side and Germany, Austria and Italy at other side.

Another important reasoned which invoked the war was Assassination of Archduke who was the heir of Hungary Throne by Serbia. This served as an immediate cause because Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia

what challenges might arise from increasing the scope of a programme like this, and how might you manage these challenges?​


Effective planning, stakeholder engagement, capacity building, monitoring, and adaptability are essential for managing the challenges that may arise from increasing the scope of a program.

What is Programme?

A "programme" typically refers to a coordinated set of activities or initiatives aimed at achieving specific objectives or goals. It is often used in the context of organizational management, project management, or policy implementation. A programme typically consists of multiple projects or activities that are interrelated and coordinated to achieve a common purpose.

Increasing the scope of a program can present various challenges that may need to be managed effectively to ensure successful implementation.

Resource Constraints:

Stakeholder Management

Coordination and Communication

Program Complexity

Learn more about Programme from the given link



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Individual the office where megan works has an onsite child care facility, which allows megan to visit her children on her lunch break and attend special programs that are put on by the children. this is an example of a The conditions described in the excerpt are most likely a result of the legacy of which of the following are steps that organizations can take to evolve the organization from boundaries to rewards and culture? (check all that apply.) multiple select question. make sure that managers micromanage employees so that mistakes are caught early. make training an important part of the organization. develop a reward system that is clearly aligned with organizational goals. hire the right people. An object moving at speed s for time t travels distance st. The Brown family is taking a road trip. This morning, they drove for 2. 5 hours at a speed of 65 miles per hour. How far did the family drive this morning?Write your answer as a whole number or decimal In many nonindustrial societies, adolescence is considered to be either nonexistent or NON existant or growth leading too Sexual maturityq (true or false) 1. Which two My Plate food groups are the major contributors of iron, thiamine, and niacin? Is it safe to assume that if a childs iron intake is adequate, it is likely that his or her thiamine and niacin needs are also being met? 2. What factors influence a persons water requirement? during the stage of mitosis known as , gene expression resumes, as chromosomes uncoil. listen to the complete question a certain rifle bullet has a mass of 8.37 g. calculate the de broglie wavelength of the bullet traveling at 1793 miles per hour. patients scheduled to see their primary care physician at a particular hospital wait, on average, an additional eight minutes after their appointment is scheduled to start. assume the time that patients wait is exponentially distributed. what is the probability a randomly selected patient will see the doctor within eleven minutes of the scheduled time? Jaxon made 5% of his free throws over the season. If he shot 220 free throws, how many did he make? Mail checks for received email when you click the ____ button on the Apps bar. Which weapon is more radioactive: a thermonuclear weapon or an atomic bomb? 1. Next years expected firm earnings are $8,000, shares outstanding 2000, ROE=16% required rate of return k= 9%, your plowback ratio b=17% and assuming constant growth dividends. Calculate the PVGOPlease use 5 decimal places in your response2. Next years expected firm earnings are $6,000, shares outstanding 1000, ROE=13% required rate of return k= 10%, your plowback ratio b=20% and assuming constant growth dividends. Calculate todays price P0Please use 4 decimal places in your response Anil currently lives in San Marcos and are considering moving to take a new job in northern California. There are three work periods (years) remaining for Anil. Anil will earn $20,000 per year in each of the three periods (years) in San Marcos and will earn $22,000 in each of the three periods (years) in northern California. Suppose the annual discount rate of 10 percent and other than the earnings, there are no differences between the jobs or preference on where Anil lives. a. Assume there are no costs to moving. Should Anil move to northern California or stay in San Marcos? (Hint: Compare the present value of each alternative). b. Now suppose that Anil would incurs some costs to move. What is the highest cost of moving that Anil is willing to incur and still move to northern California? 2. (4 points) CSUSM offers you an option to pay your remaining balance of $1,800 tuition today or pay $2000 for the tuition balance in one year. The interest rate you can earn (adjusted for inflation) is 15%. What should you do to save the most money? Show you calculation. 3. (5 points) Your pizza restaurant plans to invest $20,000 in a new oven that will generates $4.000 net revenues annually beginning the end year 1 through end of year 5. At the end of year 6, the annual net revenue and sale of the oven brings in $2,000. The interest rate to use in the calculation is 6 percent. What is the net present value of the investment? 4. (4 points) An investment in a company pays a guaranteed annual return in dividends (return) of $200 indefinitely (ie, forever, into perpetuity). Suppose the interest is 5 percent. How much would an investor be willing to pay for this dividend? (Calculate the present value of the investment.) Select the correct answer.What does the following description refer to?In unserem Bro teilen wir die Arbeit zwischen zwei Gruppen.A. die ArbeitsstundeB. die MittagspauseC. die ZusammenarbeitD. die Kollegen The length of a side of an equilateral triangle is 14 centimeters.What is the length of the altitude of the triangle? 2 7cm 3 7 cm 7 2 cm 7 3 cm The length of a rectangular poster is 2 more inches than two times its width. The area of the poster is 84 square inches. Solve for the dimensions (length and width) of the poster.