Тhe first phаsе оf Eurоpeаn colоniаlism in Аsiа begаn in thе eаrly 16th cеntury, with thе аrrivаl оf Pоrtuguese trаders in Indiа in 1498 аnd thе subsequent еstаblishment оf Pоrtuguese colоnies in Goа, Mаlаccа, аnd Mасаu.
European Colonialism in AsiaТhe mаin reаsоn for thе Eurоpeаn cоnquest оf Аsiа wаs tо gаin ассess tо thе regiоn's vаst weаlth аnd rеsourcеs, pаrticulаrly spicеs, silk, аnd othеr luхury goods thаt wеrе in high demаnd in Euroрe.
Eurоpeаns hаd а greаt interest in Аsiа becаusе оf its strаtegic locаtiоn, riсh rеsourcеs, аnd thе lucrаtive trаde opportunities it оffered. Mаny Eurоpeаn pоwers sаw Аsiа аs а kеy рlаyer in glоbаl trаde, аnd sought tо еstаblish trаding рosts аnd colоnies thеre tо gаin а fооthоld in thе lucrаtive Аsiаn mаrket.
Тhe Crusаdes wеrе а series оf religiоus wаrs fоught between Сhristiаns аnd Muslims in thе Middlе Eаst during thе medievаl pеriod. Тhe Crusаdes wеrе lаunched by thе Christiаn pоwers оf Euroрe in аn аttеmpt tо recарture Jerusаlem аnd othеr holy sitеs from Muslim cоntrol.
Feudаlism wаs а politicаl аnd eсоnomiс system thаt еmеrgеd in medievаl Euroрe, in which а lord grаnted lаnd tо а vаssаl in exchаnge for militаry serviсe аnd loyаlty. Feudаlism wаs chаrаcterized by а hierаrchicаl system оf lаnd ownership, with powеr аnd аuthority cоncentrаted in thе hаnds оf а smаll group оf еlitе noblеs.
Mercаntilism wаs аn eсоnomiс system thаt еmеrgеd in Euroрe in thе 16th cеntury, which emphаsized thе importаnce оf аccumulаting weаlth thrоugh trаde аnd commеrcе. Mercаntilism led tо thе develoрment оf colоniаlism аnd imperiаlism, аs Eurоpeаn pоwers sought tо еstаblish colоnies аnd cоntrol trаde rоutes in order tо increаse thеir weаlth аnd powеr.
Mаrco Рolo wаs а Venetiаn merchаnt аnd еxplorеr who trаveled extensively thrоughout Аsiа in thе 13th cеntury. He is best known for his book "Тhe Trаvels оf Mаrco Рolo", which detаiled his trаvels аnd exрeriences in Аsiа.
"Тhe Trаvels оf Mаrco Рolo" is а book thаt chrоnicles Рolo's trаvels thrоughout Аsiа, including Chinа, Indiа, аnd Persiа. Тhe book prоvides detаiled descriptiоns оf thе рeoрle, cultures, аnd lаndscаpes thаt Рolo encоuntered оn his journeys, аnd wаs instrumentаl in introducing Eurоpeаns tо thе wоnders оf thе Eаst.
Тhe cоnquest оf thе Seljuk Turks in thе Mediterrаneаn seа аllowed Eurоpeаn pоwers tо gаin cоntrol оf kеy trаde rоutes аnd expаnd thеir eсоnomiс influence in thе regiоn. This led tо increаsed trаde аnd commеrcе, аnd helped tо stimulаte thе growth оf thе Eurоpeаn ecоnomy.
Тhe culture оf nаvigаtiоn or trаvel rеfеrs tо thе sеt оf skills, knowlеdgе, аnd trаditiоns thаt аre аssociаted with seаfаring аnd explorаtiоn. This culture includes knowlеdgе оf nаvigаtiоn, cаrtоgrаphy, shiрbuilding, аnd othеr mаritime skills, аs wеll аs а sense оf аdventure аnd curiоsity аbout thе world.
Eurоpeаns developed thе culture оf nаvigаtiоn or trаvel thrоugh а combinаtiоn оf fаctоrs, including аdvаnces in shiрbuilding аnd nаvigаtiоn technology, thе growth оf trаde аnd commеrcе, аnd а sрirit оf аdventure аnd explorаtiоn.
G's rеfеr tо thе forcеs оf аccelerаtiоn experienсed by аstrоnаuts аnd рilots during high-speed mаneuvers. Тhese forcеs cаn cаusе а rаnge оf physiologicаl effects, including loss оf cоnsciousness, nаusеа, аnd blurred visiоn.
Colоniаlism rеfеrs tо thе еstаblishment аnd mаintenаnce оf colоnies in forеign territоries, usuаlly for eсоnomiс or politicаl gаin. Imperiаlism, оn thе othеr hаnd, rеfеrs tо thе рolicy or prаctice оf еxtеnding а country's powеr аnd influence thrоugh colоnizаtiоn, usе оf militаry forсe, or othеr meаns.
Тhe reаsоns for thе Eurоpeаn cоnquest оf Аsiаn coаstаl lаnds wеrе primаrily eсоnomiс, driven by а dеsirе tо gаin ассess tо thе regiоn's riсh rеsourcеs аnd еstаblish trаding рosts аnd colоnies thаt would аllow thеm tо cоntrol аnd mоnopolize thе lucrаtive Аsiаn trаde.
Learn more on colonialism here https://brainly.com/question/510352
______, the hero of the Revolutionary War, whom the Framers had in mind for the office, helped shaped the ideas of what a president should be.
A. Benjamin Franklin
B. George Washington
C. James Madison
D. John Adams
E. Thomas Jefferson
B I'm sure that it's General George Washington
Thomas Jefferson is the hero of the Revolutionary War whom the Framers had in mind for the office of president.
He was a key figure in drafting the Declaration of Independence and was also instrumental in forming the United States Constitution. He was seen as a symbol of freedom and democracy, and his ideals and beliefs helped shape the ideas of what a president should be.
His ideals of political freedom, democracy, and national unity have become a cornerstone of American government. He believed in the right of individual freedoms, a strong federal government, and a separation of powers between the three branches of government.
He also believed in religious freedom and was an advocate for the rights of the African American population. Jefferson's ideals of a leader have become a part of what it means to be president today.
Know more about Revolutionary War here
explain the importance of the church during the middle ages
Answer: The parish church served as the fundamental building block of the Christian community and offered the sacraments that the lay community needed. The parish church that the majority of medieval Christians frequented on Sundays and holy days was the center of their religious experience.
The Eisenhower Doctrine was a policy that allowed:
O A. any country wanting its own nuclear arsenal to protect itself from
communism to seek the help of the United States.
OB. Middle Eastern countries threatened by communism to seek the
financial and military help of the United States.
OC. South American countries burdened by communist dictatorships
to seek help from the United States.
OD. Nordic countries threatened by communism to seek the financial
and military help of the United States.
The Eisenhower Doctrine was a policy that allowed B. Middle Eastern countries threatened by communism to seek the financial and military help of the United States.
What was the Eisenhower Doctrine ?In 1957, U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower revealed the Eisenhower Doctrine as a foreign policy strategy to counteract communism and Soviet sway in the Middle East.
The doctrine confirmed the United States' readiness to provide economic or military aid upon request from any Central Eastern nation that faces hostility endorsed by communism or communist groups. The country's commitment obligated it to react favorably if such circumstances demanded so, ensuring support against growing influence of rival ideologies within the region.
Find out more on the Eisenhower Doctrine at https://brainly.com/question/2902683
Name three variables that played a role in the Holocaust and Explain how propaganda played a part in the Holocaust.
Three variables that played a role in the Holocaust were
AntisemitismTotalitarianismWar and OccupationThe role of the use of propaganda in the HolocaustDehumanization: Propaganda was deployed to incite dehumanization of Jews and characterize them as insufficient or non-humans, thereby erecting an ideological basis that sanctioned their victimization and extermination. Representations of Jews as rats, parasites, or adversaries to Aryan eminence were bolstered through denigrating language, visuals, and symbols employed in propagandistic materials.
Anti-Semitic Propaganda: To propagate prejudices and animosities towards Jews, propaganda disseminated and strengthened anti-Semitic convictions and misconceptions. Through circulating deceptive notions, fraudulent charges, and sensationalest statements concerning Jews, it accountable them for social issues and characterized them as foes of the nation.
Learn more about Holocaust at
Which of the following was the more important reason for the collapse of the german economy by 1923;
-The harshness of the Treaty of Versailles, including the reparations payments
-The hyperinflation that had developed by 923
Explain your answer with reference to both reasons
Both the harshness of the Treaty of Versailles and the hyperinflation that developed by 1923 were significant factors in the collapse of the German economy.
The Treaty of Versailles imposed heavy reparations payments on Germany, which had devastating effects on the German economy. These payments placed a significant burden on the German government, which had to find ways to pay for them. The government responded by printing more money, which led to hyperinflation. As a result, the value of the German mark decreased rapidly, and the cost of goods and services increased exponentially. This made it challenging for the German people to afford basic necessities and caused significant economic instability.
Hyperinflation, in turn, caused further economic problems. It eroded the value of savings and investments, making it difficult for businesses to raise capital. It also led to a decrease in foreign investment, as foreign investors became wary of the unstable economic situation in Germany. The hyperinflation also weakened the German economy's ability to trade internationally, as other countries became hesitant to conduct business with Germany.
However, it is important to note that the Treaty of Versailles was also a significant contributor to the economic collapse of Germany. The treaty's demands placed such a heavy burden on the German economy that it was virtually impossible to recover. The reparations payments were not only financial but also had significant psychological impacts on the German people. The demands of the Treaty led to a sense of resentment and bitterness among Germans, which contributed to the rise of nationalist and fascist political movements.
In conclusion, both the harshness of the Treaty of Versailles and the hyperinflation that developed by 1923 were critical factors in the collapse of the German economy. The treaty's demands placed an immense burden on the German economy, leading to hyperinflation, which caused further economic instability. While hyperinflation may have been the more immediate cause of the collapse, the Treaty of Versailles played a fundamental role in creating the conditions that made it possible.
The harshness of the Treaty of Versailles, including the reparations payments
Select the suffix in the word environmentalist.
In 1794, Chief Justice John Jay went to London to settle issues between Britain and the United States. Identify the issues he tried to resolve.
Jay wanted to make the British leave their forts along the northwestern border of America.
Who played the decisive role in foiling the Newburgh Conspiracy?
Countries in Western Europe are most culturally connected through a shared
Countries in Western Europe are most culturally connected through a shared economy and political structures.
Countries in western Europe, that is the six countries, have the Euro as their common currency, they are all within the same time zone and the political and economic structures are relatively stable. The transport infrastructure and public transportation schedules are well developed and maintained.
The educational systems are also compatible with a high level of educated workforce. When it comes to business etiquette, these countries tend to favour formal arrangements where documentation and formalities are preferred over personal relationships in business. Punctuality in Western European countries tends to be valued.
Learn more about western Europe, here:
Hosting the Washington Naval Disarmament Conference (1921) and signing the Kellogg-Briand Pact (1928) were efforts by the United States to (1) form new military alliances (2) increase its military preparedness (3) avoid future wars (4) collect payment for war debts
The Washington Naval Disarmament Conference (1921) and the signing of the Kellogg-Briand Pact (1928) were efforts by the United States to avoid future wars.
The Washington Naval Disarmament Conference was an attempt to reduce the naval arms race between the United States and Great Britain and to prevent an arms race with Japan.
The Kellogg-Briand Pact was an international treaty signed by many countries, including the United States and Great Britain, to renounce war as an instrument of national policy.
The signing of the pact was an effort to reduce the likelihood of future wars by establishing a legal framework for resolving international disputes. Both of these efforts were aimed at reducing the potential for future wars and avoiding the need for military preparedness or the formation of new military alliances.
Know more about national policy here
explain why licolns election caused most slave states to vote to secede from the union
Lincoln's election in 1860 was seen as a threat to the institution of slavery by many southern states, who believed that his policies would lead to its eventual abolition. This fear, combined with long-standing tensions between the North and South over issues such as states' rights and tariffs, led to the secession of several slave states from the Union.
Why did the Maya want to please their gods?
Answer: The sacrifices weren't driven by an affinity for murder; as the Maya understood it, the offerings were essential to their continued well-being, says Houston. The gods, who controlled crucial aspects of their lives like rainfall and crop growth, needed occasional appeasement or sustenance in order to do their jobs.
World War II broke out when Germany invaded Poland, lasting for 6 years and leaving a death toll of 50 million peoplein what year?
Select the detail from "We Need to Help the Golden Lion Tamarin" that supports the author's claim.
a After their afternoon snack, the tamarins are tired and need to find a place to sleep.
bBecause of deforestation, 4,281 square miles of rainforest were destroyed between
August of 2019 and July of 2020.
c Currently, an organization has developed a natural habitat reserve in the rainforests of Brazil.
d They keep the monkeys here until they are healthy and ready to be put back in their natural habitat.
The detail from "We Need to Help the Golden Lion Tamarin" that supports the author's claim is: "Because of deforestation, 4,281 square miles of rainforest were destroyed between August of 2019 and July of 2020."
Deforestation refers to the clearing, removal, or destruction of forests, typically for the purpose of converting the land to non-forest use such as agriculture, urbanization, or logging.
Deforestation is a significant environmental issue that can have devastating impacts on biodiversity, climate change, and local communities that rely on forests for their livelihoods.
Learn more about deforestation, here
How are the Aral Sea region in Kazakhstan and the Amazon Rainforest in Brazil similar?
both have been affected by overfishing
both regions' natural resources have been depleted
they are on the same continent
D.neither region has been deforested
Option B is the correct answer: Both regions' natural resources have been depleted.
The Aral Sea region in Kazakhstan and the Amazon Rainforest in Brazil are similar in that both regions have experienced significant depletion of their natural resources.
In the case of the Aral Sea region, the overuse of water from the two rivers that feed the Aral Sea for irrigation purposes has led to the shrinking of the sea, with devastating consequences for the environment and the people who live there.
Learn more about natural resources, here
A We RESEARCH TOPIC "The Holocaust is one of the biggest tragedies of the 20th century. It has plundered an entire nation, has taken millions of lives and has changed the history of mankind" In the context of the above statement, evaluate the impact of pseudoscientific Ideas of race on the Jewish nation by the Nazi Germany during the period 1933 to 1946.
Nazi policies branded longtime residents of German territory who were not ethnic Germans as inferior non-Aryan subhumans, including the vast majority of Slavs (primarily ethnic Poles, Serbs, Russians, etc.) and most non-Europeans. Nazi racial theory classified Jews as a "Semitic" people of Levantine origins, Roma as a "Indo-Aryan" people of origin from the Indian subcontinent, and most non-Europeans as "
The Slavs were seen by the Nazi policies as non-Aryan Untermenschen (lit., "sub-humans") that needed to be subjugated and wiped out by the Germans.[4] Slavic nations like the Ukrainians, Czechs, Slovaks, Bulgarians, and Croats who worked with Nazi Germany were still seen as not being racially "pure" enough to attain racial theory the status of Germanic peoples, but they were eventually thought of as being ethnically superior to the rest of the Slavs,
Learn more about Nazi policies, from :
why did lee cross over the maryland
General Robert E. Lee crossed over the Potomac River into Maryland during the American Civil War in 1862, as part of the Confederate Army's first invasion of the North. Lee's primary objective was to win a major military victory on Northern soil, which he hoped would convince European nations to recognize the Confederacy and provide military support. Lee also hoped that a successful invasion would demoralize the Union and undermine support for the war effort among Northern civilians. Additionally, by threatening Washington, D.C., Lee sought to divert Union troops away from Virginia and gain a strategic advantage.
How many cities in 1850 had a population of more than 5,000?
According to the United States Census Bureau, there were 141 cities in 1850 with a population of more than 5,000. This number increased significantly in the following decades due to industrialization and urbanization.
The Manet painting, "Luncheon on the Grass" caused a huge controversy when it was exhibited at the Salon of the Refused. Which of these is NOT a reason that it was considered shocking in it's time? The lack of modeling/shading in the female figure. The woman is a mythological figure well known to the audience. The female figure looking directly at the viewer. The loose approach to the brush strokes in the painting.
The reason that is NOT considered shocking in the Manet painting "Luncheon on the Grass" is the woman is a mythological figure well known to the audience. In fact, the female figure in the painting is not a mythological figure, but a contemporary woman depicted in a modern setting.
The other three reasons, however, caused a scandal and made the painting highly controversial at the time. The lack of modeling/shading in the female figure was considered a departure from the traditional standards of academic art, which emphasized a realistic representation of the human form. The female figure looking directly at the viewer was also a departure from traditional conventions, as it was seen as an aggressive and confrontational stance that challenged the male gaze. Finally, the loose approach to the brush strokes in the painting was also seen as a departure from traditional academic painting, as it emphasized the materiality of paint and the act of painting itself, rather than striving for illusionistic representation.
To know more about mythological figures
Middle- and upper-class urban families spent much of their leisure time:
Middle- and upper-class urban families in the past have traditionally spent their leisure time engaging in activities that reflect their social status and affluence.
These activities can vary from cultural pursuits like visiting museums, art galleries, and attending the theater to sports and other recreational activities like golfing, horse riding, and yachting. They also tend to socialize with other people of similar status, either by hosting dinner parties or attending exclusive clubs and events. Furthermore, the advent of new technologies like radio, television, and the internet have added more options for leisure activities. For example, families can spend time watching their favorite TV shows or playing video games together. Traveling is also a popular activity for affluent families, with many choosing to take vacations abroad to experience different cultures and lifestyles. In conclusion, middle- and upper-class urban families have a diverse range of leisure activities to choose from that cater to their interests and social status. Whether it's engaging in cultural pursuits or enjoying recreational activities, these families tend to spend their leisure time in ways that reflect their affluence and social position.
Learn more about leisure here
(as the Schuyler sisters finish w
2 18:20
A) In your own words explain what Alexander Hamilton means
when he says repeatedly, "I'm not throwin away my shot!" B) Pick
one of the two following lines Angelica sings and explain what
you think it means: "You want a revolution? I want a revelation!"
-OR- "And when I meet Thomas Jefferson. I'm a' compel him to
include women in the sequel!"
The Bill of Rights was adopted to address Anti-Federalist concerns about the U.S. Constitution. One of the amendments from the Bill of Rights Is shown.
In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed...
What was an Anti-Federalist concern about the U.S. Constitution that was addressed by this
A.) The Constitution would reduce the power of the federal government.
B.) The Constitution failed to adequately protect the civil liberties of individuals.
C.) The Constitution would produce state courts that were more powerful than
federal courts.
D.) The Constitution failed to give sufficient powers to the executive branch.
B.) The Constitution failed to adequately protect the civil liberties of individuals.
The amendment shown is only applicable to those who have been "accused... [of] the crime [that has] been committed...".
It would not be A, because the amendment is against those who have been accused individual, rather than as a limitation to the federal government.
It would not be C, because the amendment does not set up the restrictions and boundaries of the courts. It simply gives the limitation of power-grab in an attempt to provide a fair assessment of any cases.
It would not be D, because the amendment is not applicable to the executive branch, nor the powers given to them. The Bill of Rights is simply laying the groundwork for the individual accused, rather than for the governmental organization.
Learn more about the Bill of Rights, here:
4. In a general sense, what do all of the bottles on the table represent? That is, their overall
What the bottles on the table represent is the many series of programs and legislation called the New Deal, proposed by US President Franklin D. Roosevelt.
What is the meaning of this cartoon?The idea of this political cartoon is to depict United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt telling the US Congress about his New Deal solution, designed to support American citizens to improve their economic difficulties.
The bottles on the table represent the many remedies or "medicines" to "heal" the economy of the country and the American citizens.
Indeed, we can see President Roosevelt carrying a briefcase with the name "New Deal," on one hand, and a hat with his initials on the other.
The New Deal was based on a series of programs designed by Roosevelt's administration in order to alleviate all the economic problems the nation was facing after the Great Depression.
Let's have in mind that the Great Depression resulted after
teh US stock market crash of October 1929. This was a tragic moment in the history of the United States because many banks went bankrupt, and people lost their jobs because many companies had to close.
American citizens were living in poverty. They desperately needed some help from the US government.
We can conclude that this political cartoon describes the "New Deal," the economic programs and legislation created to help the American people during those difficult times
Learn more about the New Deal here:
Describe what life was like for workers during the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain and explain how industrialization influenced their lives.
During the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain, life for workers was often harsh and challenging.
Workers, including women and children, were employed in factories for long hours with low wages and poor working conditions. They often worked 12-16 hours a day in dangerous and unhealthy environments, which led to widespread illness and injury.
Industrialization influenced their lives by creating a new system of labor that shifted from traditional methods of production to factory-based systems, leading to the growth of urban areas and the decline of rural communities. It also created new social classes, with factory owners and industrialists becoming wealthy while workers struggled to survive. The growth of industrialization also led to the development of new technologies and innovations, but it came at a cost to the health and wellbeing of workers, who faced significant challenges in their daily lives.
Learn more about significant here:
What was the Catholic church's sale of church positions objected to by many people?
The sale of church positions, also known as simony, was objected to by many people because it allowed individuals to purchase positions of power within the church without necessarily having the qualifications or dedication necessary for the role. This practice was seen as corrupt and undermined the integrity of the church.
How did the Industrial Revolution both divide (sectionalism) and unite (nationalism) the country?
Why did many Texans begin calling for reform?
Answer: To combat growing corruption and return power to the general population
There were a variety of reasons that many Texans began calling for reform, but some key factors include:
Political corruption: There was a widespread perception that the Texas political system was corrupt, with politicians and government officials using their power for personal gain rather than serving the interests of the people.
Economic inequality: Many Texans were struggling financially, with low wages, high unemployment, and limited opportunities for upward mobility. This was particularly true for minority communities, who faced discrimination in employment and other areas.
Social issues: There were also a number of social issues that many Texans were concerned about, including education reform, healthcare access, and criminal justice reform.
Demographic changes: Texas was experiencing significant demographic changes during this time, with a growing Hispanic population and an influx of people from other states. These changes created new challenges and opportunities for the state, and many people felt that the government needed to be more responsive to these changes.
How did the Roman Catholic Church respond to the spread of Protestantism?
It raised an army and invaded Sweden and the German states.
It gave more power to Charles V, emperor of the Holy Roman Empire.
It began printing Bibles in English, French, and Spanish.
It attempted to reform itself by correcting bad practices and clarifying its teachings.
The Roman Catholic Church responded to the spread of Protestantism by launching the Counter-Reformation, which aimed to address some of the criticisms made by the Protestants and to reassert Catholic doctrine and authority. The Council of Trent, held between 1545 and 1563, was a key event in this effort.
Answer this question in three to four sentences.
How do Romeo’s banishment and the change in Juliet’s wedding date affect the central conflict of the play?
ANSWER:Romeo wants to be with Juliet, but now that he is banished he is even farther away from her than before. When Juliet's father moves up the wedding date, she is backed into a corner because her family may find out that she got married behind their backs. In addition, if she is forced to marry Paris, she will never be with her true love, Romeo. Both complications relate to the central conflict because they create even more obstacles that keep Romeo and Juliet apart.
The messenger of the Friar is unable to reach Mantua, where Romeo has fled after being exiled from Verona, in time to inform Romeo of his scheme because Juliet's wedding date is advanced by one day by her father.
After Romeo is exiled by the Prince, Juliet and the Friar decide to consume a concoction that makes Juliet appear to be dead still. Romeo decides in haste to buy poison from an apothecary once he realizes Juliet is no longer alive.
Therefore, Romeo does not realize Juliet is only passing out from a strong sleeping pill and is not actually dead when he hears through His servant that Juliet is dead.
To know more about Juliet’s wedding visit :
One reason that many amusement parks exist in Orlando, Florida, is because of the city’s
Answer: Pleasing climate
Explanation: The reason there are so many amusement parks in Orlando, Florida is because the city is warm and comfortable, which makes people want to go out and enjoy themselves. If Orlando were cold or had a small population, there would be few amusement parks and no one would visit them.