1. Answer the Collabralive
Discussion only 38
Discuss which Jacob Riis's
Tone is toward his subject. What inference
can you make about what Ris thinks should
be done to improw living conditions in the


Answer 1

Jacob Riis's had an empathetic tone towards his subjects and he believed that the living conditions in the cities were in a deplorable state.

Who ws Jacob Riis?

Jacob Riis was a journalist whow as concerened about the awful conditions that people lived in in New York City. He used his work on photojournalism to depict the bad state that people ahd to endure.

In one of his quotes he was seen exclaiming that read was dear to many but the flesh and blood of people were cheap. So, the poor were being down trodden andhe was not happy about this.

Learn more Jacob Riis here:



Related Questions

Question 6 of 10
Features of
Role played in elections
• Regulating the election process
A. Local Government
B. International Government
C. State Government
Positions elected at this level
Which level of government best completes the title of the
D. Federal Government
• U.S. representatives
• Presidents
U.S. senators


The level of government best completes the title of the graphic "Features of Role-played in elections" is Federal Government. Thus, option (d) is correct.

The Federal Government gives that the times, spaots, and way of holding races for Congresspersons and Delegates is recommended in each state by the Central Government.

The Races Condition in the Constitution guides and engages states to decide the "Times, Spots, and Way" of legislative decisions, likely to Congress' power to "make or modify" state guidelines. Positions chose at this level incorporate U.S. delegates, U.S. legislators, and presidents.

Learn more about on Federal Constitution, here:



Claim: The second half of the decade in the 2000s included a significant economic expansion.

What evidence in Source A supports this claim?

GDP decreased by about 2% from 2007 to 2008
GDP decreased by about 1% from 2006 to 2007
GDP increased by over 5% from 2009-2010
GDP decreased by about 5% from 2008 to 2009


The answer to your question is D: GDP decreased by about 5% from 2008 to 2009

Which major cities were allied with Sparta?


During ancient Greece, the major cities that were allied with Sparta were known as the Peloponnesian League or the Peloponnesian Allies. The Peloponnesian League was led by Sparta and consisted of various city-states in the Peloponnese region. Some of the notable cities that were part of this league and aligned with Sparta included Corinth, Megara, Elis, Tegea, Mantinea, and Phlius, among others. These cities formed alliances with Sparta to maintain their mutual defense and to uphold Spartan hegemony in the region.


Some of the major cities that were allied with Sparta during the Peloponnesian Wars were Corinth, Thebes, Elis, Tegea, and Mantinea. These cities were part of the Peloponnesian League, a military alliance led by Sparta that included most of the city-states on the Peloponnese peninsula. Sparta was also allied with some non-Peloponnesian states, such as Megara and Boeotia.


The Peloponnesian War was a long and bloody conflict that lasted from 431 to 404 BCE. It was fought between Athens and Sparta, the two most powerful city-states in ancient Greece, and their respective allies. The war was mainly caused by the rivalry and mistrust between Athens and Sparta, which had different political and cultural systems. Athens had a democratic government and a naval empire, while Sparta had an oligarchic government and a land-based army.

The war had two main phases, separated by a six-year truce. The first phase, known as the Archidamian War, lasted from 431 to 421 BCE. It was named after the Spartan king Archidamus II, who led the initial invasion of Attica, the region around Athens. The Athenians retreated behind their walls and used their navy to raid the coasts of the Peloponnese, where Sparta and its allies were located. The war was mostly a stalemate, with neither side gaining a decisive advantage. The war ended with the Peace of Nicias, a treaty that restored the status quo and recognized the spheres of influence of both sides.

The second phase, known as the Decelean War or the Ionian War, lasted from 415 to 404 BCE. It was named after the town of Decelea, which was occupied by the Spartans and used as a base to harass the Athenians. The war began when the Athenians launched a disastrous expedition to Sicily, hoping to conquer the island and expand their empire. The expedition ended in a complete defeat for the Athenians, who lost most of their ships and soldiers. The Spartans then allied with the Persians, who provided them with money and ships to challenge Athenian naval supremacy. The war turned in favor of Sparta, which won several battles at sea and on land. The final blow came in 405 BCE, when the Spartan general Lysander destroyed the remaining Athenian fleet at Aegospotami, cutting off Athens from its overseas supplies. The following year, Athens surrendered and accepted harsh terms imposed by Sparta.

The Peloponnesian War had a profound impact on the ancient Greek world. It marked the end of the golden age of Athens and its cultural achievements. It also weakened the Greek city-states politically and militarily, making them vulnerable to foreign invasions by Macedon and Rome in later centuries.


Social Reform
In complete sentences of your own words, create a blog post that teaches society about the reform movement you chose. The blog post should be at least one paragraph.
Use this template to organize your blog post. This template is for you to record the facts. For this, you may use bullet points. You will then take the information you record on page one to write your blog post in complete sentences on page two.
Social Reform Blog Post
Reform Topic
Catchy Title
What was the problem?
Who was involved in addressing the problem?
What was done to reform societv?
Does the problem still exist today?
One example of something (law, organization. institution.
etc.) that exists today because of the reform movement of the 1800s
One image representing Add an image here and provide the link where vou found it. the reform movement and its goals

Now, use the information you have recorded above to write your blog post. Use the template that is provided below.
Place your title here


The blog post has been created in the spacethat we have below

Reform Topic: Women's Suffrage Movement

Catchy Title: "Empowered Petals: The Women's March towards Equality"

What was the problem? For centuries, women had limited rights and were not allowed to vote. They faced systemic discrimination and were denied many basic rights, including the right to education and employment.

Who was involved in addressing the problem? Activists like Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and many others spearheaded the Women's Suffrage Movement in the 1800s.

What was done to reform society? The suffragettes organized rallies, wrote petitions, and lobbied for women's rights. They demanded that women be treated as equals in society and be given the right to vote.

Does the problem still exist today? While progress has been made and women now have the right to vote in many countries, there is still a long way to go in achieving full gender equality. Inequalities persist in many areas such as pay gap, reproductive rights, and representation in politics and business.

Read more on Blogs here:https://brainly.com/question/10893702


Salt of the Earth is a classic American film. As you read in the module, the film was blacklisted in the United States for its content.

Write an essay that explains Ramon's change of heart, what do you think motivated him to make the change, and how does it connect to the idea of being and becoming


Answer: Hey, I can't write you an essay, but here is a good start. Feel free to use it all. This was not plagiarized by me. :)

Explanation: Ramon's change of heart in Salt of the Earth can be attributed to a few different factors. Firstly, his experiences working in the mines alongside his wife and fellow miners opened his eyes to the injustices they were facing. He witnessed firsthand the dangerous working conditions and unequal treatment they received compared to their white counterparts. Additionally, Ramon's relationship with his wife Esperanza played a significant role in his transformation. As he saw her become more involved in the strike and become a leader in the community, he began to see her in a new light and recognize her strength and courage. Ultimately, Ramon's change of heart can be seen as a process of becoming. He started off as a passive observer, but through his experiences and relationships, he became an active participant in the struggle for justice.

The motivation behind Ramon's change of heart can be traced back to his desire for a better life for himself, his family, and his community. He saw the injustices and inequalities that existed in the mines and recognized that something needed to be done to address them. His love for his wife and her involvement in the strike also played a significant role in his transformation. Through his experiences and relationships, Ramon learned to recognize his own privilege and the systemic oppression that kept his fellow workers and their families trapped in poverty and danger. Ultimately, Ramon's change of heart was a testament to the power of empathy, education, and community action in the fight for social justice.

In the movie "Salt of the Earth," Ramon's change of heart is inspired by a number of things, including his increasing understanding of the injustices experienced by the striking miners and their families.

Along with his own development and evolution, he admires the fortitude and bravery of his wife Esperanza. Ramon initially opposes the strike and dislikes Esperanza's engagement, but as it goes on, he starts to see the significance of the workers' cause and the bravery of the female supporters.

As he witnesses Esperanza and the other women assuming leadership roles and battling for their rights, he also starts to doubt his own presumptions regarding gender roles and the place of women in society.

Learn more about on Ramon, here:



What term best describes the kind of government the United States has?​


Answer: The United States is a representative democracy. This means that our government is elected by citizens.

could I get a like

The United States is a representative democracy. This means that the government is elected by citizens.

A democracy is a system of government in which the populace has the power to decide laws and elect representatives to carry it out.

Demokratie, which can be translated as "power of the people," is a form of government that is based on popular will. The word democracy is derived from the Greek words "demos," which means "people," and "kratos," which means "power."

Democracy offers a setting where fundamental freedoms and human rights are upheld, and where the people's freely expressed will is carried out. People can influence decisions and hold decision-makers responsible. Men and women enjoy equal rights, and discrimination is not permitted.

Learn more about Democracy here:



Describe the legislative process that the Civil Rights Bill went through? What were sticking points? Who opposed it? Who supported it?


The civil rights bill that went through the legislative process in the US Congress was the Civil Rights Act of 1964. It was signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson on July 2, 1964. The process was a long and challenging one. This bill aimed to end discrimination based on race, color, religion, or national origin and guarantee equal voting rights.

It was the most significant civil rights legislation since the Reconstruction period following the Civil War. The bill went through several revisions before it was passed by both houses of Congress. The process of getting the bill through was an intense one, and the sticking points were immense.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was introduced in Congress by President Kennedy in 1963, but it faced strong opposition in both houses. Southern Democrats in Congress were its most vocal opponents. They used parliamentary procedures to prevent the bill from reaching a vote, and a 75-day filibuster ensued. However, civil rights supporters like Martin Luther King Jr. and other civil rights activists, as well as a few liberal Republicans and Democrats, continued to fight for its passage.

Ultimately, a bipartisan coalition of northern and western Democrats and Republicans pushed the bill forward. On June 19, 1964, the Senate passed the bill, and on July 2, 1964, it was signed into law by President Johnson. This legislation had a significant impact on American society, as it led to a new era of civil rights reform that would continue for the next several decades. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was a historic achievement that ended legal segregation and discrimination against African Americans and other minority groups.

Know more about  Reconstruction period here:



MLK asked _____ group to participate to create sympathy for the movement?

the elderly

young women only

White people



MLK asked African American children to participate in protests against the hiring.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was an advocate for civil rights. He was also an influential African American leader in the civil rights movement. The movement, led by King, aimed to end segregation and discrimination against African Americans. In order to draw attention to the issue, he used various tactics and strategies.One such tactic was to bring children into the civil rights movement. King believed that children could help create sympathy for the movement. In the spring of 1963, he asked African American schoolchildren to participate in peaceful protests. This movement was known as the Birmingham Children's Crusade.The Birmingham Children's Crusade was a significant event in the civil rights movement. The objective of the movement was to use nonviolent protests to end segregation in Birmingham, Alabama. King understood that children could be powerful symbols in the struggle for civil rights. Children's participation in peaceful protests drew attention to the harsh realities of segregation and discrimination that African Americans faced. Their participation was a powerful symbol of hope and courage. It demonstrated to the world that even young people could fight for justice. However, the Birmingham Children's Crusade was not without its challenges. The children faced resistance, violence, and intimidation from the police. Many of them were arrested, and some were injured. Despite this, their courage and determination inspired many people, both within the United States and around the world.

For more question MLK



What was the main purpose of the Open Door policy?


These Open Door Notes aimed to secure international agreement to the U.S. policy of promoting equal opportunity for international trade and commerce in China, and respect for China's administrative and territorial integrity.

whats bangladesh name


In 1947 it was named “East Bengal”, and later called “East Pakistan.” In 1971 it became an independent and it was renamed “Bangladesh.”

what can you say about the treaty did by aguncillo for the philippine independence


Apolinario Mabini, not Aguncillo. Apolinario Mabini was a Filipino revolutionary leader and statesman who played a significant role in the Philippine independence movement during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

The treaty of the Phillipines

One of the important treaties associated with the Philippine independence movement is the Treaty of Paris of 1898. This treaty was signed between the United States and Spain, following the Spanish-American War, and it resulted in Spain ceding the Philippines to the United States.

Read more on philippine independence here https://brainly.com/question/1520385


What is one ideal stated in the preamble of the Constitution?



"to form a more perfect Union"

What was the name of the uprising against colonialism in India?
OA. The Hindustan Mutiny
B. The Indian Civil War
C. The Sepoy Rebellion
D. The Mau Mau Revolt


Answer: C


What is prohibited in a command economy? Select two answers.

the control of prices and income levels
the rationing of manufactured goods
the personal ownership of property
the influence of consumer demand
the intervention of the government


The things that were prohibited in a command economy are;

the personal ownership of propertythe influence of consumer demand

What is  command economy?

The central government of a country must possess and manage the means of production in a command economy, commonly referred to as a planned economy. There is no private ownership of land or capital, or it is very restricted.

The impact of consumer demand and personal property ownership were both forbidden in a command economy.

Learn more about  command economy at;



Final answer:

In a command economy, two main restrictions are the personal ownership of property and the influence of consumer demand. The government owns all resources and determines what and how much is produced, often ignoring consumer preferences.


In a command economy, certain activities are typically prohibited to maintain a strict level of government control. Two major aspects that are restricted includes the personal ownership of property and the influence of consumer demand.

Personal ownership of property is restricted, as the government owns all the means of production and land. This is done to prevent discrepancies in wealth and ensure equal distribution of resources.

Additionally, consumer demand also has minimal impact, as the government determines what is produced, how much is produced, and the distribution of these goods and services, not consumer preferences as in a market economy.

Learn more about Command Economy here:



As a goal of milestone two what should you identify?



Confusing a correlation for a cause-and-effect relationship

If person should take into account the precise targets or deliverables that signify key moments in the project's timetable when choosing a goal for milestone two.

The primary checkpoints on the path to successfully meeting the project's timetable are indicated by critical milestones, which denote the significant project phases. Prioritize goals and tasks while establishing goal-related tasks.

To advance in a job and seek a master's degree, one must complete a bachelor's degree. Establish project milestones to convey to stakeholders the specified project goals and the timetable for achieving them.

As a result, the significance of the goal of milestone two are the aforementioned.

Learn more about on milestone, here:



People who immigrate to the United States from other countries can become U.S. citizens through what legal process?​


People who immigrate to the United States from other countries can become U.S. citizens in two ways, Naturalization & Birthright citizenship.

Naturalization is a process by which an individual can become a US citizen if he/she/they were born outside the country. There are certain criteria that need to be fulfilled in order to undertake Naturalization,  including being at least 18 years old, having been a lawful permanent resident for at least five years, and being able to read, write, and speak basic English.

Birthright Citizenship is the process by which an individual born in the United States to Non-US parents can become a citizen of the US at birth.

To be eligible for this, a child must be born in the United States and should be subjected to US jurisdiction.

To learn more about US Citizenship:



What circumstances shattered American perceptions of superiority?


The circumstances that shattered American perceptions of superiority were the Vietnam War, the civil rights movement, the Watergate scandal, economic decline, terrorism, and 9/11.

American perceptions of superiority were shattered by several circumstances some of which are:

The Vietnam War: The prolonged and divisive Vietnam War revealed the limitations of American military power and led to a loss of confidence in the U.S. government's ability to achieve victory. The war showcased the complexities of guerilla warfare and the challenges of fighting an insurgency.

Civil Rights Movement: The Civil Rights Movement exposed deep-seated racial inequalities and discrimination within American society. It challenged the notion of American exceptionalism by highlighting systemic racism and the denial of basic rights to African Americans.

Watergate Scandal: The Watergate scandal, involving the illegal activities of the Nixon administration, eroded public trust in the government. It exposed corruption and abuses of power at the highest level, undermining the perception of American democracy as an infallible system.

Economic Decline: Economic challenges, such as the oil crisis of the 1970s and the decline of American manufacturing industries, shattered the perception of American economic superiority. The rise of global competition and outsourcing revealed vulnerabilities in the American economy.

Terrorism and 9/11: The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, shattered the sense of American invulnerability and highlighted the country's vulnerability to external threats. It led to a reevaluation of American security policies and raised questions about the effectiveness of intelligence and defense systems.

These circumstances collectively challenged the notion of American superiority, forcing a reassessment of the country's role and capabilities on both domestic and global fronts.

In conclusion, the circumstances that shattered American perceptions of superiority were the Vietnam War, the civil rights movement, the Watergate scandal, economic decline, terrorism, and 9/11.

To learn more about America:


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